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No. 2155524
>>2155506What? I mean, cool but you can't just leave your parents' house and find an affordable home right at the corner, specially a whole ass house, maybe an apartment if you're lucky.
Plus I'm asking in the stupid questions thread, so of course I don't know how any of this shit works.
So okay, the houses are owned by the people, no one has secondary homes, great, then the unoccupied houses are just given away? Destroyed to keep the land completely free until reclaimed by someone? The government owns the land/the houses and it decides who gets a new home and who has to suck it up? Is it a company that owns the land/houses? Then isn't the company a landlord? Is it okay if it's a company or the government that owns the lands?
Like, I don't get how it works at all.
No. 2155536
>>2155524You're right, and I'm sorry, I thought you were being sarcastic with me which was why my response was rude.
So before huge companies, billionaires, and flippers started buying up all of the single family homes on the market, houses used to be way cheaper. So if it was illegal to be a landlord, then the number of houses would be much greater than it currently is. And since when supply is greater than demand, the price of stuff goes down, the cost of houses would go down. For example, two minimum wage earners (if they were smart with their money), used to be able to afford a single family starter home about an hour outside the city.
However, because people have realized that everyone needs some place to live, and that the population is only going up, they realized that houses could be hoarded and then sold back to the population at vastly inflated prices, leading to these huge companies that profit off of being landlords and all these small time landlords who do the exact same thing, but on a minuscule level.
No. 2155691
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How the fuck do I make my word document let me put different footnotes on all pages? I swear this shit wasn't this obnoxious when I was in high-school.
No. 2155743
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I have a shirt in this color and I'm wondering if dying it an olive green would work or would blue dye be strong enough to turn it navy? Would the blue dye just mix with the current color and create olive green? It's 100% cotton gauze that I'm going for either navy or olive as a result and am unsure which color to buy. I just don't want to try full navy only for it to fail and end up with a super dark green rather than olive.
No. 2155830
>>2155764Just my experience, but it sucks ass. I have sort of 2 immediate families though. One was my step mom and half-siblings and dad, the other is my dad, my biological mom, and my full siblings. The former was better because they were all older than me and I was the youngest so I was spoiled a lot kek, and overall they were very nice and polite and fun to be around, until my dad and step-mom divorced and my biological mom and dad got together again and I got younger siblings. My mom made me take care of them and babysit them, and I couldn't do or ask for anything without them being involved somehow, so it's either we all do and get the same stuff or none of us does, if I'm the only one doing or getting something they'll cry and screech and I get prevented from doing anything or my stuff will get confiscated and given to one of them. They're also very disrespectful to me and used to beat me up when I was younger because I was smaller size wise than all of them (2 boys and 1 girl) and whenever they made any mistake I was blamed for it and beaten up for it and they get off scots free. Now we're all older and things aren't that bad but we don't have enough rooms in the house, so me and my sister share one room, and my 2 brothers share one room. Because of our different lives styles, a lot of fights arised from this, specifically because of different sleep schedules and turning the AC and/or lights on/off. There's also a lack of privacy because of this and it just gets so awkward, you're always embarrassed by the fact your sibling might see what you're doing on your phone/laptop when you do nerdy weeby shit they're not into, can't dance in your room in peace because they'll give you looks, can't exercise either because there isn't enough space or again, they'll give you looks and poke fun at you. My 2 brothers had a bit of a falling off regarding their room, so now the younger one insists on sleeping on the sofas of the guest rooms and refuses to go back to his bedroom, and we had to change the sofas since he's very fat and filthy and made the sofa cave in underneath him and it's filled with ants to the brim because he always eats on it, the fabric also got really dark. But even after changing it, he still does the same stuff and doesn't care at all. My parents can't afford moving to a new house with new rooms though, but my dad has like 3 rooms all to himself and I think one of my brothers should just go there and the other stays in the bedroom but they refuse to do that. My sister also wants me gone from the room and suggests I go sleep in the attic/storage room upstairs or get married and fuck off from the house all together. Bathrooms are another issue with a big family, we have 3, one for my dad only, 1 for my mom by her master bedroom (my parents don't share the same bedroom because of life style differences) and 1 between us siblings rooms. My brothers are filthy and piss everywhere and don't clean after them, they even piss on the bathtub sometimes, so I use my mom's bathroom mostly. Taking a showe can also be a pain especially if everyone wants to take a shower on the same day, and you'll have to wait for your turn and deal with someone else's filth after they leave the shower. When they were kids, they broke the toilet seat lid, the rode used to hang towels on, and the rack for handsoap, so the bathrooms are a bit of a mess and never got fixed for some reason. Even food is hell to deal with, I personally eat anything as long as it's healthy and balanced, though my mom's cooking isn't that good it's ok when I'm too busy to cook for myself, but my siblings are probably autistic or something because if it isn't greasy deep fried shit they don't want to eat it, and my dad prefers the blandest most disgusting foods possible, and my mom usually cooks a meal for him and then cooks for my siblings whatever they want and I'm always the one left out without any food to eat, so I end up cooking for myself and even buying my own groceries to have something to eat, and I have to hide it all so they don't eat it. When all of us finally agree on a meal, mom gives the biggest portion to my dad, and leave 1 bowel/plate for the rest of us to eat off or 1 for each 2, and it's never enough or nutritional at all. My 2 brothers are fatsos and eat way more than me and my sister, and I can eat an entire bowl/plate on my own, but mom refuses to understand this and increase the portions, then they come to her an hour after dinner/lunch like "we're hungry", so I just stopped having meals with them mostly unless it's takeout and I can control the amount of food so I won't be starving anf malnourished.
For the loneliness part, siblings are only fun to hang out when you're a kid and play together, once all of you grow up and become independent, you sort of become strangers to each other because of your different interests and personalities clashing at times, so each of us hang out with our friends from school/uni mostly, but we do chat and play board games in the rare occasions when we're bored enough to do that. I can't say I ever opened up or shared my feelings with my siblings, because I know they'll just laugh it off or tell my parents which could get awkward at best or get me in trouble at worst. But credit where credit is due, my 2 youngest siblings (youngest sister and youngest brother) came in a clutch when I got sick, they made me tea, cut me some apple slices, gave me blankets to stay warm, got me medicine, helped me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, and told my mom I'm sick so she'll get me to the hospital, while my younger brother who is older than them was like "lol you deserve it" and only drove me to the hospital because mom told him.
TLDR; having a big family sucks ass, but there are rare silver linings sometimes.
No. 2155949
>>2155764Idt it's the size of a family that really matters, but quality. My extended family is pure shit and pretty much celebrated the death of their non-
abusive mother. I have 2 older brothers, one used to hit me even when I hit back, both exposed me to their porn search histories and what 'rape porn' was. My parents have treated me uniquely bizarrely as well.
I think the peak realistic ideal is 2 parents who both work sane jobs and 1-2 semi-normal-enough siblings max (siblings can be substituted with pets). I did have several friends whose families were so normal, it re-ignited my jealousy of those Disney channel tv show families kek. But even then, I ended up not liking those friends after they turned out to be kind of stupid sheeple who hang onto celeb gossip and believe their tiktok fyp.
It could be cope, but I think having some unhappiness in the family makes you less prone to getting sucked into stupid bullshit as long as you hang on tight and make yourself well-adjusted-ish in time.
No. 2156001
>>2155958Mine hurts after a while too, specially when I wipe, I tried washing myself instead but in the end it's always better to trim and wash yourself for extra comfort.
I also don't enjoy when the pubes get stuck to my underwear, specially after working out when I'm tired and sleepy.
No. 2156015
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Why are there suddenly Brazilian Mikus everywhere. It feels like an AI comes up with memes these days
No. 2156022
>>2156007>>2156004>>2155958Yes, I've experienced all of this. I had too many sensory issues with mine, so I waxed it all off. I still have my underarm and leg hair though, which must be perplexing for anyone who's seen me naked. I feel like for most women it's probably the other way around, where they shave their legs/underarms but not their groin
This is gross, but
back when I had pubes, I used to hate how they complicated periods. Hair would get stuck in pads/liners and get ripped out painfully, and the hair would get all stuck together with blood. I switched to all tampons in high school and thar helped, but the hair was still itchy and distracting. I like the look of it, but I just can't cope with the feeling. No. 2156026
>>2156022>where they shave their legs/underarms but not their groinThis is the case for me kek. This is gross but
it also does hurt when blood dries in the hair sorry anons.
No. 2156220
>>2156146They'll throw a shitfit over every part of that sentence, you need to arm yourself with 12 new genders and mental illnesses to even mention that you buy Starbucks sometimes.
Don't bother talking to the terminally online crybullies about anything. There's no point, all they want to do is lash out at others, even if you're a black amputee with turbo autism they'll find some way to cancel you. Find better friends.
No. 2156281
>>2156149>>2156220Ah, I see- so no matter what I'm not "oppressed" enough to even attempt guilt tripping.
>Find better friendsand
>>2156227I don't talk to these people I just see them lurking in my peripherals online and it's a thought I've had for a long time. It's not a real concern I have because it's not a word I often type out.
>>2156252Yeah true, however some of those people "reclaim it" and use it to be mean though which is why this hypothetical even exists.
No. 2156310
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>>2156146overly fake moralistic libtards? If someone even says they believe in tranny "rights", I can't even be friends with them. At best, we would just work together if they're a coworker, but that's it. If I talk to someone and I pick up the vibe that they're too soft to even handle the word retard, I'm only gonna talk to them if I absolutely have to. I guess my answer would be that I wouldn't even bother, because why would I have to whoop out a tragic backstory just to "warrant" being free to use a word?
No. 2156336
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>>2156332>being offended at the word retard on LCgo back, you are such a newfag that I'm almost begging you.
No. 2156363
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>>2156352newfag, I didn't misread shit, take your meds. The context is meeting overly fake moralistic libtards and how to go about using the word retard to them. You didn't mention single thing about actually using it to coworkers or at a job to
me, you just started mouthing off about "cool kids club" because you're basically offended that we're using the word retard. Learn to read, lurk more, go back to Facebook, fix your infighting skills.
No. 2156388
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Does the algorithm knows my birthday is relatively soon? Or is everyone celebrating their birthday these months? I keep getting birthday content on my feed.
No. 2156446
>>2156433My friend likes to read fanfics that never have smut, she doesn't like it, so that's at least someone who likes the plot more than the porn.
I honestly haven't read fanfics in a long time already, but in the end it's all about just writing what you want and throwing it out there for the world to see, sure, it won't become the next 4 movies series of Netflix with a spin-off unless you're really lucky and/or have connections, but some people will enjoy your writing.
No. 2156558
>>2156433I'm not completely opposed to smut, unless the fic is nothing else, but I usually read fanfictions if they explore characters I like more or do interesting "what if" scenarios.
>>2156527 Also not every classic is good imo and many good books aren't classics. I personally think if someone is overly fixated on classics they are just super pretentious and have not developed personal taste in books, but I also think most poetry is obnoxious, so maybe I'm just not big brained enough.
>>2156504Interesting nona, what series are you talking about?
No. 2156592
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I have a lazy eye and wanna get an eyebrow piercing. Should I put the piercing on the right or left side? Right eye is bigger and prettier, my left eye is smaller and dull and I have sidebangs and I usually have the bangs on the left side and the right is uncovered. I want the piercing to seem "balanced" and "normal" with my eyes and Not highlight the different sizes
No. 2156739
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How would you put shelving into a cabinet like this? Get a shelving insert with legs from Ikea? I'm scared to drill into a vintage piece
No. 2156798
>>2156773Yeah lol
Also city centers are UNRECOGNIZABLE. Piss and shit stains everywhere. Nothing to be done but to leave the contintent, FAST
No. 2156803
>>2156773It depends on where you live, not just the country but also the city and neighborhood, and who's mostly immigrating, for what reason, and a lot of other criteria, so yes and no. Sometimes on the news in France you hear about some crime being committed and journalist will talk like it's an immigrant who did it, but it turns out it's someone born and raised in France with a French citizenship whose grandparents came to France from Algeria when Algeria was legally a French overseas region before it gained independence, like Martinique is today, then people act like we must stop immigration as if that person wasn't there as a fetus already. You have to read between the lines when checking the news, it gets weird and ambiguous and everyone has an agenda, it's exhausting.
No. 2156810
>>2156707Yes, 10/10 for mild sedative effects. However, a moderate percentage of people should chew black pepper before taking the CBD gummies. This prevents the paranoia that some people get from them.
You may also want to try L-theanine instead of CBD. It's more anti anxiety than just sedative.
No. 2156813
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>>2156771Idk if this is what you're looking for, but try Kasane. It's a horror manga about an ugly girl who inherits a supernatural gift from her pretty actress mother.
>>2156783Yeah, Melody had an "awkward and clumsy" personality but her appearance had nothing to do with it, she just wanted to swim in the ocean.
No. 2156819
>>2156707IDK if you live in country where marihuana is legal, but if so, there are certain isolates of a cannabinoid called CBG (cannabigerol) that will provide a mood boost and calm anxiety. It won't give you a psychoactive high but it will give you a mild sense of euphoria. There was a time in my life when I heavily relied on marihuana to stave away anxieties and depression, but over time I realized that it was doing me more harm than not to be reliant on a substance for my well-being. I think marihuana is good for use every now and again, like when you're really at the end of the rope, but if you use it every day over time you will develop more and more tolerance to it so you will have to use more and more (and spend more and more). I realized that when I was using marihuana, I wasn't actually working
through my problems, I was just getting high to
forget about my problems. And eventually you get tired of just forgetting and you want to solve it, or at least I did anyway.
No. 2156922
>>2156773It is heavily exaggerated by racists who use women as an excuse to be racist and retarded. They pretend to care about it while turning around and crying about the declining birth rates and playing devils advocate about taking away women’s rights. Meanwhile most women are raped and killed by their own mentally ill, unstable retard moids who are very much white and addicted to drugs or alcohol, or their creepy uncles and too-old boyfriends when they are young.
I’m no fan of Islam or any major religion but as someone who actually lives in a country with a lot of immigrants I hate this narrative that things used to be better before they came. They were the same just maybe a little cleaner in some places because less poor people lived there. Local men could sexually harass women at work as much as they wanted in the 90s and a woman could get fired if she got pregnant but somehow that is okay because those men were born here?
Immigration brings men AND women AND children from other places, and some of them end up assimilating while others do not, some are crazy and others are not. That’s it. I’ve been harassed by way more middle aged creeps addicted to subutex and booze than immigrants, personally.
No. 2156940
>>2156922>Meanwhile most women are raped and killed by their own mentally ill, unstable retard moids who are very much white and addicted to drugs or alcohol, or their creepy uncles and too-old boyfriends when they are young.You also forgot to mention that female immigrants and European women who aren't immigrants but aren't natives/white either get harassed by these white guys more often than the average women despite not causing any disturbance compared to men, just because these white supremacists are insanely racist and wouldn't dare do that against healthy looking men they assume are immigrant. My city is known for being full of white supremacists in specific neighborhoods, they like to target people they perceive as immigrants and/or muslims, and while I'm an ex muslim and always lived in that city as soon as I was born I'd rather not have to deal with them, I don't want to end up in a hospital. You're told to assimilate into the local culture and when you do, sometimes more than the natives from the past 20 generations they still nitpick everything and try to be racist anyway at best, or you're still harassed or assaulted at some point.
tldr; it goes both ways. It's just like you said, local men are trash too, they just get away with it, especially if their targets aren't white and/or are women, in that case it can even be encouraged and overlooked by the authorities. Some anons talked about Germany but I'm not German.
No. 2156960
>>2156956I'm a girl lol are you mad that another girl called you mud skin? GASP
Get a grip fatima and go pray your fifth prayer of the day
(racebaiting/infighting) No. 2156972
>>2156952Statistics like this are illegal in France so no, I'm saying this based on my own personal experience and what many other women told me they went through. And my own experience with the police being a bunch of useless bums.
>i-it doesn't count then!!!!11!idc
No. 2156981
>>2156976Kek I get it, but at a certain point I realized that all the scrote baiters just use VPNs so their bans are meaningless and they will just evade it in 5 seconds with one click of a button.
So I bought a VPN just so I can scrote"foil" back. Scrotefoiling being a bannable offense is such a retarded rule and it's less than a year old. I'll stop scrotefoiling when admin can start addressing VPN abuse and create an action plan to alleviate the VPN-bait connection.
(take it to meta) No. 2156994
I also sometimes post with a VPN but saw that someone had used 3 of the free ones I was cycling through to spam kiddie porn and misogynistic drivel, I saw the posts they got permabanned for. So, crazy scrotes most definitely frequent this place.
No. 2157015
>>2157007Depending on my mood,
>I'm a REAL feministor
>There is no such thing, feminism died a long time ago No. 2157031
>>2156940You're right anon. I have seen this irl, white men love harrassing non-white women because they know they can't put up as big of a fight and in some cases, the man will be seen as the
victim or the hero. I recall some elderly white man going up to a group of arab women threatening them saying they better not cause trouble. He would have never done that to a group of men, they could have threw hands on him and tbh i wouldn't have cared because he would have deserved it being a presumptuous prick. Not defending islam, but i think it's common knowledge that it's mainly moids who get sucked into extremist bullshit and blow themselves up.
No. 2157035
>>2157026Oh no sorry I didn't mean you, I meant the hypothetical person asking.
>Are you a feminist?>Yes>But you don't support X? Little hypocritical hmmmmmmThey usually don't want an answer just to fellate their own egos
No. 2157040
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NONNIES, are there any games where you can take care of a cute, realistic pet? I'm not allowed one in real life, so I atleast want to play a game with some
No. 2157041
>>2157037Seriously. A huge chunk of moid racism is literally just "muh women are being STOLEN." It makes the conservatives seethe with jealousy, of course, because they want the foreign men stealing their women to have sex with
them instead.
No. 2157049
>>2157007No, because I'm not. Moids are monsters and women everywhere need more rights particularly regarding the legal system and bodily autonomy but I also care more about the environment than those things.
>>2157040Not really a realistic pet but Insaneaquarium has the stress of a 8 year old looking after fish infused into the game.
No. 2157052
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>>2156939You're right, I was overstating things. But there's still a huge disparity in educational attainment and work experience between men and women in the home countries these young men are emigrating from.
No. 2157159
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Retarded autist here is there such a thing as white racist women who are not just doing it because their father told them so or because they want to impress a moid? asking cause all online racism posts are obviously written by males due to the porny undertones.
Not to virtue single but i do not get racism. One nonna in another thread legit said "If tomorrow everyone in my city was replaced by a black supermodel I would immediately hang myself" kek why, they are just people? idk i live around bp and feel nothing i do not get it(racebaiting)
No. 2157163
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Anyone ever feel like they’re dissociated from their bodies/floating sensation/calmness annd sometimes dizziness and nausea after you play a video game? It almost feels like I’m not present in reality anymore. I don’t know how people can play this for hours including scrotes who are constantly screeching at the screen like it’s a life-or-death matter. A lot of it reminds me of gambling where you’re playing for the increased chances of victory or a “win”.
No. 2157182
>>2157159>Is it possible for a woman to have her own thoughts and feelings on something? Or can women only have thoughts that are spoonfed to them by their fathers?I obviously don't support racism, but girl, this is stretching the term retarded to its breaking limit.
Yes. Obviously a woman can have her own thoughts, opinions, biases, and prejudices.
>>2157115Absolutely. You'll be farting up a storm, but it tastes delicious.
No. 2157220
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>>2157209On the toilet there's a lid that only opens when you flush and should seal. There's a vent that should move the fumes out from the septic pit.
T. Someone who had to use these god awful things for too long for work
No. 2157289
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Just found this setting on windows, the biggest difference after turning it on is that red, yellow, and blue colors are a lot more vibrant, brighter and saturated than usual. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, or if it'll effect my idea of the colors.
So my question is, are the vibrant colors actually the more accurate ones or not? Or are the actual accurate colors the ones I saw with the setting turned off? If any anons create art or edit photos, did you find this feature useful?
No. 2157375
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>>2157369It's okay you little goofball
ruffles your hair and sends you on your way No. 2157392
>>2157289>>2157329I don't have it turned on. Like another anon suggested, I calibrated the contrast and levels on my monitor (a pen display) myself by comparing it to my other devices. Most people are going to be viewing digital artwork using the default levels on smartphones, so that's the best thing to try and match more adjustable devices to. Managing colors for printing is a whole other can of worms, though.
If you're not an artist and you like how it looks, though, I don't see the harm in leaving the setting on. I turn on the amber tint ("Night Light") while I'm doing non-color-sensitive tasks (linework, vidya), just because it's easier on my eyes. It probably makes games look weird, but I don't care lmao.
No. 2157414
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Why are kitties so cute?
No. 2157464
>>2157414>>2157454They also have round faces with round forward-facing eyes like human babies. It probably
triggers our caring instinct. They're cuter than babies though. Small, soft fur, friendly, cute little paws, purring…cats are perfection.
No. 2157540
>>2157514Tell her next time she gossips. "you sure do gossip a lot its not a great trait to have and makes me scared of what you say about me behind my back" If she is your friend she would want you to tell her when her personality is becoming unbecoming. Im also just straight forward af so maybe take it from another
No. 2157625
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nonnies i have to pass a tech literacy test for a job i'm applying for but i have no idea what that entails. i'm kind of illiterate to be completely honest but i need this job. the initial application form mentioned things about pc building like CPUs and what they're used for etc… what should i know and familiarize with? i have until september to start the test, which is just one of like 4 or 5 things i need to pass. i've already pulled up some similar sounding tests online (they don't look too related tbh but they'll do for now and besides what do i know) but i'm hoping someone with experience can give me some better advice.
No. 2157672
>>2157665The same way you get them to care about one. Give them a “save the cat” moment (and read the book while you’re at it). Basically even asshole characters can be made endearing or interesting by giving them a moment of humanity (like saving a cat from a tree as a throwaway example). Also the relationships
between the characters should keep the readers interested.
No. 2157682
>>2157665It's like what the other anon said, but remember that readers, or the audience in general, will be more interested in not just 3, but also it's multiples. I.e., it's easy to make people care about 3, 6, or even 9 characters. If you watch a lot of sitcoms or dramas for example, usually they'll have either 3 main characters
or 6.
No. 2157904
>>2157818If she wanted to quit, everyone and their grandma knows that the correct path is to slowly taper off. If she had spoken to her doctor about this, they would have told her.
>I don't know what to doThere's nothing for you to do, it's her life not yours. If she wants to do stupid things, then she will deal with the consequences. You can't control her and she isn't your responsibility. It kind of sounds like she just wants your attention and it's working.
No. 2157918
>>2157915Basically, it's a sort of optical illusion where it looks as though mercury's orbit has been reversed. So it looks as though it's going backwards instead of forwards.
Mercury is associated with communication, so when it enters retrograde, usually there are issues with interpersonal communication like increased frequency of arguments, misunderstandings, and petty spats. It's usually a time when friends fight, and couples' break up.
No. 2157942
>>2157904I'm sure she had two seizures amd other shit withdrawals symptoms for my attention, that she already has. I don't know, anon. I want to be a good friend, she's agreed to see her psychiatrist and texted him too so we will make an appt. Go to who we got referred to at the hospital too. I just want to know how I can help.
>everyone and their grandma knows that the correct path is to slowly taper off. Yeah, she's fucking retarded amd thought she could superman this shit.
No. 2158006
>>2157942>I'm sure she had two seizures amd other shit withdrawals symptoms for my attentionI didn't say all that. It's just odd that a 'friend' needs you to convince her to attend a doctor's meeting, or that she needs your help to make an appt., or that she needs you to be there at the hospital with her. It's like you're treating her like your child, which isn't a good sign when it comes to friendships.
>I just want to know how I can help. It sounds like you already helped her more than you needed to and that maybe she's taking advantage of your kind nature. There's nothing you can do to help her. You can't save people.
No. 2158159
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am i the only one who feels sad when i find out old high school classmates are now single moms? i'm 24 and so many female former classmates who are now 21-25 are single moms, some even have 2 or 3 kids. i feel sorry for them, but not in a judgemental way, more like "you had your whole life ahead of you, you could have been so much more". they won't have had time to consider if motherhood, especiacially single motherhood which is so hard, is the life they truly want yet (many of them got pregnant at 16-19), and now it doesn't matter what they want because their kids come first. the way it's treated as so normal too, most of them bond over having crappy babydaddies, day drinking/wine mom stuff, leaving the kids with their own parents so they can go party, date, and socialize like a normal early 20-something, etc
what is this and why is it a thing? do these girls not have further ambitions for themselves? do they just suppress their real dreams and seethe? is it a low self esteem thing? am i just too autistic and having too much empathy for women?
is this even a thing that happens outside of "trash containment towns"? it seems to be common among both "white trash" , "rez kids", and "ghetto hoodrat" people, but my sample size is just my own town, oshawa canada which is NOTORIOUSLY trashy and has the worst people of all races, so I wonder if that's just a "here" thing or if it's a "thing" thing.
Sorry for word salad
No. 2158225
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Why do I have to login to use the site now on desktop??
No. 2158241
>>2158225you can use my account
nonnieusername: sexycutebabi44
password: justinbieberlove95
No. 2158252
>>2158244Santa x Grinch is the ultimate enemies to lovers gap moe
toxic psychological warfare doomed yaoi ship
No. 2158325
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>>2158297All nonnies here are sinless and blessed. Unless you shit post or bait, then straight to hell. No trial.
No. 2158383
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>>2158356Hell yeah, dude.
No. 2158390
>>2158359california is an ugly state with ugly mean people and an ugly flag an ugly name
>>2158364>>2158374>>2158383Thanks nonnies might god bless your day
No. 2158392
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>>2158356do you like Adam Sandler?
No. 2158664
>>2158656A good place to start is or finding the subreddit for your language, assuming it's not too obscure.
There's a lot you can learn online without ever paying for lessons (or books if you pirate stuff), but tbh finding free resources to get started is the easy part. You probably won't just 'pick up a new language' without a lot of study and possibly immersion unless it's very similar to another language you speak.
No. 2159001
>>2158742That anon clearly wanted to humblebrag about her sooper mysterious, unique, and alluring specimen of a brain. Such a visual thinker, no words, only beautiful pictures, very quiet and meditative, uwu. In addition to possessing the most special brain, she also wanted everyone with a normal brain to know they were inferior to her. Kek.
Talking to yourself is fine. I do it all the freaking time. I never mind when people do it around me. We're humans, and words help us think.
No. 2159079
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>>2159072If it's language based yes
No. 2159082
>>2159072Linguistically speaking
heh they are latinos because they speak French and that's a tongue that comes from Latin.
No. 2159095
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>>2159084Idk. The Ugrian derived languages is a pretty bizarre distribution
No. 2159999
>>2159906Men naturally want to provide for their woman when they are in love, forcing him to go 50/50 unbalances the relationship and feminizes him. Non-mooch men get insecure if their woman makes more money than him. Having his gf insist to pay for things and drive him around is a decent man's worst nightmare. Same with the woman proposing to the man, giving flowers, etc.
I agree that the feminine role is underestimated, there is a large mental load women carry and someone else said it better but just being around us is uplifting, our time is invaluable. Being with a woman literally makes a man's life better in all respects there is a reason they live longer partnered to us
No. 2160369
>>2160297You probably don't look as bad as you think nona. 99% of makeup is knowing what looks good on your specific face.
When I was a teen I got "professional" makeup done one time (gay moid working at a makeup store) and I looked so fucking ugly with it. The foundation shade was off so I had a yellow-orange undertone that made me look sick (because being tan was trendy and I'm pale af), all colors he used clashed with my natural colors. He did an intense eyeliner that just shrunk my eyes so I looked like a mole, the contouring looked like streaks of dirt on my face… he did the techniques right, it just didn't suit my face shape at all. I already have a narrow face and high nose bridge, contouring my face just make me look boney and emaciated lmao
When I do my own natural makeup, I look the same but less tired, with clearer skin and friendlier eyes. Minimal makeup is where it's at if you actually wanna look good.
No. 2160406
>>215990650/50 sounds unfair and illogical. I fucking hate some chores, and some I genuinely enjoy doing. My bf is doing all the heavy lifting work because he's stronger than me as a male, I ain't taking 50% of that just for some stupid idea that it makes us "equal". While I'm sure women's mental load is undervalued that is something I actually naturally enjoy doing, so it doesn't feel like work to me to take care of people while my bf is a male and therefore naturally a bit retarded in that area.
Also if a man earns like twice the money and still makes his wife's pay 50% of everything he's just being cheap. At that point it's your collective money and he should invest in the home and relationship
No. 2160408
>>2160401Ew where the fuck do you live where that's true
most people can't even date childhood friends because we're naturally inclined to avoid incest and being close to them put them in sibling territory in your brain forever
No. 2160429
>>2160373Well you're right.
Would it be different if I bought the same dress but in a different color?
No. 2160562
>>2160516Imho if you're 20+, you can definitely relax and call yourself a woman. I know i'm in my early 20s and seen as a "girl" still by older people, but it's not exactly correct, imho, kek. You can just use the definition of law and start calling yourself a woman since 18.
>>216053715-16 year olds were called "young women" and "young men" in the oldies times, i think, so fits. But a 16 yo just "woman" seems a bit silly, no? Maybe it's just me, kek.
No. 2160758
>>2160724I’m sorry idk… but I
have one and know a lot of trannies and I think it’s honestly just down to internet space. It’s a certain type of person that is prone to trooning out. From my observations, they’re probably alternative and/or involved in fandoms too - it’s just an archetype, especially for TIFs. Self-harming and EDs too. IDK why there’s this crossover but there just is. So it’s less of a question of, “why do troons do x” and more of a question of, “why do people who do x tend to also be the kinds of people who troon out”.
No. 2161130
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>>2160805if you read the historyfag op, it's about treating historical figures like characters, making fanart, shitposting about them etc.
the other one is just an all purpose general history thread.
No. 2161161
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>>2160966If you want durability get a Toughbook
If you want both durability and to not look autistic get a Thinkpad
>>2161121This image covers sexual assault in general so rates of paedophilia amongst women is going to be even lower.
No. 2161323
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This is going to be the most ignorant hick things I've ever said but what do office workers actually do? Is it just administrative shit where people are logging information to higher ups or is it more than that?
No. 2161335
>>2161288I did when I was young but now I’m older no, I don’t but I do think there is intuitive pattern recognition within our reptilian brains that I think gets suppressed. You might enjoy looking up the “akashic record”.
>>2161281Collage, I got big on Insta just from posting images made out of old magazines I had laying around which I thought was pretty hilarious. You can create some pretty great stuff with just pasting and ripping, from surreal to really beautiful scenes from a dream. And if you want to get even crazier with it you can start mixing your mediums, no one says you can’t make it 3D and oh no, now you’re making dioramas which are also really fun.
No. 2161353
>>2161323There are about a million different things you could do at an office job, the only common denominator is a computer really so anything to do with processing, analysing or communicating information/data is likely to be an office job.
But if you're just wondering what average admin staff do, using my job as an example - I enter bookings via email in software, receive paperwork for those bookings, do various things with the paperwork (scan it, check it, update info in the computer etc), then give it to other people to do operational stuff with.
No. 2161398
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Which phone case do you guys like best? Pick 1-3
No. 2161440
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How do I intensify the relationship with my friend?
We've been friends for 14 years now and at some points we were best friends and could read eachother's minds. I neglected our friendship for the past two years and terribly regret it. I'm making an effort to see her as often as possible from now on, but I'd like to become super close again too.
No. 2161800
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is it possible to become shredded like this without roids?
No. 2161850
>>2161800Yes, but you need a really restrictive diet and to workout daily. And by really restrictive diet I mean broiled chicken or canned tuna in water preferably as plain as possible, only drinking water, lots of vegetables and making sure the supplements don't have any unnecessary fats and such.
That kind of body is mostly achieved for photoshoots, competitions and the sorts, it's unsustainable in the daily life of a normal person that doesn't have a bizarre eating disorder.
No. 2161878
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So when you have daddy issues and you find a father-figure-like person, is it expected not to be able to clearly seperate the sexual feelings from the familial/platonic feelings that you have towards them? I'm not even sure if I have sexual feelings towards him but I'm not sure they're entirely platonic, I just love thinking about him a lot, and i want to talk to him and be with him a lot, but thinking about him just with his shirt off disgusts me.
No. 2161890
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My cat is developing a bald patch on his belly. Does anyone know why this is happening?
He was checked over by a vet a few months ago and was considered healthy apart from being over weight. He's a former stray so I don't know his exact age or history.
No. 2161926
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I'm looking for pixel art of New York, Manhattan. Are both drawings in picrel of it?
No. 2162369
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can someone help me remember her name? i just saw this in a banner and i think i used to follow her. thank you
No. 2162389
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Every time I find someone attractive I am filled with this really horrible feeling of guilt/remorse/embarrassment. It's so bad I can barely look at people I am attracted to. To cope I end up fantasizing about beating them/killing them and it provides temporary relief. This has been a problem ever since I was a kid and developed a crush on a teacher. I hated the feeling and I ended up coping by imagining him dying in painful ways.
What's wrong with me?
No. 2162639
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Maybe you just weren't that interested in first place? But then again I agree, there are some women who never learn to live without a romantic partner and think being single is a death sentence so they'll stay no matter what.
Dating as a teen just made me pic related and I never intend to have a boyfriend again.
No. 2163183
>>2163148These are just my observations but
>classistBlue-collar workers are known to smoke tons and do hard drugs because their work is boring as shit from what I've heard. That and because a lot of lower income people use drugs to self-medicate if they can't afford proper healthcare due to the rising cost of living
>racistI suppose it's because of things like how the crack epidemic disproportionately affected black americans for example, so you can't really discuss the drug problem without acknowledging how it affects minorities
>personal attackSome muricans are allergic to accountability. It's possible to acknowledge how poorer communities are affected by drugs due to whatever circumstances without treating them as defenseless little babies. But I think these people (who do drugs) themselves are well aware that they have a problem, it's only internet liberals who do this
No. 2163192
>>2163148It's a mix of classic complacence and the
victim-worship luxury-beliefs mentality. they want their weed and to opt out of their burgerland privilege too. They don't want to think about the narcos, gangs, and crime rates that their drugs habits support.
No. 2163196
>>2163191>Is this an opinion that will get me crucified in normie circles?Yes lmao holy shit
>Like is it THAT off the wall to think a drug that makes you skinny is preferable over one that makes you fat… because we’re in a fucking obesity epidemic??Did you have anything to eat today be honest
No. 2163203
>>2163200Can you explain to me why women use the word "jack off" to describe masturbating
themselves. You have a vagina, WHAT are you jerking? Just call it "jilling" or even "flicking the bean".
No. 2163212
>>2163203she put in enough work to get calves she can use jack off
No. 2163494
>>2163485anon I’m not a tech person and i’m scared because what if I fuck my computer up
>>2163490kekk okay, thanks
No. 2163495
>>2163422I poop like 6 times a day usually all within 3 hours of waking or eating and sometimes more so I’m experiencing some grass is greener about your post and
>>2163436 yours kek
No. 2163527
>>2163510We're not a monolith. There's 740m of us here.
>French […] smelled absolutely atrociousCorrect
>Do british people stinkMore correct
No. 2163645
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What media would get labeled woke if it came out today?
No. 2163798
>>2163770dogecoin to the moooooooooon
Starting by having a credit card for that credit score (if those are also important in Aus) and maybe government bonds/stocks is a safe beginner advice
Referring to Australian finance resources (even if it's like a finance youtuber) would be so much more helpful than here
No. 2163833
>>2163828>Is it bad to cool down your body, stopping the sweating? Like, does it stop the body from burning calories?When I had these questions, the answers I found said that it doesn't matter much on that end. Similar to the "trick" of 'shivering burns more calories,' the answer is a maybe/yes but the differences are negligible. Similar to the "trick" of people wearing rubber suits to sweat more in a workout - it's a gimmick and maybe trains your endurance to working out in less optimal conditions, but not much else.
>If you don't sweat after a workout, does it mean it wasn't a good workout? Even if you lifted heavier weight that you usually don't lift?Maybe your condition today was much better than previous days and maybe your muscles are now ready to go another step up in progressive overload.
No. 2163920
>>2163912Yes, it's normal for fake jewellery to wear down over time and become ruined just by everyday wear. Fake jewellery is a money sink, because even though it's cheaper than real jewellery, it has a limited shelf-life so you'll need to buy more and more over time. Real jewellery, made with real materials, will last a lifetime if maintained. You're better off saving up a bit of money and investing in a nice piece of real jewellery for yourself. There are a lot of economic options now for jewellery, and there are a lot more accessible stores now compared to the 2000s. Besides shopping at a budget store, you could also consider using cheaper, but still beautiful, materials. Sterling silver is a great option for the budget-conscious shopper, it's more economic than gold but it's still gorgeous and durable. Another option would be looking for less expensive gemstones, like precious coral, moonstone, freshwater pearls, jade, or turquoise. These are usually a lot more affordable when compared to more precious gems like sapphires, diamonds, or emeralds.
No. 2163956
File: 1726308535746.png (1.38 MB, 986x986, Adriana-Lima-Pregnant-.png)

>>2161800Get ab-etching surgery just like she did. Picrel Adriana Lima also got the same surgery.
No. 2163965
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>>2163960Here. The pregnancy pic is to show evidence of the ab-etching.
No. 2163995
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>>2163992It looks like she's going to give birth to picrel
No. 2164125
File: 1726324991314.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.67 KB, 256x146, 9437896874565'.jpg)

>>2164121Trails/kiseki. They recently released a figure of the one female MC (before the games became coomslop) with a vagina bulge and defined asscheeks through her undies and that was my last straw. The sculptor of the figure is pig-faced as well. Spoiled for repugnant
No. 2164212
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>how do I contact a company full of porn-addicted scrotes who don’t speak english and have the business acumen of a prideful drug cartel member to start humiliating their gender more
the naivety KEK
No. 2164283
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I know this isn't exactly a stupid question but idk where else to ask it. Are there any fanfic writers discords or groups of some kind? I'm an esl retard who has gotten into writing recently and I really wanted the help of a beta.
No. 2164299
>>2164282Neets are people who are specifically
not trying to change their situation. Also the term was first used in the UK: No. 2164302
File: 1726333626617.jpeg (164.32 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0600.jpeg)

For nonnies that have had sex with men who watch too much porn, what was sex with them like? Were they more passive?
No. 2164324
>>2164283Try the fanfic thread on /m/
Coincidentally, my question is also fanfic related. My character is supposed to be rich and successful with a high paying job, she lives in NYC and attendeds Manhatten University for her master's degree. I'm torn apart about which kind of place can she own and live in that would come off as more luxurious. An apartment in a sky scraper kind of apartment complex where she has access to the roof and decorates as a spot she sits in with friends, or a house that is a villa in a suburban gated community for the neighborhood sense of community and attended the church for social gatherings with a backyard or balcony with a nice view, or what other options? I want the view to be of the city but also the local parks in it like Manhatten park, so the balcony or roof are important elements, but I also want the community and neighbors thing to work. Help, I don't know anything about burgerland geography.
No. 2164482
>>2164283I haven't written fic in years and I'm over it, but back in the day till a few years ago I was in the Yuletide/Fandom Exchanges discord ( in the sidebar here ) and it was always a big, dedicated fic-writer community, I think you'll definitely find success starting there
No. 2164631
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>>2164626I use Tidy Cats Free and Clear, what do yo use? Nose blindness is a big problem for me, I will think it smells fine but then when I go out of town and come back its stinky.
>>2164627I have never heard of tofu litter, interesting!
No. 2164637
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>>2164631I used tidy cats for awhile and it wasn’t as good at masking scents as other litters. I use the arm & hammer brand with baking soda. If you have a plastic litter tray try switching it out with a metal one. The plastic trays begin to smell over time.
No. 2164672
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if i tell a therapist i really want to hurt myself and others(soem scrotes who hurt me) will they call the police on me or do they understand its mostly venting in hopes of getting help? I really want to go to a therapist to help me with my self harm and anger issues. The latter steem from being sexually assaulted, i tend to cope by making art and fantasizing about killing my assaulter which i know its unhealthy so thats something i want to fix too. But i dont know if they are legally obligated to call the police if you confess to something like that.
No. 2164700
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Would you think it's a gigantic red flag if you were dating a woman and you found out she didn't have any friends? I'm just not really the type of person to keep up friendships, especially not irl ones. I get along with my coworkers and occasionally have drinks with them after work and all that, but I don't ever talk to them outside of work, and I don't really want to. I'm pretty normal otherwise, but I'm worried it will fuck up my dating chances if it becomes apparent I don't ever hang out with any friends
No. 2164761
>>2155504God I hope this isn't race bait; let me explain: I have a side business where I clean out apartments and homes in between tenants, and I was wondering if anyone could elaborate on the following : why do people of color hoard grease in coffee cans? Ive noticed kitchens are trashed more often than not, and theres always a film of grease on everything.
If someone could explain that would be great.
Ive also noticed lower income housing results in more valuable items being left behind instead of packed/sold- why?!
Please dont ban me Im just trying to understand
No. 2164769
>>2164761Some grease, like bacon grease for example, can be reused. Frying oil can also be cleaned and reused. Poor people in general tend to try to be frugal and avoid food waste if possible. Well, maybe not dumb ones, but it's a frugal thing.
Though this seems to conflict a lot with the rest of your post; someone who leaves behind there things and lives in a messy home is probably less concerned with being resourceful.
In that case, they probably are just too lazy to throw away their grease cans.
No. 2164818
>>2164769Thank you for explaining, it helps alot
>>2164771Not immigrants usually, but southern
POC in America. This place had a horrendous roach problem and they definitely smoked indoors. The floors are terrible. Ive steam mopped this last place 3-4 times per room and i still need to do it again.
I have cleaning OCD habits (which is why I get paid to clean these places), but I am always horrified by the level of filth people
choose to live in… especially with kids.
They left well over 1k in items and brand washer and dryer set- which Landlord said I could keep.
I also found pen casings that were smoked out of??
No. 2164885
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Would Kurt Cobain have trooned out if he survived being a suicidal drug addict? Do you think he was also a repressed homo? I have the gut instinct that he was only with Courtney because he was afraid of openly being with another moid.
No. 2164923
>>2164918I lose my glasses/am too lazy to get them and contacts scare me.
You get used to it after a bit.
No. 2165031
>>2165025Basically after 9/11, American culture shifted towards conservatism after coming back from the huge swing to liberalism during the 60s. There was a war, the economy was getting worse, and when that happens the society responds in a way that puts more value on masculinity, rejection of beauty, and rejection of Self. Scrotes were needed in wars, and they were needed to do shit labour jobs, so buzzcuts became popular, men's fashion became taboo, and scrotes became more retarded, more violent, and more segregated. The counter-culture of the 60s had a deep grip on our society then, and it continued through the the 70s and 80s. As the economic climate worsened in the 90s, and after the conservative political victories post 9/11, the counter-culture slowly died down and the mainstream culture of pre-60s America returned as the dominant societal undercurrent. That's why we're seeing a lot of people today taking issue with things we figured out a long time ago, things like: abortion rights; interracial marriages; same-sex relationships; etc.; because those were all things that went against traditional mainstream American culture in the 40s and 50s.
Basically, from the late 60s to the late 90s, the liberal counter-culture produced a unique sociocultural undercurrent in our society that dominated the former undercurrent, traditional American conservative culture. The counter-culture was a reaction to the limitations of the culture. Since the counter-culture is no longer as present, or as influential, in our society, the original culture will soon dominate the society again.
No. 2165075
>>2165012It's only really mental illness if it negatively affects your lifestyle or the lifestyle of those around you.
If you get by in life fine then you are okay.
No. 2165195
>>2165137It's true that my parents weren't particularly affectionate, as a kid I thought relationships were just some kind of arrangement to have children, and this is why I have a negative view of marriage.
>Try it out and find outI can't, nobody is interested in me aside from uggos.
No. 2165296
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does a thread for second life exist? could someone spoonfeed me a link if so, i found a xitter thread about it and i’ve been kekking
No. 2165345
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Maybe the soy sauce they used? I got it at aldis, I use to be a veggie my whole life kek I know nothing about animal products
No. 2165383
>>2165379idk it’s just a wagie warehouse position so I’m on my phone whenever I have free time
>>2165381Definitely not professional. Basically I accidentally canceled someone’s order and now they’re tweaking too close to the sun
No. 2165485
>>2165400In programming a statement can be true or false (it’s the binary, even coding is a
terf). If true that means the function worked and the report was sent. If false it means the function failed and the report wasn’t sent.
No. 2165596
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Why are cargo pants like this? What's with the awkwardly placed pockets?
No. 2165634
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I slept with my boyfriend 2 days before I was supposed to get my period. We used protection (thicker condoms because paranoia) and we even changed the condom after he finished and we went for another round. Essentially we did everything by the book. Yet my period is the latest it's been in a year (by 5 days), and I'm freaking out a little bit because my period is usually pretty regular.
I know there's always a risk and the only way to know for sure is to practice abstinence yadda-yadda but is it even possible to be pregnant despite being hyperaware? Can sex delay my period (we haven't had sex in over half a year by this point because of long distance) Also is it too early to take a test?
No. 2165715
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>>2164885Yeah. I know nonnies are like ‘he was just feminine’ but he’d probably be a straight HSTS . He was a male feminist who left his ex to raise his child while he died so I can picture him transitioning as a way of expressing how he felt like a faggot without actually being gay
No. 2165832
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>>2165827they used to back in the 17th-18th centuries. back then men wore tight-fitting breeches and stockings and having nice legs was part of men's beauty standards.
but now men think caring about your appearance is gay
No. 2165959
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Does the app of Character AI listens to you even if you're not calling the bots?
No. 2165973
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>>2165827>>2165832Men wearing heels came about from heeled equestrian boots. They were associated with the military and equestrianism from Persia. Prior to the 17th century there was the chopine worn exclusively by women. Upper class women were meant to display a family’s wealth in their clothing, the chopine provided the opportunity by not only being elaborately decorated but by also requiring more yardage for a woman’s dress to cover the shoe. In addition the shoes were so cumbersome to mobility that women needed servants to lean on just to get around. So heeled shoes in men were associated with the military and other manly endeavors whereas in women it was associated with a display of wealth and the lifestyle needed to support them.
This article talks about it in more detail No. 2166284
>>2166276Are you referring to the character Kikomi? If yes, kikomi is a fictional female that identifies as a male who identifies as a female. An afab mtf if you will. She is a tongue in cheek satire of males who claim they are females and posits the question: why can’t women identify as men who identify as women?
If you mean the Japanese word all I’ve found is that it’s a name.
No. 2166574
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Any other nonnies with severe back pain at a young age(i am 22)? how do you live with it and what do you do to aliviate the paint? i do pilates but i dont feel much better. I am scared i might not be able to walk when i am older and that the might might become too much for me to live with it.
No. 2166618
>>2165916>>2166034thanks guys
>>2166574talk to a doctor first but strength training really helped me
>>2166515having to drive through school zones in the morning alleviated me of this feeling but the may/june summer excitement still gets me
No. 2166958
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how do i get my cat to stop being so fat and retarded
No. 2167298
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Bi/les nonnies: in your ideal world would there be a unified community/movement of SSA women, or is your ideal more separatist (as in both bi women and lesbians have spaces just for them)?
No. 2167656
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why are the animal hate threads allowed? half the posts in the dog hate thread read like the insane monkey torture comments on YouTube. the anons in the thread were talking about how listening to dogs getting tortured was better than sex. are they just allowed to be insane zoosadists? why is this a thing? this is a genuine question because i feel like I'm going fucking insane but the threads keep happening
No. 2167960
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For all the nonas working a physically demanding job that has you on your feet all day: is it weird to let your chores (vacuuming and mopping the floor, laundry, buying groceries, …) pile up and do them on one of your free days? Do you do that shit after you come home from work or before you leave?
I got called lazy and was given a whole "I used to work and be on my feet for 24 hours and then hiked home uphill in the snow and still did my dishes" speech yesterday. I have a tendency to be messy so now I can't tell whether I'm actually lazy and need to step up my housekeeping game or if my family member is just being a boomer
No. 2168067
>>2168061tbh NEETdom kind of makes sense under those circumstances. Sorry
No. 2168094
>>2167960I don't see why that would make you lazy, my parents practiced the same and so do I. Like other
nonnie said dishes are smart to do every/every other day depending on the type and amount but other than that it's not weird to save longer chores for your day off.
No. 2168283
husband has a prominent one.I noticed as men age and gain weight their adam's apple gets less visible.
No. 2168396
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>>2168363>>2168300Former NEET chiming in. Get the retail job, preferably at a store that has something you’re interested in. I worked at a fabric store when I was just getting out of NEETdom. There were days where it sucked but the fact I liked crafts made it tolerable. Having a remote job just made me regress back to my NEET ways and made it difficult to transition back into society when I quit. Good luck nona
No. 2168419
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>>2168396funnily enough, i was looking at a fabric store so i'm going to take this post as a sign. thank you, nona. i feel hopeful after reading your words
No. 2168489
>>2168473Probably. 2010s were peak Tumblr/lookbook fashion and tumblr and blogs peaked. Plenty of popular media from that time that people that used to participate in fandoms will look back on fondly. 2010s was dominated by EDM music and the last good decade for clubbing.
Plenty of stuff to be nostalgic for. Nostalgia is rose tinted glasses anyway.
No. 2168515
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>>2168419Fabric store is actually a pretty chill job for retail it’s just a lot of people excited about their projects and crafting. I worked there for two years and the number of difficult customers I had can be counted on one hand. You’ll do great
nonny No. 2168523
>>2168473The swag and hypebeast trends? I bet I'll see zoomies saying how they miss musically, dubstep, fidget spinners or the mannequin challenge.
I am also a zoomer that fucking hated that era, but sadly people will be nostalgic over anything, so you better ready yourself nonna, I've seen people be nostalgic for the 2016 election already.
No. 2168588
>>2168057Then keep being at the mercy of your impulses
>>2168059It helps to build discipline
No. 2168614
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>>2168117This is geared towards drawing but practice the shrimp method. I have a good memory and I just think it's because I invest a lot of time into observing things. No. 2168834
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>>2168762God zoomers really are late to everything. Purse first was a saying used by a lot of drag queens and gay moids to show how “fishy” they are and a way to flex expensive bags. I think it was said on an early season of drag race but knowing that it’s probably been said on the streets for way longer. Most slang from now is either from black gay moids or just black people in general
No. 2168887
>>2168842I think that's pretty odd tbh. Okay, she doesn't wear the poncho… use it as like a decoration, lay it over your couch or something. Giving away something someone
made for you is hurtful. It's not like she bought it at Target.
No. 2168943
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If a person is experienced with makeup but they've only ever worked with white women, do their skills necessarily translate to working with a different race or is it likely that what they're good at would clash with another type of woman? Genuine question and not meant to be racebait or whatever, I don't know anything about makeup but want to have it done for a special event. I live in the Midwest and every local makeup artist has sample pics exclusively like the left pic; I'm East Asian and wondering if they could reasonably be good at doing something more like the right pic or if it'd be kinda out of their realm unless they specifically had practice (not likely considering the low permanent Asian population)
No. 2168954
nonnie, idk what to make of it. Honestly I think she's just a really pragmatic autist but maybe more than I can deal with lol.
No. 2169364
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With what pet animal you could still feel safe around if you got shrunk to a smaller size than it?
No. 2169404
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>>2169258Actually, human races are more genetically closer to each other than dog breeds are to one another. I'm not sure why people love to compare themselves and races to animals for analogies that are very half-baked. It's like watching people claim that humans can become easy vegans just because they see cows eating hay and grass all day.
No. 2169466
>>2169428>As a result of the effects of these different evolutionary forces, while a number of very rare (and usually very young) alleles may be geographically localized, the majority of common genetic variants are not private to a particular continent, and are often shared across multiple regions (The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium 2015). This is because, in contrast with dogs, no modern human populations have ever been completely reproductively isolated over many generations.>When differences in generation time between the two species are taken into account [~ 20 years for humans = 10,000 generations over 200,000 years; ~ 4.5 years for wolves (Mech et al. 2016) = ~ 9000 generations over 40,00 years], it would seem that there has been just as much or more time for substructure to evolve in our own species as has evolved in dogs. That it did not suggests that the strict artificial selection imposed on dogs by humans through selective breeding has had a profound effect on within- and among-breed levels of dog genetic diversity. In contrast, while geographic, cultural, or linguistic features may slow or limit gene flow between human groups, these forces have not resulted in the high levels of genetic differentiation that resulted from artificial selection for distinct and distinguishable breeds of dogs. In accordance with their release from strict selective breeding and artificial selection, village dogs show significantly more genetic diversity and higher heterozygosity than breed dogs (Boyko et al. 2009).As we saw in the previous section, the majority of genetic variation is shared across human populations.
>In terms of stature, human populations vary around the world, and height differs within and among the five races defined by the 2010 U.S. Census. Data from the Centers for Disease Control (Fryar et al. 2016) show differences in the average height of individuals by self-identified racial category, but a much greater amount of overlap. The median white man (of the, on average, tallest racial group among U.S. men) is 177.1 cm tall (69.7 in.) while the shortest group on average, Asian men, are 170.3 cm tall (67.0 in.)—a difference of approximately 3 in., or less than 0.2 standard deviations in height among U.S. men. The distribution of variation in stature within human populations is broad and very different from that seen in dog breeds. The height distributions of men in the U.S. overlap such that approximately 15% of Asian men are taller than the median white man. Both groups overlap even more substantially with black men. (It is also worth noting that the difference in median height between men and women of a single U.S. census group is greater than that between men of any two U.S. census groupings, and the same is true between women.) Consider the tallest (Manute Bol at 231 cm or 91 in.) and the shortest (Muggsy Bogues at 160 cm or 63 in.) players in the history of the NBA. While they represent extremes of the human male height distribution, Bol is only 1.44 times taller than Bogues.In contrast, dog breed differences in stature are far greater than what is observed across U.S. census divisions of humans. The median shoulder height in Great Danes (76 cm, 30 in.) is four times greater than in Pekingese (19 cm, 7.5 in.; Stone et al. 2016). When scaled to human height, this would be equivalent to a difference of 470.7 cm (185.3 in.) or about the difference between an average human and a two-story building. Years of breeding to divergent standards combined with low genetic diversity has resulted in limited and non-overlapping height variation for many breeds (Sutter et al. 2008). Even within dogs in the middle third of the height distribution, like Italian Greyhounds, their top 5% for height does not overlap with the shortest 5% of Golden Retrievers.
>Furthermore, the accumulation of new genetic mutations, random fluctuations in trait and genetic variant frequencies due to genetic drift, and the introduction of new alleles into populations via gene flow all dilute natural selection’s ability to drive large differences in phenotypes or genotypes between populations. As a result, human populations are genetically very similar to one another with overlapping phenotypes. In contrast, modern purebred dogs exist almost entirely due to artificial selection; their mating is controlled by humans to produce offspring with desired traits. To do this, animals with rare genetic mutations, like those with the dwarf variant of IGF1, are bred together for several generations, acting against the natural accumulation of genetic variation (i.e. evolution by anything other than artificial selection) within the breed.Dog breeds seem to be so distinct from one another in many conspicuous traits because, relative to human groups, they are. This is true in terms of the extreme differences in physical traits seen between dog breeds, whereas U.S. census groupings overlap in terms of all physical traits, and it is also true with regard to the underlying differences in the genetic architecture that determines these traits.
>The Portuguese Water Dog demonstrates how entire AKC dog breeds are painted with personalities, like “strength, spirit, and soundness,” that individual humans do not even necessarily share with their immediate family members. Yet, dog breeding standards influence assumptions about hard-wired behavior characterizing and differentiating human groups. The jump from clustered physical variation to the assertion of superior and inferior, biologically-based behavioral variation at the group level is the crux of the matter. It is why Haldane’s question is so much more than an academic curiosity and why the pop culture analogy equating race with breed demands refutation.Arguments in support of the biological basis or “reality” of race are often thinly veiled arguments for a significantly genetic basis behind perceived behavioral differences between races (Sussman 2014). Though it is decades old, the “logic” of this argument or line of thinking, particularly when it relies on the dog breed analogy, is easily gleaned from social media: If one can tell a Dalmatian from a Mastiff and one can tell a person of one race from another race just by looking at them, and if behavior is bred into dogs to a degree that distinguishes breeds too, then genetically-based behavior also distinguishes human races and, thus, a person’s intelligence or criminality (etc.) can be predicted by their ancestry.
No. 2169469
>>2169466>From this mistaken perspective, the notion of race as a social construct is seen as absurd and so is down-playing the biological basis for race, because to do so is to be willfully stupid, ignorantly anti-science, or brainwashed by a politically correct denial of reality. (Hence, the “race realists” who talk of taking the “red pill,” an allusion to the film The Matrix where a person frees himself from living a false reality.) Consequences of that false framework include support for eugenics (past, present, and future), racial segregation of schools, justifying status quo institutional oppression, white nationalism, white supremacy, other forms of racism, and defunding social, environmental, economic, and health programs that counter racism’s effects.>First of all, as we have shown, the dog breed-human race analogy is not biologically sound—it assumes race as a natural biological category of humans, a priori. Second and inextricably related, the analogy denies sociocultural context, both past and present. What is more, it includes unquestioned and largely unfounded assumptions about genetically-determined and predictable human behavior.>Scientists are still discovering whether and how dog behaviors are breed-specific and, when they are, how heritable they are. To be clear, a trait’s heritability is an estimation of how much of its variation in a population is determined by genetic variation in that population; heritability is not synonymous with its determination or predictability in an individual based on that individual’s DNA. There is much known but also much more to learn about what else influences behavioral variation among dogs like weaning age, diet, and other conditions during development. A recent meta-analysis of the heritability of dog behavior concluded that not only are breed standards poorly aligned with the actual behaviors of the breeds they aim to define, but they describe behaviors with little genetic component in the first place (Hradecka et al. 2015). While dog behavior does develop out of inherited (as well as environmental) influences, “breed standards are largely unsubstantiated, for most breeds that have been studied” (Mehrkam and Wynne 2014).>Variation in human behavior has its roots in both complex genetic and non-genetic factors. Claims that such factors, or their interactions, map neatly onto geographically and socially constructed human groups and can be used to predict behavioral traits associated with such groups, or of an individual member of a group, are not scientifically supported. As Sussman (2014) said about the one behavioral trait that is usually the focus of these discussions, “The idea of a unitary purely genetically based intelligence and of biologically distinct races among humans is as outdated scientifically as the ideas that the earth is flat or that it was created in 4004 B.C.” (p. 305)>Finally, Darwin’s scenario for the evolution of human intelligence in Descent of Man (1871) pitted human groups against one another, with natural selection ratcheting up intelligence in the dominant groups through time. Hierarchical ranking of human races is also inherently competitive, which is just one reason why outdated and overly simplistic conceptions of evolutionary biology have historically paired with racism, and still do. Within this racist framework, hindsight paints the dominant group as the more genetically intelligent and naturally selected one, justifying its dominance with perceived biological superiority. While it is true that natural selection occurs differently in different lineages and populations, it is no longer dogma (> 150 years since Darwin) that natural selection causes divergence due to competition between populations. In many cases, perpetual mutation and drift are enough to explain evolutionary divergence (Hedges et al. 2015).>“Race” has evolved into a concept that supersedes biology and therefore it cannot also apply as a strictly biological concept. After a racist history of science and a racist history of knowledge production generally, we know that “race” does not exist without racism. As McLean (2019) has described it, there are “co-constructive relationships between historically contingent political processes and the biology of humans.” “Race” is, in its essence, about human bias and always has been. If, hypothetically, race was ever to succeed as a wholly objective and neutral biological concept for humans, it lost its chance because so much racist science led us to this socially constructed state of “race” today. About that racist science Zack (2010) writes, “There is a self-revised scientific history of ideas of race, but that is not the same thing as a scientific foundation. The need for such a foundation or some intellectual justification for the enslavement of Africans and the oppression and exploitation of indigenous peoples during the period of European colonization and its subsequent racisms—without question motivated belief in human races [as real and important, biologically differentiated types of humans].” (p. 880)Source: (
But I'm already guessing that the majority of anons aren't even gonna read this shit, and keep on finding ways to compare people to dogs in a way that ktotally* doesn't feel like a fucked up, racist zoophile sperging.
No. 2169566
>>2165634Update on this: I tested yesterday and it came back negative. My period is now 8 days late and if it doesn't come by the end of the week I'll do a blood test.
Thank you to everyone who replied.
No. 2169571
>>2169506>how do you not feel guilty and anxious constantly?Because I only steal from Walmart or people who wrong me. And I do it carefully enough that I'm confident I won't be caught. And if I am caught, I'm confident that a lawyer can get me off due to the small amount I've stolen.
>Do you get used to it?You seem to have a lot of anxiety related to it. I would not recommend that you shoplift because security guards can sniff out suspicious behavior and will be watching you from the moment you go into the store.
>are you just poor and want the stuff and can't pay?Yes, so I steal to stretch my budget further. So I'll steal a bottle of gummy vitamins, or else I'll steal a pack of the nicer menstrual pads because the bleached ones poison me and give me cramps. And with my normal budget I couldn't justify those purchases, but with stealing I can get those and still afford my electricity bill.
>girl who would brag about stealing clothes She's an idiot. Don't brag, that's how you get caught. You never know who's going to be a narc. And don't get greedy, steal only a little each time and space it out between actual purchases. And never steal from Target, they use facial tracking and will wait until you've stolen enough for it to be a felony before sending the police to your house.
No. 2169892
If anyone knows this dance can you explain how you’re able to be flung and flown around like that? Some of these videos have the women literally flying through the air at lightening speed
No. 2169902
>>2169871Pollsters are atrocious since trump came onto the field. A lot of them poll online and online selects for a certain demographic and depending on where the polls appear (I’m thinking things like amazons mturk) that’s also another gate that selects for certain groups of people (I imagine it probably leans liberal and independent). There’s also a lot of people that won’t admit they’re going to vote for trump, so don’t fall for the polls saying it’s close. It’s not.
People get complacent when they think candidates are neck and neck but they aren’t close at all and kamalas camp needs to play it like that if they want to pull ahead.
No. 2169912
Grip strength
Upper body strength
They both have to be able to hold onto each other at speed, they lean into the momentum of their bodies which makes it easier for him to use his strength or leverage her off his thigh into the air. Honestly this isn’t that good, you should look up swing dancing because that stuff is crazy and fast.
No. 2170004
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is it possible to harden oneself into being unemotional and selfish? I'm emotional to the point of it being seen as a weakness and usually end up being exploited by people around me. I'm tired of it but I always end up giving in when people appeal to my emotional side. can I learn to become detached and less emotional?
No. 2170125
>>2170111I don’t think so, what makes you wanna do that
No. 2170126
>>2170081She's a fakebian and POS through and through. Dump her, block, delete, trash all the stuff she left at your place.
If you don't, you're allowing her to use you as an emotional support vibrator who listens to her lust after men.
No. 2170267
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can i fix my skin at 23 after years of being a poorfag and not being able to afford skincare and a dermatologist or is it over? its so dry, filled with acne scars and my pores are so big and ugly i look like an orange
No. 2170524
>>2170403Ah man, don't kill the girlbosses, they're really cool and they eat cockroaches and termites. Plus, they live for years, so when you see one, you can realize that she has memories spanning back years and remembers the same winters you do.
But if you must, they need the damp to survive. So put dehumidifiers and fans in anywhere there's moisture in your house, like bathrooms and basements. Because of their tall legs, poisons don't really work since they just walk over them.
No. 2170564
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>>2170326Do you do a lot of fine motor movement with your hands like drawing or knitting? Because if so, the twitch is indicating that you're damaging the nerves. This is easily prevented, you just have to do more stretches and hand strengthening exercises. Follow this chart, and also squeeze a firm stress ball whenever you're just scrolling or watching TV.
No. 2170592
>>2170569Well, they don't really think other gods made others, they think their god made everyone and that those people that don't follow the exact rules that they follow are just foolish idiots that need to convert to the one true religion (tm).
Plants are animals were made so humanity can have food so it doesn't really matter, in a religious point of view, the origin of their aspects.
Everyone is retarded because if everyone was smart, life would be too easy.
No. 2170625
>>2170617Tbh, I don't know a lot about Jewish religion because religion isn't my special interest, but I'm sure that sort of racial differentiation comes from the whole
>us = good, unknown = badThing that people have made up for the whole existence of humanity, because unknown stuff is considered hostile by many, so anyone who believes in an ethnic religion will always be more likely to be wary of others different to them.
In those cases, they're like, the ones that the god of the religion said would be the main followers, like, if you live in a building with blue walls and you only want blue birds, then you will have them at the prettiest blue room, meanwhile those other birds of other colors are allowed to enter the building, and they can even go into the room with the blue birds but they're not treated specially in that building because they're not blue, unlike the blue birds that get special treatments.
That's basically how it works in those cases, the foolish idiots not born into the religion and not sharing the blood of the original followers of the religion are converted so maybe, and only maybe, they can get God's attention.
No. 2170638
>>2170628Basically, like, in the end, God gave us free will because otherwise you and I wouldn't exist. Humanity is filled with good, bad, questionable and bizarre people, some get power and become able to change things however they want.
In the end, only God can truly give the real punishment or reward that everyone should have, we can always try to make justice or make justice in the name of God even, but if you think about it, it's just us silly humans putting words in God's mouth and being unhinged because we're not wise at all, our time here is so short that barely anyone learns anything, and when they learn, it's too late and it's time to die.
We won't ever be able to see God's face while we're alive, so we're doomed to see or join fights until we die, once we die, we will be able to finally understand how life works, and that's probably how we get eternal rest.
No. 2170692
>>2170687I made a friend some time ago (I think she felt bad for me. She's very sweet) and she invited me to a party. Normally I wouldn't go, but I have been forcing myself to socialize and every time it gets easier.
This guy and I started talking about vidya (RimWorld). He's also a bit of a retard, but he's funny. He asked me out on a date and, again, I would have said no, but I went and it went great.
No. 2170730
>>2170678>What do you do with someone else when you're past the getting to know you phase? If you're not asking questions, finding out new things about them, etc, what comes after?Talk about your interests, about the weather, about a fun fact you just found out, I don't mean these specific things, but about your day to day thoughts and feelings. Like some food you ate, food you crave, a music you liked, a movie you want to see. It's like inviting someone into your life, if they like that and enjoy the exchange, there's a chance you'll connect with them.
>Should I try to normify myself by making a reddit account? I highly doubt he would be interested in chans/KF, and would in fact probably block me everywhere if I even mention them.You could try it out, but don't force yourself if you hate it. I hate reddit, but I use other normie spaces, it's up to you to what you can tolerate. I do think it's healthy to see other sides of the internet besides KF and chans regardless.
>Would a man realistically respect me if he ever found out I'm a fujo?I can't say for this specific man, but yeah, some don't give a shit. You would have to slowly talk about it though, any obsession or intense interest sounds insane for someone from outside.
No. 2170891
>>2170879So many teachers are in arrested development for whatever reason, and I'm certain it's the reason why some female teachers have sex with like 13 year old scrotes. They are arrested mentally and most likely have been shafted by men, most likely their fathers, their entire life. Probably bullied or made fun of in middle-high school. So when they become teachers they do act as secondary caregivers to these kids, you are dealing with a LOT of neglected children every single day. They have low self esteem and they think that young girls are TOO dramatic and retarded because they probably received no care in their shitty developmental years so why should the girls they take care of and teach? A girl having a bad home life or being targeted by her pornsick moid classmates is normal! Why should she act out? Whereas a moid getting neglected at home is very, very sad because moids are supposed to be put above women and girls!
It's retarded patriarchal conditioning.
No. 2170933
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My brain really can’t comprehend how someone can become grossly obese like this? You’d have to have the privilege to be eating every single minute of the day while sitting down and legitimately never moving/exercising. Humans passively exercise and burn calories just via not being 1000% sedentary for years and years. How does someone end up like this?
No. 2170940
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Is it really that weird to pay for your friends when you go out to eat or get coffee? A woman just ghosted me for this, I’m 99% sure because I’ve been combing through every interaction and the only awkward one was the second time I paid for something she was like I can get it, and I was like “no it’s ok! I like doing it!” And then she was like “oh uh I just— maybe I’m I’m overthinking it— ok” I was too retarded in the moment to realize that maybe I was making her really uncomfortable… Idk I just genuinely like taking care of my friends
No. 2170953
>>2170933like other
nonnie said, i think they are always eating and choosing the most high calorie items
No. 2170960
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Art nonnas, what the heck is the technique called when you have this blue or light color near the inside of the hair? I've never tried it before and want to learn yes this is Birdie's art
No. 2170969
>>2170940Thats a weird way for her to react? You were doing something nice for her and now she’s trying to be a uwu little
victim? She sounds lame
No. 2170975
>>2170960The technique is called ugly.
But actually, this has no name. It's just a type of shading that uses highlights against the outer lineart to make it 'pop.' There is no specific technique that is specifically blue. You don't need to 'learn' this, you literally just add a highlight against the outer lineart.
No. 2170985
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>>2170976>>2170975I'm not that new, but starting to do studies. Here is a better example of what I'm talking about. I should probably ask in the general art thread, but how did the artist know that putting a light shade under her hair would look good? I see this all the time with nice fanart
No. 2171001
>>2170940Maybe she has anxiety and felt really awkward about this interaction so that's why she's ghosting you. Who knows, maybe she's now on lolcow lamenting how much she hates being socially retarded. But while you didn't really do anything wrong, it can be a little awkward to be paying things for people you hardly know. It can make them feel indebted to you
>>2170985Try studying midtone shadows and reflective light, and don't do studies on anime drawings but pictures of real life
No. 2171052
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what are some not too expensive gifts you nonas have received that you really liked? i'm trying to get ideas..
No. 2171070
>>2171052Handmade stuffed toys are the best, my friend made then with recycled materials from her home like some spare fabric she found and stuffing from an old pillow, I love them a lot.
I've also gotten small notebooks, cute pens, erasers and a small pouch with a zipper.
I would recommend gifting a pillow that's not too expensive, in my country you can find pillows for 10 dollars and they're really nice, it's something unexpected and really useful, it's funny too but somehow not too personal.
I also like to make simple jewelry like bracelets or simple earrings, specially if the friend in question is kind of quirky because it's fun.
Socks are also always well received, I love getting socks as a present because I wear them daily, specially when I go to the gym.
No. 2171566
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Is the medical insurance of an active national guard actually decent for a wife battling cancer? I know a lady battling cancer who's husband is an active one. Got in a disagreement with my mom over the insurance but neither of us know jackshit. Any insight would be great.
No. 2171615
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Does a high-pitched, nasally, nerdy voice in a male correlate with autism? I recently met a guy who had a weird voice, but everything else about him was promising. His voice sounds just like Ben Shapiro if he doesn’t talk obnoxiously fast kek. He seemed pretty extroverted and friendly, so I’m less inclined to believe he is autistic. His voice is a bit off-putting, but I feel like I could overlook it. However, ex bf had a similar voice, and he was autistic. I REFUSE to date an autistic man again. Please help me
No. 2171944
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Okay I saw that footage of the girl killing her mom over a vape, and now I just read into a story of a boy killing his mom over a VR headset. Serious question, are children more or less violent than previous generations? Did millenials love doing mass kills and parent-slaughtering when they were kids or teenagers? I get that there's instances like Columbine, but with how zoomer and gen alpha kids/teens seem to get in their feelings, it's like too many of them are pumping lead and jabbing knives every other week.
No. 2172288
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What's that lock? I noticed it just now, and I think it only appears when I left a tab open for some minutes. Nothing happends when I click on it.
No. 2172295
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I’ve been thinking about stitching picrel for a bit to hang in my bathroom but I worry I’m the only one who finds it funny. Would you think it’s funny or just a bit try-hard?
No. 2172320
>>2172295I love this
but I'm someone that likes cringe shit sometimes kek, still pretty nice lettering, try making it and see how you feel afterwards
No. 2172503
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>>2172471i always thought picrel or the “please don’t do coke in the bathroom” were cringier but your opinion is noted
No. 2172516
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What's the equivalent of "neutral" hair and skin tones for pale skin ladies? Sort of like picrel. I love it when the skin tone matches the hair.
No. 2172538
>>2172527Hmm. I'm guessing it wouldn't have the same effect unless it was paired with pale eyes. I suppose there isn't hope for me in that sense. I guess I just have to accept it looks really cool on
woc since it is more accessible to have eyes and hair that can easily match their skin tone.
No. 2172557
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why are hollywood movies so shitty? i heard of money laundering but what even is actually going on behind the scenes? what do they actually do with the money? maybe this belongs in tinfoil?
No. 2172563
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>>2172516Honestly the first example that sprung to mind was Emma Stone in Spiderman. It would have to be a light shade, but it should match your undertones. If your undertones are pink, a light strawberry blonde would work. If you have more yellow tones a light caramel blonde would work. Picrel is the caramel blonde example.
No. 2172686
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Why does this pokemon on the banner have a blown out asshole
No. 2172709
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>> it doesn't kek
No. 2172849
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How often do you shit?
For me it's every morning, since as long as I can remember. But obviously bodies and diets differ, so what's your average shitting frequency?
No. 2172921
>>2172912>it it’s the same jerky movement kek. ? It's not. I feel like I'm being gaslit kek jerking off (the whole phrase, not just jerking) means doing this
>>2172709, like pulling something. You cannot do that with a clit. It's not gatekeeping, just anatomically impossible.
No. 2172941
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>>2172921What the fuck are you talking about? And anyway, in the case what the fuck is jilling? Or jacking? And I certainly don’t “flick” my clit, either.
No. 2173095
>>2173089How would you resolve a conflict with an upset customer?
(Good luck nona, you’ll ace it)
No. 2173102
>>2173024No, pedophile means attraction to pre-pubecent children. 15 is already past puberty, there's another name for being attracted to post-pubert teens.
Stop using words without knowing their meaning dumbass
No. 2173107
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Should we have a site layout suggestions thread? I wanna try to make a wintery style layout with these colors but I don't know how we're supposed to go about submitting those kek
No. 2173110
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I feel like if another woman asked me if this was sexual abuse I would say yes without hesitation but because it’s me I’m unsure. When I was about 5 I wandered into the room my mom and step dad were staying (we were transient at the time and were staying with his parents) for reasons I don’t remember, I probably wanted water or had a bad dream or something. Anyway my step dad grabbed me and kissed me with tongue and held me in place for probably 30 seconds until my mom got up, grabbed me, and threw me out of the room. She later said to never go around him when he’s asleep because he grabbed people in his sleep. He was physically abusive but not sexually aside from that, and on drugs and generally psychopathic and whatever. Lately I’ve been looking back and thinking that that might have been a bigger deal than I made it my whole life. Was that SA? I sort of wrote it off my whole life because the physical abuse was worse but now that I’m older all I know is that if someone did that to my daughter I would ruin them.
No. 2173128
>>2173095Thank you, all of my fingers are crossed.
>>2173110I’m sorry that happened to you. Honestly, if you don’t consider it to be a but deal I don’t think you should dive into it anymore. This is a little different but I was “molested” as a child by another older girl and I really didn’t and still don’t see it as some huge life changing thing but have been made to feel like I should see it that way. If he was genuinely asleep some people really do have fucked up sleep behavior issues. I tried to wake my mom up in the middle of the night one time because my sister was sick at a sleepover and wanted to come home and she punched then started wildly flailing at me until I woke her up.
There’s really no benefit to trying to see it as a big deal if you don’t genuinely feel traumatized by it imo. The whole metoo movement screwed with me a bit because I felt like I was somehow wrong for not feeling like getting diddled as a child then raped as a young adult was the end of the world.
No. 2173218
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does anyone else have a mother who is in competition with them? i'm not sure if competition is the right word, but… for example, if you buy a necklace for yourself, she wants one exactly like it. if you paint your nails a certain color, she wants her nails done the same way immediately. my mother even wants every skincare product I use although she has always settled for simply washing her face as her routine. why does she do this?
No. 2173222
>>2173218My mum is like this but it isn’t really a competition, more that she copies me? Even when I was
starving myself losing weight, she started to barely eat too which, I don’t know if it was on purpose it just seemed to become the norm for us (which is weird because we don’t even eat together)
No. 2173277
>>2173266If you’re not stinky I don’t think it matters.
>>2173268Just rinsing with water won’t make you any cleaner and can actually dry out your hair depending on the type of tap water where you live. If you want to rinse it because you’re going to style it or something make sure you still use conditioner.
No. 2173299
>>2173287if you go to a """weightloss clinic""" and pay they will absolutely give you a prescription.
>>2173296not really true. i am in college with people taking ozempic. it's surprisingly accessible
No. 2173304
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Amerifag, what's the best way to shoplift without getting caught? I've done petty theft in the past as a minor(nothing above $10) but honestly I can't fucking take it with minimum wage job and rent prices that just keep rising, I'm gonna steal all the makeup and clothes I need from now on. Please help a sister out I'm so tired of being a femcel and I've been watching makeup tutorials a lot but I can't afford all this shit with my current job.
No. 2173321
>>21733111.if it does the workers don’t give a fuck and will just override it without looking in your bag
2. Worked at a grocery store where they disabled the sensors because kids kept sitting on them lol
No. 2173619
>>2173480>>2173547Like anon replied, make a stepping stone. You can find kid friendly kits for that, and you can add pretty rocks/ pieces of colorful tile, etc
Date it too, and you can take it to every new home
No. 2173896
>>2172906>Euroanons where the age of consent is lower, is it really different there?It's 15 in my country. It's not seen as the kid becoming legal to adults, it's seen as the age from which you as the kid is allowed to have sex. So when they are 14 kids think they are legally not allowed to have sex, even with each other. Kids don't reeeally care, but it's still something everyone is kind of aware of.
Despite the low age I have still basically never seen grown men go for teens, and the very few times I've seen it was the clearly mentally unstable weirdo teen girls who did sex work online before it was cool and suicide baited on the daily who would seek out drugs, older men to sleep with and self harm. They'd typically lie about their age to say they're older too. From the adult side I only ever see it from terminally online weeby pedo adults who defend loli-content, waiting for girls to become legal isn't a thing like it seems to be with 18 year olds in other countries. It's seen as highly suspicious if an adult man dates a 18-19 year old, even though it's legal everyone knows it's predatory. But again, I have seen it in terminally online weeb circles that is highly adapted to american woke culture. So there are likely other pockets like that hidden from view.
When I was 14-15 my female peers thought dating someone who was 18 was kinda gross simply because they're so anciently old. And to the vast majority of 18 year old guys dating a 14-15 year old girl is seen as dating a literal child. Heck I've seen 22 year old guys being made fun of by their guy friends for dating an 18 year old girl, them being called pedos for dating someone so much younger than them.
I'm sure the deranged adults (mostly men of course) who want to date 15 year olds exist but they're really not socially accepted at all.
No. 2173936
>>2173480It’s not inconsiderate at all. The house I’m renting right now has cute little white paint handprints under the wet bar sink from what I’m assuming was a pluming repair. Little girls were raised here and I think it’s sweet.
>>2173547This is a better idea though. My sister has one of these she made in preschool when we lived halfway across the country and my family still has it over 25 years later.
No. 2173970
>>2173308As someone who worked in retails for years, please listen to this to
nonny. If you gotta steal, don't steal things from packs/pairs. You don't know how much more work we have to do when one shitty underwear is missing.
No. 2173974
>>2173954Are you trying to unlearn your behaviors? I think the most crucial thing to understand is to look objectively at your relationships and to define "fulfillment" in different categories. Do you enjoy your friends' company? Do you feel good around them? Do they treat you with respect? Do you think that this friendship is worth keeping? If yes, this is a fulfilling friendship. You should also ask the same for romantic relationships and also additional ones: do they listen to you? Do you feel comfortable sharing anxieties? Do they take your concerns seriously and don't brush them off? Can you openly talk about intimacy and any issues you may have? Do you feel like they respect your boundaries and don't try to push them? If so, this is a good indicator of a fulfilling relationship.
I think the most important part to understand is that the feeling of not being fulfilled by your relationships is because your childhood needs were not met. Once that feeling of not being loved or fulfilled kicks in you need to try your best to divorce your sad child feelings from what is happening in reality. You're looking for someone to give you everything you never got at a crucial developmental stage, unfortunately this is impossible now at your age. It's simply just impossible to receive it all from one person, which is why having different friends to connect with is so important, as well as picking up hobbies that genuinely give you joy. You must fulfill you, and that means you must vet the people who come into your life and also understand you are asking for the impossible, which is why building skills and enjoyable hobbies is so important. You must be comfortable with you, and you are ultimately the only person who can give that neglected child what she needs.
No. 2173997
>>2173752Ayrt, could you elaborate
No. 2174083
t-shots or you can get it checked out maybe your hormones are getting unbalanced
No. 2174099
>>2174083My hormones are okay-ish, my T is almost nonexistent ironically and my progesterone is a little higher than normal but my doc said it was ok.
>>2174084Those turn me into a shell of a person
No. 2174360
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How do I crack my sternum? Neither pulling my shoulders back as far as possible, nor pushing them fowards as far as I can does anything.
No. 2174377
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this is a very stupid question and I wasn't sure if I should ask here or in the artist thread, but as it's so stupid, this might be the right place.
All my life I've been drawing, you wouldn't see me without a sketchbook and a pencil ever. Then I got depressed and just stopped doing anything that I liked for years. My depression is way better now and I want to start drawing again, but I feel like I can't even hold a pencil anymore. How do I get myself going again, how do I stop being afraid and overthinking that shit? Any simple exercises or just a "how do I hold my pencil right" video would be very helpful, I really want to draw again.