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No. 2165562

im convinced that my bf got me banned off of crystal.cafe on my computer when i was at work. am i nuts

No. 2165566

they banned you for being retarded

No. 2165568

all i did was say that it was worth playing kingdom hearts in order!! i didnt make any other posts

No. 2165656

Isn't that plenty to warrant a ban on cc?

No. 2165980

9 hours late but fuck your retarded boyfriend and i hope he dies from a heart attack from jerking off his tiny penis. this is worth the ban

No. 2165988

Everyone gets random bans on cc, just appeal it

No. 2165991

I was permabanned there twice for no reason, just appeal everytime and you will be back if you did nothing wrong.

No. 2165993

i was auto permabanned after my first post all because i said nonnie

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