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No. 1926794

Apologies if this is better suited for 2X. Been reading through the MtF threads on snow and it seems like there are a decent number of PNW nonnas on this site.

Can we have a thread to talk about the gorgeous weather and commiserate on the miserable state of the PNW's major cities?

Western Canada anons also welcome.

No. 1926798

Excellent thread idea, I hope it takes off. Hi from Humboldt county!

No. 1926801

Anon, don't post your home's location on the internet. It's dangerous.

No. 1926806

Oh my god my favorite place in the world. I’m from Oregon, I don’t think I’ll ever move out. We have the rainforest, the city, the desert, what else could you need?

No. 1926809

Even though Portland and Seattle is like Grand Theft Auto, I still love it in both places very much. It is so grandiosely beautiful. There’ll be a big tent and a bunch of piles of human shit to your left but then there’ll be a flawless, pure mountain range stuffed tight with millennia worth of trees and it’ll just make all of the inhuman shit you witness worth it.

No. 1926831

In what world is Idaho a part of the PNW? Cringe.

No. 1926835

Since forever?

No. 1926840

hi from the puget sound!

i've tracked her IP address using sophisticated technological methods and it appears she lives at… what's this, a weed farm?

No. 1926842

If parts of Canada count, then Idaho should count. Maybe one day parts of OR/WA will be part of Idaho so they should be prepared.

No. 1926850

not trying to be mean to anyone or anything but it makes sense for WA OR and CA to be called the PNW because we're next to the pacific ocean, whereas Idaho is more in the mountain region of the US, with Utah, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado

No. 1926860

Anything that is east of the Cascades should not be considered the PNW. East just does not have that much in common culturally or ecologically. East just has the Mordor aka the Mormon corridor so Utah should be included as well kek.

No. 1926895

Fuck you guys IDAHO LET’S GOOOO

No. 1926902

No. 1926904

I agree, if it doesn't touch the Pacific Ocean it isn't PNW imo.

No. 1926916

I love you WA nonnies let's hang out at Poo Poo Point

No. 1926920


No. 1926980

i've always wanted to live in one of these states as a southern fag. i hate it here so much. 25 was my goal age to get out but i guess i'll have to push it to 27 lol…

No. 1927001

every time I go to the east side I see this candy pink Tesla including at poopy p, shall we steal her

No. 1927087

Any anons disturbed by the recent juvenile shootings in a certain park in a certain city? Where a hospital and high school had to go on lockdown?

No. 1927126

This is the prettiest area in the whole country nature-wise to me, I would love to visit.. But not live there because the liberal brainrot is insane

No. 1927128

Come to Idaho then kek, unless you prefer liberals to mormons. Can’t really blame you in that case

No. 1927131

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Pacific Northwest=Pacific Coast+Salish Sea+Columbia River. Idaho is part of the Columbia River Basin. So the ecological decisions Idaho makes effect us all especially when it comes to dams and water. A dam in Idaho can make orcas starve on the Pacific Coast.

No. 1927133

Imagine a country where the borders of states are divided along rivers and mountains, natural borders, instead of just lines drawn to divide a mass of land. What a world that would be.

No. 1927135

thats like saying that wyoming is part of the pnw just because a teeny tiny bit of our water flows into their state. Idaho is apart of the mountain range of the united states

No. 1927157

why the fuck did you put idaho in the pnw
how are portland and seattle like GTA?

No. 1927167

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The Snake River in Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming is directly tied to the health of the Columbia and Pacific. The removal of four Snake River dams is the top ecological priority for the US side of the PNW. The removal of the dams is actually required by Nez Perce treaty. The Nez Perce of Idaho are culturally linked with the rest of the Columbia Basin. They've been fishing and trading at Celilo Falls for centuries. They never climbed over the rockies to trade with Blackfeet in East Montana. Life on one side of a mountain range is very different from life on the other. That's why Idaho is part of our family and does not belong to the cultures beyond the mountains. Proto-Idaho was integrated into this region. But modern Idaho is the black sheep of the PNW family kek

These fuck ass dams are on the Washington side of the Washington/Idaho border. The dams make life worse for every Ida-hoe and Ida-pimp. Not just the Nez Perce but white Mormons, too. If white-daho joined forces with the Nez Perce, the dams would be gone tomorrow.

No. 1927172

nobody on the coasts wants you, idahoan, if you said you were from the PNW in our states you’d get made fun of. you are not from the pacific northwest because of a river.

No. 1927174

I'm not from Idaho. I'm in Macklemore Town. I just don't believe in states. I'm eco-pilled. I'm salmon maxxing.

No. 1927195

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It's pretty nice. I moved to WA from TX near the beginning of the pandemic.
I know you didn't ask, but I have been agonizing over whether I should move back or not, so all this has been bouncing around in my mind. But if it weren't for family ties and the support network I have in TX, the choice would be pretty easy, even with the state of WA politics and tranny shit. Tbh, price and safety is a much bigger concern to me than having to call my AGP waiters by their sissy names. i once had an mtf waiter named 'meowlick'

>very few roaches, mosquitos, gnats, etc. more spiders tho
>Lots of misc animal life. I rarely go a week without seeing a rabbit or a colorful bird.
>nature, hiking. of course. it really is gorgeous here.
>so many people have beautifully manicured gardens with all sorts of unusual flowers and trees. springs are gorgeous.
>fall colors
>blackberries everywhere
>not mind-meltingly hot in the summers
>you can keep the window open all the time
>people walk places or just go on walks really often, so you don't get stared at because you dared to go outside
>many options for housing that are within walking distance of grocery stores and some food places
>people are much better at conducting themselves when it's crowded. (texans are like animals)
>people on the roads aren't actively trying to kill you.
>public stuff is much better maintained and expands to handle a growing population adequately
>some extremely nice neighborhoods
>tap water tastes pretty good
>really highly educated population. you won't have to listen to dipshits tell u that illegal immigrants are being armed by the us govt for a purge-like mass killing spree on the day of the eclipse.
>it's only miserably cold for a few days each winter
>snows reliably but not too much
>lots of very fancy places that cater to wealthy tech people if thats your thing
>smells rather nice most the time
>drives are much shorter
>vancouver, portland, and lots of interesting towns are close by
>power grid isnt fucked
>voting is not a pain in the ass. you get your ballot mailed to you and there's a lot of places you can drop it off.
>abortion is legal
>as bad as the politics are, still leagues better than texas politics

>it's very expensive and you have to live very, very far from seattle before housing prices decrease enough to be "affordable."
>services are extremely expensive and the service tends to be worse
>the food is bizarrely bad. i thought it might be because of the location, but Portland and Vancouver both have much, much better food scenes.
>if you find a good hole-in-the-wall place, chances are that it will be replaced by a high-rise in a year.
>gender brainrot in every establishment (but not in every individual)
>going from being seen as relatively progressive to relatively conservative. having to hide your thoughtcrimes gets very tiring.
>learning to deal with a different of home issues, especially issues related to high humidity.
>killing "weeds" that are absolutely gorgeous by tx standards
>the darkness. I didn't think it would bother me so much, but you start to feel the absence of sun, even with vit D supplements. Additionally, the mountains and tall trees make what should be a 5pm sunset feel much closer to a 4pm sunset.
>very little reprieve from the long winters because the weather is so steady and predictable
>many apartments don't have central AC, but there will be weeks where you really need it
>very few warm nights, but you cant enjoy the warm nights that do exist if u dont have AC
>it's hard to find good swimming opportunities that don't involve ice-cold water
>summers get interrupted by wildfire smoke
>a ton of homelessness, and i do not feel safe in most parts of the city proper, even during the day. a large percentage of the homeless are relatively normal people (while most visible texan homeless people are obviously on meth or very mentally ill), but there's still a very large number of unstable-seeming people.
>the "bad parts of town" are fairly large and easy to stumble into if you don't know where you're going
>people act like a 25 minute drive is unreasonably far
>nightlife is dead as fuck. everything closes really early.
>all indoor spaces are more cramped because space is at a premium.
>thunderstorms are extremely rare
>almost always have to wear clothes, which means more laundry and feeling a little less comfortable
>so many people are here for work that the culture itself feels corporate. I've had good luck making friends off the internet, but it has felt very hard to become more than acquaintances with anybody else, and people really have their walls up.
>very little community in most neighborhoods
>people are more attractive on average which means you will be relatively uglier
>you will never own a house
>everyone is depressed
>people seem to just hang out way less
>job market seems a little extra fucked here because so many people work in tech

Obviously, I haven't been here all that long, but these are my impressions. Feel free to disagree nonas; I'm curious to hear the opinions of other people who haved lived both here and in the south.

No. 1927233

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What are Seattle/Puget Sound area anons thoughts about the homelessness and crime?
I hate how you can just see groups of homeless people huddled around a bus stop or street corner slumped over from taking horse tranquilizer. Just recently I saw an unconscious guy get dragged out of a train station by security in broad daylight and I knew he was overdosing because they called for narcan. It's so common to get your shit stolen or car broken into as well.

As for tranny shit I just hate how common it is for people to be infected with gendie brainrot so you have to do cringe shit like introduce your pronouns, and I've seen my fair share of ugly-as-sin AGPs in public that would be right at home in the MTF thread. It's also pretty easy to find shitty furry and troon graffiti pasted onto telephone poles if you go to places like cap hill.

This was interesting to read, personally I don't think I could ever move out of this state despite its cultural flaws and political nonsense. I like the upsides too much, and I'd happily take annoying libs over conservatives in any case. I definitely hate how nobody has AC, the last few summers were brutal.

Of course, we can all pile in like a clown car

No. 1927258

Do you have a preference for where you would want to move?
I think the PNW is the prettiest part of the country too. The cities are generally liberal but smaller towns in all three states tend to lean more conservative. There are more liberal small towns too of course but it just depends on the area

No. 1927260

Washington, Oregon and Northern California have share similarities in climate and geography, they’re heavily forested areas on the coast. How does western Idaho fit into that?

No. 1927398

Is it bad that every time I think of Washington the iCarly transition music plays in my head?

No. 1927509

I can't stand PNW boomers sperging about homelessness from their $1.3 million cottages.

In every city in the world, thousands of people do drugs every day. What's the difference between Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting and a heroin addict in Seattle? Ewan was doing heroin inside his shitty flat. And Seattle addicts are doing heroin in the park.

Things that don't stop homelessness:
1. Screaming at city council because you saw a tent in the park
2. Starting a podcast about that time you saw a tent
3. Increasing the police budget

Things that do stop homelessness:
1. Rapidly increasing urban housing supply by putting at least one apartment building on every residential block in the city.

PNW boomer NIMBYs have done everything possible to make sure their precious "urban villages" remain free from apartments. They sperg about homelessness while they actively cause it. The truth is, they love homelessness. They love to see human suffering on the street. It makes them feel alive.

No. 1927515

I’m not from the pnw but speaking from experience in a place that the homeless love to come due to the weather, increasing police presence plus more shelters has helped significantly. The homeless aren’t allowed to set up tents or sleep on sidewalks here, they are given the option of going to a shelter or going to jail. When I moved here there were a lot of homeless folks lurking around and now that the city got more investors and some fancy new housing developments are going up downtown they took the homeless situation seriously and successfully cleared them out. The ones that want help are getting it at the shelters and the ones that dont want help at least have a place to sleep and food to eat in jail, and aren’t threats to public health/safety.

No. 1927525

>I'm not from the PNW but

>We got new housing developments but that's not why the homelessness magically disappeared. They actually disappeared because encampment sweeps and police actually work! You should try it!

Seattle has one of the largest police budgets in the country. Our police force was the first militarized police force in America. They sweep these poor bastards every single week.

And guess what? Homelessness did not magically disappear because there is still nowhere to live in this fucking city.

SF and Oakland and Seattle and Portland and LA and Phoenix are all exactly the same. The police are overpaid fat schizos with military vehicles and they sweep constantly. And that does not end homelessness. The only thing that will end homelessness is urban housing development.

Texas has no homelessness because they build more housing than any other state. They have no development regulations. You can buy a brand new starter home in a city in Texas for $90,000.

Development regulations are urban liberal bullshit designed to cause homelessness so boomers can feel alive.

No. 1927535

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So Canadians are welcome here but your very own Idahoes should be excluded? You mfers WISH this was you

No. 1927538

The new housing developments are exclusively luxury apartments. You absolutely cannot buy an affordable home anywhere here. They’d need to do twice daily sweeps like the cops here do for it to make a difference, not weekly kek. Maybe the Seattle cops there should stop wasting their budget on military grade toys and just employ more cops and do thorough sweeps twice daily. Idk but worrying about your car being broken into is wild to me, seeing drug addicts sleeping on the streets is also wild, and I’d say at least 1/3 of homeless people likely belong in an institution, which don’t really exist anymore so jail is the next best for them. A lot of them are like feral humans and cannot be rehabbed into regular society even if there are jobs and cheap housing, they’d be the type to burn an entire apartment block down falling asleep with a lit cigarette.

No. 1927541

You should try Spokane. It's the best of both worlds. It's a liberal municipal government inside a conservative county government inside a liberal state government.

If you ever miss Texas, take a roadtrip out to Yakima. That's the Texas of Washington. There's a burger place called Miner's with the biggest burgers you've probably ever seen.

No. 1927547

How do you afford to live in puget sound? that’s my dream. Please tell me how to settle down there I don’t like anywhere else as much in the entire world.

No. 1927550

The cops here in Seattle basically have their hands tied for everything. Unless someone was physically harmed they won't give chase to criminals. They reduced their budget and laid them off, making them even more ineffective. Basically just don't rely on them to save you. Stay in groups and stay strapped. Being here is the first time in my life I've been scared to go outside alone at night. This place is a massive hellhole and going north to get away from some of the crime and homelessness don't matter because they're spread into snohomish county too. Like another anon said you have to go east.

No. 1927561

BC is more pnw than Idaho could ever wish to be

No. 1927562

I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle but I’ve heard nothing but how much of a shithole it’s become in recent years that it worries me. Property crime is taken very seriously where I’m from and even in the worst parts of town getting your car windows smashed is extremely rare, cops will absolutely arrest a mfer for that sort of thing and they’ll get tossed in jail. Of course property crime will skyrocket if there’s no consequence for it, seems like common sense.

No. 1927565

Seattle police are corrupt fatasses that are probably paid off by I-5 traffickers.

Maybe it would work to beat the shit out of street people. But you can't do drugs in jail or in shelters. So even though they "disappear" after getting ass beatings in the city, they're not in jail or shelters. They're in the wilderness. They set up huge camps out there. I don't want them in the woods. That's actually worse than having them in a city park. The best place to have them is in apartments and safe use sites. So PNW cities need to build apartments and safe use sites.

Junkies need a place to shoot up with a nurse nearby who gives them an NA pamphlet. If they don't have access to that, they'll go do drugs in a public library bathroom. Librarians are good samaritans who will help them if they OD. So that's why junkies go there even if they're not homeless. They don't want to die alone in their apartments. But if they have safe use sites, they're more likely to quit using.

No. 1927574

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i love being included in something for once

No. 1927580

This shit sounds like it came straight from that Malaysian neo nazi Ian Miles Cheong. There is soooo much misinformation about Seattle. Holy shit.

The Seattle police budget was increased after 2020, not decreased. Seattle police did not get laid off, they quit. Crime rates have dropped steadily over the last decade. The overall population is larger but crimes per capita is smaller.

SPD refuse to do basic public safety work like traffic safety and responding to calls on time. They will sit and wait 20 minutes before responding. They do this because they're mad at Seattle's population for not sucking their chodes. They gassed the most populated neighborhood in Seattle for a month. They shot pedestrians with rubber bullets and drove tanks through downtown. They maced 8 year olds for no reason. And they're mad we didn't say "thank you."

SPD are notorious corrupt schizos who have been under federal investigation for 20 years. Now they're extorting the city to get housing and daycare benefits on top of the 150k annual salary.

Last year, one of them was going 75 in the middle of downtown and mowed over a woman and killed her. And the first officer on the scene said "it's fine. her life had limited value." Nobody was charged with anything.

No. 1927597

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ok sometimes a Rainier can be nice on a hot day but a Rainier vape kek? Better not be a flat and warm

No. 1927608

Denver Colorado, Omaha Nebraska, and Des Moines Iowa all have more violent crime than Seattle kek

No. 1927622

I love living here and I wish I could knock down all the buildings here so we could return to being the US’s rainforest

No. 1927632

Why not just keep it in the Amerifag thread
Because bipping and looting aren't in the stats, but still bring down quality of life. Imagine setting the bar at fucking Omaha kek

No. 1927635

PNWfags are a special breed of burger I think we’ve earned our own thread

No. 1927636

Sorry, I just grabbed the first visually pleasing image on Google. Didn't mean for it to turn into a debate about Idaho.

I'm in Oregon. I wish there was a way to meet some of the women on this site irl because it can be so hard to make friends as an adult. But obviously that sort of defeats the purpose of being on an anon site.

No. 1927637

I read this as ‘Imagine setting the bar at fucking Obama’

No. 1927650

but they aren't anywhere near as expensive, Seattle cost of living is way too much compared to how retarded the shit that goes on is

No. 1927651

Nonnies acting like Seattle is the most dangerous city in the country where you need to "stay strapped" kek

If you don't want your car stolen, stop buying Kias and Hyundais. Simple. If you buy a Kia or a Hyundai and it gets stolen, that's your fault, not the city's fault.

And it's not homeless people stealing the cars. It's tech workers who got laid off and taught chop shops how to hack Hyundais and Kias.

Exactly. The only real problem in the city is housing. It all comes back to that. If housing was more affordable, tech workers wouldn't have to steal cars after getting laid off

No. 1927654

Do you think the only cars that get stolen are hyundais and kias? Also you aren’t considering the population of homeless drug addicts who were STEMfags in their previous years before getting booted for being psychotic junkies

No. 1927656

As far as I'm aware, Portland (and Seattle by proxy for their cultural similarities) is the only city to get an multi-season TV show where the entire premise is mocking the weirdos who live there. Personally, I'd love to see a show about a weird city in, say, Florida

No. 1927663

Most laid off STEM junkies aren't street people. STEM junkies all become roommates. There are several steps between living in a 1 bedroom apartment and living in a tent in the park. STEM junkies get bailed out by family before they end up in a park tent.

And if you remove the Kia/Hyundai hacking from the car theft rate, the rate is extremely low

No. 1927664

I understand that it’s definitely not an immediate result, however there are still hundreds of little STEMfags who were walking into work after smoking some ice everyday back in 2021 that are now nodding off on the street 3 years later, I know because I see them everyday.

No. 1927666

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Seattle has the 90s public access sketch show Almost Live which I highly recommend. That's where Bill Nye comes from

No. 1927668

Not all street people are homeless though. Most of them have a room somewhere but they're not allowed to do drugs in that room. Unless you see someone actually sleeping in a tent at midnight, they have a room.

No. 1927671

That’s a lovely assumption nonnie and I know this may be difficult for you to believe but there are homeless people who not only don’t have anyone to live with but also can’t afford a tent and straight up sleep on the ground, and this includes the aforementioned group of people from my previous post. I live in an inner city apartment so I can see this just by looking out my window.

No. 1927675

>not all street people are homeless
Then they’re not street people they’re just on a walk, basically. Street people are the homeless population because they only live within the streets and not in a home with a room.

No. 1927679

As a native floridian I concur as long as it didnt take place in lame ass Miami

No. 1927701

Not to mention lower prosecution rates/severity = "lower crime".

No. 1927703

I agree with you.

There's a ton of misinformation and hysteria about Portland too. I hear people saying they're too terrified to even drive through the city because it's so dangerous and nobody can exist there anymore. I won't deny that obviously crime and homelessness exists here, same as any other city, but some of the things I hear from people are absolutely deranged. I walk around downtown all the time and it's absolutely fine.

No. 1927705

>If you don't want your car stolen, stop buying Kias and Hyundais. Simple.

Kek I'm sorry nona but as a third world immigrant this is the exact same premise that kept life shit. First it's kias then it's your shoes left by the front door or the fucking roof tiles. The sand is never completely level so it's a race to the bottom.

No. 1927710

The Kia/Hyundai problem is a problem from the manufacturers. They made the computer inside the car extremely easy to hack if you're a tech expert. Seattle has a lot of tech experts.

My family is from South America. Seattle is not dangerous and it's not a hellhole and it's not going downhill.

No. 1927714

Cool to see this thread pop up. Two of my best friends moved to WA during the pandemic at the height of capitol hill craziness so I hear about PNW often. One of them sends me pics of horrific troons very often kek. A few more liberal leaning internet friends moved to WA and OR.
The friend I just mentioned used to live in Seattle area and talked about how much of a crime infested shithole it was but thankfully moved to another area outside there.

Naturally the more liberal friends say the crime is an exaggeration or are more accepting of it, even though they've gotten their apartment mail room robbed by meth addicts before. What have been anon's experiences regarding it?

Also what drove anons to move there? I've heard of so many people moving to PNW in the last few years. It seems beautiful but it seems so expensive to move to as well, especially in these times. Is it worth it?

No. 1927735

I was born in Seattle. I've lived here the whole time with some brief stints in small towns in Washington.

Seattle is fine. Tard podcasts turned the city into a culture war because there are some cringe left activists here. That's it. That's the only reason it's called a hellhole. That's the only reason tards obsess over crime. They want to say that liberal cities are soft on crime when that couldn't be further from the truth. Seattle has elected three cop mayors in a row. No city government kisses cop ass more than Seattle.

The small towns in Washington are fucking crazy. David Lynch's portrayal of small town Washington is extremely accurate.

If you want to move to Seattle but you're worried about cost, try Shoreline. It's fun if you're a weaboo because Shoreline has a giant Asian import mall. There's also a movie theater that shows old movies for cheap.

Georgetown in south Seattle is a fun inexpensive neighborhood and it's very hip and artsy. But there aren't a ton of troons and zoomers. It's for artsy people in their 30s and 40s like welders and people who make cool sculptures out of trash. I always think about moving there because the bars and restaurants and events seem very fun.

No. 1927738

I was wondering about why it seems like there are so many PNW nonnies on this site anyways… is it just confirmation bias? I feel like it's a bit disproportionate compared to the population, and say, east coast or southern users who I still think would outnumber us but maybe we just talk about it more. I had this sort of nonsensical theory that it's a result of progressing from popular libfem ideas to gendercrit and manhating especially among bi and lesbian women.
Also, I would like to admit that sometimes I wonder about what it would be like if I was just out and about and I spotted a cow like Shaynus, DSP, ProJared, or Onision in public just because I think it would be funny

No. 1927741

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Mail theft has been a huge problem, at least in my personal experience. It happened at two separate apartments I lived in (one in Vancouver, WA and another in a western suburb of Portland). Both apartments were big, corporate development monstrosities with locked mail boxes and package rooms. The theft problem got so bad that the boxes and package room were shut down for months (at BOTH places) and all the hundreds of tenants had to go to the main leasing office to collect their mail. I can't imagine how irritating that was for the office staff.

I went to university in downtown Portland and there were always homeless people roaming around campus. It was pretty normal to see them inside the buildings rummaging through the recycling bins to collect cans to sell. In fact, it seems like all the libraries in Portland are just fucked. The last time I was at one, the cops had to be called to remove a homeless man who started jerking off in the middle of the room. Like, he didn't even go into the bathroom. Just whipped it out in the center of the room with a bunch of families with their kids and little old women around. The Central Library by Pioneer Courthouse Square (which is basically the town square of Portland) constantly reeks of piss.
Sorry for library sperg, but it's really sad that they are no longer comfy and safe places.

I moved out here from Chicago, IL in 2010. The cost of living at that time was comparable to Chicago, so that wasn't much of a factor. The draw was the weather and the absolutely gorgeous scenery. It really is stunningly beautiful out here. From my living room window i can see a river, tons of trees, and mountains.

It's a shame because Portland was so nice and felt really safe when I first moved here and now I feel uncomfortable being there after dark.

On a separate tangent, shit like pic rel is pretty big out here, which is sad because of how big of an issue the area has with sex trafficking. It just feels like everywhere you look someone is trying to push BDSM and troonery.

No. 1927755

I know many milky troons from Portland. But I haven't been around troons in like 8 years. So all the milk I know is stale.

Does anyone remember the Portland Queer Housing astrology troon? The one who went on the anti-capricorn rant? That was Mira Death Glitterhound. I knew this person IRL kek

No. 1927801

housing first and harm reduction ideas would make more sense if the people in question were women with children, and not drug addicts with criminal histories. atp i've been harassed by enough methheads downtown that anyone who still believes in these things must be either a teenager or doesn't actually live in the city

No. 1927808

ayrt, came here for a job so unfortunately i don't have good advice for you, but i recommend Shoreline like the other anon said. it's cheaper but still within a bus ride of seattle, and has great asian food

No. 1927842

I've lived in the city my entire life. If you don't want these people out on the street, give them somewhere else to go. If there's housing and safe use sites, they won't be on the street.

And no, SPD won't help you out by locking street people up. They need them out on the street so you feel less safe so you vote to increase SPD's massive budget. Policing is the only job where you get a raise for slacking off.

No. 1927848

>The small towns in Washington are fucking crazy. David Lynch's portrayal of small town Washington is extremely accurate
Please say more. I was thinking of moving to one. Possibly Aberdeen (not sure that’s the kind of small town you mean).

No. 1927849

Portland is gorgeous I’m hanging out downtown adjacent right now and the market is going on there’s not nearly as many homeless psychos as the media would want you to believe and it’s beautiful out. Fear not.

No. 1927860

Have to agree with this. I live in Seattle and visit Portland, felt very safe there comparatively. I'm sure there's bad parts just like any other city/state but the areas I've been in were fine. Seattle is also fine in the daytime because enough people are out walking past tweakers doesn't really bother me.

If only they took property crime serious here! Cops may suck but the criminals suck more honestly. I hear it used to be beautiful here, sad I missed that era. I wonder what changed it?

No. 1927861

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When it snows in Portland it’s really irritating because it only happens like once per winter and the whole city shuts down for 1-3 days. I was there for an ice storm in 2021 and it was very pretty but all the local roads were unusable, they only plow and salt major roads and everyone else can eat shit until it melts basically. Kind of unthinkable in other northern cities but the weather is so mild I guess everyone just lives with it for those few days a year. Still… it must kill a few people every year just from lack of access to services and dangerous driving conditions. Not hard to hire plows, come on.

No. 1927877

I've been here the entire time. The only thing that changed is major population growth. The city failed to build adequate housing to support that growth. That's it.

The past three Seattle mayors have been cop-loving neoliberal diversity candidates. They pander to conservative boomers while also saying indigenous land acknowledgements. The first thin blue line mayor was a super corrupt gay man who had a sex scandal. The next thin blue line mayor was a lesbian who was super corrupt. And now we have a corrupt blasian thin blue line guy for a mayor.

The best mayor we ever had in my lifetime was the one before those three. He was not a diversity candidate. He was just a straight white male with a whole platform about urban investment. All he did was make bike lanes and renew infrastructure. He was not pro cop or anti cop. He would just say "we need to cooperate with the federal investigation into our police department." That's something the newer mayors don't say kek

No. 1927889

They should do it in Jacksonville

No. 1927903

Does that mean we can make an American South thread? I want to talk with my fellow Texans and see all the Florida Women in one place.

No. 1927922

The food here sucks ass. Traveling to other parts of the country completely blackpilled me on this.

No. 1927927

Yeah this is incorrect as hell. Dungeness crab, fermented truffle mushrooms, rich root vegetables, chicken gizzards, our cheeses??? Have you ever even tried any of these things? Venison, vietnamese chicken, frog legs, hazelnut pie, clams, I could go on for days.

No. 1927939

Mexican food in Washington is more authentic than the Mexi-fusion shit in SoCal and the Southwest. If you're in Seattle, go find an El Camion truck. Mexicans in California have to make Mexi-fusion for gringos. But authentic Mexican food is trendy in Washington so gringos buy it and eat it here.

Also Chinese people say Seattle has the best Chinese food in the country. They actually drive down to Seattle from Vancouver BC for the Chinese restaurants here. I've only been to the real Chinese restaurants a few times with Chinese friends. I'm no expert but it's tasty.

If you want good diner food or brisket or bbq or whatever, Seattle isn't the place. If you want Asian food, Mexican food, and seafood, this is the place.

No. 1927943

I've never made a thread before but I'll try if no one else does

No. 1927956

disagree except for pizza. there is only one decent pizza chain in Seattle, everywhere else has sent me some soggy slop at least once

No. 1927965

Have to agree, finding good food was rare and I was bummed most of the time I ate out. Asian food was good more often than any other. Tilamook can eat my ass, my cats wouldn’t even eat their cheese.

No. 1927966

My moid says Oregon women are "easy". Is there any truth to this or is he just bullshitting as usual?(bait)

No. 1927972

Tillamook and other big brand cheeses aren't as good to eat because they're pasteurized for too long, the milk is burnt by the time they make it into cheese and the fermentation process only worsens the flavor. Local family owned brands like rogue creamery, portland creamery, beechers, and cascadia creamery have a more relaxed pasteurization process (some of their cheeses are even made with raw milk) which allows a real seasonable flavor to come through and not just the taste of solid old milk

No. 1927988

why are you with a guy who talks like that about other women?

No. 1928012

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We got the biggest brightest shiniest skies ever, day and night.

No. 1928024

Nice! I was at a dark sky sight last year and it was cool as hell.

No. 1928042

This is the hardest level of cope I've ever seen it's actually insane kek I can't tell if you're trolling or not

No. 1928058

ntayrt but have you ever had any of the mentioned foods in the PNW

No. 1928090

Seattle doesn't do good piggy Amerislop food like other states do. But if you want to eat something that isn't that, like fish or any kind of ethnic food, it's great. There's some great bakeries and pastry shops because the coffee industry needs that stuff. There's about 500 boba places. There's also ethnic grocery stores everywhere. I live right next to two Mexican grocery stores and there's an Asian grocery store just north of me. There's also a bunch of great Ethiopian restaurants.

No. 1928113

The only PNW food I wouldn’t trust is the food trucks, those cannot be cleanly

No. 1928127

You’re missing out

No. 1928193

The food trucks are amazing here. They're completely safe. You have to have all kinds of permits to run one of those. It's not random people in random trucks. The trucks all come from restaurants or catering companies. Some of them are so popular they close early because they run out of food.

No. 1928253

I'm the east coaster upthread whose friend moved to WA. She sent me a Beechers mac and cheese kit for Christmas one year and it was insanely good. Ugh. I hope I can visit one day

No. 1928346

The Shakespeare Festival is kind of for Oregon like what the Kentucky Derby is for Kentucky. Has anyone here gone in recent years?

No. 1928807

It’s so hot today I’m ready for spring nonnies, it’s like 75 in Portland

No. 1928918

I went when I was a kid. I remember Ashland being unbearably hot kek

No. 1928920

I got a paddle board for my birthday a couple months ago and this weather is making me want to try it out right now. I’m so tempted but I feel like it’ll be a bit too cold still. It’s teasing me

No. 1930552

they can pry that desert from my cold dead hands
catalytic converters and meth i guess
theres crime and tweakers for sure but im not sure that its that much worse than any other major cities. i recently moved to a very small town and i like it more but thats more about the proximity to nature than the people because there are still tweakers and crime here as there is everywhere unless you live in a rich area.
that sucks to hear about the downtown library i was just telling my boyfriend we should go because its such a beautiful building
i dont have much to speak to since i just moved but no one out here has heard of an abortion and a lot of people walk around with bad facial bruising but maybe i just live in a particularly white trash area

No. 1930572

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>They’d need to do twice daily sweeps
Seattle already sweeps at least twice a day, sometimes three times a day. Our cops get paid six figure salaries to beat up hobos and steal their trailers and tents.

And guess what?

There's still a housing crisis and a homelessness crisis. Sweeping does not end homelessness and it does not create homes. Herding bums in a circle around the city from one underpass to the next does nothing. All it does is waste tax money. It's a performative parade of misery that makes boomers feel warm and fuzzy inside. But it doesn't actually do shit.

I would love it if cops would actually do something productive all day. I'd like to see them busting traffickers and pulling over sketchy drivers. But they don't do any of that shit anymore. The city gave them permission to devote the entire police force to bullying bums. So that's all they do all day.

No. 1930595

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-Washington State has the most serial killers per capita in the US. So there's a lot of shit buried out there in the woods.
-Secret guys living in attics in peoples' homes
-Secret cheese guy that was living in a Haggen's grocery store attic
-Barefoot Bandit
-Ghosts everywhere. And the ghosts don't care if you don't believe in ghosts.
-Sasquatch. The people who live out in Rainier National Park swear that Squatch is real
-Tiny abandoned mining towns that aren't on maps
-Tiny mining towns that aren't yet completely abandoned. These ones are actually scarier than the abandoned ones.
-Not all rural ponds are natural ponds. Some of them are mine shafts filled in with water.
-People put decals on their trucks that make it look like they're kidnapping someone
-It's normal to see robbers in a car casing houses in the middle of the day. I've never seen that in Seattle but I've seen it multiple times in small towns
-People vanish in the woods all the time

No. 1930683

Damn, that's fascinating. Why is Washington so haunted?

No. 1930688

Lol maybe they should worry about the active serial killers instead

No. 1930690

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>the people who live out in Rainier National Park swear that sasquatch is real
Oh right. Because the junkies living in the trailer park out in the forest are the most cognizant people and most credible storytellers.
Washington isn't haunted, also I'm from the PNW too but a lot of the things OP mentioned also happen across the country kek. Also I'm not sure how small towns existing is scary or haunting or Lynchian by any means. Around 5,000 people go missing in our National Parks across the U.S. yearly, not just Oregon and Washington. And you could just be baiting but
>secret guys living in attics in peoples homes
someones watched Parasite too many times kek this is incredibly rare, I only hear stories like this maybe once every decade which seems to be the case still.
>homeless guy living in grocery store
Thats a really common place for homeless people to hide or try to live in.
>Ghosts everywhere
I don't need to state the obvious kek. This is just schizotypal.
>decals on their trucks to make it look like they're kidnapping someone
Can you expand upon this because it makes not a ton of sense
>its normal to see robbers
So have you ever visited New York? Chicago? Camden?
>washington state has the most serial killers per capita
And this is just easily proven to be false.

No. 1930714

Aberdeen seemed pretty depressing the last time I went there, and it's pretty out in the woods. Not many well-paying jobs. But there are many really nice small towns off the coast if that's what you want, and the further away you get from Seattle the more housing is affordable (I believe?) Even the Lewiston/Clarkston area looked pretty nice, though that's way way far away from everything.

No. 1930737

When will they accept that it isnt sasquatch or ghosts, it's antisocial psychopaths living in the woods thar regularly steal and fuck/eat people

No. 1930740

You dont even live there or anywhere in the US evidentally if you don't know about the cringe kidnapping decals lol. Also just because you haven't seen articles about squatters living in attics doesnt mean it doesn't happen frequently? There is a huge population of squatters, they definitely do live in attics and under crawlspaces. That's why people think they have ghosts.

No. 1930762

Are you just making shit up? I said in my post I live in the PNW and I was born here. I have only lived here my whole life, nowhere else. Instead of making fun of me for not knowing what they are do you wanna just tell me? Or do you not know yourself? Also
>just because there hasn't been reports of it doesn't mean its not happening
Thats actually exactly what it means. Also if you have squatters in your home, thats not the fault of the state or region you live in. Thats on you for being incapable of securing your home. I've lived in 5 different houses over the course of my life, didn't own any of them, never once had an issue with sqautters despite living in an area that is densely populated with homeless druggies.

No. 1930776

Are you under a rock?

No. 1930826

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>I live in PNW but I'm too cool for local tales!

Haggen cheese man ate thousands of dollars of gourmet cheese while evading capture. He's not just some hobo. He's a local hero. He's the Ratatouille version of Barefoot Bandit.

Also, you claim to be from here but you clearly don't know about the Enumclaw attic guy. I don't think you actually know Washington.

I didn't say all small towns are creepy. I said Mining ghost towns that are not on maps but are not completely abandoned are creepy as fuck. I'll take a truly abandoned town over that secret forest cult shit any day.

Washington probably wins for serial murders per capita. Rural cops let some guy kill 100+ trafficked women in the 80s and 90s. And after all that, he's not even the most famous Washington serial killer.

The kidnapping decals I've seen on trucks are the shadow on the back window (https://www.walmart.com/ip/GROFRY-Wall-Sticker-Horror-Waterproof-PVC-Ghost-Shadow-Blood-Handprint-Halloween-Window-Cling-for-Home/1389167067). There's lots of antisocial trucks out here.

And lastly…

>I don't know anything about Rainier National Park. So I'm going to just guess that trailer park people live there

Okay you're not from Washington. There are no residential trailer parks inside Rainier. There are a few cabin communities that are older than the park boundary. You can't develop any of the wild park land into more cabins. But those old cabins can be bought and sold. Cabin owners pressure each other not to sell to outsiders. The people who live up there are forest people who've been there a long time. They leave gifts for Sasquatch and build fairy towns. And these aren't new age California wackos. These are rural Christian forest wackos. Big difference.

There's so much more I forgot to put on my list of Lynchian things:
-Hanford nuclear site UFO hotspot
-Disembodied feet that wash up onshore
-Dying Twilight economy on the Olympic Peninsula
-Babies in Yakima have an extremely high rate of anencephaly (being born without brains)
-Picrel is the McMillin Mausoleum on San Juan Island. If you don't believe in ghosts, go to San Juan and try to sit at that table.

No. 1930833

Do you wanna upload some pictures of the dismembered feet if its a totally real thing that you saw in person? Because if it was you could've used the camera on your phone to get some evidence instead of spewing weird fantasies on lolcow. Also I know what you're referring to, and that was almost a decade ago. My point being proven.

No. 1930837

>being born without brains
thats all people in the PNW(infighting)

No. 1930839

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>dismembered feet pics or it didn't happen!!!
Nona, dismembered feet is Washington 101 stuff. There are police records of every foot. It's not a hoax.


No. 1930844

thats still not really something thats specific to washington. You think WA is the only place in the whole world where the remains of victims who had violent crimes committed against them are thrown in the water? You're in for a nice surprise if you ever visit Nicaragua

No. 1930845

Why are you being such a condescending asshole kek

No. 1930846

She isn't saying that, you sound very defensive of your shithole.

No. 1930851

Why can’t she talk about creepy things that have happened in her state? I thought her posts were interesting

No. 1930853

Because I love where we live and everything but its not some Lynchian dystopian fantasy land kek. It's a group of states just like every other US region. You think the Northwest is weird, you'd be bewildered by the midwest. Especially Ohio…
Well of course I'm naturally inclined to defend a place that I feel attracted and connected to. Thats not unreasonable.
I never thought that nobody can talk about weird shit that happens, but these are also things that happen in literally every other state and country. The PNW isn't the Black Lodge kek.

No. 1930855

They aren't victims of violent crimes. Forensics say they are probably drowning victims. All the dismembered feet are wearing tennis shoes. I guess fish don't eat tennis shoes.

One more thing I just remembered for the Lynchian list:
-Trump holding a rally in Lynden Washington in 2016. Linden is a border town with 15,000 people in it. And the KKK is also there kek

No. 1930859

Potato potato, either way they somehow made it into the water and thats not unique to any land globally, also whats Lynchie about trump going to washington? Is it just the fact that its in washington?

No. 1930860

There are a lot of creepy towns in California too, but if I talked about it it wouldn’t mean I think that there aren’t creepy places elsewhere in the world

No. 1930866

>Lynchian means bad and dystopian!

No it does not. I love where we live, too. I'm just not going to pretend it's not a strange place. I love the things that are strange about it. I want to tell those stories because it's more interesting than saying "junkie trailer park meth!"

No. 1930867

Anon is malding. Everyone knows Washington is full of invalids, rapists, squatters, and serial killers but apparently that's fake since anon wants it to be be. Vidrel average day in Seattle.

No. 1930875

Right, it is full of drug addicted junkies. No one ever pretended that was "fake" we actually all agreed multiple times that its rampant however it also is not unique to this location. This is a problem globally. Which is why its only a strange place because its just full of retarded methheads. And I'm not saying that in a derogatory way I'm saying thats also the exact same way it is for every US state. But if junkies falling down and getting drowned in the lake and giving birth to brainless babies is entrancing to you then I hope youre enjoying yourself queen

No. 1930893

Idk why s/he's trying to say "there are places that are worse" like okay but this is thread is about PNW. Where there are thousands of missing people, serial killers that target the homeless, people raped in the woods, etc. I know glowies don't want you to be afraid of America or whatever but psychotic people always have and always will be attracted to high crime, heavily wooded areas.

No. 1930896

Anon are you ESL? Anyway no one in the thread is saying that any of what's being discussed is exclusive to the PNW, just that it happens here and we're talking about. I'm originally from the East Coast and while I love my hometown area, I have plenty of insane stories and lore as well. Chill on the weird whiteknighting of a geographical location

No. 1930903

once again, i'm not denying any of the shit that happens here kek. it's not whiteknighting at all i was just saying that using the word "lynchian" is kind of retarded because this isn't some blue velvet bullshit its just normal everyday life and

No. 1930905

Local junkie tales and local Lynchian tales are two entirely separate genres. Not everything in Washington happens because of junkies. You know those boring people who go "are you high?" when you try to goof around? Junkie sperging is another iteration of that same boring tendency. This thread has been sperging about junkies for days and I wanted to mix it up. But if you want me to go back to junkies, I will. Instead of junkie sperging, I'll tell an actual tale.

I know a woman who stabbed her husband through the chest with a samurai sword. And it was not in rural Washington by the way. This was in Everett. Notice how it's not Lynchian? A junkie tale has a beginning and an end and no mystery whatsoever. It's shocking and flashy and there's a prison sentence. But that's it.

No. 1930911

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Blue Velvet is in North Carolina.

Lynchian Washington is obviously not a reference to Blue Velvet.


No. 1930916

You're right but im getting confused because I'm not sure which of you were sperging about how all of that was fake anymore. Still can't believe an anon tried to say squatters don't live in people's attics or crawl spaces because she doesn't see it in the news

No. 1930917

Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks are both Lynchian works though, what state its based in is unimportant because the contents of the work is essentially the same. Crime against women.

No. 1930925

A squatter got into our attic when I was a kid, it really scared me but I remember that no one else was that concerned when we figured out he was up there because we lived in a cold area and there was a few feet of snow on the ground at the time. Homeless people will try to get into houses, sheds, and buildings when it’s freezing outside, it’s not that uncommon.

No. 1930928

I said multiple times that I'm sure it does happen, just not incredibly often (which is a good thing), and that squatters aren't singular to washington? I never said that anything was fake, I simply said that it isn't sole to the PNW.
If a squatter gets into your home that is the fault of your parents for refusing to secure their home that had their sleeping children in it. I also don't understand how squatters existing is Lynchian.

No. 1930932

But this thread is for PNW. Not other places.

No. 1930933

Who is calling squatters lynchian except for you.

No. 1930940

Are you able to read or have you just not been paying attention the whole time, retard? This post was made >>1927848
which then prompted this list of all the "Lynchian" shit which included squatters and homeless guys. >>1930595
I didn't call it Lynchian I've been saying its the exact opposite this whole time nigga.

No. 1930944

You're very touched.

No. 1930948

>Twin Peaks is basically the same as Blue Velvet.

Did you watch Twin Peaks or did you just absorb an impression of it from the internet?

Yeah I don't think you understand what "Lynchian" means. It's about transcendental meditation and breaks in reality. Yes, there are normal squatters and they aren't remarkable. But then there are ratatouille cheese men and barefoot bandits. That's a different level. It sounds like some shit someone would write down while in a meditative flow state. That's what makes it Lynchian.

And the Enumclaw attic man is a story told on The Moth but I can't find it right now

No. 1930950

Oh I doubt you're black. But anyways anon obviously wasn't using it seriously and just applying whimsy to funny stories. You're so mad im not sure why. The only person who is having an aneurysm over it is you.

No. 1930955

Nope I spent a good 10 years obsessing over the work of david lynch, all of his shit is just women being abused in small towns. Literally all of it. And I'm really not trying to be disrespectful to you or anything here but
>>There are normal squatters. And then there are ratatouille cheese men and barefoot bandits. That's a different level. It sounds like some shit someone would right down while in a meditative flow state. That's what makes it Lynchian.
I think the gap that you're having a hard time closing is the fact that its not "lynchian transcendental meditative flow state" stuff it's just the absurdity of real life, and no, David Lynch and his transcendetal meditation MLM did not invent absurdism. Also "barefoot bandits" most homeless guys don't have shoes, nonnie, because they get stolen off their feet. Most homeless people also steal. This doesn't make them some fantastical John Wayne 'barefoot bandit' figure kek. The exact individuals you mentioned are the regular squatters, and they themselves are unremarkable. You're having a really difficult time comprehending that. >>1930950
If I were having an aneurysm I wouldn't be capable of communicating my thoughts.

No. 1930959

Ngl you sound insufferable as hell(infighting)

No. 1930985

>Hobos are all barefoot! That's not unique!
Oh wow. So this whole time you thought barefoot bandit was a hobo thing? Barefoot Bandit is Coltin Harris Moore. He's a teenage runaway that stole sea planes and jet skis and evaded police for months. He fled police across the entire country. He's not a junkie meth trailer park hobo or whatever boring shit you keep going on about. Barefoot bandit is more impressive than Cheese Man but they both evaded capture for an impressive amount of time. Cheese Man evaded capture while quietly hiding in one place. And BB escaped while loudly racing cross country.

>Lynch is about one thing and one thing only!

Your take on Lynch sounds like something you got from AV Club

No. 1930996

This is so interesting, thank you. I could read your Washington lore for hours

No. 1931355

I mean have you watched David’s entire filmography? Twin Peaks and every single movie (other than the Elephant Man) are literally all about women being harmed, murdered, tortured, etc. Why does everyone think that’s somehow glamorous or applicable to the PNW?

No. 1934148

What's the mall in Shoreline called?

No. 1936620

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Why am I not surprised Whiskey is Oregon's favorite kek. I always order an old fashioned no matter where I go, I'm a basic bitch lol

No. 2067491

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Portland homeless ban is supposed to go into effect next week, and tents/tarps are no longer being sold in any of the camping stores and they’re also not able to be given out by the churches anymore so I guess they’re really trying hard to crack down this summer. I seriously hope they do. I wish we had more police officers but alas all the young men want to be art fags instead of upstanding gentlemen https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/06/portland-will-begin-enforcing-new-camping-ban-monday.html?outputType=amp

No. 2067494

> tents/tarps are no longer being sold in any of the camping
lmfao what? How is that gonna work? Camping is basically the most fun thing you can do in the PNW how are you going to tell camping stores to not sell tents?? It’s the middle of summer.

No. 2067520

File: 1719517357694.png (303.28 KB, 1170x1565, tent.png)

There’s a couple articles about how tent purchasing is just being stopped temporarily not for like the whole summer, they’re probably just trying to get as many of them off the street and in jail/the hospital as possible as quickly as they can before more tourists come in for the season https://www.nationalreview.com/news/oregon-county-agrees-to-stop-handing-out-tents-to-homeless-in-win-for-portland-clean-up-efforts/amp/

No. 2067648

They should do this in Seattle too. People who want a tent for legitimate reasons can go look at it in a showroom and order it online.
Rant but I’m so tired of homeless people scattering trash all around their tents and smoking literal crack next to me on the bus. I didn’t used to be this hateful but I’ve had too many unpleasant and scary encounters. I don’t give a shit if government housing sucks, it should be illegal to live on the street for extended periods of time.

No. 2098102

I used to see several of these places in my hometown growing up and I'm glad many of them shut down but they're still fucking everywhere else. Hearing the owners of these places try to act like what they're doing is just normal and sexy and cool is infuriating when the women in this video are like "yeah men will just drive up to us while jerking off" and they don't press charges for sexual harassment so these old perverts are just roaming the streets scot-free

No. 2254615

I love how it’s not even 3 o’clock and the street lights are all already on because it’s that dark here during the day in the fall and winter

No. 2254646

This is so beyond gross. How can anyone not see all this is is exploitation? No different than the shitty top less bars. Anyone trying to justify this hates women

No. 2398099

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>as the area is pounded with snow
There’s precisely 2 inches (I went outside and measured it)of snow in Portland. And this has resulted in a 100 car pileup. This city is retard central.

No. 2398129

The way everyone freaks out over a few inches of snow and literally everything shuts down clearly means we are honorary Californians.

No. 2398137

Visibility looks terrible. I think it was the snow in the air, not the snow on the ground, that was the most contributing factor.

No. 2398138

Same thing happens in Vancouver. They get at least one snowfall every year and every year they all act surprised. Then they'll turn around and say "we never get snow this is so crazy! Ive lived here 95 years and have never seen snow" RETARD you said the same thing last year, and the year before, and the year before…

No. 2398339

PNW nonnies, what are the very specific pros and cons of living there in your opinion?
Also is it true Seattle and other capital cities in PNW has massive amount of troons? What about crime rate?

No. 2398360

I just moved out of WA but anyway, pros were nature and reproductive rights. Cons were awful food, expensive, very dark (and not necessarily raining, just thick clouds) from October-May, weird techy Reddit culture in the cities. Yes there are a fuckton of trans people. 2 of 3 girls I made friends with don’t identify as women. There is a lot of crime in the cities and tons of homeless people, streets smell like pee. People will try to gaslight you if you say it’s sketchy there as a woman. If you can’t tell, I didn’t like it kek. But a lot of people do. It’s an introvert’s paradise I guess.

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