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No. 1949926

I saw this thread being requested so I'm here to make it. Let's talk about advertisements you hate, marketing scandals, creepy stupid planted or unfunny ads, false or troll advertisement, political ads and propaganda, publicity stunts, ads in poor taste, celebs in ads, banned or lost media commercials, ads in social media like TikTok and YouTube, failed products, sneaky or ragebait ads, vintage commercials, past controversies, or you could also post an ad you like or found interesting and discuss it. You can also talk about the impact that ads have in society. Any country and brand welcome!

No. 1949927

To start the thread I'm just going to post a classic one.

No. 1949929

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Getting rid of plastic bags was never for the enviroment but to make profit charging more for bags and free advertising of brands (seeing people hold walmart/target/etc. in public, the obscure bags you see polluted on the ground/at random) so your only bet is to buy a logoless reuseable bag but the vast majority is buying them repeatedly from stores because XYZ.

No. 1949934

Goes without saying but any ads featuring female chest mutilation scars makes me feel sick

No. 1949935

Like, breast cancer patients in ads?

No. 1949939

you know that's not what she meant. that said I don't like calling mastectomies mutilation even if it wasn't medically necessary because it's hurtful to women who had cancer as well.

No. 1949944

>you know that's not what she meant.
No I was genuinely asking because I never see ""mutilated"" women on tv unless it's a necessary mastectomy, idk if it's different in another country. I also don't like calling it mutilation

No. 1949945

I know this might sound super ignorant, but this ad was when I first learned that Egypt still existed. I knew about ancient Egypt, but I never realized that the country still probably exists.

No. 1949952

It took me until I was 10 years old to realise that Greece was still around…

No. 1949961

is this real. Is American education really that terrible??? AND THEN YOUR AVERAGE WAGE IS DOUBLE THAN IN MY COUNTRY?

No. 1949962

I'm Asian actually and I was like 11 when I saw the ads.

No. 1949963

Even if it's double rent is around 700-2000 depending on the place and number of rooms. Where I am 700 is a rented room with shared bathroom. It's 800 minimum to have one roommate where you each own a bedroom and bathroom. We still have car insurance, electricity, water, gas, trash, phone, internet, car payment, possible student debt. You come out of it with shit education and little for savings.

No. 1950257

Why did this thread get derailed with Egypt kek

No. 1950262

tfw soundcloud plays 15-30 sec ads every 2-4 songs you play and you don’t have an android where you can get an ad-free apk. also they tried making youtube slow to use for a few days if you had adblock enabled so remember use ublock instead. they’re desperately trying to ban Adblock on their website so people can purchase to their overly-priced monthly subscription of $16-$20 KEKKK

No. 1950323

I don't know if any of you nonas are in Canada or listen to the radio at all but that fucking Kars4Kidz advertisement all the stations play constantly drives me up the wall. No one wants to listen to shitty kids singing or the new version where a scrote sings terribly and they try to play it off like it's funny. Not only is it grating as hell but I'm pretty sure the whole company is a scam too. Something about them claiming the donations will benefit all children and then if you read the fine print on their site they only donate the money to help Orthodox Jews and their kids KEK

No. 1950324

llmao that's what you get for not buying android

No. 1950326

I hate how every single vlogger is basically a living ad
You can't watch a day in the life without having them showing you 10 things they bought that are non-disclosed sponsors

No. 1950335

A lot of the "woke" underwear brands and tampon brands tend to feature tifs with their unhealed wounds on display.

No. 1950339

android-chans always jelly of iPhone users

No. 1950345

why do they always have to mention they have an android, kek

No. 1950366

i fucking hate that they got rid of plastic bags. i used them for garbage bags in my bathroom and to clean the cat litter and now i have to buy little plastic garbage bags instead. i have a literal heaping mountain of reusable bags now and i have no idea what to do with them. the majority of them are those cheap blue walmart bags from all the times ive bought more than expected or forgot to grab one of my nice bags from my trunk. i refuse to reuse them because theyre so tacky but throwing them out seems so wasteful, i guess i could try to give them away but i seriously doubt that anyone wants more cheap ass walmart bags.

No. 1951127

My favorite creepy commercial, do you have one nonny?

No. 1951173

No. 1951284

>if you read the fine print on their site they only donate the money to help Orthodox Jews and their kids KEK
why am I not surprised lol. they need more money to buy clown cars to cram their 11 kids each into

No. 1951396

I am not american, Greece is just irrelevant in modern times.

No. 1951504

why would anyone be jealous of the lack of headphone jack, lack of ability to crack apps and the fact that it took forever to make one capable of playing webms

No. 1951547

Kek we have the kid singing version as a television ad where I live in the usa. It really is like nails on a chalkboard

No. 1951550

relax nobody is gonna take your ugly ass phone

No. 1951552

I do not have a strong opinion about iPhones either way, but many iPhone users are definitely extremely annoying

No. 1952633

The letterboxd mobile app has the worst ads. They're in the perfect position for you to constantly accidentally open them as you scroll through reviews. Often for weird crappy games or Spotify artists. And don't even try to listen to music while using the app because every ad is a video that autoplays as you scroll by.

No. 1952636

what do you mean lack of a headphone jack? iphones do have headphone jacks its just in the charging port. way more efficient than having a whole extra hole when they both lead to the same spot

No. 1952637

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All phones look alike now.You think the market is ever going to spawn the goatse phone again? These sheep are not brave enough.

No. 1952640

I'd only ever heard that song in a guy's original animation of scp. I thought he made it up, not that a household name created it for a commercial in Japan.

No. 1952643

I owned an iPhone and it was so bad I've never owned another one. It had nice features but it failed in it's primary purpose of being a mobile phone. It could never hold a signal, even when other phones did and the battery life was fucking awful. Now I have an Android that I have had for nearly 10 years. Always gets a signal, has a nice DAC and headphone jack for listening to music, small enough to fit in my pocket, not fragile and it gets charged once a week.

No. 1952802

the newer ones (iphone 12 or 13?) didn't have it so people can buy their shitty wireless bluetooth earbuds

No. 1952817

The Sidekick was the best phone. That keyboard was amazing. I would buy it again if I could.

No. 1952886

Very specific Australian experience but I am very sick of the moralistic shaming government ads we get. Also the super melodramatic WorkSafe ads. And that fucking ad about bushfires where they leave a dog to die.

No. 1952987

The average American kid learns more about Egypt than Canada or Mexico kek

No. 1953086


No. 1954188

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I hate highway billboards so fucking much.

No. 1954499

tennessee is billboard hell

No. 1955294

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Picrew ads and Adblock not working on mobile is hell

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