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No. 2152944
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Yesterday in therapy my current psychologist said I don't have BPD. I asked thrice. He told me he knows when someone has BPD and he said I don't have it. He has a master's degree in DBT and all. I don't know how to feel about this, when I was diagnosed back when I was 20 the person that diagnosed me simply pointed a finger and said yep you are BPD. I've clinged to this misdiagnosis for so long because I'm someone that due to life circumstances I have issues expressing certain emotions. But my current psychologist told me that's normal and that I can learn to solve said issues and learn to cope with heavy emotions. So what am I supposed to do now…? Part of me still feels like a bpdfag, everytime someone talks about BPD on here I feel like they're talking about me. I still have some issues. But I'm not BPD. What now? I need help.
No. 2152961>>2152966>>2153302
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>23 years old at the time
>feeling rapidly ill over the course of just two days
>can’t walk straight without getting tunnel vision
>150 heart rate
>finally go to the hospital
>they tell me I probably just have a stomach ache
>send me home
>6 hours later
>”we’re sorry nonnie, you actually have bacteria in your blood, pls come back”
To this day I’m still convinced that had I been a man or old person they would’ve kept me there and not sent me home with a bullshit tummy ache diagnosis. And it’s especially crazy to me too, because what if I didn’t have access to a phone? What if I was homeless? Would I just have curled up into a ball and died?
Anyway this was my hospital bill after a month kek. Thank god my insurance plan was generous
No. 2152966>>2152994
>>2152961How does bacteria in your blood even happen? That's scary as hell, glad your insurance covered you
nonny. What an insane amount of money.
No. 2153302
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>>2152961Dios mio. That price.