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No. 1992283

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post about this, I'm new. I got banned from Crystal Cafe and I want to complain about it and someone told me this place was a good alternative. Plus I figured you all could share your complaints about it too. I found an old similar thread but it was locked and hadn't been used in a while so I figured I'd start a new one. I can't be the only one with the problems I had(duplicate thread)

No. 1992304

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so I'm just going to tell you guys about my experience with the chan. So I actually found it years ago from a friend on discord, and would periodically just visit the image boards once or twice a year from 2019/2020 onward to save some pretty aesthetic images to my computer and then leave. Recently though, I decided to start checking out other threads and posting. I was having a lot of fun interacting with everyone else, other than the guy who kept spamming pictures of shit all the time. I made a thread of pretty images for the dual purpose of acquiring pretty images for my collection and keeping shit off the front page. I did this every night for like a week, maybe half a week, along with reading and posting in various other threads. One of those threads /feels/ was a venting thread. There was a girl in there talking about how she's sick of seeing guys on chans keep talking about how much they think asian women are hot and white women are gross and manish. This seemed pretty relatable to me as I am white and pretty much every guy I've ever been with has had a preference for asian girls, and has said similar comments to my face. So I made a post that at the time I felt was saying, "I empathize with how you feel but it's still wrong to hate asian women because of it. However, I worded it super poorly and it did not come across that way. If I had taken the time to reread it, I probably would have picked up on that, but at the time it seemed innocent enough.

No. 1992309

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attached is the message I got banned for, along with my ban message. I tried to appeal to it by explaining my intention and stuff but to no avail. I found a way to post on the website again and started posting about my ban. I also reread the rules and saw there was a rule against talking about race that I had missed the first time. I went on from there with the assumption that was why I got banned and started editing images of anime girls holding signs asking to be unbanned. In the meantime, the guy who was posting pictures of shit was back at it again and so I shifted my attention back to that (especially because he was doing it on my new "this is too harsh" thread)so I went back to trying to keep it off the front page (they may have banned me, but I still didn't want to look at that stuff). Over that week I had been asking him questions to try to find his ideological motivation for doing this so that I could convince him to stop. All he'd give me though is that the website's users were low empathy and lacked compassion, which didn't narrow it down to if he was an incel or trans or what. That night though, I pushed further. He mentioned the people on the website were bullies and I asked if he had ever been bullied. He said yes and told me about it and I in turn told him my experiences being bullied. We had a nice little chat and then he agreed to stop posting scat all the time because he didn't want to risk me having to see it. I thanked him, and he hasn't done it since. The other anons were pissed at me though, for talking to him. Like talking to him worked though, maybe sometimes talking things out is a good call. He'd been doing that for weeks at that point. Idk I guess some of them would rather have shit posted everywhere. Anyway, the next day the girl who reported me posted in my thread saying she didn't regret it and that's what I get for hating asian people. For the record, I said hating "on" asian people, and what I meant by that was being jealous and envious, not literally hating them. Obviously, not my best word choice because I could see how she read into it that way. Anyway, I tried posting an apology but when I did, the way I had gotten back onto the chan before stopped working and it kept saying I was banned.(newfag)

No. 1992310

My complaint about crystal cafe is the sheltered teens complaining about nothing on /feels/. It's so obvious that a lot of posters are either underage or barely just, it shows in the problems they consider a priority. I don't want to single a nona out by screenshotting a post but a quick glance at the catalog will show what I mean.
That and the male fixation, even worse than this site.

No. 1992311

>ban evade
>talk to the schizotroon
>namefag on lolcow
You're an obnoxious newfag, you should go back to discord.

No. 1992315

My complaint about cc users? They make threads for every single thought they have rather than using designated, more general threads. Hey, reminds me of someone!

No. 1992316

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After almost an hour of trying to just get my final post there, I succeeded, attached is what I said. I do honestly feel shitty for wording it the way I did and hurting that one girl's feelings. I hope she got to see what I wrote before the mods took it down. That said, a permaban over that is still insane to me. Maybe like a month or something, but forever? No wonder most of the users there are just spammers. I almost regret convincing that one guy to leave the place be, especially because it went very much unappreciated by everyone else, and keeping shit off the main pages for days. That being said, I'm done making any attempts to go on there for the time being. Between the gore/scat/CP, I had to witness just by being on the chan near constantly to the general vibe of the userbase, I think I'm better off just going back to what I was doing and just taking the pretty pictures from their image boards every few months and then leaving without saying anything or interacting further. If I do go back on there at all, which at this point I don't think I will. They'll leave the most vile images you can think of up there for like 6 hours but they will ban me permanently for accidentally saying something problematic while trying to talk to someone in good faith. I'm done with it all.

No. 1992317

All I'm seeing here is someone crying because they didn't read the rules, had a fit and then got banned. Considering that you are embarrassing enough to out yourself as a lainfag I wouldn't want you here either

No. 1992320

I unironically plan to. Figured you guys might get something out of the story and/or the general thread because reading back into the logs I'm not the only one with an issue with that place, even if you feel like my issue was dumb

No. 1992322

Why are you namefagging

No. 1992324

I thought because I was sharing multiple images from a specific story, meaning multiple posts it might make it easier to keep track of. Wan't worth it tbh. I can stop if you guys would prefer.

No. 1992325

This, newfags have killed CC, anons used to use generals but now every damn 16 year old opens a thread to talk about the smallest shit (always moid related)

No. 1992328

hey now, I got banned and then had a fit. You're telling it out of order

No. 1992331

Honesty, I don't plan on staying long here either. The main reason I tried getting into cc is a lot of my friends were/are all channers and I didn't want to feel left out. Guess I'm too much of an autist for it. That's life.

No. 1992333

> I almost regret convincing that one guy to leave the place be, especially because it went very much unappreciated by everyone else, and keeping shit off the main pages for days.
The reason we don't talk to the spammer (who is a well-known tranny) is because any attention makes him spam even more. Have you not heard of "don't feed the troll"?

No. 1992335

I don't care about making an accurate retelling of your post, the main point is that everything that happened is shit that you brought on yourself for being an obnoxious newfag who can't even bother to familiarize themselves with the culture of whatever site they're posting on. I see you're already planning to leave so please go ahead and do that.

No. 1992336


No. 1992338

talking to him got him to stop posting though. He hasn't posted for days now(newfag)

No. 1992339

crystal cafe is riddled with fucking perverted scrotes that pretend to be women. Go back there, and stay out

No. 1992341

> I almost regret convincing that one guy to leave the place be, especially because it went very much unappreciated by everyone else, and keeping shit off the main pages for days.
Why would you think the moid would listen to you if he didn't listen to the mods? They're only spam for one reason "attention" and you gave him just that. Do not talk to moids and troons just report them and move on. Let them feel as unsignificant as they actually are

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