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No. 19713
>>19711Ah we're not on for the clothes part atm we've only just gained bakery and swimming pools/slippers/perfume in the UK Aldi. But yeah Aldi is doing well, it's better because Tesco and Sainsburys are greedy cunts.
Lidl is okay but it's like the cheapo Aldi and Netto is just rock bottom.
No. 19721
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>>19712I don't give a fuck either.
I don't see why any of us should bow down to some cunt family who're apparently superior to all of us for having the good fortune to be born into a family that is going to be eternally financed by the British public and never required to work a day in their lives whilst they jet around the world doing cunt shit like "wild game hunting".
Also the Royal Family legit murdered Diana.
Like, it's so common knowledge at this point they know that we know that they know what they did but won't admit to it for obvious reasons.
No. 19725
>>19721Exactly, not all of us care. I know you've got the old darlings who are in their 80s/90s who care about the queen and used to have those patriotic parities in the streets with cake and tea back in the day. But newer generations like us, we do not care. I don't care, you don't care. Doubt my kids will care.
When you look back in our history regarding the royals, it's all a bunch of dark nasty drama.
Yeah, Queen had her done in because Diana knew how the royals REALLY were and hated them. So she exposed them and it pissed the royals off. Espesh when Diana liked that asian lol, they couldn't have that on the throne.
Nah, they had her killed. Everyone knows this but cos they're royals, they get off with it.
William and Harry probably know SOMETHING. But they can't say anything. It would be funny, when Liz kneels over and if William does know something, he'll spill it then. Could you imagine the uproar? Kek
Morrisey would have a field day!
No. 19727
>nah, Queen had her done in because Diana knew how the royals REALLY were and hated themCertainly, but other information that is not so widely known was that Diana was threatening to abscond with William and Harry shortly before she died, and that it was widely publicised that she was in a relationship with Egyptian born Arab Dodi Fayed, son of Mohamed Al-Fayed, and was rumoured to be pregnant with his child.
Can you imagine, like, CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE if Diana had been allowed to live and gave birth to a half-Arab child, step-sibling to Prince Harry and William with a potential to be allowed to take the throne in the future?
No fucking way, they did her in for sure.
Hell, if I was the Royals and these were the circumstances I'd probably fuck her shit up too to be fair.
Mohamed Al-Fayed, the was-to-be grandfather of Diana's child has confirmed ever since accident that Diana was indeed pregnant and has maintained ever since that his son was murdered by the Royal Family.
Bit suspicious that all the CCTV cameras in the Pont de l'Alma happened to "malfunction" around the time she died as well, and the fact there were multiple witnesses to a black motorcycle entering the tunnel in close pursuit of the car that Diana and Dodi were riding in.
>>19726Gotta keep up dem' inbred traditions friend.
No. 19728
>>19725>>19722>>19721Sorry, Amerifag here crashing the party, but can you explain more about the royals killing off Diana?
I'd love a good conspiracy theory, and the I love the concept of royals. This is too good to pass up.
No. 19733
>>19728Someone fuel up yank-chan up with the royals lulz pls?
yank-chan, it's a very long story but they killed Di off.
They're all a bunch of bastards, don't be fooled.
BTW yank-chan even Queen Victoria (she long ded) hated having to put up with the royal bs.
I remember there was a documentary on the telly, they found old diary entries when Vicky was young when she and her grand had to attend some ceremony. In the UK it's still very church based, Church of England and crap. But back then it was… BIG.
Vicky and her gran were at the front, the priest or w/e blabbing on and she said "Me and grandmother were so bored, we were flickering through the papers of the hymn book to see when this event would be finished."
Yer, it's all for show. Royals find it boring.
No. 19734
>>19727Ah yes, that was it! The Arab!
Liz would blow a gasket if that had happened!
Half arab-welsh child!
Imagine the country relations?! LOL
No. 19735

>>19728No much more to say to it beyond what I've typed in
>>19727As it's known, Diana Spencer was married to Prince Charles, thus becoming Princess Diana, however this was not a marriage of choice.
Prince Philip was essentially forced into the marriage and never desired to marry Diana in the first place, who throughout their marriage served as little more than a figurehead and broodmare for the future Royals, i.e. Harry and William, and was known to suffer with severe depression and bulimia throughout the relationship, and she reported that Philip was often resentful, controlling and abusive towards her.
Prince Philip was in love with a woman named Camilla Parker Bowles, who at the time was already married. It's common knowledge in the UK that Prince Philip embarked upon an affair with Camilla whilst married to Diana, something that contributed heavily towards her depression.
Despite them being heavily in love, Philip was forbidden from marrying Camilla due to the fact that she had already married once and that Diana was the mother of the future heirs. They were forced to remain within a relationship where both despised the other.
Eventually in August 1996 Diana initiated their divorce.
In June 1997, Diana embarked upon a relationship with Dodi Fayed.
On 31 August 1997, a suspected pregnant Diana and Dodi Fayed were fatally injured in a car crash in a Paris road tunnel under extremely suspicious circumstances.
People outside the UK often wonder why Queen Elizabeth has not abdicated and passed on the throne to Prince Philip yet given her age, but everybody in the UK knows that Philip will never be allowed to become king and that the throne will be passed to William upon Elizabeth's death due to the scandal and shame that Philip brought to the family by becoming involved with Camilla.
Today Prince Philip and Camilla are publicly together, however are forbade from marriage.
No. 19736
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>>19735>>19728I should add, Diana was only 19 years old when she married Philip, who at the time was 32 years of age, 13 years her senior.
That in itself should give you an idea of how fucked up the marriage was, but the Royals wanted to ensure that they had a princess who was young and fertile enough to bring about the next heirs.
Our Royal Family is sinister as fuck, seriously.
Picture related is Prince and Camilla today.
No. 19738
>>19735>>19736FUCK, I've accidentally typed Prince Philip throughout that entire post instead of Prince Charles*.
My bad, fuck.
No. 19739
>>19736I love this, thank you Britfag!
However, I don't get the royal system though. I heard the queen doesn't do much anymore anyway, so why is the system still around? Just curious.
No. 19740
>so why is the system still around?Tradition, and the fact that The Royal Family bring in millions to the UK in the form of merchandise and tourism coming to see shit like Buckingham Palace.
Also please disregard my multiple usage of Prince Philip* throughout my posts, it's Princes Charles, uguuuu…
No. 19742
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No. 19749
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>>19726>be called Charlotte>born in Cambridge>hey Charlotte!! how do you feel about the royal baby!!!!!!!?>non stop for at 3 weeks after 'Princess Charlotte Of Cambridge' is born'Urgh, you're all so funny random acquaintances.
No. 19754
>>19751Yeah, let me just tell you Anon you had a lucky fucking escape.
Presently in the UK if you're not upper-middle class or upper class you have a very dour future ahead of you.
I'm already making my plans to leave the UK as soon as is financially possible, as my 2 older sister have already done so. Even my mother has told me to get out of this country as soon as I can, even if it means leaving her behind.
It's just becoming increasingly evident how little the government cares about the civilians of the UK and their welfare, and views them as little more than paypigs, and since the Tories won the election again it feels like all hope has been lost.
I know it might be easy for people to say "Hurghh all governments are like that", but 1-4 years ago there were so many systems in place to help the poor and struggling of society, many I've had to use myself, and every year I'm seeing more and more of them removed whilst the people in charge continue to lower their and their mate's taxes, increase their wages, increase their bonuses, lower their working hours etc.
Last year I had to visit a food bank.
The UK is a sinking ship. I am ashamed of this country.
No. 19757
How many shows is there now about benefits? Not bitching about benefits btw guys, I've worked in a homeless shelter (like a hostel) and not everyone is a druggy/ackly because they're homeless, believe me.
It's very, very fucking difficult nowadays. The struggle for some families… I don't know how they do it.
Jobs are shit, you're lucky if you can find a decent paying job. Luckily for me I've got two, only part time cleaning ones but I study on the side.
UK government is terrible, no good. Poor are just getting poorer.
My grandmother said the same to me: leave the UK
I know this is kinda… sketchy but I want to go into teaching, like a tutor in a college or university or maybe even high school. Dunno yet, but we'll see.
Sometimes… I kinda just feel like it'd be better if I married someone else from another country. I know it's dodgy and it's not right in a way but… sometimes I feel like I want to do that.
I come from working class family, none of my family is rich. I just save up all my money, save, save, save. These days you've got to be clever, so many people are doing online businesses and it's getting a little over run in a way. Unless it's different then it's no good. You've got to really think.
I don't even know what the UK will be in years to come tbh.
No. 19758
>>19757You sound pretty much like me.
One of my sisters did just that, married some rich guy and fucked off. She's living her life in the lap of luxury now.
When I leave the UK I also want to get involved in education. I feel like… no, I KNOW that the pressures the present government are applying in order to dissuade the working class from attending higher education is intended to keep us peasants out of the know in the hopes we all take on manual labour work and continue to pay our taxes and contribute to the useless, circular voting system whilst it ensures that only the rich have proper access to education, and eventually healthcare (we all know inevitable NHS privatisation is looming). I want to help contribute and spread knowledge around the globe so that people like I and you can be equipped with the mental tools to pull themselves out of their situation.
Likewise all these ridiculous shows centered around benefit claimants are designed to remove the blames from the actual culprits so that the uneducated instead point their finger at the poor, feckless and immigrants. Amusing considering that benefit payments actually take up the lowest percentage of government spending.
No. 19769
>>19767Funny because they started dating before he even became rich.
He got a very substantial payoff from the army after an iron gate fell on him and crushed his pelvis and fractured his spine.
You sound shallow and bitter.
No. 19779
I've been found.
No. 19794
>>19783What do you mean 'if'?
And no, nobody would. You made your bed and all.
No. 19814
>>19813dont start
u'll upset yank-chans
No. 19818
>>19813Let's play '
trigger the Yank':
Russians won the war.
No. 19820
>>19813Depends, which war?
But if it's the one I'm thinking of, us. Cause y'all lost your fucking tea.
No. 19821
>>19818the only thing anyone is being
triggered by is your autism
No. 19822
>>19820Americans come in last all the time, greedy bastards love taking all the glory.
It's like IF we could get to that new planet/earth's twin or whatever which was recently discovered. Let's say IF.
Jesus, how long would it take for the Americans to claim how it's 'theirs' and 'we own it' before docking any oil or whatever the fuck it holds.
We know what Americans are like but then again maybe the Russians will get there fist. Who knows.
No. 19838
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I'm all for giving the throne to the corgis.
No. 20135
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>why are you so ugly and inbred looking?You can say that about any country though.
As with any peoples you're going to have both ugly and beautiful people within it's population, and you forget that whilst the US has a population of 318.9 million, the UK possesses only 64.1 million which is less than a quarter so of course when there are uglier people they're going to appear more prevalent.
As a Brit though I will say this, that when we do spit somebody out with remarkable aesthetics they always tend to look ethereally/alien looking in their beauty with unusual features that almost seem to clash as much as they hold together which is why you see such a high pecentage of British models (and Russian) in contrast with US model percentages.
I feel that countries like the US seems to produce a lot more generic beauties, who are beautiful none the less, but still very generic.
I mean look at Kate Moss, she ruled the catwalks of the world for years, and Gemma Ward who is Australian by birth but British in genetics, Lily Cole was a complete smash and at one point was pretty much every where before she dropped modelling to persue an academic career, and presently there's Cara Delevingne who is the inescapable flavour of the decade.
No. 20140
>>19971It's been well-documented that Brits inbred a fuckload. All that time spent isolated couldn't have been good for the genetics. That, and high obesity rates.
If average British people were dark-skinned, pictures of them would get reposted on all sorts of racist websites as evidence of non-white inferiority tbh.
No. 20143
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>>20141>>20142This is Lily Collins with her parents. She isn't mixed at all.
No. 20147
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>>20146Are you really going to resort to the "posting minority hideous women of specific origin in order to define an entire population"?
No. 20150
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>>20147I was using it as a reaction image. I don't even know if that woman is British.
Calm your tits, inbred-chan
No. 20156
>>20151The average American still looks better than the average Brit for some reason.
Even the rednecks are less hideous a good amount of the time
No. 20157
>>20156Have your ever even been to UK?
How can you say what the average Brit looks like when you've never visited Britain?
No. 20162
>>20158Most of America.
It's a common fact that they tend not to travel beyond the US.
No. 20169
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>>20163Generally only the rich ones.
Statistically they never leave, which is what contributes to the problem so many Americans inhabit that the US is the be-all and end-all of the world, because they know nothing else.
No. 20191
>>20190Not really? English people dress pretty up to date tho lol I'm a british girl and I KNOW.
Americans dress like it's still the 80's
No. 20195
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>Google British fashion 2015
>"Your bank balance looks apocalyptic and you're still feeling bloated from Christmas, but there is one positive on the horizon - the new fashion season."
>"Yes spring/summer 2015 is nearly upon us, but it needn't mean an entire new wardrobe, in fact far from. The fashion industry are currently feeling very nostalgic, which is good news indeed for those you want to update their style without causing financial ruin."
>"Without further ado allow us to present the trends that will be most ubiquitous this coming season and the one item you need to buy into each:"
>sounds ok
>scroll down
>pic related
What the fuck, Britain?
No. 20198
>>20195Yeah, Europe really sucks at fashion. The floral trend is really badly done.
I still fucking hate America though because she is too evil.
No. 20205
>>20200I'm not slating the fact that Americans tend not to leave the US, just one Anon tried to say that most Americans had visited the UK which is patently not true.
Also yes gypsies and Romanians will steal your shit.
No. 20229
>>20227They're effectively all thieves and criminals. Every single one of them, and then they breed and go on to raise their spawn as future criminals to boot.
The fact that they're coupling within their own communities exclusively is as, expected, lead to an increase in inbreeding amongst them.
In various towns around the UK they'll travel together, 15, sometimes as many as 30 upwards caravans. They'll scout around for public parks, farmland, private fields, football pitches, etc. and they'll setup camp and refuse to leave until they have an order filed against them, which can sometimes take months due to it falling under some ridiculous travellers law which is a civil offence and not a criminal one or something and effectively means the police can do shit fuck all.
Once they find a spot to settle down within a large village or town, whatever land they're on they'll turn into rubbish heap.
They will shit, piss, and toss their trash every where, allowing their children to run round inappropriately dressed, sometimes shoeless, wreaking havoc on the residents.
The men all go out on "the graft", which is effectively now a codeword for "to commit crime", burgling empty homes, mugging people, peddling drugs etc., whilst the females hit the tanning/hair salons swigging Red Bull and becoming swollen and grotesque. The children are never in schools because they're constantly on the move, so they end up getting an exceedingly sub-par education.
When they're finally forced to move on they leave all of their fucking trash behind, piles of children's toys, often human waste for the residents to clean up, as well as the devastation they've left behind.
People always wonder how this community of pondscum always has so much money, it's seriously because they're all involved in some sort of heavy crime, and they're always asking each other for criminal favours.
Fuck gypsies, seriously. I fucking despise these Irish cunts.
No. 20230
>>20227they're not white, Gypsies are either Irish 'tinkers' or Roma. Usually they're roma, much like Jewish people they're a self sustaining culture/race.
I have nothing but bad experiences with Gypsies from having my then boyfriend being abused on the street because he's asian from them stealing food right out of our pantry when they set up camp on our farm about 100 yrds from our house.
I feel like all people from all walks of life in Britain are all united from our hate of Gypsies. Every other minority manages to behave (on the whole) decently, why are gypsies fucking scabs?
No. 20232
>>20231Why would we? We just hate travellers.
Romanian a lot of us tend to be suspicious of though, and a few Polish males. It's people from these countries that are typically responsible for the massive increase in petty crime in the UK.
No. 20233
>>20230How long did it eventually take you to get them removed?
We had a colony set up on our town's local park which had just had hundreds of thousands spent on it being refurbished and by the time they rolled out it looked like Glastonbury festival had taken place there.
No. 20252
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>>20235Amerifag here. The gypsy talk is interesting to me, I've never really known why people hate them so much– One of my professors would constantly complain about them and I never really understood why.
No. 20259
>>20256He's Turkish.
Interesting fellow, really smart.
No. 20283
>>20265>>20260Do you actually understand what constitutes a gypsy?
Just being from a specific country a gypsy does not make.
No. 20690
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No. 20898
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Clearly they need more diversity in those unhappy cities. If they move in more non-whites, there will will be a more cohesive community.
No. 21007
>>20898Manchester should've been listed as one of the most unhappiest places lmfao
i hate it here
No. 21201
>>21146Pfft, try being mixed race the pakistanis and africans look at you EVEN more tbh. The amount of times I used to get the bus to school in picadilly and got asked my number by the dirty cunts was ridic and used to try coming up to me pestering me.
Manchester just isn't a nice place to live and London and B'ham aren't either tbh.
No. 21214
>>21206I don't think even that would work.
Born and bred sandniggers get aroused and chimp the fuck out by as little as an exposed ankle.
They really believe that they're not to blame for being unable to control themselves sexually around women and that we should take responsibility by dressing in binbags.
No. 21360
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>>21219Uh, you live in the the US, this is the UK thread and a UK problem, one you obviously have no idea about.
Yes the immigrants sexually harass the native women here. There was even a massive scandal like 2 years ago where they discovered Muslim paedophile rings were operating in specific areas and effectively carting white schoolgirls back and forth to different hotels to be plied with alcohol/drugs and raped.
These are only some of the mugshots of the perpetrators.
Look at what they all have in common and try to tell me again that their behaviour and the way they view women in this country is not a product of their heritage.
No. 21420
>>21360>>21361Yeah I know it is, but it still applies. I'm not saying middle eastern guys don't rape women, what I'm saying is that it is not a product of race or ethnicity. I find it crazy that you guys are making this an issue related to something that is not controllable when rape is.
In the threads related to America it was mentioned that white people go to Asian countries to rape women there. We know that isn't because they're white but because they're rapists.
Again, I'm not denying that middle easterners in your countries contribute to the rise in rape cases, but just to make it clear, I will never think it is part of their race/ethnicity. Thats like when people say all white people are pedophiles, that "it's in our dna".
No. 21425
>what I'm saying is that it is not a product of race or ethnicityDo you understand that rape statistics are explosively higher in countries like India, Pakistan, Congo etc.?
Tell me again how there's no correlation.
Go on. Explain to me how these rape statistics are in no way related to the fact that these men originate from countries that educate them from birth that women are men's property and are to be taken by force.
Go on.
No. 21432
>>21425Those countries don't have the same protection for women as other countries, on almost every level. They retain a lot of their old world ideals unlike in places like America and the UK. You can't possibly tell me that prior to middle easteners immigrating to the UK british women weren't being raped.
They're being raped a lot less by british men because women have earned rights to their own bodies and thus british mens ideologies have changed.
You say all those things as though Indian, Pakistani and Congolese men go around raping as though its ok. If it's rape they're aware that its a crime. The women from these countries fight back just as much as British women do but they won't get justice on the same level (not saying British womens rapists always receive due justice). Thats why they can get away with it and continue to do so at absurd numbers.
Those rapists carry that mentality with them. They're criminals and neither the laws nor their families punish them as they should. They help breed more criminals, however that is
not the mentality of the average Indian, Pakistani or Congolese men. Do you know how many people are actively against this behavior in their own countries and around the world? No, of course not you don't give a fuck lol.
Do you seriously think that every Indian, Pakistani and Congolese man will rape a british woman at one point? Of course, because you're pitiful.
Whatever, idc at this point, it's not even affecting me.
No. 21438
>>21432You don't know what you're talking about because even during eras such as the 1300's-1500's rape statistics in European were still very low compared with modern rape statistics in specified mudslime countries, and this was back before we even had any rights and were too considered property.
I used to be like, so liberal. I was such a non-judgemental, non-racist, understanding individual, and then I moved to a city where I was exposed to sexual abuse daily by middle-eastern and black men to the point where I feared for my safety just walking around when not in broad daylight.
I left after a year of living in that city and you know what? During my entire stay I was not harassed once by a white male. Not even a once, no lie.
No. 21450
>>21438Man thats surreal, it's been the exact opposite for me. I get cat calls from both white and non white men, but I've never been sexually harassed by the latter.
2 of my friends and I had to stay in a predominantly white town for a couple of months a few years back and guess who was sexually assaulted by white guys?
I'm white, but one of my friends was biracial and the other Korean. Not once did they say anything derogatory against white people. They weren't even the only non white girls getting attacked either, we got to know a couple of girls who reported the same happening to them. This was the most terrifying point in our lives because when we reported it, nothing happened.
So going by your logic, I should have encouraged them to hate whites, including me, and blame it on our race and not their fucked up thinking.
No. 21452
>>21443Basically, rapists are more likely rape/molest people they know.
>>21450You most likely were never sexually harassed and you're making stuff up because you are butt hurt there are too many Browns in your country.
Also, if a man is catcalling you, 9/10 he's not even seriously interested in you he's just being a troll.
No. 21454
>>21438>even during eras such as the 1300's-1500's rape statistics in European were still very low Gonna ask for a source + explanation on why said source is reliable.
Don't talk out of your ass.
No. 21455
>>21447Mudslimes think every woman is a whore by default.
Video related, a swarm of Mudslime males surround and jeer/threaten two women for being "improperly dressed".
No. 21460
>>21458Actually black women are more likely to be raped by white men than white women are to be raped by black men.
" MYTH: Rape mostly involves black men raping white women.
TRUTH: Most rapes occur between people of the same race; in fact more white men rape black women than black men rape white women." has nothing to do with looks, even kids and males get raped.
No. 21462
>>21461Literally nobody in this thread has done that once.
Of you believe they have them please, point out out now, otherwise shut your blind ass.
No. 21465
>>21462Not that anon, but see
>>21458 >>21368
No. 21474
>>21464Looooool what, how are you equating me stating that middle-easterns and blacks have sexually harassed me with me stating that I believe I'm beautiful? It's a verified fact that they do this to white women regularly because they believe we're all whores because we're not married off by age 12 or some shit.
If you like these savages so much why don't you move to the middle-east and then you can enjoy a brutal gangrape all to yourself.
No. 21480
>>21475They feel the need to bring up they're white because they think their white beauty is why these guy's harassed them. Like, how do they know this same guy didn't sexually harass a Chinese girl or something a few hours earlier?they just assume it's only them because they're white and pretty.
But we all know this person was never actually sexually harassed and is most likely isn't even female….so yeahhhh
No. 21481
>>21480You doing salty and non-white and angry at the fact.
Chill, nobody gives a fuck what race you are. I don't give a shit if you're prettier than me or not. So taking everything as a personal attack.
No. 21484
>>21481You are so wrong about both.
Only a disturbed person would be jealous over someone else getting sexually harassed and not them.
Get therapy.
No. 21490
>>21484You're lying because a white girl world virtually neb be say
>they feel the need to bring up they're white because they think their white beauty is why these guy's harassed themUnless that is they were some self-hating Tumblr faggot.
If you're that insecure try skin bleach.
No. 21496
>>21490You're implying that I'm a non-white girl who is jealous of you because all the guys want to rape and molest your delicate white body.
You got a lot of issuessss
No. 21498
>>21497She seems to think it is.
Sounds like she she wants to be raped herself idk.
No. 21500
>>21499No, it means that a good portion of immigrant shitskins will attempt to stick their miniscule pork needles into anything that moves.
I don't know if I'm pretty or not and I don't particularly care, I want these losers to stop harassing all women everywhere.
No. 21501
>>21500This is exactly right. It has nothing to do
with you being white. It's just guys trying to get fuck girls. You keep being up because you're white etc. trust me it happens to "shitskin" women too, you aren't special.
>>No, it means that a good portion of immigrant shitskins will attempt to stick their miniscule pork needles into anything that moves. No. 21504
>>21499rape has nothing to do with being seen as attractive, it's all about forcing the victim into a situation where a man can act out his fantasies of dominating, controlling or humiliating the opposite sex.
anyone who uses sexual harassment to try to prove how 'hot' they are is pants-on-head batshit delusional.
also you guys realize that rape statistics based on race vary from country to country (or state to state, if you're a u.s. citizen) based on the population percentages present in the area and often cannot be reliably quoted esp. in areas where women are discouraged from reporting rape?
why you fuckers have to turn it into a racial issue every single time, I will never know.
No. 21510
>>21506>>21502>Women of colorYou mean all none-white women? But I though we weren't supposed to instantly connect skin color with race anymore because whites aren't the only ones with light skin? Tumblr please enlighten me.
Also, she called them shitskins because only none-whites are doing the harassing dumbass.
No. 21519
>>21517The twisted logic of these people:
White women are the only ones desirable enough to be raped(they think rape has something to do with looks)
White men are kind and would never rape white women and they'd never rape women of other races because they're too ugly.
No. 21584
>>21558>>21563did you get jumped by a black chick or did you take too many massive black cocks up the ass
lol y u so mad edgelord?
who hurt you bby?
No. 21602
>>21596Where are you moving from?
If you're from down South prepare for a surprisingly different climate.
Durham is nice if you like old cities with a lot of history on display and intact architecture.
It's a beautiful environment with a gorgeous landscape and so very peaceful, however if you're like me and prefer the disorderly wildness and lights of the city then you won't like Durham.
No. 21835
>>21638you sound pathetic so i'm assuming you look so. slimy little bitches are easy targets. i'm glad somebody finally beat your vulgar ass but clearly didn't beat it hard enough.
did the black cock taste good btw? you didn't comment
No. 21837
>>21592there is none. nobody brags about being raped, especially if you're black. you'll get no sympathy from the black community. that's some white girl shit if anything.
it's just somebody trying to cause drama, as usual. how embarrassing.
No. 22683
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No. 22718
>>22710I had a friend of a friend in uni who was head of the lgbt club on campus and she was a bit…'rape culture
problematic erasing asexuality' type which was obnoxious, yeah. But on the whole, I don't think it's as bad as the US…yet.
That protein world thing was kind of weird but kind of glad of the controversy since I buy their stuff now so thanks outraged sjws!
No. 24641
>>22718I wouldn't say it's big as America, we have crime/rape/murder here though but no where near the scale America has it.
Feminists… yet to see whiny 'slut shamer omg' girls at my uni. Everyone is normal? If someone is a dick people usually call you out on it but that's about it tbh.
No. 33733
>>33732OH YEY
i wonder where mi taxes r goin kek
No. 33743
>>33732r they going to be all nig nogs again
I'm sick of the nig nogs and muslims
No. 33760
>>33759Thing is MOST look like that though. Most white girls/women living in council estates DO look either limp with no ass in leggings or lardy fuckers. Then you've got the tuffs with the nice houses who can afford things but are just basic. Then you've got the posh ones who are nerdy as fuck. I've yet to even see stunning white women on the streets where I live. Average but that's about it when they're dressed in Urban Outfitters and Topshop all wearing black, boyfriend jackets and those tacky Michael Korrs bags.
Ain't exactly prizes themselves.
No. 33762
>>33760or you've got asians, chinese who usually CAN afford designer shit but end up looking like shit despite them having the money.
or you've got muslimy asians, all wear long cardigans, leggings or skinny jeans with flats from primark with their head scarfs. All of them look the same tbh. The most their daddy let them wear was fucking make up.
and blacks are just, well you've seen it.
No. 33771
>>33744still look better than the average nig nog
and it's not about looks anyway, it's about behaviour. Have you been on a bus in hackney, like ever? They're basically animals in a concrete jungle.
It's vile.
No. 33804
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>>33803I think it's due to inbreeding and unfortunate makeup trends.
No. 33808
>>33803yeah… nah, there's ugly people in every country.
What are your well researched statistics based off?
No. 33812
>>33808They're based on my functioning eyes
and no shit there are ugly people in every country, I didn't say America didn't have ugly people, but that they have a higher percentage of good looking people than britain, canada and australia
No. 33829
>>33808If British people were all brown skinned, they'd be used as an example on non-white inferiority at every turn.
That's literally how ugly they are.
No. 33835
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this is what I assume the average Brit looks like
No. 33846
>>33834k back to murica u go yank-chan
ps. ur country is a mess
No. 33847
>>33822Nah, that's only people who live on the state thinking poundland is expensive. Not everyone does live on the state only the commoner types I guess.
Well put it this way, UK has better fashion that the states who are still stuck in the 80s. Barely can dress themselves.
Other European countries are always weird. The people are either off or just cold.
No. 33848
>>33771Again people are gonna bring up the "its black peoplesss faultt". Isn't America bad enough for that shit?
Africans are usually the worst. The new ones that are coming into the country, the women are like beasts and they have like 50 kids. Jamaicans, old school Jamaicans are usually alright. But the newer generation are the ones who act up most. Still the crime rate with blacks here in the UK is far LOWER than America and plus it's usually white men here in the UK or some fucking arab who causes crime atm. I barely see as many blacks making crime in the news anymore. Here and there but not as much as white chavs OR paki types.
It is about looks though. Most white women in the UK DO look trashy, most don't look like they wash. The estate types are look like that ALL the time. Most white women in the UK age terribly, most are fat as shit by the time they're in their 30s/40s. All wrinkles and haggard.
Lol and anywhere DOWN SOUTH is a drag anon
No. 33849
>>33777They are trashy, all shop at the same fucking places and all end up looking at shit as each other.
- tan
- falsies
- hair dye
- limp body or fatty squeezed into a bodycon dress for their fb pic on a friday night
- majority all whiny and selfish bitches
- end up having a fuck ton of kids off the state (not just the white but the asian ones do too and the african ones)
yeah most look like shit, once they've finished their preppy girl or emo stage at school they evolve into a "little miss" and try looking like Kim K
So many girls I KNOW (white ones) are like this and i just lel at them
No. 33850
>>33765Exactly, it's true. Most people look like shit these days, unless you've spent hours on your hair and make up. Most people do generally look like crap.
If you can't polish a turd just roll it in glitter obv
No. 33897
>>33859For things like deer population control (because deer are fucking assholes and destroy EVERYTHING if left alone)? Fine.
Hunting for blood sport? You deserve to be genitally mutilated.
No. 34019
>>33947No I'm talking as someone who has formed their own opinion.
>>33959Ever heard of proportions?
No. 34414
>>33845The British Isles only executed a couple thousand people for witchcraft and 90% of that was in Scotland. 25% of the victims were male and pretty much all the victims were old spinsters and hermits. Witches were also hung rather than burnt.
It was the continent and particularly Germany that had the stereotypical witch hunts as most people think of them. But even saying that, places like Scandinavia, Baltics, Russia, etc executed more men than women because in their pagan religions it was men who mostly commanded magic.
No. 34607
>>34605No and I'm just gonna copy and paste my reply to somebody who spoke in favour of this issue on Facebook because I cba typing it out again.
"To be completely honest I am personally against accepting mass immigration into Britain but not because of the standard reasons being some shit like "migrants takn' muh jerbs" etc. but more so for environmental reasons.
Britain is already disgustingly overcrowded as it is and the one argument against this that I absolutely abhor and despise is "we have plenty of unoccupied countryside that we can level and develop".
People seem to forget that just because "humans" don't occupy these areas it doesn't mean that they're empty.
We've deforested to the point that only 11.8% of the UK is now occupied by forested areas, similarly only 2% of Britain's ancient woodland remains intact with more being lost daily.
Over 421 native British species of mammals, birds, insect and plant have been eradicated in the 200 years alone since we began rapid industrial development. Less space = less area to cultivate resources which means more cheaper imports from poorer countries with worse working conditions and virtually non-existent pay and an increase in cramped conditions for Britain's livestock.
In an ideal world it would be spectacular for the UK to be able to house the world's oppressed and integrate them into our society but I don't for the life of me understand why people believe that the UK is such a spectacular candidate for this when it's already bowed under the weight of its present population and the people and its environment are already suffering.
It'd be fine if the government would get off its bloated, feckless arse and enact a law that owner's of 2 or more properties are barred from leaving them empty or decided to actually renovate the masses of dilapidated empty housing instead of rolling over the countryside with new builds but obviously they're not going to so we're fucked.
I don't see how giving a shit about your country's land, resources and wildlife makes you a selfish person tbh and I really hate the guilt-tripping tactics I see some people employing against others that hold opposing views.
That being said, the DM a shit. Anybody that seriously reads that trash needs to be taken out back and shot."
No. 34648
Too many people here, soon it'll be like concrete jungle. I mean, not being funny but where are they going to live/work? Who will be paying for that exactly?
Again it's not about "omg my job fuckin foreigners" cos we've got lazy cunt british people who won't work as it is. But this lot coming here now… It's daft.
I feel bad for them, I really do and it's not their fault. Jesus but they need to go elsewhere. Britain being stupid as we are, will let them in. Any other country wouldn't. I DO think we're soft as a country, I really do. Bout time we stamped our foot tbh.
No. 47988
>>47944Scotland is way more racist than England. When I lived in England with a Scottish accent there were jokes but no actual abuse, but when I lived in Scotland with an English accent it was pretty common to get shit.
However since Scotland is so much whiter than England it has a bit of an inferiority complex and is still obsessed with multiculturalism in a way that England gave up on years ago. Part of the reason is that Scotland is quick to open it's doors but once people are in the UK they all move down to London so Scotland never has to deal with the bad side. That's probably why the Syrian refugees have been sent to Bute of all places - if they try to leave they will get caught.
My brother is in Glasgow so I visit a lot and it's funny how they think a token Asian makes them as diverse than London.
No. 48031
>>47988This; Scots can be pretty fucking awful.
I moved to Scotland when I was 6 and lived there for another 6 years and am actually a quarter Scottish on my grandfather's side, but that didn't stop the residents of our Scottish village abusing the fuck out of my entire family on account of us having previously resided in England for most of ours lives.
They were just awful, even having some full-grown adults picking on me for it. Me, a 6 year old.
It's funny because today I live back in the North of England and I still vastly prefer Scotland's healthcare, it's government policies, the way it's citizens are treat, and even my fiancé is Scottish, but too many Scottish people just have this major fucking stick up their arses over the English and it's like…. get the fuck over it you know. The English peoples are NOT their government.
Jeez even my fiancé and his entire family were like this the first few years I knew them when I was teens.
Like you'd walk into their house and you'd be greeted by a Scotland flag doormat, Scottish mugs in the cupboard, Scottish tea-towels, Scottish fridge magnets and packets of fucking shortbread in the cupboard and Irn Bru in the fridge fuck me.
I think the Scottish are genuinely above Americans in their garish, unnecessary nationalism.
No. 48033
>>48031>>47988Scotfag here, and I can further confirm everything that you are saying.
Scottish people have such an ingrained cultural inferiority complex it's unreal, though it's usually passed off as good humoured self-deprecation, and what positive points we do have are overshadowed by e.g. kitsch biscuit-tin nationalism. You need only look at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Commonwealth games to see this. "lol Irn Bru and Tunnocks, and gays kissing, look how progressive we are!"
This inferiority also manifests itself in a seemingly restless drive to be looked favourably upon by other nations and peoples, although really none of them give two shits.
Also, our open liberal ideas towards outsiders are sickeningly naive. I'll take English realism over Scottish idealism any day. This whole refugee crisis makes me think of a child at a charity dinner pledging to give all of her pocket money to Africa - it's cute, but no one really gives a shit.
tl;dr - Scotland stinks
No. 48071
>>47962PG Tips is dreadful, the worst tea after the really shitty supermarket basics tea (that said, Sainsburys Basics tea reigns supreme over PG Shits). It's all about the high end Assam. Yes, I'm a tea snob. I'm British
confession - I take sugarsage for tea related nonsense
No. 48078
>Also, our open liberal ideas towards outsiders are sickeningly naivePolling shows that there isn't much difference between England Scotland. 70% of people in England want immigration reduced vs 64% in Scotland. The difference is probably down to the fact that population growth in England is twice as high even though density is already ten times higher.
The idea of a super liberal Scotland is an invention of the SNP. Labour always advertised themselves as "nice lefties" vs "nasty right wing Tories" and now that many Labour voters have switched to the SNP they want to continue to think of themselves as "nice people". Since both Labour and the SNP are left wing they need a new divider so it became "Scotland = nice, England = nasty".
Take for example Westminster removing the working hours from student visas. They did this because so many non-EU foreigners were applying for university, getting their visas, and then never turning up at uni. This was very common in Scotland where the free university places are funded by fee paying foreign students and so Scottish universities basically have an open door policy.
The SNP has attacked this policy change as being "yet more racist Englanders" but really they're just annoyed that their scheme has been busted.
Salmond made his career out of such race baiting so it's not really a surprise. Sturgeon could change things but not while Salmond is still hanging on waiting for his chance to make yet another comeback as leader.
No. 48100
>>48078People seem to forget that once upon a time, the SNP used to be known as the "Tartan Tories".
There's cuts across local councils and the local SNP Councillors/MSPs are crying "this is terrible you should manage your budgets better!" to the Labour-run councils and when they retort with "well it's your SNP government who cut our budgets, why not ask them what happened? " They prattle on about scaremongering and negative attitudes.
They had a £444million underspend at the end of last year (announced after all the cuts) and yet they're still cutting local council budgets.
I complained to my local SNP MSP about it and her answer? "Westminster".
Aside from Mhairi Black, I think most of the new MPs in Scotland are proof that the SNP could put up a poodle wearing a Scotland flag that could bark "Loch Lomond" and the morons of Scotland would still vote for it because "mah independence".
No. 48126
>>48102Fuck off anon
PG obviously wins
No. 96127
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So, what're you guys voting; remain or leave?
I'm voting leave.
No. 96128
>>96127difficult one anon… I want to leave but at the same time I do worry if the country will get worse
tbh either way we're fucked
No. 96132
>>96128The way I'm considering it, we've been in the EU for 43 years now and in my lifetime I've only seen my country degrade further and further.
We don't know if leaving will fuck us up or not, but I'm so fed up of being dicked around that at this point willing to take the chance and jump. It might be a fucking disaster in which the EU would immediately reabsorb us, or turns out to be the most spectacular decision we've ever made as a nation.
The countries that currently hold the top 3 economies are:
Something these 3 countries all have in common? None of them are in the EU.
I'm still really on the fence about it too but in the end I think I'm definitely going to have to vote leave because 1, David Cameron is desperate to stay and that says A LOT, 2. we currently pay £55 million a day towards EU membership, a lot of which goes towards propping up poorer countries such as Poland and Romania and that is a fucking DISGUSTING amount at a time when our nationals services are being crippled by lack of funding and we have the elderly and infirmed legitimately fucking freezing and starving to death in their homes, and 3., I lived in a 'culturally enriched' city for a year and it truly opened my eyes to the reality of multiculturalism. Fact is that too many of the people we allow blithely into the UK do not have one iota of respect for we as a peoples or our customs and laws and seek only to bleed us dry of whatever they can get their hands on, be is sex (often by force), money, possessions or resources, and they don't give a shit and they never will because they don't truly identify as citizens. It's not their country, so it's not their problem.
Another thing to consider is its starting to look like Turkey might actually secure EU membership. If they do, I sure as shit don't want to be around for when that happens because we'll end up flooded with more animals, the kind of animals I was being harassed by every fucking day when I lived in that doomed city.
People always like to talk about how being in the EU helps good, educated, driven people to come into the country, like doctors and teachers and engineers, but if you're well educated and have no criminal background, you're not going to have a problem getting in anyway? The only people it DOES help get in are the undesirables; rapists, paedophiles, buglers and murderers because the EU has stripped us of our border control. I remember when they let Romania in and you know the only thing I've seen come about of it since then? Higher ATM crime, higher burglaries and more Big Issue sellers.
Fact is, I think the EU really does need us more than we need them and we're getting a raw deal.
No. 96138
>>96132There are a couple of points I want to make:
Firstly I dislike the way the leave campaign has been emphasizing this "fairer migration policy" and marketing it to non-whites in terms of a "rather than those dastardly eastern europeans, we can bring in more Indians/Pakistanis!" That genuinely worries me. Eastern European immigrants are minnows in terms of the social dislocation they cause compared to non-white immigrants, whose cultures are often far more alien, who often have conditioned hatred towards the UK and wider Western World, think of white women as nothing but whores etc.
Second point is that I think the idea of European integration in principle is actually a good one. The ability, for example, to negotiate as one large block with superstates like China. Theoretically this is not only good but necessary. The reality is that the EU has done a pretty bad job of protecting European industry from low-cost dumping of foreign products and doesn't have anything like the "we must protect domestic companies" attitude Japan/China have, which puts us at just as much of a disadvantage as we would be were we out of the union.
Finally and to reiterate, the idea of the EU in principle is a good thing, but it simply doesn't protect the interests of ethnic Europeans in a broad sense. The migrant crisis could have been a way for the commission and other organs to show they actually give a shit, by taking a hard line and assisting Greece in establishing a near-impregnable sea-border in the Aegean. Instead we have the Union actively facilitating gigantic net inflows of people to the tune of several million a year, Merkel putting a gun to the heads of countries who wanted to have nothing to do with it, Juncker and Co. kow-towing to Turkey's blackmail demands and so on.
My two hyperinflated euro cents.
No. 96188
>>96186no one that isnt a rich foreigner can live there anymore
so yes.
also i blame tumblr for this new london tourism boom. expecting a pretty backdrop when its an overcrowded mess of tourists.
No. 96192
>>96186It's not as bad as Paris as far as the immigrant thing goes.
First thing I saw in Paris was a black guy being bundled into a police car. I've seen random criminal acts (purse snatching by a black again) happen like it's a normal thing.
No. 96198
>>96127Scottish anon here, and I'm voting to stay in the E.U. The E.u has protected our human rights far more than an unelected government in Westminister ever has.
I think it's a bit rich for little Englanders to whinge about democracy meanwhile not ONE Scottish votes counts when it comes to electing the prime minister! Scotland and England have different needs when it comes to immigration, we should be independent of each other.
No. 96211
I think the racism in this thread is disgusting.
>>33835>british>tfw I've got a big nose, heavy jawline, high forehead, thin lips and sunken eyes like this girl.AT LEAST I HAVE MY SPARKLING PERSONALITY
I heard on a student site that there's 25p shops rolling out, the stock being nearly/only just out of date.
On one hand it sounds like it would've been a dream come true back when I was in poverty, but it's so scummy.
Actually on that note, what do people think of the class system here? I grew up working class (ish. Parents were on bennies). My studies suffered because I arrived late and had to leave school early to take my little brother because we couldn't afford a babysitter. I was discouraged from taking a paper round, or any part time job by my parents. Still got into uni, still became reasonably well educated and I'm heading for a masters this Sep. I see people saying that neds are being villainised, that they're nothing but a product of their poor environment. But I really don't think so. Coming from that background I believe they could bring themselves out of it, but they'd rather be lazy, indulgent and violent any day of the week.
No. 96212
>>96198You're responding to me and I'm actually half-Scottish Anon.
How farcical it is for you to whinge about Scotland wasn't granted its independence, something I voted towards too, and yet you bitch and try to hold England back within the EU.
The reason not one Scottish vote counted towards the ministerial elections is because you morons all voted SNP knowing FULL WELL what our system entails.
No. 96217
>>96212I don't think you understand how the Westminister elections work. As I said before, the Scottish votes do not matter when it comes to electing our PM. So it wouldn't matter who we voted for, the PM is elected on English votes.
Seriously where you not taught about electoral systems at school? In Scotland it's mandatory!
No. 96451
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>>96127saw this, definitely voting leave now lol, what a fucking joke
No. 96455
>>96451I posted on my Facebook a few days ago about being on the fence and almost immediately I received 6 comments posting biased, completely unreferenced infographics containing useless statistics and made-up facts and two direct messages linking me to yet more biased media telling me that they're sure I'll make the right decision in voting remain ":)".
Do they not realise how fucking fanatical and creepy this makes them look? And pushing patronising crap like
>>96451 devalues their entire cause.
I don't see any of this kind of behaviour from the Brexit campaign, they're a lot more "you decide what you think is best". I'm definitely voting leave.
No. 96501
>>96492Are you bad at arithmetic? Going from 90% to 70% within the space of 15-20 years is a fucking huge demographic shift, not even the Angle and Saxon invasions had that sort of demographic footprint on the British isles (their influence was primarily cultural and linguistc, the bulk of the British genome still stems from ice-age settlers).
>Christianity is intolerant of women after all.Maybe they don't like the idea of Islam replacing it? Even Dawkins has said that, he views Christianity as a bulwark against something worse.
>What do you plan to do with all of those who have been born and bred in England but do not have white skin?A dog born in a stable is not a horse. The vast majority of those serving in ISIS are second and third gen "European" Muslims.
No. 96512
>>96501So the real reason behing you wishing to leave the E.U is because you hate muslims. Hilarious that you favour Christianity, when it is just as fucking bad maybe even more so given it's influence.
So not only do you want to ethnically cleanse England but force Christianity on it's citizens! You certainly live up to the little Englander stereotype (from a Scottish perspective)
No. 96527
>can't deal with the fact that most people are in favour of rehousing refugeeslol you mean economic migrants. Last I checked Albania wasn't a war zone.
And no love I speak about this kind of shit IRL all the time. The only thing that makes it difficult for us is the way your pretentious, pedantic lot jumps down our throats with your PC bullshit every time. You're the aggressive one.
No. 96620
>>96492Op here
>What do you plan to do with all of those who have been born and bred in England but do not have white skin? It is sad but I would have to repatriate them to their home countries, or country of their choice, with compensation. Mosley proposed the same in the 20th century. I think this would actually help the countries they were going back to quite a bit as they would have good western educations. There are already repatriation charities for people who want to return to their country and those have existed for ages. To be honest I think if you actually enforced laws against cousin marriage, polygamy, sharia courts and FGM a lot of people would leave now that they realize they actually have to integrate to live here.
Throw in a pro-natal policy for white English people and we're no longer in danger of becoming a minority in a place that has been white for 13,000 years.
>Also England is finally moving away from Christianity despite the CoE why would you want to go back? Christianity is intolerant of women after all.Christianity is only intolerant if women if you want like, to get drunk and have a gangbang then abort your baby because you were too lazy to take birth control. Or you want to be a priest, but the CoE doesn't even stand for either of those these days lol.
No. 96621
>>96512I don't "favor Christianity", it's a foreign import from the Middle East that destroyed a lot of European culture from antiquity.
I don't hate Muslims, but I certainly hate Islam.
>but force Christianity on it's citizens!You're getting me confused with someone else.
>You certainly live up to the little Englander stereotype (from a Scottish perspective)I'm not even an ethnic Anglo. You'd be surprised at how comparatively tolerant Anglos are compared to the part of Europe my mother's side of the family come from.
>>96514Britain hasn't invaded Syria. Even if it did, that doesn't make the people entering Europe refugees. Only 20-30% are from Syria and the moment they leave the relative safety of the camps (Which the international community has spent billions to create) in SE Turkey and Lebanon to leave for Europe, they do not retain refugee status.
>>96517>>96515Are you so fucking dull that you can't conceptualize the idea of people being opposed to massive demographic shifts in their population over the space of a decade (a flash in the pan historically speaking) other than because of some semitic desert nigger God?
Fuck off.
>>96518>muh virtue signalling No. 96626
>>96622I wish it wasn't edgy to say that maybe we shouldn't have immigration so high that white people are projected to become a minority in a place they've lived for 13 millenia.
I think among under 5's white people are a minority now actually.
No. 96627
>>19735To add to the creep factor, Diana was chosen as she would have been a "virgin bride". Lord Mountbatten (who arranged the marriage of Queen and Philip) insisted and even the royal gynecologist issued statements that she was "intact".
I guess William and Kate are the first royals to actually marry out of their choice.
No. 96630
>>96629I agree with your general sentiment that hierarchy is natural and good.
I really don't think the average voters knows what is best for the UK, nevermind the fact that they watch TV 7 hours a day and believe everything it says.
No. 96635
>>96632Yes. The comments section of virtually every mainstream media source is thoroughly right-wing. Even Comment is Free over at the Graun used to have this. It got to the point where the dimwit Senior Editors at the Graun just withdrew the comments section for particularly "volatile" topics about race/religion because there was just too much damn realtalk going on.
The Mail is especially funny as its a window into Middle England. The top comment is always some fairly average fellow from somewhere like Burnley giving a good common sense response to some bullshit like family reunification laws being extended to the 10th cousins of every paki in the country.
No. 96655
>>96651 != Islingtonian liberal hugboxes and your Graun-reading friends.
Note that nearly 200 people have been killed in Britain by recidivist murderers released from jail after the death penalty was rescinded.
No. 96669
>>96655barking up the wrong tree
>>96660Nuttall might also not be in a job much longer.
No. 96714
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No. 96750
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>>96714Compared to rightwing?
No. 96769
>>96753>>96766Guys wtf. I personally had to attend a food bank three times two years ago after I was let go from my work, had to sign on and the job centre created some bullshit 1 month delay in me getting my first payment and I had nobody around to help me.
There was a woman in the next town over that ended up having to walk 15 miles here and back whilst it was pissing it down and laden with food bags to get food for her kids.
You guys have no fucking clue, take that silver spoon out of your arses and try looking out of your ivory tower for once.
No. 96916
>>19708If Britain (England) chooses to leave the E.U, I think there will be a referendum on Scottish independence. The SNP manifesto states that such will happen and they have a mandate with the Scottish Greens.
I think this will be a positive thing as Brexit has shown how different politically and socially England and Scotland are. I also wonder that if this came into being, would many Englanders become leave and become immigrants in Scotland as to still have the benefits and regulations of being in the E.U? Also how many English living in Spain etc who are retired and don't have citizenship would have to move back to their birthplace.
No. 97217
>>96766Pretty sure Iceland is but hey ok.
>>96127In. You'll see that we'll stay in, I'm certain.
No. 97229
>>97217The countries with the highest rates of obesity are:
1.Turkey and Andorra
3. United Kingdom
4. Czech Republic
5. Malta
6. Lithuania
7. Slovakia
8. Ireland
9. Israel
10. Poland
Turkey and Andorra aren't European so the UK is the fattest. No. 97550
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>>97543Nah lol. Maybe southern slavs but Poles have always been chubby. Also Biedronka and Lidl.
No. 98089
>>97975The last three PMs were Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major. John Major is English and none of the parties they represent are Scottish.
No shot that partie members elect the PM, the party though who is in parliament is not nominated by any Scottish vote therefore Scots do not vote on either the party that is in government or obviously it's leader/PM.
The idea that Scots somehow have more power and are over represented than English voters and politicians is just ignorant and bullshit.
If we do finally get independence, you can have your fucking trident shipped to the Thames
No. 98174
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>>98170You're allowing your emotions relating to a murder influence your political decisions? Way to fall for the Jew meme. Wouldn't be surprised if this was a false flag, the opposing party finding some nutjob and influencing from afar to go ahead and commit a high profile assassination in order to further their political gender after which they scapegoat the fuck out of her….. kind of sound like another high profile political assassination?
You guys never noticed how this shit ALWAYS happens right before a notable government push?
>America: The Iraq war is a bad idea! We oppose it!9/11 happens
>Britain: Joining America in the Iraq war was a bad idea! We oppose it and want to pull out!>London Bombings happen>THOSE FUCKING SANDNIGGER PAKIS WE NEED TO FUCK THEM UP, UK, UK!
>Britain: EU leave polls showing a dominant percentage with it looking likely we'll leaveJo Cox is murdered a week prior to the EU referendum
>Britain: Ooooooh noooo how terrible! The murderer also conveniently shouted "Britain First! as the murder took place! Now we have evidence of an ideology of which to oppose! SOLIDARITY, UNITY, WE MUST REMAIN AS ONE! No. 98177
>>98149Leavers have no arguments, every economic and financial model points out the negative impact of leaving, all major corporations are for remaining.
Immigration from the EU is a non-issue, since Eastern Europeans receive fewer benefits than native Brits, and the fuck off once they have earned enough money.
The most damaging immigrants are pakis and Africans, which UKIP want more of because of the commonwealth meme.
Go back to shooting MPs, sincr that's the only thing leavers are actually good at.
No. 98186
>>98174Maybe it's because American media is very biased that so many of you bought the idea that Osama and Sadaam were all to blame, when in reality it was Saudi.
In the UK I can't say there was any huge support for intervention in the M.E after the London bombings, it was also broadcast on the news that a Saudi prince threatened Tony Blair with another similar bombing if he didn't play ball.
We also know the American intervention in Libya was all because Gadaffi nationalised resources like oil meaning American private companies couldn't get their hands on it, we also know he was succesfully starting to create a united states of Africa which would make foreign profiteers like America have less chance to exploit and control African resources and people .
Regarding the awful murder, it was ONE man who interpretted the right wing ideology of the Britain first/UKIP nonsense.
No. 98188
>>98185Scotland and England have very different views and needs concerning immigration and government structures. Scotland is more tolerant of immigrants, and many Scots have been economic immigrants themselves.
Also Scotland, like many EU countries doesn't have an extremely centralised government like Westminister. We also know that WE the people can change our government, and another point is that sovereignty likes with the SCottish citizens as opposed to England where it officially likes with the monarch and god.
We are two seperate countries, if England wishes to be more intollerant about the E.U and what it entails, so be it. But Scotland should not be dragged into your mess.
No. 98192
>>98189You are aware non EU immigration shouldn't be relevant to this referendum, usually the ones whingeing about non e.u immigration are just being racist.
The only country that can't "control it's borders" here is Scotland, Westminister has not developed such a power.
No. 98200
>>98186>We also know the American intervention in Libya was all because Gadaffi nationalised resources like oil meaning American private companies couldn't get their hands on it, we also know he was succesfully starting to create a united states of Africa which would make foreign profiteers like America have less chance to exploit and control African resources and people .Lmao, that's why he persecuted the blacks in the country and started a war with Chad.
Oil had long been nationalised in Libya, the reason he was overthrown is that he was a corrupt prick who murdered his own people to stay in power, then the UN security council passed a resolution for airstrikrs.
Next time don't get your nrws from RT.
No. 98203
>>98192>You are aware non EU immigration shouldn't be relevant to this referendumI'm wording this really badly tbh but I was trying to say that there's been a lot of focus on immigration during the campaigning and quite a lot of people haven't distinguished between EU and non EU immigration. They're viewing this like REMAIN = IMMIGRANTS & LEAVE = NO IMMIGRANTS. I know there are people who are hoping this will solve all immigration problems. That's why I think people are gonna be pissed no matter what.
Expectations are very high and, whether we leave or stay, I think even the people who get their desired result won't be entirely happy with it. I know this is pretty much the case with politics anyway, but for some reason I think the anger over this result will be on a bigger scale because everything has been so built up.
You could be right about it just being the racists though. I was just going by what I've seen but it could be that they're just a very vocal minority.
No. 98204
>>98185>And you realise if Turkey gets inLiterally not even happening, and they call the remain camp fearmongerers lmao
>In total, foreigners represented 13% of the prison population, whereas foreign nationals are 13% of the total population in England and WalesWew
>Just look what happened to Sweden, they took the liberal approach and now they're the rape capitol in the world after Africa.Which has nothing to do with the EU, you seem to think the EU is hell bent on filling the UK with ad many sandniggers as possible, ehich it isn't.
No. 98213
>>98204>Turkey won't get inOh my sweet summer child. They're already in the fast lane to joining the EU, and all before other candidate countries who are actually European, might I add.
Of the former Yugoslav countries, all Christian (aside from a pocket of muh heritage Muslims in Bosnia and, thanks to the injection of Albanians and hostile takeover of the region from Serbs, Kosovo) with a rich history, only Croatia is a member and that's only because they sucked EU dick before their civil war had even begun.
The other former Yugo countries became candidates way before Turkey but got put on the backburner because Turkey is a priority.
No. 98229
>>98213Nice sources for your claims, countries like Bosnia and Serbia are actually on a higher priority thab Turkey, which hasn't even officially applied.
You have bo actial knowledge of international relations if ypu believe Greece and Cyprus won't veto Turkey.
No. 98232
>>98229>Which hasn't even officially appliedLmao.
Serbia's accession negotiations started in 2013, compared to 2005 for Turkey. Turkey applied in 1987.
Faggot. No. 98722
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Don't accidentally spoil your ballot.