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No. 2110102
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events that have recently happened in your life.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2069178Please follow all /ot/ board rules.
No. 2110172
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finally got a haircut. i feel so much better with a bob, that's really the #1 haircut for me.
No. 2110185
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>>2108930I have not, but I just googled and I might have to add something of his to my reading list kek
>>2109339>>2109247Ok anons, I'm no reader so please don't expect a great review from me kek.
First, I don't think this needs to be said but this book objectively sucks kek. The characters, particularly the main character and her female friends are stereotyped to HELL (as ghetto black women). However, it's not like I thought "Pastors Eat Pwussy Too" was about to be an enlightening, Shakespearean piece. It's a "so absurd and bad that it's hilarious" thing (which is the most fun media to consume, imo) and I came into it ready to laugh rather than be offended, so the stereotypes didn't bother me. As for the actual writing, the author definitely has a way with words (the vagina is once described as "gooey guts") and a vivid imagination. If you've ever watched a low budget Tubi movie or read hood Wattpad story…its basically that. None of the characters in this book are good people, but I did find myself sympathizing with the main character more than once despite there being many "you fucking retard" moments. I also kinda felt like the author was airing out his grievances with people in this book lmao. He (or rather, the main character) did randomly diss Steve Harvey and the mukbang YouTuber Bloveslife. There's also almost a enemies-to-lovers-back-to-enemies thing going on here. Overall, I was entertained and it was a short listen as the book is only 2 hours and 35 minutes so it was perfect to clean to. I am interested in reading/listening to picrel or "This Hoe Got Roaches In Her Crib" next.
My summary of the full plot if anyone wants to know. I'll spoiler although I doubt anyone else will read
The book follows Nunu, a young woman working as a stripper and occasionally a prostitute. Nunu meets a man who promises to pay her $5k to have sex with her and another woman of her choosing. Nunu decides to bring her close friend along with the reasoning that she has 5 children and desperately needs the money. Turns out the dude was a cop, and both Nunu and her friend get arrested for prostitution and wire fraud (because Nunu planned on receiving the money through Cashapp). Prosecutors present a plea deal to her that she won't go to jail as long as she completes 300 hours of community service, stays away from stripping, and gets 3 years of probation.
Nunu chooses to volunteer at a church for her community service, where she meets Pastor Wilson. Pastor Wilson propositions that instead of volunteering at the church, she helps out with his campaign for mayor and get paid for it. She agrees (with some hesitation), and uses her time volunteering to reflect on her relationship with her own mother and son. Nunu's son has severe autism, which she speculates is due to smoking and drinking while pregnant, and he was removed from her care as her mother didn't feel that she was a fit parent. After Nunu's arrest, her mother threatened to get full custody of her son. Nunu decides to attempt to lawyer up to prevent this from happening and finds out that Pastor Wilson is a former attorney. Pastor Wilson agrees to represent her pro-bono, but he tells her that he expects something in return. Nunu immediately assumes he wants her to suck his dick, which enrages Pastor Wilson and he forbids her from participating in his campaign.
Nunu discovers that one of her friends from the strip club is having an affair with Pastor Wilson, and obtains a video of her friend sucking Pastor Wilson's dick and getting pissed on by him. Nunu uses this video to blackmail him and threaten to sabotage his run for mayor, and he agrees to give her $200k and a condo. Nunu and Pastor Wilson meet up at a hotel to finalize the deal and the Pastor comes onto her. She attempts to shoot him, which fails because she forgot to load the gun. He tells him that he will give her the money, but that he first wants to "taste her". She gives into his advances and they have sex (she's on her period btw. The eating pwussy part is described in great detail but the penetration part is more like "he put his dick in me" and the scene ends kek). After they finish and it's time to get the money, Pastor Wilson reveals that he was mic'd up the entire time and her probation officer confronts her outside of the room.
Nunu ends up in prison serving 23 years for prostitution and extortion. While in prison, she is diagnosed with HIV and pregnancy. She comes to the conclusion that both were caused by Pastor Wilson sees this as a new opportunity as she thinks she can use her pregnancy as a meal ticket and a way to get out of prison. She schedules to have a meeting with her mother to tell her the news, but before the meeting she sees on TV that Pastor Wilson committed suicide due to problems with the IRS. Her mother comes to the prison and tells her that she was crying because she was close to Pastor Wilson. Nunu tells her about her situation and how Pastor Wilson was why she ended up in prison (how her mom didn't know this before, idk). Nunu tells her that she plans to get a DNA test for the baby to prove that Pastor Wilson is the father. Her mother says that she doesn't need to worry about getting a test and says "four syllables" that make Nunu sob. The book doesn't say it explicitly but I'm 100% sure the twist was that Pastor Wilson was Nunu's father all along.Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post.
No. 2110189
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Its raining cats and dogs outside right now, Jesus. I was kind of hoping today would be nice and sunny but I guess not.
No. 2110329
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I was about to start a new show (picrel) just to find out that the site I use to watch movies and TV shows is gone. First soap2day now this, how much more will I have to experience heartbreak????
No. 2110613
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Feel like shit, just want oatmeal scotchies… But no. Gonna shower and go visit family instead.
No. 2110618
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Snorted reading an article about a stupid boomer who gave $740k to scammers. Scammed by minor actor, Finn Whitrock
No. 2110660
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Im learning perfumery and honestly it's kinda hard because the perfume industry is secretive so I kinda have to rely on just a few sources. Luckily there's a literal perfume forum where they have sections about perfume making, and some helpful things on YouTube and reddit
No. 2110982
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I love pandas sooo much
No. 2111457
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I got a mole removed today and they injected me with local anaesthetic right on my nasolabial fold to remove it. I didn't realise how numb it was until I got home and saw my smile in the reflection and I smile ALOT when I talk so I was doing this at the uber driver the whole 50min trip, atleast I'll never see him again
No. 2111692
I wanted to watch Rosemary's Baby but i'm a dumbass and got mixed it up and watched Bridget Jones's Baby. I didn't understand why film bros praised this movie so much kek
>>2111612describe the bathroom or you're lying
No. 2111879
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yesterdays test was so ass im gonna open up the first woman-owned male strip club in India
No. 2111907
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>>2111889oh it's going to need a lot of shilling, between women being castrated these days and Indian scrotes whining about what they think is "unequal"(they'll seethe about everything, from Beti Bachao Beti Padhao to the fucking front view in the women's coach in certain metros(which are on both ends of the train so scrotes can look too but they seethe anyway)), it'll take crazy amounts of advertising.
>>2111893why tf did you think i'd allow them, i'll import Dutchmen if i have to
No. 2111918
>>2111914are you having your vitamin Cs
No. 2112119
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Ever since I stopped taking my hormonal BC I started getting bacne and chestne and it's bothering me so much and it's making me realizing the BC was stopping any breakouts from happening. I haven't had a breakout on my skin since my grandma visited us when I in middle school during the summer and it's making me feel ugly as fuck. I wish there was an alternative to treat my PCOS.
No. 2112216
>>2112208I forgot
>baby bottle>pacifer>tooth brush>Hello Kitty coloring book>more pacifers>tooth pasteand him wanting a "Cis Gender female of age non related alive consentiing human adult" girlfriend. I also constantly gag when he tries to make "Mead" and it's
Bananas, Reese pieces, half a bag of sugar, A lot of yeast, Peanut butter, Bacon bits, plus more shit I don't remember and he lets it sit to "Age" and drinks it. One time he brough some homemade wine (probably something else disgusting) and was drinking it at a family gathering and they told him to stop. He must've cursed them out because he made a apology video, but i just imagine how fucking stank his breath was and that "mead". He wasn't even getting drunk he's just drinking the shit that is in the bottom of the garbage can yuck.
No. 2112695
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My current favorite AO3 author keeps updating the wrong stories. Update the ones about my husbando, I'm begging you!
Anyways, it's raining right now and I just heard the crispest crackle of lightning. It must've struck really close, it scared me.
No. 2112697
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This is how I browse lolcow
No. 2112722
>>2112709I clear her nose and eyes of crust every day, sometimes 2x. I also regularly brush her. What a weird assumption, she can't help being a pinkskin. It's not a health issue, I've taken her to a vet. It is just dry where I live and some cats are more prone to it.
>>2112699Gata, I would never show a man this website.
No. 2113260
>>2112849Honestly it's not as if I don't respect those who can do it, it's that I'm too anti authoritarian and mentally ill to do it myself. I wish you luck because I've heard terrible things about how women are treated in there. Also when I was in college I was fucking sick and tired of recruiters harassing students and my school selling our info to the MIC
looking back I didn't have a brain eating mental condition and lazy parents I probably would've been sent to the military as a teenager instead of a mental hospital kek
No. 2113355
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I had an internet moid my lil brother and I were super close friends with and despite only being 24 (same age as little brother) he already had shit history with law, was always a topic of discussion lol… well, he got put away last year for selling class B shit and I just remember how he was arrested a few days after all 3 of us had spent time together video gaming. We played a stupid farting race game on Roblox so whenever my bro and I decide to play retarded games on there- I check the friend's account n find myself looking at the badges he got. One when we joined, one when he farted 100 studs and one for winning a fart race from that same game, and needless to say that really fits him..
I'm giyuu in pic so picrel
No. 2113826
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>>2113656ot but this malding tranny I found in the link you posted made me kek. I love how female only spaces causes them to sperg out like this
No. 2113841
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Can't stop craving pastries, kill me!! Drinking my coffee and reading Fried Green Tomatoes, going to see Longlegs tonight on a date, and I've been working nights this week but it's going well. I'm gonna try to get into my late summer nostalgia, maybe by rewatching gravity falls or something. Happy Wednesday nonas
No. 2113846
I made chocolate pudding without a chocolate bar and with cocoa powder only, thinking the milk and sweetener and the crumbled biscuits I added in the bowl would be enough to make it taste good. It wasn't. I added too much cocoa powder and it ended up tasting like dirt. Me and making sweets and baking will never get along.
On an absolutely unrelated note, I recently got into Lindsay Lohan's music and watched some videos on her life. And man, she was too polite and nice for this world. Too genuine, sincere, earnest, and vulnerable. And she got mocked for it or taken advantage of for it, it's so sad. Even her interactions with the paparazzi were so "sad cringe" in a way, like she says "please" and "thank you" after she asks them to stop filming/taking photos of her. And there was that one incident with Paris Hilton where LL told the paparazzi that PH hit her, but later in another paparazzi interaction, she said it didn't happen and that HP is a nice girl who'd never do that to her. I guess she got scared of drama or backlash? Poor girl. Even her lyrics for "Rumor" are polite. Cringe savior complex incoming but I wish I was her friend at the time to support her and protect her, she deserved better and seemed nice and harmless, but I guess that's why people saw her as an easy target.
No. 2114157
>>2114115>JillDumb moidcentric term meant to be a “counterpart” to jacking off
>FlickI don’t think that’s any more accurate than jerk tbh
>Schlick schlickOh…. that gives me shudders. And my clitoris doesn’t make that noise
No. 2114222
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I haven't been in any education for years and I forgot how bad having a geriatric teach us how to use a computer is!!! The problem now being tech is far more advanced!!!
No. 2114239
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>>2113826These fucking plagues infest everything
No. 2114247
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There's a thunderstorm where I live and holy shit no wonder why dogs get scared. There was this loud ass strike and I jumped
No. 2114260
>>2114244If LC was made for TIMs then why are all the best and most documented cows on here all biological women except Gregory? I can't imagine being so narcissist and retarded.
>>2114239If he's lurking right now he should probably become a statistic
No. 2114284
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>>2112695Samefag, the author uploaded the first chapter a completely new story with my husbando! …but it's a "dead dove do not eat" fic with fetishes I'm not into. Picrel is me right now, in misery but coping through the pain. I might still give it a read because I really like her writing and besides, most of her works actually have kinks I don't care for but I still was able to enjoy them anyway
No. 2114290
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>>2113656This scrote clearly hasn't been lurking here enough if he thinks the situations in the relationship advice threads are caused by 'handsome' men
No. 2114392
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>Laptop breaks down
>Finds some guy to fix it and he's really nice and charges me half-price because good things always happen to me.
>It's fixed overnight and it works like brand-new.
>Now I can browse LC again!!!
I hate browsing on my phone and since usually I have LC open on my laptop for 16+ hours a day it's really annoying having to switch from desktop to mobile. Now I can finally browse the boards and enjoy milk and talk to my nonnas on my desktop just like Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin Mary intended. I'm having so much fun now. I love you Holy Mary Mother of God and also the technology man that fixed my laptop and marihuana too and my other anons I love the World.
No. 2115030
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Just finished Interview with the Vampire, and I still can't stop laughing at this scene. It's practically a poetically described Wile E. Coyote skit!
No. 2115206
>>2114170The exact lines about them were
>Speaking of which, I could eat me about three pounds of some king crab right now. Especially with some B-Love sauce! Yass bitch! But that bitch be doin’ the most.And for Steve Harvey
>Steve Harvey’s uglazz was actually blaring on the motel’s TV. Kiara was watching him yap off about some contestant’s answers on Family Feud. Side note – why that nigga’s lips look like that? I bet he could eat a mean pussy though…And probably eat it from the back. The mustache says it all. No. 2115499
nonny, which period of videos do you watch of him? i usually don't watch many of his, i only watched the walking dead and the quarry(the one with his identical sister), i tried watching a recent vid of his, but i couldn't help but notice his weight gain and bloating of the face, plus his eyes are so droopy, so i gave up
No. 2115641
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I got a free tan today. I went in and asked for 10 minutes, I went to the room and undressed and put lotion on and lied down but the bed wouldn't start. After a few minutes of trying I got back up put all my clothes back on and went to the front to ask what was wrong: the worker had forgot to set the timer for the bed, so for the inconvenience they let me tan for free.
No. 2116358
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This is the first time I've liked an ai song
No. 2116690
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Here's my rendition of The Boy Is Mine, accurate to what Ari's pet scrote looks like.
The Man is Ugly
How can it be? You and me
Not meant to be, only you see it
But I don't wanna cause no scene
I'm usually so unproblematic
So nice, tell me why
'Cause the man is ugly, ugly
Somethin' about him is not safe for life
Baby, don't come over, don't come over (Over)
And God knows I'm tryin', but there's just no use in denying
The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is fucking fugly
[Verse 2]
Please know this ain't what I'd settle for
Probably wouldn't bet a dime or my vape on
There's gotta be a reason why
My girls, they always come through in a sticky situation
Spray some fire(fire)
Happens all the time
Somethin' about him is made for nobody
Baby, don't come over, don't come over (Over)
And God knows I'm tryin', but there's just no use in denying
The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is—
And I know he's simply filthy
And I, I take full accountability for all these male tears
Promise you, I'm not usually like this
Shit, it's like routine to me, to me
But I can't ignore my pussy, man
The man is ugly
I can't wait to fry him
Le-let's get into trying
The fitness planets, they aligned
Thе man is ugly
Watch me take my tote
I can't believe my eyes
The man is ugly
Man is fucking fugly
No. 2117019
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My sister asked me to run errands with her today and I'm excited.
No. 2117542
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These past few days I've been looking in the mirror before I shower and I felt like I looked so much skinnier than I typically do. Then today I had the realization that I haven't been looking at my body WITH glasses and that's probably why I look smaller. Picrel was me once I saw myself with glasses on for a few seconds, but then I thought "damn!" (In a good way) because I do really like my body proportions. I think being on my weight loss journey has been actually making me beat myself up about my weight less these days.
Besides that, I accepted a job offer today! I'm pretty damn excited.
No. 2118092
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No. 2118094
victim because nobody wants to play sperg with them or pretend they're funny. God I miss when I actually knew I was talking to adults, now its way too unclear.
No. 2118127
>>2118114Yep. Pretty much goes like this:
>REEE IM RETARDED!!!>"Wow, you're retarded.">[1000 word essay on why LC is evil and full of cruel witches]I'm sorry if you're acting dumb as fuck and get called dumb why get mad over it???
No. 2118143
love Arrested Development it's my favourite show. My favourite character is probably Lindsey or Lucille, but I like Gob too.
No. 2118150
>>2118144>I'm sorry if you're acting dumb as fuck and get called dumb why get mad over it???Just sounds like something a twittard would say. Also,
>everything they post is just.. off.This was my first contribution to this discussion, along with asking what the sounding like a 14 year old anon meant. Not every anon is the same
No. 2118152
>>2118146And you'll never be a woman but I don't think we're ready for that convo.
>>2118147Who is "you?" Like are you talking about me the one that posted this, or the others that are replying to you that you think are me, or are you directing this to every anon you don't like, or what?
(scrotefoiling) No. 2118161
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Any Tamers sisters in da house? This shit more addictive than crack.
No. 2118185
>>2118181Obviously it was the entire sentence but whatever.
>and your thought is "they must be from Twitter."No, I said they didn’t have to be a newfag. I brought it up because the unintegrated typing style was relevant to the discussion - ie newfags complaining about newfags. I’m not being serious, I’m not exactly an oldfag either.
No. 2118190
>>2118185Well personally I think you
were saying that they were from Twitter, because in your other post when you said "'I’m sorry but' is so common there" and by there I interpreted that as meaning Twitter. So if you didn't mean Twitter, what else did you mean by "there" ? Where is "there" ?
No. 2118199
>>2118196I was talking about Twitter. When I said they don’t
have to be a newfag (from Twitter), my point was they just reminded me of it, which I thought was ironic given the subject.
No. 2118336
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Help me nonnies. Which eye color looks best on my hime gyaru girl? she currently has the fuchsia ones.
No. 2118405
File: 1722666456354.png (1.94 MB, 1068x1409, Ichigo Matsuri.png)

>>2118338>>2118341>>2118350>>2118365Thanks nonnies! I will switch between fuchsia and blue through the month and see which one i end up liking the most.
>>2118363>>2118386I agree! sadly the eye colors are very limited. I want to get rid of the blue stripes on her hair once the game gives me an actual hime gyaru pink hair. But all of my other bangs without the blue stripe look fuggly on her and not gyaru(they are too straight and cutesy).
No. 2118442
>>2118430Its a gacha sadly! but you can use if you just wanna play around with the outfits without downloading it
No. 2118646
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remembers celebrity voice AI's exist and is very tempted to use them to spread misinformation
No. 2118793
>>2118743its money i save to get myself a treat each month it keeps me from going insane wage slaving
>>2118748will do then, gonna get some onion rings
No. 2118888
>>2118877It just depends on what's in them
No. 2118918
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Currently sitting in my enclosed balcony that I've decorated to be similar to a greenhouse, listening to the light rain hitting the glass, taking a break from my essay by browsing lolcow. Cat is sleeping next to me and I'm thinking about getting another cup of tea.
Life can be kinda ok sometimes.
No. 2118922
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I want to get my hair braided, but I shaved my head a few months ago and it's still pretty short. It might be long enough for a hairstylist though. If I go to an African salon they may be able to do it.
No. 2119035
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>>2119030you dont get to be rude when you introduced me to this stuff and now i have to live knowing i will never taste it because i am not american and these would be considered a level 5 health hazard in my country
No. 2119050
>>2119047>They make meat sandwiches like roast beef or cheese steakthat sounds really good actually
>>2119048kek i wish i could understand more american references in the simpson i think they dubbed over most of them in the spanish dub
No. 2119075
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>>2119070You're from Mexico, right? I know from experience that Mexican KFC is better than American KFC. I also remember watching something once that went into KFC and apparently KFC America is the worst KFC in the world, like all their international chains are better than the American ones. I don't like Burger King personally because I find their food tastes a little too much like the stuff I could buy in frozen section of grocery store. I also answered your question subjectively, not objectively; I'm sure there's lot of people that will give you different answers to your question. Tbh it could probably be a fun discussion in the food thread.
>>2119068Sadly I live in the CFZ (Culver's-Free Zone)
No. 2119084
>>2119075nah i am from argentina. It was bantering
nonny dont worry, i had no idea KFC in the usa was the worst. We dont have the potatoes thingies ehre and i always wanted to try those.
No. 2119173
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nonnie, i'm also a non-burger and the only vague idea of Arby's is from this tumblr post
No. 2119179
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it always feels like Moovie Nights happen when i'm not free and never happen when i am free
No. 2119203
>>2119167The voices are a bit monotone for sex audio, but it's a handy idea if things ever get more advanced.
>>2118659If I can get the AI to say some mean, cruel shit and spread it on TikTok as "leaked" audio the way misinformation spreads there it could be career imploding
No. 2119218
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My mom and sister went once and tried the cheesy fish sandwiches, surprise surprise they were radioactive slop that were probably made out of ground up albacore eyeballs
I don't understand why Arby's even tries to sell meats other than their roast beef, it never turns out well
No. 2119289
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I haven't seen a cockroach in my apartment in months and this morning I found a huge pregnant one in my bathtub. It's probably just a straggler but I'm going to make my landlord send an exterminator and drive all the way across the city to sit her old ass down and watch them while I'm at work to punish her for not fucking disclosing that this place had a bug problem before I moved in
No. 2119315
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i've started playing runescape again to get my mind off things and i got a bunch of gems while mining and it made me really happy. i've been down on my luck, so to have something with a 1/256 chance happen 4 times just made me smile
No. 2119324
nonnie but I've done pretty much all I can do, my apartment is old and in disrepair, there are huge gaps in all of the baseboards and where the pipes come in the wall under the sinks. I might just use duct tape to seal those gaps as well as the outlets.
They're probably coming in from the hallway though, the apartment next door is an immigrant flophouse and I dread to think how gross it must be inside there. All I can do is vacuum and spray everything with pinesol every day
>>2119319It had a really fat abdomen
No. 2119520
File: 1722708516899.jpg (100.28 KB, 736x736, 1000049460.jpg)

At the supermarket, trying to suppres my inner tard so I don't buy stupid shit again.
No. 2119786
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I'm kind of bored, give me your type of phone and a theme or colorway, so I can make you a shitty wallpaper for your phone with picsart.
No. 2119833
>>2119786Xiaomi poco X3 pro
Something garden or flowers related, I like pastels
No. 2119904
File: 1722721398137.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x2336, 1000049487.jpg)

>>2119799I hope you like dinosaurs, anona.
No. 2119938
File: 1722722084435.jpg (935.48 KB, 1080x1920, 1000049488.jpg)

>>2119815I couldn't help but think that bunnies somehow fit the refreshing theme.
>>2119908>>2119931I'm glad you like it!
No. 2119976
File: 1722723326605.jpg (343.71 KB, 1080x1917, 1000049512.jpg)

>>2119833A garden in pastel colors.
No. 2120015
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>>2119855A cute penguin at a blue place.
No. 2120221
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i was bored so i created a fashionable sim
No. 2120268
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I love catching YouTubers in the wild and seeing where they lurk. I still think she should have never made a video about PT.
No. 2120361
File: 1722742199714.jpeg (31.15 KB, 736x552, IMG_6356.jpeg)

>>2119786iPhone 13, colors like picrel, cats, stars and birds
If you want a silly challenge you can also try making an emo rainbow one (Pinterest or Google search emo aesthetic background and it's kind of like that) with gir from invader zim
No. 2120466
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>>2120361I hope you like it, anona.
No. 2120467
File: 1722746124942.jpg (954.35 KB, 1080x1917, 1000049608.jpg)

>>2120466Samefag to add this other one, it was 1000% self-indulgent kek, teenage me would've loved a wallpaper like this to print it and put it in her room to admire it daily.
No. 2120470
>>2120234if schrafillas can make it being a sperg over Shiny from Moana,
nonnie, you can do it too
No. 2120480
>>2120221She looks amazing,
No. 2120558
>>2120539there's like two guys with bobs
nonnie kek
No. 2120584
>>2120537was nobody gonna tell me that the weird black cloak mask thing
No. 2120751
File: 1722772288424.jpg (2.16 MB, 1242x1477, 1646529376320.jpg)

I want to order something really expensive and greasy for lunch today. What should i order?
No. 2120832
I want it to be september so bad reeeee
>>2120751Shawarma with extra garlic sauce
No. 2120848
File: 1722777214566.jpg (353.22 KB, 1200x1578, Nonsense+alpaca_36ba04_9800189…)

>>2120793And it's fucking delicious. Get it with a darker soda like coke, root beer, Dr. Pepper as a palate cleanser.
No. 2120852
>>2120832>Shawarmayou read my mind
nonny. I wanted to try a shawarma but i have never had one before and i wasnt sure if i was going to like it, but now i will order that. Thanks.
>>2120848i tried ordering it but they were out of squirrel chips sadly.
No. 2121020
>>2120994no thanks i value hygiene
>>2120999sending them pics, posting on story, suddenly going into paragraphs on text about how bad i want to fuck said character etc
No. 2121022
File: 1722786597493.jpg (76.31 KB, 736x883, 16d2e268a277e57151f87059a7a334…)

Bought some more nail supplies earlier cause I offered to do my grandmas nails. She wants rose gold. I'm actually quite nervous because I don't really do other people's nails and I'm still learning how I want to approach cuticle prep. Plus, I usually do nail extensions and she just wants a regular gel manicure, which should be easier but I still have to do my research on how to do them because it's a little bit of a different process kek.
Anyway, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day crocheting a beanie. Might have a little movie night if I can find something I wanna watch. I need to go to the bank tomorrow so gotta be up bright and early.
No. 2121252
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These little creatures are the only thing that make me happy anymore
No. 2121266
>>2120852Latereply but was it good
nonnie? A life without shawarma is not a life I want to live
No. 2121321
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>>2121252they are so adorable!
No. 2121892
File: 1722834104546.gif (44.21 KB, 133x113, gambit-stance-better.gif)

Channing Tatum or whatever his name is is so fucking ugly and to see that he’s playing as gambit one of my favorite male characters (i only know him through mvc and that one xmen game on the snes) is so disappointing whyyy
No. 2122118
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>>2122037Thank Paige Michalchuk. I feel like she would be a cow until Emma Nelson dethrones her. God, I hate Emma so damn much just thinking about her makes me angry. I'd post in her thread alright.
No. 2122314
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just went through an 18 hour blackout
No. 2122372
File: 1722864242037.jpg (25.41 KB, 736x736, cbe7195b38fb873fa47eb0aea317ba…)

I made my own bread for the first time nonnas! Next step is to make marmalade for the first time with my mom later this week. I wish I could also learn to enjoy picking berries and mushrooms in the forest (so I could finally move out to a self-sufficient cottage) but no matter how much I try it just isn't for me.
No. 2122488
File: 1722870060754.png (81.04 KB, 1656x1154, Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 15.59…)

I just got this email? I am scared. I am not even subscribed to shein but it tells me to 'ubsub' at the bottom kek
No. 2122907
File: 1722880799422.jpg (1.04 MB, 2524x1716, IMG_20240804_155121~2.jpg)

Yesterday I went to a local comic convention, which is already rare as fuck because I'm in a rural-ish town in the middle of nowhere and shit like that isn't popular around here. But I went and I was laughing my ass off at the cosplayers (not because they were bad, just that it was all so surreal) and the thing was actually good. The best things were
>Two really popular voice actors enthusiastically talking about their jobs and characters on a small unsafe-looking stage with most of the cosplayers staring at them in the middle of a field in the blistering sun
>Most of the cosplayers fully clothed in the heat, a group were dressed as soldiers and brought their dog (also in cosplay)
>Earlier in the day people held a K-pop dance contest on the stage and all the fans were seriously commenting on the performances
>A guy dressed up as ricardo and was just freely walking around and talking to people
>I went to the lunch area (an empty field in the middle of corn fields) and a group of cosplayers sat behind me, one of them got up to get pizza, the wind was blowing and it nearly blew away the pizza but it did move his clothing so everyone saw his underwear
>Saw a 2B Nier cosplayer, found out it was a guy, noticed his hairy ass legs, found out later he was also bald
>Girls dressed as Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len
>Saw two girls dressed as Alastor and Husk from Hazbin Hotel, among normally dressed people, waiting in line to get food at a the pathetic small reception in the middle of the barren field from earlier
>Two people in fursuits posing for a picture with a little girl; they were two balding men in skirts and wolf masks
>Two hairy bearded men dressed up as sailor moon girls
>An old guy with a very convincing Luigi cosplay
>An older lady dressed up as Tweety's grandma
>A guy dressed as a Saint Seiya guy, his armor kept blinding me in the sun
>Guy dressed as Super Saiyan 3 Goku with huge cardboard hair
>Girl dressed up as Venti (archon outfit) from Genshin Impact passing beside me and looking really good (but also half naked)
>At least 10 guys dressed up as Gokus
>People with huge props (swords, sceptres, staffs) nearly bonking people
Idk I'm sure this is normal at comic cons but I've never been to one and it surprised me. I snapped this pic
No. 2122923
File: 1722881014674.jpg (67.71 KB, 564x748, 19559c580c3ffe19ae870648756bc1…)

Before bed last night I suddenly had the desire to make waffles, and I did, and now I'm having waffles with butter and maple syrup, and a cup of coffee. I used cake flour instead of all purpose.
No. 2122947
File: 1722881687716.gif (288.19 KB, 220x220, nonnie explosion.gif)

i don't wanna do this pattern drafting, but if i don't it'll just pile up, the semester's just started cmonn
No. 2123434
File: 1722900358506.jpg (44.01 KB, 500x410, 1612500186838.jpg)

>want to drop of package at box station
>3 ancient moids are camping right in front of the digital panel, clearly intoxicated with something
>they stand too close even when they move aside
>they start talking some incoherent schizo bullshit to eachother like "now you have to kiss her" and "yeah yeah but they all had it coming" while I'm centimeters next to them
>ignore them completely but unintentionally glare at the screen while doing the task, they change the topic to even more incomprehensible babble
>the random parcel door opens and hits one of the retards right in the face kek
Anyway I hate moids and I hate this district. All of them should've been aborted.
No. 2123455
File: 1722901297115.gif (3.06 KB, 141x135, 8wx5Z1qdlkyg540.gif)

I ordered a bacon double cheeseburger and now I'm waiting for it to get here. After I finish eating I'm going to wash my hair.
No. 2123474
File: 1722902715273.png (93.25 KB, 405x174, ywnbaw.png)

I'm currently watching that dumpster fire of a stream lolcowlive and when this tranny came on there trying to debate about "objectifying trannies" I couldn't stop laughing like how could this be real, troons are huffing their own narcissistic dickwound poop-smelling farts they think are vaginal queefs KEK
No. 2123495
File: 1722903672548.png (81.1 KB, 448x286, fatfuck.png)

>>2123480I honestly have no idea, maybe over money? kek
>>2123488Another tranny has entered the chat, this one is fat now and shoving its estrogen moobs in a push-up bra. It's like dirty flies being attracted to shit and they're desperate for validation
No. 2123525
>>2123474This dude was right though, Wings started talking about liking pretty penises and asking the hosts the dumb ass question of
>Would you fuck Buck angel or Bailey Jay?The troon is spot on about "transphobic moids' Secretly lusting after troons, because half the chat was shitting on the ugly troon, but there was a slightly better troon showing his moobs they were nicer to.
The Chat instantly went into chaser mode, talking about Blaire or calling Bailey Jay a woman and picking at Keem for saying Buck (since he has a vagina). To me it was a good show in the male mind. They only like trans who make their dick hard & pick at Wings for BBC shemale porn, but they like trannies as well.They just think it's not gay because they like white blow up dolls troons.
Also Keem called the ONE actual woman on the stream, "The legitimate woman" kek.
No. 2123539
File: 1722906214777.png (1.87 MB, 2190x2190, image_2024-08-05_210317425.png)

i bought another pair of these after my other pair broke like a year or so ago. i don't care if these are bad i love these motherfuckers i'll die on this hill
No. 2123562
>>2123525>>2123534That is what made me smile honestly, at least he doesn’t bow down to the troons and doesn’t see them as real woman. Who in the fuck would even want to be around those degenerates? They only joined the discord chat to get graded and validated on how much of a heccin
valid hon they were, it’s so cringe and shows me that men don’t really care about trannies because it doesn’t threaten their male status or privilege and they can also pretend to be straight while chasing after them, you’re completely right. I think the fat, ugly, unfunny and loud “normal” moids who also joined that stream proves most men are sinfully screwed in the looks and intelligence department.
>sorry I’m drunk Kekk you literally have to be drunk to enjoy their show
No. 2123589
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>>2123584>>2123582I may start calling this glaucoma from now on.
No. 2123668
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getting late to work bc i just had to take a shit, i chose the one with a weak bidet too fuck
No. 2123787
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I love this movie so much, it's my favorite "comfort movie" to put on as background noise
No. 2123808
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Censorship strikes again
No. 2123838
>>2123835I'm pretty sure the poster who I was arguing with in the comments section of the first iteration who is probably one of the ones who got the sub suspended was one of the mods from JimCarreyOnline. She has a similar name to the Canadian Jane mod but her typing style seems different so idk
Like oh god please, talk about an insufferable, ignorant and deluded bitch. Of course you're biased if you're one of the twats who runs his fansite. Pickme's never prosper.
No. 2123854
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our illustration teacher believes that the body types featured in fashion sketches are western and white centric, this is the college im paying upwards of 2000 dollars every semester to attend
No. 2123867
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>>2123835I'm sick and tired of these maniac celeb and celeb adjacent crackwhores censoring and thinking people won't notice it. Im sick and tired of Jim Carrey, I'm sick and tired of Marty Singer the murderous lawyer and his entire firm of sleazy slippery eels, I'm sick and tired of pickme lawyers who protect
abusive men and defame women like Jim's newbie female attorney Debby Klein, I'm sick and tired of Jim's dumb bitch pickme handlers who probably write his hate comments Linda and Nicole, I'm sick and tired of the Adam Waldman media manipulators, I'm sick and tired of Paul Baressi the murderous fixer, I am sick and tired of them ALL.
He's probably going to try and wipe any negative press from existence right before Sonic 3, and the worst part is that it will probably work if nobody comes out publicly against him.
And I guess nobody will.
He was supposedly supposed to have this
victim come out who was a fucking minor. It makes my skin crawl with disgust.
I found a poster who said he was "an asshole irl" and begged them to dm me, I posted a PSA on the sub itself asking people to DM me if they had any intel, finished editing every part in excruciating detail, 50+ screenshots of alleged witness accounts of his behavior, blind items, the whole thing, took 2 weeks in between my job and life, and fucking less than 72hrs after its done it is taken down. I don't think it was just for infighting with a pickme who reported me. No dude, it's just not normal. It's not.
It's weird the other sub stayed up. Wonder how long that'll last. Because it's not as incriminating, I guess. And it's full of astroturfing. I was trying to circumvent it happening by restricting comments to moderation only. I guess someone really didn't like that, (canada accent) ey?
No. 2123872
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>>2123862It's just really not enough until an actual survivor of his abuse who is alive comes out.
Nobody said anything in his favor during the whole gf case, but everyone was too afraid to openly speak against him. The silence surrounding Jim Carrey is so fucking eerie, like Tom Cruise levels of eerie.
No. 2123882
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Not that this will be even remotely shocking but new Deadpool movie is very disappointing and I don't even feel like finishing it
No. 2123949
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killed a rat in my home my moid cat did nothing as usual but ate the corpse
No. 2124010
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disgusting creep
No. 2124040
>>2124039But aren't those both of his hands? I thought he was gonna be taking a sneaky picture of someone but I don't see a phone so i
I honestly don't know
No. 2124053
>>2123918I knew a woman who had two kidney stones and also gave birth naturally after a seventeen hour labor, and she said the kidney stones were more painful.
So that memory makes me stay away from soda and drink lots of water daily.
No. 2124106
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I finished doing the 250 box challenge from Drawabox, it ended up taking me a month. I don't know if i learned something from it or not, but as a sped with ADHD it makes me happy to be able to finish such a tedious challenge. Now I am watching the Nostalgia Critic while drinking a coffe and then I will get back to drawing. Feels good.
No. 2124118
File: 1722950931412.jpg (201.91 KB, 824x821, relatable blob.jpg)

nonny! I legit ended up having nightmates related to it, like my drink accidentally spilling and ruining all of hard work. It definetly took a toll on me. Next one is doing 250 cylinders!!
No. 2124246
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Going through it with work at the moment and this is how I feel these last couple of months. Some day it will be better, but not today or tomorrow.
No. 2124328
File: 1722960743833.jpg (38.34 KB, 500x633, 6e47f127c54f811b17a1263f3edaf1…)

i spent way too much money on new bedding/pillows/sheets over the weekend but i've been having the best sleeps ever since. i slept for 14 hours the first night i put it all on. it was very much needed but now it's 100x harder to get out of bed for work in the mornings. sigh
No. 2124342
File: 1722961215818.gif (5.44 MB, 282x498, fish.gif)

>>2124328What kind did you get nona? I've been thinking of investing in a good quality pillow since I saw a post on here about it, you're making me want to even more now kek. New sheets would be nice too.
No. 2124380
File: 1722963774707.jpg (84.07 KB, 567x826, chrome-nail-art-10.jpg)

Im trying to do chrome nails and it's soooo frustrating. I can get the mirrored look just fine but idk how people manage to keep it looking shiny after the top coat. One of my powders isn't even working so many they just suck.
No. 2124472
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>>2124421It's the makartt ones, picrel. For me the silver powder hasn't worked at all but the rest are fine. I also have the makartt aurora chrome powders and they look ok but you have to rub super hard into the palette to pick up enough product to rub onto the nail. Don't think I would recommend them.
No. 2124630
File: 1722972414666.gif (33.49 KB, 458x480, giphy.gif)

i bought cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and a new air freshener and i'm going to spend the day cleaning after i eat a nice meal
No. 2124731
File: 1722975876819.jpg (135.31 KB, 736x1225, 1000050464.jpg)

I will get my nails done, I won't get the style I wanted for my Marceline cosplay because the convention was moved to November insert sad crying face, so now I will stick to my usual clean and sparkly styles.
Like pic related.
No. 2124938
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Im looking for a new phone and honestly I think I may get the z flip. The compactness of a flip phone + nice design and customization just sounds so appealing opposed to Apple's humongous phones
No. 2125117
File: 1722994480633.jpg (128.14 KB, 735x795, 1000021243.jpg)

Had to take 2 tests while I'm going through family issues and immense workstress and you know what, I got a decent score still! Not my full potential as my mind kept wandering and quite mundane but I'm so proud of myself nonnas
No. 2125378
File: 1723018835917.jpg (18.4 KB, 720x400, 1000004110.jpg)

Parasocial streaming content is so fascinating sometimes. I genuinely enjoy reading unhinged, mentally ill arguments under streamer nonsense. Like why are you the way that you are.
No. 2125488
File: 1723027347273.jpg (66.09 KB, 570x570, socks.jpg)

I'm taking it upon myself to knit my own socks from now, just bought a pattern with nordic stars on it and I'm so excited.
No. 2125612
File: 1723034676863.webp (27.33 KB, 900x900, 40289854_1-dobra-pop-goli-marb…)

damn they made a ramune knockoff here too
No. 2125628
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>>2125612i got the marble out!
No. 2125862
>>2125830very good
nonnie, i believe in you! if my geriatric scrote of a grandfather can quit tobacco, you can quit cigs!!
No. 2126402
I hate my consoomer tendencies, not in the way that I spend a ton of money on things but I spend so much time looking for new craft projects and new music/media releases, hell I put off killing myself earlier this year because I can't wait to see the king of the hill reboot. A singer I've been obsessed with since I was a teen is releasing a new album after 12 years and I can't sleep because I'm looking for the remnants of the announcements because it was deleted for some reason. I have a love hate relationship with my autism I swear.
>>2126348I used to be a pretty bad insomniac but going off my anti anxiety meds made me go back to normal weirdly. Before that I had to go to bed an hour before I'd need to fall asleep because I'd lay awake for that time if not more, hope you get better nonna.
No. 2126411
File: 1723077909544.jpg (67.72 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

I just watched one of those "pop the balloon" videos out of curiousity and it was so fucking cringe. One of the dudes got "popped" (aka rejected) by every woman and he got so triggered about it.
No. 2126417
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>>2126411literally picrel
No. 2126650
File: 1723098656468.jpg (49.93 KB, 960x660, 1000002394.jpg)

>>2126415Literally this all of the time
No. 2126690
File: 1723103258396.gif (8.59 MB, 500x488, farewell.gif)

Debating on going to an anime convention by myself but I'm scared of degenerates.
No. 2126733
File: 1723107934336.gif (13.65 MB, 400x711, icecream.gif)

>>2126730hamster ice cream cone
No. 2126806
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>>2126740Uncooked, of course.
>>2126733Hamster coming later
No. 2126836
File: 1723117690301.jpg (268.18 KB, 1152x2048, 1000004278.jpg)

Guy on Twitter got picked by a random kitten outside of work on 3rd shift, took it home and gave it a box with a towel and some water outside. Look at how sad he looks peering into the window.
No. 2127050
File: 1723137064521.jpg (42.22 KB, 1500x1000, 61JtKAKtIwL._SL1500_.jpg)

Bought this today on a whim. Never vibed with something so much before
No. 2127056
File: 1723137317903.png (963.69 KB, 980x980, OTP.png)

Say whatever about the AVGN and Nostalgia Critic, call tehm cringe and outdated, but with each passing day i appreciate them more. 20 years in the platform and not a single grooming allegation. I know its because the bar is low for men, but it makes me happy that the youtubers i have always supported arent creeps.
No. 2127059
File: 1723137558428.webp (100.32 KB, 2228x1320, DanielDaDeemunSlayyar.webp)

>>2127056I used to watch Nostalgia Critic and he's cringe af but he can laugh at himself. He even got a spot on Smiling Friends because of it. I can respect that. AVGN seems a little checked out though. He's better when he's doing his board game videos I think.
No. 2127066
>>2127056>>2127059Doug is a giant fucking dunce, but I have to admit whenever I occasionally rewatch old NC favorites I kinda nod along to some of the things he says. Guy is a moron but he does make some
valid points about media from time to time.
No. 2127144
>>2127056statue of limitations ran out so the
victims guessed they wouldn't bothered. around moids, never relax
No. 2127149
victims that accuse youtubers dont go to the police though
No. 2127156
>>2127149A lot of
victims don't go to the police because the police will disbelieve them anyway
No. 2127282
File: 1723148412197.jpg (68.55 KB, 960x960, Fm2Tu-3XgAACBwX.jpg)

I love my best friend so much, we've known each other for half our lives so she's the only one that can help me navigate my thoughts and pinpoint what is actually going on with me to help me settle down when I start to spiral. I don't know what I would do without her.
No. 2127447
nonny. I sometimes dream about having a cute bf that shaves for me, dresses in cute clothes, cosplays as my fave charas and engages in online slapfight to call scrotes who dont do the same for their gfs incel losers who are going to die alone and surrounded by dogs. Like a male shuwu minus the balding.
No. 2127726
File: 1723166150487.png (101.28 KB, 250x250, jhvkbshdbkd.png)

I was at my college orientation and i have the fattest fucking crush on someone who was in my group. Skinny, beautiful hair, glasses (which i have a fetish for), and likely autistic. I'm autistic myself but because of Muh female socialization and I'm probably a little more outgoing and this guy didn't talk the entire time I was there. I was considering striking up a conversation with him but I wasn't sure how to approach him without making myself obvious, I hope I can approach him normally when school starts. Just the thought of him developing a crush on me, anxiously asking to be his gf and treating me like a queen is enough to make me blush. And don't even get me started on the sexual side of it, I'd love to take his virginity and make him submissive in bed as well
No. 2127794
File: 1723169789732.jpg (88.89 KB, 735x887, 1000051237.jpg)

My nails are so pretty and shiny, I feel like a Mary sue OC that has the best stats in any game, gets all the pretty boys and that can make any bad guys become good guys with a glance.
No. 2128127
File: 1723195470491.jpeg (203.09 KB, 446x708, horrified.jpeg)

got invited to a job interview and im so scared to reply to the email waah i've never had a job before
No. 2128184
>>2128135omg poor nona
>>2128134i did it !!!
No. 2128315
>>2128184it's ok
nonny I just wanted to take some of your fear away. I'm sure you got this
No. 2128322
nonnie, my very shameful confession is that i'm the exact breed of tard that those losers with bfs are, i just use my imagination
No. 2128324
>>2127726if there's a god, she'll let
nonnie get that dick
No. 2128326
>>2127763it is probably infection
nonnie, that's very concerning, your nails might've been dirty and infected the scratches inside your ear, please go to doctor, best of luck
nonnie No. 2128445
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i wish i'd exported all my ero photos all at once into one folder so i could remove them as i organized them bc Google photos doesn't let you select all your pics at once, so i'll have to organize them all together
No. 2128456
>>2128450it probably will look so kawiwi, how are you colouring it
No. 2128556
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I recently started seeing a guy, and my friend is so jealous of him. We have seen eachother only 3 times and this dude has already dropped 70usd on me. Meanwhile i have been besties(because i have no other friends) with this other fag for years and he has never gifted me anything, and when i had really strong cravings because periods and shit and i really wanted a borgar he told me he would LEND me the money, what a cheap fag. Anyways, ever since i started seeing this other guy and telling my friend about all the stuff he gifts me hes been acting less like a cheap poorfag. He recently gave me the entire collection of some toys i wanted(nothing too expensive), and also started bringing food and snacks when he stays over. I feel like an animu harem protagonist, but instead of two bishies fighting over me its two 6/10 virgin nerds.
No. 2128771
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>Ok no more plants, I'm out of reasonable space where they get enough light
>I'm broke at the moment anyway
>Stumbles upon a 2 meter tall beautiful dracaena for 45 bucks
Guess who's been running laps in the apartment trying to find a good spot while loudly reasoning with myself on why I should get it
No. 2128894
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found a twitch stream that plays bleach episodes non-stop. i forgot how fucking bad this show is
No. 2128973
>>2128971True kek, that fag is embarassed by everything, his hair, his clothes, even the way he talks, walks, breathes.
>>2128972It's the only way he can hang out with his friends since our dad is religious and doesn't let him talk to girls (all his friends are girls since he's a faggot hated by straggots)
No. 2129012
>>2129001One of my siblings got harassed for months by a weird online pedo and I still have ptsd about it
>>2129005That's good. Next time just type "I have aids" and see what happens
No. 2129024
File: 1723246419674.png (Spoiler Image,569.1 KB, 618x620, kzb9xqb26klx.png)

>>2128964I love slightly evil jokes like this kek. It's annoying when they chimp out though. I remember as a preteen being in my grandparents basement with my little cousin and I turned off the lights and just put a photo of Ahenobarbus Henocied (picrel) on my ipad with full brightness and started chasing her KEK. it was so funny, she was spooked but when she figured out it was a prank she was laughing with me.
No. 2129027
>>2129012Kek, good idea but I don't think he'll ever leave his laptop open around me again…
>>2129024KEKKK nonna that is so damn hilarious. It seems like a lot of fun. I love pranking people and being pranked too.
No. 2129350
Have been suffering from horrible toothache recently. The frustrating part is it's in 2 filled tooth, and one of them was filled 4 months ago. The dentist said it only had a deep cavity and didn't need any root canal treatments, even though it was the most painful one, and the one that did need the root canal treatment didn't hurt at all. Did she mix it up or something? Idk. Now the tooth with a deep cavity previously hurts a lot, worse than before when I discovered the deep cavity, and it makes my gum, jaw and ear hurt because it's in the top row. Not only that, but the other one has been filled for years now and is at the bottom row, and has a crack at the back and it's extremely painful when I eat, drink, grind my teeth by accident, and is killing my bottom jaw bone I have to keept an ice pack on it until the painkillers kick in. Hope I get to go to the dentist for this today.
No. 2129382
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Same, these things are so good I can’t stop eating them
No. 2129588
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Just ordered a bakuchiol serum. Surely this skincare product will fix me.
No. 2129596
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>>2129588You just made me discover some devastating news
No. 2129761
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>how artists feel after writing "Scheiße" in dialogue for a German character in fanart
No. 2129865
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I know people are making fun of her but I think she's funny goes in the olympics thread) No. 2129968
File: 1723308817533.png (87.4 KB, 500x408, 2148246_5bedf.png)

I bought a portable air compressor to clean out my laptop and it's so satisfying to use. I'm sneaking around my apartment looking for any dust I can blast. 11/10 best purchase I've made in months.
No. 2130406
File: 1723340146707.jpg (317.74 KB, 1080x1369, 1000004365.jpg)

Fixed it
No. 2130559
>>2130400Yeah I'm suspecting a cavity as one of the reasons for pain, I'll get an x-ray as soon as I can but I also have personal problems that prevent me from being able to go to the dentist right away. Hopefully within the week though
>>2130416Good luck at the dentist's!
No. 2130572
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I am 33 today.
No. 2130585
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>>2130572Happy birthday anon
No. 2130587
>>2130572Happy 33rd
nonnie dearest
No. 2130733
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>>2130572Happy Birthday Nonna!
No. 2130870
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I think my cat knows I'm a bit sad today. He let me cradle him with my face burrowed in his fur while he purred for unusually long today, I don't know if I'm projecting or making it up but it feels like he always lets me do it for a really long time the days where I'm not on top. Usually he pushes me away and jumps out of my arms after a couple of minutes
No. 2131002
>>2130781AYRT, I also respect the anonymity of the website and will never bring it up to my friends for that reason, and if any of them asked if I browse Lolcow, I would deny it. The "
femcel" larpers on Tiktok should take notes.
No. 2131120
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I think I developed a man jaw from chewing this gum everyday
No. 2131697
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I got some food from Burger King and since they didn't have the drink I ordered, they gave me a spicy strawberry sprite. It's kinda weird because it's actual spice and not that "spice" from really carbonated drinks kek
No. 2131881
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I have bought a shelf that needs plastic towels to put it together and I accidentally snapped some off of one of the dowels. I'm gonna try to use some sculpting gel meant for nails to fix it.
No. 2132138
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Honestly why couldn't they have waited like a year or two to kill him. I feel like he had one really good album left in him and they took that from us
No. 2132208
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dropped pic
No. 2132258
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My friend has OFFICIALLY peaked! She has had enough and is also currently helping another woman peak
No. 2132264
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>>2132258Fuck yeah! How did it happen?
No. 2132275
>>2130635NO, BAD
No. 2132406
>>2132404Nta but same shit
maybe we can connect on the friend finder thread haha jk but what if…!
No. 2132603
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>>2132319>One even fucked a tranny who had to watch rape hentai while they were fucking.How do you tell someone this and not instantly peak from the amount of humilliation
No. 2132644
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>>2132485Cooks hate this one weird trick.
No. 2132653
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>>2132319Genuine question, was she molested as a kid or something?
No. 2132675
>>2132660She does but she surrounds herself with people who have the same shit self-esteem. She constantly makes poor work decisions that have gotten her fired like three time from three separate jobs, she's immediately dedicated to someone who embodies the person she wishes she was and wishes she was perceived as, and subsequently these people treat her like shit. She always makes excuses for her behavior and how she craves chaos and shit, and gets upset when I tell her she should have made better decisions when she asks for my opinion. She also has a lot of unprotected sex with random men and got extremely upset when she found out she had two stis, then made excuses for the random men she was fucking and how they PROMISED their test results were clean!!! Even though they didn't send her any picture or screencap of the results.
I feel horrible for her but she is exhausting to be around.
No. 2132823
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>me when i see boring blogposts
No. 2132860
Why are people on facebook marketplace kind of cute lol, keep in mind this was on messenger
>"Ok the shipping will be so and so do you want it to your home or a pickup point?">Pickup point please, thanks>"Can you wait a minute we're eating">>2132837>That introMy sides
No. 2132879
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>A-list pastor
enty get new ideas or just make up more blinds about actual celebrities challenge
nobody gives a fuck about pastors, TikToktards, politicians or Harry and Meghan kek
No. 2132937
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>>2132833Samefag, if you're ever in Walmart
DO NOT BUY THE BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS 8 CUBE ORGANIZER. I'm so fucking annoyed anons, it's like I put one piece together and another pieces falls off. The middle part is just too flimsy. I'm still trying to put the sides on and it's been over an hour.
No. 2133229
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I just finished building my bookshelf and it looks so good! Like 8 hours of work but it looks amazing. It takes up the space in where I have it so well.
No. 2133322
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I am going to mcd this weekend to get happy meal toys. I can get 2, which ones should i get? i cant decide, my fren told me hes giving me his toy, too.
No. 2133350
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>>2133322I want to go to McDonald's with my friends so we can get at least 3, I want hello kitty and pompompurin the most.
No. 2133391
>>2133322I got Blue Eyes White Cinnamoroll, but Cinnamoroll and Blue Eyes White Dragon are my faves so it only made sense
>>2133362Yeah it's more like a bag keychain thing. Typical Mcdonalds quality. I want them to do an actual plushie collab!
No. 2133430
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I just saw a video of what I think could be the perfect gift for my grandma and I'm so excited to get one for her! It's a fan that clips onto the waistband of your pants, she doesn't sweat at all and she's an older woman so she's always very hot. This would probably be great for her while running errands or working. I'm pretty sure these are targeted for men who do blue collar work so most reviews for the ones I'm seeing say they're pretty noisy. Hopefully I can find one that's quiet.
No. 2133647
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my anxiety has been unbearable after i stopped taking my meds but i started huffing lavender whenever it gets bad and it's been helping a lot. i'm really happy about it
No. 2133663
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>>2133658thank you so much, i'm grateful for any help. i'll look into it right now
No. 2133797
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>>2133790The answer is always YES
No. 2133798
>>2133794Transparent of what? You think I'm humble bragging or something?
No. 2133816
>>2133790I've heard this from other western women too. And yes they are.
>>2133810They sound ridicuously bad at hunting if their attempt at conversation ends there.
No. 2134118
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>>2134081>>2134113for the time being, here's smtg to quench that thrist, featuring once again scheibe abuse
No. 2134134
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Saw an absolutely retarded take in a thread I frequent and realized it's stupidity kinda riled me up so I'm waiting for more eloquent nonnies to rip that anon to shreds in my stead
No. 2134432
File: 1723579775250.png (1.1 MB, 862x928, FYAAAA.png)

Eating ice cream is a goddamn sport in my household. My cat can be sleeping in a different room on the other side of the apartment but the moment you get ice cream he is all up in your face demanding a taste. He is typically not very interested in food, I offered him some yoghurt on my finger earlier today since he seemed curious but he was just licking the air in front of it pretending to taste until he accidentally got some on his tongue, snorted and looked offended. But he goes absolutely FERAL for ice cream.
No. 2134682
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I am working on a furry game with my friend and i never realized how horrible i am to work with. Thank god he has patience.
No. 2134838
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I'm taking off my nail extensions and my natural nails have got so long in just the week I've had them. Once they get longer I might consider just doing a gel overlay on them without adding extra
No. 2135206
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>>2135131idk how they're called but I've seen youtubers and nails tech using them. They're not actual pens but they look like one. I'm looking for one on the Kiko website and found pic related, I'll check other brands to compare prices though.
>>2135119I had to check, it's Mavala. I found that brand in a drug store so I bought one color on a whim but the base coat and top coat were way more expensive so I didn't get them. I'll see if I should after seeing how long the nail polish will last by itself.
No. 2135462
>>2135368Do you keep your homemade bread in the freezer?
I don’t make real oven baked bread but I’ll sometimes make quick flatbreads over the stove, or makes me wonder why even store flatbreads like flour tortillas or naan have a million ingredients kek
No. 2135491
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i think this jacket's kinda hot and it makes me contemplate having either a fashionable bf or a good boy bf that lets me dress him up in whatever i find hot, but you already know i frequent this site so it doesn't matter anyways kek
No. 2135712
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This Furby looks like it would ask me for gas money in the parking lot of Big Lots
No. 2136070
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>>2135131>>2135066ive never seen a pen like that before but i use a brush like this and just dip it in my nail polish remover and it works like a charm! might be a cheaper/easier to find solution than a pen
No. 2136333
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It feels a bit strange but, out of nowhere, a few of my friends whom I haven't spoken to much recently have reached out and expressed wanting to spend more time with me. It made me happy to hear from others.
No. 2136451
File: 1723682448676.png (470.82 KB, 700x753, 1696484363571.png)

why are men such fags? i love to watch horror movies but every time i ask to watch horror movies with my scrote friends they are like ''nooo its scawwy i am just a 25yo widdle baby googoo gaga i need mommy''. I swear to god i had a male friend who got scared watching killer clowns from outer space. Now i gotta see tusk alone because my friend is too much of a faggot to watch a furry transformation fetish movie with me.
No. 2136499
>>2136469Is there a way to stream down like to a group of people? Does that still exist?
I miss
No. 2136526
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I am going to get my open ends trimmed this friday. My hair is nasty, so i am not ready to get half my hair chopped off, but i cant take how ugly my hair feels anymore. I am going to take better care of it this time so i can let my hair grow longer.
No. 2136549
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>>2136526i got half my hair chopped off when i got my hair straightened lmao
she called it a trim when i went from bra strap length hair to a bob. but i’m not holding it against her too much because i did need all that chopped off, i’m trying to get healthier hair
No. 2136619
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Ain't nothing better than that first paycheck from a new job until you realize you need to spend it on bills and groceries and shit
No. 2136667
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>>2136574Interesting. Nayrt but my thought process here would be that if someone is going to screw up my hair, I might as well just do it myself instead of paying someone else
No. 2137044
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Trying out this recipe today nonas: me luck on getting the crepes thin enough without breaking them kek
No. 2137189
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there was a seal pup on the beach by my work for a few days, i finally called the marine mammal rescue and they came and picked him up yesterday. he was so small and so cute!!!!! i can't wait to read about his updates on their website. i hope theyre able to release him when he's recovered
No. 2137454
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Is no one gonna talk about the chick who posted her face in /g/
No. 2137458
>>2137182My family has only ever had labradors so Im biased, but in general I’m very indifferent to dogs and I don’t know if I’d ever get one in my adult life but labradors are the absolute best dogs. They’re energetic and overall very emotionally intelligent. We never bought a dog from a breeder either over the span of 20 years we’ve had one adopted from a shelter, one from a rescue, one was tied up outside at a warehouse during winter so my dad offered the owner $100 for him, and one was given to us by a family friend who couldn’t keep him anymore, so they’re a very accessible breed imo. They do shed a lot but nothing like a longhaired dog. I’m grateful I grew up around them so I don’t have a fear of big dogs, my Nigel is 6 feet tall and gets visibly nervous when we see a big dog on a hike because his family has a crusty white dog kek. We only had two dogs at once for a few brief months but it was so adorable seeing them play together and snuggle, if they weren’t so big I wish my parents always had multiple dogs.
Sorry for sperging out about my experience with labradors, I hope you can pet one soon nonna
No. 2137460
>>2137182My family has only ever had labradors so Im biased, but in general I’m very indifferent to dogs and I don’t know if I’d ever get one in my adult life but labradors are the absolute best dogs. They’re energetic and overall very emotionally intelligent. We never bought a dog from a breeder either over the span of 20 years we’ve had one adopted from a shelter, one from a rescue, one was tied up outside at a warehouse during winter so my dad offered the owner $100 for him, and one was given to us by a family friend who couldn’t keep him anymore, so they’re a very accessible breed imo. They do shed a lot but nothing like a longhaired dog. I’m grateful I grew up around them so I don’t have a fear of big dogs, my Nigel is 6 feet tall and gets visibly nervous when we see a big dog on a hike because his family has a crusty white dog kek. We only had two dogs at once for a few brief months but it was so adorable seeing them play together and snuggle, if they weren’t so big I wish my parents always had multiple dogs.
Sorry for sperging out about my experience with labradors, I hope you can pet one soon nonna
No. 2137475
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>>2137469Why is she grimacing?? She does kind of look like the actress that played the main character in Labyrinth though.
No. 2137481
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>>2137460>>2137182Labradors are 100% the best. The black Labrador passed away (he was only a year and a half older than the yellow Labrador) and when he did, my dad print out all these photos of them and pasted to them our fridge. I miss them as a pair so much. I feel sorry for the yellow one, my parents got him a friend, but it isn't the same as his ole' buddy.
No. 2137507
File: 1723744389339.jpg (81.51 KB, 926x926, jennifer.jpg)

>>2137475She does sort of resemble young Jennifer Connelly except uglier and with a less harmonious face.
>>2137506She has a face tattoo, so she's probably at least in her early 20s.
No. 2137511
File: 1723744523928.png (302.77 KB, 539x577, autism eyes?.png)

>>2137500I'm not sure about the nostril but she definitely has the soulless autistic eye thing going on. I got slightly disturbed watching the video. It's like she's not really there behind her eyes.
No. 2137541
>>2137460That's so cute! Thanks, nona. For now I'll just befriend someone who owns a labrador because I can't have any of my own for the time being.
I live at home and my parents won't allow any dogs because of their insane religion, kek.>>2137481I'm so sorry for your loss
nonnie, and for the other lab who lost his friend. They both look adorable together. So cute and innocent. I'm gonna tear up again.
No. 2137573
File: 1723746039738.png (129.27 KB, 2842x424, 202408152.png)

>>2137558She's average and talking like picrel, I think it's fair for anons to be critical of her looks
No. 2137605
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>>2137563She just needs an eyejob and better brows as well as lip filler and a septorhinoplasty and bucchal fat removal, but other than that she's pretty.
No. 2137616
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>>2137609She's got that Melania look now
No. 2137623
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Enty stop writing 5 blinds a week about boring Meghan Harry challenge
No. 2137626
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>>2137616Speaking of the trumps, did anyone hear about this
No. 2137646
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Sanrio characters I wish had more merchandise: Part I
No. 2137656
>>2137638So every person that people call ugly is actually pretty? Get real. The main reason people are mean is because she's full of herself and saying she looks like brooke shields in a very posed video. If she was a random poster, I doubt she'd be getting so much hate.
>>2137628>>2137644omg anons she's perf, so stunning, so russiancore. she's serving cunt, who could compare
No. 2137660
>>2137656Melania is Slovenian so I think she's giving more Sloveniancore
>>2137657Yeah when I look in her eyes all I see is a cold stony abyss.
No. 2137690
File: 1723748264268.webp (340.34 KB, 1290x1677, 1000006628.webp)

>>2137481Red labradors are also incredibly beautiful. Mine goes a really vibrant foxy colour in the summer.
No. 2137792
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watch out for Belarus nonnies
No. 2137919
File: 1723759125005.gif (654.33 KB, 320x287, IMG_3628.gif)

I'm almost done knitting another pair of socks. I think this is my 7th pair this year alone.
No. 2139104
>>2139082CLEAN UP
No. 2139107
>>2139082me too though…
nonnie let's clean together
so we can have a clean place for the weekend
No. 2139232
File: 1723828719520.gif (1.11 MB, 220x220, hourlycass-hourlycas.gif)

I have time to kill before work so I'm trying to learn the choreography for picrel. I have no rhythm so it's tricky.
No. 2139840
File: 1723867089405.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1054x1484, D96D4816-7110-4786-9428-246289…)

>>2139082 or
>>2139107 but I also cleaned up today. I still have stuff I need to put away but it’s so much better than when I started. I’m looking forward to finishing it tomorrow.
No. 2140006
>>2139986I would clean for you
nonny, I love cleaning. How wonderful that through our actions, habits, and chemicals we can destroy that which affects us negatively. I can’t say that about my annoying coworker but I can say that about bleaching my bathtub.
No. 2140074
File: 1723884036471.jpg (44.33 KB, 564x751, 1660061113879.jpg)

>>2140070thanks nonita. My friend with cat allergies is coming over so my room gotta be pristine for her
No. 2140321
>>2140290ntayrt but kek
nonnie, the photo is just a viral cute kitty pic, it's probably not nonna's
,unless… No. 2140668
File: 1723917623780.jpg (173.71 KB, 1500x1500, 71mXZaaIKcL.jpg)

A bought a flat ethernet cable for my job with the hopes it would lay flat on my floor, but it was rolled up like picrel which curled up the wire so literally what was the fucking point. It did come with stuff to install it against the wall but I can't do that.
No. 2140767
File: 1723921406483.jpg (79.92 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Kumichou Musume t…)

>online play by post as a hobby
>excited for an upcoming pbp forum with vampires
>been waiting for a whole goddamn year just about
>get in there
>they're ackshully only vampires in that they drink blood, otherwise they've been gimped of most of what makes vampires interesting
i'm full of disappointment and i'm worried for the game's health. 100% certain everyone there is looking forward to actual vampires, not vampires that live shorter lives than humans do…i'm not leaving but i dunno, i don't think it's going to work out well
No. 2142084
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when i'm wearing earphones with nothing playing and i'm writing really quickly i hear creaking tf