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No. 2172763>>2172831
I had a batshit insane mysogynistic moid teacher that used to say women belong in the kitchen. One day he came to class with a copy of Mein Kampf ''signed'' by Hitler himself. Shit was so wild, he swore it was signed by Hitler even thought it was signed spanish and my dumb classmates believed it.
>>2172737i had a cool art teacher that used to make the annoying kids stand in the hall. I liked her because she would always kick my bullies out.
No. 2172797
In US history class, a guy asked for permission to go to the bathroom, actually went to a nearby gas station to buy a bunch of snacks, and came back like 20 min later. The teacher looked pissed and all the guy said was "don't worry I'll give you some [of my onion rings]."
Same teacher tried to tell us that the Civil War was not about slavery but rather about state rights vs national laws (…about slavery).
A different teacher once yelled "It's not a bad thing to be a white supremicist!!" to a full classroom when she brought up the Charlottesville marchers the week after it happened.
>>2172650KEK weeb gendies are some of the worst people alive lmfao
No. 2172831
>>2172763My HS art teacher was really great in retrospect. He took art very seriously to the point everyone knew you shouldn’t take an art class unless you liked art. He was very focused on fundamentals and drawing what you see. We weren’t allowed to talk in class it was just pure silence and drawing for 90 minutes. I still remember when I fucked up the perspective on something and he made me apologize to the paper kek
I also had a history teacher who was weirdly obsessed with Hitler and collected Nazi memorabilia. He read a really racist email chain message to our class about illegal immigrants or something and then tried to play it off as like… something Hitler would believe in to make it class relevant. The man just only wanted to talk about Hitler.
No. 2172919
>>2172789My parents didn't want me to take music classes (after school) because 'all music teachers are pedos' kekkk i don't know how they got that insight but they were onto something
No. 2172939>>2173034
>>2172589>>2172581Public schools are the craziest and have the best stories kek
>>2172927You need to tell us
No. 2173034>>2173037>>2176018>>2177388
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>>2172929>>2172939Fine. Here’s a story about a weird teacher I had in high school:
>History teacher in his late 50s>Very quiet and socially awkward, yet very wise. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some form of autism>Weird sense of humor, often related to alcohol>Strict and petty with grading, so many people dreaded his class>Had a PhD in Russian history and used to live in Russia in the 90s (though he was originally American). Because of this, there were a lot of jokes that he was secretly a Russian spy>Would lie on the floor in the school hallway to help with his back problems. Another teacher said she almost stepped on him onceBut, most importantly, he was obsessed with animals, to the point where my classmates called him a furry behind his back (in addition to calling him a Russian spy). Here are some of the things he did:
>Would occasionally say “woof” (or even “meow”) in the middle of class, almost like a tic>Told students to “raise your paws”>Said that he had been “whimpering” because he got a cold>Would make random references to animals (usually dogs and cats) during class, and would describe history in a very animal-esque way with extravagant hand motions (“and then they POUNCED on the Ottoman Empire”)>Said that a Chinese leader was “licking his wounds” while pretending to lick his hand like a cat>Had a mug with a wolf picture and the word “NATIONALISM” on itNow, being one of those weird girls who wanted to be an animal growing up, I had an inappropriate crush on him, even though he was really old. This was also at the end of my “therian” phase, and I wanted to know if he was a therian too, so I decided to ask him in the hallway after school. To paraphrase:
>”Hey […], can I ask you a question?”“Yeah.”
>”Have you ever heard of therianthropy?”“What did you say?”
>”Have you ever heard of therianthropy?”“No, what is it?”
>”Oh, I just thought you might know what it is, because you bark during class and stuff.”“Okay, do you want to explain what it is then?”
>”Well…so…basically, it’s when people feel like an animal inside. I think I’m a bird.”“Well, I do like dogs, so that may tie into my tendency to bark, but I wouldn’t go that far. My favorite animal is actually an otter.”
It’s a miracle that I didn’t get groomed or troon out.
No. 2173068
>>2173061oh mg god..
>>2173067oh my god…
i hope he’s in prison now though. also damn i relate to being a cucked lesbian
Sorry I’m enjoying this thread way too much kek. More please
No. 2173165>>2174209
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Mandatory teen pregnancy story
>early 00s
>pasty white mallgoth girl got pregnant at 14
>not even from a kid from our school
>shows me the pic of her boyfriend
>black guy around 17-19 years old
>he lives in the slums and dressed like a rapper
>we're in a private school
>everyone wonders how the fuck they met, she never explains
>assorted racist jokes about her baby
>the school had 1 sex ed class after knowing of the pregnancy and the girl didn't go that day probably because the school didn't want to embarrass her
>doesn't matter, everyone knew it was because of her
>no one took that class seriously, every boy was making fun of the dude that went there to teach us how babies are made
>dude was computer illiterate and made his powerpoint presentation a mess till someone helped him
Other annoying kids
>roided scrotelet
>a skinny boy with a lisp that one day just came to school with huge ass arms
>still skinny chicken legs
>said he was training hard
>no one believed him of course
>voice never dropped because of roids
>hid in school until very late because some kid from a public school was waiting for him outside with a knife
>some retard high schooler broke the window with his fist trying to hit some kid that was on the other side of the glass
>he somehow didn't see the fucking huge glass wall right between them
>guy was 18 already and dumb as a brick
>very ugly kid nicknamed Sméagol
>even the teachers called him that
>spread what was probably cum on the back of my uniform for no reason and said it was glue
>this girl just sneezed on her hand and started screaming in panic
>she had this huuuuuge liquid snot on her hand
>started running around the class like she was trying to outrun her nasty hand until the teacher told her to go wash that shit
Middle school teachers
>class was always crazy
>math teacher got fed up one day
>got some kid by the collar and pressed him against the wall
>yelled SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, SHUT UP very close to his face
>was very close to hit a kid but restrained herself
>still worked there for some time until she got a better paying job
>which were actually 2 different jobs
>kids made a party on the news of her departure
>roided scrotelet brought alcohol and balloons which he later stuffed in his pants for mysterious reasons
>geometry teacher is forced by the school to give kids some "no wrong answer" paper that asks your opinion on her class and lets you give points to the teachers
>everyone gives her very low points
>everyone just hates geometry
>after she reads the papers she gets up and tells everyone how much she hates us
>"do you think if I had any other choice I'd be here with you demons? I'd be on the beach drinking coconut water"
>probably wanted to tell us to go fuck ourselves but held her tongue
>cried while she yelled at us
>became math teacher for the elementary kids after that and never looked at any of us in the face ever again
>new geometry teacher was also the p.e. teacher
>hated us because it was our fault he was there wasting his time with geometry
>hoped some boy would become a professional soccer player or that a girl would become a professional volley player and make him famous or something
>these were the only sports in his class
>obsessed with soccer
>always telling stories of his time as a referee
>really hated teaching geometry
>if you got anything wrong he'd personally go to your chair and erase everything but wouldn't say what you did wrong
>it was easy to cheat on his tests because he simply didn't care
>english teacher complained about us to his higher ups
>didn't like the rumours about him being gay
>he wasn't really gay just a little weird and a tad sensitive
>the school didn't do anything about it
>no one knows what happened, one day we simply stopped having english, there was no susbstitute teacher, there simply was no english anymore
>science teacher quit after having a public meltdown after class because of the names kids gave her
>she'd give a really tiny piece of paper as homework
>it had 5 questions
>they all had at least 10 subquestions
>it was always about parasites for some reason
>substitute science teacher tried to be friendly and was met with a water bottle in the face and banana thrown at him
>cried in class and quit that same day
>the dean came personally and lectured us for our behaviour
>that's all
>computer teacher was always screaming where the hell was her "big pen" as she called it
>it became a joke, kids would hide her whiteboard pen to see her freaking out and waste class time
>computers always full of porn
>she'd put herself in front of the screen so we wouldn't see all the porn until she fixed it
>after some point didn't really care to teach us anything just let us browse social media and talk to each other until her time was up
>new computer teacher was the typical insane atheist scrote
>would argue with kids about their belief in god at class
>would argue with them on the internet too
>took jokes too seriously and fought kids on the internet over it
>lied about his birthday, always a different day if you asked
>sometimes did voluntary work or donated blood
>posted pics of that on social media with some caption about god being evil for allowing bad things to happen
>actually did a good job teaching us how to use excel and other programs and the basics of programming languages when he wasn't raging about god
>history teacher also teach philosphy
>would deny ever being high
>offered to give the class better grades if you gave him a bottle of vodka or wine
>everyone thought it was a joke
>everyone failed history and philosophy
>was so high during our graduation party he couldn't even stand straight
High school
>computer science teacher didn't hide her contempt towards us
>would call you in front of the entire class knowing you got a wrong answer and tell you to repeat that wrong answer in front of everyone
>would then mock you for being stupid
>wouldn't explain why your answer was wrong as if it was obvious
>would bitterly recount the same story of how she'd didn't buy this piece of land selling super cheap in the 80s or 90s because she thought the place was a dump
>it's one of the most expensive areas in our state now
>"I'd be rich and never have to teach again"
No. 2173175
>>2173172ayrt. When I tell this story to people, a common reaction is "omg my school also had a super short couple that would grossly make out in public!"
I guess this is a common phenomenon?
No. 2173180
>>2173171You had the same kind of friends I did in school kek
>always smelled like baby powderThis is bizarrely funny to me for some reason
No. 2173195
>>2173171Samefagging to mentioned more instances at my middle school. For context, it was a larping wannabe private school, but it was a public school with uniforms.
>we had a freakishly tall kid bring a machete to school and he would make his little brother dig it out of the snow after school>he eventually got caught and expelled >a couple girls and a gay kid snuck in alcohol in like 8th gradeMini story:
>we were required to give ALL electronics to the principal at the start of the day and if we got caught with them we would get suspended and you parent would have to come get it
>eventually a bunch of other girls started taking over the shoulder bags to hide their phone, some people hid them in their lockers>staff found out people were hiding them in their lockers>staff had a cellphone manhunt and checked every single locker, before that we gave our phones to this one girl to hide them in her bag and she must have had at least 10 phones in her little bag>I got sent home for tossing a breakfast donut to another girl >Spanish teacher potentially a pedophile, would let certain girls stay in his classroom during lunch and had weird nicknames for the girls>One girl tried to write a letter about it to the principal, principal told the teacher and namedropped the girl No. 2173219>>2173234>>2173245
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when I was in 3rd grade my class was learning about MLK Jr and Rosa Parks. When we got to Rosa Parks my teacher explained that black people sat in the back of public transport and white people in the front. I wait until she is done teaching and asks if we have any questions. My hand shoots up and I ask "where did the mixed people sit" She looked at me and just sighed really loud and moved on. SHe didnt answer my question. I asked this because at the time my best friend had a black mom and jewish dad so I wanted to know where she would've sat cuz she was also whispering and asking me. Since my teacher didnt answer me I concluded she wouldve had to sit in the middle. It wasnt until middle school I learned about the 1 drop rule. Its a core memory because my teacher thought I was being a class clown but I thought she was being insensitive to my friend and mixed people LOL. This was in like 2003.
No. 2173234>>2173241
same anon
>>2173219When I was in pre k a boy told all the kids in the class he had a surprise to show them especially the girls. Dude showed everyone his penis. 4 yr old me was TRAUMATIZED. So for the longest time (7th grade when i took sex ed) I thought men had 3 dicks because I didnt know what balls were. I hated that boy so bad. He ended up going to my kindergarten and destroying a popular girl's bday party by popping all the balloons with his mouth. I just know that boy is in jail or on a sex offender list somewhere. I remember thinking he had crazy eyes he was like a tazmanian devil boy.
No. 2173241
>>2173234When I was maybe 6 or 7 a boy I knew told me to wait for him to ask to go to the bathroom, then ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom as well. I did that, and we met in the cloakroom and he whipped out his dick for a few seconds grinning with retard pride then put his pants back up. I don't remember how I reacted, probably giggled like ooh teehee we are disobeying the teacher what fun, then went back into class.
I remember me and the same boy talking with a group of other kids in middle school about the silly things we had done as younger children and the topic came up of exactly that incident and the boy told it as if he had only showed his ass. One girl straight up asked if he had shown his "front bum" and he denied it with obvious embarrassment. Okay dude. He was also a pathological liar in every other way (and not subtle about it). I wonder what he's doing now, I haven't seen him since middle school.
No. 2173280>>2174063
>>2173173I graduated and got the fuck out of that area, I’m now in college studying biotechnology. My parents went to the same high school as me so they didn’t really see an issue (during high school majority of my mothers friends were murdered, and she got pregnant with me.).
Getting out of that area was the best choice I made when I was 18, now I live with civilized people. It took awhile to get used too.
No. 2173314
>>2173301Samefag. The same bitches who were huffing the Mean Girls and Skins gas used to call my Geography teacher "tissue tits" every time she turned around. I'm probably older than her now and I feel so bad for not standing up. Teenagers are vile
>>2173310Please try harder for bait. I believe in you. You can be better
No. 2174662>>2223843
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>In a class with a substitute
>I'm sitting next to the class troublemaker
>considered most likely to commit a school shooting (I'm not in the US)
>He starts ragging to the substitute teacher saying he's bored and wants to leave
>She tells him no
>"Awww your infringing on my rights miss!"
>This goes back and forth for a while
>Just trying to keep my head down and study
>Suddenly he goes "If you don't let me leave I'm gonna stab myself with this pencil" (can't remember if it was a pencil or pen, this was years ago)
>She tells him not to do that
>He keeps threatening
>I'm looking at him like picrel
>She's pretty nonchalant but is raising her voice now telling him she'll take him to the principal's office
>He says "I'm gonna do it!!!"
>Does not hesitate
>Jams the pen/pencil hard into his hand
>The class erupts
>She grabs him and drags him out
No. 2174693
>It's 2008, Facebook is starting to become a thing, everyone makes profiles at my school>One girl insults another under her pics>Insulted girl comes to school with a saber in her bag>Pulls it out, everyone freaks out>Teacher comes, saber girl says she just wanted to 'fight' (?)The saber girl was actually really nice and chill otherwise kek
This one is an account by a teacher i know. I can't say it's true but i choose to believe it because it's funny
>Middle school kids on a trip to England>Said middle school is in an area known to have very difficult children>They do a cultural tour of London, stop by to see Buckingham Palace>A bunch of kids try to climb the fence, get quickly stopped>Whole class (school?) is banned from entering the country after this>>2173198Average philosophy teacher kekkk… The philosophy teacher in the grade above me thought he could read personalities by looking at people's feet
>>2174658KEK based
No. 2174703>>2174716
>>2174671I think it's the whole "your body must function 100% in sports or you're a failure" mentality they all seem to have.
One sports teacher I had turned out to be a moid. Only found out a year or so after I left school, but he'd apparently been fired for SAing a student in the year level above me.
No. 2174728
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I'm not sure if this is common outside of my country but my highschool had a "Jesus guy" who was some random youth pastor. The school wasn't Catholic or religious in any way just for some reason public schools always seem to have a Jesus guy. Anyways it was cool when you were in year 7 to 8 because you got a break from horribly underfunded classes to do games and read manga about Jesus and tsundere Judas. But year 9 was when things got a bit weird after he told my class his backstory, basically he used to be a Redditor-esque atheist and was really cool and sinful and skated all the time and had no goals in life. One day when he was skating he cut his leg open and it got septic and while he was lying on a mattress on the floor at his mother's house he had a fever dream about God and Jesus coming down to heal his wounds and he became a good God fearing Christian afterwards. This ontop of his mannerisms and made us realise that he was a bit of weirdo and the Jesus guy time slots weren't as fun anymore.
Also he told a kid with stage three cancer that it was his fault for not praying enough, which is really weird because we don't really get people who are that religious.
We also had this support teacher who was supposed to be helping the retards but she was just a nuance. She'd touch you on the back when she'd talk you and she'd always be super condescending, she'd ignore teacher's instructions and tell us to do something else when the teacher left the room. She made a classmate cry after telling her that her father loves her during father's day. Her father was abusive and killed someone. Generally shitty and rude and would get super upset if you told her to piss off because she was distracting you from schoolwork and also ignored/antagonised the token retards. Her house burned down because her retarded son left the toaster on and she never really came back after that.
Misc. stories/events;
>High-school got flooded and we weren't able to go back for a month or so. The library, the hall and several class rooms were inaccessible for two years because they were covered in mold and/or the floor was non-existent
>The year 12 group before us used to smoke and do pingers in the replacement library, so we were punished the next year for things we didn't do and weren't allowed to study in there despite it being the only place we could study.
>The school really seemed to hate my year group and we missed out on excursions, university tours, basic support etc. even though they said that we were the best behaved group the school had in a while. My year group ended up failing final exams because we literally did not get any help and we were fed up and just wanted school to be over.
>Cleaner masturbated in front of classmate. Full dick out and everything. Was not fired for this somehow and hung around outside of mostly female classes pretending to clean.
>Actual fedora wearing incel who pretended to have a Irish accent and had a katana who used to post thirst traps of his chicken leg body smoking a leaf (like a tree leaf, not weed) was a serial rapist and he and his croney were yelled at by the principal when they tried to sneak into the formal.
>The girl's bathroom was completely fucked up, broken mirrors, flickering half dead lights and half the doors didn't lock. Boy's bathroom was fine.
>Fights outside my school all the time, every school in the area's buses would stop at my school so kids from other schools would jump kids from mine
>Two teachers with the same last name and teaching the same subjects were a mother and son duo. It was kind of cute and there wasn't anything weird going on.
My school sounds shitty but it was one of the better schools in my area, kek. To be a fly on the wall at the steiner school…
No. 2174736
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>>2174731I can't help but think of the shuffling dance kek. But it must've sucked knowing that someone killed themselves.
Honestly something that made me stop wanting to kill myself was spite, the idea of being remembered as the kid that killed herself is shitty.
My thread story tax was that one day, I was at school with a broken leg, and some girls stayed in the classroom with me, I didn't speak to them perse but whatever, teachers didn't want me to be all alone in the classroom even though that's kind of what I wanted because I was always getting bullied.
The thing is that the girls began talking about wanting to have sex and shit, then one of them said some unhinged shit like
>It's like I'm sitting where his balls wereAnd it basically scarred my brain, it was something gross to hear as a 12 years old.
No. 2174737
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It's been many years now and I still have nightmares (just woke up from one) about the exams we had to take to determine our eligibility for college.
No. 2174770
>>2174731I had a similar experience at my school nona. After I left a kid committed a mass shooting at a different school he was transferred to after being investigated for making threats at the one he and I went to. There really was some weird energy there for so many students in such a small student body to commit violent crimes and kill themselves in mass.
My thread tax is that we didn’t have a student government because school administration said they didn’t want us to have any say in their decisions. So it was useless to have one. We had no clubs aside from various sports and marching band.
One time I went to the office during first period to wait until my mom could pick me up since I was sick. The principal came out and proceeded to yell at me and another girl who was picking something up about how we were dressed inappropriately and all of these dress code violations were indicative of our poor character. I was wearing a turtleneck and jeans. The other girl was wearing jeans and a hoodie zipped up. I’m still not sure what the fuck he was on about.
No. 2174895
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>>2174716>worst case scenario the kid just straight up dies or is severely injured with life long consequences and the teacher could go to jailThat’s why you need picrel.
No. 2176031
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>School's out, I'm in the lockerroom with my friend and a scrote from her class
>Scrote goes to his locker
>"I gotta show you something"
>His expression is a mix of embarrassment and pride
>Think it's gonna be filled with weed or something
>Opens it
>It's packed with probably every single Garnier Loving Blends and a bunch of other shampoos and hair styling products
He never said he was gay but I have a feeling kek, I hope he's doing well though.
No. 2176898
>>2176090I have one of these too. this girl i had a crush on in senior year, at one point she skips out of senior prom to go fuck one of our teachers and came back about an hour later and when i pressed her for anything she said it had been terrible and didn't want to talk about it. not long after i learned just how much of a crazed ana-chan bitter cunt she actually was. She ended up dating a string of creepy moids and had a couple kids with a particularly unwashed one who dropped her the moment the moment her belly started to show the second time. So i didn't dodge just a bullet but the whole clip.
Here's a few others:
During junior year, out of nowhere, this really unfortunate looking shrimp with 5 o clock shadow tried to hug me and kiss me on the lips during recess and i shook her off me rather violently and she got made fun of for liking another girl. Sometime later i felt pretty bad about it and wanted to apologize but she wouldn't give me the time of day anymore.
Also during junior year, but in the class opposite mine there was this kid that would not shut up about pokemon. this was back when being a weeb was asking to get your ass kicked in a bad way and pokemon was pretty new. didn't help that he was a skinny runt either, so he got his ass kicked a lot. A classmate of his actually shat himself during the first week of school that year and everyone called him "shitty" til he eventually changed schools.
In elementary school, there was this one music teacher one time who was a very resentful person and was always very unnecessarily mean to all the kids. Then one day he started going classroom to classroom telling all the teachers he had been fired. Turned out he had been outed as gay and actually had aids. For context, this was early 90s before or around the time the movie philadelphia came out.
also in elementary, there was this boy and girl in my class that would always get into fights with each other until one day she just punched him in the face, like full closed fist. he turned around and walked to one of our classmate's desk and got these little folding scissors he had and slashed her across the cheek. he barely missed her eye. I saw that girl years later at her sweet 16 party and she still had a scar. We were like maybe 9 or 10 years old at the time?
We weren't allowed to have scissors in the classroom after that
No. 2177470>>2177496>>2183667
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The setting:
> Shitty public school in one of the most deprived areas of the UK
> Still somehow had delusions of grandeur because the building was new and most of the staff were Catholic
> There was another, equally shitty public school riiiiiiight down the road where it was the same but with Islam instead
> That's all I'm gonna say about that (no racesperging pls) but you can imagine the utter retardation and fights that the moid students got into outside of school
The cast:
> We had SO many troubled kids who didn't even go to class, they basically lived in the isolation area
> There was one moid student who had a million burner phones, the Biology teacher took his away once and he pulled out another, identical phone and continued as if nothing happened
> Kids would constantly start shit on social media with randoms to the point where the school closed for a day after some psychos threatened to wait outside the gates with knives
> There was one girl who was known for fainting, she had a HUGE phobia of blood which we only learned about after she wiped out on the floor during a dissection class
> Students would escape or get chased around the hallways constantly
> One scrote student was infamous for making excessive sexual remarks and biting people
> There was a girl who would hiss at people and constantly got in trouble for sexual harassment but somehow was still popular
> We had to have so many Special Assemblies about bullying and crime because of the specimens in our year group
The antagonists:
> Chemistry teacher had it out for me because her class was the only one I did poorly in and she assumed I was flunking it on purpose. Would constantly say shit like "I know your GAME, nona" and call on me for unreasonably hard tasks/questions
> The few times I got the question right she wouldn't even say anything she'd just write the answer and seethe kek
> Sociopathic moid P.E teacher used to fucking laugh when we got hurt and made smug comments to my friend after she was forced to dye her hair back to its normal colour from one she really liked
> "United almost scouted me you know"
> One of the cool teachers (history) tripped over a kid's bag and went FLYING until she faceplanted the floor, she got up and went straight out of the room and never taught our class again
> Moid English teacher was a socialist who literally never stopped politisperging
> One of the maths teachers made waves after he got arrested for trying to sneak a drug dealer on a school trip
> not drugs, the ENTIRE GROWN MAN DEALER
> R.E teacher was a politically correct Catholic which made her lessons very weird
> We had a Geography teacher who everybody thought was gay until he mentioned his wife, our shocked reactions upset him so much that he cried about it to the head (who did nothing)
> The secretaries were always SO mean and passive aggressive for no reason, even though they barely even did anything
Random stuff:
> Ceiling tiles randomly collapsed in the public areas more than once
> The school hired a theatre troupe to perform for my year group and it was really weird, there were no sets and they spoke German the whole time so none of us knew wtf was going on, kids started throwing shit at the stage until the main actor turned around and screamed at us that he didn't want to be here either
> we got iPads for the entirety of 1 week because students kept taking dick pics on them
> The fire alarm was triggered by some guys smoking in the bathrooms and they tried to escape over the fence before they were caught, needless to say it failed and the teachers were NOT happy kek
Things that happened to me (tl;dr versions)
> I was pretty unpopular due to unfortunate combo of being a quiet spergy emo and also being outed as bisexual by a fake friend
> it wasn't cool at that time + religious school, you can imagine
> almost got concussed by a metal chair after a girl threw it at someone she was fighting with and missed
> Some midget bitch sicced her ugly ass boyfriend on me like an attack dog because I wouldn't get out of her favourite window seat
> "troubled" psycho bitch and her underlings did ELABORATE coordinated gayops to catfish me after I got outed, but once people learned it was her she had a meltdown and threatened to jump me
> I got sent to a mandatory meeting with a psychiatrist after submitting my entry to a scary poetry contest
No. 2193016
One of the elementary schools I went to was closing, a place I experienced a lot of bullying the last year it was open. On the last day of school, the last day that school was open, my mom wanted me to get revenge. So she prepared a handfull of wet concrete, hidden in my backpack, and encouraged me to splack it somewhere on the ground. I was the last one in from lunch, or so I thought, and threw it on the ground before the entrance. Only 1 boy, one of my bullies, went in the building almost right after me. Not sure if he saw me do that, but he noticed the wet concrete. I thought for sure I was going to get ratted out on and in trouble, but nothing happened.
Also the class did valentines day cards where you give one to every classmate. So I stuck a trollish valentines day card in the desk of another moidlet bully with no from name. He freaked out and had a meltdown and never found out who dunnit.
No. 2193570>>2193769>>2193804
>>2172971why did you mention that the moid is Italian as if moids of other heritages are so much better?
>>2173302based. wish more people would do stuff like this esp in places where they wear poppies for muh veterans every year
No. 2193804
>>2193570the poppy is meant to be a pro-peace symbol, it doesnt represent veterans it represents the dead, all dead from all wars
it is meant to commemorate all people who have died in war, people who have had their lives tragically cut short, it is meant as a symbol to show that we will never forget all those who have died in war
the poppy was chosen as it was the first flower that grew on the battlefields of ww1 after the war ended, after such destruction life returned
i think your issue is not with the poppy but certain people who have misused the symbol, which i agree some people have taken too far using it as patriotic almost pro-war symbol
No. 2193910>>2193920>>2193930
small town, public school, ~120 kids. In 7th grade I was on the boys football team. I only joined because some idiot boy told me "girls couldn't do it." fuck that. anyway, it made me a target for other girls because i became 'friends with the boys' (bitch i just had to work out with them every day in summer for an hour i hated them all). When fall hit, the 'popular' girls invited me over for a 'party' where they made fun of my clothing size/called me fat/a slut/a dumb bitch etc and when i broke down and asked the mom to let me call my mom to take me home, they tried to be nice and pretend they didn't bully me for hours.
A month later at one of the highschool football games, the younger sister of one of the bully older girls had an 'incident' with her medicine. They told the cops and everyone else there that I had drugged the girl with my tictacs (this still cracks me up). I got harassed by a shit ton of highschoolers on AIM for HOURS when I got home from the game. The worst part is that the Middle School sent out a 'statement' saying something had 'happened' with her BUT DID NOT ADDRESS THAT ALL THE RUMOURS OF ME DRUGGING HER WERE NOT TRUE. Turns out she just ate something that didn't go well with her medications and she apologized like 5 years later but it seriously traumatized me. I was called so many nasty names by 15-18 year olds, talked poorly about by adults, everyone in school said I was a drug dealer (of tic-tacs????). and to circle back, it's weird to me looking back because most of the girls were the same size as me when they called me fat, and they weren't the ones who spent all summer at football camp lol. still hurt though because i was so young. jokes on them, i was elected homeschool queen twice (and didn't show up for one because fuck almost everyone i grew up with)
No. 2193920
>>2193910samefag but the reason i think the middle school didn't address the 'drugging' rumours is because i made a myspace for the middle school office ladies. they were MEAN old ladies and i just posted their pictures and all of the kids roasted them on the myspace page. they had an in school session asking if anyone knew who knew who made the page but no one would budge because everyone had posted shit on the wall about how shitty they were KEK
when we 'graduated' to highshool we got an hour lecture about how we were the worst class to ever attend the middle school lmaooooo. thanks anon i haven't thought of this in 15+ years
No. 2195588>>2197060
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it keeps me up night to think about how many people tell stories like this about me because i was a huge sperg at school oh my god
No. 2198234
>in elementary school one of my classmates and also occasional friend was getting bullied for being super “mature” for her age (its sad actually she was already having sex and dating older boys smfh) in 5th grade and one day she couldn’t take it anymore and during lunch she took her plastic fork and stabbed herself in the chest rlly rapidly
>ofc it had no effect, i tried to hold my laughter in but holy kek
>another time she invited me and some other classmates to her apartment while she was home alone and we had sm fun, ordered pizza and watched movies, thought her apartment was haunted too
still elementary school
>moidlet classmate asked me to be his girlfriend during lunch, i said yes, then broke up with him as recess ended
>he was actually sad and i thought he was trolling about me being his gf
awkward teacher
>in 4th grade our teacher made his own track team, i made the team with several other classmates. it was actually fun, we had track meets and even competed (won some medals)one day we had a brunch and he actually invited us students over to his apartment in the morning kek some kids brought their parents but i went alone and we saw a pink wig in his bathroom i shit you not
>5th grade, teachers stupidly planned a field trip on friday the 13th
>we actually had such bad luck that day
>the subway broke down on our way to the museum (lived in nyc) and it was incredibly crowded
>started to rain and storm badly
>by the time we made it to the museum we were so late that we couldn’t even explore anything at all, so we just ate our lunch and immediately went back to school kek
potential kidnapping
>while in elementary school my sister was in pre-k or kindergarten and her teacher was rlly close with her and favored her and wanted to take her out to eat lunch with her i guess
>my mom said yes and we had met the (female) teacher before
>teacher takes my little sister, they’re gone for hours. we start getting worried thinking she’s kidnapped and murdered by now
>my mom makes me, 10 years old, go walk through the city to try and find 4 year old sister kek
>couldn’t find her, but her teacher finally came back with her a short while later
>breathe sigh of relief while wondering what the fuck my parents were thinking
No. 2198443
>>2198201How did she even pull it off that young? Don't schools ask for doctor's notes to agree to let a kid be absent that often? I doubt she or her relatives could have made fake documents to prove she had cancer by themselves, so I understand students believing her but the staff? What the fuck.
And unrelated but when I remember how elementary school was for me I'm surprised I didn't become too mentally ill in the long run, now I just hate people by default and don't trust anyone until I'm proven I can. It's amazing how sexual harassment from male classmates or being beaten up and called racist slurs all thr time is considered funny and cute by teachers, and then some teachers were also racist and neglectful. Teachers as soon as elementary school starts are like "we're preparing you for your adult, professional life" but if a coworker right now decided to grab my breasts and rip off my underwear when I wear a skirt or dress he'd be hit with a lawsuit so fucking fast. Once I was punched in the face so hard by a girl I didn't know, who turned out to be one of my bullies' sister, that I passed out, woke up in the director's office, was bleeding from my lips everywhere and he was calling my mom so he wouldn't have to call an ambulance and risk legal repercussions from me being beaten that badly. All I got in the end was that retarded girl telling "I'm sorry, my brother told me to do that" and having a hard time eating solid food for weeks.
No. 2199321>>2199402>>2199403>>2199470
i went to a boarding school so i have a few
>weird moids hanging around the school a lot of the time
>gay teacher caught watching porn by some students
>headmaster’s wife taught at an all boys school, had sex with one of the boys, someone scratched "CUCK" on his front door
>group of girls sneak out to go smoke at a nearby graveyard one night discover girl having sex with her adult boyfriend on one of the gravestones
>smokers smoking on the rooftops at night
>smuggling rings with prices fixed per item across the school so no one could claim a monopoly
>group of boys came through, cant remember why, but girls in the classroom ran to the window to look, whilst the teacher tried and failed to get them to return to their seats
>quite a few druggies, some were asked to leave some expelled, most were never caught
>after i left it was discovered that orgies had been going on in an abandoned room, this had gone on for years, i still cant understand how this happened as lesbians were bullied, many that were lesbians hid it there were only like 2 openly out girls in the whole school, so how did a bunch of them arrange this over years with it still remaining secret whilst inviting new participants, none of the out ones participated (or were just not among those caught)
>lesbian love triangle that had turned so bad the police had to get involved
>stealing and bullying everywhere
>handyman caught stealing from rooms, had to be hushed up by the school, i was a witness and was paid to keep quiet by the school
>weird man caught inside the boarding house, just followed some people in was caught by the matron and he fled before anything happened
>occasionally we would have socials with boys schools, it was just an awkward school dance where only a few people would interact most would just stand on opposite sides of the room, they were very awkward, teachers would also line the walls of the room and would guard the exits, teacher later told us this was because one year too much alcohol was involved and a boy and girl were caught having sex in the middle of the 'dance floor'
>school absolutely paranoid about food fights, starting one was instant expulsion, apparently they got very intense and plates were thrown
>gypsies living nearby stealing animals from the school farm, rumours were they hid and lived in the woods near the school
>weird homeless camp discovered in a bush in the woods by smokers, abandoned but full of shemale porn magazines
>a sextoy was stolen from a girl, came back the next day used and unwashed
>years before i arrived, girl was stabbed to death by her druggy boyfriend, both were children of teachers at the school at that is how they met
>rumours of other deaths and ghosts, girl hit by car dont walk alone down that lane or you will see her, girl hung herself in this room dont open the cupboard at night
>weird sports teacher who would claim he slept with a lot of the female teachers
>one or two 'how do you do fellow kids' teachers
>i wasn’t in class but a teacher had a stroke midlesson, people thought it was a joke and laughed when he fell but when he didn’t get up they checked and found him behind the desk and called an ambulance, he never came back
>absolutely retarded teacher, thought i stole my own coursework when it disappeared, thought a girl who was tied to a chair and rolled down a hill did it herself
>teacher slept with a gap student
>teacher left the school and entered into a relationship with a girl who had left, school didnt do anything as when they investigated they said they found nothing occured when they were at school
No. 2199402>>2199470>>2199527
>>2199321a few more
>girl caught brewing alcohol in her room, let off as the school thought it was funny>girl caught hiding a hamster cage under her bed, parents had to come and collect the hamster>surprisingly no run aways, at least none i was aware of although i did plan it once never went through with it though>three first years (12-13 year olds) buy a bottle of vodka from the smugglers, one gets alcohol poisoning, had to be carried to an ambulance by a teacher vomiting everywhere and all over the teacher>later screamed at the teacher calling him a racist, when he told her off saying "i don’t know what you do at home but we don’t do that here" as she was spitting walking down the road>girl would always sit next to the gerbil cage in biology and watch the gerbil, one lesson she screamed and burst into tears, gerbil had fallen and broken its back and died Infront of her leaving her a sobbing traumatised mess, teacher consoled her by saying "that gerbil was a bastard it killed and ate the other gerbil in the cage" it was me>tarantula escaped its cage in a biology classroom, a girl spent the next few lessons cross legged on top of a desk until it was caught also me>one girl had a note from the school psychologist to miss all biology lessons as she couldn’t enter the building as it was full of taxidermied animals, animals in formaldehyde and skeletons>snake escaped and was found in a pipe, a girl had to reach in and pull it out as none of the teachers arms could fit>during disection, a girl beheaded her dead rat and slipped the head into another girl's blazer pocket, she found it in the next class and screamed>same as above but with a cow's eye >someone farted in a lesson, teacher absolutely lost it started screaming at the room and stormed out>teacher once told us about her experience teaching at an all boys school, she caught a boy masturbating in the middle of class looking at her, caught a boy trying to take an upskirt photo of her, love letters would be left on her desk, she would see one boy standing outside her classroom and would run away when she approached she would also seem him around school watching her from a distance, flowers were once left at her front door>health ed/pshe teacher told us weed was fine so were certain pills if we could find a good source and neither were cut with anything, don’t do needle drugs though>RS/RE teacher who i was pretty sure was a fujoshi, would talk about how jesus was gay and had a lover, and for a few weeks our homework was to watch eastenders(i think) which had a storyline about a secret gay couple (one was muslim or hindu and the other was white) we had to write essays about this developing love affair>once there was a weird naked indian dude in the sports hall>one of the teachers had a down syndrome son who apparently cornered a group on the school pitches and tried to shove his thumb up one of their arses, i don’t think he ever was seen again after this>same teacher once told us whilst he was sobbing that if pregnant and the screening detects a disabled baby we should abort it>i saw a drug deal in broad daylight on an open day, in front of parents and prospective students, handed over a wad of twenties to a guy on a motorbike he gives her a brown package and drives off, no one seemed to notice>girls buying drugs from one of the local dealers get his car but this time he drives off and takes them to his flat, at this point they said they were panicking that they were going to get raped or murdered, and he sells them the drugs but offers them to pay with sex instead of money, they pay with money and he accepts and lets the leave>girl who apparently didn't shower and would only shower at school holidays>girls from suspicously wealthy families, one russian girl when asked what her father does would just say "business" and when asked what sort of business she would just say "he does busisness" whilst emphasing the word business, a south american girl who everyone said her dad was a drug lord and she would tearfully say he 'isnt a druglord he just runs a successful import export business moving items from country to country'>girl who was a middle eastern princess was in some of my classes (it wasnt a well known thing), she wasnt given any special treatment which suprised me, i remember being in a maths class with her and the teacher screaming at her dumping out the contents of her pencil case on her desk and screaming at her for every item she should have brought to class but didnt as she stood there sobbing, there were some african princesses too>one year a camera was found in a shower but the culprit was never found, police came, upon investigation it was discovered that it was the first day of its use and was the footage hadnt been collected as it saved to a memory card, very fortunalty the first would be victim was undressing when luckily she spotted it before she finished undressing, this then started a panic and everyone had a mass camera hunt, and would check the stalls before showering and going to the loo>i made money in the smuggling ring but i didnt smuggle items, i smuggled websites, i could get people round the school blocking filters so people could play games, listen to music, watch youtube, didnt earn much but enough for vending machine items>not really school related but is funny looking back, wathched deathnote on youtube using those old 'episode 2 part 1/4' videos No. 2199403
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>>2199321that's insane. all my schools were extremely normal but we also had a teacher in highschool who married a student after she graduated. he wouldn't actually teach, we'd all just sit there mostly in awkward silence and work.
>shitty "counsellor" would tell teachers i hated their lessons after i opened up about to her about struggling with my work, in front of me, like it was hot gossip.>compsci teacher, comedically obvious creep who always sat the "cute" girls in front of him and all the boys at the back. generally had a weird vibe but i thought he was just french. i had a bizarre experience where i think he tried to scare the girls by charging after us with a broom??? found out after he was fired that he had multiple accusations of student intimidation.>student was abducted near the school, super scary>boy in primary school regularly attacked students and staff with cutlery.>shot at eachother with picrel until they were banned due to the scale of property damage.>middle aged english teacher was in a rock band and he was AWESOME No. 2199527>>2199756
>>2199402some more
>someone decided to be a complete bitch, deliberately built something in art class in the pottery studio that would explode in the kiln, she deliberately filled it with air large air bubbles, it explodes in the kiln and destroys other girls work including some gcse coursework, culprit was never caught>in class when a young window cleaner comes to the windows to clean, and a lot of the class start whistling at him and cheering>two sisters once had a terrible fight, actually rolling around on the ground, tearing hair out, punching, scratching, and even biting, supprsingly one was later made head girl and the other made head of their house (which broke tradition as head of school is automatically head of her house but it was thought it would be fairer this way) i think this caused resentment between them>a lot of cattiness and bickering>for some reason one year it was also fashionable at school to wear items too small for you so people in their final year wore blazers from their first year also despite no boys some of the girls still rolled up their skirts>there was a very dumb girl who tried to be funny, who could be made to do anything by saying wouldn’t it be funny if someone did……. and she would then do it, would constantly get in trouble she finally was asked to leave when people encouraged her to trash a first years room, and when they encouraged her to offer a teacher a blowjob, both these made the school furious and that was the end of her>girl kicked open another girls door and sprayed the entire room with a fire extinguisher destroying everything in the room>during summer holiday time they were tidying the rooms ready for the new year when they found under a bed a brick of white powder, the parents of the girl who had the room previously were given a choice "either we test the powder or your daughter finds another school for next year" the parents picked the latter>apparently before i arrived a girl used to smuggle her boyfriend into the boarding house to have sex with him without being caught>boyfriends were actually alowed to visit, there had to be notification in advance, the boy would have to be presented to the housemistress and matron, time of arrival and time of departure would need to be recorded and signatures required, any intamcy beyond kissing was forbidden and would result in suspension, i think i only remember two times a boyfriend was brought by a girl to my house over my 5 years>around the school there were a few weird locked doors that no one knew what was behind, one was at the end of an underground tunnel>girl cut her finger off in front of me in a DT lesson, I have a complete memory blank of the incident, all I remember was being behind her waiting for my turn, nothing else, they managed to sew it back on>girl recognised one of the lunchroom staff as a teacher from her previous school who had gone to prison for stealing and defrauding the school, this is when we found out that some of the lunch staff were ex-prisoners which caused some alarm but we were assured by the school that none had committed violent crimes and the school viewed it as part of their charity>school had its own gossip girl posting to facebook, i dont she was ever identified until after>once some girls stole my towel when i was in the shower but as i brought my clothes with me i just changed into them strolled out and casually took my towel from them and walked off>i am very pale and light footed so at night i accidently would scare people walking around the house as i would appear without making a sound and i apparently looked like a ghost>tattoos were against the rules but one girl had one and when asked by teachers if it was a tatoo she would say she drew it on with a pen and they would all accept this, that or they couldnt be bothered to punish her>during a chemistry experiment with bleach, a girl dipped part of her hair in and then had a single large bleeched streak until it grew out>once some girls snuck out to a nightclub and came back undetected>i once, dont know why i was just nosy, stood on the loo lifted up a roof tile in a loo and found a large stash of alcohol, looking back something very wierd then happened soon after, i walked into the bathroom and saw a male teacher over the cubicles with the roof lifted up taking down the bottles of alochol when he spotted me he angrily asked if i was responsible for the stash which i denied, nothing was mentioned in any assembly about the alcohol stash, and they never looked for the culprit which is weirdlooking back i dont think the school really gave a shit about anything other than its reputation
>>2199470just a posh all girls boarding school in the uk, there was a small drug problem as some girls had very rich families and had more money than sense with no parental supervision,
this is pretty much all the eventful things that happened over the 5 years i was there that i can remember, there were about 800 of us there so it was a decent sized school
for comparison talking to friends the local schools in my area at home had worse issues, the all boys school had a massive drug problem, the girls school's problem was it was next to the boys school and the mixed school had pregnancies and shoplifting and even had one girl going to prison
No. 2223406>>2223461
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I currently work in a high school biology class as a TA and today, the class was dissecting frogs. I heard two girls giggling to each other and when I went over to see what was going on, one had picrel open on her phone, while the other was taking a picture of the frog (who happened to be in the exact same position) and comparing rhe two. I had to tell them to quit messing around but the second class ended, I instantly went to the supply closet and busted a gut laughing KEK
No. 2226997
>>2219102>ShithandsKek, deserved. I'm glad the
victim finally got some justice and seems to be doing well.
>>2223867Jfc what a horrible scrote! I'm so sorry you went through that anon what a fucking psycho.
No. 2227016
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I've just had a sudden memory unlocking about how my (female) friend and I used to get each other off under the desk in science class at an age when we were DEFINITELY old enough to know better. In hindsight there is absolutely no way the kids sitting behind us didn't know something was up. Embarrassing. The weirdest part is that friend was a pretty homophobic pickme who craved male attention and yet she was the one who started it kek
No. 2314238>>2314254
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This except the girl's bathroom and it was literally the same at my school plus blood.
No. 2314254
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>>2314238mine looked exactly like picrel except we only had two toilets. no stalls, ugly and old but somewhat clean compared to what you described
t. eastern-europoor
No. 2314339>>2314542>>2315286
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Who else had these? Ceiling toilet paper that you prayed it wont fall on your head everytime you sit on the toilet? I could only find one picrel online, our school's toilet ceilings were COVERED with them. Especially two bathrooms on the ground floor, they looked like from a horror movie.
No. 2314542
>>2314339That was the reason why we had to ask for the bathroom keys and every single student had to put their name down on a list when you took it. I was glad about it though, because you could use the very same keys for the teachers bathrooms, and those tended to be actually single stalls and very clean
and had toilet paper. The students bathrooms just didn't get stocked with any toilet paper at some point, you had to take some pieces with you when you went for the keys and if you took too little you were shit out of luck, you just had to walk a bit farther.
No. 2314731
My time in elementary and middle school were pretty chill but because they were both in my home town, many students would have the same classmates from the start of elementary to the end of middle school. I was a weird ugly loner but I got along with the foreign students more, also because I had a shit strict family like they did (Jasmine from Morocco and Mihaela from Moldova, If you're here know that I still think you're cool), but then there was this one retard autist male kid who was SO fucking coddled throughout the years, he was stinky, stupid, disgusting looking and would cry (on purpose) at the slightest scold or confrontation, and guess who he got always paired up with? You guessed it, the silent weird ugly girl (me) who needed to act like a babysitter. I'm so glad I didn't have any male retard classmate in high school. There were also two trouble kids on another class who surprisingly treated me well enough, maybe because I looked retarded and miserable, and one unlikable regina george bitch who was only liked because she gave blowjobs to a couple of male kids after school.
Then high school was hellish. My weird ass decided to study IT that's male dominated. My class was composed by 20 or so teenage males and 3 girls (me included). Being ugly I didn't count as a girl to them so I had to hear them talk about their penises, cum, dicks, fucking, blowjobs and anal SO fucking much, and then I was also bullied. I had no friends there so no one really said anything when they threw trash at me or openly insulted me. Many teachers also joked about me being weird. A lot of the males acted like they had brain damage and would throw around chairs, desks, random things, they'd throw themselves at the wall, and they'd break the fire hose things on the wall.
No. 2315131>>2435604
>>2315082My best friend killed himself when we were in high school. Minimal support was offered by the school, just a notice that "counseling was available if needed," and of course, the people who never spoke a word to him were the ones sobbing in the halls and making a scene. It made me go a little berserk.
Then I remember how when a popular cheerleader died in an accident the year before, class literally got canceled and free food was provided for everyone, and I get mad all over again comparing that to how my friend's death was treated. Anyway, poor kid, no rest even in death, just opportunists using his memory for attention. It is so hard to feel hopeful sometimes when dwelling on the fact that so many people like this exist. I used to think everyone would grow out of it after a certain age, but the same dynamics just shift to adapt to other environments like workplace gossip, knowing your friends are telling their bfs/husbands everything private about you, etc.
No. 2315138
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My primary school used to hand us these cryptic and terrifying slips to give to our parents. They said something along the lines of "there has been an incident in the area, be vigilant when you collect your child tonight" and that was literally it. The teachers would never tell us what the "incidents" were, either. Naturally, we all had our own theories and made up stories to scare each other, such as:
>A serial killer was active in the area, AND he buried his victims in the fields around the school
>A girl had been kidnapped from the neighbouring secondary school in broad daylight
>An EVIL CLOWN was on the loose
>Someone had escaped from "the asylum" (there are no psych wards near the school btw) and was lurking in the alleys like a dog
>A secondary school kid had brought a knife to class and/or murdered his classmates
>It was Jeff the Killer
>It was Slenderman
>It was a ghost
>It was aliens
>One of the teachers was a peadophile murderer who would kill you if you stayed at the school too late (the staff would all take turns being our suspect, the school obviously shut this one down fast kek)
>It was terrorists
>There was an insane woman in the area who wanted to kidnap us to make clothes out of our skin (she had a lot of "sightings")
>Someone was going around poisoning the local cats and dogs
Our fears weren't completely unfounded, to be fair. It's a bad area where people go missing or get mugged/beat up (hence the need for those slips in the first place) and it had a huge trafficking scandal going on at the time. The lengths some kids went to just to scare the shit out of each other were hilarious though kek
No. 2315286
>>2314339no but we had kids throw slime on the ceiling and some of it got stuck and grew mold
>>2314559that's hilarious
>>2314588>>we put him in a metal bin and clipped the lid on and booted it down the huge hill at the front of the school KEKKKK
No. 2315677>>2315697
One funny thing i just remembered. The main bully girl came up with a story that one girl had penines instead of boobs because her mom used to work at a nucler plant and that's why she's shy undressing in front of people in a gym class. Her mom was actually a cook at the school so how could she work at a nucler plant?… some girls really belived it tho.
>>2315289Or our anti drug campaign. A police officer came by with a briefcase full of differnt drugs so we could see all of them to know them and avoid them lol.
No. 2328730
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This will sound fucked up but it happened. So, we were doing an "outdoor activity" for Christmas, everyone was having a good time. Suddenly, this dude starts crying loudly, turns out one of his classmates died of cancer moments ago. In no less than 5 minutes, more and more people started frankly losing it, crying and screaming about it, some even passed out, it was surreal and very traumatic. I didn't know the kid personally, but obviously I was shocked and saddened regardless, I could only…witness the absolute chaos before my eyes.
To this day, I don't understand why didn't they just wait to share the news after the Christmas activity was over, at least to soften the blown and avoid a massive freakout. That was so fucked up to witness man
No. 2329466>>2432569
Elementary School
>someone wrote "alyssa is a slut" under the table and the teachers freaked out
>9/11 happened lol
>I randomly left school and walked to daycare without taking the bus because I thought I missed the bus, scared the shit out of literally everybody involved including the teacher and my parents
>I kissed a guy on top of a snowbank in the 1st grade, then told him he was my boyfriend, then at the end of the day I told him he wasn't, and he went "awww" and hung his head like Ralph from the Simpsons
>I got a detention for spitting outside while we lined up to go inside after recess
Middle School
>Classmate busted into our class in the middle of a lesson and said "well, at least I didn't get an ABORTION!!!!" to one of my other classmates
>Science teacher lifted some kid up by the front of his shirt and pushed him against a locker - got suspended
>Called music teacher fat, she heard me outside and bitched me out in front of the school bathrooms for making fun of her
>Some classmate hacked into my school e-mail and sent an "I love you" e-mail to a guy I had a crush on (it was a Helga Pataki style crush, so glad I got over that), I had to contact the tech teacher and beg him to remove it from the classmate's e-mail box and have him change my password. He didn't believe me lol
>Someone printed a "kill list" to a library computer and then we all had to sit in the cafeteria and be lectured by the teachers. One student in particular was crying and shitting and shaking and we assumed it was her but nobody ever got in trouble for it.
High School
>someone did coke a lot in the girl's bathroom
>one of the football players took a classmate with alopecia out of class so he could draw silver sharpie eyebrows on him
>one of the local cop's daughters sold pills in the front of the school and it was a huge event
>Some kid brough like a pound of weed to school, the teachers found out, called the cops and his mom, the mom showed up before the cops, grabbed the weed and RAN out of the high school lol
No. 2329920>>2329928
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>>2328748>>2328533Long story short I flunked the 5th grade (Im a total retard I know) this was in the final months of school and I unfortunately still remember when this girl from another class confessed one of the most disgusting and shocking things 12 year old me has heard (at this age I watched a lot of porn online but what she told me still disturbed me) that two of the popular girls were at a slumber party,lost a bet and had to make out in the closet and they did.I think she told me other gross details I don't recall.obviously I found that harrowing,she then proceeded to tell me not to tell anyone else that.I have never told anyone else this at all but again,I unfortunately remember this for some strange reason even though 5th grade for the 2nd time was living hell for me.
No. 2329933
>>2329928I was a retarded kid,
nonnie.dont worry about it.
No. 2393527
>>2333143had a spanish teacher in my middle school get arrested for taking pics of girls panties underneath their desks, touching them inappropriately, and saying sexualized things about them during class. Thankfully i never took the class, but I had friends that did and heard many horror stories.
Not surprised since the entire administration at my middle school was horrendous and allowed awful teachers to roam without consequence.