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No. 203690
For the anons focused on their career, education or those who choose to start a business, this thread will be discussing
>how to advance in careers
>uni advice, how to get in, study tips, etc
>business tips, how to starts one, how to manage one
>where you are at right now currently and where you want to advance in a few years
>tips on self motivation and how to organize everything
>books to read for those who want to start businesses, advance in their jobs and help with uni
everyone welcome, from those still trying to find their first job to uni graduates, people on internships and business owners
No. 203701>>203702>>203703
>>203690don't found a startup
it's for people who hate their own lives
that is all
No. 203708>>203889>>204002
>>203703Not all businesses are startups, anon.
A startup is a new company (usually in tech but really any trendy millennial industry like dieting and fitness) whose sole aim is to attract investor funding and grow as fast as possible so it can get big and eventually be sold for lots of money. It usually doesn't have very big expenses or a lot of staff and is most commonly funded entirely by angel investors and loans. It's a corporate pump and dump and lots of young people, especially techie guys, use it to brag and call themselves CEOs despite effectively being sole proprietors of their little companies.
Even more annoying are startup cups, 'think tanks', hackathons and other imported Silicon Valley circlewankery where people like that tend to congregate.
No. 203737>>203742
>>203690Does anybody else work in any kind of art/media or advertising?
I just graduated recently and I have no idea what the fuck to do. I've applied to so many jobs over the past three months and nobody has called. I got really good feedback on my portfolio when I graduated. Someone even said "you're going to go very far…" and I just have to fucking laugh at that now. I'm so scared.
Does anybody have any advice where I can start searching other than applying for jobs on indeed/monster/exc and handing out business cards to anyone who glances at me for two seconds? Preferably without "you shouldn't have majored in something so worthless!11" (I understand that and do regret it but I'm sick of hearing that…can't go back now.)
No. 203742>>203751>>203757>>203806>>203837>>203848>>203903
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>how to advance in careersimo:
- never allow yourself to get exploited
- don't showboat everything you know and can do right off the start
- give it your all when it really counts
- show your skills on projects, do slightly more than it's expected from you
- never snitch on coworkers, try to build alliances
- when you have proven yourself always ask for the top dollar and NEVER let them guilt trip you into thinking you don't deserve it (very often in start ups, "we can't afford you"; "other don't get this much"; "we could get someone to do it for less"; "part of this is THE EXPERIENCE"; "we offer a chill workspace" … what ever the fuck) always try to break down your work into segments and try to put a value on them. how much other people are willing to do it for is not a valid measurement, there's always less fortunate people that will work for less
- EDUCATE YOURSELF on your work benefits and rights. this is so, so, so important. i see so many people getting tricked, like, their employer paying a part of their salary in form of commute costs and such. dump a job/an employer like that in a second
- learn more, don't get fearful, don't show your fear, don't whine
>>203737i am a marketing manager (mostly digital). got this job with no experience, as a sociology/philosophy major. got it because i put together a ~funny~ application using mailchimp, sent it to my mail and then fwed it to them. i do analytics, fb/google advertising, content, mailings, blog, social media, events, pr, advertisment deals with other companies and a touch of it/customer support. i had a 3yr student job as a retail worker/later on manager
if you are into that kind of thing i would recommend you to go over google analytics course, adwords course and reading a few articles on fb ads. photoshop basics are a must in smaller companies. after you get certified for analytics and adwords, come up with something ~creative~ to impress them (even if it makes you cringe) and show them that you are a good person to be around
>"you shouldn't have majored in something so worthless!11" (I understand that and do regret it but I'm sick of hearing that…can't go back now.)don't allow other to victimize you and instil fear in you. fucking baby boomers have high paying jobs and they don't even know how to work a computer
No. 203751>>203852
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>>203742you are amazing anon
No. 203757>>203852
>>203742Thanks for the response anon. You sound like you're a go-getter and very creative and I really admire you for that! I'll definitely look into expanding my skills and acquiring more certifications so I can have more to offer.
>don't allow other to victimize you and instil fear in you.Also thanks for this. It's nice to hear. It's kind of hard to be constantly told "hurr durr liberal arts/fine arts majors are complete useless dumbfucks" and not take it to heart at times. You're very reassuring.
No. 203788>>203804>>203814
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I took a year off of college after high school for financial reasons but I am currently trying to get into college for august 2018, I finally got a job after being desperate to get one and I was wondering what are good ways to make good use of the time before I have to start school in 2018
I'm saving up for LDR but I was thinking of getting internships which will look good on my resume when I want to get into the medical career, I know my family will be willing to pay for an internship rather than a LDR visit hence why I am saving the money from work on that, what are good internship programs to use? I am also very interested in traveling abroad and if the internship is in my boyfriends country it can p much knock out two birds with one stone, has anyone had experiences with abroad internships? if so what programs do you recommend ?
No. 203814>>203822
>>203788Not too sure where your boyfriend's country is, but I'm going to assume Greece. You can try the Erasmus website for internships, or try AIESEC, though you have to pay a ~500 CAD fee since they're a non-profit organization.
I was thinking of taking an internship abroad as well, specifically Europe, but the pay is piss poor compared to where I am and I have pretty heavy school debts… Hopefully money isn't too much of an issue for you though!
Good luck, anon.
No. 203822>>203843>>203908
>>203804I wish I was in college
>>203814thanks anon, I almost got an internship in athens but it was 3K usd at the time and I missed the deadline
I'd kill to have a 500 cad internship fee
No. 203848>>203852>>203855
>>203742I have a few questions about those:
how exactly do you put value on what you do? Like I know I do most of the stuff I did do in last jobs very good, but how do I tell them I deserve more money because of that?
Second question:
I recently had a job interview, I didnt get the job anyway - probably because Im still studying and they preferred someone that does it as main thing - but in the job interview I was ridiculous about the loan.
The loan wouldve been completely negotiated, it wasnt bound to anything. There was nothing in the job announcement about how much it would serve. Unexperienced as I expected her to tell me, what they were willing to pay, but instead they just asked what I would expect to get paid.
How do you do that? And what do you say? Do you start low, hoping it will give you the job or will you start high, hoping they will make a counter offer and you can meet in the middle? How do you back up your expectations and do you do that at all?
Third thing I wonder: At the same interview they were like "You have no experience at all." This isnt quite true. Although I didnt work in the exact job situation before I had lots of work experience I wouldve been able to apply on the new job. How do you argument with something like that? And how do you react on getting made small?
No. 203851
>>203820Is teaching assitent that kind of thing where you assist a professor at college with their lectures and seminars?
Dont be embarrassed. I worked as a teaching assistent before and how good you are or how much experience you got, is completely irrelevant. E.g. I got the job back then because I had made an internship in the exact same project the department was supporting. When I finished studies and had to quit the job, my replacement got the job because his father is also professor, although in another college, city and a complete other area of expertise. Ive seen this with other TA positions at my college too. 9 out of 10 TA positions were given out to students chosen by sympathy or relations not by expertise or anything else.
Dont feel ashamed. Someone else was just better at ass licking or knew the right kind of people.
No. 203852
>>203837>>203806>>203757>>203751y'all made me blush, thank you, you made me out to be more than i am
>>203848setting price on your work:
- use similar job offers on the web as a reference for what other employers are willing to pay for this kind of work
- ask people that work at similar jobs
- ask your own coworkers (or your ex coworkers), this is why having an ally is important. people often get payed differently for the same jobs in same company, just because they didn't know how to negotiate better
- if you are trying to advance in a job you already have, setting a price should be easier because you have a very good grip on everything that needs to be done and you try to find out what coworkers are getting. the price also depends on how hard is it for them to find someone as good as you. try writing your advantages on a piece of paper
- setting your price on the interview: this is hard, because you don't know everything you will end up doing at the company. i would recommend you against starting low! firstly, it sends off the wrong signal (you being desperate and willing to accept shit pay). this is only okay if you are inexperienced and would very much like to work at this company. otherwise you have to figure out a realistic price BEFORE coming to the interview, then add 100 to 200€ (these numbers depends on where you live), that will work as a leverage for negotiation. you have to know your desired netto and make it clear. secondly, not stating the salary beforehand is a manipulation technique that is a red flag for me
if they aren't behaving profesionally and are condenscending on the interview you need to stand up and leave. "you have no experience at all" means they are a) being total dicks, b) trying to manipulate you into thinking youre worth less and then paying you accordingly. if they inquire about your experiences in a civilised manner, then you can start argumenting how you'd apply past experiences on the new job - this is also something you need to prepare before the interview.
No. 203855
>>203848Re the no experience comment, it was hopefully ( fuck them if not) designed to see you defend yourself and see if you can argue confidently and assertively but appropriately. It's about using language they're expecting, partly - what you could have said was Sure, I haven't done this exact job before, but I'll bring a lot of transferable skills to it - for example, my experience with X will enable me to carry out task Y with minimal training. Also, my years spent doing Z demonstrate that I am quick to learn and good at adapting to new skills
etc. its good to go into interviews with some stuff like the rehearsed, so you feel more confident.
re salary, anon above has great tips, another one is to say a range, to demonstrate that getting the top number is not a dealbreaker but also you're confident in being worth more than the lowest possible
No. 203889
>>203708Thanks for explaining. I usually hear about the pros when it comes to startup companies.
Does anybody else have experience or advice on starting a company? What are some easy mistakes that can be avoided? When is it important / appropriate to take risks?
No. 204002
>>203708while I hold the same cynicism as you for startups, I think you need a more broadened outlook on startups.
not all startups have tacky millennial fads for business ideas. there are a lot of startups that have "potential" to become legitimate businesses and make $$$$
No. 204168>>204185>>204187
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How do you guys keep going after being rejected after an interview? Seeing people I know who graduated in the exact same major at the exact same time as me post about their exciting new jobs and all their vacations is making me want to kms. I'm convinced there's something fundamentally unlikeable about that interviewers are picking up on.
No. 204187
>>204168Well first, it's almost certain that a nonzero number of those people had networked their way into the position, so it's not as if all of them had an equal initial footing to other potential applicants.
Second, you are probably just paint a mediocre image in interviews, which will not lead to anything fast if it is a competitive field.
Off the top of my head:
1. Those who interned would look better before , if you have not.
2. Those who have tangible academic results outside of a final project would also look better before the interview.
3. A history of being an proactive and consistent worker will also be a huge factor, since there are certainly plenty of people who are in your exact position without a known work history.
4. A distinct lack of enthusiasm will be a red-flag to interviewers, and outright negativity will be even worse.
5. If you are modest, you have to sell yourself for MORE than you think your worth (but in a way which can be backed up, not baseless), because ideally you will improve in value overtime.
Also, have your interview independently reviewed by many parties, to make sure the language is effective in displaying your skills and potential. Make sure you right a new cover letter for each new position you apply for, since you're the one convincing them of your value, not the other way around.
If really don't have anything besides your degree to back you up… you've got the baseline that EVERYONE ELSE builds upon, so don't think that's the ticket to employment on its own.
No. 204252
>>203903i had to wait two weeks for the whole temp period to reply. too bad for you because i suck at photoshop and have bad advice, but here i go anyway
i'd recommend the basic bitch approach for your first attempt. so basically, you steal photoshop cc2015 and get a nice, clean stock image from pexels (like so what you will do is a simple text overlay
once you understend what you intend to do it's really easy to google all the steps
you need to open up a canvas with desired dimensions (lets say 1200x628, which is a fb standard - but keep in mind that you have to be careful with the 20% text rule on fb). then you open up your stock photo in another tab in ps. when you have that photo open
1. ctrl + a (select all)
2. move onto your canvas tab
3. control + v (paste)
4. (resize your image so it fits the canvas) hold shift and drag the corner of the image inwards
you have a few options now
one is to create a colored shape (or more) with rectangle tool and put text over it. you can also make the box transparent.
one is to make a shape overlay over your whole image to brighten or darken it. you basically make a white or black box over your whole image and than make it transparent and slap text right over it. this way it will pop out more
you have more simple options, just google text overlay (like this but better im kinda in a rush be sure to post results if you get to actually doing any of this. make a couple of this babies to get a hold of layers and then we'll talk more! and please share your marketing exp, i'm really interested
No. 207349
>>206372I will say this right now:
For ANY standardized test:
Start studying NOW. Make studying a part of your life NOW. The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be because the more stuff you will forget.
Also what's even worse: the more expensive it will become as you will need more study materials to stay on top.
Also: find a study partner.
>how can I keep organized and deal with my overprotective psycho parents?Telling them that you're studying for the ACT with a study group would be a great way to get out of the house and get away from them. I had old study partners that would just come to group meetings to mess around on their phone just to escape their stupid real life.
No. 207463>>207472
>>207246I know this sounds like gatekeeping, but if you aren't sure what you want to be doing exactly and you need to pay rent then I would just start moving towards a normal career so you can do arts on the side because being jobless or paid badly is par for the course unless you can find a niche for yourself. In less skilled creative positions there are always art sudents/grads who are willing to do everything for free so employers don't need to pay you much unless it's a rare technical skillset you have, and then you need have the experience on your CV to back up your claims of that thing you can do.
Maybe you're different to me, but I have found that in underpaid creative positions I'm usually putting in so much extra time of my own because I want the projects to succeed that I don't have any time to work on my own thing. Whereas with a non-creative job, as long as you find one where the environment is nice enough that you don't hate every minute, then at least at the end of the day you can clock out and go do your own work.
However if you decide on a specific job route or niche e.g. in-house comms design, then I really recommend doing any relevant internships you can find and also having a passion project in your spare time so you have something of your own to share. There are plenty of resources and ways to get ahead, but you need to know which direction you want to take 'being creative' in and at what cost you are willing to pay for it.
No. 207472
>>207463Thank you kind anon for your reply!
Well for my part now I already do the work during the day and be creative after that kind of thing as a illustrator. And this is what I would continue to do.
I already thought about the traditional career thing, which could be more stable and have "something" to build on it. But I read a lot of times that if I would do an apprenticeship after my studies, it would be useless and a waste of time. This is one thing that makes me not so easy to go into this direction. And if I would end this, I would be already 29, which is really old.
But otherwise I have no idea how to change my direction, I mean I can't just apply for jobs that I can't do? Idk maybe I'm a bit stupid here but the way to change this path is still a big question mark for me.
No. 224817>>225184
>>224779do you have a car and do you look in the outskirts for a house? my parents aren't rich by all means but the main city they worked in, they brought a house in a small rural town about 15-30 minutes away and just drove the the city everyday and it was only about 400 usd a month
for making money, with stocks, you have to invest for a long time in order to make enough to actually help you, if that's what you want to do then go for it but just be prepared
No. 224832>>224833
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How do I deal with this 5 day work schedule so I don't die from exhaustion?
I work at a hotel and have started doing night audit (11pm-7am) twice a week, back to back. The other 3 days, I work a normal 9-5 shift doing housekeeping-related things. I have 2 days off, also back to back.
I guess no matter how I schedule it, one of these days, I'm going to be working from 11-7 and then coming back to work an hour later for my day shift. So far, that hasn't worked out at all. When I come back in for my day shift after doing night audit, I'm exhausted and leave after 3-4 hours or don't even come back because I'll have been awake for like 24 hours.
For reference, my schedule for the past 3 weeks has been Mon/Tues - off, Wed/Thurs - 9-5 shift, Fri/Sat - 11-7 shift, and Sun - 9-5 shift.
I'm hoping I don't have to quit night audit because it came with a $2 raise and is a lot easier on me physically than housekeeping, but the conflicting shifts is really increasing my depression and stress and causing me to be sleep deprived. Any advice?
No. 225184
>>224817I currently live with my parents in the outskirts that's like 20 minutes away from my bf's workplace and it's such an ideal location. My parents paid a tiny fraction of what the houses in the area cost now (99% less…it's insane). I'm so jealous of them lol.
A studio apartment here is at very least 600€/m (730$/m) plus I'd spend about 100€/m (123$/m) on transport. Which isn't too bad at all it's just I# not sure if those areas are safe. My bf grew up in a pretty rough area so I think he's eager to escape from that life.
No. 225729>>225803>>225861>>225895>>225913
This is kind of half-vent, half-begging for advice as to what to do with my life.
I just turned 25 and my resolution for 2018 was to get my life together and move out of my mother’s house so she can stop sabotaging my life. I have a car I’m paying off, a GED, I live in Florida and I’m dirt fucking poor with no assets. I want to be a mechanic since I already know how to work on cars a little (maybe 35% of hat I need to know currently) but I want to get into a school where I can learn everything I need to get my ASE certification and start making money. Problem is, I can’t find any programs locally that are less than ~2 years, or offer financial aid. I also want to relocate to California, mostly because Florida disgusts me on so many levels (religion, economics, politics, healthcare, mental health, social services, etc.) that I just have to get out of here.
I was looking at Universal Technical Institute in Long Beach, and their website says they offer student housing assistance, but when I called admissions to get info the guy said the LB campus was more reserved for locals and that it would be all but impossible to get housing for that campus (wtf?), and he suggested the Rancho something campus. Problem is, I went online to look into that one and every single review that isn’t an empty profile is 1-2 stars and all about how they rush you through the program and it’s just a giant cash grab and ripoff. Now I feel crushed.
I just want to be a fucking mechanic so I can be independent and make enough money that I can have the things I want and travel without having to get it from a man like every other woman in my family. Problem is, every step of the way I feel like I’m being ripped off or pushed toward programs that are designed to exploit poor people to get money from the state.
I have to find a school I can go to without having a massive nest egg saved up, that offer FAFSA and financial aid and housing because I have no way to save money in my current situation because if my medical problems, shitty insurance, inability to hold good jobs because of medical and mental issues and being soooooo far away from everything. My only option is to relocate or spend the next 5 years living with my mom to “save” the spare $15-20 I have left after my expenses every month to move.
I feel so alone and helpless, like just because my family assumed I would be cool with being like them that I didn’t need to finish school (they let me drop out due to my depression bc it was cheaper than therapy & they thought school was just a toxic environment) but I’m not. I want to feel like an adult for the first time in my life, but it’s like every step I take to move toward that I get flagged by someone who wants to steer me toward something like an X ray technician or a teacher. I hate people, I like machines and engines. The more people suggest I get people-based jobs the angrier I get. I’ve had almost a dozen CS/retail jobs and I hated every one of them because I hated feeling like a servant to the public (another shitty attitude my family taught into me, people who work entry level jobs past 23 are failures).
I can’t do all this alone, and despite being surrounded by my family and having them help me when I have bills I can’t pay they do fuck all for me when it comes to real issues like how to find a good school and how to move across the country without being raped and murdered or going bankrupt. I wish I had a real adult to look up to who could help me get my life together and not just parrot self help bullshit to me over and over again, like “just get a better job!”/“just start saving money!”/“just cut back and live below your means!”. I go to work and pay bills, lurk lolcow and watch Netflix or basic cable, that’s all. I spend money on food and necessities and then I’m broke. I’m stuck in a self-defeating cycle and I can’t get out because everyone who can help me only wants me to help myself.
Sorry for blog post and typos, I feel like a dying animal stuck in a trap when I start thinking about it all too much.
No. 225861>>225889>>225908
>>225729as a warning, California is very fucking expensive. If you want to go to school here relocate first and wait a year to get California residency so you qualify for cheaper education and assistance.
Why California?
No. 225889
>>225861nta but i was curious about prices
>tfw luxury apartments in LA are the same price for my luxury apartment in my shit city on the east coastfug.
No. 225908>>225941
>>225861Because wet coast. I lived in Washington before and loved it but thanks to an ex I have mixed feeling about going back there.
Yes, I know California is expensive, anywhere worth living is going to be. I can’t save money I’m not making to move, the goal is to get there, get a job immediately and start working. Where I live now, and with my situation the way it is, I
literally cannot wait and save money to move. I’ve been trying for the last 2 years since I moved back here from Washington. If I don’t get out of Florida soon I won’t evwe because I have
literally no way to make money here. I don’t know why when I say that people don’t understand it? I’ve sold everything I had to sell that was valuable, applied for every job I can afford to drive to, applied for every assistance program including disability for my major depressive disorder but was denied. I’m desperate and I’m getting sick of going in circles with “save up money!” and “maybe move somewhere else?” Like I haven’t been trying everything and thinking of anybway to make this work that doesn’t involve sugaring.
No. 225939>>225958>>226028
>>225913I don’t really want to be stuck here until I’m 28, though. I don’t even want to be ere
now, I only moved back here because I got completely emotionally shat on by my first real BF when I lived in Washington and my mom used it to manipulate me into moving back here and trapping me. I forgot what a shithole this place was and how horrible it is to be mentally ill here. My goal is to get out of Florida so I can get help for my major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder without being zombified on drugs I’ve already tried that don’t work.
I know it seems like I’m complainif a lot, but again, it’s frustrating because I have to get out of Florida or I’m not going to be okay. That’s all it boils down to. I don’t care if it’s just me being unstable and projecting all my problems knto the state but I can’t live in a place this backwards and fucked up, without any money, and with a passive aggressive hugbox family who can’t and won’t help me get anywhere. I need emotional support and stability in a safe place, not a women’s shelter or a shitty temp job where I get screamed at by people until I break down and cut myself in the break room (true story). I can’t function, but all my therapists and doctors I can manage to see (for a few weeks before I lose coverage again bc I lose another job for being “too hard to work with”) want to put me on Prozac and Wellbutrin and sedatives to zombify me when I keep telling them my family is what’s making me sick. My family and this evil tiny town I live in where everyone knows my family as the weird hermits with the crazy daughter and son, so I literally can’t
just apply for every job that’s hiring around here. Living in a small town and having a bad reputation for being “crazy” due to mental illness you can’t treat without being useless is a literal hell. I’m not being dramatic. I’m fucked yo and I have no support and if I’m not careful, I’m gonna end up drugged out of my head and stuck here or in a state run facility and drugged Oot of my mind. My anxiety gets worse every day I’m stuck with these people but I have nowhere else to go that I
know is safe.
No. 225943>>225946
>>225941I made it in Washington, which has a much higher cost of living. Cost of living doesn’t scare me because if I can get a job somewhere I can make good money (because guess what- states with higher costs of living have higher wages to compensate) and get treatment (which I did in WA on Obamacare, before my mom convinced me to move back). I know I can do it because I e already done it before. The only difference is, when I moved to WA I had a place in state to live with already and that’s no longer an option- when I moved out, someone else moved in. Which is why I’m trying to find a way to get a job
and housing. I just don’t know of any programs or way to do that other than colleges I can’t get into with a GED.
No. 225946
>>225943>>225944Did I say that? You're so mentally defunct that you aren't even reading. If you aren't even able to make and save money while you're living at home then you are definitely going to be out on your behind in California since you have nobody there. Just because wages are higher in California doesn't mean squat when housing there is still high as fuck; hell it's still one of the states with the most homeless people. Skid Row isn't just a fairy tale.
First, you need to grow a pair and drop this whole "safe-space" nonsense. Get right in the head and then decide to make a cross country move on your own. The moment you realize that there's shitty people in California, you'll be back in a store closet cutting yourself and having a mental breakdown.
You need help and support, not taking on one of the most stressful things a person can do.
No. 226028
>I need emotional support and stability in a safe place, not a women’s shelter or a shitty temp jobThat is precisely where you will end up if you come here so ill-prepared. The cities in California you mentioned will chew you up and spit you out. We have a reputation for having liberal social services which attracts people in situations like yours and worse, but so many of these people are unable to make it here and end up homeless on the street or, if they are lucky, in one of the over-crowded shelters after waiting on a list for weeks. Eventually, after months or years, they may win the supportive housing or below-market-rate housing lottery for a small SRO room or studio apartment where they will live trapped in poverty financed by General Assistance or SSI/SSDI.
I moved here over 20 years ago and have personally observed this cycle.
No. 232284>>232303
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I am not sure if this is the correct thread to post this but I have a question. It is about a coworker that leaves our company and I am not sure if my text for her farewell card is appropriate or not.
We have only known each other for a few months but she helped me very much and I really appreciate her help and how good she always was to me. She teached me many things in my first weeks and without her help I would not have a good start. I am not sure if my text is appropriate because I did not do much with her apart from some projects and occasional small talk. Is it appropriate is I write this on her farewell card:
>Dear [her name],
>Thank you for teaching me so many things. Working with you was always agreeable.
>I hope you stay sunny and jolly as always and that fortuna blesses you with lots of luck for your future.
> - [my name]
I feel like this is probably too cheesy but I don't want to write down one of those soulless "good luck on your new jawb" texts. I am really conflicted because I don't want her to have a bad memory of me. All the other coworkers will also sign it so everybody can read everyone else's text. I am glad for any improvement tips.
No. 232307>>232320
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i got fed up with my boss today and walked out on my break.
my job was fucking annoying and i'm super glad i left, but what now??? i am feeling in panic mode cause i only have a shitty back up option, but i also kind of want to try focusing on a career instead of just getting an OK office job again.
Sorry if this isn't the thread for this.
No. 232320
>>232303hey thank you for your reply. What do you think about replacing agreeable with enjoyable?
>>232307my mother did something similar once. She ragequit her job because dispute with her boss. Then on her way home she realized that she will be in trouble. So she phoned her doctor and made an appointment. Told him how they bullied her at her job and how they stressed her too much. Doctor was a good guy and wrote her a piece of paper that she was not capable of working for the next few months. She still got her paycheck and the company could not fire her for a few months or years (cannot remember right).
No. 232610>>232642>>232647>>232653>>232659
is employment vent allowed?
what the FUCK is with american employers?
shitty factory jobs want you to have 5 years of experience just to sit down and put chocolate in a box all day, sometimes they don't even bother responding to your application which sucks because today's applications take hours to fill out
popeyes, barnes and noble, kfc, victorias secret, for some reason all require all this experience to be a minimum wage cashier, what the fuck ever happened to being a starter job? how in the world are people supposed to get experience if they don't even let you do what, back in the day, was most peoples first afterschool or summer jobs?
you have to get certifications for everything, I even knew a woman who worked in a pharmacy until a law was passed that they need to go to school to do that and now works at a minimum wage thrift store, bartenders, another job that most people of age could get now require all kinds of stuff, minimum wage servers and bussers require certifications what the literal fuck
jobs like data entry, admin assistant, receptionist, for some reason, all require associate degrees or bachelor's? like the fuck? you have to go to college for 8-13 dollar an hour jobs that literal monkeys? the fuck?
say you do get a job, employers today are cheap and hire part-timers so they don't have to give insurance, you barely get enough hours but get low wages, and on top of all that, high price of living, as in shitty rural areas want people to pay 1200+ dollars a month for a crappy, falling apart 1 bedroom house, insurance costs a lot, food stamps and medicaid will take months to help you unless you're a single mom, overqualified people are killing themselves and living with their parents since most fast food places, restaurants, monkey work type jobs or whatever won't hire them, like what the fuck do you want?
No. 232642>>232659
>>232610I hope it's allowed cause I'm having to make the hard decision if I'm going start one of these data entry job at short notice. It's because of basically everything you said. You never know if you even get a job with a fucking bachelor so you add a master on top but can't really afford it (my current problem) and then you consider working in a shitty job to get some sort of work experience and make ends meet. The company called me this week after being on their waiting list for 5 fucking months if I could start next week and it's a shitty repetitive job at minimum wage and I agreed cause I was nervous and stupid on the phone but then I was crying all day and immediately regret my decision. Probably not going to start there cause I can't move to a place two hours away within one week. I will find something else. Working life is so scary nowadays with these expectations employers have. Studying already gave me the worst anxiety cause you always feel pressured to do more certifications and get work experience while also taking classes or writing term papers at the same time. And when you need more semesters than scheduled you're afraid nobody is going to hire you.
Sorry for this mess, just wanted to let that out
No. 232647>>232653
>>232610Not just the US, it's the UK too. You have to jump through so many retarded hoops to get an entry level job anywhere, including retail - manning a register and processing money. No one can be bothered training anyone anymore due to sheer laziness and the compulsion to push all that aside to make money. Why waste time/money on a young new-starter when they can get some newly made-redundant middle aged person with a least some experience of having a job to do it instead? It fucking boggles my mind and really boils my piss.
The fucking stupid thing is though, even with experience, you still get no where. I have nearly 10 years of proven experience in customer service, sales and front of house management, yet I am getting knocked back daily for roles I could very easily fulfil, and I have no idea why. My CV is spot on, I write individual cover letters. And nothing. It's stupid. And it really annoys me when older folk are like 'Just go and ask to see the manager'. No. It's not the 1950s anymore where they'd let any Tom, Dick or Harry waltz into a job with zero experience of qualification. Your generation made sure of that and capitalised on it and fucked it all up for those who followed They have us in a stranglehold, literally fighting over jobs and causing depression and suicide because of how completely ridiculous the whole thing is.
I have a job at the moment but it's not full time. I applied for 25 jobs 3 days ago and haven't heard back from a single one yet. In the past month, I have applied for 72 different jobs. There's only so many times you can hit that 'send' or 'apply' button, watching your details zip off into cyberspace to no avail before you start wanting to throw yourself under a bus.
Sorry for ranting like a dick, but I'm really fed up of work and jobs at the moment.
No. 232653>>232658
>>232610I teared up reading your post because it was all true. The world is developing into a very ugly mess and I feel like I cannot keep up with all those changes. The future looks bleak…
Employers can be so picky because there is just too many applicants. Basically they get 150 applications per new job ad and they are too lazy to read all those so they place impossible expectations to root out all the weak people. The other reason why they do it is because they want to hire foreigners anyways. Like they want a computer engineer from Malaysia so they will place an ad with impossible expectations and claim they cannot find anyone in the US. Then they can just hire the guy from Malaysia.
>employers are cheapThis. In yurop there is this discounter supermarket chain that claims they pay above minimum wage. However, they do not mention that this only applies to full time employees and they only hire the store managers for full time. Everyone else is on a max. pensum of 50% so they don't have to pay into the pension fund of the employee. I find it disgusting how they take advantage of single moms who need the money and cannot find anything else and then also have the frivolity to present themselves as the saviors of the world.
>high price of livingit is incredible how expensive everything became. The worst thing is that those things that got most expensive are the ones you cannot just change or drop. You need an appartement. You need healthcare insurrance. When those 2 alone amount to more than half your earnings already there is not much you can do anymore.
>overqualified people are suicidingI know from my mother that a lady she works for has a son. He is in his mid 40s, has a masters degree and more than a decade of work experience and he cannot find work. When I heard this I thought she was joking.
>>232647The worst thing is that when you apply to one company and they do not want you, you know that if you applied again they would probably not want you either. So basically every rejection you get is one more company you can forget ever working for. There are only so many companies you can apply for and eventually you will run out of new ones…
I wish you luck though and I am sure you will find something. Do not give up.
No. 232658>>232769
>>232653Thank you lovely. You are so right about applying multiple times to one company. I have applied 5 times to work for the Royal Mail, which I fit the person specifications for on all points, yet I always get an email back saying I am unsuccessful. What annoys me the most is that you see absolute idiots in these positions and I always wonder how. How the hell did this guy get it over me?
Another thing that bugs me is that even small independent businesses will not provide any sort of critique or feedback on your application, so you are always left wondering what is it you're doing wrong. I have taken to replying to them and asking, but you never get an answer. One time I did get a reply, and the advert was for a online sales rep position in a small place that is 20 minutes drive from here, and they told me that I lived too far. The office was about 6 miles from door to door, yet they were advertising further afield. I don't get it. It's times like this I think about doing sex work or becoming a lunatic or something.
No. 232659>>232660
>>232642>>232610In the exact shitty position fellow anons. Since getting my BA almost a year ago, have yet to land a full-time job. I haven't kept track, but have applied to probably +30 with interviews for 5.
I've been rejected because I lack traditional office experience even though I don't hear back from any of the entry-level office jobs I've applied to.
I thought I had a good chance for a claims position at a big company when they decided to put the job posting 'on hold'. Finally heard back and set up a new interview with one of their other offices.
All the while I'm still having to work my grocery store job where I make not even $9/hr yet I've done so much to get experience doing more than just cashiering.
I'm on the verge of being a TSA agent at the airport even though I can see that being a dead-end job.
Also people's advice of "get an internship!!" is bullshit. Very few paid internships and all I come across are for people still in college, not some loser already with a degree I guess.
No. 232769>>232791
This is me again from previous post tagged below.
>>232658I was in contact with a online fashion retailer to do their late night customer service shift, they emailed me 10 minutes after I applied and then called me while I was on shift so I couldn't answer in time. I called them back, but no reply. The next time I called, I got in touch with the woman who wanted to talk to me to further discuss the role. She then said she would be in touch to organise an interview with me. This was 2 days ago. All sounded positive and she seemed quite impressed with what I had to offer.
20 minutes ago I receive an email stating that they are no longer interested. No reason or explanation other than the fact that I am suddenly no longer a suitable applicant for the job. I've emailed them back to ask why. It's only fair, right?
I'm so fucking disappointed right now. I feel like crying but I am so numb with this shit I don't think I physically can. But I am so done with everything. I can't face going into my current job any more. It's physically exhausting me, and getting knocked back from everything is pushing me to the absolute limit. Fuck it all.
No. 232791>>232891
>>232769I don't understand this either. Maybe they just found someone who did it already for another company or something and dropped you. The job market is really ruthless for young people.
>physically exhausting memine is mentally exhausting me. After years of neetdom I just cannot function in society properly anymore. I often oversleep and I am slow. On my train ride to work and from work back home I usually sleep. It is only a matter of time before they get rid of me. I know this is entirely my problem and I am very sad that I am not capable of beeing the employee they deserve to have. They gave me a chance I did not deserve and I dissapointed them.
No. 232840>>232906
>>232793indeed helped me a lot, I know there's a lot of places that say "bring in your resume!" or "apply online!" but sadly, most of those don't care or won't read it
indeed most of the time actually has the intent to hire people and linkedin
No. 232891>>232906
>>232791I am hoping I get a response today, if not, I will be phoning up on my lunch to ask!
And you do deserve your job, it might jut take you a while to get into the swing of things. It's taken me 5 jobs to finally settle with the fact I have to interact with society and the general public on a daily basis. I hate it, but at the moment I am willing to lick shit off the pavement to get food on the table. My job mentally exhausts me but only because customers in general aren't a bright bunch of people and some of the other girls I work with are bullying a small group of us because we are younger and better at the job than they are. They follow us around the store, time us on our breaks and say lots of horrible thing, thinking we can't hear them. These are 40+ year old women btw.
I've calmed down a lot since last night but I am still fucked off.
Oh, and yeah, seconding Indeed for interviews. Maybe look into getting your CV combed through by a professional too, or if you have a friend/family member in a management role, get them to have a look at it and see what they would change/add!
No. 232906>>232914
>>232840>>232891Thanks. I do use Indeed to search, it's my main one.
And I'll see if one of the lab technicians from my uni will look at it as I am mainly looking as those types of jobs. I have had a lot of feedback on this before as my CV had to be marked for coursework every year during my degree but that doesn't really seem to have helped.
No. 232914
>>232906That's a really good idea, definitely get one of them to check it out. I know you know what field you want to get into, but sometimes people in the industry can give you some pointers even if it's something as simple as changing the wording for something. My partner is in marketing so he knows how to appeal to management, so that has helped me a lot in regards to knowing how to write to get a potential employers attention.
Keep plugging away though. You'll nab something eventually!
No. 232931
>>232793Have you been writing a special cover letter for each posting? I have written a cover letter for every serious position I've applied to because it's basically mandatory now for young people. I use a lot of the same paragraphs describing my duties and skills from work and school, but you also have to tailor it to include words used from the job posting. I was told since some places get so many apps for one posting, a computer goes through searching for relevant terms and filters out ones that seem generic and don't mention anything listed from the posting.
Even with all of that I've never heard back from retail stores or places that would seem easy to get an interview so don't be too upset anon.
No. 235472>>237515
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I found a few data entry and office clerk jobs that are accepting people who want to apply with no office experience or degree. I want to apply but what are the chances they'll actually accept me - someone who comes from a food services and retail working background only?
I feel very nervous and like I'll look clueless if I do go for it but I really want a real job and need to get out of deadend retail. Anyone else start off doing office work like this or is it unlikely? I plan on going to college some day when I can afford it but I'm not sure for what yet. I'm also seeing that most of these office jobs that don't require experience are only 1-2 dollars more than what I currently make in retail so it shouldn't be difficult, right? The only thing that really puts me off is they want someone with basic knowledge in Microsoft Office and I haven't used that software since middle school technology class lol. I am a fast learner though and more than qualified in basic PC handling so maybe I can get away with it.
No. 238433>>238522
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How did you get your jobs, anons? How do you switch careers?
I've been working in the hospitality/restaurant industry and now I just desperately want to break into a desk job as an office assistant or receptionist. Partly because it'll be easier to go back to college (via night classes). I know I'll be great at it, but I'm finding it hard to get any of these people to give me an interview due to my lack of experience!
No. 238522
>>237921electro industry after 2 years of college in a related subject
>>238433temp agency speciallized for industrial customers
No. 240892
>>240417I know it's said that you should call and check up but honestly, at least in my experience, it doesn't really change anything. I am in charge of hiring people at my job and just the sheer volume of applicants we receive is already a bit much to handle. I've had ppl call to check up but it has no effect on the decision; it's all about their resume/experience and mostly the interview.
When I've said "we'll let you know" it basically means "if we decide to offer you the job, we'll let you know."
Bigger companies with HR depts will usually take the time to draft up an official rejection letter/call, but I've found that to be pretty rare.
Anyways, it's just anecdotal evidence, doesn't necessarily mean much. I do hope you hear back!! It can be tough out there but just keep trying!
No. 241785
>>241776If they want an English CV, they want an American style one. Just google Cover Letter and CV and build one yourself. For your internet connection, do you have a friend who has a better connection?
>>241779Or they just know that most foreigners speak English. If they're looking for foreign students, they're looking for foreign students.
No. 243387>>243392>>243668
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>>243386You probably should've asked what the dress code was. Did they happen to provide you with an employee handbook? Those usually say what the proper attire is. Smart casual is a safe bet, and no one is going to be mad at you for overdressing. I work in an office, which is also pretty casual. I dress in jeans with a blouse, skirts and dresses that aren't too short or have a low neckline, and sometimes linen slacks with a modest top.
Attached should give you a pretty good idea, but I wouldn't wear the shorts. Despite what most fashion bloggers say, shorts are still frowned upon in the office unless they hit your knees.
No. 243392>>243428
>>243387>>243388Thanks anons!
Unfortunately I didn't ask about the dress code because I'm an idiot and I don't have any paperwork that mentions it, either. That picture gives me a very good jumping off point though, so thank you.
No. 243428>>243431>>243668
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>>243392even if it is "casual" dont slag off. start off with something you could wear in a really catholic and conversative sunday church meeting.
no tight clothes, no open shoes, no cleavage whatsoever, colors not to bright.
natural make up. then you should be fine. if in doubt rather "overdress" (business attire wise) than underdress, until you figured the dress code out. take a blazer with a long sleeved shirt, so you can take the blazer off and style down relaly quick.
blue, beige, black should always be fine.
you could still also call a secretary from the firm and ask about it.
No. 243670>>243698
>>243668Same, my grandma was the same way, she said anytime she went to apply anywhere they'd laugh, anytime I went anywhere business related I'd get babyed and treated like I didn't know what was going on, it doesn't help I have a high pitched voice and yesterday I got a business related call and they doubted who I was and insisted "I was a child"
I just wish I can keep the benefits of being childish but also have be able to be treated like an adult
No. 243671
>>243668Oh forgot
What works for me is adapting makeup styles of women around you, older women here tend to wear lots of eyeliner on their lower waterline, big eye lashes and dark purple or brown eyeshadow, contouring helps a bit but me being a pale anemic most bronzers just make my face look dirty especially around my nose, sharper, more arched eyebrows help to, by adapting makeup styles of older women around you people in your area associate it with being older
No. 243698
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>>243670Fuuck this feel. It's so hard getting a job cause everyone thinks you're incompetent. I have to purposely lower my voice for anyone to take me seriously.
No. 243704>>243707
>>243702Im also venting because having a bunch of short term doesnt necessarily look good on my resume
I've had one lt job and it was at a family shop id help out at, i volunteered for a camp, then retail and this one was my current, and it sucks because I just rejected a medical office job (which is the field im going to school for) because they wanted someone full time and I had to teach 2 days week
Is there something wrong with me anons
No. 243707>>243708
>>243704>Is there something wrong with me anons>cries at work>gets fired quickly for being late one timeUhhh, might I suggest faking being a normal person? Not even kidding.
It's no big deal though, if you explain why you got fired to a new employer, they'll take your side.
No. 243708
>>243707I'm not perfect and i know nobody likes that excuse but when you're struggling to eat and your employer pays you minimum wage and refuses to give you more than 20 hours despite having more than enough free time it takes a toll on health
Im not good at socializing, I have the basics down and know how to be friendly and relatable but im not good at reacting or being prepared if that makes sense, one part of me wants to blame employers for expecting perfect robots of employees or they'll ditch another part of me thinks its my fault and they shouldn't be forced to hire me
I try my best to be normal, its just I dont know how to be prepared for things that pop up, like I feel like someone who was more confident about being late once would have just gotten a pass
No. 243709>>243712>>243715
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Call center anon here, I'm thinking I fucked myself big time.
Today there was a massive firing of employees who apparently did something that I named line "camping," which means they call to an internal number with a high wait time so they can be on hold so as not to take any inbound calls. It's like giving themselves a break–everyone knows this is a thing, but most don't abuse it.
Why do this? It's not kosher, but it's something many people do/did because we get thousands of calls, sometimes for days back to back, and we never get an opportunity for a break between calls unless our managers like us and we can sign out for a few minutes. Sometimes we can't even clear our screens before the next asshole pops up on the computer. It's especially hard for people like me with social anxieties, because one call could go smooth but the next we could be getting reamed for a problem we aren't at fault for.
But anyway, I've definitely done camping a few times and now I'm nervous that my job is on the line. My manager likes me, and recently I was recognized as being a top sales employee.
I make so much money for this company, I've gotten a great image and my coworkers really do think I try hard. I'm not disliked by anyone.
Now I'm afraid I've ruined everything and there's no one to blame but myself. All because I was too much of a coward to face the screaming, idiotic public for 9 hours solid and avoided calls sometimes. I don't know how far operations is retroactively auditing our call activity, or if they're only targeting suspected 'problem' employees.
All I know is I could be supremely fucked.
This would screw the great relationship I've got going on with my supervisor.
It would screw my plan to travel to Japan.
I would have no choice but to move back in with my parents.
If they walked me out tomorrow I would consider suicide, tbh.
No. 243715
>>243712>>243709I used to work for a company like this and for the most part they don't really have access to the dialed numbers, just the time and if it was inbound or outbound and in company or not. If your work has you talking to other departments they likely won't notice or care, but it sounds like people were very obviously abusing this.
I remember once a girl at my work got fired for talking shit about our supervisor on the chat program, she was messaging her friend with the same name, but messaged the supervisor instead by mistake, then they started monitoring it, but didn't check retroactively.
No. 243876>>243880>>243882
>>243811>>243824Thank you anons <3
I feel a lot better now, im applying to some places right now, I'll contact an umemployment office tomorrow, the only problem is I don't know how I'll tell my family, especially since they were happy for me and cheering me on
No. 538847>>538849>>539794
>>537162I cannot stress this enough: always choose a practical educational path over a "fun" one. You'll get tons of people telling you to ~study what you love~, but that's honesty the worst advice a university student can receive, especially in the USA where chances are you're gonna end up with a fuckton of student loan debt (unless you're in the lucky minority who gets their college bill footed by family).
It's been really tragic seeing most people I know who attended college end up as waitresses because it pays better than any other job they can find in their field. Don't become one of those people.
No. 539794>>540385
>>538844>>538847Thanks for the advice anons. As for debt, I have a full academic scholarship so that is not a worry for me thankfully. But I know I should still major in something practical.
CS anon, how is it? Do you enjoy it in any capacity or are you just doing it for the $$?
Any advice for which fields I can look into?
Do you think becoming a lawyer is an unpractical field?
No. 540385>>540389
>>539794I am enjoying it so far. I'm almost done with the degree (1 class left) and I've learned a lot so far. I enjoy being able to make apps/websites and then designing a colorful layout for it or having menus come out in creative ways. I also enjoy solving programming puzzles on codingbat and leetcode. If I want to eventually make work from home on the side through Fiverr or similar, that's always an option.
I never considered being a lawyer but I heard it was oversaturated.
Do what's best for you.
There are a lot of negative
problematic men in my classes and after reading brotopia, I am not looking forward to it. As long as I get my coin and make friends with nerdy tech girls, that's all I want.