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No. 197295

Name a group of people who are more disgusting towards women than gay men.

Pro-tip you can't(ban evasion)

No. 197296

What are you smoking?

No. 197298

Straight men. Gay men are pretty bad tho, just in a different stereotypical way.

No. 197305

trans ""lesbians""

No. 197307

No, no. A lot of the gay men I've come across feel that since they don't find us attractive/don't want us for aex, that we're worthless.

No. 197308

No. 197309

It really depends on the person. Like anything.

There's garbage straight men and garbage gay men, etc.

No. 197310


Shit generalisation, bad post OP. Straight men can be awful and gay men can be awful. If someone is an awful person than it doesn't matter what their sexuality is. Imo it's the other way around, gay men are nicer since they don't feel the need to befriend you solely for the chance of a quick shag after 4 days.

No. 197311

*then, not than

No. 197315

Islamic countries, but they treat gay men worse than women… Your question isn't worded very well.

No. 197319

Middle aged white males with misogynistic tendencies.

I have not been treated like shit by any other kind of man. Yes, gays can be catty and jealous, and Muslim men are terrible to their women–but both stay in their lanes for the most part.
The white male boomers are the ones who feel their opinions are the only ones that matter because they've been raised to believe that they're kings and call the shots.

Fuckers. And their male offspring usually aren't much better.

No. 197325

Straight men and MTF's.

No. 197328

So… straight men

No. 197343

Other women.

No. 197346

Women don't hate women because they are women though. It's more about success/lifestyle/body/attitude, and those women are more critical of their own gender because of jealously and self-esteem.

I'd argue for MTFs, the most mysoginistic lines I've ever heard have come from that crowd, and with them it's purely about biology and gender.

No. 197348

This. White men are particularly fucked up, they pretty much invented patriarchy.

If you look around the world, Black, East Asian and Middle Eastern women were actually treated with respect, and still are in spite of cultural differences. Whereas White men are just plain assholes, mansplaining away western patriarchy all the time.

No. 197350

Btw watch Korean Historical Dramas if you don't believe me. Korea was one of the most progressive places on earth. Same with the Arabs contrary to popular belief.

No. 197354

It's absolutely MTFs. They think they're better at being women than women are, for some reason. Even if they make virtually no efforts to transition or are actually autogynephiles (sp?) they're totally convinced that they're the PINNACLE of women and that "cis" women are smelly, ugly, fat, stupid, whatever. I support trans causes but most of these transtrenders are disgusting fetishists who want women to become subservient or obsolete.

And yeah, Islam, for sure. Both of these are worse than gay dudes. Gay guys can be catty but most of them are cool.

No. 197356

You seriously think Korean Historical Dramas depict true Korean history or did you mean documentaries?

No. 197357

This is the most retarded thing I've read all day. How far down the intersectionality rabbit hole are you bro? Whites are the most progressive on earth (AKA most cucked but that's neither here nor there…)

No. 197360

It's because they chose to be women, anon, and that means they are more of a woman than cis women :^)

IMO it's both trannies and the men who like them. You can spot that misogyny from miles away, ever seen they talk about how trannies are better than women because sex?
>they take it up the ass and like it
>they know how to suck dick because they have one
>they have a male sex drive
>therefore better than women

Because women are only good for sex, so if something else is better than women for sex, women are "obsolete"

No. 197361

Anyone who tries to defend gays should read this article


>After years of intermediate bottoming, I was plagued with bleeding and protruding hemorrhoids. I attempted to treat them with store-bought medications and suppositories. One day, I was to meet some friends for dinner, when, unbeknownst to me, a huge growing oily stain developed on the seat of my pants. Everyone knew what was going on and said nothing, yet it was humiliating. Later, a proctologist recommended their surgical removal. I refused.

>Even just a once weekly regiment of laxatives and enemas dried out the already thin layer of skin that made up the lower colon. One after another, I caught a series of sexually-transmitted diseases: rectal gonorrhea and then rectal chlamydia. I broke out in a rash. Which, at first, barely alarmed me as sometimes the lubricants I used didn’t react well with my sensitive skin. Topical over-the-counter ointments proved useless and the painful blisters and sores appeared to be moving inside. For awhile, I continued to have anal sex. No one seemed to notice my slightly pock-marked behind within the darkened corridors of the San Francisco sex clubs. Only, the pain became intolerable and I visited a local clinic. I was put on a regiment of strong antibiotics. They didn’t sit well with my stomach and for a few days I suffered in pain with constant diarrhea.

Read the whole thing. It's hard to overemphasize how disgusting gay sex is.

No. 197364

ok anon but this is not a gay bashing thread

No. 197366

Sounds like they want it to be tho

Thank you

No. 197367

wtf is this shit thread

No. 197368

My guess is a bitter fag-hag.

No. 197370

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women need to be gassed tbh(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 197371

Hardcore feminazis who lynch all other women who don't agree with their views 100%?

No. 197372

>Suggesting all anal sex is unprotected and reckless

Yeah… No. Safe anal sex is possible.

No. 197378

I read the entirety and most of the comments. He may not have gotten AIDS, but he did get infected with worse. Catholicism.

No. 197379

this is such a creepy article. but i'm sure you posted it with totally good intents, right?

No. 197384

>This poster commenting somewhere else on the internet:
>"Ugh, I can't stand hearing islamophobic comments after terror attacks. Terrorism has no religion."

No. 197391

Nice try, but Islam is also cancer and I even wish death upon the children of Muslims so that they don't grow up to spread it even further.

No. 197398

sure smells like /r9k/ in here

No. 197399

How is this disgusting towards women specifically though?
Are you implying straight people can't be as reckless with anal and be bugcatchers having unprotected sex while letting their STDs fester until it gets so bad that they can't be in denial?

Shame on you for making me defend this gross gay.

No. 197403

>Middle Eastern women are treated with respect

People like you deserve to get shipped down there; just because you sometimes don't agree with what your boomer dad says does not mean he's even the slightest bit comparable to someone willing to marry his 8 yo daughter off, knowing fully well she's going to get beaten and raped daily!!! That's sickening!

And how did white men invent patriarchy?! Even during the middle ages middle eastern men were 'surprised' on how 'well' the women in europe were treated and that says a lot… so white countries have always been the least (doesn't mean not at all) patriachic countries in the world.

No. 197464


No. 197514

The middle east was quite modern and progressive until white men started destroying and bombing their countries

No. 197537

its all whiteys fault! Its not the demented sharia law or anything!

No. 197538

gr8 b8 m8

No. 197548

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Yeah, looks like something white people like to do…

No. 197549

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Iranian women protesting being forced to wear a hijab

No. 197555


What your pictures don't show is that all of those women were from upper class secular families and that as soon as they started trying to modernize there was instant and growing backlash, much like what you see today- attacks, stonings, calls for honor killings by their families. And this was long before the cold war and any white people intervention.

No. 197558

might only be that way in the US?
I just was at a gay dance bar in the weekend and gays loved us (me and my lesbian girlfriend) and were super nice to us, despite it being a bar for mostly gay men.
gays in europe are super cool and liberal (for the most part)

No. 197561

yeah I know this thread is b8 but I'm European, straight, my bestfriend is a gay guy, so I know a lot of his gay friends, and tbh I have never even thought about gay men hating women. This isn't a thing like… at all, not even slightly
Meanwhile, I'm always encountering straights hating women. It's really getting tiring with this new edgy anti-feminist, which is basically anti-women now, trend.

No. 197562

what I really hate, is that either women dont fight, or people dont care if only women fight.
Do you realize the whole men wearing skirts in summer because their forbidden to wear shorts?
thats all cool but no one bat an eye when girls of english schools e.g. complained about having to wear fucking skirts in winter. But now they want to change clothing rules in companies and schools since… men and boys started to wear skirts. It makes me so mad.

It reminds me of that one fantasy short story I once red with a princess in a kingdom, where they would sacrifice a female virgin to a dragon each year for hundred of years or so. When the princess - the only heir of the kingdom - became queen, she decided it was finally enough and decided from now on male virgins had to be sacrificed to the dragon. BOOM, men stood up and slew the dragon, because they didnt want to sacrifice male virgins. end of story.

It's like girls and women arent even considered real humans for men. they just dont count.

No. 197564

After the iranian war, they made a law which forces women to wear a hijab; they protested against it. Nowadays people act, as if all women wear it because they want to, which is not true, they would like to live like in the west, so saying that they are treated with more respect and that these countries are fucked up because of whites is simply a lie!

No. 197572

Sure Jan.

No. 198175

SJWs didn't miss a chance to be sexist as hell to women when it became fashionable (i.e. when transtrending really took off)

No. 203518

Misogynistic men :^)

No. 203539

>she decided it was finally enough and decided from now on male virgins had to be sacrificed to the dragon. BOOM, men stood up and slew the dragon, because they didnt want to sacrifice male virgins. end of story.
Lots of male virgins die for the government/king/whatever. It's called war. We've had a lot more of those than virgin hungry dragons probably.

No. 203565

I think it's mostly straight men who hate women the most. I've only ever had nice friendships/experiences with gay men and other women and I find them much easier to connect to, but that's just my personal experience.


> It's like girls and women arent even considered real humans for men. they just dont count.

This. I'm so done trying. I'm sick of fighting for basic human respect from the men I meet. I'm sick of being hated for something I didn't choose. I'm sick of knowing that men are disgusted by my mere existence and don't want me around unless it is for sex. Sick of being treated like a commodity or something to be consumed. Sick of people telling us we are only good for one thing and that we're worthless if I don't submit to that idea. Sick of feeling like my words and ideas don't matter as much as what is between my legs. Sick of seeing things like this >>197370 every single day.

There are a lot of women who are so strong and don't let this world make them hate themselves. I admire them so much and wish I could be one of them, but I can't. I don't want to live this life anymore.

No. 203583

The women who are strong and don't let the world make them hate themselves have been in the exact same place you are rn. It sounds cheesy but you're already on that step of realising that you don't want to take any shit anymore and are ready to speak your mind irl without caring what people think of you.

No. 203859

Maybe if you dumb cunts had any other valuable qualities besides spreading your legs, we'd treat you differently.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 203860

Ace rampage there, champ.

No. 203861

lol here is your attention

No. 203876

Very quality response to a post by someone considering suicide. Nice job.

No. 203890

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

No. 205614

>I don't want to live this life anymore.
There is always going to be somebody out there who hates you. There will always be people who dismiss you.

98% of the time those people really don't know you, so don't give a shit about what they think. Don't hate yourself because you meet a lot of assholes, hate assholes. If all men are terrible, live for the experiences you have with female friends. Never let strangers decide how much you're worth.

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