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No. 19730

As of March 2014, The Lancet, one of the world's oldest and most peer-reviewed medical journals dating back to 1823, officially reclassified fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin.

>“A meta-analysis of 27 cross-sectional studies of children exposed to fluoride in drinking water, mainly from China, suggests an average IQ decrement of about seven points in children exposed to raised fluoride concentrations.”

>The majority of these 27 studies had water fluoride levels of less than four milligrams per liter, which falls under the allowable level set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


>40 percent of American teens have dental fluorosis, a condition that refers to changes in the appearance of tooth enamel that are caused by long-term ingestion of fluoride during the time teeth are forming

>only 5.7% of countries worldwide continue to use fluoridation
>on the contrary over 70% of the U.S. practices water fluoridation
>of the countries that have refused water fluoridation include Egypt, China, India, Japan, Austria, Croatia, Belgium, France, Estonia, Greece, Netherlands, Norway etc.
>fluoride has proven links
>fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay than non-fluoridated countries; FACT
>flurodie has proven links to the development of the following in later years: arthritis, gastrointestinal disease, bone fractures, kidney disease, cancer, male infertility, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skeletal fluorosis, endocrine disruption and thyroid disease


Check whether your area is being fluoridated by postcode (UK):


No. 19731

Also, a short but interesting/educational documentary on the substance.

No. 19743>>19745

The U.S. is one of the most backwards countries on the face of the Earth. It's literally the home of the free because people are free to take advantage of its citizens as long as it brings in a profit. No one gives a shit about Americans' health.

No. 19745>>24495

so true. and it's hilarious, you'll see americans fighting to keep their backwards ass bullshit. even educated people fight to keep shit like fluoride in the water when there's no use for it. we all use toothpaste, and who is it for anyways, the homeless or poor? people fight to keep the poor/homeless sick and dying by refusing universal healthcare. doubt that's the reason.

No. 19760

The arguments for/against water fluoridation are a bit more complicated than that.

It is definitely neurotoxic in high quantities, but the amount added to water is pretty minimal. Water naturally has around 0.4-0.5 mg/L, and typically the standard treatment is to bring it up to 1 mg/L, so they usually add about 0.5.

First, although the initial study claiming fluoride reduces tooth decay was indeed scientifically flawed, most studies done afterwards have confirmed that tooth decay is significantly lower in areas with fluoridated water. Most researchers seem to agree that there is a benefit there, including many who link it to other adverse effects.

Is this benefit coming at the cost of lowering IQ? I don't think there is a real consensus yet, and a lot more studying needs to be done. Many studies have shown no correlation to IQ, and many have shown a correlation to decreased IQ.

The paper cited most pointing to a correlation with decreased IQ is a meta-analysis of 27 Chinese studies performed by Harvard researchers: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3491930/. This is the paper that Mercola and every other Google hit for "adverse effects of fluoride" refer to primarily.

These studies looked at natural Chinese well water (and other traditional water sources used in rural communities), where fluoride levels range from 3 - 11.5 mg/L, which is significantly higher than what the US government specifies as the maximum allowed for drinking water. They also admit that most of the studies they looked at had missing information, control flaws, and other experimental deficiencies. However, since there were 27 different studies, the flaws can be averaged out to an extent, so their findings are still significant. They did not make any claims that 1 mg/L is an unsafe fluoride level or over what the limit should be. Due to lack of strong controls in many of the studies, it's also possible other substances in these rural communities' water is affecting IQ, or amplifying fluroride's effect.

I think it is quite possible that researchers may eventually conclude that even the relatively low level in US drinking water impacts IQ in children, but at the moment the evidence is not strong enough to support that with real confidence. It definitely needs to be studied more.

No. 24495

Its obviously a conspiracy derp

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