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No. 2110102

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2069178

Please follow all /ot/ board rules.

No. 2110140

i cut my tongue on a potato chip yesterday

No. 2110152

>Lose my card
>Ask for a new one from my bank
>Text their customer service to know when it's going to get here
>Oh it's going to take 10 business days so it should get to you on August 6th at the earliest
>Leave the house
>Find out it was in the letterbox as I was texting them

No. 2110172

File: 1722276038660.png (88.15 KB, 200x470, LordFarquaad(ShrekCharacter).p…)

finally got a haircut. i feel so much better with a bob, that's really the #1 haircut for me.

No. 2110185

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I have not, but I just googled and I might have to add something of his to my reading list kek
Ok anons, I'm no reader so please don't expect a great review from me kek.

First, I don't think this needs to be said but this book objectively sucks kek. The characters, particularly the main character and her female friends are stereotyped to HELL (as ghetto black women). However, it's not like I thought "Pastors Eat Pwussy Too" was about to be an enlightening, Shakespearean piece. It's a "so absurd and bad that it's hilarious" thing (which is the most fun media to consume, imo) and I came into it ready to laugh rather than be offended, so the stereotypes didn't bother me. As for the actual writing, the author definitely has a way with words (the vagina is once described as "gooey guts") and a vivid imagination. If you've ever watched a low budget Tubi movie or read hood Wattpad story…its basically that. None of the characters in this book are good people, but I did find myself sympathizing with the main character more than once despite there being many "you fucking retard" moments. I also kinda felt like the author was airing out his grievances with people in this book lmao. He (or rather, the main character) did randomly diss Steve Harvey and the mukbang YouTuber Bloveslife. There's also almost a enemies-to-lovers-back-to-enemies thing going on here. Overall, I was entertained and it was a short listen as the book is only 2 hours and 35 minutes so it was perfect to clean to. I am interested in reading/listening to picrel or "This Hoe Got Roaches In Her Crib" next.

My summary of the full plot if anyone wants to know. I'll spoiler although I doubt anyone else will read
The book follows Nunu, a young woman working as a stripper and occasionally a prostitute. Nunu meets a man who promises to pay her $5k to have sex with her and another woman of her choosing. Nunu decides to bring her close friend along with the reasoning that she has 5 children and desperately needs the money. Turns out the dude was a cop, and both Nunu and her friend get arrested for prostitution and wire fraud (because Nunu planned on receiving the money through Cashapp). Prosecutors present a plea deal to her that she won't go to jail as long as she completes 300 hours of community service, stays away from stripping, and gets 3 years of probation.

Nunu chooses to volunteer at a church for her community service, where she meets Pastor Wilson. Pastor Wilson propositions that instead of volunteering at the church, she helps out with his campaign for mayor and get paid for it. She agrees (with some hesitation), and uses her time volunteering to reflect on her relationship with her own mother and son. Nunu's son has severe autism, which she speculates is due to smoking and drinking while pregnant, and he was removed from her care as her mother didn't feel that she was a fit parent. After Nunu's arrest, her mother threatened to get full custody of her son. Nunu decides to attempt to lawyer up to prevent this from happening and finds out that Pastor Wilson is a former attorney. Pastor Wilson agrees to represent her pro-bono, but he tells her that he expects something in return. Nunu immediately assumes he wants her to suck his dick, which enrages Pastor Wilson and he forbids her from participating in his campaign.

Nunu discovers that one of her friends from the strip club is having an affair with Pastor Wilson, and obtains a video of her friend sucking Pastor Wilson's dick and getting pissed on by him. Nunu uses this video to blackmail him and threaten to sabotage his run for mayor, and he agrees to give her $200k and a condo. Nunu and Pastor Wilson meet up at a hotel to finalize the deal and the Pastor comes onto her. She attempts to shoot him, which fails because she forgot to load the gun. He tells him that he will give her the money, but that he first wants to "taste her". She gives into his advances and they have sex (she's on her period btw. The eating pwussy part is described in great detail but the penetration part is more like "he put his dick in me" and the scene ends kek). After they finish and it's time to get the money, Pastor Wilson reveals that he was mic'd up the entire time and her probation officer confronts her outside of the room.

Nunu ends up in prison serving 23 years for prostitution and extortion. While in prison, she is diagnosed with HIV and pregnancy. She comes to the conclusion that both were caused by Pastor Wilson sees this as a new opportunity as she thinks she can use her pregnancy as a meal ticket and a way to get out of prison. She schedules to have a meeting with her mother to tell her the news, but before the meeting she sees on TV that Pastor Wilson committed suicide due to problems with the IRS. Her mother comes to the prison and tells her that she was crying because she was close to Pastor Wilson. Nunu tells her about her situation and how Pastor Wilson was why she ended up in prison (how her mom didn't know this before, idk). Nunu tells her that she plans to get a DNA test for the baby to prove that Pastor Wilson is the father. Her mother says that she doesn't need to worry about getting a test and says "four syllables" that make Nunu sob. The book doesn't say it explicitly but I'm 100% sure the twist was that Pastor Wilson was Nunu's father all along.

Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post.

No. 2110189

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Its raining cats and dogs outside right now, Jesus. I was kind of hoping today would be nice and sunny but I guess not.

No. 2110213

This is a good pic choice for this thread theme I love it bravissima

No. 2110297

Today went by so fast, it's already 4 PM. I feel like it'll go slow now that I've noticed it's going fast though.

No. 2110299

I'm swallowing ice cubes whole and letting them melt in my throat then when I drink water after it feels much colder

No. 2110329

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I was about to start a new show (picrel) just to find out that the site I use to watch movies and TV shows is gone. First soap2day now this, how much more will I have to experience heartbreak????

No. 2110354

I love walking away from an infight and watching other nonnies defend me kek.

No. 2110549

Spent several hours tinkering with ffmpeg filters to get 200+ podcasts downconverted to 32kbps mono mp3 with heavy compression/limiting.

No. 2110598

I watched the first episode in english class in ninth grade and the entire class was laughing at the scene of the kid pretending to fuck a pinata (or plushie i don't remember), this brought back memories

No. 2110613

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Feel like shit, just want oatmeal scotchies… But no. Gonna shower and go visit family instead.

No. 2110618

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Snorted reading an article about a stupid boomer who gave $740k to scammers. Scammed by minor actor, Finn Whitrock

No. 2110660

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Im learning perfumery and honestly it's kinda hard because the perfume industry is secretive so I kinda have to rely on just a few sources. Luckily there's a literal perfume forum where they have sections about perfume making, and some helpful things on YouTube and reddit

No. 2110669

Haven't chick flicks in theaters gone out of fashion in recent years?

No. 2110808

I'm wearing sneakers that are breathable and I like when I can feel the wind blow through them on my toes

No. 2110812

Im doing monogram puzzles right now and they're so confusing. It feels like my brain is melting but I did manage to solve too of them.

No. 2110814

Which forum? I want to know too

No. 2110824

It's Basenotes. It's pretty nice! The perfume making section has a masterlist of everything you need to get started.

No. 2110880

I always thought my cat was stupid but now I'm not too sure. We have a diffuser in the living room that goes off about every thirty minutes, along with some quiet beeping lasting like two seconds. My cat hates it and I don't really like it either, so I usually put it to sleep mode, just a simple button push, which it reactives from after some hours. Earlier though I was too lazy to get up to turn it off again, so I ignored it, but by the time it went off a second time, my cat came up running to me and scratched the door and generally was acting annoying until I got up to press the button again. Then she was being all cute and well-behaved again and came up to me to cuddle, which she usually never does. I think she knows I can turn it off for a few hours and this is her way of thanking me.

No. 2110982

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I love pandas sooo much

No. 2111096

For a second it was as if there was a straight tunnel going through my ears. I could feel and hear the wind blowing through the hole in my head and it scared me. Now I have a headache

No. 2111364

This made me check to see if the website I use is still up, and it is.

No. 2111457

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I got a mole removed today and they injected me with local anaesthetic right on my nasolabial fold to remove it. I didn't realise how numb it was until I got home and saw my smile in the reflection and I smile ALOT when I talk so I was doing this at the uber driver the whole 50min trip, atleast I'll never see him again

No. 2111468

Kek, I went to dentist the other day and got local anesthesia so my upper lip was paralyzed for the whole day. I am sure the women from the shop I went right after thought I was retarded cus I was speaking weird, couldn't even smile properly either. It's insane how many muscles get used for things as simple as speaking and smiling.

No. 2111499

Aww I've never seen one without the black patches around the eyes! It's so cute!

No. 2111569

I need to get my ass up and get ready for a job interview but I feel so laaazzyy. Luckily it's virtual so I only need to be presentable from the chest up kek.

No. 2111595

good luck, nonita. i'm sure you'll do great!

No. 2111609

Yeah because everything needs to be grimdark or behind a million layers of irony an actual heartwarming earnest film wouldn't even make back its budget

No. 2111612

>me hiding in the bathroom bc I don't want to work

No. 2111690

Thanks anon! I think I did good (hopefully kek). I did lie on my resume so I did have to lie in the interview which was the hardest part because I suck at lying, but I rehearsed beforehand so it wasn't bad.

No. 2111692

I wanted to watch Rosemary's Baby but i'm a dumbass and got mixed it up and watched Bridget Jones's Baby. I didn't understand why film bros praised this movie so much kek
describe the bathroom or you're lying

No. 2111701

why is the realest thing ever. ntayart hope you get the job nonna

No. 2111719

I changed doctors and always had bad experiences with the smear at my local practice one time the evidently pissed off nurse left the thing in me and left the room before taking the scraping for the smear and I bleed all day in work afterwards. Well today the doctor was so friendly and accommodating and made sure I felt comfortable. She explained everything and showed me the different sizes of tools and said she'd start with the smallest and move up if she had too. She was very quick with it and i didn't bleed or have any weird cramps. It was faster than any questions she asked me beforehand omg 10/10 smear experience let's hope I don't have ovarian cancer woop woop

No. 2111782

>that end
What the fuck kek

No. 2111785

>32kbps mono mp3 with heavy compression/limiting
Why the hell would you do this?

No. 2111794

I'm completely over my cold but one of my lymph nodes in my jaw is still so swollen, ugh.

No. 2111879

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yesterdays test was so ass im gonna open up the first woman-owned male strip club in India

No. 2111882

no fags allowed either, these days people think the fag gaze is the same as fem gaze

No. 2111889

Let's collaborate nonna, this sounds like it could be a successful business model in the future if we just shill it enough.

No. 2111893

No manlets allowed

No. 2111907

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oh it's going to need a lot of shilling, between women being castrated these days and Indian scrotes whining about what they think is "unequal"(they'll seethe about everything, from Beti Bachao Beti Padhao to the fucking front view in the women's coach in certain metros(which are on both ends of the train so scrotes can look too but they seethe anyway)), it'll take crazy amounts of advertising.
why tf did you think i'd allow them, i'll import Dutchmen if i have to

No. 2111914

Hate this acne. I hope having less stress after moving clears it up.

No. 2111915

Based grannies

No. 2111918

are you having your vitamin Cs nonnie?

No. 2111959

nobody replied to my vent in vent post thread, life is terrible

No. 2112066

null is such a petty butthurt faggot

No. 2112078

samefag he's also FAT

No. 2112080

The ricecel thread makes me want asian food so badly…I wish I didn't already have a huge breakfast…

No. 2112090

I'm trying to listen to boyfriend ASMR because my bestie is into it, but I can't help but think about how fugly and retarded these moids must look whispering into a mic. I can't take this shit seriously, I keep cringeing kek

No. 2112108

I have a lot of books. I get them for really cheap and I'm genuinely interested in/want to read all of them but it will probably take me years. I'm reading 4 books at once right now (1 nonfiction 3 fiction) and I want to pile on another nonfiction of a similar subject but that would be too difficult. I'm leaving the country in a month for the rest of the year and I obviously can't bring all my books with me so there's a lot I want to finish before then, which will also be really hard and I know I'll probably really want to read something I left behind while I'm there. Aghhhh

No. 2112111

That's exactly the thoughts that came to me when I first listened to one kek, I get reminded of corpsefatty

No. 2112114

same, i hate all of them bc it sounds so corny, "do you like it when i do that?" in either the most forced macho voice or the faggiest falsetto softboi voice

No. 2112119

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Ever since I stopped taking my hormonal BC I started getting bacne and chestne and it's bothering me so much and it's making me realizing the BC was stopping any breakouts from happening. I haven't had a breakout on my skin since my grandma visited us when I in middle school during the summer and it's making me feel ugly as fuck. I wish there was an alternative to treat my PCOS.

No. 2112120

only good asmr in this world

No. 2112149

Finally, the proper fate these youtube asmr boys should suffer

No. 2112160

Seriously so many of those "romantic" asmrs are so creepy, I enjoyed this Victorian history fan's reaction to them.

No. 2112177

its from the hormonal change while your body adjusts. Please stay off hormonal BC its honestly really terrible. You could try taking Progesterone (look up Progest-E oil and apply like a drop of it on your gums every day) and it should help alleviate it.

No. 2112203

omg a peater in the wild

No. 2112208

i found a video that hits that retarded spot in my brain to replace the "Chris Chan spray-painting brand-new shoes badly, while making retarded sounds" I love the sound of shaking spray paint and the spraying. It's a video of Kingcobra getting doordashed a bunch of shit.
>a bra
>bird food
>Mc donalds happy meal with every sauce, no meat just the bun and just lettace & mayo
>Two bags of pototoe
>but it's zero alcohol
sex toy
and him lying about huffing duster. I don't know why I like it so much.

No. 2112216

I forgot
>baby bottle
>tooth brush
>Hello Kitty coloring book
>more pacifers
>tooth paste
and him wanting a "Cis Gender female of age non related alive consentiing human adult" girlfriend. I also constantly gag when he tries to make "Mead" and it's Bananas, Reese pieces, half a bag of sugar, A lot of yeast, Peanut butter, Bacon bits, plus more shit I don't remember and he lets it sit to "Age" and drinks it. One time he brough some homemade wine (probably something else disgusting) and was drinking it at a family gathering and they told him to stop. He must've cursed them out because he made a apology video, but i just imagine how fucking stank his breath was and that "mead". He wasn't even getting drunk he's just drinking the shit that is in the bottom of the garbage can yuck.

No. 2112225

I put too much caramel in my salted caramel coffee, blegh.

No. 2112284

I have so many donuts left from my too-good-to-go order and no one to share it with. I wish I could just give them to you through the screen.

No. 2112349

Doing your shopping list when you're hungry right when you have (or rather, are about to have) a broke month is not a great idea, I don't wanna take the chicken off my list but I'm not sure the price is worth it this week…!

No. 2112443

My nails are now mid-length so I'm fighting myself on whether to paint them or cut them. I'm feeling red polish but at the same time I love the feeling of typing with very very short nails. Could do both, but painted stubby nails just don't look the same.

No. 2112581

>man comes up to me in Victoria's Secret and tries to hit on me
>in Victoria's Secret
>by himself
Did he think I'm fucking stupid?

No. 2112604

Ewww what a weirdo. Mental retardation. Reminds me when I was shopping for underwear online kek, and I went to the reviews only to be met with a picture of some moid's ugly hairy ass with the panties squeezing into him because they were obviously too tight for his lardy ass. What the fuck is wrong with these motherfuckers?

No. 2112611

if i could choose to get killed by any fictional character i would pick homura

No. 2112665

just beat cut the rope with all the stars, i feel so smart.

No. 2112678

Kekkkk anon I was more thinking he has a girlfriend that he was shopping for rather than him being a troon, but I support this theory too

No. 2112693

why is he there?? I hope you told him to get out.

No. 2112695

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My current favorite AO3 author keeps updating the wrong stories. Update the ones about my husbando, I'm begging you!
Anyways, it's raining right now and I just heard the crispest crackle of lightning. It must've struck really close, it scared me.

No. 2112697

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This is how I browse lolcow

No. 2112699

cute gato

No. 2112703

My cat gets the crusties on that eye too lol

No. 2112709

It's weird to take a pic like that with them. It just seems like they are a lazy bad owner

No. 2112712

I love your brain

No. 2112722

I clear her nose and eyes of crust every day, sometimes 2x. I also regularly brush her. What a weird assumption, she can't help being a pinkskin. It's not a health issue, I've taken her to a vet. It is just dry where I live and some cats are more prone to it.
Gata, I would never show a man this website.

No. 2112772

Some moid was shoving his fucking navy pamphlets into random gas station pumps and I hate recruiters with a passion so I basically took some of them out and wrote "I AM BIPOLAR" in allcaps on them and shoved them back where they were

Fuck the military industrial complex

No. 2112849

i admire your strong values anon. but the timing is funny, i literally just submitted my application to start training. wish me luck everyone.

No. 2113255

Pretty sure the cashier at 7-Eleven that I frequent was being nice because he told me to grab an extra redbull after I bought 2 (his words: "after you buy these 2, grab another one" which I had him repeat twice), but now I'm paranoid that I somehow misunderstood and just stole in front of him. I grabbed one and aggressively made eye contact/said bye while walking out with the free one and he didn't chase after me but who knows, we'll see if I get arrested or yelled at tomorrow night.

No. 2113260

Honestly it's not as if I don't respect those who can do it, it's that I'm too anti authoritarian and mentally ill to do it myself. I wish you luck because I've heard terrible things about how women are treated in there. Also when I was in college I was fucking sick and tired of recruiters harassing students and my school selling our info to the MIC

looking back I didn't have a brain eating mental condition and lazy parents I probably would've been sent to the military as a teenager instead of a mental hospital kek

No. 2113268

Good luck anon!

No. 2113271

I can't sleep, but I will try to get some sleep, I've been anxious as fuck.

No. 2113355

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I had an internet moid my lil brother and I were super close friends with and despite only being 24 (same age as little brother) he already had shit history with law, was always a topic of discussion lol… well, he got put away last year for selling class B shit and I just remember how he was arrested a few days after all 3 of us had spent time together video gaming. We played a stupid farting race game on Roblox so whenever my bro and I decide to play retarded games on there- I check the friend's account n find myself looking at the badges he got. One when we joined, one when he farted 100 studs and one for winning a fart race from that same game, and needless to say that really fits him..
I'm giyuu in pic so picrel

No. 2113399

I did end up getting the chicken! Not only did I do that, neither I nor the cashier did a double take on the packaging when the discount wasn't done automatically so she had to do it manually; apparently I had accidentally picked the thinly sliced chicken breasts instead of regular ones. 800 grams of this will tbh last me longer than regular chicken breast would, huge win! I didn't even know they sold it thinly sliced kek

No. 2113548

I did my nails yesterday, they're a purple chrome with matte top coat. It creates a pretty, velvet-y look.
Also, I just won an argument (with someone who I have a complicated relationship with) and yes I feel very smug about it. She may have hurt me but she cannot keep up with me on an argument.

No. 2113586

I can't believe Kiwiscrotes have been lurking and taking stuff from the bad art and fandom discussion threads. How disappointing

No. 2113592

Inb4 they suddenly start talking about their gayops to "prove" they don't lurk kek

No. 2113648

Your room looks cosy

No. 2113650

Link to the threads? I wanna see.

No. 2113656

No. 2113774

Anticipation is literally killing me today. I am waiting for an Amazon package and also waiting to hear if I got the job. On top of my usual anxiety, my nerves are so bad.

No. 2113784

Nona delivers. Thanks for the review.

No. 2113826

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ot but this malding tranny I found in the link you posted made me kek. I love how female only spaces causes them to sperg out like this

No. 2113827

>all those /cm/ gay scrotes lurking lolcor
Grim. I hate what the fujo thread has become now.

No. 2113830

It's been years but I'm finally about to start reading Nemu's threads.

No. 2113841

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Can't stop craving pastries, kill me!! Drinking my coffee and reading Fried Green Tomatoes, going to see Longlegs tonight on a date, and I've been working nights this week but it's going well. I'm gonna try to get into my late summer nostalgia, maybe by rewatching gravity falls or something. Happy Wednesday nonas

No. 2113846

I made chocolate pudding without a chocolate bar and with cocoa powder only, thinking the milk and sweetener and the crumbled biscuits I added in the bowl would be enough to make it taste good. It wasn't. I added too much cocoa powder and it ended up tasting like dirt. Me and making sweets and baking will never get along.

On an absolutely unrelated note, I recently got into Lindsay Lohan's music and watched some videos on her life. And man, she was too polite and nice for this world. Too genuine, sincere, earnest, and vulnerable. And she got mocked for it or taken advantage of for it, it's so sad. Even her interactions with the paparazzi were so "sad cringe" in a way, like she says "please" and "thank you" after she asks them to stop filming/taking photos of her. And there was that one incident with Paris Hilton where LL told the paparazzi that PH hit her, but later in another paparazzi interaction, she said it didn't happen and that HP is a nice girl who'd never do that to her. I guess she got scared of drama or backlash? Poor girl. Even her lyrics for "Rumor" are polite. Cringe savior complex incoming but I wish I was her friend at the time to support her and protect her, she deserved better and seemed nice and harmless, but I guess that's why people saw her as an easy target.

No. 2113853

Damn, that’s sad

No. 2113888

Samefag, I forgot to mention. She also opened up about her bad relationship with her father in a song, and I feel so bad for her, idk what was the public's reception of it at the time though, but I really hope no one ever used it against her. She was also an alcoholic and went to rehab.

No. 2113903

You made me think she died

No. 2113945

Me: Ugh, I'm so bad at cooking I barely dare to make meals for visiting guests. I'd just let them down with my shitty meals or get so nervous I'd fuck up whatever I had in mind.

Also me: Anyway since I'm broke at the moment I improvised by making a panfrying some chicken I previously let sit in home made marinade for a few hours and served it on a bed of sautéed cabbage and onion. I also mixed some frozen veggies with some starch and spices before I threw them in the air fryer for a couple of rounds and finished it up with some crumbled feta on top. Topped it all with some spiced up creme fraiche and a side salad with veggies from my mom's garden.

No. 2113971

LMFAO sorry, it's because she stopped doing stuff afaik, music and acting wise.

No. 2113974

Bad mojo radiates from your post. I don't like you

No. 2113980

i really want a big delicious deli sandwich but there's a massive recall on deli meats right now and i don't want to risk it… i just want my fucking sandwich

No. 2113988

This is basic everyday cooking nona

No. 2114078

I watched Twisters today. It was one of the most American movies I have ever watched. It was literally “Yee-Haw” as a movie. Considering it was so American, Daisy Edgar Jones was at the heart of it, she is so cute and a bong.

No. 2114096

Damn, I jerked off and I feel so much better now. Think I have the motivation to make myself a cake and dinner now, it’s like the world just brightened up. I’m on my last bit of almond flour though

No. 2114105

> I jerked off
Why do you have to word it in scrote terms, gross

No. 2114115

Us ladies, we jill, we flick, we schlick schlick schlick

No. 2114157

Dumb moidcentric term meant to be a “counterpart” to jacking off
I don’t think that’s any more accurate than jerk tbh
>Schlick schlick
Oh…. that gives me shudders. And my clitoris doesn’t make that noise

No. 2114161

Bless you, anon. This was great. Let us know if you read any of the others.

No. 2114164

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No. 2114170

> He (or rather, the main character) did randomly diss Steve Harvey and the mukbang YouTuber Bloveslife
I want to know what Bloveslife did to him kek

No. 2114174

>my clitoris doesn’t make that noise
Neither does mine, kek. I just like words with 'sch' in it because it sounds german and german is cool

No. 2114209

Sorry anon, I made it sound more exciting than it was. But it's definitely not a coincidence that somehow all pics he posted bar two were all on the farms beforehand

No. 2114222

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I haven't been in any education for years and I forgot how bad having a geriatric teach us how to use a computer is!!! The problem now being tech is far more advanced!!!

No. 2114224

Kek trannies are the most pathetic motherfuckers alive. Subhumans

No. 2114239

File: 1722461746292.png (178.92 KB, 1862x455, ugly tranny.PNG)

These fucking plagues infest everything

No. 2114242

> Always have never been oppressed
Idk nonnies this guy seems like an intellectual who knows what he's talking about

No. 2114244

>LC farm was made for us trannies!
Bullet in the brain deserved. I hate these freaks.

No. 2114247

File: 1722462009306.jpg (63.4 KB, 564x1004, 8563528df0ea6ff666fe495ff651d4…)

There's a thunderstorm where I live and holy shit no wonder why dogs get scared. There was this loud ass strike and I jumped

No. 2114254

I mean no, I can't kick someone out of a store I don't own kek. I just rejected him and moved on. I didn't ask but he was probably buying a gift.

No. 2114260

If LC was made for TIMs then why are all the best and most documented cows on here all biological women except Gregory? I can't imagine being so narcissist and retarded.
If he's lurking right now he should probably become a statistic

No. 2114284

File: 1722463575828.jpg (47.82 KB, 700x734, 6c10cb737033039e6d2fe85cdf860f…)

Samefag, the author uploaded the first chapter a completely new story with my husbando! …but it's a "dead dove do not eat" fic with fetishes I'm not into. Picrel is me right now, in misery but coping through the pain. I might still give it a read because I really like her writing and besides, most of her works actually have kinks I don't care for but I still was able to enjoy them anyway

No. 2114290

File: 1722463868918.jpg (24.87 KB, 1303x106, Capture65656.JPG)

This scrote clearly hasn't been lurking here enough if he thinks the situations in the relationship advice threads are caused by 'handsome' men

No. 2114294

seriously, the ugly man psyop is real as fuck, he's just a brainlet, most beautiful women would go out with ugly men as long as they werent complete retards, the bar is so low and he's still struggling

No. 2114295

which author are you talking about if I may ask?

No. 2114297

same nona, although it's better now. I love thunderstorms though

No. 2114306

She's not well known and I don't think anons would like her work so it's not important.

No. 2114328

I think my Amazon package is lost. This is like the second lost package in like the past two/three months, I used to never get lost packages from Amazon.

No. 2114392

File: 1722469452754.png (119.57 KB, 275x270, best perfect most beautiful im…)

>Laptop breaks down
>Finds some guy to fix it and he's really nice and charges me half-price because good things always happen to me.
>It's fixed overnight and it works like brand-new.
>Now I can browse LC again!!!

I hate browsing on my phone and since usually I have LC open on my laptop for 16+ hours a day it's really annoying having to switch from desktop to mobile. Now I can finally browse the boards and enjoy milk and talk to my nonnas on my desktop just like Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin Mary intended. I'm having so much fun now. I love you Holy Mary Mother of God and also the technology man that fixed my laptop and marihuana too and my other anons I love the World.

No. 2114408

KEKKKKKK bless you for this amazing summary nonna, you're really good at descriptions. But wtf is that plot kek, literally every second sentence is a curveball, just reading this gave me a mental breakdown. It's like the author went through a tropes website and just squeezed in all of them.

No. 2114409

Be careful he didn't install some spyware or keylogger on your laptop

No. 2114417

I don't think so. He's the most popular repair guy in town & he's quite friendly + I didn't give him my laptop password, it was just a mechanical issue.

No. 2114433

i was asking chatgpt relationship advice. lmao what am i even doing

No. 2114435

Just found out one of the bigger art cows talked about in the artist salt thread is my mutual. Small world.

No. 2114438

Tore my sides while reading this because nunu is a slang term for penis in my parent's language kek

No. 2114466

Im watching a Berleezy video and eating dinner. Its fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, a biscuit and coleslaw.

No. 2114512

Just threw away some 6+ month old sandwich thins that were sitting in the bottom of the fridge.

No. 2114513

I may get into him

No. 2114542

Was looking at one of those Internet iceberg memes and it listed lolcow about halfway down. Neat seeing a shoutout in the wild.

No. 2115030

File: 1722514051918.png (25.59 KB, 986x165, wilelestat.png)

Just finished Interview with the Vampire, and I still can't stop laughing at this scene. It's practically a poetically described Wile E. Coyote skit!

No. 2115031

I have my gyno appointment today. Oh lordy I’m nervous.

No. 2115034

I'm thinking about buying more gold and silver again. I'm also thinking about buying a Bialetti Moka.

No. 2115035

A Bialetti Moka is a good investment. Go for it nona!

No. 2115056

Not nice because trannies and moids will find us now. Please tell me it wasn't on YouTube kek

No. 2115065

I did it. I bought the induction version of the Moka. Looking forward to good coffee. Coffee in a cafe is so expensive that this will pay for itself in a month.

No. 2115181

Its almost the afternoon for me, but good morning anons. Nothing makes me feel more luxurious and sexy than rubbing on lotion and body oil after a shower, and then putting on perfume and a layer of lipgloss.

No. 2115196

unbothered, moisturized, happy, in your lane, focused and flourishing. based asf. what kind of scents do you like in your oils and perfumes nonna?

No. 2115205

In 5 months it'll be 2025.

No. 2115206

The exact lines about them were
>Speaking of which, I could eat me about three pounds of some king crab right now. Especially with some B-Love sauce! Yass bitch! But that bitch be doin’ the most.
And for Steve Harvey
>Steve Harvey’s uglazz was actually blaring on the motel’s TV. Kiara was watching him yap off about some contestant’s answers on Family Feud. Side note – why that nigga’s lips look like that? I bet he could eat a mean pussy though…And probably eat it from the back. The mustache says it all.

No. 2115225

We should have people on Mars by then i remember when they said it on Tv.

No. 2115267

I tripped and fell on my hands and now all my limbs hurt, I hope it's nothing serious and just some sore muscles or something.

No. 2115446

I love how the faggots in the redscare subreddit act like they don't literally need the women in the sub to feed off of like the disgusting twink losers they are. No one and I mean no one wants to hang out with a bunch of gay men, not even other gay men. Women can't have anything. I hate that podcast but at least the sub used to have interesting and humerous female-centric posts and discussions. I finally left today after reading some post about sodomy and how uwu deep it is or some other gay shit

No. 2115455

It’s kind of annoying when fativists say things like “well the average size of a woman in the US is 16 so clothing companies should extend their size range”. Like yeah, fine, everyone should be able to dress cute. But also is the expectation we’re only going to get fatter? We really shouldn’t…

No. 2115479

>lesbians made kiwifarms
omg Josh Moon coming out when?

No. 2115483

reminds me of when i made chocolate spread with bitter cocoa powder, coffee creamers and powdered sugar, and wee bit of milk, except mine turned out fine

No. 2115499

nice nonny, which period of videos do you watch of him? i usually don't watch many of his, i only watched the walking dead and the quarry(the one with his identical sister), i tried watching a recent vid of his, but i couldn't help but notice his weight gain and bloating of the face, plus his eyes are so droopy, so i gave up

No. 2115611

The chart is so dense and it is so far down I really doubt it would cause a large influx of scrotes or anything. The chart is not covered on YouTube as far as I know

No. 2115641

File: 1722543590347.jpg (1.56 MB, 1242x2195, IMG_5607.jpg)

I got a free tan today. I went in and asked for 10 minutes, I went to the room and undressed and put lotion on and lied down but the bed wouldn't start. After a few minutes of trying I got back up put all my clothes back on and went to the front to ask what was wrong: the worker had forgot to set the timer for the bed, so for the inconvenience they let me tan for free.

No. 2115695

Kek my dad is always downloading movies to watch and today I saw some lesbian movie in his list. He downloads all types of movies without even checking the plots and stuff beforehand. Then we watch it on movie nights. I wonder what his reaction is gonna be considering he's a religious dude

No. 2115698

Hopefully Blue Is the Warmest Colour will cause a crisis of faith within him.

No. 2115721

Gross, why do you do that

No. 2115723

Because I will it to be?

No. 2115730

You will cancer and premature aging on yourself? Sad

No. 2115733

you're retarded

No. 2115742

My bad for having fun with my life sorry everyone I didn't know my choices affected you strangers like that I'm sorry I never thought about you, random anons, nor considered your sage advice.

No. 2115978

I flossed one of my teeth too hard and now the roof of my mouth is swollen near the tooth.

No. 2115996

I hope I never make make anons as angry as they are about the snitch. Although I don't post my information

No. 2116068

>the snitch
What the hell did I miss

No. 2116326

if its the same person/thread im thinking of, i believe its the one from the art salt threads that snitched on the tag lc nonas are using to identify each other on artfight, leading to farmers getting banned. currently someone (not sure if its the original lurker that snitched) is being dragged through the mud and having her social media exposed

No. 2116352

i hope she cuts

No. 2116358

File: 1722573510086.mp4 (4.05 MB, 1000004191.mp4)

This is the first time I've liked an ai song

No. 2116363

just got an anachan forced weight loss subliminal removed from youtube. feels good.

No. 2116370

Doing the work of the lord babygirl

No. 2116432

>have trouble falling asleep
>suddenly realize that I've been spending the past week eating and drinking macha in every shape and form

No. 2116569

relatable, i could honestly inhale matcha into my being and become a matcha-based lifeform

No. 2116632

I just broke my hymen hula hooping what the fuck

No. 2116690

File: 1722589335213.png (626.47 KB, 575x490, Untitled.png)

Here's my rendition of The Boy Is Mine, accurate to what Ari's pet scrote looks like.

The Man is Ugly

How can it be? You and me
Not meant to be, only you see it
But I don't wanna cause no scene
I'm usually so unproblematic
So nice, tell me why
'Cause the man is ugly, ugly

Somethin' about him is not safe for life
Baby, don't come over, don't come over (Over)
And God knows I'm tryin', but there's just no use in denying

The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is fucking fugly

[Verse 2]
Please know this ain't what I'd settle for
Probably wouldn't bet a dime or my vape on
There's gotta be a reason why
My girls, they always come through in a sticky situation
Spray some fire(fire)
Happens all the time

Somethin' about him is made for nobody
Baby, don't come over, don't come over (Over)
And God knows I'm tryin', but there's just no use in denying

The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is—

And I know he's simply filthy
And I, I take full accountability for all these male tears
Promise you, I'm not usually like this
Shit, it's like routine to me, to me
But I can't ignore my pussy, man

The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is fucking fugly

No. 2116959

Currently watching a video in russian (a language I don't understand) about a music microgenre. Why? No idea but it makes a nice background noise while I'm waiting for my laundry to finish and I get a small surge of dopamine anytime there's a snippet of a song I like.

No. 2116988

called my mom to tell her i love her (which is something i do often) but this time she asked me if i was going to kill myself, kek

No. 2117006

If I do, I'll post in the book thread in /m/. I know that thread is probably for more serious reading, but I don't wanna crap up this thread kek

No. 2117019

File: 1722608726831.jpeg (189.42 KB, 715x1200, brittany murphy.jpeg)

My sister asked me to run errands with her today and I'm excited.

No. 2117123

How do you know if you break your hymen?

No. 2117126

Aw this is so cute. Have fun with your sister!

No. 2117127

Need to do one last essay for my summer course and it's not even a hard one, but I just can't get myself into the mood to write anything. Like I'm excited to write about it, but I just…can't get started.

No. 2117134

It's a weird bait/larp anon

No. 2117216

ntayrt, but i don't think it's a bait or larp, hymen can break during strenuous activity

No. 2117262

well i'm not 100% sure. first thing first, i've been using vaginal dilators so it makes sense that my hymen is starting to tear whereas it was unchanging before i started doing that. i was wearing yesterday's boxers while doing my morning workout. then i went to wash my vulva and change undergarments. i could feel with my fingers that the hymen felt different (like it was shaped different and had a small piece of tissue attached to the lower right side) and when i got up there was blood in the bidet where i was washing, despite the fact i'm not on my period. so that's why i think it tore because of hula hooping but i'm not a gynecologist or anything so take it with a grain of salt

No. 2117307

crush sent me something i can't figure out if it's a coke reference or not and now I feel dumb and alarmed

No. 2117454

>daily, text my husband "thank you husband" whenever he does something for me
>ONCE used my phone to type up a gannondorf x link slave fic in which the phrase "thank you master" appeared a single time
>months later phone continues to suggest "master" instead of "husband" every time i start typing "thank you"

No. 2117470

I think you deserve it

No. 2117542

File: 1722631012672.jpg (29.94 KB, 474x471, 4ebd63e5967042251774da066e6b5d…)

These past few days I've been looking in the mirror before I shower and I felt like I looked so much skinnier than I typically do. Then today I had the realization that I haven't been looking at my body WITH glasses and that's probably why I look smaller. Picrel was me once I saw myself with glasses on for a few seconds, but then I thought "damn!" (In a good way) because I do really like my body proportions. I think being on my weight loss journey has been actually making me beat myself up about my weight less these days.

Besides that, I accepted a job offer today! I'm pretty damn excited.

No. 2117569

I also look fatter without glasses anon, what’s with that?

No. 2117596

what is it

No. 2117624

Kek anon that's hilarious

No. 2117646

>go on YouTube
>immediately see a thumbnail for a livestream of a half naked woman with a hairy pussy on my homepage
What the actual fuck? It said there were 14,000 people watching too so there's no way no one besides me reported it, how has YouTube not taken that down.

No. 2117649

I'm just stupid, she was asking if I've listened to brat yet

No. 2117656

Samefag, on top on this I just opened a box of hot pockets and none of the hot pockets have the paper wrap. Double wtf. What's going on today, did we enter an alternate dimension or something?

No. 2117658

I think the guy who lives across the street got cheated on by his girlfriend since he's been arguing on the phone for a while and now he's bawling and shouting at his phone "Why the FUCK would you do this to me WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME". Its kinda funny

No. 2117659

>did we enter an alternate dimension or something?
Do you live under a rock?? Everyone that's anyone knows we entered a multi-dimensional time hole sometime around July 29th.

No. 2117663

you're so unfunny it's painful

No. 2117665

Well shit, nobody told me!

No. 2117669

the world is so scary right now.. so much crime.. I want to stay inside forever and rewatch Jenna marbles videos

No. 2117693

Now he's on the phone with someone else calling her a fucking bitch

No. 2117737

Oh okay then

No. 2117848

You have the sense of humor of a desperate millenial man mass-messaging women on tinder(infighting)

No. 2117850

Gee what a creative insult. Now I'm soo self-conscious. Random anons on an image board have such an impact on me. Boo hoo hoo. See? Now I'm crying. Boo hoo hoo.

No. 2117869

You're also the one currently posting about how you tell people you escaped a cult in the vent thread. You're a loser.

No. 2117877

Yeah, there's actually only two people that use this website, me and you. Every post is either yours or mine.

No. 2117880

Nice attempt at evasion but those are literally your posts KEKKK

No. 2117884

Yeah, like I just said every post on this website was either made by you or by me. If you don't remember posting it, it was actually just me.

No. 2117885

Notice how you aren't actually denying it and continuing to be lamely evasive

No. 2117889

No. 2117919

Well I'm sorry for not getting mad at someone for making a harmless joke kek

No. 2117946

No you don't get, she didn't find it funny… Now we all have to flagellate ourselves and weep beneath her. God forbid some anon try and have a light-hearted banter moment with another anon. They'll call you a scrote for having fun.

No. 2117951

You indeed sound like an autistic man now kek.

No. 2117953

Boo hoo.

No. 2117955

File: 1722649000680.png (2.17 MB, 1280x720, NOfunBANNEDwillNOTexpire.png)

No. 2117957

>sees funny post and responds with tongue-in-cheek banter
>anon im responding to banters back
>random anon comes in and calls us both scrotes and also autists for sharing a quick laugh
The state of it all.

No. 2117964

I weep for what we've lost

No. 2117966

It's genuinely newfags that joined in '19-'21 that like to larp as oldfags. No real oldfag would give a fuck like they do.

No. 2117968

Kek the samefagging and autistic image, tranny alert.

No. 2117972

Literally. Everybody else is a bot

No. 2117973

ot but i was just scrolling by and thought this image was of some kind of demented creepypasta pig before i enlarged it

No. 2117976

For all you know you're just posting back and forth with yourself schizoid

No. 2117977

Yeah like I said before, there's only two people on this site: me and you. I actually created this website to personally torment you and only you by acting retarded. The craziest thing is you still fall for it after so long!

No. 2117981

File: 1722649846856.webp (Spoiler Image,4.57 KB, 176x411, 5pnrqlqva1041.webp)

just for you ♥

No. 2118014

I was just thinking about how I should start watching Spy X Family again, and a clip of the new season popped up on my Twitter feed (a joke of Anya being constipated???? I think, I have no idea), the animation looks so different from what I remember now. I wonder if they changed studios or something.

No. 2118019

I just heard a loud noise from outside like a cicada or rattlesnake or taser or something. So weird.

No. 2118029

Breathing in super deeply from my diaphragm actually helps me calm down. That’s nice. I think I get stressed to easily, which is weird because it’s only online and IRL I’m calm.

No. 2118063

No. 2118065

No. 2118074

why does infighting always ramp up around these hours

No. 2118077

cause everyone gets off work, settles in for the night around the same times at least in burgerland

No. 2118079

Farmhands usually fall asleep around 10:30PM to 11PM EST and then wake up around 7AM EST so during these hours the Europeans like to clog up our site with bullshit

No. 2118080

i posted something i thought was funny and got attacked…was just thinking about how grouchy anons have become. i cant ever venture outside of the mundane thread, its too chaotic

No. 2118085

Sorry I attacked your screencap I'm just tired of tourists snapping caps of /g/ conversations and uploading them to that thread. It was happening a lot in the last thread and always led to infights so I was just being defensive. If you really thought it was funny, my bad I didn't mean to insult you.

No. 2118086

You know when I see these posts they seem so innocuous but the anons making them are often weird as fuck newfags making cringe jokes now. That's all who is active anymore

No. 2118087

Nonnies get cranky at night.

No. 2118091

When I see this posts I immediately know exactly what they're talking about even though they try to be elusive and so it's hard for me to take it seriously.

No. 2118092

File: 1722654631934.jpg (209.54 KB, 899x1379, 1000003961.jpg)

No. 2118093

when you see a funny post or my post?

No. 2118094

Playing victim because nobody wants to play sperg with them or pretend they're funny. God I miss when I actually knew I was talking to adults, now its way too unclear.

No. 2118096

Going to bed because the newfags aren't the vibe tonight

No. 2118097

What theme is that? It's blue so I guess it's the normal LC theme, but still the cap looks weird. I usually use the girltalk theme so it's so weird seeing how LC is "supposed" to look.

No. 2118098

i almost thought you were talking about this thread considering what happened earlier kek. but yeah it's fucked everywhere even in former chill threads

No. 2118099

Yep, exactly. Give a sperg and inch and they'll move a mile.

No. 2118101

That's 4chan, idiot

No. 2118104

They thrive off of self-victimization and negative attention. They think they can force you to find them le hilarious exdee.

No. 2118105

do you just keep talking to yourself in the thread?

No. 2118106

It's so funny when you tell on yourselves when you spend so much time trying to pretend you're not the issue here kek

No. 2118107

Aw the schizo is mad so we are all one entity

No. 2118108

What? I was asking about the theme? I don't get it?

No. 2118110

how are you coming to this conclusion based off of an image posted in a thread that was found as funny and endearing? take your meds nonnie

No. 2118114

Nah she's right, there's been an uptick of annoying posters who start shitting and pissing themselves about "le meanies" whenever anyone replies to them without the fake niceness and forced shitposty language.

No. 2118115

Oh I didn't know it was from 4chan I don't go on that website because everyone says it's bad on Tumblr. Sorry I didn't know!!!!!

No. 2118117

Trying to strong-arm an imageboard into being their personal hugbox, only because it's (supposed to be) female-centric.

No. 2118119

You're replying to one of them, why bother. They will never listen, they want attention and asspats.

No. 2118127

Yep. Pretty much goes like this:
>"Wow, you're retarded."
>[1000 word essay on why LC is evil and full of cruel witches]
I'm sorry if you're acting dumb as fuck and get called dumb why get mad over it???

No. 2118129

>unintegrated typing style
So it’s “”oldfags”” complaining here, I see

No. 2118133

You shouldn't be proud of yourself for sounding like an actual 14 year old. That isn't something to brag about or be flattered by.

No. 2118135

Who are you directing this to here exactly

No. 2118139

Nobody is talking about oldfags or newfags why do you always make it about that ohhh my God

No. 2118142

You know exactly who. And if you don't, well… self-awareness isn't a strong suit when you're developmentally arrested.

No. 2118143

I love Arrested Development it's my favourite show. My favourite character is probably Lindsey or Lucille, but I like Gob too.

No. 2118144

I still don't understand their greentext. Anon did not directly mention unintegrated typing style nor was her post unintegrated. It's like they try to sound like they know how to use greentext but everything they post is just.. off.

No. 2118146

You will never be funny. Ever.

No. 2118147

And there it is. Its like you can't decide if you want to sound like a 45 year old man desperately trying to fit in with younger adults, or a 12 year old trying to mimic what they think an adult would joke about. You're not an expert troll or making anyone mad btw you're just a toad.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2118150

>I'm sorry if you're acting dumb as fuck and get called dumb why get mad over it???
Just sounds like something a twittard would say. Also,
>everything they post is just.. off.
This was my first contribution to this discussion, along with asking what the sounding like a 14 year old anon meant. Not every anon is the same

No. 2118152

And you'll never be a woman but I don't think we're ready for that convo.
Who is "you?" Like are you talking about me the one that posted this, or the others that are replying to you that you think are me, or are you directing this to every anon you don't like, or what?(scrotefoiling)

No. 2118154

You are not helping your case.

No. 2118157

Come to my stand up show next week and if you don't laugh I'll buy you an iced cream cone after the show

No. 2118161

File: 1722656851962.mp4 (7.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1722215992376.mp4)

Any Tamers sisters in da house? This shit more addictive than crack.

No. 2118163

Not once in my post was I referring to you as a specific anon, I was implying you're a newfag, hence the "everything they post". Also that sounded nothing like twitterfag speech, you're just grasping at straws to sound informed.

No. 2118168

I remember playing some Tamers videos in the movie room a few years ago. I'm glad other nonnies like them!

No. 2118171

The problem is you're responding to 2-3 people and pretending like it's the same person and so you're getting confused.

No. 2118172

I am loving his mlp vids. Its the female-only AS show i have always dreamed of.

No. 2118177

It does, just the general “I’m sorry but” is so common there as well as the repeating question mark. Obviously they don’t have to be a newfag but I found it ironic because the implication of the conversation seemed to be “aaargh these newfags are so unfunny!!!”

No. 2118181

You know you're terminally online when you see a normal sentence construction like "I'm sorry but" that's been in popular use since at least the early 00's and your thought is "they must be from Twitter."

No. 2118185

Obviously it was the entire sentence but whatever.
>and your thought is "they must be from Twitter."
No, I said they didn’t have to be a newfag. I brought it up because the unintegrated typing style was relevant to the discussion - ie newfags complaining about newfags. I’m not being serious, I’m not exactly an oldfag either.

No. 2118190

Well personally I think you were saying that they were from Twitter, because in your other post when you said "'I’m sorry but' is so common there" and by there I interpreted that as meaning Twitter. So if you didn't mean Twitter, what else did you mean by "there" ? Where is "there" ?

No. 2118194

This… argument isn’t worth having. It doesn’t really matter at all and we’re discussing semantics.

No. 2118196

But could you clarify what you meant by "there," if it wasn't Twitter? Cuz you just said you weren't talking about Twitter, but then when I brought up how it was clear you were talking about Twitter, now you want to end the discussion. So I'm just curious what you meant.

No. 2118199

I was talking about Twitter. When I said they don’t have to be a newfag (from Twitter), my point was they just reminded me of it, which I thought was ironic given the subject.

No. 2118200

Oh okay sorry it's hard to keep track of who's who in the infight I apologize for being rude to you

No. 2118202

I just sat there looking at my cat lose a fight against an ant. I feel so dissapointed. I wonder if this is how my mom feels.

No. 2118219

So you saw your friend losing a fight and you didn't step in to help? Where has the sense of camaraderie gone?

No. 2118230

When i adopted him from the streets i thought i adopted a though guy with street cred who knew how to fend for himself but he turned out to be a fat retard instead. I should have gotten a guinea pig.

No. 2118238

Don't blame yourself for getting duped, it happens to the best of us.

No. 2118268

letting a male be fat? another month in the unbased gulag

No. 2118336

File: 1722664686041.png (1.17 MB, 1533x742, eye color.png)

Help me nonnies. Which eye color looks best on my hime gyaru girl? she currently has the fuchsia ones.

No. 2118338

The pink ones on the right

No. 2118341

The yellow one washes her out, the blue one is nice if you want the focus to be the hair or the face, but the pink ones it makes me only focus on the eyes because they're much brighter than everything else. It's what my eye hons in on first.

No. 2118350

the blue matches better imo

No. 2118365

the blue is a nice pop of colour in that sea of pink

No. 2118386

Blue if I had to choose, but none of them really. Something that properly matches an accent colour would be better, for example the shade of turquoise used in the hair streaks.

No. 2118405

File: 1722666456354.png (1.94 MB, 1068x1409, Ichigo Matsuri.png)

Thanks nonnies! I will switch between fuchsia and blue through the month and see which one i end up liking the most.
I agree! sadly the eye colors are very limited. I want to get rid of the blue stripes on her hair once the game gives me an actual hime gyaru pink hair. But all of my other bangs without the blue stripe look fuggly on her and not gyaru(they are too straight and cutesy).

No. 2118418

What game is this?

No. 2118426

Dream girlfriend! Its love nikki for the mentally insane weeb girls into j fashion.

No. 2118430

Thank you! It looks cute.

No. 2118442

Its a gacha sadly! but you can use https://dgcreator.neocities.org/ if you just wanna play around with the outfits without downloading it

No. 2118646

File: 1722676127121.jpeg (109.65 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_6339.jpeg)

remembers celebrity voice AI's exist and is very tempted to use them to spread misinformation

No. 2118659

use them on every moid and get him some allegations to cancel him

No. 2118662

Make scott the woz say ywnbaw.

No. 2118667

Anon I don't think Scott Wozniak is a celebrity.

No. 2118668

He is to me because i am terminally online.

No. 2118719

I swear I'm not trying to reignite whatever the fuck the infighting was in here, but I swear some anons were going straight schizo yesterday kek. Wtf is this.

No. 2118738

Should i order fast food or save the money and make some plain boring spaghetti? i will waste the money on gachas btw

No. 2118743

Makes some healthy yummy spaghetti and save money for the future, not gachas

No. 2118748

I was gonna say save your money and don't spend it on gachas, but I would be a hypocrite considering I literally just bought two skins in a video game kek. Just get the fast food anon.

No. 2118754

I'm pretty sure it was because of the new moon. I've noticed a really big uptick in infights whenever there's a new moon. Likewise when there's a full moon people are usually least likely to fall for bait.

No. 2118764

>farmers getting angrier and more easily agitated on a full moon
Does this just mean we have confirmed werewolves posting here?

No. 2118767

Well I didn't want to come out and say it but that's what I was insinuating yes.

No. 2118793

its money i save to get myself a treat each month it keeps me from going insane wage slaving
will do then, gonna get some onion rings

No. 2118828

Oh I take back what I said if it's gonna be onion rings, ew. I thought it was gonna be something good like spring rolls.

No. 2118861

we dont have those in my shithole, its either burger or pizza

No. 2118867

Use the onion ring money to save up to move to a place with spring rolls.

No. 2118877

what do spring rolls taste like anyways?

No. 2118879

Like the first fragrant breeze of tranquil spring after the arduous winter frosts, rolled into one perfect fried pastry.

No. 2118885

i dont read a single ''greasy'' there so they must taste like ass

No. 2118888

It just depends on what's in them

No. 2118896

I hate washing my hair if I wasn't so vain I'd shave it all off but sadly I was blessed with an alien skull.

No. 2118899

if i had an alien skull i would shave my head and dye my skin grey

No. 2118918

File: 1722690019768.png (241.13 KB, 512x512, 45NJK535.png)

Currently sitting in my enclosed balcony that I've decorated to be similar to a greenhouse, listening to the light rain hitting the glass, taking a break from my essay by browsing lolcow. Cat is sleeping next to me and I'm thinking about getting another cup of tea.
Life can be kinda ok sometimes.

No. 2118922

File: 1722690143359.jpg (119.32 KB, 736x981, e5f72d2945f35a0e9ad6cfde02f4ff…)

I want to get my hair braided, but I shaved my head a few months ago and it's still pretty short. It might be long enough for a hairstylist though. If I go to an African salon they may be able to do it.

No. 2118930

It might feel kind of tight if the braids are gonna be long. The longer the braid and the shorter the hair, the more pressure on the scalp. Maybe you could try going for a braid undercut kind of look if they can't do the sides?

No. 2118942

I want to buy something to celebrate my new job, but idk what.

No. 2118990

Buy something nice like a new pair of shoes, having brand new shoes that are really comfortable to walk around with is a blessing.

No. 2119010

A really good, high-quality pillow. Nobody likes to invest in the expensive ones but they change the sleep game.

No. 2119022

I ordered a burger from a new place that has curly fries. I am praying they arent smaller than mcds or bk, every time i try to order a burger from a non fast food place i always end up dissapointed

No. 2119024

Not to be weird but could you post a pic of the curly fries in the things you ate thread I wanna live vicariously though you since I haven't had curly fries in ages.

No. 2119028

i just realized they arent curly fries sorry nonna. Its the fries that arent straight, i dont know what they are called.

No. 2119030

Great, you got the gay fries. Now I'm gonna have to DuckDuckGo curly fries on my own to enjoy them.

No. 2119035

File: 1722694548621.jpg (264.91 KB, 1024x1371, Curly_Fries_Arby's_(1508818795…)

you dont get to be rude when you introduced me to this stuff and now i have to live knowing i will never taste it because i am not american and these would be considered a level 5 health hazard in my country

No. 2119040

Come to America Nona I will take you to the Arby's and we can get large curly fries and ranch.

No. 2119045

whats arbys like, always thought it was like a bbq place because of the cowboy hat but it seems like a mcdonalds clone.

No. 2119047

It's just another fast food chain, nobody except boomers really go for Arby's for anything besides curly fries and sometimes their shakes. They make meat sandwiches like roast beef or cheese steak. I've seen they're going into burgers as well but I don't trust it

No. 2119048

No. 2119050

>They make meat sandwiches like roast beef or cheese steak
that sounds really good actually
kek i wish i could understand more american references in the simpson i think they dubbed over most of them in the spanish dub

No. 2119053

Kek basically Arby's has this reputation for being really bad and nobody going there willingly because it's such shit. I only go there for the curly fries because no other chain near me sells the curly fries. When I go there though to be honest I do feel a little ashamed and embarrassed about being there because of the reputation.

No. 2119054

Arby's is actually good, especially the market fresh menu. I think the people who say it's bad are actually just gatekeeping.

No. 2119055

is it the worst big food chain though, or is there something worse? i have always wanted to go to wendys because the mascot is cute

No. 2119057

If fried chicken is counted as fast food, then I'd say KFC is worst chain in USA. If fried chicken doesn't count, then it's Arby's or Burger King.

No. 2119068

The best US fast food chain is Culver's, wish we had it in the UK

No. 2119070

i feel so called out i like burger king and KFC, why do you guys hate them¿

No. 2119072

I've been debating with myself whether to go out or not and came to the conclusion that if I've been thinking about it for the past six hours, it's a sign I actually do want to, but I can't be assed to change out of my pajamas and change into normal clothes so I've been switching between /ot/, /m/ and /w/ for the past hour waiting for the motivation to strike. So far nothing.

No. 2119075

File: 1722696733689.png (100.45 KB, 1280x720, culvers.png)

You're from Mexico, right? I know from experience that Mexican KFC is better than American KFC. I also remember watching something once that went into KFC and apparently KFC America is the worst KFC in the world, like all their international chains are better than the American ones. I don't like Burger King personally because I find their food tastes a little too much like the stuff I could buy in frozen section of grocery store. I also answered your question subjectively, not objectively; I'm sure there's lot of people that will give you different answers to your question. Tbh it could probably be a fun discussion in the food thread.
Sadly I live in the CFZ (Culver's-Free Zone)

No. 2119084

nah i am from argentina. It was bantering nonny dont worry, i had no idea KFC in the usa was the worst. We dont have the potatoes thingies ehre and i always wanted to try those.

No. 2119092

Kek sorry I'm tired and I thought I read "mexican dub" not "spanish dub." But yes sadly KFC here is really gross and I specifically remember being like 15 and my mother swearing to the family that we'd never have KFC again because of one particularly foul experience. KFC used to be good apparently but for the majority of my life it's been slop.

No. 2119167

use them to make explicit revenge porn audios of male celebs

No. 2119173

File: 1722699661608.webp (44.22 KB, 474x666, qia0u1fjpgo31.webp)

kek nonnie, i'm also a non-burger and the only vague idea of Arby's is from this tumblr post

No. 2119179

File: 1722699806973.mp4 (4.56 MB, 854x480, zEOGJCf.mp4)

it always feels like Moovie Nights happen when i'm not free and never happen when i am free

No. 2119203

The voices are a bit monotone for sex audio, but it's a handy idea if things ever get more advanced.


If I can get the AI to say some mean, cruel shit and spread it on TikTok as "leaked" audio the way misinformation spreads there it could be career imploding

No. 2119218

File: 1722700929176.webp (97.1 KB, 1200x600, 5810ef65362ca478258b4d16.webp)

My mom and sister went once and tried the cheesy fish sandwiches, surprise surprise they were radioactive slop that were probably made out of ground up albacore eyeballs
I don't understand why Arby's even tries to sell meats other than their roast beef, it never turns out well

No. 2119241

I keep meaning to open a professional tiktok account (that's the most hilarious thing I've ever typed) to promote my work before it gets shut down. Its so ridiculously easy to get views on there, posting on other social media apps feels like yelling into the void in comparison.

No. 2119268

No. 2119289

File: 1722702491142.gif (2.31 MB, 279x350, 1515969488142.gif)

I haven't seen a cockroach in my apartment in months and this morning I found a huge pregnant one in my bathtub. It's probably just a straggler but I'm going to make my landlord send an exterminator and drive all the way across the city to sit her old ass down and watch them while I'm at work to punish her for not fucking disclosing that this place had a bug problem before I moved in

No. 2119307

I'm sure you already have, but have you caulked everything in the apartment? And you keep the plugs in the drain whenever they're not in use? Sorry if you've done it it's just whenever someone mentions roaches I feel the need to bud in because I hate them so much.

No. 2119310

you can block every single gap in the house and they would still appear if they live nearby

No. 2119314

Yeah, but it's still better to be guarded and protected. I'd rather only see 5 or 10 stragglers every month instead of 5 or 10 every hour. I'm so affected by the bullshit infestation that I had 4 apartments ago that now whenever I move into a new place I caulk everything, the ceiling, the baseboards, the sinks and tubs, the toilets, the pipes, anything and everything. I want my home to just be me and my air and no little creepy crawlies around.

No. 2119315

File: 1722703384420.png (16.42 KB, 402x172, gems!.png)

i've started playing runescape again to get my mind off things and i got a bunch of gems while mining and it made me really happy. i've been down on my luck, so to have something with a 1/256 chance happen 4 times just made me smile

No. 2119319

How can you tell that it was a pregnant cockroach?

No. 2119324

Thanks nonnie but I've done pretty much all I can do, my apartment is old and in disrepair, there are huge gaps in all of the baseboards and where the pipes come in the wall under the sinks. I might just use duct tape to seal those gaps as well as the outlets.
They're probably coming in from the hallway though, the apartment next door is an immigrant flophouse and I dread to think how gross it must be inside there. All I can do is vacuum and spray everything with pinesol every day

It had a really fat abdomen

No. 2119330

How were your errands?

No. 2119333

that's disgusting oof

No. 2119356

Only thing I can recommend is with the duck tape, if possible try to caulk around the edge of the tape so that even if the tape comes loose or they can get under it somehow, the caulking will stop them. Also, dedicate an old towel to use to stuff under the door at night. You'd be surprised how a tightly-packed towel can keep stuff out. Either way I really do empathize with you roaches are a bane on my existence. If someone said end world hunger or kill all the roaches I'd have to think about it for a long time. They suck but you'll figure it out, we always do.

No. 2119426

i got a new macbook today. my old one was on death's door and i'm amazed to have a working machine. can someone suggest cool things to do with a computer that works

No. 2119492

I want someone to eat my pussy the same way people slurp watermelon

No. 2119520

File: 1722708516899.jpg (100.28 KB, 736x736, 1000049460.jpg)

At the supermarket, trying to suppres my inner tard so I don't buy stupid shit again.

No. 2119526

Don't call the little jester cat stupid she's not shit she's just a cat trying to make it in this cruel tough world and she wants to make you laugh. Please bring her home with you so she isn't alone.

No. 2119574

find a Tyrone(racebaiting)

No. 2119714


No. 2119770

I’ve been volunteering with my local farmers market for a few weekends, it’s so lovely to be around people every saturday morning and to just be out and about. today a vendor gifted me a very lovely bouquet of flowers. wish I could post a picture, they’re so pretty. has been making life so wonderful. about to go sit with other volunteers and give out free food. so excited! I love community.

No. 2119786

File: 1722717622369.jpg (373.21 KB, 1080x1920, 1000049450.jpg)

I'm kind of bored, give me your type of phone and a theme or colorway, so I can make you a shitty wallpaper for your phone with picsart.

No. 2119799

iPhone 12, green/blue/pink, cutesy?

No. 2119815

Nokia X30, green and blue like the sky and the grass, refreshing?

No. 2119833

Xiaomi poco X3 pro
Something garden or flowers related, I like pastels

No. 2119855

iPhone 14 plus, penguins, different shades of blue with some white ♥

No. 2119904

File: 1722721398137.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x2336, 1000049487.jpg)

I hope you like dinosaurs, anona.

No. 2119908

NTA but this is so damn cute

No. 2119931

Super super super cute!! Ty!!

No. 2119938

File: 1722722084435.jpg (935.48 KB, 1080x1920, 1000049488.jpg)

I couldn't help but think that bunnies somehow fit the refreshing theme.
I'm glad you like it!

No. 2119941

I went out with my grandma today. We did some shopping and got some food and made plans for next week. I showed her my new vacuum and we're gonna use it to clean out her cars since she's been meaning to for a while. Also gave her a Prada perfume I didn't want.

No. 2119976

File: 1722723326605.jpg (343.71 KB, 1080x1917, 1000049512.jpg)

A garden in pastel colors.

No. 2120015

File: 1722724999728.jpg (598.39 KB, 1080x1920, 1000049514.jpg)

A cute penguin at a blue place.

No. 2120017

You've inspired me to diy my wallpaper! It's super cute with my pets

No. 2120024

It's seriously fun and even relaxing.

No. 2120026

Being creative is a lot of fun I'm glad you had a good time

No. 2120119

VERY CUTE thank you anon! I’m setting it as my wallpaper ♥

No. 2120151

I made the font giant on my computer so it'd be easier for me to see. The quick reply on here scales just fine, but the quick reply function on 4chan gets cut off in the middle. Lolcow wins again.

No. 2120195

do you think any youtube girlies need ghostwriters, because i'm working on the most amazing, genius, thorough essay about whether manic pixie dream boys are a thing. it might change world history.

No. 2120196

Just make the video yourself. A simple pngtuber avatar costs like $30 and you have the chance of making it big. Who knows. Crazier things have happened.

No. 2120202

NTA but the risk of getting cancelled is so big, I would love to make video essays too but it's not doable

No. 2120204

If the risk of getting cancelled is too big you have too much information about yourself online. I think you should just say fuck it and do it even if just for a laugh. I'd watch the video. I wouldn't watch a ghostwritten video though.

No. 2120210

please do it i'll watch it nonnie

No. 2120221

File: 1722735003809.png (212.75 KB, 518x1013, meghan (2).png)

i was bored so i created a fashionable sim

No. 2120229

id love to make it and draw myself an avatar and stuff but it's my voice that's the problem. it's super bad and offensive sounding.

No. 2120234

So? Most people on YT have really annoying obnoxious voices and they still make it. Stop denying yourself the dream.

No. 2120242

Sounds like you had a really good day, anon. Good for you and grandma.

No. 2120253

Sometimes my poor memory frustrates me so much. I was gonna tell someone about something a man said to me earlier, but I can't remember the exact words he said only the jist of it.

No. 2120268

File: 1722737499405.jpeg (276.93 KB, 828x1249, IMG_2465.jpeg)

I love catching YouTubers in the wild and seeing where they lurk. I still think she should have never made a video about PT.

No. 2120280

>I still think she should have never made a video about PT.
i will never forgive her for that

No. 2120361

File: 1722742199714.jpeg (31.15 KB, 736x552, IMG_6356.jpeg)

iPhone 13, colors like picrel, cats, stars and birds

If you want a silly challenge you can also try making an emo rainbow one (Pinterest or Google search emo aesthetic background and it's kind of like that) with gir from invader zim

No. 2120427

wow she's gorgeous

No. 2120466

File: 1722746012629.jpg (380.96 KB, 1080x1919, 1000049607.jpg)

I hope you like it, anona.

No. 2120467

File: 1722746124942.jpg (954.35 KB, 1080x1917, 1000049608.jpg)

Samefag to add this other one, it was 1000% self-indulgent kek, teenage me would've loved a wallpaper like this to print it and put it in her room to admire it daily.

No. 2120469

why a pngtuber? just makeup a YT icon and photoshop it onto stock photos related to what you're trying to convey

No. 2120470

if schrafillas can make it being a sperg over Shiny from Moana, nonnie, you can do it too

No. 2120471

File: 1722746798714.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1170x2313, IMG_6364.jpeg)

Thank you nona!

No. 2120475


No. 2120476


No. 2120480

She looks amazing, nonnie.

No. 2120481

I am ESL and i make youtube videos despite my ass english. If you can speak english your voice doesnt matter.

No. 2120482

The anon talking about roaches made me feel all itchy. Hope shes okay.

No. 2120492

ayrt, i meant like those youtubers that don't want to show their face just taking their YT pfp and putting it on stock photos, like putting their pfp on a stock image of a man at a desk or smtg like that, wow this is hard to explain

No. 2120500

I say pngtuber because I just think they're cute. Is what you mean like the way dreamjelly has her pngtuber look like? (I call pngtuber still because idk better word)

No. 2120510

yeah thats it

No. 2120511

Yeah to be fair I really do like her avatar

No. 2120532

Saw a bear irl today and stood across the street from it, it was so cute and fluffy and I’d definitely choose it over a man in the woods kek. I can’t even grab food on my lunch break without being concerned a man walking past me isn’t gonna snap and stab me cause men where I live are incapable of wearing all black and hoodies everywhere they go. The bear I saw just wanted snacks.

No. 2120537

studio ghibli is so based for having charming soft spoken boys in their films

No. 2120539

the guy with the bob is cute

No. 2120558

there's like two guys with bobs nonnie kek

No. 2120578

oooh thanks I love the fountain and bird details ♥

No. 2120584

was nobody gonna tell me that the weird black cloak mask thing moans?????

No. 2120599

I want a deeper and more masculine voice but I don't want to start smoking it's so over

No. 2120613

Omg I always hated that. I wanted to kick him in the face

No. 2120614

Just accept your own or become a chainsmoker. Nobody likes a vocal fry mess.

No. 2120631

Just listened to the new jreg and new jpeg albums. Preferred jreg’s, though he had some strange ideas.

No. 2120632

No. 2120639

Today I'm going to try the last supermarket I haven't tried yet in the area to look for Haagen-Dazs chocolate ice cream. If they don't have it it's going to be fucking over

No. 2120730

As someone with a deep and somewhat masculine voice, can we switch

No. 2120751

File: 1722772288424.jpg (2.16 MB, 1242x1477, 1646529376320.jpg)

I want to order something really expensive and greasy for lunch today. What should i order?

No. 2120787

Fried alligator with deep fried pickles.

No. 2120793

thats some yeehaw shit

No. 2120814

An entire Meatlover's pizza

No. 2120832

I want it to be september so bad reeeee
Shawarma with extra garlic sauce

No. 2120835

I watched the Ghibli movies for the first time pretty recently, and I was shocked about that too kek. I thought he was quiet.

No. 2120848

File: 1722777214566.jpg (353.22 KB, 1200x1578, Nonsense+alpaca_36ba04_9800189…)

And it's fucking delicious. Get it with a darker soda like coke, root beer, Dr. Pepper as a palate cleanser.

No. 2120852

you read my mind nonny. I wanted to try a shawarma but i have never had one before and i wasnt sure if i was going to like it, but now i will order that. Thanks.
i tried ordering it but they were out of squirrel chips sadly.

No. 2120866

My tipples are sensitive right now, and it's actually uncomfortable as hell. I keep meaning to get pasties for when my body decides to do this to me. It doesn't even feel good, which I think defeats the whole purpose of ovulation symptoms.

No. 2120870

File: 1722779411645.jpeg (27.42 KB, 188x161, IMG_2071.jpeg)


No. 2120933

I was craving something sweet so I added some vanilla and white chocolate chips to my regular scones recipe (and baked it under a sheet of aluminum foil during the first 1/3 of the timer to prevent the chips that ended up on the outer layer from getting burnt). Been struggling all day to not eat the entire fucking load because damn

No. 2120946

>Squirrel chips
Squirrel goes into meat pies or is roasted you bagel swilling city fucker.

No. 2120965

I need to kill 20 mins until my food arrives. Someone start a funny infight please.

No. 2120968

scary that you have this knowledge, does squirrel pie taste good?

No. 2120970

Not exactly funny but I think anyone who drinks coffee with milk/cream/sugar because they can't stand plain bitter ol' black coffee is a coward, weak, and should be segregated

No. 2120972

i think people that drink plain bitter coffee are edgy show offs that are faking it to look cool

No. 2120976

I love being edgy, here's a picture of blood and jeff the killer rahhh are you scared yet

No. 2120983

My iPad takes like 6 hours to charge. Kill me

No. 2120991

I am contemplating keeping irl moids away from me by doing extremely nasty autistic shit like buying a random figurine of a character and putting it in a jar with some shampoo or lotion since telling them no won't do the trick

No. 2120994

be like me and dont shower

No. 2120996

being a fujoshit does the trick i think

No. 2120999

please explain how your lotion jar trick will ward them off. you send them pictures, or invite them over with your jar placed prominently in the middle of the bedroom, or

No. 2121011

Not really, sometimes they think it's cool/hot.

No. 2121012

I am going to eat a shawarma for the first time ever. I will update with my final veredict.

No. 2121020

no thanks i value hygiene
sending them pics, posting on story, suddenly going into paragraphs on text about how bad i want to fuck said character etc

No. 2121022

File: 1722786597493.jpg (76.31 KB, 736x883, 16d2e268a277e57151f87059a7a334…)

Bought some more nail supplies earlier cause I offered to do my grandmas nails. She wants rose gold. I'm actually quite nervous because I don't really do other people's nails and I'm still learning how I want to approach cuticle prep. Plus, I usually do nail extensions and she just wants a regular gel manicure, which should be easier but I still have to do my research on how to do them because it's a little bit of a different process kek.

Anyway, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day crocheting a beanie. Might have a little movie night if I can find something I wanna watch. I need to go to the bank tomorrow so gotta be up bright and early.

No. 2121025

what character? that only works if the character is some ethereal bishie thats feminine,

No. 2121039

it cracks me up how all the emotionally invested shitposters on the boxer thread can't be bothered to make a new thread

No. 2121047

They're too new to dare to make threads.

No. 2121065

Update. My Bialetti Moka arrived and it makes amazing coffee.

No. 2121070

Just buy a body pillow of a cute anime boy and leave it around, less gross and they're genuinely comfy.

No. 2121073

It's the most delicious meat in the world. You hunt the ones that lives in oak and walnuts forests, so they only eat nuts and the meat takes on the flavor. You can roast it, but I prefer it in a flaky meat pastry or a pie.

No. 2121075

I should have thought about this earlier but if I planned things earlier I could have traveled several times this summer instead of just once. I have two weeks of break from work from now on because I have to use them and I didn't want to be forced to do other people's work because they all messed up, so I think I will spend these two weeks visiting museums in my city because it's been a while and because there's no AC at my place. Doing research got me curious so now I'm genuinely looking into things I may not have visited at all, and restaurants I'd like to go back to before they close for summer break. I'll pretend I'm a tourist.

No. 2121077

Any, I don't have any particulars in mind. That's good advice though, I'll take some random femboy anime twink and pretend to coom

No. 2121086

Happy for you nonna, enjoy many cups. I have a Gaggia Brera and I don't think it produces the highest of quality coffee but it gives me coffee really quickly which is what I need. I had to buy another one once because the previous broke, but then I put the broken one in the box and returned it kek.

No. 2121252

File: 1722799425123.gif (254.47 KB, 1110x449, footer-chiikawa.gif)

These little creatures are the only thing that make me happy anymore

No. 2121266

Latereply but was it good nonnie? A life without shawarma is not a life I want to live

No. 2121321

File: 1722804343470.jpg (23.51 KB, 854x480, IXRU9AO.jpg)

they are so adorable!

No. 2121365

My night anxiety has come back after 1,5 hiatus, so I'm back on my nightly anxiety meds after trying to tough it out for weeks. It feels so good to be able to lie in bed relaxed, no thoughts or pit in my stomach. Just focusing on the feeling of the sheets against my skin or whatever I'm reading/listening to to lull myself to sleep.

No. 2121460

Danced on the rooftop at midnight for an hour or so, took a walk and jogged a bit yesterday, then took a shower and made myself a delicious baked pasta dish. Went to sleep and woke up today with crazy muscle soreness as if I did an actual work out, crazy. Didn't expect that from dancing alone. The tops of my hips under my "love handles" have that soreness because I did a lot of hip and billy shaking and dancing. Feels nice though, makes me feel alive.

No. 2121666

Online classes are so easy to get distracted in I don't know how kids during covid were doing this! Maybe it's just my attention span but it's so bland, I hate social public spaces but really need to be there to learn!!!

No. 2121675

>I don't know how kids during COVID were doing this
They weren't learning. It's hard for adults to focus in online classes, it'd be impossible for a 6 or 7 year old too. When COVID happened they should have just suspended the schools and had students catch up after the fact. The kids that were in early years of school (grade 1-5) during the pandemic are pretty much a lost cause now. I doubt many will make it to college or university.

No. 2121685

Real. I started a mandatory summer internship for uni, and all they did was giving me already existing online classes. I found a work around majority of them were I skip everything and use the written materials to solve the questions. But there was one with 0 materials other than the videos, so I sat through it all and wrote everything for 2 weeks then took a test and passed. I put it on 2x speed though because that instructor was yapping too slowly for me to understand. I prefer in person classes as well, only issue is when the lecturer derails everything with a personal story of theirs about the time when they studied abroad for the millionth time.

No. 2121730

i'm drinking diet coke right now in bed and my brain was racing before i drank it and now i feel sleepy. adhd is one hell of a disorder

No. 2121799

I didn't have to deal with online classes because I graduated with a masters degree a little before the pandemic started but I would have enjoyed online classes a lot if I were still in high school back then. There are subjects I became terrible at just because of my classmates not shutting the fuck up back then and disturbing every single lessons just because the teachers didn't look strict enough to intimidate them so I couldn't focus irl and catch up at home while their rich and educated parents helped them do their homework or paid for them to have private tutor. On the other hand my youngest sister was still in high school and was binge watching anime instead of following her lessons at home so if other kids were also doing things like this on purpose I don't feel bad for them at all for needing to catch up later.

No. 2121844

>everyone in my class pulling out their tiny notebooks and whatever paper they can after i start jotting down notes

No. 2121892

File: 1722834104546.gif (44.21 KB, 133x113, gambit-stance-better.gif)

Channing Tatum or whatever his name is is so fucking ugly and to see that he’s playing as gambit one of my favorite male characters (i only know him through mvc and that one xmen game on the snes) is so disappointing whyyy

No. 2121900

Bet you are american. Drinking your black coffee in those tiny american cups. Bet you don't even have butter in your bread while you drink your black coffee with no sugar. Disgrossting and sad.

No. 2121905

yeah it was really good, sadly the chips were nasty though they put some weird spice in it and it tasted like ass

No. 2122037

What the fuck is disgrossting KEK I'm stealing that

No. 2122118

File: 1722840189034.jpg (68.88 KB, 500x375, degrassi.jpg)

Thank Paige Michalchuk. I feel like she would be a cow until Emma Nelson dethrones her. God, I hate Emma so damn much just thinking about her makes me angry. I'd post in her thread alright.

No. 2122314

File: 1722860691143.png (423.36 KB, 738x738, xoG3vVq.png)

just went through an 18 hour blackout

No. 2122356

I just stood up and I'm having a weird pain in my throat, upper chest and a little bit of my jaw. I just sat my ass back down because idk if I'm having a heart attack or what.

No. 2122368

I'm drink and for some reason I'm crawling on the floor of my hotel room, I should have a shower and go to bed if I want to get up early tomorrow but I'm currently too manic for that.

No. 2122372

File: 1722864242037.jpg (25.41 KB, 736x736, cbe7195b38fb873fa47eb0aea317ba…)

I made my own bread for the first time nonnas! Next step is to make marmalade for the first time with my mom later this week. I wish I could also learn to enjoy picking berries and mushrooms in the forest (so I could finally move out to a self-sufficient cottage) but no matter how much I try it just isn't for me.

No. 2122486

Post the bread I wanna see

No. 2122488

File: 1722870060754.png (81.04 KB, 1656x1154, Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 15.59…)

I just got this email? I am scared. I am not even subscribed to shein but it tells me to 'ubsub' at the bottom kek

No. 2122496

I have my first smear test due and I don’t want to go

No. 2122500

Thinking of the time when I was 13 and I was heavily on gendie Tumblr and discovered "lithrosexual" (basically just not liking someone once they like you back aka an avoidant anxious attachment) and called myself that. I'm dying of cringe. 13yo me needed to be slapped

No. 2122501

It's winter where I'm from and my skin is dry and itchy from the cold. I hate it.

No. 2122521

Do americans never wonder why there arent more Disney movies that take place in the USA? there are only like 4, and 3 of those have animals as protagonists. Fuck you disney where's my 50s american musical? my westaboo heart craves it.

No. 2122564

13 yo you needed to be kindly explained how one's relationship with their body and mental state can affect romantic pursuits, and besides, exploring cringedom when you're young means that you don't do it when you're an adult, plus it's not like your face is attached to it, all those 16-17 kids that tried faking DID have their faces immortalized in DID cringe comps, it could be worse.

No. 2122644

Hey nona, they were really good. I got to help her out with some stuff and we shopped a bit. After that we came back to my place and had coffee and played our joint re8 file. Also we watched MXC, haven't seen that since I was a kid.

No. 2122675

It’s okay I see adults who describe losing interest in someone like that as normal and can’t connect the dots that it’s a mental health thing (and a them problem kek)

No. 2122691

I have already cut off some pieces, but I can promise you it looked like bread

No. 2122805

My dad just gave me 50 euros in 1€ coins. Thanks I guess?

No. 2122816

Im assuming that's like giving someone 50 $1 bills, what a rascal.

No. 2122833

Well not really, because coins are heavy as fuck and take up a lot more space. Still free money so I can't complain

No. 2122840

i go to the art thread just to say "wow this is nice" and nothing else and then leave

No. 2122907

File: 1722880799422.jpg (1.04 MB, 2524x1716, IMG_20240804_155121~2.jpg)

Yesterday I went to a local comic convention, which is already rare as fuck because I'm in a rural-ish town in the middle of nowhere and shit like that isn't popular around here. But I went and I was laughing my ass off at the cosplayers (not because they were bad, just that it was all so surreal) and the thing was actually good. The best things were
>Two really popular voice actors enthusiastically talking about their jobs and characters on a small unsafe-looking stage with most of the cosplayers staring at them in the middle of a field in the blistering sun
>Most of the cosplayers fully clothed in the heat, a group were dressed as soldiers and brought their dog (also in cosplay)
>Earlier in the day people held a K-pop dance contest on the stage and all the fans were seriously commenting on the performances
>A guy dressed up as ricardo and was just freely walking around and talking to people
>I went to the lunch area (an empty field in the middle of corn fields) and a group of cosplayers sat behind me, one of them got up to get pizza, the wind was blowing and it nearly blew away the pizza but it did move his clothing so everyone saw his underwear
>Saw a 2B Nier cosplayer, found out it was a guy, noticed his hairy ass legs, found out later he was also bald
>Girls dressed as Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len
>Saw two girls dressed as Alastor and Husk from Hazbin Hotel, among normally dressed people, waiting in line to get food at a the pathetic small reception in the middle of the barren field from earlier
>Two people in fursuits posing for a picture with a little girl; they were two balding men in skirts and wolf masks
>Two hairy bearded men dressed up as sailor moon girls
>An old guy with a very convincing Luigi cosplay
>An older lady dressed up as Tweety's grandma
>A guy dressed as a Saint Seiya guy, his armor kept blinding me in the sun
>Guy dressed as Super Saiyan 3 Goku with huge cardboard hair
>Girl dressed up as Venti (archon outfit) from Genshin Impact passing beside me and looking really good (but also half naked)
>At least 10 guys dressed up as Gokus
>People with huge props (swords, sceptres, staffs) nearly bonking people
Idk I'm sure this is normal at comic cons but I've never been to one and it surprised me. I snapped this pic

No. 2122923

File: 1722881014674.jpg (67.71 KB, 564x748, 19559c580c3ffe19ae870648756bc1…)

Before bed last night I suddenly had the desire to make waffles, and I did, and now I'm having waffles with butter and maple syrup, and a cup of coffee. I used cake flour instead of all purpose.

No. 2122947

File: 1722881687716.gif (288.19 KB, 220x220, nonnie explosion.gif)

i don't wanna do this pattern drafting, but if i don't it'll just pile up, the semester's just started cmonn

No. 2122967

my buzzcut has grown out enough to feel soft again

No. 2123168

I start my new job tomorrow. I'm excited!

No. 2123221

I made peanut butter cookies and they're delicious.

No. 2123238

tell me why i got a little attached to this ant on the floor of the pharmacy that a snapped a pic of. this older lady saw it and stepped on it and now im low key sad

No. 2123243

Did the cake flour make the texture nicer? I never thought to do that before

No. 2123246

I get it nonna, I assign personalities to bugs and try not to kill them if it's not necessary. The only exceptions are flies (annoying and dirty) and earwigs (GROSS.)

No. 2123247

because you are maybeba retard

No. 2123260

I love ants, to me they are like tiny dogs.

No. 2123303

The texture was actually bubbly, soft, almost eggy but not gross eggy. I liked it though and I'd try it with pancakes, too.

No. 2123434

File: 1722900358506.jpg (44.01 KB, 500x410, 1612500186838.jpg)

>want to drop of package at box station
>3 ancient moids are camping right in front of the digital panel, clearly intoxicated with something
>they stand too close even when they move aside
>they start talking some incoherent schizo bullshit to eachother like "now you have to kiss her" and "yeah yeah but they all had it coming" while I'm centimeters next to them
>ignore them completely but unintentionally glare at the screen while doing the task, they change the topic to even more incomprehensible babble
>the random parcel door opens and hits one of the retards right in the face kek
Anyway I hate moids and I hate this district. All of them should've been aborted.

No. 2123455

File: 1722901297115.gif (3.06 KB, 141x135, 8wx5Z1qdlkyg540.gif)

I ordered a bacon double cheeseburger and now I'm waiting for it to get here. After I finish eating I'm going to wash my hair.

No. 2123463

I keep meaning to buy stocks, and I guess right now would be the best time since the market is crashing

No. 2123474

File: 1722902715273.png (93.25 KB, 405x174, ywnbaw.png)

I'm currently watching that dumpster fire of a stream lolcowlive and when this tranny came on there trying to debate about "objectifying trannies" I couldn't stop laughing like how could this be real, troons are huffing their own narcissistic dickwound poop-smelling farts they think are vaginal queefs KEK

No. 2123480

Why was the Tommy C dude kicked off? I saw he's no longer on the show but now that the cancer debacle is over I can't be assed to watch

No. 2123488

>5 o'clock shadow
wow so feminine

No. 2123495

File: 1722903672548.png (81.1 KB, 448x286, fatfuck.png)

I honestly have no idea, maybe over money? kek
Another tranny has entered the chat, this one is fat now and shoving its estrogen moobs in a push-up bra. It's like dirty flies being attracted to shit and they're desperate for validation

No. 2123505

I swear to God every time I'm broke I'm fucking starving so bad I could eat a cow and constantly thinking about the next meal, but then when I actually have money I suddenly lose my appetite and good isn't appealing wtf.

No. 2123525

This dude was right though, Wings started talking about liking pretty penises and asking the hosts the dumb ass question of
>Would you fuck Buck angel or Bailey Jay?
The troon is spot on about "transphobic moids' Secretly lusting after troons, because half the chat was shitting on the ugly troon, but there was a slightly better troon showing his moobs they were nicer to.
The Chat instantly went into chaser mode, talking about Blaire or calling Bailey Jay a woman and picking at Keem for saying Buck (since he has a vagina). To me it was a good show in the male mind. They only like trans who make their dick hard & pick at Wings for BBC shemale porn, but they like trannies as well.They just think it's not gay because they like white blow up dolls troons.
Also Keem called the ONE actual woman on the stream, "The legitimate woman" kek.

No. 2123534

*she has a vagina, sorry, I'm drunk

No. 2123539

File: 1722906214777.png (1.87 MB, 2190x2190, image_2024-08-05_210317425.png)

i bought another pair of these after my other pair broke like a year or so ago. i don't care if these are bad i love these motherfuckers i'll die on this hill

No. 2123561

I miss my pair so badly, theyre really comfortable and I love the retractable mic. Did yours also start doing the thing where it kept disconnecting and reconnecting randomly with a popping sound?

No. 2123562

That is what made me smile honestly, at least he doesn’t bow down to the troons and doesn’t see them as real woman. Who in the fuck would even want to be around those degenerates? They only joined the discord chat to get graded and validated on how much of a heccin valid hon they were, it’s so cringe and shows me that men don’t really care about trannies because it doesn’t threaten their male status or privilege and they can also pretend to be straight while chasing after them, you’re completely right. I think the fat, ugly, unfunny and loud “normal” moids who also joined that stream proves most men are sinfully screwed in the looks and intelligence department.
>sorry I’m drunk
Kekk you literally have to be drunk to enjoy their show

No. 2123573

I'm having a sausage, a cherry plum, scrambled eggs and glaucoma for dinner. Its so good and should be pretty light so I don't go to sleep really stuffed.

No. 2123575


No. 2123578

File: 1722908879536.jpg (7.23 KB, 312x161, 1000050274.jpg)


No. 2123579

NTA but whats the typo?

No. 2123580

I'm guessing guacamole.

No. 2123581

I think she means the other Glaucoma, it's like that green salsa shit. Not the eye one.

No. 2123582

Imagine the look they'd give you at the Mexican restaurant when you ask for extra glaucoma with your burrito.

No. 2123584

Sorry, the avocado mush. Im struggling to spell right now so I just put in whatever my computer guesses im typing. I basically have dementia Alzheimer's it feels like.

No. 2123585

So I was right… Being fluent in typo is my greatest talent. Also don't say you have Alzheimers all of us make mistakes sometimes it's okay.

No. 2123589

File: 1722909596740.jpg (620.04 KB, 1463x1094, 1000050277.jpg)

I may start calling this glaucoma from now on.

No. 2123590

Kek thats the funniest typo I've ever seen here

No. 2123594

>don't say you have Alzheimers all of us make mistakes sometimes it's okay.
Tbh I don't have it now but I likely will in the future. Extremely poor momemory and sometimes low brain function. Unfortunate. I try to eat fish and nuts and stuff cause the mercury or some sort of vitamin in seafood improves your brain and memory.

No. 2123599

I'm pretty sure the Chinese are close to curing it like they did with Diabetes recently, so just wait it out and by 2040 there should be an easy treatment for it.

No. 2123600

>the mercury improves your brain
nona i hate to say this but you might be a lost cause lmfao

No. 2123605

She has dementia and she's sun-downing, stop being mean to her. It's like being mean to a baby, just unnecessary.

No. 2123606


No. 2123612

I wasn't being serious with that part but it's true fish is supposed to be good for you

No. 2123616

I laughed at the mercury part anon, I thought it was funny. Sorry so many anons don't know what tongue-in-cheek humour is anymore and can't identify irony.

No. 2123619

NTA but I had the same ones in pink and they started going out in one ear right after the warranty ended, booooo

No. 2123668

File: 1722913928282.png (308.57 KB, 518x489, 1000046511.png)

getting late to work bc i just had to take a shit, i chose the one with a weak bidet too fuck

No. 2123787

File: 1722923420372.png (877.22 KB, 678x1014, OfficeSpace.png)

I love this movie so much, it's my favorite "comfort movie" to put on as background noise

No. 2123789

File: 1722923486401.gif (1.75 MB, 320x256, aiQzty.gif)

No. 2123808

File: 1722927551134.jpeg (296.97 KB, 1170x900, IMG_6475.jpeg)

Censorship strikes again

No. 2123835

Carr3yrece1pts3 will be different.

No. 2123838

I'm pretty sure the poster who I was arguing with in the comments section of the first iteration who is probably one of the ones who got the sub suspended was one of the mods from JimCarreyOnline. She has a similar name to the Canadian Jane mod but her typing style seems different so idk

Like oh god please, talk about an insufferable, ignorant and deluded bitch. Of course you're biased if you're one of the twats who runs his fansite. Pickme's never prosper.

No. 2123854

File: 1722931599051.png (35.47 KB, 450x438, 7ff96775-e8dd-46d1-8afa-809b90…)

our illustration teacher believes that the body types featured in fashion sketches are western and white centric, this is the college im paying upwards of 2000 dollars every semester to attend

No. 2123862

Yeah I don't know the entire anti-Carrey lore but whenever I see him now I get angry and I if someone brings him up I'll usually counter with some of carreychan's favourite talking points. Her impact.

No. 2123867

File: 1722932511346.jpeg (65.91 KB, 720x720, IMG_6392.jpeg)

I'm sick and tired of these maniac celeb and celeb adjacent crackwhores censoring and thinking people won't notice it. Im sick and tired of Jim Carrey, I'm sick and tired of Marty Singer the murderous lawyer and his entire firm of sleazy slippery eels, I'm sick and tired of pickme lawyers who protect abusive men and defame women like Jim's newbie female attorney Debby Klein, I'm sick and tired of Jim's dumb bitch pickme handlers who probably write his hate comments Linda and Nicole, I'm sick and tired of the Adam Waldman media manipulators, I'm sick and tired of Paul Baressi the murderous fixer, I am sick and tired of them ALL.

He's probably going to try and wipe any negative press from existence right before Sonic 3, and the worst part is that it will probably work if nobody comes out publicly against him.

And I guess nobody will.
He was supposedly supposed to have this victim come out who was a fucking minor. It makes my skin crawl with disgust.

I found a poster who said he was "an asshole irl" and begged them to dm me, I posted a PSA on the sub itself asking people to DM me if they had any intel, finished editing every part in excruciating detail, 50+ screenshots of alleged witness accounts of his behavior, blind items, the whole thing, took 2 weeks in between my job and life, and fucking less than 72hrs after its done it is taken down. I don't think it was just for infighting with a pickme who reported me. No dude, it's just not normal. It's not.

It's weird the other sub stayed up. Wonder how long that'll last. Because it's not as incriminating, I guess. And it's full of astroturfing. I was trying to circumvent it happening by restricting comments to moderation only. I guess someone really didn't like that, (canada accent) ey?

No. 2123872

File: 1722932759788.jpeg (374.04 KB, 1170x660, IMG_6106.jpeg)

It's just really not enough until an actual survivor of his abuse who is alive comes out.
Nobody said anything in his favor during the whole gf case, but everyone was too afraid to openly speak against him. The silence surrounding Jim Carrey is so fucking eerie, like Tom Cruise levels of eerie.

No. 2123879

>beware of aids

No. 2123882

File: 1722933448158.jpg (82.89 KB, 700x663, 1000003572.jpg)

Not that this will be even remotely shocking but new Deadpool movie is very disappointing and I don't even feel like finishing it

No. 2123884

he has obvious facial wasting and apparently contracted hiv from some hooker he fucked in seattle who despite his giant bank account he was mooching off of

No. 2123886

I was still going to see it in the theater since there's so few movies worth seeing right now, but I'm hearing such mixed reviews

No. 2123887

Should i draw or watch raising arizona?

No. 2123892

If it's your first time watching it, just watch it, but if it's your second time watch and read. Also,

No. 2123894

i forgot that thread existed my bad

No. 2123899

I literally cannot sleep now. If I do I'm going to have nightmares. I have to get up in an hour. It's not worth it. I'll just sit here with my intrusive thoughts and cry.

No. 2123910

I just wanted to link it because I think it's a cool thread but anons usually forget about it! I didn't mean for it to come off like I was chastising you, sorry if I came off wrong.

No. 2123918

Reading about kidney stones and the other old world horrors the human body can produce is way scarier than any horror movie ijs

No. 2123921

Im watching an online rip because I had a feeling I'd feel regretful if I bought a ticket. Its pretty bad. The pacing of it is annoying, the jokes are dated (old man Ryan Reynolds unironically saying "let her cook" was unexpected), and it just feels like a bunch of sketches sewn together into a film. There's a maddening amount of empty space and the cgi makes it dull and uninteresting to look at. I'm not saying dont see it, but if you can pirate it you'll feel less ripped off

No. 2123949

File: 1722936638285.jpg (11.34 KB, 474x464, OIP (20).jpg)

killed a rat in my home my moid cat did nothing as usual but ate the corpse

No. 2123956

Like the other nonna said I would watch it online its not worth the ticket glad I did this with Black Adam too when it came out (there are HD versions available online already) plus you can pause it if you need to.

No. 2124010

File: 1722942697470.jpg (4 MB, 4080x3060, 1000046584.jpg)

disgusting creep

No. 2124011

i wish useless sacks of shit like this would be left in the mixed and not be made women's problem fuckssake

No. 2124015

MORE scrotes?!! you have to be fucking kidding me

No. 2124023

Wait I'm confused, what's he doing?

No. 2124039

I can't really tell? Probably masturbating?

No. 2124040

But aren't those both of his hands? I thought he was gonna be taking a sneaky picture of someone but I don't see a phone so i
I honestly don't know

No. 2124046

This is probably India so The pole he's carrying is usually used to clean out sewers.. and indian moids have a habit of staring at women

No. 2124053

I knew a woman who had two kidney stones and also gave birth naturally after a seventeen hour labor, and she said the kidney stones were more painful.
So that memory makes me stay away from soda and drink lots of water daily.

No. 2124059

it's a disabled scrote, he's carrying a pole because he has a deformed or amputated right leg, and in the female coach of the metro, we're left to babysit these moids, and the first thing this one does is eyefuck every young woman in the coach.

No. 2124076

anyone else have youtube recommend them low view vlogs like these

No. 2124080

Self post?

No. 2124099

Not vlogs but but generally small non monetized channels yes

No. 2124102

yes and I love it. Sometimes the translate doesn't work so I just enjoy the vibes

No. 2124105

Was anyone else surprised by the size of the buffalo wings?? They appear at 15:50 and my jaw dropped when I saw how big they were. Is this normal size chicken wings in Australia?

No. 2124106

File: 1722949622434.png (208.63 KB, 1000x1000, kawiwi crab.png)

I finished doing the 250 box challenge from Drawabox, it ended up taking me a month. I don't know if i learned something from it or not, but as a sped with ADHD it makes me happy to be able to finish such a tedious challenge. Now I am watching the Nostalgia Critic while drinking a coffe and then I will get back to drawing. Feels good.

No. 2124113

I looked up what this was and it seems like the most tedious and annoying thing to do, so you should feel quite proud you managed to stick with it and finish it because I would have ragequit by maybe the 3rd or 4th box. Good job anon!

No. 2124118

File: 1722950931412.jpg (201.91 KB, 824x821, relatable blob.jpg)

Thanks nonny! I legit ended up having nightmates related to it, like my drink accidentally spilling and ruining all of hard work. It definetly took a toll on me. Next one is doing 250 cylinders!!

No. 2124125

Saw an old friend today, it was really nice

No. 2124246

File: 1722957246695.jpg (137.2 KB, 1080x1114, de455f5696480856b8214314fb_d91…)

Going through it with work at the moment and this is how I feel these last couple of months. Some day it will be better, but not today or tomorrow.

No. 2124282

everytime i try to compliment Japanese artists on twitter i end up making short and super basic sentences so the translate feature doesn't fuck it up.

No. 2124320

It's a scam and not even from shein. I get a lot of these. Don't open or click the link nona

No. 2124328

File: 1722960743833.jpg (38.34 KB, 500x633, 6e47f127c54f811b17a1263f3edaf1…)

i spent way too much money on new bedding/pillows/sheets over the weekend but i've been having the best sleeps ever since. i slept for 14 hours the first night i put it all on. it was very much needed but now it's 100x harder to get out of bed for work in the mornings. sigh

No. 2124332

I didn't even know there was a new deadpool movie, damn. I used to be obsessed with him and my friends would bully me and call him deadpoo kek

No. 2124342

File: 1722961215818.gif (5.44 MB, 282x498, fish.gif)

What kind did you get nona? I've been thinking of investing in a good quality pillow since I saw a post on here about it, you're making me want to even more now kek. New sheets would be nice too.

No. 2124360

p sure a jelly donut would fix my whole life rn

No. 2124380

File: 1722963774707.jpg (84.07 KB, 567x826, chrome-nail-art-10.jpg)

Im trying to do chrome nails and it's soooo frustrating. I can get the mirrored look just fine but idk how people manage to keep it looking shiny after the top coat. One of my powders isn't even working so many they just suck.

No. 2124387

Double up on the top coat, the brand might also help.

No. 2124404

Its not that it gets dull, the powder gets grainy instead of keeping it's mirror look

No. 2124416

i just got everything from jysk on a whim tbh lol, i'm not sure what kind they are but they're comfortable and fluffy as fuck. i got 2 expensive pillows for sleeping on and 2 cheaper lavender scented ones to put the decorative pillow cases on. theyre all so cozy, it's worth it nona. do it

No. 2124421

I'm sorry I'm no help but what brand of chrome powder do you have? I've been looking into getting chrome powder as well

No. 2124472

File: 1722967982937.jpg (113.93 KB, 1000x948, 81n2FZSDUxL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

It's the makartt ones, picrel. For me the silver powder hasn't worked at all but the rest are fine. I also have the makartt aurora chrome powders and they look ok but you have to rub super hard into the palette to pick up enough product to rub onto the nail. Don't think I would recommend them.

No. 2124630

File: 1722972414666.gif (33.49 KB, 458x480, giphy.gif)

i bought cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and a new air freshener and i'm going to spend the day cleaning after i eat a nice meal

No. 2124731

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I will get my nails done, I won't get the style I wanted for my Marceline cosplay because the convention was moved to November insert sad crying face, so now I will stick to my usual clean and sparkly styles.
Like pic related.

No. 2124774

those are super cute, nona

No. 2124938

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Im looking for a new phone and honestly I think I may get the z flip. The compactness of a flip phone + nice design and customization just sounds so appealing opposed to Apple's humongous phones

No. 2124941

I saw one of these irl the other day and the lady showed me it! It's really cute!

No. 2124947

Nta but no, it's a really weird phenomena

No. 2124966

I'm a Samsung user but I feel like the flip idea is just for the y2k aesthetic and nostalgia bait, because who tf can live with the dent in the middle of the screen? It looks so ugly and distracting. But if you don't mind it, go ahead and get it. You can get the same aspects with an S or S ultra for the stylus though. With the regular S being smaller and tbe ultra being ginormous. I have an S23 ultra in lavender and used a transparent case and some plastic paper with tons of cute stickers and photocards as decoration. It looks cute. I made the theme of the phone all pink and winx club themed. You can also set up to 15 images for the lock screen where it rotates between them all in the order you choose, then starts all over again after it reaches the last image, kinda like a looping slide show. I even created a custom clock face. And downloaded a cute bubble themed icon pack for free. I gotta say the AI stuff is annoying af though, especially when you try to take a raw picture or edit an image. There are work-arounds it, such as the raw camera app, or just ignoring the AI pop ups.

No. 2124976

I have the flip and I honestly like it. I'm over apple supremacy and once you stop using apple and get used to other softwares, you're fine. It's not the end all be all by any means but it's very cute and I like using it. I'm guessing you aren't spec-snobby or anal retentive so the criticisms you'll hear about x phone being better and this phone being a novelty are redundant and don't really matter.

No. 2125117

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Had to take 2 tests while I'm going through family issues and immense workstress and you know what, I got a decent score still! Not my full potential as my mind kept wandering and quite mundane but I'm so proud of myself nonnas

No. 2125212

I've slowly been "nesting" so that when I have a baby in the next few years, they'll already have a number of necessities including a pretty nice (thrifted) wardrobe in nice materials and developmental items for each stage like books and toys plus a lot of small hygiene items. I've also been knitting my own baby items just slowly but surely. They can be luxury materials because I don't mind having to care for it due to my own handmade wardrobe shit. I'm excited. So far I just got a lot of nice dark greys, and two onesies that have very ornate illustrations. I might dye everything into the same colour family so it looks chefs kiss

No. 2125295

I'm going to make 2-3kg of dumplings because why the hell not

No. 2125378

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Parasocial streaming content is so fascinating sometimes. I genuinely enjoy reading unhinged, mentally ill arguments under streamer nonsense. Like why are you the way that you are.

No. 2125488

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I'm taking it upon myself to knit my own socks from now, just bought a pattern with nordic stars on it and I'm so excited.

No. 2125490

Congratulations! I hope they turn out beautiful. It's so rewarding to create your your own clothing.

No. 2125505

My MIL has finally bullied and wore me and my husband down into getting a new car. I love my old car, and I love working on her, but her age and idiosyncrasies make my MIL so scared to drive in her and make her scared about my safety that she has complained the entire time I've owned her. My car broke down again and she had been calling me every day begging me to junk the car and buy a much better one.
I'm just irritated because it's harder for me to work on new cars since they have so many electronics, but I love my MIL and so her fears hold weight for me. But she has been so annoying about this non-issue. Just let me keep my car, it's only ten years old, is not like it's from the 80s.

No. 2125560

i keep getting recommended low view/low subscriber youtube channels recently, and it's honestly put me onto some hidden gems.
if you're reading this and you've always wanted to start a youtube channel, now's the time! the algorithm is catering to new channels now, consider this post a sign

No. 2125562

I havent gotten a single hidden gem from them, but some really weird ones I've considered posting here if only there were a proper thread for it.

No. 2125572

I too keep getting recommended single digit view videos that have nothing to do with what I watch but I never click on them, I'm scared there's hidden gore or CP there.

No. 2125582

damn. i'm sorry to hear that, nonnas. a lot of what i've been recommended have been directed towards my niche interests fortunately. i hope that can start happening for you both, too.

No. 2125587

My (1.5 year younger) sister told me that tucking a pullover we were trying on in my jeans in the front instead of in the back was old lady-like. I didn't know that tucking it in the back was a thing and I don't like how it looks at all so I guess I've officially joined the old millenial ladies club. Hooray.

No. 2125589

It's perfectly possible to communicate in a friendly way that you don't want to buy a new car and that she should stop complaining about it.. stand up for yourself..

No. 2125594

It is! I made some yoga socks yesterday, had to mess around with the sizing a bit but they're so comfortable.

No. 2125600

Time to start that asmr channel I guess

No. 2125612

File: 1723034676863.webp (27.33 KB, 900x900, 40289854_1-dobra-pop-goli-marb…)

damn they made a ramune knockoff here too

No. 2125613

and ofc i got the most boring flavour too

No. 2125626

good job princess

No. 2125628

File: 1723035407011.gif (114.52 KB, 220x220, breakdance.gif)

i got the marble out!

No. 2125635

>Tired of fat ass causing cleft exposure out of pants
>lose 15kg
>Makes issue even worse and my pants are fully coming off now
>Hungry and have exposed ass crack


No. 2125645

Just now saw my primary care doctor that I ghosted and he went up and greeted me and it was painfully awkward, why am I like this

No. 2125651

All i'm getting is troons and people who want to lecture me about psychology. So annoying.

No. 2125663

same, i keep getting these 300 views video essays with long ass titles like "the adadadition of aboba: bingbingbongo"

No. 2125719

Magnesium really is important for everything, even for the clarity of mind. I'm poor as hell and i ran out of magnesium tablets and this month has been hell. I got magnesium water as a gift 3 days ago though and i feel so much better. Not only my legs don't cramp but i sleep great and i have positive non stressful dreams which matters to me so much! I wake up and i feel like i can start my work after a good sleep. I have energy, good mood and a bit more inspiration.
It sucks that even on sale it's still a lot of money for me for 30 tablets and you have to buy the more expensive ones because the cheaper version doesn't work as good. Like seriously why even make them when they can't properly dissolve in your body?? It's like the most important thing to get into your body and people aren't talking about it enough. You should get some magnesium too.

No. 2125726

magnesium is good for causing diarrhea

No. 2125734

Did you get it though or is it just a meme? Because i feel like it's causing it only in moids lol. They always say this. I never had that happen to me.

No. 2125735

Yeah I got it a few times before adjusting the amount. The form I had it in was easy to overdose.

No. 2125740

Is it worth it for a rando to just try out magnesium or is it one of those things you don't have to worry about unless you have a few magnesium deficiency symptoms? I'm wondering if it might help with mental clarity and anxiety.

No. 2125743

It is worth it for sure.

No. 2125774

I've been telling moids I'm extremely incapable of friendship and love and have schizoid personality disorder and shit like that just so they stay away and it's surprisingly working

No. 2125775

Nice. Be careful though nona, you might attract the "I love crazy girls" speds.

No. 2125798

They tend to go for emotional bpds. They don't touch me if I claim I'm a loveless schizoid who prefers to be all cooped up forever, it's different

No. 2125830

decided today that I’m done smoking forever. it only makes me feel guilty and miserable. going to post updates itt so that I have a goal to be working towards and some higher being to be holding myself accountable to

No. 2125859

right, they prefer mental illness that either causes hypersexual behaviour, pure virgin status with hypersexual interests, or pure virgin status with bar-in-hell standards. when you're like a normal woman that's just really sad and lonely, that's no fun.

No. 2125862

very good nonnie, i believe in you! if my geriatric scrote of a grandfather can quit tobacco, you can quit cigs!!

No. 2126244

The last time i took magnesium (it was in gummy vitamin form instead of tablets tho) it fucked me up so I'm never taking it again

No. 2126249

I take magnesium laxatives to help me poo so yes they do help you poo

No. 2126256

I picked some blackberries from the bush outside and after eating a few I randomly closely inspected one and saw a couple tiny itty bitty little bugs crawling around on it. Makes me wonder how many of those bugs i've eaten in my lifetime. Probably a shit ton

No. 2126276

Freaky but also great extra protein

No. 2126277

I had a coffee with my parents after working out, I also had dinner early today, that's pretty nice.

No. 2126286

I was searching on Google images and got jumpscared by my own art. Was not expecting to find it but considering what I was looking for, it makes sense.

No. 2126348

I can’t sleep most night without medication, but since it knocks me out for like 9 hours on top of it taking a bit of time to kick in I have to take it at like 9-9:30pm or I’ll sleep half the day away.
Guess who forgot the time because she was in the zone with her essay until 11:45pm? It’s 1am now and my brain won’t stop doing summersaults and chill out. Any other anons struggling with sleep?

No. 2126402

I hate my consoomer tendencies, not in the way that I spend a ton of money on things but I spend so much time looking for new craft projects and new music/media releases, hell I put off killing myself earlier this year because I can't wait to see the king of the hill reboot. A singer I've been obsessed with since I was a teen is releasing a new album after 12 years and I can't sleep because I'm looking for the remnants of the announcements because it was deleted for some reason. I have a love hate relationship with my autism I swear.
I used to be a pretty bad insomniac but going off my anti anxiety meds made me go back to normal weirdly. Before that I had to go to bed an hour before I'd need to fall asleep because I'd lay awake for that time if not more, hope you get better nonna.

No. 2126411

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I just watched one of those "pop the balloon" videos out of curiousity and it was so fucking cringe. One of the dudes got "popped" (aka rejected) by every woman and he got so triggered about it.

No. 2126415

men are extremely emotional. every negative thing they say about women is pure projection.

No. 2126417

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literally picrel

No. 2126545

When I'm bored I harass those online cluster b "support/awareness" faggots that post about how their abuse should be totally normalised and not stigmatised kek

No. 2126557

Damn. The only thing I get recommended are Gacha Life videos by 9 year Olds and random basement men streaming LoL

No. 2126650

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Literally this all of the time

No. 2126667

I honestly don't like these "woman must pick from hundreds of men" thingies because I'm afraid one of them will seethe so hard they'll try to kill the woman.

No. 2126683

Whenever I get recced random low views videos it's always dying people 'saying goodbye to my friends' type of shit. Depressing as fuck.

No. 2126690

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Debating on going to an anime convention by myself but I'm scared of degenerates.

No. 2126717

Same, but also struggling to go alone and can't find anyone to go with. I feel so lonely.

No. 2126723

I'm sorry nonna. I hope you can find someone to go with or if not, get enough courage to go alone. Is the convention in Europe and starting tomorrow? Maybe we're thinking about going to the same one.

No. 2126724

Never bothered to actually learn and practice art in teenhood, now I'm an adult and get sad whenever I see teens or preteens the same age as me back then actually good at art kek. Still starting though and making myself happy

No. 2126725

Oh my god so it's not just me. I had to stop using YT for a while because I was getting videos like that for no reason. I don't want to see that stuff.

No. 2126730

bought a large amount of fimo clay. what should I make?

No. 2126731

abominations that will curse your home, town, and lineage

No. 2126733

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hamster ice cream cone

No. 2126738

I killed two scorpions today. Will God punish me for this too?

No. 2126740

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elsie chan

No. 2126805

You must balance your karma by saving two scorpions or equivalent creatures… the next time you see a worm by the side of the road, gently move it somewhere safe, and soon you will have atoned for your sin

No. 2126806

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Uncooked, of course.
Hamster coming later

No. 2126814

No. 2126816

I have never loved anything more in my life

No. 2126836

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Guy on Twitter got picked by a random kitten outside of work on 3rd shift, took it home and gave it a box with a towel and some water outside. Look at how sad he looks peering into the window.

No. 2126838

>forcing kitten to be outside
I predict it will be a flat cat in less than a month

No. 2126841

I want to attend more small nerd events in my city, but last two times I did I ended up stuck with moids that somehow got into their heads I was into them. But I want to find more nerdy friends my age, especially female friends but trying to arrange something just for women would attract too many troons.

No. 2126860

I think my chair broke and now my neck really hurts. At least i am going to buy things to make cookies today.

No. 2126869

I found maggots in the food waste bin ew ew ew

No. 2127050

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Bought this today on a whim. Never vibed with something so much before

No. 2127052

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No. 2127054

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Samefag again

No. 2127056

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Say whatever about the AVGN and Nostalgia Critic, call tehm cringe and outdated, but with each passing day i appreciate them more. 20 years in the platform and not a single grooming allegation. I know its because the bar is low for men, but it makes me happy that the youtubers i have always supported arent creeps.

No. 2127059

File: 1723137558428.webp (100.32 KB, 2228x1320, DanielDaDeemunSlayyar.webp)

I used to watch Nostalgia Critic and he's cringe af but he can laugh at himself. He even got a spot on Smiling Friends because of it. I can respect that. AVGN seems a little checked out though. He's better when he's doing his board game videos I think.

No. 2127066

Doug is a giant fucking dunce, but I have to admit whenever I occasionally rewatch old NC favorites I kinda nod along to some of the things he says. Guy is a moron but he does make some valid points about media from time to time.

No. 2127070

Oh I communicated. I stated my position and wishes several times very clearly, I pushed back until the end, but she still cries. She cries and she cries and it's authentic because she truly believes that my twelve year old car is going to kill me someday because she grew up in a very rich family and is scared of anything not new. Hispanic mothers man, they're a different breed.

No. 2127071

I got a new intern today and she's so young. It's crazy how young a twenty year old looks to me now. Was I ever that young and unsure of myself?

No. 2127077

I definitely was. Treat her well nonna. I always cover my interns mess ups. I still think about getting told on my second week "why around you asking so many questions? Did they teach you anything in uni?"

No. 2127079

>Doug is a giant fucking dunce
as in cringe or is he an asshole? i have never heard of him being an asshole. He seems fairly self aware that hes cringe and makes fun of himself.

No. 2127090

Doug is cringe but he's self aware about being cringe. Channel Awesome had some things about a pedo being on the crew that got out after pedo died and it was management was terrible overall so that's why so many people left but I don't think he was part of the management side when that happened. I have very basic knowledge of the behind the scenes stuff though.

No. 2127100

Doug's not part of the management. It was some other dude called Mike Michaud.

No. 2127106

I shaved my legs for the first time in 5 years.

No. 2127138

I cant get the raising arizona theme out of my mind. I feel like a sped listening to the same 10 second music loop for the 2514th time

No. 2127144

statue of limitations ran out so the victims guessed they wouldn't bothered. around moids, never relax

No. 2127148

why do they think they can treat cats like dogs? that's how you should be treating a shitbull by letting it get eaten by a coyote during the middle of the night, not a cat

No. 2127149

grooming victims that accuse youtubers dont go to the police though

No. 2127156

A lot of victims don't go to the police because the police will disbelieve them anyway

No. 2127282

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I love my best friend so much, we've known each other for half our lives so she's the only one that can help me navigate my thoughts and pinpoint what is actually going on with me to help me settle down when I start to spiral. I don't know what I would do without her.

No. 2127411

oh to be a nigel for a day, practically living on easy mode all you have to do to justify your existence is being a "provider" and nothing else

No. 2127422

Men playing video games is so wildly unattractive, I genuinely can't imagine husbanding a guy who plays vidya as a hobby. I can hardly express it in words how unattractive it is.

No. 2127447

Same, nonny. I sometimes dream about having a cute bf that shaves for me, dresses in cute clothes, cosplays as my fave charas and engages in online slapfight to call scrotes who dont do the same for their gfs incel losers who are going to die alone and surrounded by dogs. Like a male shuwu minus the balding.

No. 2127726

File: 1723166150487.png (101.28 KB, 250x250, jhvkbshdbkd.png)

I was at my college orientation and i have the fattest fucking crush on someone who was in my group. Skinny, beautiful hair, glasses (which i have a fetish for), and likely autistic. I'm autistic myself but because of Muh female socialization and I'm probably a little more outgoing and this guy didn't talk the entire time I was there. I was considering striking up a conversation with him but I wasn't sure how to approach him without making myself obvious, I hope I can approach him normally when school starts. Just the thought of him developing a crush on me, anxiously asking to be his gf and treating me like a queen is enough to make me blush. And don't even get me started on the sexual side of it, I'd love to take his virginity and make him submissive in bed as well

No. 2127734

how do you know he's a virgin?

No. 2127740

Reminds me of my fwb I bet the dude is packing

No. 2127744

You can just tell

No. 2127751

>Autistic unfit male

No. 2127754

I'm not the girliest girl of all but trying on dresses all day is just so much fun.

No. 2127763

Important question… I dug at my ears' inner bits with a qtip and my nails because I thought I had a pimple there, something I don't do normally. Now my right ear is swollen and hurts when I lay on it. Is it an infection? It's been a couple hours since it got serious so I'll be giving it a couple days… will it be ok? did anyone else experience something similar? I'm so annoyed because I'm "aware" of it's presence and can't sleep. Not because of the pain but because I'm having a shitty time

No. 2127779

Enjoy your roidpigs

No. 2127785

>any man who isn’t anachan is roidpig

No. 2127794

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My nails are so pretty and shiny, I feel like a Mary sue OC that has the best stats in any game, gets all the pretty boys and that can make any bad guys become good guys with a glance.

No. 2127831

Its that time of the year where i start watching a lot of western movies and listening to cowboy music and wishing i could be american.

No. 2127855

I'm meant to visit my friend in a different city tomorrow. I was excited because we used to be neighbors and therefore hung out all the time but since she moved I barely see her. However, I don't want to go now for some reason… I have to take a shitty bus that picks up at an inconvenient area and I haven't booked a return trip since there's a possibility I might see another friend that lives there the next day but she's also quite indecisive. I just feel tired overall and wish all my friends lived within 5 minutes of me, or that they could come to my city for once instead of me always having to go to theirs.

No. 2128108

I broke up with my boyfriend because the relationship was making me unhappy, however, now I feel guilty. Can someone slap some sense into me?

No. 2128126

if he wasn't making you orgasm there is no need to feel regret

No. 2128127

File: 1723195470491.jpeg (203.09 KB, 446x708, horrified.jpeg)

got invited to a job interview and im so scared to reply to the email waah i've never had a job before

No. 2128134

Dont be afraid nonita its okay to be nervous on your first job

No. 2128135

I was so nervous I cried at my first interview kek. Still got it though.

No. 2128177

Goddammit I've lost the plug adapter for my phone charger, at least I'm in a big city and I can go buy a new one with no problem, but I'm annoyed I have to do a detour and spend money just for that shit.

No. 2128184

omg poor nona
i did it !!!

No. 2128306

ngl watching the first 5 seconds of the cringe male pick me posted in the psyop thread actually made me quit catching up on it

No. 2128315

it's ok nonny I just wanted to take some of your fear away. I'm sure you got this

No. 2128317

I've been wearing press-ons the past few months, but I just finished doing actual nails extensions on myself and looking at the nails I did with my non-dominant hand is about to make me fucking cry.

No. 2128322

same nonnie, my very shameful confession is that i'm the exact breed of tard that those losers with c.ai bfs are, i just use my imagination

No. 2128324

if there's a god, she'll let nonnie get that dick

No. 2128326

it is probably infection nonnie, that's very concerning, your nails might've been dirty and infected the scratches inside your ear, please go to doctor, best of luck nonnie

No. 2128331

ganbatte nonnie

No. 2128337

Nothing is ever as scary as you think. Good luck anon!

No. 2128398

>you can't make purchase on toranoana with visa and mastercard anymore
Fuck will I have to create an American Express account just to buy doujinshis???

No. 2128413

I never used toranoana but considered buying some.stuff there a few days ago, I regret not doing it. So what now? Is it possible to pay with paypal or anything similar?

No. 2128424

Why were people in the past so obsessed with flying cars? Why would we even need flying cars? What's the purpose?

No. 2128431

Because they're whimsical.

No. 2128435

My guess is airplanes and jetliners were becoming a common method of transportation and they had a tendency to associate things getting smaller with technological progress (see the computer) and a flying car would just be a really small airplane essentially

No. 2128436

Before aeroplanes released in the 90s people were obsessed with flying like birds because most people associate birds with angels like Christians and such. So to the pilgrims flying cars were like miracle mobiles made of angel dust. Then after 9/11 happen because of aeroplanes and Al Qaeda flying cars became illegal in imaginations across globe due to the war on terrorism. All in all, truth be told, flying cars is nonsense made up by sillyhearts from the 90s that didn't know any better since religion.

No. 2128445

File: 1723219588238.jpg (65.23 KB, 984x942, 45.jpg)

i wish i'd exported all my ero photos all at once into one folder so i could remove them as i organized them bc Google photos doesn't let you select all your pics at once, so i'll have to organize them all together

No. 2128450

I am making cookies today. Wish me luck. I want them to look kawiwi like this.

No. 2128456

it probably will look so kawiwi, how are you colouring it nonnie?

No. 2128486

With colorants. The food ones. Never tried before so i hope the cheap ones work.

No. 2128488

Oh i am stupid you meant the designs. I bought some cactus cookie cutters so i am going to use those.

No. 2128506

I love Burger King impossible whoppers, my day just got so much better

No. 2128511

Ooh anon you might influence me to get one today

No. 2128519

So good, I got it with Swiss cheese. I wish McDonald’s had plant based burgers..

No. 2128527

same here, another time a friend of mine convinced me to get the tacos, we really liked them, both veg and non-veg.

No. 2128541

Oh yeah, even when they're older than me, they're still little babies because of their inexperience and they needed to be protected from the older, more jaded employees. More of a "where has the time gone?" question than a real question because they all seem so young, and even when I fresh to the field, life had given me more experience than they're coming in with. But they're good kids.

No. 2128543

What was the occasion?

No. 2128556

File: 1723225131671.jpeg (21.89 KB, 219x275, 1654675920640.jpeg)

I recently started seeing a guy, and my friend is so jealous of him. We have seen eachother only 3 times and this dude has already dropped 70usd on me. Meanwhile i have been besties(because i have no other friends) with this other fag for years and he has never gifted me anything, and when i had really strong cravings because periods and shit and i really wanted a borgar he told me he would LEND me the money, what a cheap fag. Anyways, ever since i started seeing this other guy and telling my friend about all the stuff he gifts me hes been acting less like a cheap poorfag. He recently gave me the entire collection of some toys i wanted(nothing too expensive), and also started bringing food and snacks when he stays over. I feel like an animu harem protagonist, but instead of two bishies fighting over me its two 6/10 virgin nerds.

No. 2128559

I just revisited the page of one of my favorite AO3 fanfic authors and I think I still have a crush on her. She's a kinky, depressed, bisexual Finnish woman who owns reptiles and characterizes my husbando very well and something about me really likes her. I thought I got over it because I haven't interacted with her in like over a year but I revisited her work and I'm kinda falling for her again. But anyway, Im too busy with my IRL struggle relationship with a woman I actually know to worry about a fanfic author on a different continent. Internet crushes are fucking embarrassing.

No. 2128623

Lmao my order from target was all wrong today and they tried to put the bag in my little ass mail box for my apartment. I’ve never seen this before and it’s so funny to me. But I got orange chicken and a monster from the deli near me and my stomach is killing me. People eat like this everyday…insane.

No. 2128742

Who's the author?

No. 2128753

No. 2128763

Never go with the reluctant cheap one, they go back to not spending a cent on you as soon as acceptable. But they'll drop 2-10x the cash on onlyfans or gaming. The "simp" men hate is actually the ideal male state.

No. 2128771

File: 1723234977879.png (118.11 KB, 301x259, tumblr_inline_nm1x4zpLqv1r3uhd…)

>Ok no more plants, I'm out of reasonable space where they get enough light
>I'm broke at the moment anyway
>Stumbles upon a 2 meter tall beautiful dracaena for 45 bucks

Guess who's been running laps in the apartment trying to find a good spot while loudly reasoning with myself on why I should get it

No. 2128803

>in the 90s
You mean the 1900s?

No. 2128894

File: 1723241444940.jpg (258.71 KB, 718x1024, season-1.jpg)

found a twitch stream that plays bleach episodes non-stop. i forgot how fucking bad this show is

No. 2128919

True, he also looks way younger than my friend despite being a year older, has rich parents and has green hair. Only bad thing about him is that hes slightly fat but hes going to the gym.

No. 2128964

Kek, my brother was playing roblox and went upstairs to get his laptop charger, so while he was gone, I cheekily typed 'hey handsum boiz' to the random scrotes he was talking with, as a joke. Then he came downstairs and started chimping out. Jeez kid, I was just trolling…. He's saying how embarassing it was and being super moody now. Are they gonna doxx you? Do they know you in real life? Is it such a big deal? Faggots are so dramatic and over the top, so sensitive. I'm slowly becoming fagphobic. Never defending faggots again, whiny retards

No. 2128966

Anon he's probably acting like that because he's a kid kekk

No. 2128968

He's 15, he's grown

No. 2128970

Kek I'm surprised they haven't gotten in trouble yet.

No. 2128971

Young enough to be embarrassed by dumb shit

No. 2128972

why is he playing roblox at 15, is he mentally challenged?

No. 2128973

True kek, that fag is embarassed by everything, his hair, his clothes, even the way he talks, walks, breathes.
It's the only way he can hang out with his friends since our dad is religious and doesn't let him talk to girls (all his friends are girls since he's a faggot hated by straggots)

No. 2128982

Kekkkkk why are we shittalking children

No. 2128985

Because that ungrateful faggot disrespected his older sister

No. 2128991

No offense but thats how you get your sibling relentlessly bullied for months. Also targeted by pedos or labeled a pedo. I see a lot of people dogpiling your brother for fun but that was kind of shitty of you lol there are a lot of predatory pedo fags that play those games specifically looking for teen boys. That said he could just unplug

No. 2128995

i wish we could have one thread without pickmes jumping in to defend random moids. Bet his roblox mii is dressed like a femboy or in animu clothes.

No. 2129000

I am not a pickme kek I literally said he could shut it off. Some of you are too thick to remember being a teen online I guess

No. 2129001

Tbh moids act way gayer than that around each other for a joke. In fact they're more likely to be weird if their buddy ISN'T gay with them. I think he will be fine.

No. 2129005

Don't worry kek, he's not retarded. He knows about the dangers of pedos, I drilled it into his head when he was 11. He actually trolls pedos and moids with his friends so he's safe. He just thinks I embarassed him, which I don't get because it's fucking ROBLOX. His face or name isn't attached so I don't get why he's crying over this and acting like I doxxed his faggot ass. And the people I said it to don't even know him, they were just random guys in the server.

No. 2129009

I just learned that i could have been rich if my dumb retard grandpa wasnt an absolute faggot gambler. Men ruin everything.

No. 2129012

One of my siblings got harassed for months by a weird online pedo and I still have ptsd about it

That's good. Next time just type "I have aids" and see what happens

No. 2129013

>One of my siblings got harassed for months by a weird online pedo and I still have ptsd about it
we need to teach kids to just learn how to turn off the pc

No. 2129023

Btw I was only being a "pickme" because I assumed he was in a party with strangers. Friends I get but strangers are worse because if the right freak is in party, they will stalk his gaming account. But you're right he's 15, he can take care of it.

No. 2129024

File: 1723246419674.png (Spoiler Image,569.1 KB, 618x620, kzb9xqb26klx.png)

I love slightly evil jokes like this kek. It's annoying when they chimp out though. I remember as a preteen being in my grandparents basement with my little cousin and I turned off the lights and just put a photo of Ahenobarbus Henocied (picrel) on my ipad with full brightness and started chasing her KEK. it was so funny, she was spooked but when she figured out it was a prank she was laughing with me.

No. 2129025

We were too young.

No. 2129027

Kek, good idea but I don't think he'll ever leave his laptop open around me again…
KEKKK nonna that is so damn hilarious. It seems like a lot of fun. I love pranking people and being pranked too.

No. 2129300

I'm trying to pick up crochet but I can't tell where tf to stick my hook in after I'm done with the first ring because it's just a huge blob to me

No. 2129345

i have a long ass day of traveling ahead of me, and i have to go to the airport in an hour, and i can't find my portable battery charger. i have the fucking portable battery but not the thing to charge it with. i am so pissed

No. 2129350

Have been suffering from horrible toothache recently. The frustrating part is it's in 2 filled tooth, and one of them was filled 4 months ago. The dentist said it only had a deep cavity and didn't need any root canal treatments, even though it was the most painful one, and the one that did need the root canal treatment didn't hurt at all. Did she mix it up or something? Idk. Now the tooth with a deep cavity previously hurts a lot, worse than before when I discovered the deep cavity, and it makes my gum, jaw and ear hurt because it's in the top row. Not only that, but the other one has been filled for years now and is at the bottom row, and has a crack at the back and it's extremely painful when I eat, drink, grind my teeth by accident, and is killing my bottom jaw bone I have to keept an ice pack on it until the painkillers kick in. Hope I get to go to the dentist for this today.

No. 2129382

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Same, these things are so good I can’t stop eating them

No. 2129384

My sister got this weird looking plushie from a thrift store yesterday and now I'm in love with it. It's now my child.

No. 2129395

I like the word "polyester". Idk why.

No. 2129422

Nope, PayPal is basically unheard of in Japan. It's probably going to spread to other online shops like Mandarake or Surugaya, I'm seriously looking into getting an Amex just to continue buying weeb shit.

No. 2129485

Fuck. I was thinking about Revolut but they give Visa cards. So what now? I'm not American so I'll look into a more local solution but this is annoying as hell. I'm going to look at what Mandarake offers but they sell second hand copies that are sometimes more way expensive than what the artists sell on toranoana at the exact same time.

No. 2129511

ever since posting about my crush on my cousin as a kid, I’ve been having so many dreams about him and making out with him. annoying tbh

No. 2129528

Yeah sorry I meant 1990s** I should of been specific sorry

No. 2129566

man dangelo fell off, he used to be such a cute black nerd, now he looks like a troon trying to skinwalk Whoopi Goldberg, his skin is so weird and dry looking now

No. 2129588

File: 1723285183535.jpg (57.04 KB, 306x265, 1708204771189.jpg)

Just ordered a bakuchiol serum. Surely this skincare product will fix me.

No. 2129592

I’m wearing my hair down today and my coworker told me I have “the good hair” and at first I was kinda gassed but now I feel a bit bad because does she think her hair by default is the bad hair? She’s Puerto Rican with tight curls and probably has healthier hair than me, I bleached my hair like 4x kek

No. 2129593

Ew this guys was always disgusting, no change.

No. 2129596

File: 1723285510342.jpg (105.55 KB, 720x575, 1000004334.jpg)

You just made me discover some devastating news

No. 2129607

That's actually a big reason I'm trying out bakuchiol instead kek

No. 2129625

I'm getting my tubes tied in a week and sent my boss an email telling her that I'm having a laparoscopic operation and that it's nothing serious, but I'll need to be on sick leave for like 2-3 days. We're having a meeting about how to distribute my work tasks during those days and I'm sure she's gonna ask questions about the surgery. So I'm trying to find other reasons for having laparoscopic surgery so I can lie and get her off my back. I think I'm going to say I'd not like to go into detail but hint that it has something to do with fibroids or something. This is ridiculous but she is incredibly nosy and gossips a lot. And happens to be obsessed with medical stuff because her daughters have had health issues.

No. 2129701

You can get an American Express even if you're not American (unless you live in a country where they don't have it). There's always the option of forwarding services (they order what you want in your stead) but some books sell out almost immediately, which is why ordering yourself will always be the better option.

No. 2129761

File: 1723297938636.jpg (152.08 KB, 1280x700, allemandyke of the prarie.jpg)

>how artists feel after writing "Scheiße" in dialogue for a German character in fanart

No. 2129836

I must see it nona

No. 2129865

File: 1723304537967.webm (3.83 MB, 1280x720, 1723222657639674.webm)

I know people are making fun of her but I think she's funny
https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/rachael-gunn/publications/(this goes in the olympics thread)

No. 2129868

File: 1723304612885.webm (3.94 MB, 1280x720, 1723222803447122.webm)

No. 2129874

Im gonna try to finish crocheting a hat for once and for all today. It should have even took me so long but I'm such a slow crocheter and I take a lot of breaks.
Also I participated in like 2 infights recently and didn't get banned but got banned earlier for talking about orgasms kek

No. 2129876

Kek I love her goofy ass

No. 2129906

Idk anything about break dancing but that looks so stiff

No. 2129968

File: 1723308817533.png (87.4 KB, 500x408, 2148246_5bedf.png)

I bought a portable air compressor to clean out my laptop and it's so satisfying to use. I'm sneaking around my apartment looking for any dust I can blast. 11/10 best purchase I've made in months.

No. 2129983

It's her epic australian signature move, "the kangaroo"

No. 2130137

Does that include diffiren?

No. 2130141

How much did it cost? I wanna get one too

No. 2130154

why cant you say you're getting your tubes tied? if you arent going to tell her the truth it makes even less sense to lie about the procedure when you dont need to disclose in the first place

No. 2130156

£100 but you can some for as low as £30. I shelled out for max powah

No. 2130302

My dad started turning off the wifi at 1am because he noticed me and my brother are always staying up. I'm 21 for FUCKS SAAAAAKE. What if I wake up in the middle of the night with an emergency and have to google something, HUH? I remember before 2020 we didn't even have a router and had to use the personal hotspot from his phone. So we'd only have internet as long he was at home. And he'd leave the house multiple times a day, and sometimes go on trips with his friends for weeks. I would always 'hoard' stuff by downloading them to keep them for when I was without internet. Like fanfictions, youtube videos, games, movies etc. Now I have to do that shit agaaaaaaaaaaaaaain! I'm 21 but living as I did when I was 12. Hate that faggot

No. 2130350

Wouldn't the opposite of a fetish be a repulsion?
Or would it be a phobia?

No. 2130360

Not a phobia if you're just repulsed by it.

No. 2130379

An aversion?

No. 2130391

Yesterday was the first time I looked in the mirror and felt like my smile is beautiful

No. 2130398

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No. 2130399

I've been having similar problems with my teeth… I had three teeth on my lower jaw that hurt a lot but my dentist said I only needed a root canal on one and the others could just be filled in. The root canal went fine but the dentist that did the filling was sort of incompetent, and the filled teeth have been a little sensitive since then. Recently, it's progressed into really bad pain that's spread to more teeth and down the jaw, sometimes I can feel it in my chin, and I can't do much except take a bunch of painkillers every day because my dentist has not gotten back to me. Hopefully it's not too bad for either of us and we can recover soon.

No. 2130400

Is it possible that you have a cavity that spread to your jaw? Have you gotten an xray?

No. 2130406

File: 1723340146707.jpg (317.74 KB, 1080x1369, 1000004365.jpg)

Fixed it

No. 2130416

I hope so! I'm gonna reserve an appointment at the dentist's and hope it goes well. I hope it's just some infection and antibiotics would be enough. But I also want the teeth to be drilled and cleaned up and re-filled just to be safe. But I really hate the procedure of root-canals since it takes days for each tooth. I used some interdental brush with a gum issues toothpaste, and after poking my gums a bit and getting it to bleed, it feels slightly better. I'm now chewing on cloves for the numbness to kill the pain further.

No. 2130559

Yeah I'm suspecting a cavity as one of the reasons for pain, I'll get an x-ray as soon as I can but I also have personal problems that prevent me from being able to go to the dentist right away. Hopefully within the week though
Good luck at the dentist's!

No. 2130566

My entire life I always rolled down the shades when I go to bed but tonight I rolled them up and it’s kinda cozy to go to sleep looking up at the night sky

No. 2130571

turns out I can use a damp make up brush to scroll my phone

No. 2130572

File: 1723351924709.jpg (96.79 KB, 736x736, 4b3929e74a21ca08937df08886f442…)

I am 33 today.

No. 2130575

Happy birthday!!

No. 2130585

File: 1723353270963.jpeg (35.5 KB, 750x500, IMG_8216.jpeg)

Happy birthday anon

No. 2130587

Happy 33rd nonnie dearest

No. 2130588

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No. 2130635

Can someone scream at me and call me a retard for procrastinating this college research assessment I have

No. 2130702

I'm pretty sure my friend browses and posts on Lolcow because I recognized an event she recounted in one thread and also identified myself from that story. This is why I purposefully obfuscate a lot of details when writing a personal anecdote here and wish anons who get mad at people refusing to elaborate in more detail would just back off. And nonnies, be careful about what you share here, you never know which one of your friends sees your post.

No. 2130730

I am currently reading the Corpse Husband threads and they are delicious. There doesn't seem to be much milk currently other than Shayna and she is just boring to me for some reason. I hope we get cows like Corpse Husband again or just more milk in general.

No. 2130733

File: 1723371753476.gif (599.25 KB, 275x275, 1721077982806.gif)

Happy Birthday Nonna!

No. 2130751

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No. 2130769

Sometimes I wonder about my own friends because of the topics we talk about in all the boards pretty much, but then I remember they all turned into hardcore TRAs not that recently so it's unlikely they would be here. Unless they bring up troon shit every time we see each other just in case they think I'm a TRA too, but there's no way that's the case.

No. 2130781

I think I know one too and she's sent me images I've only seen here but this is supposed to be an anonymous site and I will respect that. I still want a lolcow friend though

No. 2130870

File: 1723383970946.png (2.19 MB, 1099x864, img_heart.png)

I think my cat knows I'm a bit sad today. He let me cradle him with my face burrowed in his fur while he purred for unusually long today, I don't know if I'm projecting or making it up but it feels like he always lets me do it for a really long time the days where I'm not on top. Usually he pushes me away and jumps out of my arms after a couple of minutes

No. 2130891

When I have time I will ask my mother to teach me all her sewing techniques

No. 2130903

I'm listening to the playlist I made last night and it's making me feel very energized for the day.

No. 2130904

What songs are on your playlist nonna?

No. 2130942

Tbh it's probably not most anons taste but it's just songs that make me want to dance. It's been good for cleaning!
>Ravyn Lenae, Appleby - Free Room
>Tove Lo - Disco Tits
>Chic - Dance, Dance, Dance
>Sophie - Immaterial
>Kesha - Your Love Is My Drug
>Britney Spears, Tinashe - slumber party
>Bree Runway - Hot Hot
>Diana Ross - Give Up
>Tove Lo - My Gun
>LaBelle - Lady Marmalade
>Britney Spears - Outrageous
>Janet Jackson - Someone to Call My Lover
>Beyonce, Andre 3000 - Party
>Cascade - Evacuate The Dancefloor
>France Joli - Come to Me
>Waka Flocka - No Hands
>The Jacksons - Shake your body to the ground

No. 2130955

Today i am going to draw all day and only take breaks to play project zomboid or read manga. Youtube really sucks time out of my life like a hungry vampire.

No. 2130962

>Janet Jackson
>Diana Ross
fuck yes. your playlist is badass.

No. 2131002

AYRT, I also respect the anonymity of the website and will never bring it up to my friends for that reason, and if any of them asked if I browse Lolcow, I would deny it. The "femcel" larpers on Tiktok should take notes.

No. 2131120

File: 1723395979894.jpeg (263.09 KB, 1563x1563, IMG_0534.jpeg)

I think I developed a man jaw from chewing this gum everyday

No. 2131134

It can't be, in my case I fucked up my already weak jaw because I would chew those daily, now my jaw pops, creaks and can't open completely, and my chin is still almost inexistent. I feel scammed kek.

No. 2131140

It's a lot more likely you're going to fuck up your teeth if you don't brush them immediately afterwards

No. 2131268

I made these with my mom and they turned out so good, but for some reason half of them had hair in it. Wtf why is there hair every time i cook something, yuck.

No. 2131296

Do you have pets? Otherwise wear a headband or a hair covering, but I'd be worried if you're losing so much hair that you can't help getting them in the things you bake.

No. 2131316

They are my moms she had cancer so now she has thinning hair, so i never tell her. I just thought i cleaned the tray well enough but they somehow still managed to snuck into my pastries.

No. 2131563

Can't get into the mood to watch anything
Can't get in the mood to read anything
Can't get in the mood to play anything
Exercise only uses up about 2 hours of my day
What the fuck am I meant to do besides doomscroll? I feel fine being alone but I guess this is the part where a friend or partner would come in handy?

No. 2131697

File: 1723423189819.jpeg (1.88 MB, 3400x3400, GSI7RBkagAAHIja.jpeg)

I got some food from Burger King and since they didn't have the drink I ordered, they gave me a spicy strawberry sprite. It's kinda weird because it's actual spice and not that "spice" from really carbonated drinks kek

No. 2131852

The wannabe gangsters at my local train station are so retarded that I genuinely can't tell the difference between sober and drunk when it comes to them

No. 2131881

File: 1723430153940.jpg (57.54 KB, 1000x909, 61cgbnebsBL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I have bought a shelf that needs plastic towels to put it together and I accidentally snapped some off of one of the dowels. I'm gonna try to use some sculpting gel meant for nails to fix it.

No. 2131890

I died 24 hours ago and came back to life. Not clickbait, I ODd and my heart stopped for a minute before I was revived. Turns out I likely took synthetic substance like fent. I was discharged from the hospital about 10 hours later. Luckily I had my boyfriend by my side the whole time so the whole process wasn't too unbearable.

Also he apparently lurks on lolcow nowadays, which I think is funny lol. I showed this site as a funny but shameful part of my past but I rarely even lurk these days.

No. 2131909

I'm incredibly sorry that happened to you, but do not show men this site. Not cool anon. And say no to drugs.

No. 2131910

You can’t be doing that girl

No. 2131914

Tell your boyfriend to stop lurking here and being a faggot. Post his cock so he gets IP banned and we can all laugh at him.

No. 2131928

>Also he apparently lurks on lolcow nowadays, which I think is funny lol.
>I showed this site
You should have stayed dead.

No. 2131932

it's karma for showing your man lolcor. get him off of here. give him fent next time.

No. 2131969

should've stayed that way and tell that hideous nigel to stay off

No. 2132082

this is how taking a fat relieving shit feels like before you go to sleep

No. 2132138

File: 1723443643837.jpg (59.29 KB, 959x546, 1000004373.jpg)

Honestly why couldn't they have waited like a year or two to kill him. I feel like he had one really good album left in him and they took that from us

No. 2132207

drew emo Elsie in class today bc k felt like i was about to cry

No. 2132208

File: 1723454664472.png (1.22 MB, 1000x1332, 1000047248.png)

dropped pic

No. 2132210

she pwns the haterz

No. 2132211

Can’t find the TMI thread. just want to say I’ve been eating too much processed meat lately and my farts have started to smell ungodly. A sickly sweet yet rotten methane smell like a corpse on a hot summers day.

No. 2132213

No. 2132214

wish i could be her

No. 2132258

File: 1723461102001.gif (4.56 MB, 498x280, wedding-crasher-hro.gif)

My friend has OFFICIALLY peaked! She has had enough and is also currently helping another woman peak

No. 2132264

File: 1723462664931.jpg (86.5 KB, 800x692, flat,800x800,075,f-1072876760.…)

Fuck yeah! How did it happen?

No. 2132275


No. 2132277

hoorayyyyyy, tell uS EVERYTHING!!!

No. 2132287

She met an agp too many and couldn't take it anymore, she was already struggling with seeing them as women but wanted to keep an open mind about the "good ones". But playing nice all this time got to her in the end, no matter how much you try to deny it even the "good ones" see women through a perverted lens and once that hits you there is no going back.

No. 2132318

I'm conscious of this. I remind myself that we have a lot more lurkers than posters and as such I should reign in my oversharing even if I am anon

No. 2132319

I wish my friends would do this shit. They have no problem fucking trannies. One even fucked a tranny who had to watch rape hentai while they were fucking. I think I need better female friends because these ones make me want to kms.

No. 2132329

>One even fucked a tranny who had to watch rape hentai while they were fucking
Why would you let yourself be fucked willingly by an actual piece of biological waste

No. 2132397

You almost died and when you came back you came on here? Shoulda stayed dead retard. Can't wait till your faggot boyfriend eventually cheats on you

No. 2132404

Wish I could peak my best friend, I know I could because she's intelligent (apart from being a gendie supporter). The problem is, I don't know how to start really. Also her other best friend is a full on non-binary with the they/them pronouns and all. So I'm not gonna even try, because I have a feeling the nonbinary one is more important to her than I am.

No. 2132406

Nta but same shit nonnie. maybe we can connect on the friend finder thread haha jk but what if…!

No. 2132485

My dinner kinda sucked so i dowsed it in balsamic and it doesnt suck anymore

No. 2132487

oh my god

No. 2132495

made spaghetti and reduced the sauce for 40 mins until it was thick, very worth it

No. 2132603

File: 1723480821239.gif (2.78 MB, 640x640, mort-crying.gif)

>One even fucked a tranny who had to watch rape hentai while they were fucking.
How do you tell someone this and not instantly peak from the amount of humilliation

No. 2132644

File: 1723482090879.jpeg (107.55 KB, 500x263, 38D7BD69-3ACA-49EA-9B41-2F99C3…)

Cooks hate this one weird trick.

No. 2132653

File: 1723482363122.jpg (78.1 KB, 896x945, 1000006358.jpg)

Genuine question, was she molested as a kid or something?

No. 2132658

Ayrt, and yes she was molested a few times iirc by older boys. My problem was I was also the target of molestation by boys my own age and I have never once had the urge to fuck a tranny. She even lived with him and said he would smear shit on the walls and did meth and crack too. She's not a hard drug user either so I have no fucking clue how her self-esteem and judgement could be that fucking low and poor.

No. 2132660

Jesus christ the girl clearly needs help. I feel so bad for her. It sounds like she grew up in a really fucked up environment.

No. 2132675

She does but she surrounds herself with people who have the same shit self-esteem. She constantly makes poor work decisions that have gotten her fired like three time from three separate jobs, she's immediately dedicated to someone who embodies the person she wishes she was and wishes she was perceived as, and subsequently these people treat her like shit. She always makes excuses for her behavior and how she craves chaos and shit, and gets upset when I tell her she should have made better decisions when she asks for my opinion. She also has a lot of unprotected sex with random men and got extremely upset when she found out she had two stis, then made excuses for the random men she was fucking and how they PROMISED their test results were clean!!! Even though they didn't send her any picture or screencap of the results.
I feel horrible for her but she is exhausting to be around.

No. 2132808

Sounds like you should probably drop her as a friend. She's been through a lot in life but she's not helping herself, all she can really do right now is hurt herself and people around her. Maybe if she eventually wakes up you guys can hang out again.

No. 2132822

No, it was vinegar why did you post a water stick?

No. 2132823

File: 1723487771279.jpeg (29.12 KB, 370x208, IMG_2173.jpeg)

>me when i see boring blogposts

No. 2132833

Im putting together a shelf and it's making me suicidal

No. 2132837

Idk where to put this but this video is sending me. The graphic design is my passion visuals and the fucking SOUND EFFECTS. I feel kinda bad for making fun of it but jesus christ just watch it.

No. 2132860

Why are people on facebook marketplace kind of cute lol, keep in mind this was on messenger
>"Ok the shipping will be so and so do you want it to your home or a pickup point?"
>Pickup point please, thanks
>"Can you wait a minute we're eating"
>That intro
My sides

No. 2132864

No. 2132879

File: 1723490785091.jpeg (133.5 KB, 1170x471, IMG_7016.jpeg)

>A-list pastor
enty get new ideas or just make up more blinds about actual celebrities challenge

nobody gives a fuck about pastors, TikToktards, politicians or Harry and Meghan kek

No. 2132919

someone called me funny today, i really needed this and compliments about my humour are my favourite. it's really made my week

No. 2132929

I ate a pizza that was too hot yesterday and burned the roof of my mouth and today my throat hurts so I think I burned my throat too. Hopefully it heals soon.

No. 2132937

File: 1723493790599.jpeg (122.81 KB, 768x768, 9a857126-5def-4d05-9d7f-0839bc…)

Samefag, if you're ever in Walmart DO NOT BUY THE BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS 8 CUBE ORGANIZER. I'm so fucking annoyed anons, it's like I put one piece together and another pieces falls off. The middle part is just too flimsy. I'm still trying to put the sides on and it's been over an hour.

No. 2132956

I went to a family pool and saw several women in thongs with their whole asses out. I don’t understand how it’s comfortable to walk around like that. or why one would choose to wear that in front of family and kids.

No. 2132972

Another samefag but it uses cam locks to secure the sides to the shelves and I literally cannot get the cam lock to work. It won't fucking turn once I have the screw it. I'm going to smash this piece of shit.

No. 2133007

So i just got out of having lunch at Johnny rockets with my brother and they had season 2 of "I dream of Jeannie" on repeat and like i watched the show when i was a kid, i understood the concept of a genie from watching the Aladin movie but now that I'm an adult and I saw the show, i kinda want to dress like Barbara Eden (the Genie) like i know that costume does show some skin (I'm nowhere near the shape I wish i was and) im not even the right skin tone to make the costume work, but i feel like that costume will look good on me.
So if it's not too chilly during Halloween around here, I might give it a try.

No. 2133014

Yesterday I saw a video of a woman talking about that, and she could see their buttholes when they would bend over kek.

No. 2133024

Wtf noooooooooo eeeeeeeeewwwwww

No. 2133028

I don't understand why thong bikinis are even made.

No. 2133029

I am going to try this mandarin, orange and grapefruit tea and will be back with my veredict.

No. 2133060

that's the entire thread silly

No. 2133077

it was fine, i recommend it

No. 2133089

Oh no. But yeah this is what I mean, I would be so self conscious moving around in that and feeling like I have to be pulling at it and adjusting constantly. They didn’t seem uncomfortable. Do they not care that their buttholes come out for all to see? I don’t understand.

No. 2133091

They must be made by men, but I don’t understand why any women buy them and wear them

No. 2133092

This would be a really cute costume. I used to watch that when I was younger too. I hope it works out for you.

No. 2133229

File: 1723508621014.jpg (11.94 KB, 259x259, 27e1d397b0cb0c380ee1090d97fba4…)

I just finished building my bookshelf and it looks so good! Like 8 hours of work but it looks amazing. It takes up the space in where I have it so well.

No. 2133290

Nonnie, at least god loves me enough to grant me another life and a beautiful faggot boyfriend that supports my depravity… I choose to be on here, you’re forced to be here. We are not the same.

No. 2133322

File: 1723512632612.png (526.44 KB, 581x582, image (2).png)

I am going to mcd this weekend to get happy meal toys. I can get 2, which ones should i get? i cant decide, my fren told me hes giving me his toy, too.

No. 2133350

File: 1723513634285.jpg (24.41 KB, 230x219, 1000052409.jpg)

I want to go to McDonald's with my friends so we can get at least 3, I want hello kitty and pompompurin the most.

No. 2133362

I really want keroppi, but all of them look cute. Sadly the quality of the plushies is terrible, but its still cute and i like how bizarre the crossover is.

No. 2133368

Squirrel fell out of a tree when I was hiking and it was actually really loud. Laid splatted family guy style until I walked over then it ran away. Hope its ok

No. 2133391

I got Blue Eyes White Cinnamoroll, but Cinnamoroll and Blue Eyes White Dragon are my faves so it only made sense
Yeah it's more like a bag keychain thing. Typical Mcdonalds quality. I want them to do an actual plushie collab!

No. 2133425

I still have some of the neopets from 2005, quality used to be so much better. But I think I will still get a happy meal for nostalgia if I have coupons

No. 2133430

File: 1723516742040.jpg (77.29 KB, 894x894, 611KQQcIUcS._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

I just saw a video of what I think could be the perfect gift for my grandma and I'm so excited to get one for her! It's a fan that clips onto the waistband of your pants, she doesn't sweat at all and she's an older woman so she's always very hot. This would probably be great for her while running errands or working. I'm pretty sure these are targeted for men who do blue collar work so most reviews for the ones I'm seeing say they're pretty noisy. Hopefully I can find one that's quiet.

No. 2133436

I had a dream that I was getting dressed and ready to go to work but then I woke up and had to get dressed and ready to go to work and it pissed me off because I already did it in the dream I didn't want to do it again

No. 2133493

Oh my god this is super cute now I want one

No. 2133495

I want to like my job but today was just a day that made me want to grind my teeth down to the nubs

No. 2133498

this is pretty funny Kek squirrels can be so silly

No. 2133647

File: 1723530138399.jpeg (24.72 KB, 487x485, mif.jpeg)

my anxiety has been unbearable after i stopped taking my meds but i started huffing lavender whenever it gets bad and it's been helping a lot. i'm really happy about it

No. 2133649

Is that okay for your lungs? Genuine uninformed question

No. 2133655

no clue, but at this point i'll gladly use anything that helps me and doesn't turn me into a zombie like SSRIs did

No. 2133658

If you're open to suggestions, ashwagandah is actually insanely helpful for anxiety. Obv look into it and make sure its compatible with your goals and stressors but it's the most natural way to numb anxiety that I know of personally

No. 2133663

File: 1723531209805.jpg (706.7 KB, 829x900, 579kioezcrrx.jpg)

thank you so much, i'm grateful for any help. i'll look into it right now

No. 2133727

i want to watch a film which is girl interrupted but just better and directed by a woman

No. 2133735

Every single one of us have only watched girl interrupted to watch Angelina Jolie look fierce. I dont think you can recreate that. Suckerpunch tried but it just isn't the same.

No. 2133748

changed my mobo now my pc won't boot i hate my life

No. 2133754

Dragged my old laptop out of hibernation to migrate a bunch of files from one PC to another. Forgot how painfully slow HDDs are compared to SSDs.

No. 2133790

Are Japanese moids autistic? Anytime they come up to me they just say I'm pretty and that's it, loaded silence, am I supposed to go all kawaii "thank you so much uwu"? You are the one interested in me, ask me questions or whatever. I don't even get why they approach me, I look disheveled and sweaty with my dumb band shirts and dad shorts. I should triple up the amount of husbando merch on my bags to signify I don't want to be approached.

No. 2133794

This post is so transparent lol

No. 2133797

File: 1723541165716.png (37.2 KB, 2732x217, Illustration.png)

The answer is always YES

No. 2133798

Transparent of what? You think I'm humble bragging or something?

No. 2133810

theyre trying to poach you, ignore them. theyre gaijin hunters

No. 2133816

I've heard this from other western women too. And yes they are.
They sound ridicuously bad at hunting if their attempt at conversation ends there.

No. 2133820

I baked a delicious ciabatta, but still had stale, two-days-old supermarket bread for lunch because I hate food waste. Now I feel all breaded up for the day, but if I don't start the ciabatta today, I'm afraid it'll get stale before I can finish it. The plights of being a carboholic…

No. 2133834

it's working now i love my life every single day of mine is filled with joy and blessing

No. 2133893

Like, once you've stitched the last stitch into the magic circle, you don't know where to go next? Or that once you've attached the magic circle to itself, you don't know how to make the second stitch going forward?

No. 2133899

I'm dying, this is so true. German dialogue in American books is so cringe. They know like three words and they'll sprinkle them in constantly. Meanwhile, the character's dialogue or syntax is not German in any other way.

No. 2133933

The lady sitting next to me on the train smells so good, I hope her perfume rubs off of me

No. 2133946

i'm smoking my last cigarette (hopefully) as I bought myself a vape pen just now

No. 2133948

I accidentally dropped a apple peal and nows there's a lizard licking it I didn't even knew lizards liked fruits

No. 2133962

I'm not going to lie…how do people even have time to text back immediately? I'm living off a schedule to manage working and studying and chores- I just can't do that. It takes a full two hours to reply to everyone, how does one even do that every day? I just wish everyone lived nearby kek

No. 2133995

someone complimented my heart earrings today, and now i think big heart earrings are my key to making friends kek

No. 2133997

That's so blessed. Good things will happen to you today.

No. 2133998

>"choose to be on here"
like you chose to be a druggie? what point is there trying to powertrip on an anonymous site, we're all retards here.

No. 2133999

If anyone is looking for something stupid to put on in the background, I recommend Teenage Euthanasia. The plots can be pretty stupid, but the visual gags and constant Florida jokes are A+.

No. 2134001

I was looking for videos with workout inspiration and this popped up. So what is her Stacey routine?
>when I wake up in the morning I pray
>then I put on some anime

No. 2134006

kek real, every fanart of Konig out there has him say "scheibe", most unique i've seen is him is saying "Ich will nicht" to leaving a cat or an nsfw one of him watching a self insert jill off and saying "please go on" or smtg. but it doesn't really make sense to me bc i don't think the characters he's with in his respective media understand German, so why does he so randomly say it?

No. 2134013

That show was underrated I liked how it explored generational trauma in a shitposty way

No. 2134015

I love watching recipe videos from japan/korea, especially ones where they make lunch boxes. It's relaxing and I enjoy the simple recipes and trying them myself when I get the opportunity.

No. 2134037

No. 2134077

I need to know if she watches or reads series that aren't battle shonen. Like what's her opinion on Takumi from Nana? Does she also want to murder her like 99% of the audience?

No. 2134081

>him watching a self insert jill off and saying "please go on"

No. 2134082

I'm meant to be asleep but I'm so riled up I'm arguing with filipinos on the internet. (It's specific but theyre a funny bunch) Then I'll wake up, not feeling that energy, and then I'll finally get a response from whoever I was challenging or poking and I am just not in the mood

No. 2134085

Honestly i can only reply as someone who was a neet, and my answsr is do fuckall and be glued to fone. I dont know how people who are occupied do it tho

No. 2134113

it's an image, not a comic or whatever you're expecting, but i'll post whenever i find it, still in the middle of doing this >>2128445

No. 2134118

File: 1723562272662.jpg (477.6 KB, 1737x1754, tumblr_2d2674d2daec0cbd263e965…)

for the time being, here's smtg to quench that thrist, featuring once again scheibe abuse

No. 2134120

Kek, what are you guys arguing about? Anime?

No. 2134122

File: 1723562462474.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.56 KB, 736x552, 306a019ff1dd6c109602f14e3bf37d…)

No. 2134124

No. 2134126

File: 1723562663641.jpg (58.4 KB, 540x370, cat54.jpg)

kissies, mwah

No. 2134134

File: 1723563046576.jpg (20.3 KB, 479x337, e4f77c9a2a5cf4e1bdf2959abb695a…)

Saw an absolutely retarded take in a thread I frequent and realized it's stupidity kinda riled me up so I'm waiting for more eloquent nonnies to rip that anon to shreds in my stead

No. 2134146

I forgot why I don't use the donation groups on facebook… people either don't show up or cancel last minute. It's so much trouble it's honestly more worth it to donate everything to second hand stores.

No. 2134290

I was drugged by a friend, not a druggie. No power trips here, just thought it’s funny to wish death upon someone for being on lolcow after near death experience.

No. 2134303

it's no coincidence that you're here, if being told to die after a near-death experience didn't shoo you away, then clearly you belong. also i hope you socked that "friend" in the jaw.

No. 2134379

Nta but L-theanine is also good for anxiety

No. 2134403

Update about my teeth situation, the dentist told me the painful tooth is inflamed and it somehow infected the one right underneath it, and prescribed me antibiotics and some horrible solube tablets painkiller that tastes like shit. She said once I finish the antibiotics in 5 days, she will give me a root canal treatment in the more painful upper tooth, and hopefully the opposite lower one will heal on its own. I also threw up after leaving her office and that reliefed the ache a lot lmao. I think my body purged the bacteria from the gums to my digestive system or something? Anyways, hope all goes well. Other anon with teeth issues, if you're still here, this is your reminder to visit the dentist and get some medicine!

No. 2134406

I like to imagine anyone who argues with me is the same anon. My sworn enemy

No. 2134410

Okay fregoli-chan.

No. 2134412

whenever i am sad i love to scroll through my favourite artist twitter feed. It goes like this
>telling everyone he started playing/watching something
>complaining about his art skills despite being amazing
>commenting live on horse races and encouraging the horses
its just cute

No. 2134432

File: 1723579775250.png (1.1 MB, 862x928, FYAAAA.png)

Eating ice cream is a goddamn sport in my household. My cat can be sleeping in a different room on the other side of the apartment but the moment you get ice cream he is all up in your face demanding a taste. He is typically not very interested in food, I offered him some yoghurt on my finger earlier today since he seemed curious but he was just licking the air in front of it pretending to taste until he accidentally got some on his tongue, snorted and looked offended. But he goes absolutely FERAL for ice cream.

No. 2134496

I love him

No. 2134531

Was at the dentist today and she poked my tongue with her tool and then blamed me bruh

No. 2134626

im bored

No. 2134645

Then do something?

No. 2134656

>cc unfairly banning moi
>no explanation no reason

No. 2134659

CC is being moderated by bots, so an irate tranny could have spam reported your reply and the bots took it down. I do not think there is anyone really in charge of CC right now. Whoever pays the bill to keep it up hasn't said anything in years iirc.

No. 2134682

File: 1723591711843.jpg (221.19 KB, 1572x2048, 1679627603552094.jpg)

I am working on a furry game with my friend and i never realized how horrible i am to work with. Thank god he has patience.

No. 2134686

Has anyone noticed a noticeable uptick in the amount of
>My friend he's-
Posts lately.

No. 2134693

do you mean my two posts?

No. 2134733

Be careful, the amount of sugar, milk and the flavorings could be bad for him. Also make sure it's actual ice cream, not "analog frozen dessert".

No. 2134749

I got tipsy and went to the playground with my friend it was so much fun

No. 2134756

This is a woman-only imageboard. Faggots aren’t allowed to post here.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2134759

are you ok?

No. 2134799

I just replied to a 16 year old youtube comment

No. 2134819

You're living on the edge nonners

No. 2134821

i feel so old just reading this

No. 2134830

That's ironic because the antisemitic moid I reported there was accusing me of being a tranny because I told off his precious David Icke

No. 2134838

File: 1723600087245.jpg (97.65 KB, 735x767, 08104d89bd68ba879b28fff5da44a2…)

I'm taking off my nail extensions and my natural nails have got so long in just the week I've had them. Once they get longer I might consider just doing a gel overlay on them without adding extra

No. 2134842

>tfw you accidentally overspend your check and have to live like an extreme cheapskate for a few days
>tfw pay day is only a day after tomorrow so you can have that tasty meal you were going to take for work lunch tomorrow and just buy a sandwich or a salad for lunch tomorrow with remaining money
Aw yeahhhhh mama's eating good tonight and tomorrow and the next day too!

No. 2135027

My sister's silly orange cat scratched me twice across the arm and now it looks like I self harmed since they're horizontal. Damn it.

No. 2135032

reminds me of my childhood cat. he was borderline retarded and ate almost everything that he can get access to including ice cream. one time he got his head stuck inside a tomato can and came out all orange.

No. 2135066

I bought nail polish yesterday for the first time in years but forgot to get the sort of pen that removes nail polish if you mess up a little bit. On the other hand the nail polish is cheap but dries very fast, I'll keep buying this specific brand from now on.

No. 2135119

What brand is it? Lately I’ve been too impatient and lazy to paint my nails

No. 2135131

I can't find that pen anywhere irl, does anyone have suggestions for good ones online?

No. 2135162

My friend asked me to buy her some merch of her k-poop husbando and I wonder why she likes this one in particular since he's not that different from all the other guys of all the other bands.

No. 2135206

File: 1723641158353.png (97.52 KB, 603x683, pen.PNG)

idk how they're called but I've seen youtubers and nails tech using them. They're not actual pens but they look like one. I'm looking for one on the Kiko website and found pic related, I'll check other brands to compare prices though.

I had to check, it's Mavala. I found that brand in a drug store so I bought one color on a whim but the base coat and top coat were way more expensive so I didn't get them. I'll see if I should after seeing how long the nail polish will last by itself.

No. 2135319

Couldn't you just use nail polish remover on a q-tip?

No. 2135368

Started making my own bread a short while ago, and it made me wonder what the hell they put in store bought bread. Mine gets bad after a week but store bought lasts for 2-3. I'm usually never the one that virtue signal about how store bought items are bloated with this and that, however I think I'm not gonna buy bread at the store anymore. Or at least not until I get lazy enough to put my concerns to the side kek

No. 2135387

I specifically remember being in ninth grade and eating some bread for lunch at school and it didn't taste odd when I ate it, but when I took a sip of water, I got the nastiest aftertaste, like the water activated the chemicals. It tasted like the scent of toothbrush cleaner and chlorine. From then on I told my parents to never buy store bought bread again kek

No. 2135462

Do you keep your homemade bread in the freezer?
I don’t make real oven baked bread but I’ll sometimes make quick flatbreads over the stove, or makes me wonder why even store flatbreads like flour tortillas or naan have a million ingredients kek

No. 2135491

File: 1723655613438.webp (35.02 KB, 441x880, Cloak.webp)

i think this jacket's kinda hot and it makes me contemplate having either a fashionable bf or a good boy bf that lets me dress him up in whatever i find hot, but you already know i frequent this site so it doesn't matter anyways kek

No. 2135520

I know toast bread has a lot of sugar in it, maybe it’s that?

No. 2135529

There's like 4 eyelash looking hair on the bottom on my foot right now and I have no idea where they came from. I was sitting Chris crossed applesauce so at first I thought I somehow ripped my leg hair out but my leg hair is way longer so wtf

No. 2135563

I used to do that but I'm too clumsy so I kept removing too much nail polish. At some point I gave up and just went to a nail salon but the last times I went there they were doing a horrible job and the other nail salons I found later were even worse so I'm back to doing my own nails. It will be cheaper in the long run so it's for the best.

No. 2135589

If the cotton swabs are too big and you can’t find the acetone pen, perhaps adding a bit of cotton wool to a orange stick and dipping it in acetone offers more precision? Or perhaps a stiff brush with short bristles?

No. 2135712

File: 1723661580742.png (1.15 MB, 789x832, 1000006238.png)

This Furby looks like it would ask me for gas money in the parking lot of Big Lots

No. 2135861

I store my homemade bread in a tupperware container in the refrigerator or the freezer if it's more than I think I can eat in a week. I toast it lightly and then make a sandwich or whatever. This method has been working fine for me for years. I never buy bread.

No. 2135961

that furbys name is Tammy, 100%

No. 2136070

File: 1723671013729.jpg (14.22 KB, 339x350, 61YrH6SWkHL._AC_UF350,350_QL80…)

ive never seen a pen like that before but i use a brush like this and just dip it in my nail polish remover and it works like a charm! might be a cheaper/easier to find solution than a pen

No. 2136333

File: 1723678677711.jpg (45.71 KB, 700x500, 3704-700x0.jpg)

It feels a bit strange but, out of nowhere, a few of my friends whom I haven't spoken to much recently have reached out and expressed wanting to spend more time with me. It made me happy to hear from others.

No. 2136365

I think he looks like Michael Pitt so that tracks

No. 2136443

I can't tell if I've been brainrotted by morally grey modern television and internet dark theory videos or if Glenda the Good Witch was meant to be sketchy af in the original Wizard of Oz.

No. 2136451

File: 1723682448676.png (470.82 KB, 700x753, 1696484363571.png)

why are men such fags? i love to watch horror movies but every time i ask to watch horror movies with my scrote friends they are like ''nooo its scawwy i am just a 25yo widdle baby googoo gaga i need mommy''. I swear to god i had a male friend who got scared watching killer clowns from outer space. Now i gotta see tusk alone because my friend is too much of a faggot to watch a furry transformation fetish movie with me.

No. 2136455

That furby always has cigarettes and weed.

No. 2136457

I finally stopped being a lazy bitch and took the time to take chest measurements and figure out my actual bra size. Apparently I'm a 30F. My tits are about what you'd visualize a B-cup to be. I hate how moids have co-opted the societal interpretation of bra sizes with their coomerism, scrambled their meanings and made it so confusing for women.

No. 2136459

I wish I knew you anon, I'd happily watch all the horror movies with you. I've been wanting to watch Tusk myself but I'm having the same issue you are.

No. 2136469

we could request it for the moovie room this october. I think its one of those movies that will be pretty boring to watch by yourself, i want to read nonnies comments

No. 2136499

Is there a way to stream down like rabb.it to a group of people? Does that still exist?

I miss rabb.it

No. 2136526

File: 1723684801663.jpg (11.06 KB, 322x315, 1666953535044.jpg)

I am going to get my open ends trimmed this friday. My hair is nasty, so i am not ready to get half my hair chopped off, but i cant take how ugly my hair feels anymore. I am going to take better care of it this time so i can let my hair grow longer.

No. 2136549

File: 1723685608649.jpeg (79.5 KB, 995x744, DE14A3AD-5752-45A0-A0EB-753744…)

i got half my hair chopped off when i got my hair straightened lmao

she called it a trim when i went from bra strap length hair to a bob. but i’m not holding it against her too much because i did need all that chopped off, i’m trying to get healthier hair

No. 2136552

What do you even do in these situations? I only ever go to the same stylist because every time I've gone somewhere else they've fucked it up in some way. Last time it happened was a year ago and I got fed up and told them I wasn't gonna pay for a shit style that wasn't what I wanted. If I say light brown that means light brown NOT fucking auburn, and then they treated me like a schizo for not paying and banned me, as if I was gonna go back?

No. 2136566

sorry for that experience nona, shit like this is why i often also go to the same stylist or just try doing my hair myself.

No. 2136574

No, I could never cut my own hair. I need someone to blame if it goes wrong.

No. 2136619

File: 1723687521232.gif (969.21 KB, 400x225, ed9016ec740975e15169c0c1d556fc…)

Ain't nothing better than that first paycheck from a new job until you realize you need to spend it on bills and groceries and shit

No. 2136653

already brushed my teeth and randomly started getting a phantom smell of kebab, now i'm hungry again nooooooo

No. 2136667

File: 1723689590639.png (353.7 KB, 735x603, 60EF9E5F-36C3-4A47-BF91-3765DF…)

Interesting. Nayrt but my thought process here would be that if someone is going to screw up my hair, I might as well just do it myself instead of paying someone else

No. 2136850

I need to go to the store but my cat is lying in bed with me being cute and calmly playing with his toys, if I get up I'm gonna disturb his moment and I want to enjoy this gentle calm we're having atm
But I'm also REALLY hungry so I really need to get to that damn store

No. 2136889

Btw I don't get people who put on tv-shows they like as background noise. Music yes, podcasts yes, but not visual media. Don't you get to distracted?

No. 2136892

Same thing happened to me. Permaban, no reason. I just gave up on that site. It's been trash for awhile anyways.

No. 2136905

nta but it sorta depends. If it's a documentary or video essay it's kinda easy to listen to since it's mostly just talking anyway, personally I also listen to video game streams but they are mostly just farting around talking shit and you can tell by sound if something interesting is happening so you can either take a look then or pause until you have time to check what's going on. But I don't get having vlogs or tv-shows running in the background since they are more reliant on you actually watching.

No. 2136914

Yeah I meant tv-shows specifically like in the video. You put on your fave anime…to not watch it? Makes no sense. Just listen to the OST or something.

No. 2137027

Cringe post incoming, sorry in advance. But I went to return a laptop and ID card I was given by a company I was an intern at for the past few months, and when on the elevator, there were some Chinese men with me on it. This is the first time I see Chinese men irl and I didn't expect them to be in my country out of all places, but it kinda figures since the company I interned for had some contracts with Chinese companies. They're taller than I thought, way taller than the average local moid of my country, and they're very clean and styled and decent looking in comparison. I'll take it as compensation from the universe for torturing me with so much stress and lack of sleep. I got to ogle some ok-ish looking men on my last day at work, yeay.

No. 2137044

File: 1723723786279.png (1.11 MB, 900x1125, mango-pancakes.png)

Trying out this recipe today nonas:

Wish me luck on getting the crepes thin enough without breaking them kek

No. 2137059

Is that not a blintz?

No. 2137182

I don't know how it started but recently I've been obsessed with dogs. Specifically Labradors. I used to always be scared of them and avoided them but now I want one so badly. I keep watching videos of dogs and puppies eating or playing. This is going to sound cringe, but I tear up when I watch them. I even watched dog movies like Marley and Me and Call of the Wild. What is going on?

No. 2137189

File: 1723731868395.gif (165.6 KB, 600x435, f453ecf994204e35f30190080d3b37…)

there was a seal pup on the beach by my work for a few days, i finally called the marine mammal rescue and they came and picked him up yesterday. he was so small and so cute!!!!! i can't wait to read about his updates on their website. i hope theyre able to release him when he's recovered

No. 2137437

That shit looks delicious, I'm going to make it on Saturday. Thank you for sharing nonna and I hope yours turned out well!

No. 2137454

File: 1723742389192.jpg (42.4 KB, 895x627, hehehaha.jpg)

Is no one gonna talk about the chick who posted her face in /g/

No. 2137458

My family has only ever had labradors so Im biased, but in general I’m very indifferent to dogs and I don’t know if I’d ever get one in my adult life but labradors are the absolute best dogs. They’re energetic and overall very emotionally intelligent. We never bought a dog from a breeder either over the span of 20 years we’ve had one adopted from a shelter, one from a rescue, one was tied up outside at a warehouse during winter so my dad offered the owner $100 for him, and one was given to us by a family friend who couldn’t keep him anymore, so they’re a very accessible breed imo. They do shed a lot but nothing like a longhaired dog. I’m grateful I grew up around them so I don’t have a fear of big dogs, my Nigel is 6 feet tall and gets visibly nervous when we see a big dog on a hike because his family has a crusty white dog kek. We only had two dogs at once for a few brief months but it was so adorable seeing them play together and snuggle, if they weren’t so big I wish my parents always had multiple dogs.

Sorry for sperging out about my experience with labradors, I hope you can pet one soon nonna

No. 2137460

My family has only ever had labradors so Im biased, but in general I’m very indifferent to dogs and I don’t know if I’d ever get one in my adult life but labradors are the absolute best dogs. They’re energetic and overall very emotionally intelligent. We never bought a dog from a breeder either over the span of 20 years we’ve had one adopted from a shelter, one from a rescue, one was tied up outside at a warehouse during winter so my dad offered the owner $100 for him, and one was given to us by a family friend who couldn’t keep him anymore, so they’re a very accessible breed imo. They do shed a lot but nothing like a longhaired dog. I’m grateful I grew up around them so I don’t have a fear of big dogs, my Nigel is 6 feet tall and gets visibly nervous when we see a big dog on a hike because his family has a crusty white dog kek. We only had two dogs at once for a few brief months but it was so adorable seeing them play together and snuggle, if they weren’t so big I wish my parents always had multiple dogs.

Sorry for sperging out about my experience with labradors, I hope you can pet one soon nonna

No. 2137464

what thread?

No. 2137465

No. 2137469

KEK I see it. And what the fuck is that face tat

No. 2137475

File: 1723743278304.png (108.1 KB, 270x331, grimace.png)

Why is she grimacing?? She does kind of look like the actress that played the main character in Labyrinth though.

No. 2137481

File: 1723743655459.jpg (337.78 KB, 1445x1919, PXL_20230810_151749137.jpg)

Labradors are 100% the best. The black Labrador passed away (he was only a year and a half older than the yellow Labrador) and when he did, my dad print out all these photos of them and pasted to them our fridge. I miss them as a pair so much. I feel sorry for the yellow one, my parents got him a friend, but it isn't the same as his ole' buddy.

No. 2137483

The best is a mutt that has a Labrador Retriever mother and a Golden Retriever father. Best of both breeds.

No. 2137484

aw I was just think about seals and baby seals and the fact that those exist yesterday, that’s so cool. they’re like little mermaid puppies

No. 2137485

I once posted a couple pics of my face for only a couple minutes when I was manic and nobody noticed because the board was so dead that hour

No. 2137489

In what context was this posted?

No. 2137490

See this post

No. 2137492

Omg wtf. I would only dare post my face if I actually looked as good or better, not if I looked like a worse version. Homegirl had to be in a manic state.

No. 2137493

whats with the star? although she isnt wrong she does look like Brooke or this is a deepfake

No. 2137500

I think it's real, she looks like she is lifting her mouth on purpose to resemble Brooke in the video is it just me or is there a collapsed nostril on her left, our right side?

No. 2137505

Some of it also might be any filters she used distorting her face

No. 2137506

Kek do you not need to be 18 to post

No. 2137507

File: 1723744389339.jpg (81.51 KB, 926x926, jennifer.jpg)

She does sort of resemble young Jennifer Connelly except uglier and with a less harmonious face.
She has a face tattoo, so she's probably at least in her early 20s.

No. 2137509

i think so, it might be a deviated septum go to a ent girl.

No. 2137511

File: 1723744523928.png (302.77 KB, 539x577, autism eyes?.png)

I'm not sure about the nostril but she definitely has the soulless autistic eye thing going on. I got slightly disturbed watching the video. It's like she's not really there behind her eyes.

No. 2137514

Some people have neotenous features well into their twenties so it's not that improbable she's older but just looks younger

No. 2137519

I posted mine twice when I was manic and I'm much uglier but nobody saw either pic that I'm aware kek

No. 2137521

Oh wow, she really does look like that girl. Good for her.

No. 2137524

Yeah I was kind of shocked, usually I assume most people in that thread are just lying to themselves but in her case she really does resemble a young Jennifer. Too bad about the tattoo (if it's real? it looks like pen).

No. 2137526

she's trying way too hard to mimic brooke's facial expressions and just ended up looking like a block headed retard instead, lmfao.

No. 2137529

Her name is Veronica, well known personalityfag that lurks /g/ and /snow/, she's the one that started all that drama 2 years ago about the urine situation. Anons shouldn't be reposting pics from her it just makes her sperg out even harder, she has schizophrenia or something IIRC.

No. 2137541

That's so cute! Thanks, nona. For now I'll just befriend someone who owns a labrador because I can't have any of my own for the time being. I live at home and my parents won't allow any dogs because of their insane religion, kek.
I'm so sorry for your loss nonnie, and for the other lab who lost his friend. They both look adorable together. So cute and innocent. I'm gonna tear up again.

No. 2137547

I can’t imagine how bad I’d be torn up if any of you saw my face going off this

No. 2137550

kek right I'd only get over it because I'm used to feeling fucking hideous

No. 2137553

You aren't on an anonymous imageboard bragging about your supposed beauty when you actually look like Shrek though

No. 2137557

samefag, this is one of the videos that brought me to tears. How can something be so damn cute?

No. 2137558

Other than the face tattoo that girl isn't even objectively ugly not even close

No. 2137563

She's not ugly, but she definitely needs some reconstructive work done to fix her broken deformed nose. Her teeth as well are very yellow and stained looking, reminiscent of the teeth of a rat. Her face is also full of lymphatic fluid so she needs to start sleeping better and taking care of her lymph nodes.

No. 2137570

please post your own face

No. 2137573

File: 1723746039738.png (129.27 KB, 2842x424, 202408152.png)

She's average and talking like picrel, I think it's fair for anons to be critical of her looks

No. 2137574

You can discern all that from one low quality selfie video?

No. 2137591

yeah whatever she’s full of herself but she does look like Brooke, and she’s more than average

No. 2137592

Yes, I have these two things on my head called eyeballs and what they do for me is allow me to see things and observe things. Idk about your case.

No. 2137597

okay Shrek

No. 2137603

Don't infight over some random average white woman I beg

No. 2137605

File: 1723746612401.jpeg (144.23 KB, 539x577, IMG_5814.jpeg)

She just needs an eyejob and better brows as well as lip filler and a septorhinoplasty and bucchal fat removal, but other than that she's pretty.

No. 2137608

Does anyone have a backstory thread or post about this Veronica chick? I want to read about her

No. 2137609

That isn’t even a woman anymore…

No. 2137611

She's the schizo that would secretly piss in her nigels food and sperg about it in /g/

No. 2137615


No. 2137616

File: 1723746783928.jpg (106.92 KB, 1100x619, melania.jpg)

She's got that Melania look now

No. 2137617

That's Melania

No. 2137623

File: 1723746833285.jpeg (127.4 KB, 1170x294, IMG_7234.jpeg)

Enty stop writing 5 blinds a week about boring Meghan Harry challenge

No. 2137626

File: 1723746872743.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1675, IMG_7252.jpeg)

Speaking of the trumps, did anyone hear about this

No. 2137628

Wow. She really is beautiful. She looks ethereal like Jennifer in Labyrinth. I wish I could look like her now.

No. 2137629

You still have time to delete this. This is just rude.

No. 2137633

fake asf

No. 2137634

that fucking moid is 17???? he looks 30

No. 2137636

You don't know struggle until you're WFH and trying to cook on your break.

No. 2137638

You know she's pretty when jealous bitches start tearing her looks apart.

No. 2137640

It's all the illicit human growth hormone that was administered to him as a youth. Creepy.

No. 2137644

Why do stacies even use LC what's the point why doesn't she just go be a model or something ugh.

No. 2137646

File: 1723747170153.jpeg (831.97 KB, 2438x3155, ECF162CB-2C62-459B-AB39-2682CE…)

Sanrio characters I wish had more merchandise: Part I

No. 2137648

Just saw a wasp body-slam a spider out of its web. Asshole.

No. 2137649


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2137650

Being attractive doesn't make you socially adept if you're mentally fucked enough to ward people away

No. 2137653

I bet it’s that ugly Eastern European bitch who keeps trying to troll the black woman thread.

No. 2137654

Just because she has a face tattoo doesn't mean she's fucked, it's what she did to her nigel that makes her weird but in a based way. Idk it's been a long time since I read through her thread.

No. 2137656

So every person that people call ugly is actually pretty? Get real. The main reason people are mean is because she's full of herself and saying she looks like brooke shields in a very posed video. If she was a random poster, I doubt she'd be getting so much hate.

omg anons she's perf, so stunning, so russiancore. she's serving cunt, who could compare

No. 2137657

She's definitely not ugly but it's easy to tell from the pictures and her posts that she's very mentally ill kek

No. 2137660

Melania is Slovenian so I think she's giving more Sloveniancore
Yeah when I look in her eyes all I see is a cold stony abyss.

No. 2137661

Okay those whiteknight posts are cringey as hell but you're getting way too mad about this.

No. 2137665

Since I am mid mania I'm so tempted to post my face. I want to see what kind of insults yall hurl at me

I won't do it but it'd be funny

No. 2137668

Yeah do it nobody would mind, nobody here cares just post your face people do it all the time anon.

No. 2137671

No. 2137673

omfg why is this sperg still using lolcow after what happened. kek these schizos never learn their lesson she's still posting pics of her face

No. 2137674

I am from the south we say yall

No. 2137676

Yeah girrllllll post is pls yassssssssssss

No. 2137690

File: 1723748264268.webp (340.34 KB, 1290x1677, 1000006628.webp)

Red labradors are also incredibly beautiful. Mine goes a really vibrant foxy colour in the summer.

No. 2137693

The music really completes the video kek

No. 2137699

Anyone who gets face tattoos is not all there in the head kek

No. 2137709

certainly not a model but I think you’re cute

No. 2137710

I've basically accepted that I look like a Tim Burton character and I might as well embrace my uncanniness instead of trying to be something I'm not

No. 2137725

iirc 2 or 3 years ago she would post in haircare and skincare threads about the benefits of urea and post face and hair pics as proof but then she got weird and started posting about using it in her nigels food to control him or something then she got banned but ig she's back?

No. 2137726

I’m cleaning and I’m standing right under my fan hoping it drops on me like an anvil. It’s fun though

No. 2137737

Im having a dilemma because i did my nails last night and I don't want to do them over again but I kinda hate how they look.

No. 2137757

Finally got so sick of being anxious and depressed that I tried scheduling an appointment with an online doctor service? I don't have money to afford a real doctor and this was cheaper. I hope it isn't a scam and they prescribe me some meds and the meds work. I want to stop being sad and anxious all the time. I thought I didn't need meds for so long but I've tried everything and nothing else worked.

No. 2137792

File: 1723752287207.png (87.94 KB, 609x580, belars.png)

watch out for Belarus nonnies

No. 2137831

Sometimes my nigel goes to the library for me and every time he does, he gets scolded by the librarians for something, like for late books that he just dropped off or having a lot of books checked out (the last time this happened the number was six lol). They're totally rude to him.
Meanwhile, the librarians are the sweetest to me and never mention anything about overdue books. I once had a popular new release that was on a waitlist. It was overdue by a few days and they renewed it for me without even asking. I love them so much and the fact that they loathe my nigel makes me laugh. I like to think they hate men and miss me.

No. 2137833

No. 2137838

Your scrote is probably just lying or exaggerating

No. 2137839

>Her teeth as well are very yellow and stained looking
is this trolling?

No. 2137913

I wish there was a filter preventing me from posting on here past 10pm. Unfortunately I only have my self control. Weaker barrier than a sheet of paper would’ve been.

No. 2137914

I can now give vaccinations. Who wants one?

No. 2137919

File: 1723759125005.gif (654.33 KB, 320x287, IMG_3628.gif)

I'm almost done knitting another pair of socks. I think this is my 7th pair this year alone.

No. 2137921

exactly, basically just added makeup on her face and gave her more sharpness that’s just making her look trans

No. 2137944

Socks are so much fun to knit, they take the perfect amount of time for me to not get bored.

No. 2137947

I posted about Hetalia on Instagram and some guy saw it and told me he likes it too. Since when did moids watch Hetalia?!

No. 2137949

Belarus from Hetalia KEK

No. 2137952

I would totally buy some black knitted socks off of you, nonnie

No. 2137963

Can I have a random one please

No. 2137983

give me one that will kill me

No. 2138002

Ngl I too want to post my face but mostly because I saw an anon dissecting a cow's appearance and say what would be a better fit for her face and body type, I want someone to do this to me because I'm face blind and I have no idea what I look like.

No. 2138009

You could be right, but it's still entertaining to me

No. 2138034

she must be at least a little mentally retarded to post her face on an imageboard tbf

No. 2138083

Was grouchy today so I bought myself flowers, coolers and a bath bomb. It can still be a good day.

No. 2138090

I'm getting skinnier for some reason. I haven't changed diet or schedule, I walk the same amount to college every week. Weird.

No. 2138107

How are you feeling? Is your skin flabby? My uncle lost a lot of weight out of nowhere because of cancer.

No. 2138130

I'm currently binging Manifestelle and I love her. Lowkey think shes a farmer

No. 2138166

My day to day has been so fucking boring that i'm considering giving into my intrusive thoughts and going off my meds to liven things up a bit (i wont)

No. 2138279

I feel perfectly fine. Maybe it's just water and a period of something.

No. 2138287

Picking up my little sister from school and bumped into a whole gang of emo-like kids dressed in all black and looking sad. No way you're that sad when your only responsibility is probably algebra homework and a 200-word english assignment

No. 2138409

not nearly as retarded as the anons saying brook shields veronica anon needs work done to look like melania

No. 2138888

I had the most pleasant dream last night

No. 2138982

Tell us about it

No. 2138997

Wait you made me remember about mine, I was cuddling with my ex best friend it was such a comfy dream

No. 2139008

They just don't know how good they have it yet

No. 2139046

Mine was also cuddling. Sigh.

No. 2139079

lc is so dead today. Gonna go back and read some older threads

No. 2139082

I need to clean and I’m on here instead someone yell at me

No. 2139104


No. 2139106

Which threads nona?

No. 2139107

me too though…nonnie let's clean together
so we can have a clean place for the weekend

No. 2139119

Anyone else fucking hate the new QR code menus everywhere? The poor waiter had to explain the entire menu to me because the website wasn't working anyway. Pretty sure there's an Olympic volleyball player here

No. 2139159

My kitty wishes to go on the balcony. We will go.

No. 2139177

Just went onto the catalog for /m/ and /g/ and scrolled as far back as I could

No. 2139232

File: 1723828719520.gif (1.11 MB, 220x220, hourlycass-hourlycas.gif)

I have time to kill before work so I'm trying to learn the choreography for picrel. I have no rhythm so it's tricky.

No. 2139266

I hope you get to see some of my retardation back then

No. 2139372

Doing a housing application today and trying to to panic.

No. 2139805

Im so fucking irritated. I had a bowl with syrup on it from something I was eating earlier and a fucking wasp or some other HUGE flying bug was on my bed. Now I have syrup on my sheets from trying to kill it..

No. 2139812

Samefag, I just vacuumed the bug and the vacuum broke it apart. That's what you get little fucker.

No. 2139816

Two days of vacations remaining and I have no idea what to do so I'm just rotting away in my hotel room despite feeling terrible about it. I think I'm burned out from all the outings I did these past weeks and the heat has completely unmotivated me to do anything.

No. 2139840

File: 1723867089405.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1054x1484, D96D4816-7110-4786-9428-246289…)

Not >>2139082 or >>2139107 but I also cleaned up today. I still have stuff I need to put away but it’s so much better than when I started. I’m looking forward to finishing it tomorrow.

No. 2139986

I gotta clean too because my friend whos allergic to cats its coming over but i am so lazy

No. 2139998

just caught a fly crawling across my blanket and ended its life between my two fingers
why was it even there

No. 2140006

I would clean for you nonny, I love cleaning. How wonderful that through our actions, habits, and chemicals we can destroy that which affects us negatively. I can’t say that about my annoying coworker but I can say that about bleaching my bathtub.

No. 2140029

I've been putting apple juice into everything I'm cooking recently.

No. 2140036

It's very funny how lolcow basically made me immune to shitty comments online. I make a hit viral youtube comment and I feel nothing when retards reply to me kek. Specially when it's men and pickmes replying with stupid shit kek

No. 2140038

Like what?

No. 2140051

Being on LC makes me aware just how many dysfunctional and genuinelly mentally ill people there are out there. Imagine it's people from the tinfoil hat thread, moid baiters or cows from /snow/ replying to you, yeah it's likely those kind of people and that makes you quickly immune.

No. 2140056

I gotta clean my room and i feel so lazy. At least i drew for 90 mins today, yay. Very slowly gaining mileage.

No. 2140063

Soup, pasta sauce, stir fries, a bit of flavor to stuff like steak

No. 2140070

you can do it, nona!

No. 2140074

File: 1723884036471.jpg (44.33 KB, 564x751, 1660061113879.jpg)

thanks nonita. My friend with cat allergies is coming over so my room gotta be pristine for her

No. 2140081

I didn't sleep well, I need to take a shower now but I'm worried I'll fall asleep before I get into the bathtub.

No. 2140087

Let the love for your friend inspire you.

No. 2140247

This, kek. The best thing you can do is not engage.

No. 2140290

I love that your nail polish is the same color as the towel!

No. 2140321

ntayrt but kek nonnie, the photo is just a viral cute kitty pic, it's probably not nonna's,unless…

No. 2140337

Kek sorry, it was the first time I saw this pic so I thought it was OP's cat.

No. 2140592

My parents are away and this gave me the chance to reorganize some stuff at home without bothering anyone at my own pace and it's rather nice. I've been told to go outside and shit but it's too hot and I have no available friends atm. Tidying makes me happy

No. 2140612

Cleaned all my nail stuff so i could do someone's nails, and I just realized I didn't buy any new files. Bleh. I'm just gonna have to use my electric file.

No. 2140668

File: 1723917623780.jpg (173.71 KB, 1500x1500, 71mXZaaIKcL.jpg)

A bought a flat ethernet cable for my job with the hopes it would lay flat on my floor, but it was rolled up like picrel which curled up the wire so literally what was the fucking point. It did come with stuff to install it against the wall but I can't do that.

No. 2140681

Gaffer tape?

No. 2140720

I was using those stats apps for spotify and one of my top 5 'songs' is from Forrest Gump and another one is from Captain America… embarassing

No. 2140767

File: 1723921406483.jpg (79.92 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Kumichou Musume t…)

>online play by post as a hobby
>excited for an upcoming pbp forum with vampires
>been waiting for a whole goddamn year just about
>get in there
>they're ackshully only vampires in that they drink blood, otherwise they've been gimped of most of what makes vampires interesting
i'm full of disappointment and i'm worried for the game's health. 100% certain everyone there is looking forward to actual vampires, not vampires that live shorter lives than humans do…i'm not leaving but i dunno, i don't think it's going to work out well

No. 2140949

Finally moving the furniture in my room, but without cleaning up all the bullshit on my floor thus making it 20x’s harder - love making shit difficult for myself

No. 2141052

I feel like a cold rice krispie treat would be so delicious. I'm going to try it andrrportbacvl

No. 2141062

report back soon because it actually sounds so delicious

No. 2141068

Ive gotten a few designer perfumes for free that I don't really care for, and I kinda want to sell them but I also think I'm too lazy to go through the whole thing of mailing something. I'll just give them to my family/friends

No. 2141117

I don't know why I thought sewing doll clothes would be easier than sewing people clothes. This pattern stuff is hard and the dolls I'm sewing for are only like 11.5 inches tall! Don't even get me started on fabric print scale. I want to make a plaid skirt but of course every single available fabric has massive print for people wear.

No. 2141204

nonie did you have a stroke

No. 2141229

Really hate that the option to format is right above the eject one when right-clicking on my external hard drive, I almost clicked it again. I'm sure it'll ask if I really wanna do it, like it happens with CDs and the like, but I'd rather not find out lol

No. 2141235

Which hard drive do you have I'm looking into buying one

No. 2141236


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2141246

No idea, I got it like six years ago because it was 50% off and the font or whatever it's called peeled off already.

No. 2141261

My friend kissed me in the cheek today and I just stared at her. First time a friend has ever done it lol

No. 2141267

Sucks that terminally online men could be using their autism to do this type of stuff but instead they use it to harass women and terrorize everyone

No. 2141889

Michael Jackson apologists are so weird.

No. 2142084

File: 1724004937022.jpeg (33.88 KB, 360x360, IMG_2709.jpeg)

when i'm wearing earphones with nothing playing and i'm writing really quickly i hear creaking tf

No. 2142572

Still no luck getting reddit back. 10 appeals and one long form appeal that can take "up to a month" to hear back from later.

I am too lazy to change my MAC address and start using a different browser… it'll probably still find a way to censor me. I didn't even do anything wrong to deserve this

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