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No. 2094759

Are there are any other nonnies that are unable to find an interesting hobby to get good at?

I define real hobby by a skill that is done for fun, that is refined and takes talent to be good at. I have "Hobbies" but none of them are hitting the spot.

Hobbies I have but don't consider "Real enough" hobbies:
>I can cook pretty well with good presentation
>I take polaroid's sometimes with my vintage polaroid
>I make fashionable outfits
>I watch anime (who doesn't nowadays though..)
>I like to listen to electronic music and somewhat niche music
>I used to have a decent following and post online but hate it now because of moids
>Browsing the internet i.e. this board

Examples of what I feel like are "Real" hobbies
-drifting cars
-being good enough at shooting guns to compete
-being able to design clothing
-being able to make music
-being able to play an instrument and play songs from memory
-creating things in general that require a large amount of skill
-professional versions of hobbies (competitive)

Those of you that managed, how did you find your hobby?
How many hobbies did you need to try? Did someone get you into it? Is 28 too late?

No. 2094765>>2094779

Do you mean that you want all hobbies to be competitive?

I could play something on the piano and violin right now, I was classically trained for over 15 years, but it doesn't mean I want to.

I also shoot guns and I am far more accurate than my companions who shoot guns, but I'd never want to do that professionally. Men are a nightmare to deal with.

No. 2094770>>2094779

i draw and like to paint models, although i wonder if the last one count as a hobby by your definition

No. 2094772>>2094779

Cooking is fun but have you given baking a whirl?

No. 2094779

I do have an interest however, I have a an allergy that makes baking really difficult because it's in everything. I can't use baking powder for example. It has really discouraged me. I'm also scared of getting fat from it.

I would definitely consider it a hobby but do you get what I mean where some hobbies don't feel high skilled enough?

No it doesn't have to be competitive like designing clothing wouldn't be competitive.
I think being competent at an instrument is very high tier.

No. 2094783>>2094788

>I like to listen to electronic music and somewhat niche music
Why not make it yourself then? The entry bar is on the (noise) floor nowadays and it's unironically incredibly good.

No. 2094786>>2094789

I used to have some creative hobbies but I abandoned them years ago to devote more time to my studies. It's necessary in this capitalistic society, unfortunately. I don't have the time to dedicate myself to passions like I used to.

No. 2094788

I am overwhelmed and don't know where to start. I know the types of sounds I like but as someone who has tried to learn instruments and music a dozen times, buying instruments trying to take lessons etc it's really discouraging. I feel like I'm too stupid to get it or something.

I did buy and download a DJ software thinking it would motivate me. I would love to but, a part of me is lost and a part of me feels like it's too late to feel cool going into my late 20s.

No. 2094789>>2094791

What did you do?

No. 2094791>>2094815

Run of the mill art/comics and gamedev. I never felt talented enough to showcase my work anywhere and no longer had the time to improve at it, so I gave up entirely. Maybe I'll have hobbies again when I'm retired.

No. 2094793>>2094815

I totally understand what you mean
Cooking, enjoying media, fashion, etc are all fun but I feel extremely uninteresting if I tell someone those are my "hobbies"
It doesn't help living in a very outdoorsy place where you're expected to do things like skiing or rafting or rock-climbing

No. 2094806>>2094815

I feel like I have hobbies but they don’t count not because of my skill level but because I can’t see them as being a point of connection with others/they aren’t common hobbies that you can share

No. 2094807>>2094815

Sounds like you just need to try doing more stuff to find something you actually really enjoy. Be a little more impulsive and try out something that sounds interesting or cool to you. I like doing whatever catches my interest, I started sewing plushies and making costumes and I'm not that good at either but I have a lot of fun doing it.

No. 2094808>>2094812>>2094815

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I used to draw, edit and write, at least periodically then I really feel like several mental breakdowns caused a permanent shift in me. Not only did I become mostly stagnant, when I would start producing projects, I'd abandon them all the more haphazardly. Everything was a non starter. I became afraid to create in a sense because I'd felt traumatized by what I was going through and suddenly unable to articulate fucking anything. It all just comes out as fucking random schizo looking shit nobody understands, like picrel.

No. 2094812>>2094824

but i love picrel

No. 2094815>>2094823>>2094824

Yeah that's kind of how I feel about art too. I used to do it a lot on a tablet as a teen but I felt too untalented after years of trying on gimp. Gamedev sounds cool tho. Most games suck and are ugly now so you have a high value contribution you can make.

Yeah exactly and it's lowering my self esteem, and self worth overall. I can't tell if it's legitimate or moid brainwashing online?

Like what?

I really suck at hand dexterity things (tried origami, tried polymer clay creations, really tried crochet could NOT do it even with a friend trying to help me)
How did you just start sewing plushies? That seems really difficult even if it weren't professional grade.

Do you have a problem with the composition? Do you have examples of work you like?

No. 2094823

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>How did you just start sewing plushies? That seems really difficult even if it weren't professional grade.
There's lots of tutorials and free patterns online. The first one I actually did was for a scalemate from Homestuck lel (picrel is what the tutorial makes). I saw the tutorial posted somewhere and decided to try it myself, and I struggled a bit but it's all very doable with some patience to learn and like 30 bucks to buy the basic materials/equipment.
>I really suck at hand dexterity things
Maybe try doing some stuff you can do on the computer with just a mouse/keyboard instead. You could make webpages, learn how to 3D model, learn gamedev, do image editing or video editing, make music, write stories, etc.

No. 2094824

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I wish you could make me like myself

I like something like this because it's a little neater, I thrive in chaos but I don't know, this one has more inherent meaning to me while the other feels aimless

Either way my real issue is that I'm much better at using other people's elements than creating my own graphically

No. 2094829

>tried to learn instruments in school
got bored and stopped showing up to lessons
>tried to get into knitting
got bored and forgot about it
>tried to get into anime
there were some good ones I liked like naruto and bungo stray dogs but I’m too lazy to start a new one
>tried to get into kdramas
enjoyed some but procrastinate when it comes to starting new ones
>tried to become a literal flight attendant
got bored and tired after 3 months
I know it’s me but idk I think I was meant to spawn as a worm. The only thing that I seek enjoyment in is viewing brainrot tiktoks for hours on end

No. 2094832

Everything can be a hobby with enough passion

No. 2094834

>Learned how to bake professionally
It's really expensive to bake extravagant, emotionally fulfilling desserts and other goods at home so I'm unable to do this now that I'm jobless
> Trained in mixing perfume formulas
Once again, expensive as fuck to get good ingredients that aren't harmful to customers skin

No. 2094837

>making your own clothes
What? How are those not hobbies? If you're not actually interested and enjoying them, that's another story, but pretty much anything you both do frequently and have a vested interested in can be a hobby. I frequently cook but I wouldn't call it a hobby because it is still a pain in the ass and a chore more often that it is enjoyable.

Maybe what you mean more is whether stuff you rarely do but still are very interested is still a hobby. I do nothing but work, sleep, and eat to put it simply but have a bunch of things I've loved doing and gave me life but don't anymore because of depression. I'm hesitant to call those hobbies anymore because I clearly have a lack of dedication needed to do them in the first place. It's not about skill and improvement, but it is about level of engagement.

No. 2094848>>2094853>>2094854

Do not have any hobbies apart from being able to lucid dream on command and sing whistle.

No. 2094853

>self harming
>trying not to self harm
>going months without doing it
>now doing it again

No. 2094854

what is that like? Did you ever find any cool information from lucid dreaming?

No. 2094857>>2094863

Taking photos can be hobbie and cooking too etc. To me it seems that you just complain about your general lack of skill.

No. 2094863>>2094869>>2094876

but everyone takes photos nowadays. As far as cooking, it's not that impressive when people can just buy half the stuff premade. Nobody actually cares if I make it from scratch vs others using premade processed ingredients.

No. 2094869

Is your hobby getting attention online? Hobbies don’t need to be impressive. You don’t have to monetize everything you do, either. Nobody is peering into your life with a little camera, thinking that everything you do has to be cool or impressive enough to sell is what is making you feel bad, not your “lack” of hobbies. Unless you only do those things you listed (cooking and taking photos) like once a month then maybe you feel bad because you don’t do them enough compared to social media/lolcow which aren’t really hobbies. And if that’s the case I’d encourage you to practice those more, or pick something new up. You are going to suck ass initially, it’s normal.

No. 2094876

nta but while everyone may take photos on their phones nowadays I would say doing so on a vintage polaroid is different enough that it can be considered a specific hobby and
> nobody cares if I actually make it from scratch
what?? Are you feeding people with totally fried taste buds your cooking? Well made meals from scratch are absolutely noticeably better. I'm more into baking than cooking personally and I view the rift between what I make and store bought items to be huge. If I made someone cupcakes and they weren't appreciative of the effort vs just buying some shit from costco I would never make them anything again

No. 2096374

i would consider my main hobbies to be going on walks, working out, and reading a lot. those aren't really creative or producing anything, but i do them in my free time and they make me happy.my job involves writing and i used to write a lot as a hobby as a teenager, but now that it's a work obligation i think it makes me perpetually burned out enough that i just don't really produce anything on my own free time. i used to draw/paint but lost interest in this also. i want to get back into traditional art though.

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