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No. 195195

I noticed that a lot of people here are fans of old films, vintage fashion, etc.

So feel free to talk about your fav old films, music, vintage clothes and things you bought.

No. 195196>>195207

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I'll start, finally I watched 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and omg Audrey Hepburn was amazing in it. All the elegance and beauty this woman shows is fascinating.

Thought I have to admit that the love story between Holly and Paul is too fast and unrealistic, but for the time this film was made it's amazing.

No. 195199

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I'm a big fan of Sophia Loren I love how striking her face was and I wish I could wear such heavy eye makeup but my face is too soft and round and my eyes are not the right shape to rock this style of makeup.

No. 195207>>195209

Watch Roman Holiday!

No. 195209>>195218


Ok I check it out!

Btw anyone fan of Lisa Eldrdge? I love most of her videos, but the one about Princess Dianas makeup by Mary Greenwell was amazing! I love how both of them really explains the reasons behind the techniques and actually knows how to do makeup, not like most of the makeup guru's on yt and insta.

No. 195213

I was the anon who brought up Dita in the other thread (thanks everyone for the replies!) and I'm happy to see this new one.

This is Lily, one of my favorite vintage YouTubers. Just sharing her channel because I've learned tons of stuff from her.

No. 195218

Lisa Eldritch is my favorite makeup artist by a long shot, her looks are always so flattering and she really knows what she's talking about. Her book is really good if you haven't read it!

No. 195232>>195753

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Brigitte Bardot will always be my favorite.

No. 195319>>195320

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Love Russ Meyer films. Something about sexploitation films of his that make me feel better about myself.

Also Tara Santana

No. 195320

** Tura Satana, ugh

No. 195554>>195812>>195927

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If there was ever a vintage movie I'd recommend to someone who hasn't seen much, it's always Laura first. It's on Netflix right now, and (imo) it's one of the greatest movies ever made, it's gorgeous black and white, beautiful music, suspenseful, romantic, eerie, and a great mystery. It's just an incredibly well-acted, well-written, entertaining and fairly short film that is a great introduction to films from that era.

There's also so many great actresses from that era that I think young women would be really inspired by. There's so many good roles and characters and not every female character is that submissive 50s type. So many are funny, sexy, witty, glamorous, and great actresses all at the same time, Barbara Stanwyck, Leslie Caron, Shirley Maclaine, Rosalind Russell, Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, and so many others.

No. 195753>>195842

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Me too

No. 195787

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Ewa Aulin was gorgeous

No. 195812>>195865

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It's a lesser known film, but I enjoyed The Children's Hour starring Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine. It's interesting in that it's an early film that portrays a more sympathetic view of homosexuality.

Gene Tierney is love, Gene Tierney is life

No. 195842

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Yes she was gorgeous and incredibly sexy.
I always wondered how to get my hair like hers in "et dieu créa la femme".
This movie is also my main fashion inspiration, unfortunately for me most of the outfit look amazingly good mainly because of her great body.

No. 195865>>207797

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Good taste anon, I love this film. I do wish more people would watch it, it's very poignant.

Anyone else here a fan of Jimmy Stewart? I know he's mostly known for being the bumbling nice guy but I always thought he did some great acting in all those Hitchcock films like Vertigo, Rear Window, and Rope.

No. 195927

I watched this movie last night and it was entertaining, though not much development on the main character tbh but overall enjoyable. Thanks for the rec!

No. 196367

Mae West was so cool.

No. 207700>>207772

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Anyone else has an obsession with reading about famous women habits, routines, tips and wishing you too can lead such glamorous and elegant lifestyle (Yes I'm aware that most of them are fucked up in some or other way)?

Pic is interview about Marilyn Monroe's eating and working out habits.

No. 207707>>207720

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I liked the styling of both men and women back then. I think everybody's looks were elevated by the flattering hair and makeup and outfits. The softer styling (compared to now) and more tailored clothes suited more people, I think.

No. 207720>>207721>>207769

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Definitely, I prefer the elegant-delicate-ish look on women and clean-simple men style and I feel that at that time people looked at clothes as a longer-time investment and not just a part of fast fashion and trend, like the whole gap in quality still amazes me.

Tbh I love vintage pin-up illustrations, not all (some are just bit too much). I love the elegant ones featuring woman's daily life.

No. 207721

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No. 207769

Yeah, I loved that people invested in classic, timeless pieces for their wardrobe and din't just immediately stock up on trends that disappear as quickly as they come. They bought clothes that could be worn throughout the years instead of clothes that looked dated within months. The one fashion skill I would like to cultivate is the ability to filter out the fast fashion trends and only spend money on good quality clothing.

No. 207772>>207791

do you have more like that? i'm curious!

No. 207791>>207792

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There are some more, just sadly not photos of real magazine interviews

Anyone feel free to check that site, it has some cool info which can be used now too!

Btw the pic I added has a part where it talks about that time everyday woman and stars weight differences

No. 207792

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About princess Diana's eating, sadly I can't find the other part

No. 207797>>207803

I do like Stewart but completely adore Farley Granger, he's so attractive to me in the exact opposite way Stewart is charming/sleek in Hitchcock films, i.e his awkwardness. (He's only in Rope and Strangers on a Train iirc.)


Different anon, but I 100% agree with what you've said. Buying timeless clothing is not as difficult as it seems. I can try post a simple/affordable guide if anyone is interested?

No. 207803>>207835

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Please post it!!!

No. 207827>>207957

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lately ive been dreaming about living in 60s paris as an intellectual. ive been watching too much french new wave, sigh.

No. 207835

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I absolutely love Jean Harlow anon!
Posting Diana Dors, something about her eyes remind me of Jessica Rabbit.

What are the best 50's makeup tutorials you have seen on YouTube anons?

No. 207904

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Idk if this counts as vintage, but this lot…

I want to watch them all day being hot druggy messes wearing great clothes and thin eyebrows.

If I was ever told I could go back in time and be part of a "scene" I'd chose The Factory, even though it'd probably kill me.

Either that or a Beatnik. Pretentious anyway.

No. 207957

What film is this gif from?

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