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No. 1927957

Howdy! This thread is for all the anons who live the US South since there seems to be a lot of us. Talk about the good, the bad, and the heat (god why is it so fucking hot) that comes with living here.

No. 1927961

I actually moved here from the PNW and it’s quite a change. The winter has been awesome. A little bare but I can see why people like it. The summer was brutal it might drive me away for good

No. 1927976

Up in Virginia we have relatively mild summers, but it’s the humidity that gets ya here

No. 1927980

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What do y'all like on y'all's biscuits? My fav is honey or orange marmalade

No. 1928005

Butter and raspberry jam. There’s one takeout spot by me that does cinnamon sugar biscuits and they’re insanely good.

I’ve been in central Texas for three years from the northeast. The best way I’ve found to work around it is to treat it inversely - the summer is really your winter. Try and get out and about the most you can in the “cold” months and concede that you can’t do shit in the summer.

No. 1928022

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I hate a lot about our culture but Northerners are so fucking rude that i can't move up there even though they have better weather and politics (not that their version of white rich liberalism helps anyone but still). Went there on a trip and was shook by the attitude everyone gives you right off the rip no matter how friendly you are. Everyone has something up their ass there, it gave me anxiety to interact with anyone because they default to treating you like the plague. I still want to move though, this place is too hot and I want abortions and weed damnit. Picrel is how we're all gonna feel in a month kek

No. 1928028

That is so true. It’s like the summer is winter. It’s so backwards lol

No. 1928037

I will be perched on the roof of the nearest establishment with my sniper rifle ready to bring each and every one of you to your maker

No. 1928038

This feels like profiling

No. 1928039

HARD agree. I moved away from Texas to the northwest and people here are autisticly mean. Just no care for anyone around them. I miss Southern politeness so much. I know some people up here think it's disingenuous but it makes such a difference in making the community feel welcoming as corny as it sounds. The MAGAtards up here are significantly more bothersome and cringe than the MAGAtards from Texas it's strange. I think maybe it has to do with the conservatives up here having a more libertarian edge but I'm not sure how to describe it.

No. 1928040

No. 1928054

Share biscuit recipes.

No. 1928057

These very specific threads are so unnecessary, it feels like someone is tracking someone else by making the threads more and more specific, what's next? Texas only nonnas?

No. 1928060

I really don't understand the need for regional threads. Amerifags is enough it's not like lolcow has such a large userbase for this.

No. 1928070

i think non Burgerfags should start posting here pretending to be from that region complete with stereotypically typed accents and photos of grits and shit. it would actually be funny, unlike 1,000,000 different flavors of USA threads.

No. 1928074

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>The MAGAtards up here are significantly more bothersome and cringe than the MAGAtards from Texas it's strange.
I can't see how that's possible. I'm sorry but I don't believe you. And Texas (and Florida) is like the libertarian and sovcit capital of the world

No. 1928081

>so many farmers live in Texas
Elsie real confirmed?

No. 1928093

why tf is there another thread when you guys have the amerifags thread to talk about this shit considering the south is a big influence in the US? are you guys autistic or something lmfao

No. 1928096

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Non-burger here but I have a question.
Why do Americans in the south not build their houses with significant foundations or foundations at all when they live in an area susceptible to hurricanes and tornados? Is it just a general construction practice or is there a reason for it?

No. 1928100

It's so they can rebuild them again instead of letting expensive houses get destroyed continuously.

No. 1928102

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I wish I could meet and befriend other Texanonnies, how many of us secretly live side by side unknown, when we could band together to overthrow the Texas state government, tell me nonnies

No. 1928106

definitely the white gravy with sausage

No. 1928109

t. butthurt anons from irrelevant places

No. 1928114

Same, unrelated but HEB Buddy graham crackers go so hard.

No. 1928122

I love HEB it's truly the most blessed grocery store

No. 1928125

i’m a southernfag but can’t you cholesterol bitches keep it in one thread and stop sharing our secrets

No. 1928137

I have HEB where I live and I agree holy shit the ice cream is GOOD

No. 1928141

Who has been to Mexico? Be real.

No. 1928153

I visited once on vacation, but didn't leave the resort area. I'd love to see more of the country but only if I spoke Spanish/had a local with me. I know a lot of people go there for cheap dentistry which is insane imo

No. 1928169

Why? There are a lot of competent dentists and doctors in mexican cities. USA ones just over charge anyway.

No. 1928197

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Go there all the time with family to get groceries and to get cheap meds when I can’t bother with US hospitals. I live in a poorfag area and go to other poorfag places in Mexico so it’s only a pain on your cars suspension because some residential areas don’t have actual paved asphalt just dirt roads. Driving around is also a bit crazy if you aren’t used to it because people are able to drive without lanes and go pretty fast on narrow roads.

No. 1928214

I love this picture

No. 1928249

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Anyone else from North Carolina? As an immigrant I think it’s neat but tbh I miss the snow.

No. 1928265

As a Texan I just wish they'd fully legalize weed here already. Legalize it!

No. 1928315

I hate it here theres nothing to do its so fucking hot and humid like 80% of the year. The only thing I like is the nature and mountains are really nice and quiet

No. 1928325

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I grew up in South Louisiana and live up north now. Glad I left that hell hole but damn do I miss the food. I had to order my king cake abitas but I'm glad blue bell is still around me

No. 1928333

Goddamn I want to try this

No. 1928339

I ate an entire gallon of this shit last year by myself. No regrets

No. 1928359

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I don’t like redneck culture here, I saw something similar to picrel at a local nicknack shop and it freaked me out

No. 1928375

me too nonnie especially when you can get all that fake delta 8 stuff anywhere, what's the point? not like real weed is hard to get anyways so why isn't it just legal kek

No. 1928380

Our government hates women's rights and pot

No. 1928404

Any Oklahomanons? I'm immigrating there, always trying to learn as much about it as I can

No. 1928618

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southern belle nonnas get the best regional blue bell flavors, yankees btfo

No. 1929102

Get out of here bread basket tornado bitch you're not really southern and everyone knows it

No. 1929117

Reminds me of that video where the guy from Illinois describes states and he says Oklahoma is Texas's hat

No. 1929128

This autism in construction also happens QUITE often on Long Island and along the Jersey Shore. The answer is money.

God, the HEB Texas Campfire ice cream is fucking fire. Most of the HEB brand stuff is fire.

Central Market kicks the shit out of Whole Foods, too.

The Abbott admin is so deep in with campaign donations from big pharma and other moralist bullshit that it won’t happen on his watch. Also, it’s legal in OK so it won’t be legal here for a lifetime out of spite.

D9/D9 is ^fine^.

No. 1929139

I'm waiting for another tree to fall on Abbott or for him to bite the dust I'm sorry. Either that or someone finally boots the rest of his gang out

Isn't the Lt governor or comptroller or whatever he is still on trial for defrauding a bunch of people and all the while was re elected at least once? I have no hope for the hicks in this state who'll automatically vote for any retard if an R is next to his name

No. 1929182

Nothing to be sorry for when all this man does is jerk off about the border. Part of me hopes that he gets picked up for national politics just so he can lose his state-level authority and we don’t hear from him for a while.

I want to say you’re talking about AG Paxton. Before turning this thread into a political circle jerk, watching his trial last summer made me lose faith in either side of the isle when it comes to state level politics. I kind of hope we get Cruz out in November.

No. 1929194

fingers crossed that we boot Cruz out in November too, nona. Regardless of where nonas stand politically, I wish people would understand that he left our state to fend for ourselves and went on vacation to Cancun when we had that devastating freeze a few years ago. Millions of people were left without housing, thousands died. That's not what a "leader" does in government. I think the problem is that most of our politicians sit around collecting money on behalf of their big pharmaceutical big NRA sponsors and don't actually care about a single one of their constituents, including the conservatives. They're making big money off nothing and people's misery and they routinely embarrass us on a national scale. I don't want to politically jerk it too much more but it's like nobody cares in the majority of southern states about women, and that's my biggest gripe living down here and why I want to get out. I don't hate southern politeness, I love the food, I've lived here all my life, it is "cheap" I suppose, but living in a place where the moids in government hate me hurts (oh and the weather is hell). I have a very conflicted relationship between pride and distaste in my identity as a southerner / southwesterner kek

No. 1929202

I'm honestly always disappointed when someone comes to America and ends up in one of the shittier areas. But you have to read the grapes of wrath (and the four winds) if you have the time

No. 1929766

Texan farmers:

Fuck, Marry, Kill:

HEB, Kroger, Fiesta Mart.

No. 1929776

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This feels like the Texas thread so far, where my Floridanonnies at? Weather has been absolute hot garbage and I’m so happy it’s gonna be nice and cool on tomorrow and not in the 80s this week. The people who have tried to make small talk with me on the 85+ degree weather days about how they’re so happy the weather is “finally nice and warm” Jesus Christ I tried to be polite but I know daggers were flying from my eyes. 85 degrees is not nice.

No. 1930086

Fuck Fiesta Marry HEB Kill Kroger
The only good Krogers are those gigantic superstore sized ones

No. 1930223

Immigrating from where?
I'm a Texanon so I can't help you too much, but the Oklahomans I've met have been very similar to small-town Texans, but with inferiority complexes instead of narcissism.
I also recently saw this cooking video by a bonger about the incredibly authentic and popular Oklahoma onion burger. Never heard of it, myself. Seems kind of like a small recent cooking trend fueled by Kenji alt Lopez.

No. 1930459

i hate living in arkansas so fucking much

No. 1930489

Sausage and jelly. Especially grape jelly

No. 1930513

Lifelong Floridian and I hate how everyone who is not from here mentions the weather. I hate the weather here - balls hot, terrible thunderstorms, hurricanes. We used to have nice winters but now it’s just stupid hot most of the time. There are things I enjoy about Florida (the food is amazing, tons of things to do, year-round swimming), but it’s getting harder to live here every year. My part of the state is full of transplants from all over the country who moved here because of shitty politics. They think they own everything and are the rudest and laziest people, all rich from doing nothing at all.

No. 1930525

Same nonna as above. I also forgot to mention how immigrants are everywhere here - I’m not fundamentally against them but a lot of the men are drunks. There’s high levels of domestic violence in the population. They can’t drive because they come from countries without much driver training or laws and cause accidents. My insurance is ridiculously high even though my car is old and I have a clean record, just because of where I live.

Trump lives not far from me and his cult is all over the place. You see a ton of cars with QAnon decals and stickers and the cultists hold demonstrations on street corners. They fly those retarded flags off of PVC poles, stuff like “TRUMP/JFK, JR” and “Let’s Go, Brandon!” They stand in front of his plane and fap in front of it. He invited them to Mar a Lago for breakfast once and they still cream themselves over it. I hope the mansion is sold out from under him so he will finally fucking leave.

No. 1930596

>Trump lives not far from me
Have you ever seen him in person nona is he just as much of a saggy pumpkin in real life as he appears onscreen? Is he lying about his height by four inches? Is he actually 315 lbs?

No. 1930598

Don’t live in Florida, but did work in insurance. The general risk of the state is pretty fucking high with all the weather events, so that sure as hell isn’t helping your premium.

No. 1930608

lol, no. He rarely leaves his mansion when he’s here. He only goes out to play golf. I don’t even think he goes to any local restaurants. He lives on whatever his private chef prepares for him. In order to see him, you need to be a member of his club, which costs around $250k. He will sometimes crash weddings, too, if they are held at the club. It’s always crawling with Republicans now, though, since they all try to kiss his ass.

Ghislaine Maxwell used to procure girls for Jeffrey Epstein at the local high schools. All the girls, as far as I know, were white and attractive but came from poorer families. Some of them worked at Mar a Lago, too. There are a lot of billionaires around here, so probably a lot of sex trafficking. There are grown women here who go to certain restaurants and bars strictly to try to bag a rich man. A family member is one, married a polo player for husband #3. They live in a different world than me, essentially. Casey Anthony also lives in the area - she likes dating cops and got into a bar fight a few years back. I haven’t heard about her in a while, so she may have moved on.

Sorry to derail the thread. This is all very Florida trash. There are so many nice people here, but too many crazies. I miss the Florida I grew up in, but I think it’s gone forever now. I’d get a fortune for my place, but where else would I go?

No. 1930627

are you rich, nonnie? Last time I was visiting my grandma in law we saw Trump’s jet at the airport and they live in an affluent area of Florida.

No. 1930667

Holy crap nona you live in the epicenter of richie Florida degeneracy, it's kind of horrifically fascinating how much history there is around the area. Trump, epstein, and godforsaken Casey Anthony?

No. 1930956

I am definitely not even close to rich. I just happen to live close to rich people. The island people like Trump and Epstein live a very sequestered life with their own restaurants, spas, shops, and golf courses. Even Epstein lived in a “new money” area of the island, away from the historic areas with the generationally wealthy. They fly on their private planes directly into the airport or sail into the marina on their yachts, then are driven directly to their mansions without associating with us peons. Florida has traditionally been a playground for the rich, especially New York rich.

No. 1931114

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My brother made green jambalaya for St Patrick's day. The sheer amount of green food coloring he had to use to go over the normal orange tomatoe sauce color was questionable but it tasted normal somehow

No. 1931117

I feel violated

No. 1931141

Since there are a lot of Texas nonas here, what's it like living over there? I've only visited for vacation, and it felt a bit overwhelming with how big and vast the roads seemed. I'm from a northern state, just curious about daily life and the struggles.

No. 1931160

Louisiana nonna here but I lived in Houston for four years during uni, the public transport was great but I never used it because once when I was trying to bus back to my apartment with a load of groceries the bus ate my dimes as pennies and refused to let me on. I walked/biked around everyday but never felt unsafe but I wasn't stupid about it, only walked during the day or with freinds at night, always carried my gun since my father insisted I get one. Never had to use it. Probably would have been illegal anyway since I didn't have a concealed carry permit and it was a Louisiana gun not a Texas one.

No. 1931168

Lived in a big northern city for about ten years and moved to Austin in 2021. Your experience is going to vary based on living now and what your expectations are. I visited something like 5 times before deciding to make the move, both during high volume times (SXSW, ACL) and more calm shit (Thanksgiving).

There's no museums or anything that I liked about where I left (DFW is good for that, from visits I've had there), but I am closer to my "chosen family" of friends which is important to me. Austin is pretty fucking white, and I think lacks a lot of the stuff I was used to like solid public transport. Can't speak to Dallas, Houston or San Antonio but you definitely need a car in Austin.

I like being close to Hill Country for hiking and camping, but still have some city amenities like a large number of concert venues and shows that'll come through down. It's nice being the same distance from Houston and DFW.

I had a panic attack the first time I came here for an extended period of time (~2 weeks) for a "try out" to see how I liked it when I couldn't find my rental car in an HEB+ parking lot. It took about a year to acclimate.

The gun stuff is a little jarring at first but you get used to it. My COL is a fraction of what it was from where I came from, even though Austin is "expensive". I got to keep my job with the NE-based company I work for, and kept my NE salary with no adjustments. The tax differential makes my pay feel insanely better.

The four main cities are all very different
Figure out your priorities and pick the city that aligns with them the most
Consider renting an AirBNB or staying with friends for a week or two and see how you like it

Good luck. Sage for length.

No. 1931170

a tranny made this thread

No. 1931180

Huh? Are you a yankee or something?

No. 1931187

some nonnas believe it is unwise to have threads that could possibly reveal anything about your location, even vaguely, because it could lead to being doxxed

No. 1931195

I live in San Antonio and it's been growing so fast these past few years. If you don't have a car, thr public transit experience is pretty miserable because everything is so spread out. The weather is unbearably hot for a third of the year. People are mostly friendly, but the homeless population is starting to get out of hand. Great food, it's very easy to gain weight here because of the food and the culture of sharing it. There are more things to do than a smaller city, but not as much as Austin or Dallas. Shopping at HEB is great.

No. 1931263

Can people who aren't admins get the ip address of various posts? Because otherwise I know a lost of people here have this schizo thinking that the posts here on lolcow have patterns and anthromorphize various unrelated posts as being by the same person

No. 1931264

Meant to link this one sorry

No. 1931312

sorry for this long ass post
My personal ranking of the places I've lived here-
Houston > San Antonio >>>> Dallas >>>>> the suburbs of any of the cities, it's all pretty homogeneous and boring
All have the problem of the huge busy roads. You have to get on the freeway to get anywhere (in Houston it's a common joke that everything is 30 minutes away) and multiple friends I've had come visit were genuinely too scared to drive on our freeways kek. If I wasn't lucky enough to live in walking distance of work and a grocery store I'd go insane but that's definitely not the norm here, 99% of people need a car.
Delicious food can be found anywhere from big cities to bumfuck nowhere, but food and harvest festivals is about all the small towns have going for them. imo rural texas is boring. Gorgeous nature though! If you get a chance to visit again check out Big Bend National Park, it's beautiful.
I have an embarrassing amount of Texas pride tbh. It's not perfect, especially politically… and the weather can be a bitch. but I love living here. Also I only realized recently but isn't it kind of insane that the public school curriculum here has 2 full years of Texas history classes, are there any other states that do that?
I love San Antonio so much, I constantly wish I could move back but job opportunities where I live right now are too strong. Tons of beautiful historic architecture (alamo is overrated though kek) and parks everywhere. The food is top notch too. I was a NEET in San Antonio for a while and made it my mission to go out and visit a different trail every day, was a blast and unironically saved my mental/physical health
kek I made this thread! personally idc (oh noo jannies know I live in a state with 30 million other people, doxxx incoming) but you could always just not post if you're worried

No. 1931340

I've got to go to Houston or back to San Antonio. I haven't been traveling much since I was younger- interstate or otherwise, only up to where I have relatives. I have grown to really love nature and one of the few childhood memories I retained was visiting Oklahoma's falls, and San Antonio was also nice that I remembered. Could benefit from visiting the state park once I've got enough $$$ and drive to do it. Thanks for the recs anon

Any anons who are considering visiting Dallas, it's expensive but it might be worth checking out the handful of art museums. The core museum collection at the DMA is free to view with tons of different types of art, there's always an add on special exhibit/s if you want to see them, and it's a nice way to waste a few hours. I could've sworn the other museums cost money but if you can afford it's worth it. there's an Asian art museum, there's a sculpture museum, and there's also some museums up in Fort Worth if you want to make the trip. Dallas also has good food and a diverse selection of it. Other than that it's kinda meh, people can be stuffy and holier than thou than other Texans around North Texas

No. 1931361

Fort Worth Modern is a fucking gem. The water that surrounds the museum is so beautiful.

No. 1931408

Really? I’ve lived in Texas most of my life and the only city where people seem consistently shitty is Dallas/DFW. Everywhere else I’ve been, including big cities, tiny places, and college towns, the people have been genuinely friendly.
People forget my city exists so we have none of those chains. Far (farthest!) West Texas is like its own little world.
Going to Mexico for dentistry or any surgery really is nuts. I live on the border and have family on both sides and have heard constant horror stories. Infection control doesn’t seem up to modern standards in a lot of facilities and if you can’t afford dental work it’s a safer bet to go to a dental school or one associated with a federally certified health center.

I wouldn’t go there for medical care unless I had no other options but I absolutely take advantage of low cost medications. My insurance won’t cover Retin A/tretinoin so my dad brings me some when he comes back from work trips.

No. 1931439

Oh I also forgot to mention the arboretum if yall like flowers and there's multiple zoos

No. 1931905

i imagine you live in or around west palm considering the epstein comment?

No. 1932192

i remember reading about some women who contracted meningitis after getting plastic surgery there last year. i don't blame people for wanting to pursue more affordable medical procedures but i think they often get so distracted by how much cheaper it is that they don't take the risk factor into account.

No. 1932210

Multiple people got meningitis from cadaver bone material used in a bunch of different surgical procedures that were PERFORMED IN THE USA. And the infected bone material was made by a US company. They’re still making bone material for surgeries under a new company name and have faced no consequences.

No. 1932248

The worst conservatives I knew were when I lived in Austin because they were usually from other states and also had that libertarian edge. Haven’t spent significant time in DFW.

No. 1932402

I just tried making Southern sweet iced tea today and it was so damn good, woah. Thanks for blessing the world with this drink, you guys.

No. 1932424

Austin Republicans are Joe Rogan/Elon bros are scum of the earth.

No. 1932618

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Sweet tea is generally too sweet for my taste and if I’m going to have that much sugar I’d rather have it in the form of candy lol. Turns out the brand Milo’s makes a sweet tea sweetened with sucralose and I’m now obsessed with it. I usually just brew my own at home and put a packet of Splenda in but this shit is so good.

No. 1933562

To be fair, I did use less sugar than the recipe called for because I'm trying to watch my weight kek. And that Milo's tea sounds really good. Convenient to have a huge carton like that. Unfortunately, I can't buy it where I live. Maybe I should ask my American friend to bring one over next time they visit me

No. 1933580

Why are the roads so shit in New Orleans? Is it the hurricanes?

No. 1933595

Cause it’s built on a swamp.

No. 1933601

It's unironically the government. New Orleans is super corrupt and has been since it was founded pretty much, absolutely nothing gets done there and the infrastructure is falling apart as a result

No. 1933630

I know I’m getting old cause I’ve started drinking half and half tea with lemons… it’s so good though, and slightly more healthy

No. 1933665

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Any other Louisianonnies? I’ve tried so hard to make friends here I can connect with but it seems pretty hard here. I’m into gyaru and tried looking for a local gyarusa but it seems like only Californians have luck making friends with weeb adjacent hobbies.

No. 1933726

I'd say look into DnD circles at the closest game/hobby shops to your area. LARPs like Mordavia(NewOrleans) or Nether(Mississippi) have actual options to dress up and role play and fight but if that's not your thing I get it. Other places would be book stores big and small and asking the staff if they have any events, like there's a small bookstore I know of that holds book fairs for all ages.

No. 1933765

Fellow NC nona here!

No. 1933787

I used to live in the rust belt area of the Midwest, the TX heat is honestly tolerable compared to my used cars rusting up and crumbling at the frame within 3 years. I'll take melting plastic and my rearview camera being unusable due to the hot weather over the latter.
One thing that does suck is the allergies, Lord, it seems to never end.

No. 1935137

I wish the weather would make up its mind to be cold or hot

No. 1935165

What American candy should I try when I get there?

I'm immigrating from Ireland, it's ok if Oklahoma is shite tbh I'm used to living in rural arse-end places

Star spangled sperg, I'm not in Oklahoma yet

No. 1935229

Don't. Bring as much candy with you as you can.

No. 1935268

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What kind of flavors do you like? Me personally, I usually get a Kinder Bueno chocolate bar or watermelon Sour patches. But if you're coming somewhere to the south (although, idk if Oklahoma is the south..), you should go to a local southern or soul food restaurant and try some of our desserts instead. Banana pudding, sweet potato pie, peach cobbler, red velvet cake, pecan pie, etc…

Speaking of banana pudding, it's my favorite dessert and I've thought about making it with those biscoff cookies.

No. 1935284

Get yourself a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard from Dairy Queen for maximum America with minimum effort.

No. 1935322

Almond joys are my favorite gas station candy, but american candy really isn’t all that good tbh kek

No. 1935330

Pecan Pralines. They come in hard or soft just depending on what random local gas station you get it from. I like to get huge slabs of beef jerky tho, that's not candy I know.

No. 1935336

Another NC nona here!

No. 1935463

I found a blue zippered tote bag of food in front of my door one morning this week. I have no idea what’s it’s from or who put it there. It contained jalapeños, tomatoes, citrus fruit, and apples, everything was in its own bag in the tote too, like groceries straight from the store. Was I misdelivered some sort of meals on wheels produce drop off??? I feel bad someone doesn’t have their food if so. Asking here because I’m in the south and I haven’t lived here long so maybe someone has seen this and knows what it is. I live in a small city and have plenty of close neighboring houses but I dont talk to them much and its past the point I’d be getting “welcome to the neighborhood” stuff (plus some of it was moldy so it wasn’t a present, just bad groceries)

No. 1935572

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Our candy really is quite bad. Most good chocolate is foreign. Our very processed trashy sweets and food can be uniquely nice, but I think it's a bit of an acquired taste and one that you should not make an effort to acquire.

Actually good things:
Albanese brand gummy bears
Dr. Pepper or Root Beer float with Blue Bell Homemade vanilla ice cream. Blue Bell isn't top tier (for the price it's good), but it crystalizes in a nice way when added to soda.
organic knockoffs of trashy sweets. Health food versions of shitty treats can actually be much better than the originals, though a lot of brands are complete misses. I LOVE organic vegan hostess cupcake ripoffs, and I quite like organic chocolate covered malt balls as well. There's some brand they sell at whole foods that is even better than Maltesers.
Also seconding other anon's recommendation of dairy queen blizzards. We do have a pretty good ice cream scene generally, so be sure to also check out some local shops.
Promised Land brand whole chocolate milk. There might be better local brands, but Promised Land is hands-down the best widely available brand.
Various s'mores candies (Fanny May S'mores snacks mix from Costco is good)
Canned coffee (I like high brew double espresso and capuccino)
Trendy desserts. Most cities will have frozen yogurt, gourmet donuts, boba, and probably lots of other stupid bullshit. Some of these places are really good.

No. 1935579

Lake Champlain five star chocolate bar

No. 1935669

The really silly sugary ones kek like nerds, fun dip, sour patch kids, the sour watermelons, cotton candy, sweet tarts rope (I like the texture I don't know), really whatever seems fun.
These are my once in a blue moon guilty pleasures.

No. 1937335

File: 1711290845466.jpg (1.47 MB, 4000x1848, 1000005787.jpg)

>two perfectly good windows on this side the wall
>cuts a hole inbetween for the AC
If that's not the most southern US thing I've ever seen

No. 1937383

San Antonio anon here and I can agree, I love our parks and trails! The missions other than the Alamo are very nice, my favorite is Mission Concepción. Lots of local ghost stories and legends too.

No. 1937542

Are you paying attention to those window panes

No. 1939015

Texas is such a despair pit. They want $70 for a state parks pass when the state parks are tiny and ugly and mostly paved. That's as much as a national parks pass, which gets you into places like fucking Yellowstone. What a great deal. They will seriously brag about a park having "12 miles of trails!" That's just a liesurely afternoon walk if you're not morbidly obese. Even after you spend the $70 you have to make a reservation months in advance if you want to actually visit a park and experience the majesty of a filthy dammed creek and 6-10 trees covered in hatchet scars. If you're lucky you might hear a bird, but you'll mostly just hear shitty music played from shitty bluetooth speakers. You're guaranteed to see wildlife on the drive in, but only because Texans deliberately swerve to run over turtles and armadillos with their useless trucks. Of course you could always go to a park in town for free instead, and look at half starved ducks desperately searching for something to eat in a pond full of blue dye and beer cans. Spend an hour circling it 500 times like a caged animal! Exhilarating! There is a deep mud trench along the perimeter of the grass patch near my building just from me walking around in it every day for the last year. It's too small for a relaxing walk. How the fuck do people live their whole lives shut up in little boxes like this? It's already making me want to die.

No. 1939330

>if you're not morbidly obese
have you taken a look around? that is about half of the population. i get your frustration if you're used to visiting better parks but you have to realize that between the obesity epidemic and the escalating heat that makes summers here almost intolerable less and less texans are participating in outdoorsy habits and aren't going to have as high as standards as you when it comes to parks. if you're from houston or other refinery areas twelve miles of trails is considered expansive.

No. 1939586

was about to renew my pass but i mainly do enchanted rock and perdinales. which are the shitty parks to avoid?

No. 1942374

the windows are probably caulked/painted shut. people (or maybe just shitty landlords, I don't know) do that because it keeps in the AC air better in the summer which supposedly helps with utility bills and it also might help keep out some pests, but I think it's pretty fucked up to miss out on the nice weather and fresh air in spring and fall just because it's too hot for 4 months.

No. 1942394

Anyone ever been to Moody Gardens?

No. 1942439

>12 miles
>my sweaty bacon-greased sausage fingees quivering because this seems like a decent hike i am sweating lard

I mean…just walk it twice or something anon damn.

No. 1942522

don't trust anything related to Moody

No. 1942627

who the fuck walks 12 miles each afternoon…thats like 3-3.5 hours each day?! i assume you dont work and can spare that time easily

No. 1943284

File: 1711779548425.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1128x1176, IMG_5815.jpeg)

I love the desert Southwest! Mexican food, lovely cacti that will be flowering soon, and spectacular mountains make life worth living. We’re hardly the south but am included on your map so here I am! I would love to visit the actual Deep South sometime! I lived in Louisiana as a toddler and went to Arkansas in 2013 but that’s the only southern experience I have.

No. 1948207

File: 1712105398723.jpg (1.6 MB, 1080x2340, 1000005966.jpg)

Why the fuck every fucking time I try and cook jambalaya it burns and never properly cooks! This one didn't get to boil before it burnt the bottom! I cooked this bitch on the setting 3 out of 10!
And don't tell me to use a rice cooker, they work on magnets and heat so they snap up too quick to cook rice in tomato sauce becasue the temperature it hard wired to water.
I was able to move it to another pan, it'll stay on simmer this time.

No. 1948211

So pretty!!

No. 1948214

I’ve always wanted to visit the southwest, looks so pretty out there.

No. 1948352

tbh the state is so huge, I've found it a mixed bag. west texas can be beautiful

No. 1948490

Any nonnies here from the Smokies? I grew up there but live in the desert now and I miss it sometimes

No. 1948611

maybe you're not using enough water or the tomato sauce is causing it to burn?

No. 1949764

are any wv nonnies in here? i swear i'm alone

No. 1950229

Maybe use a thicker pan? Thin pans heat up very fast and tend to burn the food even on low settings.

No. 1955412

Sp I heard oysters help filter salt water, i get that oyster poachers would snatched any preservation laid oysters. So my solution is to breed a filtration oyster that is poisonous to humans and watch the unintended consequences unfold.

No. 1956086

File: 1712597382663.jpg (166.76 KB, 1080x963, 1000006272.jpg)

>be in area where eclipse is gonna be like 90-80%
>pic related

No. 1956093

This happened where I live the last time there was an eclipse. It's clear today though

No. 1956112

File: 1712598772640.jpg (70.19 KB, 1500x1000, Sonic-BlackoutSlush-Float-For-…)

I got the Sonic solar eclipse float thing and it tastes like grape wtf. I think they ran out of cotton candy + dragon fruit or whatever the fuck; there isn't even any sprinkles and no sunglasses since they ran out. My college was passing out glasses but mine bent so hopefully it won't be too wonky the area I'm in is 89% so I'm excited.

No. 1956154

wow it's completely cloudy, I can't see shit. how disappointing

No. 1956160

The clouds cleared away at the last minute yay I’ve seen a few partial eclipses but WOW a total eclipse is an entirely different experience. It looks just like it does on film, the brightest glare before it’s snuffed out by total darkness was insane! I hope some anons got to enjoy it!

No. 1956168

I'm depressed and hungover and decided to just sit at my desk and not look. What's the point

No. 1956264

Eclipse chads stay winning. That was my first time ever experiencing a total solar eclipse. I'm so grateful to finally witness one. I work at an elementary school and it was so wholesome to hear what the students had to say. I had 3 students walk over to me when it started getting darker and they hugged me tight amazed at what was happening.

No. 1956324

I saw it! It was really cool and I stared up at it as long as i could. All the street lamps came on too which was cool. I was talking to someone who said he saw the 2017 one out in the wilderness, and he said the wolves started howling and you could see the stars. No idea what I’ll be up to in 2045, but I hope I can do what that guy did and just go camping somewhere.

No. 1980030

BLACKBERRY SEASON BABY beware of poison ivy and snakes tho

No. 1980076

File: 1714075602801.jpeg (171.05 KB, 850x612, IMG_2175.jpeg)

I was googling pics to celebrate blackberry season with you nona but this actually looks so good, I wanna bake this now

No. 1980352

YES I've been keeping an eye on all the blackberry flowers I find outside and patiently waiting for fruit. There used to be a huge patch in a forested area near my house but they paved over it so I've been hunting for new spots, found a few in some parks near me and hopefully I will get some berries. Happy foraging nona ♥

No. 1980430

I wish, my states dusty ass forestry and wildlife removed blackberries because it attracts snakes

No. 1980438

I live in Colorado now and can’t believe how much I miss the swamp. And the food. I didn’t believe anyone when they told me how bad it is here.

No. 1980440

God, I feel you. I just moved back to my Southern state from Colorado and finally got some real sweet tea. I missed all the greenery too.

No. 1980442

colorado is seriously beautiful but I also thought the food was pretty bad kek. no matter where I go it never beats texas tbh

No. 1980445

I don’t think I’ll ever move back because I hate the oppressive culture and Christianity, but I definitely visit once a year. I’m from Louisiana, so y’all already know how bad the crime and poverty is. Colorado is better in almost every single way so far. Except the bland, disgusting ass food. Do they even know salt exists? And only ever being able to get unsweet tea (if they have it at all) from a restaurant is wild.

No. 1980454

I'm from Louisiana too. I had to move up north when I had children because I couldn't stand raising my children in such a corrupt area. Now boudain, muffalatas, pralines, gumbo, etc are all delicacies and can only be purchased at Cajun restaurants instead of any old gas station 24/7. I could have literally walked from my house to the gas station down the street and got boudin, Abita root beer, king cake, po boys, and alligator jerky for less than 10 bucks and now if I want that I'll have to be on a wild goose chase all around town or go to a sit down restaurant where it's only half as good kms. Id move back in a heartbeat if it wasn't so shitty

No. 1980461

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I’m not sure if it’s because it’s a legitimately beautiful place or because I’m homesick, but I cried thinking about cypress trees of all things the other day. I’m with you 100% though. It’s a shithole and not likely to change anytime soon, unfortunately. I make my own gumbo and sweet tea these days. The few “Cajun” restaurants I’ve tried in Denver were so awful, I’ll never spend money at those places again. They damn sure don’t have boudin kolaches here.

No. 1980776

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I’m being so serious right now, why do Californians have such a stick up their asses? I know Southerners like to talk our shit about Northerners and vice versa, but I’d take Northern bluntness over Californian smugness any day. Maybe because my hometown is still in the East Coast, but I appreciate people who actually mean what they say. Don’t even get me started on wokeness competitions Californians have to instigate in every conversation. Genuinely some of the most out of touch people I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. A blight on the nation, even. God bless
>t. Virginian

No. 1980823

I so know what you mean, I live in one of those cities where a ton of Californians have moved over here. Some of them are cool and you wouldn’t even know where they’re from, other ones just go on and on about how much better everything in Cali is and it’s like….then bitch, move back there. Oh right, you can’t afford it!

No. 1980832

>then bitch, move back there. Oh right, you can’t afford it!

No. 1980847

I supposedly lived in a city that was "being taken over by Californians". I knew a total of 1 Californian who was there to work and didn't even have an apartment or anything. At that point I was just convinced it was some weird false theory spreading around to falsely inflate prices of housing and stuff

No. 1980923

They do make a convenient scapegoat for conservatives that want one specific group to blame for all the state’s social ills (if we’re talking about the same city), but the annoying Californian stereotype definitely exists for a reason ime.

No. 1980958

Conservatives for the longest time defended all the shittness of the economy and now when it's starting to really effect them instead of blaming politicians they act like the non existent Californians are the reason why rich conservatives are buying the umpteenth starter home to rent out for 3k monthly. Now they can no longer tell people to get a trade and get 2 jobs and just budget when they homes they inherited from mommy and daddy have insurance and taxes that quadrupled

No. 1981034

Just had a low country boil for the first time in years and it was soooo good. God, I missed it here. I know the South is a mess, but I really missed it.

No. 1981051

I got into an argument with this foreign guy who was insisting Oklahoma was the midwest and had midwestern culture. Have y'all ever been to OK? Especially southern OK and the parts that border Arkansas??? Country as shit. Not just country, fucking ding dang doodle redneck level hick.

No. 1981125

Nonnie you inspired me… I don't live in Louisiana but a state nearby it and have family from there. I got some boudin balls for lunch and my grandma said she'll teach me her gumbo recipe this weekend. If I could mail it to you I would ♥

No. 1981131

Austin? I constantly hear about how Austin isn't "weird" anymore and everything's expensive because of californians. I wonder if it's true

No. 1981156

>Not just country, fucking ding dang doodle redneck level hick.

Part of my 23andMe results.

No. 1981178

I’ve never heard of that; only ever had a crawfish boil.

No. 1981180

Geographically, it should be considered “the Midwest,” but culturally… yeah, they have a lot of redneck type of mfers

No. 1981190

File: 1714158219775.jpeg (518.47 KB, 640x622, IMG_6324.jpeg)

I made cobbler with blackberries from the yard today. not the perfect cobbler, it’s more blackberry tbh

No. 1981201

since when is being “country” some sort of indicator of the south? have y’all ever been to the midwest? it’s not all chicago. I lived in iowa for 4 years and it’s wayyy more country than my home state in the south. that being said, I think oklahoma is pretty southern kek
looks good, nonna!

No. 1981276

Any anons live/lived in Alabama? I work remote but they're based in Mobile and keep begging me to move kek. I already live in the south so I'm used to the weather and culture, but I know nothing about alabama. plus I currently live in a city 5x bigger than mobile and I think it may have me a bit spoiled tbh

No. 1981295

File: 1714162735286.jpg (127.57 KB, 1200x1200, blueberrybells.jpg)

They're already berries for you?? I'm in VA and mine haven't even bloomed. The closest ones are my blueberry bushes where the bells are turning blue.

No. 1981301

NTA but I have ripe blackberries right now in Georgia. Not from here so it's kinda wild to see but they come in pretty early.

No. 1981315

File: 1714163539547.jpeg (98.12 KB, 800x460, IMG_2217.jpeg)

VAnonna! Glad to see a compatriot here kek. I’ll be driving through the countryside this weekend to visit my friend in a different city. Maybe I’ll see some berries in bloom. Spring in Virginia hits different

No. 1981336

ripe mulberries here in eastern NC MMMMM my fingers will be stained from now ‘til fall

No. 1981340

File: 1714164399146.jpg (90.99 KB, 612x408, dogwood.jpg)

Oh wow! I'm pretty jealous you guys get berries for longer.
Hi fellow VAnonna! I love the highways near the Appalachian or other mountains; it's so captivating to drive while seeing them in the distance. I HATE when the road is spiraling them though it's terrifying. I saw, the state flower, Dogwood in the woods a few days ago it was very pretty. I need to savor spring before it becomes tirelessly humid. Hope you have a safe and captivating trip!

No. 1981342

If you’re already used to the south, I’d say Alabama is more of the same. I rather like Mobile. Location-wise.

No. 1981440

I've been considering moving to Alabama so if you do move would you post about your impressions?

No. 1981471

I’m from AL, it kinda sucks here but if you’re an outdoorsy person you’d probably have a good time.

No. 1981490

I visited oklahoma like 14 years ago and it was basically just the same as the other southern states, more like texas I suppose. maybe not the same now?

No. 1981546

Any Arkansas anons here (conway/little rock/nlr)? Please I need friends

No. 1983969

File: 1714353531862.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.22 KB, 500x500, artworks-000033570222-hvkkfi-t…)

I hate Houston id rather be in Austin right now.so many gay ass stuck up chuntaros with their ugly ,loud pick up trucks.its so ghetto up in here I also hate the wannabe black chicanas who smell like rotten pork with their ugly bratty booger eating kids.Ill probably get banned for race bait but IDC Mexican isn't a race sooooo.and I'm not even white

No. 1984039

sorry anon austin sucks too

No. 1987630

File: 1714608799177.png (297.23 KB, 687x317, edgar.png)

we have the best edgars here in san antonio

No. 1988614

I’m really jealous of you berry havers. I live in the desert SW and the only berries here come from the grocery store.

No. 2024311

VA here, my raspberry bushes have finally gave berries same with my cherry tree! I've been wanting to purchase Rubus leucodermis online, but I'm unsure how well it'll grow here. I'm so excited for spring even though the humidity is already killing me. Has anyone else have had so much more rain in May instead of April?

No. 2024909

VA nonna! I’m thankful for the rain we’ve been getting lately tbh, cools things down. Can’t wait to get fucking heat stroke this summer

No. 2025171

Most of Texas is like this nowadays. I've been West and East, both had the same issue.

No. 2048867

File: 1718372083520.jpg (460.94 KB, 1080x1371, 1000007759.jpg)

It's gumbo time!

No. 2048898

FL nona here, my mango tree has been barren for two years in a row and I'm so butthurt about it. The neighbor's mangoes are plentiful…. Might fuck around

No. 2048907

Aw hell yeah

No. 2049185

File: 1718398856087.jpg (201.61 KB, 1200x900, CozChSHUkAAM294.jpg)

abita or swamp pop?

No. 2050605

I live in Alabama and I moved here from California so I've been at both extremes. I will say Alabama stays really green all year and that's been pleasant. The groceries are pretty bad in my area like the produce is always starting to turn and the meat is old. It is fairly cheap to rent and there's things to do if you don't mind traveling a little bit. I wouldn't say it's worth moving here unless you have a good reason (like work). There's some nice hiking trails. I don't know what the people in Mobile are like but in my town they're like extraordinarily rude compared to anywhere I've ever been except upper New York.

No. 2082185

File: 1720471465758.jpeg (14.92 KB, 225x225, images-4.jpeg)

I have to move to central Texas soon.
Texas-pill me.

No. 2083105

Can Delaware and West Virginia be really considered part of the South? Pratctically they are an extension of New Jersey and Ohio

No. 2083165

Austin? Be prepared for allergies, terrible public transportation, bad drivers, insane heat especially during August, annoying transplants/tourists at local places, insane restaurant prices for mid foods, not as diverse as it appears, power going out, terrible parking lots

No. 2083687

can any louisiana anons chime in on how things are in the state atm? i'm creole but my family moved from louisiana to california in the 40's because of segregation. i haven't been in years, since i was a little girl, but my grandfather who is from new orleans has been talking about buying land out there before he dies and i'm curious about it if he does go through with it. i also have family up in shreveport along the red river from my grandmother's side of the family. don't hate me plz cause i'm from california.

No. 2084961

If you have roots there it will be easier to connect with people over shared history. No doubt whatever property your grandfather bought would be beautiful. But the strides the state has made over the past few decades have stalled out, and seems Landry wants to drag them back to the very 40s your family escaped. I did love living in New Orleans but the city is sinking, literally. Shitty infrastructure statewide. Still one of my top 5 most gorgeous states. I'd say you'd be fortunate to have property there, with caution about flood insurance/property values after storms. But I wouldn't live there again unless they elect a Dem governor and I had a very good job. Hard to enjoy it there if you're broke or don't drink imo.

I'm a south anon, born n raised, who is now a PNW anon ten years strong. The one time I went back for a few months I had a hard time with the lack of open spaces, places to drive out to and get away, and physically active friends compared to CA/OR/WA.

No. 2085720

File: 1720731895834.png (118.96 KB, 810x608, Mid Atlantic.png)

the Pine Barrens, the area of the Deleware River water shed and everything else outside of the in New Jersey are culturally southern and have a distinct accent similar to maryland, deleware, and virginia. Most of Ohio outside of Cleveland is an extension of West Virginia which is undoubtedly southern moreseo than NoVa. I'd even say Upstate New York is southern bc its an extension of Pennsylvania and everything outside of Filthadelphia and Shitsburgh is similar to both West Virginia and Virginia.

No. 2085729

imo, the south = former confederacy. I’ll never understand any other definition of it. southern identity was dramatically influenced by the confederacy and its defeat during the civil war. there are other regional cultures, like the mid-atlantic region, which may encompass part of the south, but delaware and west virginia were both union states. I’ve never seen anyone irl claim them as southern. a lot of southerners don’t even consider virginia the “truth south” (which I personally disagree with) because of perceived cultural differences, but it was literally the capital of the confederacy. I’m not saying this to glorify the confederacy btw, just a historyfag interested in how the civil war shaped american identity

No. 2085748

nyart but no, pine barrens and south jersey are not considered 'southern'. literally grew up there and absolutely no one treats it like 'the south'. Upstate New York is also not the south. Just because a place is rural or has more of a country feel does not make it 'southern'.

No. 2085753

Y’all need to be below the bible belt to be southern. Upstate new york is not southern. Do not confuse Northern country culture with the south. I say this living in NC.

No. 2085758

File: 1720735035930.png (15.85 KB, 572x371, bible belt .PNG)

the bible belt = the former confederacy (roughly)

No. 2085760

File: 1720735077562.png (382.74 KB, 2000x1270, confederacy.PNG)


No. 2085798

Remove Missouri and the Arizona and New Mexico bits and that's a proper southern map. No, West Virginians, you aren't the American south, you're just Appalachian. Virginia barely acts south but I'll give them the pass only because of the confederacy shit.

OP's pic including WV, MD, and DE is fucking wild.

No. 2085814

yeah I also think the southern portions of arizona and new mexico are different from the south. the southwest is culturally and geopolitically distinct, and that strip of land had just been seized from mexico, so it was hardly integrated into the u.s. at the time. I won’t comment on missouri because I’ve never been there and it’s arguably the crossroads between the midwest and south, kinda like how virginia is now a crossroads between the south and the mid-atlantic

No. 2085819

File: 1720739903447.jpg (140.85 KB, 736x736, 62c093007d08b898cd267fd7209580…)

Who else has no accent and is sad about it? I know there are negative stereotypes associated with country accents from non-southerners (e.g. being dumb or a racist redneck) but I think they're sooo lovely, and when people with accents sing they're beautiful and so full of personality. Everyday I get jealouser and jealouser of women with country accents.

No. 2085832

Yeah, I love southern accents. No one in my city has one unless they just moved from the more rural parts of the state. I feel like regional accents are dying out, which I find a little sad

No. 2085935

I'm glad we finally have a thread where I can freely say y'all

No. 2093240

Remove Missouri, Kentucky, and bits of New Meixco and Arizona, then you get the proper map. Same as>>2085798 said, I'll give Virginia a pass b/c of the confederacy, but they barely act Southeast. I also agree with them on the fact they put Maryland and Delaware in the map lol. West Virginia and Kentucky are Appalachian and Appalachian ≠ Southeast

No. 2109386

File: 1722211811072.jpg (50.06 KB, 540x360, yaupon.jpg)

Has anybody ever tried yaupon tea. It grows all over the place in the south. I just tried some roasted yaupon i harvested and it is surprisingly good. I'll be drinking this instead of green tea. Plus its free, just collect it at the park or from your neighbor's yard.

No. 2109396

huh, I've always been told this stuff was only the decorative type of plant. wish I knew sooner, lol. you can make tea with Kudzu too I think? never tried it, but there's a nearby field within wandering over distance.

No. 2121620

File: 1722821613331.jpeg (231.6 KB, 980x1334, 39150264-76E9-4430-99BD-B6609B…)

have any anons visited that island where part of Big Fish was filmed? I heard the grass around what remains of the set is cut by goats, who you can see with a $5 entrance fee

No. 2121698

I can’t believe I missed fellow NC nonnas. I’m in Charlotte!!

No. 2359745

File: 1737556754429.jpg (5.21 MB, 4000x1848, 1000013848.jpg)

Historic snowfall in my place yesterday, absolutely beautiful.
First snow in like 15 years and it was 10 fuckin inches.

No. 2360270

File: 1737575197241.jpg (2.63 MB, 3024x4032, 1_22_25.jpg)

Same here on the AL Gulf Coast

No. 2363184

Isn't this poisonous?
>The Latin name comes from an observation by early Europeans that the ingestion of the plant was followed by vomiting in certain ceremonies.
>Some Native American tribes brew the leaves and stems to create an herbal tea, commonly called black drink. Historically the ceremonial consumption often included vomiting, and Europeans deduced that yaupon caused it (hence the Latin name - Ilex vomitoria).[12] The active ingredients, like those of the related yerba mate and guayusa plants, are caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline;[13][14] the vomiting may have resulted from the great quantities in which they drank the beverage, coupled with fasting.[7][15] Native Americans may have also used the infusion as a laxative.[16]

No. 2366250

>waco area
there's some good scenery in the cotton fields out there. stay away from south austin. when you go southwest of temple you're going to run into a lot of very small town areas, super hilly. you're going to get naturepilled for sure more than everything else.

No. 2436817

File: 1741552737962.jpg (1.99 MB, 4000x1848, 1000014812.jpg)

Tis the season

No. 2438880

File: 1741648867567.jpeg (84.71 KB, 828x389, IMG_4455.jpeg)

WV anon here enjoying this beautiful weather finally

No. 2438893

File: 1741649506312.jpeg (150.38 KB, 787x802, IMG_0269.jpeg)

Me too Nona, I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to swim. Speaking of which, what’s the best beach for swimming in the SE US (not including Florida)? Trying to plan a summer trip. Someone recommended Emerald Isle and it looks really nice, but I’d like to check out Myrtle Beach too.

No. 2438903

Hehe your pic made me smile

No. 2438921

Don't go to Myrtle Beach it's a tourist trap. Go a little bit north, just over the state line to Sunset Beach, Ocean Isle, or Holden. If you still want to go to Margaritaville or wherever it's less than an hour's drive away. You also get calabash seafood.

No. 2438925

WV isn't part of the South, come on. You're not an honorary Southerner just because your state has a high density of retards. West Virginia used to be a blue state back when there were a bunch of steel towns (and therefore labor unions) there. It only started veering to the right when the mills closed. Today WV Republicans like to LARP as Southerners, but they aren't. Like other anons have already said, WV was a Union state. In fact, the Civil War is why WV and Virginia are two different states. If your state wasn't part of the Confederacy, it's not a "Southern" state in the cultural sense. Simple as.

No. 2438976

But it's colored in red on the threadpic map showing the southern states.

No. 2438986

Ah yes, the oracle of ultimate truth: a random PNG an anon found on Google

No. 2438995

Yeah, and it has west virginia colored in red like a southern state.

No. 2439050

Thank you, I’ll check them out! It would probably be awful to be stuck at a tourist trap during peak season.

I think the difference is arbitrary enough to where she can post a cute little celebration of the weather we’re all feeling down here. Political differences from hundreds of years ago don’t necessarily correlate to the lived experience of people in the modern age, and I think most people would consider WV “southern” even if it’s more Appalachian culturally.

No. 2439064

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Happy to help! Emerald Isle is suppose to be very nice but I haven’t been personally. I wouldn’t recommend it just for a beach trip but Ocracoke is also a fun long weekend destination. Any of these beaches aren’t that far from a wild horse sanctuary if you’re interested in seeing the ponies too. Have fun nonny, enjoy your stay!

No. 2439114

Where else am I supposed to rejoice about the weather with regional nonnies? Relax friend

No. 2439502

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What is everyone’s favorite thing about living in the South? Since there is always so much negativity about the region in general, it is nice to consider what is positive. I personally find a lot of the nature to be really lovely. I also like that, in general, most people who are locals will be quite friendly to you if you’re out and about. I don’t necessarily love small talk, but I’ve noticed that a lot of people will strike up a convo regardless of sex, race, etc. and it helps me feel less isolated sometimes. The food is good too in moderation. It’s cool that places like NOLA have a lot of their own culture and cuisine.

No. 2439635

>t. West Virginian cope

No. 2439686

I hear you, but when I look at the threadpic where they have southern states colored red, west virginia is one of the states colored red.

No. 2439737

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I have only been here for a little while, but people have been extremely friendly and open to chatting which has been really refreshing. I love the mountains, the rivers and streams everywhere, and the birds. I missed cardinals so much. When it warms up I’m excited to see more wildlife like river otters and snakes (I’m a copperhead and eastern hognose enthusiast). Picrel, I love them so much, they’re so dramatic.

No. 2439775

Anon, this pic is so cute!! I love hognoses, they're one of my favorite snakes.
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

No. 2440539

The threadpic is incorrect. You can't sit with us. Since when has Delaware ever been a southern state? Can you answer that?

No. 2443598

I think Georgia is very boring.

No. 2443611

unfortunately live in the flat swampy oil refinery part of the south so can't speak on the nature. But the food is delicious. I've grown to love small talk, especially older ladies will chat with any stranger and it's so cute. Having to drive 2 hours to get to the nearest city kind of sucks but I can also appreciate a comfy road trip now. I love the tiny rural towns with a historic main street. I like how the whole year is warm and sunny. Also we have the best gas stations in the country (Bucees)

No. 2443612

It is, ive lived here my whole life and im dying of boredom everyday.

No. 2443623

I literally cannot stand it here, i need to live in a major city but they are so expensive and idk how to cope with never becoming a homeowner. I also don't like the people here.

No. 2443638

What area of Georgia are you in nonny? I’m not there anymore but know it well.

No. 2443708

I dont have any problems with the people being rude, thankfully, and crime is low here, so i atleast feel safe; but the problem is the people here are atleast double my age, so theres a generational gap, and the people who are my age live an hour-45 minutes away from me, or are on hard drugs. Literally everybody besides one single person i know from HS either got on hard drugs, uses weed/alcohol way too much, or moved. and I feel like its correlated to how boring this place is. Would not recommend, because its not even cheap to live here anymore, which was the only real benefit…

No. 2443942

I lived there for 10 years after college bc there were so many more work opportunities there, compared to the tourist town where I'm from. I hated the traffic and weather, but I do really miss the nature trails and hiking.

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