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No. 2174643

Here you discuss everything related to immigration and emigration.

Some questions to start:
>What are your thoughts on immigration policies in your country?
>Have you ever interacted with migrants in your community? What was your experience like?
>Do you believe that migrants have a positive or negative impact on your economy?
>What are some common misconceptions about migrants that you have heard?
>What are the benefits and challenges of being an immigrant in your country?
>How can we improve the immigration system to make it more fair and efficient?
>Should there be stricter or looser controls on immigration? Why?
>How does immigration affect your culture and identity as a nation?

No. 2174648

I fear this may cause racebaiting OP. That being said I really wish my city wasn’t full of extremely rude and horrid at driving Nepalese people. I feel like I rarely see any non-Nepalese people anymore and I live in the east coast.

No. 2174667

Oh well I’m sure this is going to attract lots of interesting and nuanced discussion by some very thoughtful and mature individuals from all over the world.

No. 2174689

Here before the thread gets locked

No. 2174691

i wish i never immigrated, it sucks ass.

No. 2174733

This thread is locked as it will incite a lot of infighting/racebaiting. If you want to talk about your specific countries policies please take it to the correct thread (america/canada/uk etc). There is no need for an entire thread for this subject– If you feel this is not the case please post about it on /meta/ to discuss.

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