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No. 1992087

Thread for discussing the trend of taking old 'NLOG' images and turning them into yuri as well as general other girl vs normal girl phenomena discussion.
Do you find them funny? cute? troony? Or do you just find them plain offensive, all discussion goes!

No. 1992090

so gross why do you have to turn everything into coom like men

No. 1992097

>Gatekeeping yuri
>Thread for discussing the trend of taking old 'NLOG' images and turning them into yuri

What about this is gatekeeping?

No. 1992103

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That's what the reddit page that stuff like this gets posted on is called.

No. 1992109

this is turning into tumblr, i fucking hate it so much good god. it’s so cancerous, like just stop flicking your bean to gay people and go outside and find a nice, loving relationship or something

No. 1992112

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What started as a cute meme has become a source of wish fulfillment fantasy and fetish material for trannies, which disgusts me. It feels like this has happened to all yuri content in general though. We can’t have anything

No. 1992114

>loving relationship
you dont have it either dont lie

No. 1992118

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It’s the name of the subreddit where this gets posted, don’t take it so personally

No. 1992120

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I always found these so dumb because this never happens in real life I don't mean the yuri I mean the girls befriending each other shit is unrealistic have they never been bullied by girls before?real girls don't befriend other girls like that especially if you were an ugly girl with glasses who liked boy stuff come on now.

No. 1992122

Oh my bad, i don't use reddit and had no idea.
On second thought, why did they even call it like that kek, "NLOG Yuri" makes more sense because those kind of pictures are not really about gatekeeping in the first place? What are they gatekeeping, being a introvert/unpopular? Maybe i'm retarded.

No. 1992126

kek no but still
i bet it’s just a tranny circlejerk fetishizing young girls as per usual

No. 1992127

This thread really belongs on /m/, it's media focused and picture heavy.

No. 1992129

anyways I hate that trend, it exposes that the only brain activity that goes inside the mind of a libfem is coom and sexual activity. they are mentally incapable of recognizing female competitiveness and internalized misogyny, let’s just all kiss and act like fake lesbian pornstars with each other tehee~

No. 1992130

Agree, also have its name changed to r/Gatekeeping Yuri to avoid confusion

No. 1992134

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trannies are so disgusting trying to larp as teen girls. if a pack of scene girls from the 2000s got access to a time machine and saw these freaks they would be teared a new one.

No. 1992138

Gonna turn on my fanfic brain now but no moid would really be against either of these as long as it makes them coom.
The only reason why they would prefer scene girls is because lots of online trannies are millenial themselves and think that larping as some girl who they couldn't get in their youth is cool.
Why did they post this picture if they're not kissing though???

No. 1992140

2024 ver. madonna whore complex

No. 1992148

scene girls dont exist anymore because they all got groomed by these type of fags. I hate men.

No. 1992150

That and the fad just died off like 99% of fads do, I think some of them were into pastel goth for a bit and then just stopped wearing alt fashion all together.

No. 1992157

I find them disgusting and coomerish.
Anyone who connects NLOG issues (someone being called that rightfully or not) and yuri is super retarded too.

No. 1992185

Yeah it pisses me off, nobody wants to be shipped with their school bully, it’s not cute. Someone post the stupid fucking comic about how “other girls are always nice” I can’t find it right now but it makes me so mad because whoever made it was giga out of touch

No. 1992187

Yeah we have so many fandom heavy threads on /ot/ recently, was the og fandom thread not enough to discuss this?

No. 1992189

Is this an extensive enough topic to warrant an entire thread?

No. 1992194

Report it on /meta/

No. 1992223

i was scene in 2010-2012 and they most certainly would..if like 85% of them werent ftms now

No. 1992229

Oh brother, many scene emo kids were obnoxious posers looking for attention like e-girls do now. I will say scene felt less manufactured and moid pandering than e girls but most of those people who used to call things gay or call people faggots are sjws now.

No. 1992237

Moved to >>>/m/376889.

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