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No. 2071297
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>>2071295I cant stand the weeaboos that make their whole personality animu. Especially the attention whores one like this sped. They really should bring back bullying.
No. 2071302
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>>2071297i would key this car
No. 2071350
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I used to be a huge weeb. I used to go to cons and even learned Japanese for a few years, but something that finally snapped me out of my weeb delusion was the Samurai X author getting arrested for CP possesion. At first i was like ''oh well, shit happens, at least they caught him and he's going to rot in jail'' but then i started learning about how Oda (One Piece),Kishimoto(Naruto), Obata(Death Note)
and Sorachi(Gintama) jumped in to show support to Nobuhiro Watsuki. Worst of all, he didnt even set foot on jail, he paid a fine and he was allowed to continue making manga like he wasn't just outted as a pedophile. That's when i realized Japan is a deeply rotten country that is never going to change. I dont understand how weebs who are self aware of how pedophilic Japan is keep supporting the medium. Anime isn't that good either, so i don't understand why they don't drop it like a hot potatoe once they learn about how many mangakas are open pedophiles.
Also, I recently found out Tezuka was a filthy degenerate. pic rel.
No. 2071377
>>2071371That's just being optimistic. It's not a thing about them being worse, making it a "us versus them" issue is just pretending that humanity isn't generally rotten.
Over 100 celebrities petitioned for the release of a man who raped a child. Yes, it reflects a pedophile culture as much as three authors petitioning for the release of a man in position of cp does.
No. 2071379
>>2071377ok but why are you even comparing the two things? both are wrong.
>>2071378I never mentioned france.
No. 2071384
>>2071379Both are wrong, that's my point. Your words seemed to suggest that with movies, it's different because its a bigger industry.
No, that makes it much worse.
No. 2071400
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>>2071394The anime industry is so niche and small you can tie pretty much everyone in the industry to pedoshit. While you are here defending the honor of glorious nihongo Japanese mangakas are joining forces to fight against western ''censorship'' that wants to make their drawn cp illegal. I dont know how weebs can defend an industry that doesn't want to cut ties with pedophiles and misogyny.
No. 2071406
>>2071400>>2071401So you can't confront it, very sad.
Though, pretending that its our "virtuous" society vs. their "evil" society is how how historically things have gone by. Better go back to listening to western music, how about "age ain't nothing but a number"?
No. 2071446
>>2071435And that changes things how? Do you think anything is actually changing when
>>2071437 came out
last year?
No. 2071474
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I love how Japan will tell weebs ''we dont want your politics, we are very pro loli and misogyny and we aren't letting your american politics get in the way of our drawn cp'' yet weebs will still blindly defend Japan and anime and claim that there is ''good'' anime and that not all japanese mangakas are pro loli(despite the vast majority of mangakas choosing Ken Akamatsu to represent them).
No. 2071518
nonnie she seriously doesn't watch any movies or TV shows or anime or cartoons or books or music and just spends her days cooking food and drawing pictures of cars. What are the chances she's also vegan and grows her own veggies kek.
No. 2071523
>>2071516because 99% of mangakas choose ken akamatsu to represent them and these are his beliefs
>>2071474 >>2071400
>>2071520so you are pro loli then? ok then this discussion was a waste of time, like talking to a wall.
No. 2071538
>>2071537Do you even know everybody who went there?
I thought you didn't use social media, Twitter hosts so much cp, and news organizations have kept pedophiles in secret forever.
No. 2071540
>>2071538there are news threads here, anon. Also, care to tell me what kind of misogyny and pedophilia free animus you enjoy? you better have the most pristine non
problematic animu taste ever since you bootlick japan so hard.
No. 2071553
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This meme and weebs defense for loli in general drives me insane. I feel like some people's knowledge on the "lolicon community" is very surface level and doesn't go beyond the whole "9000 year old vampire" shit. Which is why so many people defend it, or use it as a poor argument against loli. It wasn't long ago that Japan was producing softcore kiddie porn, with girls as young as 5, being put in swimsuits or having cameras shoved near their crotch to get a ugguu kawaii panty shot or whatever. Where do these people think lolicon artist get their references from? Probably from the thousands of books and videos that got produced in Japan. It's honestly not even a secret. Plenty of lolicons reference that Russel artist who got arrested for CP. The guy who made the "uoh" meme openly posted child models like Laura, who is mega popular in that whole space. The thing is that Japan hasn't even changed. I know if people learned about this, they'd argue it's from the past (past being barely 2015) but no. Japan still holds chi idol concerts for greasy men to record little girls in crops tops and skirts dancing. Except now they aren't allowed to privately film said girls sucking on a banana suggestively and selling it as a dvd. This is kinda messy, but I guess my main issue is just seeing how normal it's become to defend loli even among some women. Maybe this is more of a fandom issue, thanks to the whole "anti and pro" shipper stuff
No. 2071554
>>2071548>Just because I can't see it, it doesn't exist!Explain all the pedo-pandering movies like that Emma stone movie, all those creepy movies with brooke shields, shit like leon the professional, and probably much more that I'm missing. It does exist, they just shoehorn it into everything.
>>2071550Because mangaka are there to draw manga, not do political campaigns. As long as there isn't pedoshit in their work why the fuck should I care about what activism they do off the clock.
No. 2071555
>>2071553the stats here ignore the fact that japan does not take sexual assault seriously whatsoever and most goes unreported due to their shame based society (shame for the
victims unfortunately).
No. 2071560
>>2071555Most countries don't take sexual assault seriously so I'm sure their negligence is equally shown in the stats.
Which countries do you think does a good job?
No. 2071572
>>2071567Yeah the directors just rape the underage actresses directly so they don't need as many pedo movies to jerk off to, what a "better" medium compared to anime.
>>2071568Show me where every mangaka supported Ken Akamatsu on the basis of his lolicon stance and not something like his stance on copyright.
(derailing) No. 2071580
>>2071571i dont know why i even try to entertain you, its clear you dont have any real argument besides trying to deflect by repeating ''b-but what about x thing, x thing bad too!''.
>>2071573i have already posted why i hate weebs. Funny how none of you are capable of explaining why ken akamatsu was choosen to represent all mangakas in the fight against western pressure to censor anime and manga
>>2071572>Show me where every mangaka supported Ken Akamatsu on the basis of his lolicon stance and not something like his stance on copyright.its literally in the screenshots i posted
No. 2071586
>>2071580>i dont know why i even try to entertain you,You haven't, you've avoided answering my questions and making up dumb strawmen about how we totally watched some anime you hate. You're not entertaining anything, you're like the dmv.
Though to begin with, don't most pirate anime? At least, you should regardless.
No. 2071593
>>2071584>our own screenshot that you posted says that copyright protections for artists were also his platformhere
> In 2020, Akamatsu was invited to advise legislators in the Diet on the future of manga, stating that "[c]ompared to other countries, Japan's forte is its freedom of creativity" and that "a situation where Japanese works are regulated by foreign standards" should be avoided>and also tell me if there was some "anti-loli" candidate that they had the option to vote for.this literally just proves my point kek if they were anti loli there would have been at least one candidate who would have fought against him. But they are all obviously very pro lolicon and thats why they choose him
No. 2071596
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>>2071591Kek that is funny, but also don't miss this antiweeb over here
No. 2071601
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>>2071597But I don't, I actively avoid it and turn off anything that slipped through the gap. Same goes for Western media.
No. 2071602
>>2071597Drawing cars all day, every day.
Maybe, sometimes cooking food. No pedo cinema for me.
No. 2071631
>>2071624>I don't use media>you're using media>w-well not that media!!Go back to drawing your eco friendly EVs
No. 2071668
>>2071665Iirc Toriko wasn't a lolicon manga either.
Though, I don't think it's possible for Toriko's artist to draw anything remotely meant to be sexual.
No. 2071674
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>>2071657A few of these mangakas who get arrested for CP don't really seem to be lolicon artist
No. 2071677
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>>2071674I remember Act-Age also not being a lolicon manga, either.
No. 2071694
>>2071674Ngl I always remember this as the imported vintage 70s German nudist cp magazine guy.
It's what he was caught with and it was just such a specific and weird thing that I can't help but remember it.
No. 2071695
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I think anons ITT are forgetting the levels of brainwash weebs are subjected to from a young age. My only experience with anime is Dragon Ball, something i had to watch while i babysat my 8yo brother. Not only does it have tons of instances where Bulma(who i later found out is 14) gets molested and sexually harassed by an old man, but it also has this disgusting character. I swear to god my jaw dropped when i saw this thing for the first time, i couldnt believe i was seeing a toddler in a fucking micro bikini in a cartoon for children. Later i found out Dragon Ball was really popular with kids, and its possibly the most popular anime ever created. Every weeb defending japan ITT grew up watching this, they think it's normal because they have been groomed to think it is normal.(ban evasion)
No. 2071711
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>>2071695Don't want to make this come across as arguing against you, but Dragon Ball
Z is the most popular anime, not Dragon Ball.
The original was Japanese mythology comedy. Z changes it to be about fighting aliens in space, and that was what became a hit.