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No. 2208063

Are you deaf or hard of hearing (HoH)? Is your family or anyone you know? Have you ever heard about Deaf Culture? Do you know any ASL or other sign language? If not, have you ever considered learning it?

No. 2208068

Yeah I think this needed two dedicated threads

No. 2208070

Nonny you double posted.

Anyways, I'm a CODA. No, I've never seen the movie.

No. 2208072

kek thanks nonnie. It said flood detected every time I tried to post so I didnt know the first thread actually made it. I took care of it.

No. 2208077

child of deaf parents isnt an acronym I knew until just now. do you have any complaints or experiences you would like to share

No. 2208094

I mean, any complaints I have about my parents isn't related to them being Deaf. I had a decent childhood.

A funny thing that happened quite a bit when I was a kid was when we would go out to eat and the waiters would insist on speaking to my parents and I would answer for them. Like, hello, they clearly aren't going to answer you please speak directly to the small child. My dad would always laugh and mouth in an exaggerated way, "I'M DEAF!" and then point to me, "MY EARS."

No. 2208106

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No. 2208119

This is really cute, ngl

No. 2209382

In my country, the deaf/hoh community is extremely aggressive to any hearing person trying to learn the language. My friend who studied sign language at uni and was also asked to do a short sign speech in some Christmas ad (not pretending he was deaf or anything) had been getting hate emails from HoH community ever since, it's been already like 5 years. I think they disliked that he was in fact hearing and it was appropriation? Mind you, my country is small and anyone can get into ads or TV, it's nothing lucrative, doesn't pay well. Most other people I know gave up on sign language because HoH community is so unfriendly and actively tries to discourage hearing people from learning. Is it like this everywhere?

No. 2209387

But why are they hostile towards people trying to learn? What is the point?

No. 2209411

I think the logic behind it is that hearing people don't get the deaf people and they don't really want the broader public to intermingle with them. But I am not part of the community so I can't tell you the exact reason. Might also be them being frustrated by and subjected to ableism from hearing people, culminating in general dislike of hearing people. I kinda get that. Of course, not saying every HoH person is like that!

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