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No. 2181
Does anyone else use Stormfront on a regular bases? Want to have a PULL style thread, except with Stormfront?
Users who annoy me…
1. That fucking Fading Light bitch. She's always on, and she posts all the fucking time. She's a stupid cunt who makes up her own history, yet considers herself "enlightened". Because she posts on SF all fucking day, she has a great deal of power on the forum. All the other members kiss her ass because she hates her gender, so no one calls her out on her stupid shit. She writes like she grew up in a trailer, isolated from humanity, and raised by Fschmidt.
And also, Haus Drachen. Another old cunt who's on all the fucking time. She got a more level headed user, who was popular among the none-radical stormfags, banned because she wasn't hateful enough. Her and Fading Light scared away other level headed users, especially other women.
2.14words_of_truth is a retards redneck who thinks he's a nazi. In reality, the nazis would have thrown him in the oven for being a retarded degenerate. The Nazis were a lot more progressive than fucking rednecks. He also fetishizes asians. Lol.
There are a lot more users who piss me off, I'll write about them when I'm less tired. Another thing that annoys me, everyone and everything they disagree with is a troll. I feel as though these insane users in power scare away anyone who isn't fucking retarded. They claim not to be racist, yet their arguments are always based on "durrr niggers have low IQ and do crime drrrr". Fuck this site.
No. 2188
>>2186That's pretty much all it is. The Lounge board is stupid, and it attracts the worst members of the site due to it's simplistic nature. The other boards have some retards scattered about, but they're still a lot more tolerable. If you like none-PC things and traditional culture, it's a good place to be. I disagree on the "socialism" part, though. I find most of the users to be insufferably capitalistic or libertarian. The users from the klan are the worst posters, the National Socialists a little better, and the pagans are teens/metalheads.
One of the few things I like about Stormfront is that it's one of the few sites where you can find fundi Christians who are tolerant of Atheism or Paganism.
The blatant racism is annoying, though. The top of the site page says;
>>"We are a community of racial realists and idealists. We are White Nationalists who support true diversity and a homeland for all peoples. Thousands of organizations promote the interests, values and heritage of non-White minorities. We promote ours. Yet we are demonized as "racists." >>fucing nigges and kikes nuke africa When called out on it, their only response is "the truth ain't racist".
No. 2410
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No. 2617
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