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No. 2127217

I can't believe this hasn't been made into a thread yet. We live in a politically divisive climate abundant with annoying protestors, lootings, grifters, agitators, obstructors, astroturfs and pretty every insufferable asshole that manages to arise in these oh so revolutionary moments. ITT: post any cringe or hate towards anything related to protesting, it can be articles, videos, pics, screenshots, personal stories, etc.
>no excessive politisperging no1currs
>no bait
>rest of board rules apply

No. 2127285

remember CHAZ

No. 2127369

I remember the pathetic little 'crops'

No. 2127374

My favourite arc was the "unplanned donations" one kek. If everyone involved had been a moid then it would have been a completely hilarious victory in my book.

No. 2127376

I was a protester and looking back I cringe so hard. Gladly I was wearing a mask but it pains me to this day and I hope no one ever recognises me its been 5 years but I was in my SJW era where I thought I could make a difference kek. Now I'm anti-protest

No. 2128122

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No. 2128125

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No. 2128128

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…..why didnt you just ignore him..why would you fucking kneel…why

No. 2128133

Any Just stop oil protest is cringe and defeats their purpose by making normal people angry with them. Blocking civilian traffic including people on bicycles is just retarded.

No. 2128136

Spraying chemical paint on a culturally important ancient monument will definitely stop oil!

No. 2128143

im going to tinfoil here and say that these types are more than likely bought out by oil companies themselves because even if you considered the fur protests back in the 90s they always targeted the fashion shows and the fur farms not local businesses, its more than likely propoganda to make the ones against these oil rigs seem so stupid and retarded so no one takes them seriously

No. 2128166

In my country anti-fur protests did target local businessess like shops that sold some jackets with fur details. They also threw paint on old ladies wearing furcoats in winter. They managed to make people too afraid to sell and wear fur that way. Psychos.

No. 2128175

its scripted nonnie

No. 2128179

What makes you say that?

No. 2128185

just her reaction when he starts yelling at her seems like she was expecting him, I would have recoiled way more

No. 2128188

The fucking speed at which I would run away jfc, I feel bad for her she's probably thinking "either I kneel or risk getting murdered."

No. 2128191

She was doing her best to hide her fear in order to not appear racist. It was a matter of safety.

No. 2128267

Please god somebody post the video of that woman falling off a wall during the insurrection

No. 2128278

I have to post this classic video, it never fails to make me laugh

No. 2128284

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It ended up with people getting raped, injured, arrested, a crop of public land devastated with nothing grown. That’s what you get when you have a bunch of deranged psychopathic moids running any political movement. Picrel is hilarious, protestors are the last people I would want if the fabric of civilization were to melt away right in front of our eyes, they’re incapable of doing anything. At least with trads who live in areas with tumbleweeds and ranches we would have some food available

No. 2128288

This is my favourite TV protest moment.

No. 2128295

I mean all 'progressive' protests in general are financed by the system, including violence and property damage, basically two-pronged drain on taxpayers. But it's hard to draw much conclusions other than they aren't really organic. It's hard to see the specific intentions behind them beyond enthusiasm for whatever is deemed progressive in the managerial class. All the people involved top to bottom seem to just be interested in LARPing and attention-seeking, and seem very stupid regarding their understanding of society and politics, or their own supposed issues.

No. 2128298

Kek, there was this and there was also an incident where a guy's laptop or something got stolen and everyone around him was like "think of it as a donation"

No. 2128305

I love watching these protestors getting btfo’d, it’s even more cathartic when men get hit by other angry men roidpigging in the middle of traffic about getting to their jerbs kekk

No. 2128310

> people getting raped
what? seriously? i only heard that a person was killed during their larp?

No. 2128316

Also, looking at the statements of these groups, they are unironically proud and think they're being effective by 'taking it to the next level'. So even the organisers are delusional. It's less that they're intentionally poisoning their own movement and more that they're such delusional, LARPy, obnoxious people that they think it's a good thing actually. So like a lot of things, perhaps it's self-indulgence over advancing their movement. The ideas are already popularly accepted but it's almost like they want to pretend they aren't.

No. 2128332

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>criminals trying to run a mini version of a country and it ends up turning into chaos and mayhem
who would’ve thunk

No. 2128344

I work at a university. There’s a they/them girl in my office who got super obsessed with the Israel-Palestine conflict and for months she wore a keffiyeh every day and put pro-Palestine propaganda posters up at her cubicle. I think she decided to call it quits once she realized that our institution doesn’t actually care, they’re more concerned with not losing any rich Jewish alumni donors, and any pre-Palestine woke stuff they say in emails is just posturing. Hopefully she’ll detransition next lmao

No. 2128348

from what I remember, they chose their leader(Raz Simone) since they were just naive white college kids and they needed someone with more revolutionary knowledge to lead them(he was a soundcloud rapper)

No. 2128357

> they needed someone with more revolutionary knowledge to lead them(he was a soundcloud rapper)

No. 2128469

reminds me of the symbionese liberation army(the one's who kidnapped patty patty hearst), they elected a radical black panther as their leader (because they thought he was naturally more revolutionary) and he led them into shootouts with the police whic led to many of their members dying and getting arrested until the police cornered them, and they accidentally set off a gas canister in their own safe house, resulting in a fire that killed most of them

No. 2128477

Great thread, anon. Hopefully it doesn't get constantly derailed or locked.
Kek look at all the weed smoke in the back. So unserious

No. 2128726

Loser mentality kek

No. 2128747

What bothers me the most about these protestors is that they truly think they are the most pious people fighting for a cause, they seriously think this is the 60s and 70s where you can protest exactly like them when that is false, you protest with your wallet or violence (total revolution), nothing else, our world has completely changed since then. They genuinely clasp their hands together like a spiritual guru retreat and say "we are the worldddd" but they are fucking up the plebians in the back that are the very people keeping the world running, it pisses me off so much, protests are for cowardly people living in fantasyland where they feel they are the main character with the gift of plot armour who can magically change the villain good like every shounen anime slop that's come out for awhile.

No. 2128810

Am I misunderstanding something or did this mofo seriously say " give up your land and money to us in the future"? Like, they think they're entitled to all of that because of their skin tone alone?

No. 2128812

>muh white privilege all wyt peop bad!1!1!1!
>white people in reality: vidrel

No. 2128818

He did, he really is expecting people to surrender their land kek. He must be delusional if he thinks buying and giving up a house is in any of these peoples budgets, most of them won't even be able to afford a house in this economy.

No. 2128824

Nah this one was based and deserved. The woman behind the camera is so annoying.

No. 2128825

…Can we talk about the tumblr gaza gofundme spam here? It's unreal how many people think that a bunch of adults who are currently stuck in tents without electricity and caring for their relatives are making TUMBLR blogs to ask for donations.

They're all young adults who get to live in their cushioned private school castles surrounded by classmates with the same mindset that would never be able to handle living like a common person.

No. 2128830

The same thing happened during the russo Ukraine war too numerous troons and retards were larping as Ukrainian seeking to escape or they'd be enlisted like the horrorcow empath to scam out money from good people generally these people are low life scums who take advantage of war torn nations

No. 2128837

I lowkey agree, but that makes us scrotes because "WOMAN GETTING HIT BAD HOW DARE YOU", she had so much time to move or twist his leg so he could trip kekkkk. It's a g(oldie) for me

No. 2128839

Didn't he only hit the phone?

No. 2128842

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this is why you must fight back with this shit as a poorfag. start astroturfing as a downtrodden tranny or speshul minority to siphon money out of the retarded public and profit. shove a sock in your panties and take a pic with it like that white chick on twitter awhile ago trannybaiting to get porn addicts to subscribe to her onlyfans, we have to counter this shit by trolling their ability to get money

No. 2128848

Yeah probably because the scrote didn't want to be on camera. I'm tired of these pundits shoving cameras in people's faces and expecting them to have the answers to the universe, like vidrel. They should make laws surrounding these gay ass street interviews you know your country is fucked when not only the peasants are retarded but so are the pampered people who can operate technology

No. 2128851

The kick is so dramatic and long kek why didn't she just move. The way he jumps at first has me keking
Honestly that kind of situation sounds scary as a woman I would just assume he's a homeless guy, I bet he didn't do this to any white moids. gross.

No. 2128868

He was aiming for the phone but kicked her hand.

No. 2128877

The most genius grift imaginable

No. 2134593

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reminds me of picrel

No. 2134752

Context: This is a protest against Violence against women and she started to make a "dance" for the women who are being under violence or dead while the government do nothing.

No. 2150968

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burning of a brat flag during the DNC last night by lefties. This is so fucking funny, what point does this even convey? I can't take leftoids seriously

No. 2150976

I'm sorry but I find this video so funny

No. 2150980

Maybe he just really hated the album. Or he's getting paid to do it for promotional purposes, which wouldn't surprise me given how desperate the brat pr is

No. 2150985

she's voguing, something from faggot culture.

No. 2151004

That guy was at least a thousand times more annoying though

No. 2151010

so what are lefties even going to do, not vote democrat?

No. 2151011

It indeed looks gay. Looks like those generic drag queen dances.

No. 2151038

I think it's because charli endorsed kamala and leftist males hate kamala. this was a protest outside of the DNC and they burnt other flags too.

No. 2151131

He powered up for nothing

No. 2151159

a lot of them just arent going to vote because they see it as "voting for genocide" and they dont care about any of the issues at stake in this election other than palestine.

No. 2151173

If this is Latin America it’s no surprise they’re voguing or doing that fag shit, they’re all libfems who support trannies. The only thing libfems have to offer are pop culture references and worshipping gay men

No. 2151205

> They managed to make people too afraid to sell and wear fur that way.
so you're saying their way of protesting worked? they got what they wanted lmao.

No. 2151382

They’re gonna keep wringing bout people voting democrat. Watch at least one filmed violent incident towards a black person will be done by November will happen, as a threat for voicing for Kamala

No. 2151384

Which is so stupid. If they don’t vote for Harris then Trump will win, and he doesn’t give a fuck about Palestine, as opposed to Harris who is adamant about calling for a ceasefire.

No. 2190145

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outside of CBS studio, kek wtf

No. 2190479

Remember when CNN asked the mayor of Seattle about the CHAZ and how long the occupation would take, and she laughed and said "it could be a summer of love!" kekkk

No. 2190503

lmao, the slapping
>kiss my asss
>kiss my asss
Stuff like this makes me remember that at the end of the day, we're all still just primates kek

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