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No. 204800
I think that most people are telling the truth, but more lie than most feminists would like to think. However, that's anecdotal to my own experiences. I've known many people who were confirmed to be lying about sexual assault and they do it for a variety of reasons (revenge, extreme need for sympathy, getting out of trouble, to help get justice for someone else allegedly harmed by the person). To me, falsely accusing someone of it is just as bad as doing it and should be considered a sex crime. You're ruining an innocent person's life and the people close to them, plus doing almost as much damage to rape victims since you make people less likely to believe them. I myself even sometimes second guess my friends who I think are telling the truth because the girls (and guys) I've known who lied about their abuse (some of which were friends) always pop into my head. I used to have the "always believe the victim" mentality, but after living in the real world, I realize the liars make it dangerous to apply that to every and any situation. It's sad, but that's the reality.
No. 204803
>>204800". I myself even sometimes second guess my friends who I think are telling the truth because the girls (and guys) I've known who lied about their abuse (some of which were friends) always pop into my head. I used to have the "always believe the victim" mentality, but after living in the real world, I realize the liars make it dangerous to apply that to every and any situation. It's sad, but that's the reality."
That's where the dangerous territory leads anon, I completely agree with you and I myself have known people who lied about their abuse, however, I would never openly doubt someone who I believe lied, sometimes, you can be wrong, I'd rather believe someone who ended up lying than doubt someone who ended up telling the truth, while we live in an innocent til proven guilty place, it's an awful thing nowadays so many rapists get away or go unreported because of how many people are willing to up and believe that they lied
as in the tyler kost case, he had over 18 counts of alleged abuse from girls ranging from 12-17, and as what society does, their "proof" was girls discussing to get together and fuck up his car or something, but they never said themselves anything about making up sexual abuse allegations, which I don't believe for a second a 19 yr old who got a 14 yr old pregnant and goes for girls as young as 12 and admits to touching 3 of their breasts, is innocent, the court set him free sadly and the internet stormed about how all of the girls were shitty sexist liars who have rape hysteria and it sucks because it makes actual rape and sexual abuse victims afraid of going to the police because of this shit
most of the time, from my personal experience, the abuse that people have lied about to me didn't go to the police
No. 204807
>>204805That's so terribly sad to hear anon; i've never been in a position like this before, so obviously i have no idea what your suffering is, but still i'd like to encourage you to tell someone.
Looking at the first posters one would think the opinion in a female dominated forum would be different…
No. 204825
>>204803>I would never openly doubt someone who I believe lied, sometimes, you can be wrong, I'd rather believe someone who ended up lying than doubt someone who ended up telling the truthI never ever share my doubts, I always act like I believe them even when I'm wondering. It would be wrong to question a friend on something like that if there was no real reason not to believe.
>>204806I think it depends on the nature of the rape. I know a lot of people are hesitant to put rape on a scale, but like with any terrible category of things that can happen, some are worse than others. For instance, being 15 and having willing sex with a 30 year old is obviously far less horrifying than being raped so brutally you need surgery. Being raped by your boyfriend in a way that isn't really physically painful (something I myself have experienced) isn't as bad as being raped by someone you're disgusted by the thought of having sex with. I would much rather be a victim of stat rape or spousal rape than falsely accused of sexual assault. However, I would rather be falsely accused (as much of a nightmare as that would be) than raped by someone I'm disgusted by or suffer serious injury from.
Note I'm not saying stat rape and spousal rape aren't traumatic, they certainly are, it's just that they're not as extreme as many other ways to be sexually assaulted.
But yeah, you're brother doesn't seem to grasp just how bad rape can truly get if he applies that across the board.
No. 204926
>>204803>I used to have the "always believe the victim" mentality, but after living in the real world, I realize the liars make it dangerous to apply that to every and any situation. It's sad, but that's the reality."Trust but verify.
I'm going to go ahead and assume we've all had friends who turned out to be pretty shitty people. I think most of my friends are good people, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shitter hiding among them.
No. 204961
>>204929I know a girl who was molested by her older half brother (mother's son). Her father and stepmother listened to her and defended her and kicked the brother out of their house. Her mother, on the other hand, denied and said that she must've been lying or exaggerating what was going on. I know that she was actually downplaying the truth of the matter.
She told them he would try to blackmail her into allowing him to see her naked, but the truth of the matter was that he snuck into her bedroom and locked her in with him while he would touch her and get her to touch him. She was only 10 at the time and it took her a while to get up the courage to say something since she wasn't exactly sure what was happening and also felt scared no one would believe her. Fucking disgusting.
She did end up telling her father and stepmother what actually happened after she had gone to therapy for a while. They completely blocked the boy out of their lives.
To this day she hasn't spoken to her mother since she called her a liar, even though her aunts and uncles keep trying to contact her and tell her to forgive her brother and talk to her mother again. I can't believe how they decided to victim blame her immediately and try to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. At least she had someone in her family that believed her though. I can't imagine how it would've been for her if she had no one.
No. 205006
>>204967Its okay! I even went to the American embassy when I was at that country when the rape incident occurred, but I'm just thankful I'm an American girl. I just went to Latin American conventions since I'm hispanic and would go while staying at said countries.
There are creeps in America yeah, but at least the justice system when it comes to rape is less forgiving here. I'm happily cosplaying again after my long three year hiatus- for those three years I was hiding my identity, going to therapy and taking medication. I'm definitely in a better place now and can identify psychos from a mile away now.
No. 205013
>>205008the crazy girls who lie about rape are blasted so much on the media as if it always happens, when I first found out about women lying about rape, I knew more and more people were going to use it as an excuse to get away with rape, which brings me to look further into cases instead of just "Oh the law said they lied therefore they did"
I also feel like the women who told the court they lied about the rape, in some cases are bribed to do so, or the court is bribed to call it false rape allegation
No. 205157
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what does everyone think about this?
I think it's nasty and the guy should grow up
however, it seems people would rather blame the woman? i see people calling her a piece of shit for not having sex with her husband, how she is selfish and trying to get the lazy bitch reputation, how she's a cheater, etc?
I just don't understand, why would people rather blame the woman for this? if a guy did this people would be defending him "hur dur don't pressure him into sex he just doesn't want to have sex with your smelly pussy"
No. 205161
>>205160And I guarantee you this dude does not even try to find out why. He probably just thinks she's a lazy bitch for not giving him what he wants and doesn't go further than that.
Maybe she is depressed? Maybe she feels insecure about her body? Maybe there really is a medical issue that is causing her to be tired all the time? On a more controversial note, maybe he fucking sucks in bed? Maybe he treats her like trash all day?
Maybe she just doesn't fucking want to. He really should just end the relationship if he's at the point where he's making fucking spreadsheets about this. That's bizarre, and it's clear that he resents her. It won't be healthy for either of them to continue this relationship imo.
No. 205162
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In Morocco there's an artist called Saad Lamjarred who abused and raped a girl in the U.S, before fleeing and doing the same thing to another girl in France, he received the King's support and his own lawyer, was released and defended by his fanbase, he recently released a single making fun of his victim, calling her a liar.
No. 205164
>>205161pretty much, don't mean to blog but I have conditions where penetrative sex is painful to me, while it was frustrating to my partners most of them were understanding and didn't go throw a little bitch fit and be cold about it because they didn't get their sex
if it makes him feel bad I don't hurt my vagina and swell it for a few days just to give him a few minutes of pleasure he can kiss my ass goodbye, idgaf if it hurts his precious little feelings
No. 205175
>>205157i don't want to lose any words on this disgusting man's behaviour.
i just want to say that i don't even think having sex 2 times a month is BAD. i have sex 2 times a month with my partner and we have a hella great of vanilla time and we're both satisfied. wanting to have sex every day? sheesh, kinda gross if you ask me
No. 205178
>>205165it's probably because people don't want to believe rape is real. i think the mainstream idea of rape culture relies on the fact that people are being heartless, but i feel like it's that people are so worried that people actually -do- rape that it's harder for them to believe victims. not saying it's done in a nice way, but i feel like most of these people aren't coming from a place of hate, but rather of shock, and become hateful due to disbelief.
the flipside of this is that many assholes will say the girl wanted sex with the guy if they're attractive. i think it's different when the guy is a creep or looks like a creep, cause people don't assume the girl would want that, but people are very quick to judge the woman when an attractive guy is involved.
that kind of shit is all the mainstream media sees, so they tend to reinforce rape culture strongly for some people but not others.
i had a friend in highschool who (with 3 others) raped an unconscious girl at a party, my first thought was "of course he didn't do it, he's my friend, we hang out, he's nice and not a bad guy." but then that's obvious, accusing my friend without solid evidence would feel shitty. but i really feel like if he was someone i didn't know i'd have believed it right away.
No. 205213
>>205157easy. for whatever reason having sex with him repulses her, either because it's just an in-out-ding-dong game for him or he does stuff she isnt into. and she hasnt got the balls to leave him. his reaction is making a spreadsheet about how often his dick didnt went inside her pussy EVEN THOUGH HE WANTED TO D'OH.
like, a wife is obligated to let herself getting fucking by her husband any time he wants, right? because she is just a piece of meat and is owned by the man, right? because this is the sole purpose of her being, right?
god, i cannot even start with how much im disgusted by him. let me guess, he is us-citizen and doesnt want to divorce because she gets half of his earning?
also why was that shared on facebook to begin with?
No. 205218
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>>205157Original post for context can understand why he did this. In no way am I suggesting the average guy keep a log of his sex life or even that his approach was level headed, but the whole issue was she was focused on her job more than anything, and refused to admit there was a problem to begin with. Her rationalization was that it died down because she was busy, but also tried to say that adults will always lead busy lives. Draw it out to its logical conclusion it's just a dead bedroom indefinitely.
Like I'm sorry but sex once every 2 weeks is pretty low for most people. Are you guys hoping he'd just accept that? If the issue was her needs weren't being met she never even said anything about it on the original thread, it was just 100% her being married to her job. In a perfect world they sought out a sex therapist at some point after this and everyone has a happy ending.
Moreover, why the fuck is this in a rape thread? Regardless of what you think about the guy he's clearly accepting the fact "No means no", otherwise the issue would have been something very different. This pearl clutching about how he must secretly hate her and expect her to put out every time is absurd. Of course a woman can say no, a guy can also be unhappy with her essentially only saying no and try to figure out a solution.
No. 205220
>>205218>Like I'm sorry but sex once every 2 weeks is pretty low for most people. Are you guys hoping he'd just accept that?yes, people in LDR relationships go months without sex, it's not like you're not going to get your sex once and be like "BUT BUT MUH SEX" especially if he's asking her everyday and clearly not being emotional about it, he literally just wants to stick it in a dry hole just to say he did it, if he needs to feel relieved 4 times a day he can jerk off, sex once every two weeks is also pretty normal, if a partner tends to be busy a lot or focused on their career or school, don't know why you think people NEED to have sex o so often
>Regardless of what you think about the guy he's clearly accepting the fact "No means no"I mean, getting this worked up to the point of sitting down, making a spread sheet, then recording every date, or reason why she declined is pretty rape-y, not saying he is a rapist but someone who is willing to go through all that just because they cant't stick their dick in something for more than two weeks, is showing signs of a rapist, someone who has a retardedly high sex drive and can't handle when someone says no without flipping shit
My friend once dated a guy like this, this friend had an issue to where penetration was painful for her, like her vagina would swell for a few days if she tried to stick in a tampon, anyway, the guy she was seeing had a "high sex drive" (I put it in quotations because sometimes I doubt if someone is horny rather them just wanting to accomplish social status or feeling dominate or whatever but thats another discussion)
she explained the problem to him, and she didn't want to do much sexual things in that area because of it, because of that, a few months in the guy would start harassing her constantly, grabbing her butt or boobs at uni, waiting for her in between classes just to harass her some more, he even flirted with other girls and harassed them as well and blamed it on her not putting out, he would often beg and demand her driving him places like a bar with his friends or some shit, harass her while she's driving, even started crying and having panic attacks because she pushed him away when he grabbed her boob, when she would say stop when he acted this way, he wouldn't stop, or try to make compensation "can I at least grab your boob?"
he would sometimes get in her car or apartment then refuse to leave until she put out or had someone take him out, she left him because he was touching over/harassing other women and he threw a fit about it, would get drunk then call her and harass her and call her a whore and stuff, later then the next year he lost several female friends because of how much he harassed her and didn't give any shit about his female friends outside of grabbing their tits and asking them about their bra size and periods, anywho, this guy is one call away from having his ass thrown in prison and being put on the sex offender list
moral of the story - guys who react this way when not getting sex are at risk of being sex offenders or showing signs of it
sage for blogging
No. 205222
>>205220>yes, people in LDR relationships go months without sexAnd that's their prerogative. LDRs are usually comical shit shows anyways for reasons often related to this actually, so maybe not the best example. For most people, sex is important in a relationship. I've seen women even dump partners because of sexual incompatibility, and I don't begrudge them for it. Once per two weeks is not acceptable for many people. Just how long does she need to reestablish herself?
Again, I'm not saying he went about all of this the right way. He unequivocally fucked up in many ways. But trying to say he just sees her as a living flesh lite is absurd.
> if he needs to feel relieved 4 times a dayWe are talking about 30 times over the course of 7 weeks. That's far from an absurd libido, let's work with what actually happened. That's more like once every other day, and this is discounting the fact that he never had a proper release inbetween anyways.
>I mean, getting this worked up to the point of sitting down, making a spread sheet, then recording every date, or reason why she declined is pretty rape-yI don't think you appreciate what rape actually is. Besides if you read the thread it's quite clear he was done, he was walking away from the relationship unless she decided to make an earnest attempt after that. As people in the original post pointed out, it's reasonable to assume she probably told him he was exaggerating (the spreadsheet was over a course of 7 weeks, but she mentioned it had been that way for months) and this was his way of proving she was off base.
>moral of the story - guys who react this way when not getting sex are at risk of being sex offenders or showing signs of itIf we're going to call this a warning sign then god forbid I raise my voice in an argument, I might assault someone using this sort of logic. While I can sympathize with your friends plight, to call it unfair to compare the two is an understatement. He compiled examples of her rejections in his frustration, your friends ex actually sexually assaulted her.
No. 205226 lie about rape all the time, you should be mad at these women, because they're the reason people don't automatically trust rape accusations.
Women also claim that things that aren't rape, are now rape.
For example getting drunk, consensually having sex with a man, regretting it the next day, then claiming he raped you.
This radical feminist hambeast ruined men's lives, and sent them to prison for several years. She got off with a light sentence herself.
Being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped. You can get over a rape and go on with your life, your mental trauma (which women greatly exaggerate, and try to emulate what they've learned from Hollywood movies to garner more attention/sympathy), is nothing compared to having your entire life ruined from a false rape accusation.
>>205157Men have much higher sex drives than women.
Men NEED sex, most men want sex at least once a day,
no man is going to be a relationship with you if you're not providing sex, just like you wouldn't be in a relationship with him if he wasn't providing money.
You think it's okay to deny your boyfriend/husband sex? You call men vile names if they complain about this? Well have fun being single for your whole life.
If you're a woman with no sex drive, and never want to have sex,
THEN STAY SINGLE, NO MAN WILL EVER WANT TO BE WITH YOU. You're literally broken, defective, you're worthless as a woman, the only reason men bend over backwards for women is because they want sex.
If men didn't want sex from women, men would universally ignore you, men hate dealing with women, men hate trying to impress women, men hate how emotional, dumb, and irrational you are, men hate how expensive women are, men hate the huge risks involved with being in a releationship with women (life ruined in a divorce, lose custody of kids, or falsely accused of rape/abuse), it's something they simply tolerate to get sex.
triggered bot is here
No. 205244
>>205226There you have it
>Men NEED sex, most men want sex at least once a day, no man is going to be a relationship with you if you're not providing sex We women don't need sex and therefore we also don't need you, deal with it!
No. 205258
>>204825>I know a lot of people are hesitant to put rape on a scale, but…Agreed, but that's just me, and unfortunately it's not the same for everyone. The truly awful thing about rape is the psychological trauma. I have a friend who was just forced to give a guy a blowjob, and she was way more traumatized than another friend who was brutally raped and had to walk herself to a hospital with a broken nose, covered in blood.
While we can all agree that blowjob girl didn't have it as bad, it seriously fucked her up.
No. 205275
>>205218>Like I'm sorry but sex once every 2 weeks is pretty low for most people.what makes you so sure of this, like who made you boss? not all people (or men even (kek)) have high sex drives
if he needs to fuck more he should get another wife that wants to fuck a lot, not fucking go passive agro like a psycho trying to negotiate sex out of her
No. 205284
>>205226When does your sexbot arrive in the post, my dude?
And also would you say that ~*Divorce Rape*~ is worse than a false accusation? Or the other way around?
No. 205294
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>>205226Lol, you again. What a loser.
No. 205304
>>205284I've used many fake vaginas, some of the best available currently, they don't even feel that good, and I prefer my hand.
I don't have hope of them ever becoming much better, you just can't fake it.
Luckily for you, sex bots won't ever replace the real thing. Men just want to pretend (or hope) they will, because it would lower female entitlement and expectations.
>>205275>he should get another wife that wants to fuck a lotThat's so easy. Why didn't he think of that?
>>205294I can't argue this. I hate women, but would throw myself at the first one who showed interest, and do whatever she said.
>>205366No that was just me temporarily being crazy, I wouldn't actually do whatever a woman says.
My point is that even though I hate women, women's sex appeal is like kryptonite to me.
>>205365This is beyond ridiculous.
If I didn't know any better, I would think it's satire making fun of how irrational and childish feminists are.
>>205363>Almost all of them are really fucking […] aggressive.It's the high testosterone. Any man with high sex drive will have high testosterone, and that equates to higher levels of aggression.
>>205370Have you ever listened to these men?
They have legitimate reasons for complaint, unlike feminists in the western world, who are infinitely more privileged than men.
I wish I was born as a white female, because that would be like living life on super easy mode. They never stop complaining about being oppressed even though they have it so easy, and so much better than men.
>>205371It's true, men's sex drives cause them to act irrationally, women do it without any sex drive.
No. 205375
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>>205373What exactly are you expecting to achieve here? You want to make a bunch of women on the internet feel bad about themselves? Want us to agree with you? Want us to comfort your because you have it so hard? Nobody fucking cares dude. You're a dime a dozen male bitching about women on the internet. My advice to you would be stop spending so much time on the thing you hate the most. Nobody is forcing you to interact with women, be friends with them, sleep with them, marry them…just don't do it. You said it yourself - you wouldn't interact with women if you didn't want to sleep with them. Well, no one here is going to sleep with you. So why are you still here?
Most of all, please stop shitting up this thread by whining about the evil feeeemales. This is not your audience dude. Try reddit.
No. 205376
>>205374Those men don't want Stacy, they're attracted to the opposite in most aspects.
>>205375>What exactly are you expecting to achieve here?No where else to vent, anonymous imageboard is the perfect platform, this is one of the very few boards with female posters.
Trolling feminists on tumblr or reddit isn't fun, like yelling at a brick wall, and the websites don't really allow for it.
>>205368>It's the high testosterone. Any man with high sex drive will have high testosterone, and that equates to higher levels of aggression.really? most guys I met with these so-called high t because high sex drive are the most feminine looking bitchy little cunts I ever met, they're overemotional, some of them grow little to no body hair, and are skinny fat or chubby, why do you think so many sex offenders are ugly as shit?
>>205220I don't think crying and having panic attacks when not allowed to touch a girls boob is "HIGH T AGGRESSION"
No. 205417
>>205365You know, a funny thing about that rant is it has elements of something Jack Donovan (an alt-right chauvinist) would agree with and wholeheartedly add to his party line.
>Men can’t be reformed, they can’t be reasoned with, and they can’t be fixed. They are not broken.>Men are violent and predatory by nature.>Logically, men adore death. They bring death. They like death.Horseshoe theory strikes again.
No. 205447
but why is everyone replying to the little twerp that came into a thread about rape and then started spewing that ~woke~ shiat. he was probably jacking off to rape stories just minutes before
No. 205478
>>205365>As for strength, nobody needs to be able to lift hundreds of kilograms. It is just not necessary. Make smaller loads and go the way twice.You know that shit posting isn't like a fire right? It's not like you can respond in kind and kill it off by depriving it of oxygen, instead they feed into each other and become something worse.
Granted it has some funny bits, like the dead rat helicopter.
No. 207726
>>204779My dear friend was raped by a stereotypically "sporty, hot guy". She has kind of unfortunate face and just doesn't look fantastic. She told me about it and she really looked like she was in pain (physically). She wasn't able to walk properly and she had to go to gynecologist regularly. It's been three years since then and she still is afraid to be alone with any men, sometimes even with children.
The problem is - no one, but fucking nurse and me, believed her. They don't have enough proof and police officer simply laughted when he saw his photo.
I don't think she would lie about something like this and I'm convinced he did it. It's just not possible for her to harm herself to that extent (like her mother suggested), holy shit.
I can't do much about it, I live in a shitty fucking country where any organizations which could help her are laughable.
No. 207752
>>207726Anon,that sounds so horrible, i hope your friend will get better! Not even her mother believing her…
I think that's exactly the problem; we're always talking about shitty incels and people like that online, but this believe of woman faking getting raped has already swapped over into real life