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No. 1955583

Hi. I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question or any question in general. (I'm not too sure how lolcow works to begin with)

so, for context, a long while ago an ex friend posed as myself here when i was 16 & made a post as an advertisement in a sense leaning towards trying to get older people to hit on me here.

my question is, are posts that target minors especially in this sense, deleted? i usually try not to think of this event as it happened a long time ago & its most likely long gone now but unfortauntely i think about it way too much to forget & would prefer closure.

i dont think it was deleted immediately even if it is now, as months after the incident a 21 year old did reach out to me asking for nudes despite knowing that the post specified i was infact, 16.

i spoke with this 21 year old & we proceeded to clear things up via ig which ended with them trauma dumping on me about them being called out for grooming a minor (i wasnt surprised in the slightest) which resulted in me blocking them.

i hope my question can be answered, thanks.

tldr: if an ex friend made a post impersonating me when i was 16 in an attempt to have older people hit on me, would it most likely deleted now as it literally broke the rules(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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