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No. 193714

This website is cancer. It used to just be bitchy and humorous but now it's an absolute shitshow. Seriously take a look at what's being said here, it's like you guys are personally offended by the small shortcomings of internet nobodies. This site is nothing but relentless nitpicking and the most retarded tinfoil hat theories.

No. 193723>>193737

It's because there has been no good milk this year. Farmers turning on each other. Also cmon. Why did you make this thread?

No. 193737>>193755

And no moderation for what 3 weeks.

I used to come her for updates on my fave cows, but now I'm only frustrated by the hordes of newfags, summerfags and posters that read like PULL and the comment section of the daily mail had a ugly baby whose sole purpose is nitpicking every tiny little detail of every single thing/snowflake/cow on here. The change in board culture is extreme. We used to have fun, snark and laugh, now it's endless waves of kiki clone tier spergs and infighting. I'd apply as a farmhand but I'm almost certain I'd go on a ban bonanza and get my ass fired. I'm not OP btw, I just feel very strongly about my board dying.

No. 193755

I used to do janitor work for free with for Admin. The site was turning to shit very quickly, because of the amount of rules. Even then, the website wasn't as bad. I'm not sure how it went to worse. I just don't think the new admin gives as much shit as before.
During the end of it, we honestly stopped caring, well most of us anyway.

No. 193794

This is because cows are getting smarter and know better than to post too much stupid shit online….Plus, a lot of farmers miss out on good milk because they only go after Asian/white instgram models that they're jealous of these days. There's plenty of weirdos out that but ya just don't give a damn.

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