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No. 205544

I'm looking for new ones to follow

No. 205546

There's already a Good Artists thread here >>202223

No. 205547

Who are those ones

No. 205597

So… Sakimichan and 9 clones?

No. 205625

The top left and one underneath is sakimichan all the others are copycats

No. 205628

news flash that's all the same artist. https://customwaifus.deviantart.com
Personally don't think they are anything special.

No. 205631

its obvious this is the same artist and that it's not sakimichan. this artist style is much softer and cleaner than sakimichan's art but it's just another example of wasted talent on lo grade anime porn.

No. 205632

didn't you already post this in the bad art thread?

No. 205634

Nice try. You saw the post above yours. News flash you're just as amateur as everybody else who can't tell the difference.

No. 205653

No. I think these are good.

No. 205658

>only pathetic amateurs can't tell the difference between one shiny anime porn artist and a blatant knockoff of that shiny anime porn artist

No. 205673

Thats a knockoff? I must be a huge amateur then, they're equally turds but this is the closest copycat of him I've ever seen

No. 205674

Didn't you think this was 9 different artists before ?

No. 205695

That greentext was my first post in this thread.

No. 205705

You have horrible taste, then tbh. These all suck. I've seen better art on pornhub ads.

No. 205718

Another artist with great potential jumping on the hentai train

No. 205720

That is customwaifus. They look different at first glance because she experiments a lot with brushes and colors but there are a lot of shared elements across most of them.

No. 205721

it looks like shit

No. 205723

I disagree.

No. 205777

You have awful taste then anon

No. 205798

are you like selfposting then? everything about this is bad, the lack of technical skill, the poor color choices, everything just looks doughy or like tubes of cookie dough. head size is wrong, proportions are wrong, light direction is wrong, posing makes no sense. it's not even polished or over-designed enough for it to look nice at first glance, it just looks like someone who doesn't know how to draw, trying really hard and thinking they can use a gimmick (shit coloring and the inability to do linework while keeping it soft looking)

you are shit, and selfposting here isn't going to make people like you.

No. 205803

This is great art. You sound jealous.

No. 205804

so a selfpost or a vandetta, great.

this art isn't good enough or bad enough to merit anything.

No. 205814

You should write it here www.customwaifus.deviantart.com

No. 205816

only 14 year old weebs have DA

No. 205817

>The same exact filename as the identical picture posted in the bad art thread
>N-no I didn't post them!
Come on anon, you can do better.

Anyway it's definitely a selfpost or a vendetta. The artist posted is clearly trying to copy sakimichan by using her facial features and expressions but having no similar grasp of anatomy and colouring.

No. 205819

Which one is sakimichins?

No. 205838

the one that doesn't suck- oh wait.

No. 205843

someone should link her and her 5k+ patrons to defend against one shit poster who thinks she sucks

No. 205879

File: 1506453712360.jpg (16.54 KB, 375x375, 279.jpg)

Jesus Christ, the amount of samefagging is this thread is awful

Anon, just accept that no one here is impressed with your art, stop samefagging to make you feel better and more important, please.

No. 205888

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