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No. 2152928

ITT: We talk about the dangers and repercussions of getting a wrong diagnosis, be it a mental health or physical health one.
>What was your original misdiagnosis?

No. 2152929

This thread might get moved to /g/

No. 2152935

What's with all the hyper-specific threads lately? No offense to OP, but this topic could easily be discussed in any of the other psychiatry or mental illness threads. I don't really think it needs it's own thread.

No. 2152944

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Yesterday in therapy my current psychologist said I don't have BPD. I asked thrice. He told me he knows when someone has BPD and he said I don't have it. He has a master's degree in DBT and all. I don't know how to feel about this, when I was diagnosed back when I was 20 the person that diagnosed me simply pointed a finger and said yep you are BPD. I've clinged to this misdiagnosis for so long because I'm someone that due to life circumstances I have issues expressing certain emotions. But my current psychologist told me that's normal and that I can learn to solve said issues and learn to cope with heavy emotions. So what am I supposed to do now…? Part of me still feels like a bpdfag, everytime someone talks about BPD on here I feel like they're talking about me. I still have some issues. But I'm not BPD. What now? I need help.

No. 2152947

I think a thread about misdiagnosis is okay tbh. There's so much shit done to women in medical fields. I knew someone that was denied treatment and it turned out she had a brain hemorrhage and died. Because they weren't careful and fast enough and didn't believe her.

No. 2152953

no offense but whenever someone makes a new, interesting thread, there's always someone that ends up saying this shit. so many threads start with a post like that.

No. 2152954

I'm not saying it's not a good topic, I just don't think it really needs it's own thread. We already have 4-5 threads where you can post about misdiagnoses.

No. 2152957

Sincerely I disagree, we have threads for other smaller topics. Please don't minimod, if anons think it's useful they'll use it, if not then it'll be buried in the catalog and that's it.

No. 2152958

A lot of newfags don't check the catalog before they make threads, it's been getting annoying lately

No. 2152960

I think I might have period depression or whatever it's called. I get so fucking annoyed and emotional around my period, but otherwise I'm fine. I may not even have real depression like I thought.

No. 2152961

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>23 years old at the time
>feeling rapidly ill over the course of just two days
>can’t walk straight without getting tunnel vision
>150 heart rate
>finally go to the hospital
>they tell me I probably just have a stomach ache
>send me home
>6 hours later
>”we’re sorry nonnie, you actually have bacteria in your blood, pls come back”
To this day I’m still convinced that had I been a man or old person they would’ve kept me there and not sent me home with a bullshit tummy ache diagnosis. And it’s especially crazy to me too, because what if I didn’t have access to a phone? What if I was homeless? Would I just have curled up into a ball and died?
Anyway this was my hospital bill after a month kek. Thank god my insurance plan was generous

No. 2152966

How does bacteria in your blood even happen? That's scary as hell, glad your insurance covered you nonny. What an insane amount of money.

No. 2152979

I feel weird when I see posts like this lol…as an oldfag ‘hyperspecific’ threads are what I think of when I think of lolcow. I remember the catalogue being bursting with a bunch of different topics instead of the same 5 threads getting bumped again and again

No. 2152993

No. 2152994

they never actually found out, it can start from just an open wound being exposed to germs. It’s so scary how your body can tweak out so fast lol

No. 2153302

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Dios mio. That price.

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