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No. 1982833
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my mom is incredibly based and i love her so much
No. 1982843
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I love my mom. She loves animals and is a great cook and is also an artist and we can talk about videogames all day long (she kinda introduced me to RE and I made her play FF) and she also watches stupid cartoons with me;
There was this girl I met when I was in middle school, she wanted to be military and was very soft spoken and really polite and during parties she was the only one dancing like a fool and I admired that she had no fear of judgement and wished I was more like her;
That teacher that taught me math, she was the only one capable of doing it, and she was very passionate about teaching and was the only teacher I remember that wasn't afraid of making her classes fun, and her classes were amazing, lots of work but I'd leave school thinking why the hell was I so afraid of numbers, "I think I like numbers now, math is my favorite subject", and being excited for the next math class and school overall;
That woman I saw driving the train when I was little. I never saw her again but the fact she thought of opening the door of her cabin and showing a little girl that yes, someone has to drive the train, it doesn't move by itself, and not only that but it was a woman doing it, well, that is something I'll never forget, it was awesome, she was the coolest;
Every female animal, especially cats, they're my favorite.
No. 1982852
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something I will never forget despite it happening over 10 years ago now ♥
>be me
>be 14
>be at school
>tying shoelace at lunch time
>moid voice says to his friend "hah! you looking down anon's top?!"
>kick the perv in the chest
>miss and kick him in the throat (we were the same height)
>I walk away still upset, believe he deserved worse for disrespecting me
>he throws up
>he snitches
>I'm forced to write a statement, I'm crying thinking I'll get in trouble
>female teachers read it
>they laugh and tell me they're impressed
>call home
>mum laughs
>sister hears about it
>she laughs
>she texts our aunt
>she laughs
>next day
>the moidlet's boymom demands I get suspended because I'm a liar trying to get her son into trouble because he would never do anything like that despite our crowd of friends witnessing it live in person
>teachers give me a 3 day weekend by "suspending" me on a friday
>mum, sister and aunt take me out for dinner that weekend
No. 1982862
My mom grew up a total daddy’s girl, but he was a long haul truck driver so she didn’t see him often. She was raised by her mother who heavily favored her older brother, the brother that was very physically abusive to her. My mom was a bit of a “problem child”. She got burned after playing with matches unsupervised when she was very young. So a significant portion of her childhood and young teen life was spent in and out of the hospital having multiple surgeries as her heavily scarred skin rapidly grew throughout puberty, I can’t even begin to image what she went through. She had to get breast implants in her teenage years so they could stretch her skin over time so that it wouldn’t constrict her ability to breathe as it tightened up. She still has scarring from the bottom half of her face down to the top of her thighs. That alone makes her the strongest person I know.
She got her first job at 15, and every paycheck she got was handed right to her mother. Meanwhile, her older brother had 3 cars bought for him before he was even 21 because he kept wrecking them. My mom saved up little by little and got enough money to open her own business when she was 18, just out of highschool.
It was a high end lingerie store, where she eventually would start making her own lingerie and bridal accessories, and traveling to show them in various fashion shows. In the early 90s she would put her models in angel wings she had made of boas to help her models stand out, since at the time she had never seen anyone else do that before. However my grandmother ended up guilting my mom into letting her be a part of the business by telling her that my mom could’ve never accomplished any of her success if she hadn’t been supported with all of her bills paid by living at home. This contributed to a lot of financial strain on the business, as my grandmother made a lot of reckless decisions behind her back.
Fast forward a little bit in the future, she met my dad on Halloween, at a party a little bit out of town. He was a drummer in a band, long hair, very metal pretty boy type. They got engaged and married on Halloween, and their first dance song was White Wedding by Billy Idol. But he ended up committing suicide a few years after I was born, so my mom was left a single mother unexpectedly. I stayed with my grandparents a lot while she worked, which ultimately led to her deciding to give up her business in an attempt to be able to have more time with me. Which she did, for a short while.
Both of her parents died before I turned 10 though, and my grandmother left her an immense amount of debt as my mom had discovered she had opened a ton of credit cards in her name and maxed them all out, as well as having gotten a reverse mortgage on their house. She worked 2 jobs for the majority of my childhood paying it all off, so we didn’t have the best relationship for a long time. Added to that was her boyfriend that she’s still with, he was her highschool sweetheart she reunited with unintentionally a few years after my dad died. Quite a few years of drug/alcohol addiction and abuse from him complicated my relationship with her a lot, but I’m talking about her not him so I won’t get into that.
As I got older and felt more confident standing up to her boyfriend my relationship with my mom improved. She has a lot of guilt about that but I don’t hold any grudges, she was trying her best and gone all the time so she didn’t know how bad things were. Plus he was abusive to her too, so she has her own trauma with it all.
I did well for myself financially after college, and I’ve been able to help my mom have a little bit more comfortable life now. Not anywhere like I would like to, not like she deserves, but I at least can regularly take her on vacation now and make sure her day to day life is easier. We recently went to Alaska, and we have a trip to the Tetons planned soon. She’s my absolute best friend and I admire how strong she has been through everything. I can’t wait to see what type of grandma she ends up being, I know she wants to eventually do right for my kids like she wishes she could’ve done for me. And I would really like her to have that opportunity. Thanks for listening to my rambling nonas, I love sharing about my mom
No. 1983896
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i love my mom so dearly. i grew up without my dad around for the most part, and i didn't realize truly how much of that weight she had to bear until i was older. she's one of the strongest people i know and has taught me almost everything i know in life, i'm so grateful for her. she's been through so much and she's still here standing strong!
No. 1983921
My ex-coworker, she took me under her wing the whole time when I had just started in a new job with zero experience. 60ish years old, raised 6 children, and after leaving an
abusive alcoholic husband she’s currently married to a Nigel that would make her breakfast every morning before work. She would do reenactment with her own hand-sewed outfits, go bowhunting, played guitar and built an outdoor shower/bath in her backyard. One time she randomly called me and I thought it’d be an emergency, she just told me she forgot her homemade lemon chicken piccata in the staff fridge and I would have to eat it for her. She made getting older sound like an adventure.
>>1982843When I was in hs I had a wonderful female bus driver. Whenever the weather was bad, and on my last day of school she would drive right up to my parents house so I wouldn’t have to walk down the street from my bus stop. I never asked her to do it.
No. 1983935
My Aunt is one of the strongest people I know. She has been through a lot in her life but she has this crazy spirit and follow-through and way of fixing shit or making it happen. She's always there for me and everyone in our family, clients, coworkers, even just random people. Her gifts are always thoughtful, classy, usually personalized. She is beautiful, has a great sense of humor, takes nobody's shit, and has amazing social skills. She's the one everybody turns to because you can always count on her. She has owned multiple businesses, she sold me my house, she's given multiple people jobs, she fostered dogs for the blind, she has a green thumb and her house has like over 200 plants, she literally the greatest person I know
No. 1988291
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My old coworker was so cool. She was in her early 40s and lived by herself with her two cats and drank wine every night. She constantly talked about how much she hated moids and that she voluntarily had no contact with them after she tried dating one in her 20s. She did marathons to raise money for cats protection charities all the time, she was so cool