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No. 193503
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No. 193505
>>I'm only going to mention this because it's anonymous. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate, but meh.I wanted to be Japanese when I was a kid. According to my mom, I was extremely upset that I was white since age 3 or 4. Apparently I thought I looked weird even though I was never really exposed to Asian people or culture. We think it had something to do with a past life because there is no other explanation for my strange behavior.
Anyway, I came to accept being white at around age 13 and I later moved to 2 Asian countries as an adult. I'm happy to be white now because it improves my love life, but will always prefer Asian cultures, which is why I'm moving back permanently soon (yay!).
I personally think that in another 40 or 50 years transrace and transnationality will become "things" like transgenderism.
No. 193512
>>193506Another white and asian anon here and i'm in the same boat.
I used to wish I was full asian when I used to see pretty Korean chicks but then I learnt about plastic surgery.
No. 193516
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Nah, I'm ok with being Hispanic (I'm mistaken for being Asian anyway), just wish my skin was a bit lighter.
>the racism isn't fun but what can ya do
No. 193517
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I'm half-black half-Mexican and I've wanted to be white practically my whole life, and also Japanese when I got into my weeb phase in the 3rd grade. I also remember being obsessed with albino people and wanting to be albino at one point.
I still wish I could have pale skin, pink lips and cheeks, and straight hair.
No. 193523
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>essentially pass off as white
>actually hispanic
>have been told I look egyptian/persian
i love my race
No. 193532
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>be black
>get asked if I bleach my skin or am part white because my skin isn't super dark
>have to deal with people calling my actual hair "fake" because it's longer than average and apparently black people aren't capable of having long hair
Things like that are kind of annoying, but it's more a matter of other people being ridiculous than anything inherent to my race, so it's whatever. I appreciate being black. I have pretty good genes overall, and I feel like I wouldn't be as creative with my appearance (or in general) if I didn't have all the experiences I've had up til this point.
I remember wanting to be Japanese when I was a weeby kid, though.
No. 193548
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I'm white and I wouldn't necessary want to be another race, but I wish I had a bit of some race that has nice butts, because pic related. I feel like Scandinavians and (East) Asians have it worst with the butts.
Other than that, and looking like a raw chicken on the beach, being white is cool
No. 193557
>>193517Mexicans are quite pretty though? By the sounds of it anon, I bet you look really good. I have seen some black/mexicans and they're good looking.
Honestly though don't buy into the pale skin and straight hair thing. You're you. There will be people in this thread who start saying "Being white is best" and all that typical shit to start drama. But at the en of the day remember they've always been put on a pedestal anyway. It doesn't mean non-white people can never be attractive.
It's the same in Asia who constantly have white models and all that fetishising shit. They'll never be white at the end of the day.
We will never be another race other than what we are and that's the end of that.
No. 193559
>>193513The problem is that most people assume Asians are cuter pref Koreans and Japanese because of the pop culture. Where else in the world has anime, weird pastel clothing, cutesy poses ect? Plus they're shorter and more petite in general anyway.
Take all of that always from these countries and they would be plain countries.
If they were default and how they were going back say 200/300 years ago. No one would want to be a 'weeb' because it wouldn't exist.
No. 193589
>>193576People do it because they know it winds the other party up. Take no fucking notice lol.
>>193560I wouldn't say Koreans get surgery to look white. I think it's more wanting little features and half of them who get surgery look the same. It's like here in the UK all the white girls have the tan, Kylie make up, basic hoe clothing ect. In Korea the dorito chin, flat brows and pale pale skin is the thing.
Korea has merged into its own thing I guess by this point despite it taking those elements you mentioned. It's like I said take all of these away from Korea and Japan… it would be as boring as the other places such as Taiwan ect where no one wants to be Taiwanese because it doesn't have some kind of cutesy ugu rubbish attached to their country.
>>193564Go natural, oil, water and protective styles. Be patient and your hair will be longer. No relaxer and weave though.
No. 193591
>>193573Really? I'm biracial myself anon and let me tell you, you'll never wake up in the body of a petite little Korean girl. You're you. There is no point self hating about which side you are because you're both. You don't even have to fucking pick. You're allowed to claim you're biracial. There is no shame in that.
As a British biracial person… I assume you're American? Just ignore the one drop rule. Its a pile of shit. African American people like to say biracial people are black when it suits them. Obama, Halle Berry, Bob Marley ect who have actually done things… they claim them quick as fuck. But when something happens which they don't like you're automatically "mixed" again.
Yet it bugs me how African American women comment on all these pictures of mixed babies on Instagram and preach how much they love them for hair, lightness and that.
It makes no sense? It's so backwards.
No. 193602
>>193573I kind of wonder why some biracial girls seem to complain about black girls bullying them because where I'm from everyone treated the pretty light skin girls like gods. The black girls always wanted to play with their hair and the guys wanted to do them.
Did they say they were bullying you because you're light skin or did you just assume they were bullying you because you have light skin?i notice that anytime a mixed person has a problem with a dark skin person, they claim it's because the black person is jealous…I think it's just a subconscious superiority complex on their part.
No. 193622
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Basically went through a PixyTeri phase when I was a kid. I wanted to be half Japanese because I thought it would make me seem cool and deep like what I saw on tv.
My mom would buy me Chinese charms and other trinkets, because she basically thought most asian cultures were the same. We lived in a rural area so I thought going to a janky buffet with those Chinese charms for sale was SO AZN. I got a costume "kimono," same as pic related, for Halloween bc it would make me SO AZN.
I grew out of wanting to be asian by the time I was a teen, but I loved the culture and media. Low key I was still flattered whenever another person (usually white also) would ask if I'm asian/part asian.
The best was when this Korean grocery cashier asked if I had Korean parents because I was buying a secret ingredient for a recipe that most non-asians aren't aware of.
But, overall, I'm happier to be who I am and grateful I don't have to deal with negative racial stereotypes.
My own parents were/are kind of dicks towards asians. When I still lived at home, if my mom found out I had purchased something asian-related (cosplay etc), she'd pull her eyes to make them squinty. Then she would say in a really haughty accent "Ooooo you rike asian things? You ranna be asian, anonnnn?"
No. 193625
>>193622>My own parents were/are kind of dicks towards asians. When I still lived at home, if my mom found out I had purchased something asian-related (cosplay etc), she'd pull her eyes to make them squinty. Then she would say in a really haughty accent "Ooooo you rike asian things? You ranna be asian, anonnnn?"kek, your mom sounds hilarious anon.
don't hate her for having those sorts of attitudes, your own family should always come before a silly subculture obsession.
No. 193627
>>193502didnt mean to
No. 193629
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>>193622> "Ooooo you rike asian things? You ranna be asian, anonnnn?"What are you talking about, anon? Your mom sounds cool as hell.
No. 193634
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yea i wished i was japanese/korean when i was like 11 but i'm over it. these days i just wish i had a better bone structure. if i was white or mixed i wouldnt have such a bad case of "nigger mouth". it's so annoying, it's the only thing setting me back from being conventionally attractive really.
No. 193638
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>>193635>>193636yeah she does look alright, i see the "after" as an improvement though.
here's a better an image. i'm like p2 with a rounder nose
No. 193643
>>193604Well as a biracial person I grew up raised by my white side and yeah there is differences. But so… are there with Asian and white mixes? There is never drama with those. It's just that anything with black in it - preferably African American thats when it starts becoming a problem because African Americans love to say anything is black. Some even think Latinos are black when they're not.
It goes back to slavery anon. Mixed people were lumped in with black people and only when it was Christmas were mixed people bred from masters allowed to join the dinner table. Mixed were viewed as better during slavery by black peope because of lighter skin, smaller features and looser hair or lighter eyes. It was enhanced, closer to looking "less black".
Sad reality but that is why. Nowadays most African Americans strive to look mixed or want mixed children because "oooh pretty hair". While the poor black children are made to feel ugly for having "nappy hair".
Its disgusting.
No. 193644
>>193602Well this is another thing anon, myself (same mixed girl from before) was treated fairly normal at school. I was never uplifted for being mixed but maybe in the UK its a different matter. There is that many mixed race people no one gives a shit anymore here.
But in America I have heard different stories from other fellow black/white mixes.
It's a bit weird I think because where I live this has never happened to me. Only when I go on holiday to Spain or Malta have I had my hair played with from locals due to curiosity. But never from other black people here… I don't know.
But I have noticed in music videos, groups of girls with black women and mixed women in them the mixed ones do play the "You're all my bitches" role.
I find it embarrassing and I have never treated any of my relatives, black friends like this at all. I just think it's wrong to put them beneath me because I am lighter. I wouldn't like to be treated that way so why treat another person that way?
No. 193647
>>193646Don't project your feelings onto all Americans.
There are plenty who still maintain a connection to their ancestral homes.
Mixing does tend to destroy that though, since it is through divergence and isolation that separate cultures/races emerge in the first place.
No. 193655
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I'm italian and never wished I was another race because race=/=beauty
not to sound cheesy, but there are attractive people and uggos of every race, depending on the person you can make your racial features look aesthetic and beautiful, or completely horrendous, depending on how you own it. All this shit with "oh i wish i was asian" shit in the thread, but they think of the uulzang girls who have had tons of surgery and makeup to look that way. Not to sound hypocritical but that's what I've seen most of. Love yourself anons. Sage for blogpost
No. 193685
>>193684As someone whose black who gets demonized for just looking a certain way, I'd choose being fetishized. At least I could make easy cash off neck beards on twitch.
The funny thing about Asian girls who complain about fetishism is they always exclusively date white men.
No. 193688
>>193523I'm a hispanic (white with black and native american) who looks like a turkish.
Would like to be white because then I'd probably be taller but other than that it's fine being a spic.
No. 193692
>>193685just because being demonized is worse doesn't mean being fetishized is okay. and plus newsflash black women are also fetishized by white men, for a much longer time in the US actually. you could be making money off a different subset of neckbeards.
and lol @ your assumption. all the guys i've dated have been hispanic or mixed.
tho i guess i've been making assumptions too like that you're a normal girl and not either a) a robot b) some bitter bitch who thinks her race are why men aren't attracted to her
No. 193701
>>193695…are you retarded? that's not what i was saying.
>>193698the younger generation i would say, especially though raised on anime/kpop. older white men see asian women as submissive and ready to suck their dick for a ticket out of their third world country. it's just all wrong in general but the newer view on asians is 'better' like you say.
No. 193703
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I just want to be pretty tbqh
No. 193707
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>this thread
No. 193716
>>193683Not really. Most bigger European cultures around that time, excluding Romans and some others of course, were pretty much reiterations of one another. It's only glamorised by the Western media and made to look more fairytale like than it actually was. Ask yourself why nobody bemoans the downfall of Slavic pagan traditions when they were more or less the same shit as Nordic paganism to a T. Even their gods were eerily similar, just called different names (ie Odin was Veles, Freya was Vesna etc). I've actually heard people complaining how the Witcher series 'copied' Viking culture, lol.
Anyway, point is it's made to look more mystical and fairytale-esque than it actually was and it was actually fairly uniform and boring for its time. People in Europe have intermixed since forever, only recently did people get the idea that it's an exotic new thing and one must 'adopt' both parents cultures to be PC.
There is no real difference between any one culture in the world and America, the only difference is that America is a melting pot and every attempt at culture feels bland by comparison since it has to encompass everyone because exclusion is bad. Most other people just accept wherever they were born/grew up as their home country and culture without much thought.
No. 193719
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no. im black american with multiracial ancestry. why would i be mad when the most prettiest sex symbols are black or multiracial black women?
No. 193720
>>193719I'm surprised with the decades of black sex symbols from Josephine Baker to Rihanna there isn't a wave a black or mulatto girl fetishism like there is with yellow fever.
Well.. there was during the 1800s but that's different right?
No. 193739
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>>193716While I agree that the modern perception of pre-christian Europe laregly stems from post-westphalian nationbuilding narratives and subsequently nationalist and romanticist reinterpretations, the claim that the pagan european cultures and religious beliefs are reiterations of one another is an utterly moronic one at best even if you subscribe to(a rather solid) theory of them having a common proto-indo-european root.
I could go in detail about the differences between the norse and the slavic pagan traditions, but you can google it yourself provided you're interested in it.
A few common tropes and motifs isn't nearly enough to classify them as the same thing.
Besides the identity of Veles would coincide more with Loki and Vesna is not an established slavic deity.
As for people intermixing since forever in Europe, it actually only happened on a massive scale in certain time periods(i.e. decline of the Roman Empire and the following Migration Period) and was nearly inexistant during others.
I find this board's pol-tyre obsession with race quite hilarious tbh.
No. 193742
>>193728I don't think particularly attractive, yeah. I'm a black woman and I had quite a bit of white men interested in me but they never have a certain preference for black women – also their interest seems less authentic and romantic than say, hispanic and black men. I notice hispanic and black men look at me like i'm their equal whereas with white guys its more like I dunno – seeing me as an object. It's a bit strange.
maybe my perspective is different because people seem to recognize me as being mulatto or latina for some reason
I don't date white men so it's no big deal.
No. 193744
>>193602People never bully for a particular characteristic, they bully if you seem to behave like a victim.
If she was not half-caste, she'd be bullied for being too short, too tall, wearing glasses, being pretty, being ugly or whatever other bullshit excuse.
No. 193761
>>193757The perceived unbotainability of anyone depends on how attractive they are. Not what race they are.
A beautiful black woman, or attractive black man does appears unobtainable to the average person just like beautiful people of any race do. Including Asian women. And White women.
No. 193776
>>193768>>193772>>193773Whenever I see people mentioning Bebe, I just think it's her trying to make herself relevant tbh.
Either that, or someone she got involved in drama with. She's a nobody, the only person who would recognize her is either her herself, or someone who's gotten a little too close to her.
No. 193783
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Nope i'm quite glad to be white and European.
I'm not allowed to say it out loud because people will throw a fucking hissy fit but i've never wanted to be a different race.
No. 193796
>>193782Really? B/c i also talked to her last year and i know she wasn't a catfish.
which skype @?
No. 193799
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I wish I still kind of wish I was asian, not so much for the weeb factor but mostly because I wish people wouldn't automatically mark me as "their gaijin friend" or "the white girl that wears yukata" or something like that. I wish I could blend in more, specially considering that I am very tall.
Aside from that, I grew with a lot of SE asians and ended up with their notions of beauty, so I wish I could fit them a bit more. My forehead is too pronounced, same for my cheekbones, my nose is too big and my jaw is too square. I fear going under the knife and wasting a lot of money just to look uglier.
That said, I think all ethnicities and skincolors are beautiful, and I probably wouldn't mind being any ethinicity as long as I was pretty.
Pic semi related, I guess.
No. 193813
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>>193801When you people say "culture" what do you mean?
The holidays? CNY is boring compared to Christmas. It's just meeting up, exchanging hongbao and eating. There's no aesthetic to it like with the holly, ivy, door wreathes, christmas trees etc.
Pop culture like TV? Who cares. Even then western historical dramas are miles better than their asian equivalents (pic related), mainly because they aren't simply an excuse for jingoistic circle-jerking.
Movies? I've seen better daytime acting on shitty Spanish TV than I have on big budged Japanese live action movies and that's for a deep seated cultural reason (lack of emotional range and no history of drama). Music? I'll admit I'm not knowledgeable enough about K-Pop or J-Pop to comment.
Literature? Art? Architecture?
What exactly do you mean? Clarify, because as far as I can tell you guys just mean weird niche shit like J-fash. Help me to understand.
No. 193820
>>193609Anon, having yellow fever just means that you're into Asian guys, right? I'm white af and married to a Japanese man. Your race has very little to do with who you get to date/marry.
I'm fine with being white, it's pretty easy being white in Japan.
No. 193833
>>193824The rates may be higher but the proportions are probably off. There are way, way more white/white marriages than amwf marriages, so the rate may be higher but the nuber of amwf divorces will be lower than white/white.
sage because I don't care about this discussion, just correcting a statistic i see thrown around often on this site
No. 193837
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I want to be Asian because I want to be an idol. That's the only reason.
No. 193838
>>193827same. i grew up being completely ok with being white. i traveled a lot and went to an international school so I was exposed to many races and cultures and thought they were all interesting but i felt fine being white.
Then in 9th grade i wished I was asian so bad. It wasn't even because i watched some anime, but rather because all guys proudly exclaim how asian girls are so hot, how all asian girls are cute, every boy on the internet goes "tfw when no qt azn gf" and everyone and their mother has yellow fever these days.
i hate playing online games and having guys almost sound disappointed after hearing im not asian? like fuck off.
i wish i was asian because i want a thinner build. the only thing im unhappy with my body is my broad shoulders (thankully it's not the whole back but still it's ugly) but asian girls are still better looking since they are so petite and have the perfect legs. and even with the lack of boobs and ass many asian girls actually have decent boob sizes, especially asian americans.
i also like how their hair is always straight and thick. I have thin hair and it unstraightens in the humidity. I wish i had a cute small nose and a rounder smaller face. sigh, it will never happen unless i get rich and get major surgery, which ive always considered.
No. 193845
>>193838I totally get that feeling. I feel so gross and huge when I'm around Asian girls. I'm short with a broad ribcage and really wide hips, so I look huge no matter what. I have short stumpy muscular legs. My face is roundish but I have a prominent nose.
I want a tiny slender body with slender legs, a cute face with a small button nose, etc. Asian girls are so lucky to have all that naturally, I would need to spend hundreds of thousands to get that look.
No. 193848
>>193839>or desperate Dakota Rose wannabes who never made itRemember how we used to say that PULL weren't actually laughing at cows or snowflakes, they were just comparably mentally ill people who were jealous of them?
There's your answer for why there's so much white/other race self-loathing and asian-loving ITT.
>>193841Enjoy it while you can, because white people outside of places like this and PULL aren't actually that self-loathing and certainly don't want to be asian.
>>193844>but I'm in a group of non-Japanese women with Japanese peopleWorse kind of expat group to a be part of you, you all reinforce each other's bad habits.
No. 193852
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>>193845>Asian girls are so lucky to have all that naturallyI'm sorry anon but this is just.. not true at all. The qt asian girls you see in korean and japanese media put A LOT of effort into keeping up their appearances. None of them wake up just looking the way they do, and the majority of them starve themselves to keep their slender bodies, and surgery isn't even a question. Please stop thinking asians are some sort of ~holier than thou uguu perfect race~ It's wrong
No. 193856
>>193845Lmao I know a shit tom of ugly and fat Asian girls usually Korean lmao. They have moon faces, only the few attractive ones are famous. Honestly Uzbek or eurasians( not disgusting r/hapas) people are qt asf tho and they're not xenophobic trash like most Koreans are against anyone who isn't like them.
:) Also add Japanese to that list, along with most East Asians.
I think South Asians like Bengali or Bangladeshi people are great though, Indians are annoying as fuck/pathetic and Pakistani people tend to have complexes.
No. 193866
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>>193841this thread has the opposite effect on me. it's bad enough when guys fetishize us but when it's our fellow women i just.. you all need help
No. 193868
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>>193856It's a testament to the power of modern, digital forms of mass-communication propaganda that you have a small but vocal subculture who genuinely believe Koreans are the most beautiful people in the world.
You niggas need to go to the Baltics or some shit. The men and women in many of the smaller European countries make any part of Asia look like gremlins by comparison.
No. 193872
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>>193857Is it really salt if it's true?
Korea was a mind-bogglingly poor country before Japanese annexation. It was more akin to sub-saharan Africa.
No. 193874
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Korean women used to bare their breast like African women did.
Korean dramas are all fake shit. Place was a shithole before the Japanese. Kimchi only came about because the European traders brought chilies to them in the late 19th century.
No. 193876
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>>193875Actually in the case of most of Asia the ratio is far worse than it is in parts of Europe that are overwhelmingly white. Compare this
>>193868 to pic related.
No. 193878
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No. 193881
>>193877>>193878lol i knew stormfront-chan would appear eventually.
can't just be civil
No. 193883
>>193882My friend, who is a particularly racist Belarusian guy once said: Asians are a race of people who look entirely like women and blacks are a race of people who look entirely like men.
He's horribly racist but the matter of fact way he says things like that makes me laugh uncontrollably.
No. 193886
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>>193883Polish students. These are average by European standards.
No. 193888
>>193881Not stormy chan but I bet you're more than happy when it's self hating white girls talking about how self loathing they are and how much they love asians.
You just get butthurt when white people aren't self hating weebs.
No. 193893
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>>193886I'm definitely seeing what you're talking about
No. 193898
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>>193878kek stop cherry picking with your jelly ass
No. 193900
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>>193899Just like you can post pictures of ugly school girls I can post pictures of pretty school girls. You pick the few photos of ugly ones.
No. 193901
>>193900See. The difference in our pictures is that the girls don't have plastic surgery.
You clowns always go for the ugliest Asians out there, Koreans. It shows just how little you know of the region that you actually believe Koreans are natural beauties when the natural Korean face is some Eskimo tier shit.
No. 193906
>>193903Anti Korean. I think whites are better looking than Asians but there are certainly beautiful Japanese and Chinese in spite of that.
What annoys me is the Korean state supported propaganda that presents this fake image of themselves to impressionable minds for the sake of their little inferiority complex egos.
Koreans look like Mongolians sans plastic surgery. It's a fact.
No. 193909
>>193901 but i'm anti-the fetishization of an entire race for no reason. This coming from a person who loves kpop (lovely'z is my shit <3). It just makes 0 sense to me
No. 193912
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Stormfromt Is triggered
No. 193914
>>193911>>193906Did a Korean man hurt you? Did your boyfriend leave you to slobber over kpop idols?
I mean I agree with you in that Koreans heavily abuse plastic surgery and that "look" is 100% unnatural, but where does this rage come from?
No. 193918
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>>193917You're just bitter and jelly anon
No. 193921
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>>193868>You niggas need to go to the Baltics or some shit. I really hope you're not implying people from the bumfuck parts of Europe are exactly attractive.
No. 193926
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>>193922There might be a few attractive people, but the bulk of them? Just no.
I will say, though, that for every ugly Lithuanian or Latvian you can find, you can find four downright disgusting British people.
>>193923I mean, anyone can cherrypick pictures of the rare pretty girl.
No. 193932
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>>193931There are some things being skinny just won't fix.
No. 193937
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>>193921>polish businessman as an example of an unattractive maleNot sure if serious
No. 193941
>>193776 and none of those other posts lmao.
No. 193949
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>>193948Obviously you're jealous of Korean girls which is why you got so
No. 193952
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>>193949I wasn't even the anon that posted that…
how the hell does not wanting to date a man who thinks race has to do with attractiveness mean someone is jealous of korean girls? are you even from here or are you some bot who faps to plastic surgery ridden kpop idols and you're here to defend your waifus?
No. 193953
File: 1496717828970.jpg (199.72 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_1098.JPG)

>>193952I think you're jealous because you feel the need to generalize Koreans and call them ugly by choosing cherry picked photos when there are plenty of beautiful Korean girls
No. 193955
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>>193953I never called koreans ugly… again I am not the anon who posted that, but I do agree most korean girls tend to be really fake, especially the ones in the photos you're posting to "prove" they're beautiful, they look ridden with filters and whitening,and plastic surgery, even if it's just their eyes, they can be beautiful without extremely pale skin or plastic surgery but it seems the only ones who are recognized for being beautiful are the ones who do have pale skin from skin lightening and filters and plastic surgery
No. 193958
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>>193955Isn't it it funny that you bash Korean girls for being fake while posting a photo of someone layer in 20lbs of makeup?the girl in my photo has less makeup than the one you posted
No. 193959
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>>193957There's beauty in soft features, and there's beauty in dark features, they can look light and pretty or mysterious and sexy
No. 193961
File: 1496718722785.jpg (1.04 MB, 1440x1435, 1496715750346.jpg)

>>193958oh look one white girl with no makeup and another with a bit of eyeliner, the girl in your photo and this one as well looks like they did a shit ton of skin whitening and a bit of plastic surgery
I like the dark mysterious look, I'd rather natural features with dark lipstick and eyeshadow over fake features anyday
No. 193963
File: 1496719006714.png (849.55 KB, 714x706, jC1b81B.png)

>>193957you can appreciate soft features and minimal makeup without fetishizing an entire race
No. 193965
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>>193963it's prob some white knight from r9k defending their waifus
No. 193967
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>>193963Who said anything about fetshizing?you guys were posting pictures of ugly Asian girls to prove they're ugly and now I'm posting pictures of prettt Asian girls too.
No. 193969
File: 1496719732914.jpg (405.88 KB, 676x958, 1495571891933.jpg)

>>193967at least post an asian that ISN'T a kpop idol or model, who are known for skin whitening and plastic surgery
post an everyday pretty korean, like the anon who posted ugly koreans did
No. 193971
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itt koreaboos vs white master race nazis arguing
No. 193974
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>>193971Yes, this thread became a shitshow.
No. 193978
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>>193953>>193958Why the hell would you choose Binnie to make this point? She's only ever stood out to me for having a weird, dopey potato-looking face.
And Momo too. Like …what? Why pick the weirdest looking (Japanese) member of Twice with tragic undereye fillers and rabbit teeth when you're trying to prove that Korean girls are pretty? This is coming from a full-on koreaboo too.
No. 193992
>>193989Yep. Kuwait is #1. Strange, isn't it?
I think the reason is that Arabs tend to dress more conservatively in baggy clothes, whereas an obese American has no problem walking into Wal Mart with a moose knuckle and too-tight pants. It's all a matter of reputation.
No. 194026
>>193993Nah, many Asians are skinnyfat. They are a race of people with generally higher body fat and lower muscle mass than Caucasians and (especially) Africans. Because of this their BMI cut off is much lower. It makes sense when you think about it, as Asian cultures always revered very petite / lithe figures more than European cultures.
Also a lot of them don't have defined waistlines or curvy hips. I don't really understand why people find this desirable. It's unfeminine.
No. 194032
File: 1496748710859.jpg (89.73 KB, 730x548, IMG_0295.JPG)

>>194030Ok here are pictures of two average Korean girls and they're not ugly
No. 194033
>>194032The one on the left is pretty by your standards?
She looks average to me. That's some serious grasping if this is all you can find.
No. 194034
File: 1496749672076.png (218.45 KB, 1242x1122, IMG_0296.PNG)

>>194033More normal Korean school girls
No. 194040
>>194038it started when some weeb said all asians are qt and slender and perfect naturally, that
triggered the natzi anon and some others
No. 194047
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>>193971As expected when you make a shitty thread like this
No. 194049
>>193947That doesn't actually make sense because the opposite is true, too. Tons of meh-looking (by E. Asian standards) Asian chicks can go to Europe or America and model for their "exotic beauty" factor. Quite a few of them even go farther than Dakota and model for big brands.
That doesn't mean average Asian chicks are 10/10 compared to average white chicks (as long as you're not in America or the UK or the ass-end of Yuropoor I guess). It's all about fetishizing the "other", it's just that in the case of Japan, the "other" is white people.
No. 194051
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>>194050Fernanda Ly is one.
No. 194058
File: 1496763386551.jpg (344.35 KB, 1752x1660, 1495624046536.jpg)

>>194027I did post a pic straight off an everyday girls instagram
>>194032oh surprise surprise, seems the only "pretty" koreans are unnaturally pale, and I personally don't think they're pretty, they look average at best like what
>>194033>>194034 more average looking girls… hm
No. 194059
File: 1496763466223.png (138.09 KB, 1242x1104, IMG_0299.PNG)

>>194037Yeah she is a school girl and what proof do you have that she's had plastic surgery?
No. 194060
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>>194058I'm posting everyday girls too now :)
And that girl is ugly, the only thing attractive about her is she's dressed like a whore. This girl only had 73 followers on instgram.
No. 194061
>>194059yeah cause normal school girls buy expensive makeup and go on trips without parents
if you look at her older photos her jaw and cheeks look more square, now she has the V line shape which is popular with plastic surgery in korea, along with a lot whiter skin, which isn't plastic surgery but it still gross
No. 194062
File: 1496764085788.jpg (86.27 KB, 692x960, 1496296510093.jpg)

>>194060YOU probably think she's ugly because you're some r9k robot who thinks anyone who isnt some tiny pale asian waifu is ugly, but most people would say she's attractive
and who the fuck cares if she has 73 followers on instagram? I've seen girls who barely had 20 and were gorgeous, they just didn't use instagram much and were shy
No. 194063
File: 1496764198265.png (266.16 KB, 1242x1205, IMG_0301.PNG)

>>194061What expensive trips?and even if she did go on expensive trips how do you know her parents weren't there?she could have took selfies without them.
I'm going to post pictures of normal Korean girls from instagram. Ones that aren't even famous, all of them will have less than 900 followers. This girl only has 197 followers.
No. 194064
File: 1496764279036.png (335.63 KB, 1242x1205, IMG_0302.PNG)

>>194062I'm posting photos of average young women who don't have a lot of followers and are just normal non-famous models or instagram thots.
No. 194065
File: 1496764455122.jpg (233.35 KB, 2048x1536, 1496102501892.jpg)

>>194063 and they're ugly as hell, they look average at most, and 800+ is still a lot
>>194064yeah and find some who AREN'T unnaturally pale, it seems you're just trying to send a message saying the only way to be attractive and korean is to be pale, her face structure is pretty average and unattractive too, I don't find her attractive
No. 194066
File: 1496764635921.gif (1.64 MB, 245x135, tumblr_inline_nvo84jfvZ81scrpb…)

can we just agree that asians aren't any more beautiful or any more ugly than any other race? some of you guys are so fucking weird, like most asian girls irl are just average looking unless they're really into makeup and fashion - which is true for EVERY OTHER RACE.
it's really obvious that most of the people posting here don't go outside.
No. 194067
File: 1496764659384.png (183.51 KB, 1242x901, IMG_0304.PNG)

>>194065>unnaturally paleGet over yourself, plenty of Koreans have white skin naturally. White people arent the only with pale skin and look at you posting weeaboos who try to look asian. A normal Korean school girl taking a selfie with her mom and she only has 138 followers.
No. 194070
File: 1496764965475.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.42 KB, 800x800, 1496260155970.jpg)

>>194067HAHAHAHA "you're posting weeaboos who try to look asian" holy shit, you don't even know these people, are you so brainwashed you think an attractive white girl is trying to look asian? holy shit this is hilarious
the funniest part is that you're posting koreans who are trying to look white, in a sense, with whitening products
since koreans are so naturally pale than explain to me why asian americans who have korean descent, with no use of whitening products, have tan or medium skin? not milk overexposed filter white, it's not like the korean skin whitening industry is a 15+ billion dollar industry, oh wait
and you use girls who have seen to photoshop
No. 194071
File: 1496764985607.png (239.69 KB, 1242x1492, IMG_0303.PNG)

>>194068I never said white girls couldnt be pretty but Anon is trying to say that Korean girls are ugly unless they're famous or a model and I'm proving them wrong
No. 194072
File: 1496765255276.png (265.05 KB, 1242x1472, IMG_0305.PNG)

>>194070Because if you don't protect your skin and you go out sun batheing all the time you're going to be darker. Plenty of white Americans are darker than a lot of Koreans because they don't protect their skin. why don't you post pictures of girls who aren't models or instgram famous?
No. 194073
File: 1496765399339.jpg (106.23 KB, 500x750, 1495613005233.jpg)

>>194071oh yeah despite what I preached about korean girls can look natural and pretty and how it's a shame that most of them get plastic surgery and whiten their skin, I totally said korean girls are ugly unless they're famous or a model
You're proving me RIGHT and superficial as fuck to, every single one of these korean girls have clearly whitened their skin and have the signature plastic surgery look, some of them weren't even attractive and several people called them average, at least try to post a korean girl who hasn't whitened their skin
>>194072 I did, several of them, why don't you post some who aren't unnaturally pale and have actual attractive face structures, it's clearly unnatural paleness, with the work of filters to make them even paler, you think that someone just puts on sunscreen and "protects their skin" to look that pale? literally most koreans have used skin whitening, hence why is such a huge industry, even bigger than americans vitamin industry
No. 194074
File: 1496765501726.jpg (55.57 KB, 540x303, ket.jpg)

>>194066>it's really obvious that most of the people posting here don't go outsideI think that's obvious for most of this website to be honest, but goddamn it's the most pathetic thing I've seen on here
Almost as pathetic as the snowflakes and cows discussed on here
I guess you either wise up and leave this place or stay long enough to see yourself become a lolcow
>Or maybe it's bait, if it is, theses anons are going too hard and it's still pathetic No. 194076
>>194070>koreans who are trying to look white, in a sense, with whitening products>thinking only white people can naturally have white skinOkay, you're not just racist, but clinically retarded.
Guys, please stop taking this freak's bait.
No. 194077
File: 1496765811115.png (270.51 KB, 1242x1192, IMG_1103.PNG)

>>194073The girl you posted looks like a bimbo and she already has wrinkles. Not a good pick. And a filter doesn't change the fact that they have cute facial features. The only thing you can go after is the filter.
No. 194078
File: 1496766047765.jpg (578.82 KB, 1080x1080, 1495599591714.jpg)

>>194075thank god someone said it, tired of these brainwashed r9k yellow fevered fucks
>>194076>I mentioned that the korean skin whitening industry is a huge industry and that most people in korea do it, along with making their eyes look more western, some will even go as far as using blue or green contacts and blonde wigs, it's clear a lot, not saying they all do but a lot want to look whitenowhere did I say only white people can have naturally white skin, I know some races can have pale skin, but not "naturally" white as a piece of paper skin
>>194077 she doesn't have wrinkles, unless you are dumb enough to think the natural lines that form when someone smiles, that yes even asian girls have, are wrinkles
that's the thing, a lot of them don't have cute facial features, it's literally just their skin, if they had darker skin, and I did picture them with darker skin then they wouldn't be attractive at all
No. 194081
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>>194078>it's literally just their skinGoing by your logic I'd find every white American ham beast attractive because they have white skin. These features are attractive in all races (round faces, soft features, button noses)including dark Indian and black girls.
No. 194082
File: 1496766581475.jpg (670.62 KB, 1920x1168, 1496531818504.jpg)

>>194081most american ham beasts don't photoshop their skin to hell and back and overexpose it to look even paler
a lot of girls you posted didn't even have a round face, some of them seemed square, even one you posted had a scrunched up face with the chin poking out, it looked weird, also a lot didn't have soft features or a button nose as well, they pretty much looked like an average white girl with tiny lips but with photoshopped skin and asian eyes
No. 194083
File: 1496766819659.jpg (78.36 KB, 650x975, IMG_1105.JPG)

>>194082If I only find these girls attractive because they have white skin why is it I don't find this grimlin ginger with a huge potato nose that you just posted attractive?
No. 194084
File: 1496767110963.jpg (271.18 KB, 2048x1536, 1496253714285.jpg)

>>194083some of the girls you posted have an even bigger nose than she does
and because you don't like natural, you only like the fake hence your pic, if she had paper white skin, dark hair, dark eyes, and asian eyes you would be drooling all over her with your yellow fever ass, she has a better face structure than a lot of the "everyday girls" you posted
No. 194094
File: 1496769978430.jpg (31.52 KB, 300x250, IMG_1106.JPG)

>>194084No one ever said white girls cant be cute and this girl is cute but you need to stop being racist and posting pictures of ugly Asian women to prove that the majority of Asian women are ugly. There are just as many pretty Asian women as there are whites women. You're posting photos of models and Instagram thots who have been photoshopped to hell and back and are wearing a shit ton of makeup, it is the same thing you're bitching at Asian women for doing. It's ok to feel a bit envious but you don't need to tear anyone down.
No. 194096
File: 1496771034937.jpg (114.81 KB, 530x795, IMG_1109.JPG)

Also, to the person arguing with me. It is unrealistic to say Asian women are not pretty because they don't naturally look this way…news flash but the majority of women are not pretty without some kind of enhancements(hair, makeup, plastic surgery etc). Even the women you're posting have enhancements. They didn't crawl out of their mothers vagina hole with perfect hair, teeth and makeup, without it they would be plain/ugly. Regardless of race a woman has to put in some kind of effort to look good. Natual beauty is a meme and it doesn't exist.