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No. 213271

Advice for punching women?



No. 213274

Just lift your arm and swing, jesus. Or do you need help with that as well?

No. 213287>>213290>>213291>>213297>>213300>>213302>>213513>>217427

Why would you want to punch women? Lol.

If you're asking for advice on avoiding being attacked, I'd highly recommend self defence classes. I know a lot american anons will reply to say you should buy a gun but a gun is useless if you can't use it. Self defence teaches you how to stop a situation from escalating, techniques on how to escape any kind of hold someone has on you, how to attack from any position, teaches you an attackers weak points, gives you amazing muscle memory so you'll react IMMEDIATELY and waste no precious time, how to avoid being stabbed/shot/raped/mugged and even how to get some dna for if and when you go to the police.

Look up the laws of the country you're in on what you can and can't carry. If carrying pepper spray or a blade helps you feel more comfortable, great. Just remember that it's useless if you don't have self defence training. Your attacker will be larger, stronger and quicker than you (they pick you for a reason) and you won't have time to rummage through your handbag for spray or a gun lmao. Plus you'll be powerless against someone choking you or pulling you into a car without proper training. Use your precious time to get out of a grab, give him a good kick in the nuts, escape and call for help instead of wasting it looking for a weapon that they're just going to smack out of your hand anyway lol.

Know what an attacker goes for. Read up on crime cases. It's generally the same thing each time: small women who look shy and like they won't scream or fight back, women who lost their group of friends or came to a party/are running alone, women in heels who can't run away, women who were easily dragged to another room or into a car… All of my friends who have been a victim to any kind of crime were targetted repeatedly because they were considered "easy targets". You need to be the opposite of that. Be confident. Never be afraid to tell a man to fuck off, even if you feel cruel or out of line. Always keep your phone handy and don't be afraid to call a friend/family member and chat to them until you find a place you feel safe. Text the taxi driver details to someone you trust and even fake a call to say "Hey I'll be home in 10 minutes! Please wait up to let me in!" to let the driver know that someone will be expecting you soon. If you wear heels at work/on a night out, bring a pair of flats with you (you can get ones with tiny soles that can be rolled up and held with a rubber band).

If worst comes to worst, don't be afraid to make use of the kindness of other women. So many times a girl has come up to my group and started a conversation or just simply said "hey there's a guy creeping me out, can I hang out with you guys for a while?" And we'd hug her and pretend to know her. 100% of the time, the stalker would fuck off and look for someone else. Other women get it, even if you feel embarrassed. Even look at the female comradery in the women's bathrooms of a club or in a restaurant, it's so beautiful to see strange women looking after each other when they're blacked out drunk or when something has been slipped into their drinks, giving each other advice…We should always look out for each other ♡

So yeah ultimately my point is, get yourself to a self defence/Krav Maga class if you've never done one before. Preferably with a friend because it's more fun and you can practise with each other at home and never let your muscles forget. Be more confident. Stay in crowds, tell men to fuck off and trust your gut to ask for help when you feel weird about a situation. You've all got an inner badass and I want you all to stay safe xxxxx

No. 213290>>213312>>213450

No I mean for when a whore gets out of line.

No. 213291>>218246

Self defence classes are amazing, gals. You should all take them. Ever since I started, I’ve noticed a change, I react a lot faster, have better coordination and overall I feel more confident. Also met really cool people there.

Keep safe, my dudes!

No. 213293>>213312

>wow I'm so edgy xDD I talk about raping women in a girls' board

Kill yourself.

No. 213297

was about to report this thread but this is very helpful advice tbh

No. 213300

Great post, thx. I'm going to look for a class.
I've mastered the art of looking angry and on my way to do something when I'm out but it would be better to be able to at least know how to defend myself, just in case.

No. 213302

this is a good post
we should just turn this into a general self-defense thread, would be nice to have one

No. 213309>>213313>>213319

Only self defense courses available around me are labeled as Krav Maga. Would self defense anon recommend this to a way out of shape couch potato?

No. 213312

I can almost picture what you look like, how old you are, and the state of the room you are sitting in right now. And I'm probably correct. >>213293 is the only advice you need.

No. 213313

yes, krav maga is a great option! do give it a try.

No. 213319

Hey, self defence anon here. I did both and I'd definately recommend Krav Maga. It's really practical, not like other martial arts. You get straight to the good stuff on day 1 lol.

It's basically for anyone. I know someone who had a pregnant woman in their class who fought off someone trying to mug her while like 8 months pregnant lol. They won't make you do anything crazy strenuous, you don't spar with anyone either. It's just going through movements with a partner.

If you want to build up your strength at home, you can do that in your own time at home or at the gym but honestly it's not even necessary for these kinds of classes!

No. 213325>>213531

Tbf I’ve always carried a flick knife. I know it’s illegal, but it’s not like I just flash it around, I’d only use it if someone was seriously threatening my life (already attacking me). Self defence is probably better though lmao, I’m just really weak.

No. 213332

>Advice for punching, women?

I choose to interpret that post in that way. Make a fist (don't hold your thumb), hold it head height, punch with your bodyweight behind it, and punch through the target.

Hard to describe in a post, but if you want to learn to punch, learn it properly and you'll be surprised at what you can do.

No. 213450

>complains about women "getting out of line"
>somehow doesn't know how to punch someone likely smaller and weaker than him
wow…,,so this is the power of the alpha male…

Back on topic, in addition to the advice posted here I suggest looking up rape defense videos. There are some pretty good ones on Youtube about how you can get an attacker off of you.

No. 213484

OP is a fgt who never had a daddy to teach his sissy ass how to hold a fist. Poor thing.

No. 213513

>Be confident. Never be afraid to tell a man to fuck off, even if you feel cruel or out of line.
This. Attackers get off on making their victims feel uncomfortable, and they expect it. If you suspect someone is following you, raise your voice, make a scene, don't be afraid to be assertive. They're like a deer caught in the headlights once they've been put on the spot.

No. 213529

only thing ull b doin when im done with u is sucking this pussy. get on ur knees op

No. 213531

Pepper spray is better / safer imo especially if you aren’t trained on how to use hand to hand weapons. If your attacker does he could take the knife and use it on you. With pepper spray you get to stay at least a few feet from the attacker while defending yourself.

No. 217427>>217431>>217553>>217709

Self defense classes are a scam, because they make you think you stand a chance. The hard truth is that an average trained woman will consistently get BTFO by an average untrained male. The male will win in a sanctioned fight, but also in a street fight / rape / abduction / whatever scenario.
I'm not kidding, ask a man you trust to try and submit you, and unless he's a literal skeleton you'll be pinned real fast. Even if you agree that you'll be violent (knees to the balls and whatnot), assuming he doesn't hold back, the result will be the same.
Of course, there are outliers, but statistically speaking, you're not one.

If you feel concerned for your safety, carry a gun, and learn to use it. You're right in saying that a gun is useless without training (and it makes things worse, since you just changed a "imma rape this bitch" situation to a "aw shiet dis bitch finna shoot me, I better shoot her first" situation), which is why extensive training is absolutely crucial.
If carrying is illegal where you live, buy loads of pepper spray. Practise practise practise practise (that goes for guns too).

You're also right about behavior, not looking like an easy target, phone calls, etc.

All that being said, as long as you don't get brainwashed by the people telling you that you're reliably gonna be able to take a man down, taking self defence classes is still better than not taking self defence classes.
Know your limits. There's a reason guns are called equalizers.

No. 217431>>217434

>implying you can get a gun easily anywhere in the world
>implying that a strong and trained woman can't immobilize a untrained man

Fuck off robot

No. 217434>>217445

That is damn good advice and you should heed it.

I took self defense classes too (In highschool, tho so ymmv), but the instant my brother tries to contest me for an object it always end up with me flat on my ass and him mumbling and apology. He's a big guy but the difference in strength just when we're trying to get a spot on a couch is enormous. I wouldn't bet my life on that gap disappearing just because I can punch a little better now.

No. 217442>>217500

Well, not that anon but she's right about the gun stuff. Even pepper spray is not legal in my country. It's not good advice on an international board.
Better advice would be to start to learn how to run and when (hint : it's when it looks like a situation is escalating. If you feel like it's getting out of hand, trust your gut, shove politeness aside and extract yourself as quickly as possible)

No. 217445>>217454

You are probably a femlet though, or your brother is over 6ft.

No. 217454>>217551

>height is important in a fight
You just outed yourself as a massive retard. Seriously, consider keeping your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talking about.

In order of importance:
training/technique>explosiveness>lean mass>reach>overall mass>>>height

No. 217500

>Well, not that anon but she's right about the gun stuff.
Where there's a will, there's a way.

>Even pepper spray is not legal in my country.

Which is absurd. A former friend was unable to purchase pepper spray or a stun gun, but they had also dumped a bunch of people out of jail because they ran out of room.

No. 217546

Here's a tip every father should give his daughter:

Pick your key, place it between your middle finger and ring finger, punch and aim for the eyes/ears.

If this doesn't deter potential rapists, I don't know what will.

No. 217551>>217584

Ummm, sure, because they rank boxers through all these things you said first and not height.

No. 217553

fucking this we are weak as fuck, it's really really not fair but it's true. My brother is only a couple inches taller than me, but even when I was still lifting regularly and had VISIBLY more developed biceps than him he could have easily floored me if he wanted to. you really don't stand a chance if you don't have a weapon (though as others have pointed out, not everyone can get knives, guns, etc.)

That being said, a lot of attackers want easy prey and just being difficult and fighting back can be enough to save your life. If you get a chance to get at their eyes, do it. If you get a chance to bite them, bite hard etc.

No. 217560

Lol funny how this turned from a bait thread to a "women's self defense" thread, talk about irony.
I guess we can make a new thread about this sort of thing without OP's bait post to defend ourselves against guys that want to punch us simply for being a woman.

No. 217584

By that I'm guessing you mean "class", as in, weight classes. You'll notice that I said weight classes, not height classes, because that's exactly what they are. Boxers (as are weightlifters, and many competitive sports where strength plays a major role) are grouped by weight, not height.

Again, stop shitposting about things you know nothing about.

No. 217709>>217754>>217776>>218068

Sorry, but that's really poor advice and makes me thing you're part of the robot raid.

1. Guns and pepper spray are illegal in most parts of the world. Thank god.
2. Self defence teaches de-escalation techniques so the likelihood is that you will never need a weapon with self defence training.
3. If you honestly believe a man is stronger than a woman, then you'd also believe that he'd be able to de-arm her within seconds and shoot her right in the face. Which will 100% happen if you have no self defence training.
4. Carrying a gun never guarantees your safety. Ever.
5. Carrying a gun doesn't prepare you for what to do if someone grabs you from behind and chokes you. Or if they're dragging you down an alleyway by the pony tail. Or holding you down with your legs spread. Or if their thumbs are pressing down on your throat. Or if they're pointing a knife/gun at you. Self defence prepares you for ALL OF THOSE SITUATIONS.
6. There will be many times throughout your life when you won't have your gun on hand. What do you do then? Lie back and think of England?
7. My bf is a foot taller than me. We've practised in the past and I can throw him off me or prevent him from strangling me. I can hold him down with ease when I'm ticking him too :) Providing you're not an ana-chan and you've a decent fitness level, you're already stronger than most criminals.

Ladies, anyone who promotes this gun bullshit is, in fact, a man. Men want you to think you're weaker and don't stand a chance, so you won't get fit and learn valuable, life-saving techniques. Get fit. Get strong. Get educated. Get confidence and you'll never have to worry about falling victim to attacks.

I've never heard of a woman in my area shooting an attacker and living to tell the tale. I have heard news reports of fit ladies like joggers and sportswomen giving their attackers a good kick to the balls and giving a detailed description to the police, though. I'll let you guys figure out which one you want to be.

No. 217736>>218055

Those statistics can' be right…India is the Reich of rape.

No. 217754>>217756

>Ladies, anyone who promotes this gun bullshit is, in fact, a man. Men want you to think you're weaker and don't stand a chance, so you won't get fit and learn valuable, life-saving techniques.

That doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't men rather attack an unarmed woman than an armed one?

No. 217756>>218319

No, they'd rather attack an untrained one with no muscle mass. It's easy to disarm someone and it's pretty rare someone can reach into their bag halfway across the room and pull out a gun when they've been jumped on from behind and there's already a big lump of a man between their legs.

No. 217776

>Ladies, anyone who promotes this gun bullshit is, in fact, a man.
you haven't known many gun-fags then, I take it? the women are as bad as the men if not worse.

No. 218055

Likely by reporting. Different countries may report it differently as well.

Thought South Africa was king in that field.

No. 218068>>218170

>1. Guns and pepper spray are illegal in most parts of the world. Thank god.
If they're legally available to you, you should get them and train to use them.
>2. Self defence teaches de-escalation techniques
Which is why I said you should also take self defense classes
>so the likelihood is that you will never need a weapon with self defence training.
>3. If you honestly believe a man is stronger than a woman,
You don't? What fantasy world do you live in? Tell me, why are almost literally all sports segregated by sex, if men aren't inherently stronger than women?
>then you'd also believe that he'd be able to de-arm her within seconds and shoot her right in the face.
Which is why you don't wait seconds with a gun drawn. Drawing a gun means you're going to shoot, not just threaten.
>Which will 100% happen if you have no self defence training.
Wrong, see above.
>4. Carrying a gun never guarantees your safety. Ever.
Never said it'd be a perfect guarantee.
Now tell me, which one is safer, taking self defense classes, or taking self defense classes and carrying a gun you're trained to use?
>5. Carrying a gun doesn't prepare you for what to do if someone grabs you from behind and chokes you. Or if they're dragging you down an alleyway by the pony tail. Or holding you down with your legs spread. Or if their thumbs are pressing down on your throat. Or if they're pointing a knife/gun at you. Self defence prepares you for ALL OF THOSE SITUATIONS.
Which is why I said to also take self defense classes.
>6. There will be many times throughout your life when you won't have your gun on hand. What do you do then? Lie back and think of England?
Which is why I said to also take self defense classes.
>7. My bf is a foot taller than me. We've practised in the past and I can throw him off me or prevent him from strangling me. I can hold him down with ease when I'm ticking him too :)
He likely wasn't really trying too hard because he didn't want to hurt you, or you're a genetic freak and should be a competitive fighter for that easy money, or he's a skeleton with some skin on, or you're lying.
>Providing you're not an ana-chan and you've a decent fitness level, you're already stronger than most criminals.
You're delusional.

>Ladies, anyone who promotes this gun bullshit is, in fact, a man.

Excellent argument, as were the ones before.
>Men want you to think you're weaker and don't stand a chance,
You absolutely don't in a fair fight (which is why you'd want things like guns and pepper spray, if you can get them)
>so you won't get fit and learn valuable, life-saving techniques.
No, I literally said you should still take self defense classes. I didn't say "you're weak, just bend over and take it"
>Get fit. Get strong. Get educated. Get confidence and you'll never have to worry about falling victim to attacks.
A healthy dose of fear is far more useful than delusions of grandeur.

>I've never heard of a woman in my area shooting an attacker and living to tell the tale. I have heard news reports of fit ladies like joggers and sportswomen giving their attackers a good kick to the balls and giving a detailed description to the police, though. I'll let you guys figure out which one you want to be.

This is absolute nonsense, and if you've never heard of the former it's either because you live in an area where guns aren't commonly available to civilians, or because the media just doesn't report on it. If you shoot a guy a handful of times at close range, you'll live.

No. 218170>>218174

When will the robot raid end?

I won't even repond to that. Anyone reading already knows that I care about the wellbeing of all the girls on this site and I'm giving them practical and life-saving advice. You're….here for an argument I guess. Guess whose posts are going to be heeded?

No. 218174>>218291

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a robot
Excellent argument, as were the ones before.

No. 218246>>218291

Ask one of your male friends to try and wrestle you to the floor as a test (ensure he knows its platonic). You will then see the reality of self defence for females and the need for you to carry a weapon or at least pepper spray.

No. 218291>>218320

Criminals only attack people they assume won't fight back (i.e. shy girls who won't scream, the elderly, girls in heels, ana-chans etc.)

Sometimes just screaming and giving them a good kick in the balls is enough to scare the shit out of them long enough for you to get away. They're not intelligent people. Most are so strung out on drugs that they can't even keep their eyes from rolling back in their heads, let alone attacking someone. If not, digging your nails into their eyes sure will. All of this can be learned in self defense, not by buying a can of pepper spray.

People who care about women want them to be prepared. Men who don't give a shit about women perpetuate a shitty age-old meme that women are frail little flowers and should just lie back and allow themselves to be raped or robbed. If you cared about women, you'd want them to be fit and strong and prepared for every situation, you'd want to empower them. You woudn't be insulting them right now.

I've known young girls, elderly women and pregnant women to fend off attackers. You know why? Because they were prepared and their muscle memory was flawless. I want that for everyone, do you?

Where am I arguing? That's such a testosterone-induced thing to say. I'm literally just encouraging women to be prepared. You're the one arguing, analyzing my posts line by line from mommy's basement. Sick to the stomach that you might not have the chance to stick your limp dick in a passed out girl one day. It's really transparent, as much as I'm sure you'd like to believe that you're blending in.

No. 218293

None of the robots in this thread are actually offering any practical or helpful advice, it's just

>hurr durr the womenz are so weak don't bother learning to protect yourselves

No. 218319

>It's easy to disarm someone
Ah yes i see you're well versed in your john wick and jason bourne. You are going to cause more women to be raped by inflating their ego to think they can defend themselves, then when the time comes that they find out there IS a strength difference , its too late. Carrying a gun is a must if it's available, practise an actual martial art (BJJ, TKD, Kickboxing, muay thai etc…), but most important of all, situational awareness will be the first line of defense, dont put yourself in a situation where you're vulnerable. Men do this all the time, women are way too relaxed in public. Know whos around you, how many witnesses, what race they are, their attitudes. Be accompanied by as many people as you can.

No. 218320>>218327>>218348

>all those completely baseless assertions
Strawmanning rapists as junkies is underestimating your enemy, something that leads to a false sense of security which is very bad for womens safety. The type of man who will rape is by definition a combination of these two attributes
1. A risk taker
2. High libido.
Both are signs of high testosterone which is directly responsible for the ability to build muscle mass. They are likely to be stronger than the average guy and much more driven during the act (he's not gonna hold back whilst committing a crime, hes already hurting you a bit why not a lot?)
You are twisting the argument from 'women are weak' to 'women are weak so shouldn't defend themselves' (strawman again). Nobody is saying that, they're saying your method of self defence are simply not good enough to handle an adrenaline fuelled adult male. You need every advantage and weapon you can get ON TOP OF training your body, which you should be doing anyway. Some women have gotten away by a kick in the balls, but a kick in the balls takes a few seconds before it incapacitates the person, and in that time he can get on top of you, and the adrenaline will mean he can fight through the pain, only ending up even more enraged and is now likely to seriously hurt you as revenge. The safest way is to keep a gun on you and keep your head on a swivel, and shoot to kill as soon as someone shows intent.

>doesn't know what the word argument means

really rocking the richter scale with that goliath of a brain you have(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 218327>>218339

>High libido

Aaaaaand so we can ignore literally everything you said. Thanks.

No. 218330>>218331

>Can get erect whilst wrestling someone and under threat of being caught
Nah yeah sure, bet hes some metrosexual soyboy, who for some reason, is willing to risk jail and his life being ruined just to get a nut with a real woman

No. 218331

Fuck off back to you-know-where.

No. 218339>>218346

Literally all your """arguments""" have been
>ur a guy lol
>guns r bad lol
>I disagree with this one detail so I'm disregarding literally everything you said lol

No. 218346

Go look up what rape actually is, hun. Can't comment on something you don't understand.

No. 218348>>218350

I didn't read this whole argument chain but I agree with your post. I'm assuming the argument is partially about not needing weapons for self defense? Here's some rambling that may not even be related to this discussion:

Not having a weapon is completely stupid, at the very least all women should carry pepper spray. Shorter/smaller women especially. I don't like how everybody has a gun in the Us but it is kind of essential if you live on your own or frequently walk around by yourself in weird places. Theres not much you can do as a woman with no self defense training in a survival situation against a raging neanderthal whos trying to fight you to get what he wants. Shooting either pepper spray or a gun from a distance is the best option to stay safe if you know their intention. Also asserting yourself by looking straight at someone you think is following you will also raise your dominance a little

No. 218350

The reply chain is essentially this:
>A: take self defense classes and you'll be like Wonder Woman!
>B: taking self defense classes is better than not taking them, but don't be brainwashed into thinking you can be WW. Get a gun or pepper spray (if legal), and learn to use them.
>A: guns r evil, also I don't need guns because I'm WW. Also you're a robot.
>B (and half a dozen other people): you are wrong because blah blah blah
>A: I won't listen to you because you're a robot, and I'm WW. Also, here are some more baseless assumptions, strawmans, purposeful misrepresentations, and assorted bullshit.

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