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No. 1923541
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first! anyways, bring back dumbass shit thread series now or it’s a done deal that this website has been seized by trannies with a no-fun policy. infighting is the heart and soul of every imageboard, every forum, every website, every comment section, every social media app, we all pledge allegiance to infighting. bring back getting mad at other strangers, bring back calling someone a fatty, bring back acting retarded on purpose to get another anon mad, bring back anachans, fuck it all even bring back the shieldmaiden anons who can’t decide if they want to be nazis or (rightfully) hate men. bring back everything i like or you suck, period. i understand not wanting this to turn into an unruly cesspool like 4chan and even KF but don’t punish the users because the rest of the internet sucks ass.
No. 1923655
>>1923630Maybe. I believe farmhands when they say it was used by a lot of anons who didn't use any other threads, but the baiting and infighting continues all over other threads so I genuinely don't see the point.
It's annoying not to have a thread for random things that don't fit into any other thread.
No. 1923685
>>1923650>"Like the big threads on /ot/ are the hate threads."I disagree with this. The faster moving threads on /ot/ the past month have been: Confessions, Vent, Unpopular Opinion, Stupid Questions, and Mundane Shit.
>ConfessionsWhere anons confess things that they've done. Sometimes other anons will respond to those confessions.
>VentWhere anons can vent about their experiences to other anons and get responses; if they didn't want responses, there's also the GIOFYC thread.
>Unpopular OpinionsThis thread is infight central but I think that's the appeal for a lot of anons posting itt, not necessarily crazy rude infights but harmless debates about stupid shit.
>Stupid QuestionsAnons ask stupid questions and get a response from other anons.
>Mundane ShitAnons post about mundane happenings in their lives, discussion ensues.
The "no fun allowed" thing keeps getting repeated endlessly but I really don't get it: dumbass shit thread is still there, you just have to press ctrl+f to find it. If you don't want to contribute to other threads, you don't have to. It's disingenuous to say all the threads on /ot/ are designed for hate posting and infighting when it doesn't regularly happen. Maybe <100 out of 1200 posts will be red texted in any given popular thread.
>>1923655>"It's annoying not to have a thread for random things that don't fit into any other thread."If you want to post about something and you think it's a good topic, you can make a thread. If you want to partake in conversations about other topics, you can use the appropriate threads. We don't need a thread where anons post any little stupid thing that comes into their head or to spam unfunny Twitter memes, it's just pointless. I think /ot/ is fun because there's a lot of different discussions throughout many different threads, even if that means sometimes an infight happens. It's getting annoying that almost after a month of autosage, people are still complaining about dumbass shit like it's totally gone and not just on autosage.
No. 1923725
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anyone who is anti-dumbass shit is confirmed tranny male moid scrote(take it to meta)
No. 1923786
>>1923685Even if they aren’t “hate threads,” 3/5 of those threads are explicitly negative, and the other (confessions) still has plenty of infights to match
>>1923769Where’s the proof of that, though? Besides, if cerbmin really did just want to clear out the newfags that allegedly only used dumbass shit, aren’t they gone by now? Isn’t it time to take the thread off autosage and let this tired debate be put to rest?? That thread has existed for years, it’s apart of the board culture whether you want to admit it or not
No. 1923823
>>1923819I did, here
>>1923786. I’ve always read the hellweek threads. Cerbmin did not post proof of newfags only using dumbass shit, they just made various claims to justify autosaging it for
No. 1923831
>>1923825Yes, I don’t believe cerbmin without proof, you are correct
>>1923821I typed out a long response to this, but then I realized it probably wasn’t worth engaging with someone who legitimately probably has schizoid personality disorder
No. 1923834
>>1923831Nope, you see what you want to see. Hope it makes you feel better about yourself I guess.
>>1923832That's where they out themselves, they aren't even good liars. If anons really wanted to use the thread they can. Its still there. They're angry they aren't receiving maximum attention from it, lolcow never used to be like that. It's like we have to tard wrangler them.
No. 1923836
>>1923821you're probably responding to the same retard that spams the cringe "/meta/ bootlicker" meme, dont bother engaging
>>1923832i assume dumbass shit was frequented by maybe 10-20 posters trying to outdo each other to see who could be the most annoying and cringe and then sometimes it'd rope other anons into it. the constant bump is what they want because it fuels their need for attention and interaction with anons outside the frequent posters. without the high they get from baiting, theyre lost and confused like alzheimers patients
No. 1923850
>>1923844One of the most interesting and widespread observation people make about zoomers is that they try to socially manipulate in the same way a literal child does. They refuse to learn or use the right meaning of words and are only capable of communicating in memes, buzzwords, and hostility if you don't kiss their ass, all while expecting to be treated as if fragile and precious.
>>1923846Nope. But you crybaby freaks (there are only a few of you, you're just loud and have too much free time) definitely happen to be.
No. 1923861
>>1923850I would say some do and some don't I remember when I came on to lolcow I acted pretty stupid as well
the animecore community kinda rots your brainI was reprimanded by a farmhand kek and lurked for a bit to understand how the site worked to assimilate better. And I remember the admin stating that these posters are usually from discord or twitter based off them only posting in that thread if they aren't going to integrate then they're not welcome here
No. 1923965
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Non-gender-conforming/faggot/tranny men literally disgust me and I honestly don’t understand why some women support their “feminine” lifestyle that end up being a giant offensive wasteful parody. Once you get rid of the veil which you start with the main fabricators: trannies who are just gay men being “poor wittle queers that just want to have married and just wanna have fun and stuffz cuz women don’t think about anything, don’t take care of their communities, don’t have more obligations than my retarded failmale ass they just put on silly makeup and act like a stupid, pathetic, cowardly robotic fuckhole tehee~” you are left with genuine, unbridled woman haters, and their default homoerotic and homo-romantic proclivity for other men and the male body and male experience emphasizes and emboldens their woman hatred even MORE.
That’s the real secret behind the incel-to-tranny pipeline, the gay-to-tranny pipeline, hetero male to tranny (or gay, interchangeable) their homosexuality (natural woman-hater; makes it easier to hate a woman) makes them even more of an obsessive, hating, demonstrably seething skinwalker fraud hellbent on making every real authentic feminine sensibility and experience into a senseless male-driven bimbo prostitute clown show. No wonder online radfems are so against heterosexual female culture because it never belonged to the mind power of heterosexual females to begin with, all of the ideas, expressions, products, etc. all belong to the minds of those with the power (flaming faggots in all its rainbow and unwashed glory) and most of it does not belong to your average woman, not even the ones who are practically glorified pornstars, career-women, and male ego soothers in higher positions of authority. Obsessive, hating, demonstrably seething bitch ass faggots (inclusion of “heterosexual” men/incels) and trannies express false femininity - bimbo looks, bimbo walk, bimbo talk, and nothing in the brain. Tldr The reality is that there is no feminine or girly expression or personality that men can indulge in because in every instance, no matter he’s playing with his gender expression or is just a fag, it’s always a debased, fake, insulting version of our real experiences without the pain, nuance, mindfuck, all of that. Pic related just makes me mald unimaginably especially now when the increasing of censorship towards women who don’t give a damn about politics but don’t want any flavor of males, tranny to boring straight Kevin, in their spaces is accelerating in an alarming rate that makes me really sad.
I hate seeing them everywhere. I fucking hate their overly optimistic cheerleaders who keep including them everywhere even though we all know those straight allies and tranny tard wranglers only keep them around so they don’t fucking destroy everyone in their waking path if they were told “no” to the detriment of everyone’s sanity. I even hate the “radfems” who support the gays/fags/“queer” men who dress like absolute nonces honestly. They’re all the same, they employ these terms to confuse women but in reality they’re alll the same. they’re nasty sights who’ve brought nothing but a degeneration of the culture using a female mask to redirect all of that undeserved hatred back at women and Non-gender-conforming/faggot/tranny men literally disgust me and I honestly don’t understand why some women support their “feminine” lifestyle that end up being a giant offensive wasteful parody. Once you get rid of the veil which you start with the main fabricators: trannies who are just gay men being “poor wittle queers that just want to have married and just wanna have fun and stuffz cuz women don’t think about anything, don’t take care of their communities, don’t have more obligations than my retarded failmale ass they just put on silly makeup and act like a stupid, pathetic, cowardly robotic fuckhole tehee~” you are left with genuine, unbridled woman haters, and their default homoerotic and homo-romantic proclivity for other men and the male body and male experience emphasizes and emboldens their woman hatred even MORE.
That’s the real secret behind the incel-to-tranny pipeline, the gay-to-tranny pipeline, hetero male to tranny (or gay, interchangeable) their homosexuality (natural woman-hater; makes it easier to hate a woman) makes them even more of an obsessive, hating, demonstrably seething skinwalker fraud hellbent on making every real authentic feminine sensibility and experience into a senseless male-driven bimbo prostitute clown show. No wonder online radfems are so against heterosexual female culture because it never belonged to the mind power of heterosexual females to begin with, all of the ideas, expressions, products, etc. all belong to the minds of those with the power (flaming faggots in all its rainbow and unwashed glory) and most of it does not belong to your average woman, not even the ones who are practically glorified pornstars, career-women, and male ego soothers in higher positions of authority. Obsessive, hating, demonstrably seething bitch ass faggots (inclusion of “heterosexual” men/incels) and trannies express false femininity - bimbo looks, bimbo walk, bimbo talk, and nothing in the brain. Tldr The reality is that there is no feminine or girly expression or personality that men can indulge in because in every instance, no matter he’s playing with his gender expression or is just a fag, it’s always a debased, fake, insulting version of our real experiences without the pain, nuance, mindfuck, all of that. Pic related just makes me mald unimaginably especially now when the increasing of censorship from women who don’t give a damn about politics but don’t want any flavor of males, tranny to boring straight Kevin, in their spaces is accelerating in an alarming rate that makes me really sad.
I hate seeing them everywhere. I fucking hate their overly optimistic cheerleaders who keep including them everywhere even though we all know those straight allies and tranny tard wranglers only keep them around so they don’t fucking destroy everyone in their waking path if they were told “no”. I even hate the “radfems” who support them, they’re nasty sights who’ve brought nothing but a degeneration of the culture using a female mask to redirect all of that undeserved hatred back at women and little girls for being mindless consumers of it. Fags are not your friends, fags are your enemies. Lesbians and bisexual women make art, lesbians and bisexual women love women, lesbians and bisexual women create, lesbians are way more multi-dimensional and insanely interesting at the very least. fags hate your children, fags hate your families, fags hate their country, fags hate everyone, fags are the fascists they keep blaming others of being, fags hate everyone but their own kin of fags, fags only care about sex and lust (not surprising cause fags are men) more importantly they HATE women. “serving cunt” is not a compliment, it’s making women the punchline (get it haha cause we FAGS don’t have smelly fishy vahjayjayhs we have stinky assholes that we love putting our dicks into and there’s none of that baby stuff like EWWWW~). I hate everything
No. 1923987
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No. 1923998
>>1923965FUCK YEAH.
But I have to mention that deleting personal sns is such a and effective way to avoid faggots. I'm a normal, non-bpd woman without faghag "friends" that doesn't interact with club culture so i only saw faggots in SNS. Going days without reading some retarded fag's opinion is such an incredible blessing, it legit improved my mood. It also helps you realize that they have disproportionate power on the internet, irl they avoid you lmao. Fags only have the power that you give to them
nonnie, they're like Tinkerbell but uglier & dumber, and living a fag-less life is such a wonderful thing that can't stop recommening it.
No. 1924004
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>>1924001nah it's just the same group of dumbass thread fangirls that go around and try to stir up shit with random bait i swear they've been doing this for weeks, when nobody agrees with their dumb crusade for dumbass thread they go around and stir shit just to bait a response from farmhands and to try and upset anons.
No. 1924019
>>1924001Some of us outgrew out faghag phase. The grass is greener here, come over.
(No actually stop licking gay moid asses doesn't mean tradthotery one can apreciate how annoying and usually harmfull they're without doing a 180)
No. 1924028
>>1924009KEKKK I think it’s time for anon to log off
>>1924018probably a fujoshi. fujoshis are pretty cool because they don’t care about fags wailing at them for the crime of “objectifying” gay men but they’re pretty weird and their kink is still male-identified to the core because they think fag love stories have more depth and passion than female romance stories. sad!
>>1924014exactly, drag queens, trannies and gay men would be nothing without actual women yet act like they’re the originators of everything that women love and consume. reminds me of those troons trying to remind people of revisionist history that troons contributed so much to lgb rights and feminism, makes my sides go nuts. more like you contributed to the invention of conversion therapy
No. 1924038
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>>1923998antifagmaxxing is the way to go for women honestly. makes the fujoshis seethe and cry that their precious goatse owners are disliked just as much as trannies. also the lesbos who think hating fags means people hate them too when fags literally hate and make fun of lesbians and bisexual women. at least anons on the internet will say what everyone is thinking about and that the gateway of male fag rights has ruined everything, even the progression of women’s rights.
>self-regulating strong, durable, complex muscle female reproductive organ >dick go in poophole/dickwound no difference lolwow what a hard choice to choose!!! brainrot mentally ill fujos choose the latter kek
No. 1924051
>>1924038So…it's actually fujos and lesbians you hate, isn't it? And gay men hate is just a proxy for you to theoretically stick it to women you don't like. Wow, amazing.
>>192404799% of trannies are heterosexual males.
No. 1924052
>>1924042they both have equally harmed women, one of them is just more outright with their sexual degeneracy with the same-sex than straight men. doesn’t matter if he likes dick or pussy or both, that misogyny will still shine through. it’s not rocket science. a bunch of japs making lovely mlm fiction with fleshed-out fictional characters sadly doesn’t reflect reality. gay men find you as a woman as competition in everything and a pawn to be pushed and manipulated to get to their selfish goals as much as a normal man sees you. men push certain
trigger words and terms that make them seem different but they all have the same motivations and the very last motivation on that list is to make the female experience on this planet comfortable and accepting.
No. 1924054
>>1924038Now tbh fujos were a bit psyoped and gaslighted.i don't like yaoi at all but even i know that older fujos knew very well the diferencie between irl males and yaoi, it wasnt until Tumblr that fags psyoped fujos into "supporting gay rights irl as a way to return the favor" and "let my otp marry" cringe happened. Now look how that served them lmao, gay males made fujos pariahs in their own spaces. The same happened with SSA women in a way, they were duped. Add that a lot of women start in both spaces very young and they never had a chance.
My pity for gay-alienated women only goes so far though. Once you're an adult woman you have no excuse to remain a faghag, it doesn't matter of you're "a part of the lgtb community" or are you still in fandoms. It's not only annoying, it's
toxic for you. The lomger you cape for gays the worse is for your mental health. Fags are at best ungrateful and at worst leeches.
>>1924040Not rarer than pro yaoi rads lmao.
>>1924042You poor thing. Fags are the right hand of hets and very proud of that.
No. 1924068
>>1924061Also gay are proud defenders of trannies (… because they're men) and that's why they comply with the troon madness and it's disastrous social efects.
>>1924065They support both regular degen males and extra degen males, it's not that hard to understand, unless you have an agenda.
No. 1924070
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Gay men are annoying but some of you need to interact with real people once in a while. Straight men have done more harm than any faggot, let's be real.
No. 1924076
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>>1924071anon are you really jealous of this goblino? he looks like he's haunted by the same demon that haunts oli london and cillian murphy
No. 1924093
>>1924065>it’s straight men that made oppressive religions debatable. those monks were definitely dicking each other down in those monasteries, I would like to argue that religion would be a favorable condition for gay males excluding the conservative influence because it would definitely give them more rights and freedoms im too retarded to spell out tbh. wasn’t there something about dubai or some shit who accepted gay men if they trooned out???
>who made sexist laws who are the ones trying to politically integrate the terms “people with wombs” and disrupt any chance of alternative feminist thought, opinion, trying to integrate themselves into female spaces where we deserve privacy and safety. at least who are the ones who stay silent about this? don’t think it’s being echoed from straight moids. gay/straight moids don’t give a damn, whatever is in their dicks interest. they’ll attach their gay rights movements on to women’s rights movements and then latch off when they no longe benefit because ughhhh those hysterical hags are actually asking for better working conditions so inconvenient.
>who commit the most rape and sexual assault men, gay men are still men anon lol. i also find the convenient excuse normies make when there’s an element of male same-sex abuse and rape and they somehow eliminate the homosexual factor of the moid’s depravity and somehow normies in this instance realize men don’t really care what’s going on but only with their dicks, they use it as violent weapons for control and torture. but for women they forget this logical thinking because they rather appease gay moids than make a good rational connection that might piss off the wrong crowd. it’s almost taboo to suggest there’s fag rapists and fag child abusers, therefore, they care more about the feelings of fags and self-proclaimed queers than community safety.
>the ones who marry child brides nonny I admire your ignorance not even an insult, because yes they were indeed doing this. not giving a source forgor the book honestly lol
No. 1924095
>>1924090Both of us can only speak anecdotally I guess. But the types I've met are either are die hard weeb who denies she's with him for fetish reasons (not that he's usually any better) or a Taylor R style arrangement where it's only about money.
White/Hispanic relationships seem more normal.
No. 1924100
>>1924097Men don't even think that deeply about it. Calling women whores is just something they weaponize about women they don't like. If said whore likes them, they immediately melt and become puppy dogs.
Moids actually have zero sexual standards when it comes to promiscuity. I've met far more women who will rule out high partner count men as partners than vice versa.
No. 1924108
>>1924093>I would like to argue that religion would be a favorable condition for gay malesThis is so retarded. They used to kill fags because of religion, how is that favorable? And are you saying forced trooning is a privilege? They force-troon lesbians too.
>who are the ones trying to politically integrate the terms “people with wombs” and disrupt any chance of alternative feminist thought, opinion, trying to integrate themselves into female spaces where we deserve privacy and safety.Trannies are by and large heterosexual males. It is heterosexual males trying to invade our spaces and if you spent one second in the TIM threads you would know this. Yes, gay man are still horrible for endorsing it and benefitting but they aren't the ones co-opting our spaces.
No. 1924110
>>1924104I don't have a high count and even if I did I wouldn't lie. That's the dumbest shit whores do. 1. Most men won't care as they're all hot air when it comes to such things and 2. If he did care wouldn't you be self selecting for people who have similar ethical standards?
My annoyance with men is that they lie. They say they want a woman who doesn't sleep around but the reality is they find those sorts of women far more sexually attractive than the tradwife type.
No. 1924131
>>1924119Because those men are UNWANTED. Have you ever noticed that the men who actually have interest from women don't seem to care as much? Have you ever noticed that the men who do seem to seethe and rage about it have sexual tastes that are far more congruent with the whores they're constantly deriding? It is literal sour grapes.
Men. Love. Whores.
No. 1924148
>>1924145>liking chocomintYou are a masochist
>liking pineapple pizzaWith a refined palate
No. 1924156
>>1924145>Likes chocomintholy fuck Kill yourself
>Likes pineapple pizzaHoly fuck Kill yourself.
No. 1924159
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>>1924133The concealed arab gays in question:
No. 1924160
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>>1924152the mint is so strong that when you get a taste of the ice cream's sweetness it's overwhelming, just a bad combination of burning mouth feeling and sugar. i kind of wish i had a taste for chocomint because these look amazing. maybe i was lashing out because my taste buds are not as strong as yours..
No. 1924162
>>1924145Agreed and based
>>1924150Are monks and nuns even allowed to interact with each other to the extent of rape taking place?
No. 1924165
>>1924155>We would all be walking around like decrepit habsburg projects if there was no mixingAs I said the Icelandic population started with a founding population of a few thousand people. Yes. Fucking your brothers and sisters is a bad idea. No, marrying people of your own race does not mean they're going to be less healthy than any given mixed race person.
>gatekeeping white menWdym.
No. 1924167
>>1924160are you american
nonny? american icecream is too artificial, mint choco gelato is delicious
No. 1924182
>>1924177there is one pizza, half anchovy half artichoke
i put a gun to your head
No. 1924185
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>>1924180Nta but like I would kill myself, revive myself, and die again just for a pet moid that looks like Aaron Taylor Johnson oh fuck yes, fuck yes
No. 1924189
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>>1924185you need to learn how to groomaxx to obtain a moid like this
No. 1924190
>>1924155which shithole do you live in that miscegenation is illegal? and moids are adult humans, there is no "gatekeeping" them, stop trying to make men into pwoor lil
victims, if the West was some misandrist utopia of white women putting white men on a leash, i'd drop my Pajeet passport so fast.
No. 1924195
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Modern music sucks ass. All modern music made past the 2010s sounds like this to me. I just dont understand how anyone can listen to shit like doja,MTS,taylor,ariana, etc. I am glad that in 10 years all of their shitty music will be forgotten.
No. 1924200
>>1924197he's been groomed to be a whore to women, horseface stacy isnt scared to share her man because she knows he loves her and her horseface only
No. 1924209
>>1924201i'm not religious
nonnie No. 1924210
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>>1924208No, you couldnt. You think you are the only whore lined up to steal her man? lmfao.
No. 1924217
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My original post was about couples like this not dating within your own race in general. Yes when I wrote attracted to “completely different” looking people it included different races but also people within my race who don’t look like me kek. I need the peanut butter to my jelly. The couple in picrel even submitted themselves to the siblings or dating Instagram so they’re aware that they look related, so do they just get past that and think it’s just funny? How does it work out is my question.
No. 1924223
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>>1924211>>1924214i love how the horsefacy stacy makes all the beckies seethe
No. 1924251
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>>1924217Look at this they’re actually even dressed like Alvin and the chipmunks
No. 1924264
>>1924262I mean I've moved around a lot in Europe and the US and the one constant is that about 80-90% of people (especially white people) tend to hang and date with each other. Especially past a certain age.
Just curious as to where you've noticed this phenomenon in general because I've never seen it in a bit city.
No. 1924288
>>1924256You’ll be an older man kek seethe more tranny
>>1924178I dislike chocolate mint flavors in general especially ice cream but I loooooooove thin mints. They’re so refreshing. They’re mostly chocolate flavored with just a dash of peppermint.
No. 1924299
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>>1923771I could never really get used to thongs, having something touching my butthole all day was too weird for me. I don’t like boyshorts either, they always sit really low and aren’t very breathable. I like mens boxers and very basic underwear I get from Amazon, the brand innersy is my favourite. They make high waisted ones that are comfy too
No. 1924407
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The Jiafei Floptropica meme is funny as hell and I'm glad it's still going strong.
No. 1924500
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I watched a documentary about the Battle of Verdun and it made me feel sorry for men as a class to be honest. Kinda teared up hearing at the "if we remain on this battlefield, it is because they won't let us get away" bit. More generally hearing about awful battles and wars makes me really emotional and sad. I remember a school trip to WW1 graveyards.
Wonder if there are any French nonas who are aware of Verdun.
No. 1924519
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When men "go to therapy" and "get better" most of the time they simply get worse because "therapy" allows them to get away with their bullshit easier. Specially if the therapist is male, they will be very lenient and often side with them. Women get scolded for being emotional and they need to be "corrected" just so they don't inconvenience others. Or they will be told to just pull up with shit. Meanwhile even through therapy men will agree with each other that women are hysterical and that they as males never do anything wrong and that their behavior is totally sane. Yet they might appear as if they're such saints after only one session, but it's only but a stupid band-aid that covers the bullet hole.
No. 1924543
>>1924500It's understandable why would you feel that but when you look at the bigger picture you realize that more of these issues are caused by the male ego I won't say if moids didn't exist wars wouldn't happen they would but they wouldn't be on the scale and devastation a insecure moids ego can have. Anyone would feel pity for a person who thinks that their existence is supposed to be null that's just being human nona you can feel pity for some but still understand that they took the gun up willingly and pulled the
trigger (its a whole other topic for those who are forced into by other men)
No. 1924544
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>>1924120God I wish I felt this way, blonde men are a lot easier to get because they’re less popular and seem really attracted to me bc of my dark hair making me look “exotic”
I just can’t be attracted to blonde haired blue eyed men, doomed to always simp after messy dark haired brown eyed moids that every girl wants now
I liked this guy but only because his character was awesome and lovable, I’m never attracted to men like this irl
I want to change my type
No. 1924562
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>>1924106I guess it depends on the exact face, I think dark haired caucasian men look better with more round faces and light haired men with squarer faces, to add, my unpopular opinion (which I hope doesn't get relegated as racebait ) is that I'm not really attracted to Asian or black men, their faces just look weird.
No. 1924564
>>1924383NTA, but do you think there aren't spicy Japanese foods? Conversely, do you think all non-western cultures you know have spicy foods
only eat spicy foods? Don't be dumb anon lmao
No. 1924570
>>1924564Japanese food is generally mild and spicy food is a modern innovation. You might not be aware but Sichuan cuisine was quite literally sanitized sans Sichuan peppercorns and the like for Japanese people in JP based Chinatowns. That's changing slightly now, but again, traditional Japanese food is mild and traditionally most Japanese don't like spicy flavors. I only take issue with the dumb dichotomy people like that anon create where it's like they believe the entire portion of the world that isn't white all loves spice. Hell, many now common spices in East Asia only entered into a lot of Asian cuisine through European (primarily Portuguese) traders.
It's just ignorant whitey bad nonsense and ahistorical.
No. 1924593
>>1924579I think both make a lot of sense. Attraction to familiarity keeps the group strong and makes it so your people don't run off with other tribes. And attraction to difference allows new genes to come in so we don't end up with a retarded inbred mess.
I used to wonder if people are born inclined to one or the other, but as a teen all my weeb friends suddenly got into asian guys despite having had no interest in the prior, so I think that proves it's not kek
No. 1924600
>>1924581>abnormalIs it, though? There are already tons of technically "hapa" people (for example) living in places like Xinjiang. Mixing is normal when groups of people are close by proximity, or as a matter of politics. In the modern day, pop culture rules, and all groups with power are giving themselves the best PR they can. For the same reason a brown Indian moid would fetishize white women (Hollywood, pornography and other idealized depictions of that outgroup coupled with wealth/history), a white woman who enjoys East Asian media with idealized depictions of Korean and Japanese men would develop an affinity for that group (also, Korea and Japan are wealthy and considered "nice" countries allied with the west - I won't speak on the truth of all that, but yeah history). It's especially true if all the white men around them are just average, below average, or "boring to look at" (I've seen this take) and/or personally disagreeable. I can understand why weebs/koreaboos end up that way. I don't see the attraction as abnormal, but the idealization and fetishization aspects are definitely unrealistic lol.
No. 1924678
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>>1924670Nikita on celebrity Big brother is absolutely gorgeous and straight. Mind blowing. He looks identical to a hot Hungarian I worked with. Dreamy.
No. 1924680
>>1924600Am I weird if I find inter-ethnic relationship channels on YouTube cute but inter-racial ones just…. dull? I have been following this YouTube couple with an Italian dude and his American wife and watching him visit a buc-ees for the first time was hilariously adorable.
I think I'm just tired of "I try my husbands natto for the first time!" videos.
No. 1924681
>>1924670Slavic men are ugly because have the most retarded hairdos. Like no one does unappealing hairdos like the slavs do.
>>1924678Hungarian men are fucking ugly, I have to see them daily
No. 1924689
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>>1924678Speaking of reality TV I hope Lelush didn't get drafted.
No. 1924704
>>1924686you are exactly right. pickmes are insidious and it's retarded to pretend otherwise.
>>1924690of course he can say no. i'm not sure why acknowledging that knowingly getting with a married man is terrible behavior somehow equates to saying the moid's actions are acceptable and that he is without blame.
No. 1924709
>>1924682Preach! My dad was a womaniser and one of the bimbos he settled with and married (they're marriage is the most
toxic mess). She for years use to harass my mum and it's like do you get sexually aroused harassing my mother? She is honestly my mums biggest fan. Just last week my mum was telling me she was in Marks and spencers and my step mum spotted her and she came over to the same clothes rack and started shoving all the clothes back at my mum. My mum is a retired old lady this other woman is over 10 years younger. My mum didn't want to he intimidated kek so she stayed put and my step ma eventually left but she is so fucking odd. She has no friends. She is paranoid my now wheelchair bound dad is still chatting up women around him even when he needs full time care. Which my step mum whines on fb about so they now have care workers that come 3 times a day and my step ma needs regularly weekend breaks to shop and while she's away my dad gets the opportunity to see his extended family and have people round to the house because no one can stand my mental step mum. Women that pursue married men are the most insecure weirdest bitches alive. Her dad was an alcoholic and died early or some shit and my dad showed me a letter my step ma wrote after a therapy session that she resents my father for being a present father to his kids and we all have to coddle her by staying away. Unhinged
No. 1924715
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>>1924681Yeah yeah. Everyone other than Asian moids are ugly, we get it.
No. 1924731
>>1924709that's awful! your stepmother is obviously a massively insecure woman if she feels the need to terrorize your mother to such an extent. sounds like a bpd nightmare.
>>1924712i don't like porn either so you'll get no argument from me there
No. 1924754
>>1924678>>1924715these men are meant to be attractive…?
>>1924745anons who say things like this sound like those incel moids who shill their own race and are insecure about the kpop men pandemic because it’s not chad and “masculine”. (not trying to scrotefoil, just a comparison)
No. 1924769
>>1924730>For goodness sake how can anyone find watching the 400,000th "going to Nara to see the deer with my boyfriend!" video entertaining in anyway?I always wonder who the hell actually likes watching these types of videos. Why would I want to sit around watching a couple do an activity especially when neither of them are particularly entertaining?
>Asian countries are getting to the hype train level where people are going to actively feel underwhelmed after going there I feel.Yeah I've seen a lot of posts lately about people going to Japan because the yen is weak compared to the US dollar. There's lots of overtourism in popular areas from both foreigners and locals (they've even banned tourists in an area in Kyoto) so I could imagine the types that get an ego boost from being the only foreigner when they go visit somewhere might be disappointed when they get there and it's crowded as fuck kek
No. 1924804
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>>1924794They just grab whatever’s available. Men can absolutely be memed into anything, only reason there’s not peer reviewed studies to that effect is the ethical issues.
No. 1924849
>>1924051>99% of trannies are heterosexual males.never thought about it that way, you are right most of them identify as lesbians just because they aren't faggy enough to have a man penetrate them.
total tranny death!
No. 1924850
>>1924641I have those same features, but I find women with skin my color and darker very attractive. It's just the moids of my race I'm not into. They've just never been handsome or cute to me, even the ones all races of women seem to go crazy for. Not sure why. There've only been a few exceptions. I thought I must have internalized racism, but that doesn't explain why I like those features on women.
My bf has very light features, and is kind of similar. He doesn't hate women with similar traits to his or anything, he just prefers darker features on women. I don't ever see men get the same flak for their preferences.
No. 1924894
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>>1923925Do you like them nona?
No. 1924913
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>>1924910The only one that I have ever known
No. 1925213
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>>1925082#1 way to regulate AI
also I love using those apps to genderswap moids into women No. 1925237
young RDJ kek
No. 1925296
>I'm just genuinely surprised by people who don't feel comfortable around their own kindBecause sometimes, my (and other people's) kind are retarded and the worst people on earth and I feel like an outsider amongst them because I'm too good in comparison, so ofcourse I'll feel better around a different group that feels normal in comparison.
No. 1925310
>>1924376Ok we get it, your food must be red and a warm color palette.
I like my spicy food sometimes, eating mouth numbing stuff isn't my thing, but the jajang and curry buldak noodles are my comfort snacks, although I'm a pussy apparently since these 2 are the least spicy from that range. (I'm 21.6 BMI so jokes on you I guess)
I swear, the muh extra spice people seem to not know about herbs, nor how to differentiate them from one another kek.
No. 1925384
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>>1925308i know, I'm weird. I really love the braless look, but bras just look goofy to me. It's like seeing a dude with a codpiece, it just looks funny and dumb.
>>1925361kek we are sisters. Although I do like bottom underwear on women a lot, it's a huge contradiction that I love bottom lingerie but not top lingerie kek.
Someone psychoanalyze me there has to be something wrong with me that when I see a girl's bra it turns me off.
but when she undresses and its just her breasts underneath the shirt i like that No. 1925423
>>1925394I'm a good tipper and I've never insulted a service worker, but what turns me off is the entitlement. Like you owe them your money and you're an asshole if you don't want to pay a tip on carryout. In theory, tips are supposed to represent getting quality service, but now you're supposed to pay before service is even rendered (like with delivery), so servers have no incentive to do a good job. And I've known plenty of service workers who liked the tipping system and would brag about how much they get in an hour, so let's not pretend like they're all getting $2 an hour. I've worked in foodservice and a lot of my coworkers were shitty and entitled and I get why people resent them. The tipping system should just die already, it's institutionalized begging to make it easier for some boss to offset salary wages onto random customers.
>>1925405The fact is, most jobs that are seen as entry level or low-skilled are not being compensated well enough to get a cheap studio apartment in their city. It's not fair, but it's true. The answer isn't to bully college students into tipping 20% on their to-go latte. But I guess it's easiest.
No. 1925428
>>1925389Tipping has almost always been the norm sure, but not at all the way tipping culture is now. You go to the movies, you’re expected to tip because someone handed you an empty cup for your drink. 15% is the new standard for being handed an item. Bare minimum regardless of service quality if any actual effort was put in.
I used to be a server, tipping culture has gotten outrageous
No. 1925466
>>1925461definitely not in most restaurants, they can if they want to be nice. Most places will tell you tough luck and figure out. I've even seen this for delivery restaurants where the drivers end up literally paying to work there because of the price of gas + stiffers.
>inb4 they should just get another jobI'm glad you didn't have to experience the hellishness that is job searching in America but that isn't reality. They're still employees and human being who deserve to not starve while working
No. 1925476
>>1925457It use to be a great way for college kids, high schoolers, etc to make money while not having to slave away overnight shifts while studying now with how many people are refusing to tip idk why people even work there anymore. I especially feel bad for high schoolers and young people who work to help their family but now are sometimes even losing money after they were promised a decent wage since social media decided to make tipping ultra offensive because of bad apples
I personally quit tip based jobs after realizing I was spending more money on gas to get to work than I was making because after COVID and the tiktok "tipping is optional you lazy entitled pieces of shit" thing spread it's just not worth it
No. 1925497
>>1925485I'll always tip 10% when I go out to restaurants, if server is friendly I'll tip 15% and if they're really great and the food is good too (or I ask for it done a certain way) then it's 20%, but if the service is really
really poor and so is the food then no tip. I get it's a hard economy, but last time I went to a Korean BBQ I noticed on the bill that there was already a 15% gratuity fee included, when I asked about it the waitress told me that at the end of the night all of those gratuities are split amongst the wait staff, and then she said if I wanted to tip her directly I'd have to leave cash on the table. I thought this was weird and it made me decide not to go back to the restaurant.
>>1925496The word trauma has lost a lot of its meaning. It's now mostly used as a byword for "the consequences I dislike about the retarded thing I chose to do."
No. 1925506
>>1925472I feel like as a non-burger I'm missing something about the tipping math. Imagine if a normal minimum wage was obligatory:
>employers raise prices because they now have to pay higher wages>makes no difference for customers who tipped cause they were paying "extra" already>makes the non tipping customers suck it up>but that is bad cause somehow the employees end up earning less?Doesn't that imply that the employer is keeping money that would be going to the employee in the form of tips? What I don't understand is if that's the case, why don't the employers want that? It would increase their profit
No. 1925536
>>1925521american employers bullshit how much it really costs to pay their employees a living wage. funny how in literally every other country it costs half as much as it does to eat out in America even at high end restaurants, you don't even have to tip and the employees make a living wage (not just eat peanuts for dinner and split a studio with 5 other people living wage)
Fast food restaurants are also pulling the same crap in america meanwhile literally every other country was perfectly capable of paying their employees a good wage and didn't have to charge sit-down prices for a crappy fake burger
No. 1925684
>>1925679Definitely, delivery drivers IMO are the number 1 people who should be tipped. A lot of brain dead zoomers have weird hate boners towards them and want to benefit from their service and gas but also not tip them, and then will complain when their food gets left at the restaurant for hours because majority drivers that can see the tip won't even choose a delivery with no tip.
>Inb4 the fees! I can't afford it and I don't have a carListen if you're unable to scrape out even just a buck or two to tip someone literally sacrificing their gas and safety to bring your lazy ass food the last thing you should do is obtain food in the most expensive way possible. How did these morons even know how we got food before delivery was a thing? Idk if it's just plain stupidity or brain rot from the hate mongering against tipped workers online
No. 1925690
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Hate, resentment, vengeance and anger can be as much of a positive influence as any other emotion and they can make you go far beyond your expectations if you utilize them in a controlled environment.
Happiness and love is nice and comfortable, but it relaxes me and keeps me captive and still. But wanting to prove others wrong gives me such a big push for life it's incredible. They're not icky feelings, they're simply emotions that you need to feel. Fake posi Instagram Pinterest shit would never.
No. 1925696
>>1925687>Why do I have to pay for your gas?Because you ordered a service that requires someone to use their resources under the assumption that you will tip?
>Their gas has been paid for!Idk where your from but in America delivery drivers here very rarely get paid to keep up with the cost of gas. I actually know a lot of delivery drivers who stopped working their jobs for that reason since a lot of people were losing more money than what they were making thanks to stiffers
>Just drive more economically Demanding someone change their car and a bunch of other stuff because you couldn't be asked to fork out an extra buck or two is wild lol. I promise Karen you won't go bankrupt because you gave that poor teenager some pocket change to deliver your fat ass some sushi
No. 1925712
>>1925696delivery driving isn't really a job to begin with, and the prices are already gouged so high that you'd think the service is paying their own employee a reasonable amount so that the customer doesn't have to pay extra for the sake of their livelihood.
>delivery drivers rarely get paid to keep up with the cost of gas How is that my problem though?
>Demanding someone change their car and a bunch of other stuff because you couldn't be asked to fork out an extra buck or two is wild lol. I promise Karen you won't go bankrupt because you gave that poor teenager some pocket change to deliver your fat ass some sushiI don't agree with the whole changing your car part because thats obviously not reasonable but you also shouldn't expect civilians to pay for some random teenagers gas whom they'll never seen again. Resorting to insults doesn't change the fact that its their bosses job to pay them. If they think get paid too little, they can get a new job instead of begging for money
No. 1925724
>>1925716Nta but the original post
was about America
No. 1925753
>>1925752>he was working to drive around aimlessly not to make money NTA but this and the immediate
fatty fat fat fattii sperging tells me you're a smackhead burger combo deluxe. Go lay down
No. 1925776
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>>1925766Interesting, I’ve heard it used sardonically to mean that, but in typical lingo here it is literally just a ride for the purpose of enjoyment and a synonym for “driving around for fun”
No. 1925821
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this is literally how it is and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
No. 1926065
>>1926004>Open the borders and make all humans have the exact same rights and this does not infringe on religious beliefs. You can believe in a God and still not terrorise your neighbours. Islam does not agree with that. Its most loyal participants are unironically racist, pro-child marriage, pro-slavery, homophobic and misogynistic. Imagine all the things sane people dislike about trad Christians multiplied by 100.
Wherever Muslims go en masse, they want to spread their religion and practices, including the bad ones. You guys always think it's all fun and kebabs, then you don't know what to say when you start hearing about the rape gangs, acid attacks, insane violence and honor killing. Maybe you don't care about these things as long as it's only done to little Muslim or non-white girls/women, but then when it inevitably splashes on to non-Muslim, white girls/women, you turn all racist and fash 14/88 and act like it's brand new and only happening to white people. The truth is that none of it would be going on if you weren't too pussy to address the root of the problem (moid violence and religion). You cannot treat Islam like every other religion, the policy literally needs to be that practitioners reject that faith if they want in, and that they cannot teach it to their children. At best, maybe after 20 years of full cultural assimilation, they can adopt it again if they're calm about it.
(derailing) No. 1926084
>>1926069I'm not Pakichan, but don't forget that even as an ex-Muslim, she is racist, a huge pickme and wants to live as Varg Vikernes' tradwaifu. That's the mentality she was taught. It's how
toxic those influences are. Imagine the work of unlearning all of that (if she ever will).
No girl should be raised under that sort of culture or religion, and if you disagree, you're either a gutless coward, or someone who doesn't really care about women.
No. 1926087
>>1926081>Complains about gas fumes while ordering delivery instead of walking to pick up your own food>Complains about tipping through an app literally made so people can make money majority on tipsMore proof non-tippers have a sub 20 IQ
On a real note I haven't seen anyone with decent logic or arguments defend non tipping
No. 1926091
>>1926069I'm not Pakichan, but don't forget that even as an ex-Muslim, she is racist, a huge pickme and wants to live as Varg Vikernes' tradwaifu. That's the mentality she was taught. It's how
toxic those influences are. Imagine the work of unlearning all of that (if she ever will).
No girl should be raised under that sort of culture or religion, and if you disagree, you're either a gutless coward, or someone who doesn't really care about women.
No. 1926092
>>1926081Woah you're pathetic, big, and greedy. You're really giving off justpearlythings levels of dense
>>1926087Too fucking lazy to go pick up her food, I hope some guy wipes her next order of churros on his balls
No. 1926119
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>>1924519Reminds me of this poorly acted video. Never let the word boundaries come out of your guy's mouth
No. 1926133
>>1926126Ordering a Big Mac on Uber Eats and then not tipping isn't treating a worker poorly. If you think that doing your job and not being paid extra is being treated poorly, I don't believe you've experienced employment.
>>1926128Again I don't order delivery because it's dumb. Keep seething about the fact that Uber Eats delivery drivers will blame everyone and anyone besides themselves for having shit working conditions.
No. 1926188
>>1926175There is but depending on demand of the app and mileage it's very little. Most delivery apps also tell you what restaurants have little to no fee so idk why people even use the excuse of muh fees to not tip
As for restaurant goes almost all restaurants I've ever ordered delivery from had an extra fee of less than 3-4 dollars, definitely not like extra 30 bucks or so like some anons use as an excuse to not tip
No. 1926198
>>1926176Delivery driving in peak recession (I assume you mean 2008/9) is not the same as doing Uber Eats work today.
>>1926185Exactly kek, they don't understand what they're arguing about. Not tipping is a crime against humanity but scamming the company that employs them because they can't afford delivery otherwise isn't. Food delivery apps shouldn't exist.
No. 1926202
>>1926196I'm not sure what this means honestly.
>>1926198I never said not tipping is a crime anon. I haven't really contributed to this discussion, I was just answering a question.
No. 1926237
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The excuses about not eating healthy because you’re working and don’t have the time or energy to cook something healthy simply crumbles when you’re defending eating Taco Bell. There are plenty of mid to healthy things you can microwave or eat straight that takes just as much or less effort as going to Mickey Dee’s. When I was really ill, I’d buy a big box of mixed greens for 5 bucks add some microwave steamed vegetables and spend a grand total of 20 min cooking bulgur for the whole week. I ate that every day for lunch. If you can’t even spare 20min a week there are plenty of other options like canned chicken or instant microwave rice. Shit even grabbing some of those toaster oven nuggies or canned soups are probably healthier and still cheaper than fast food. Like damn at least get subway or something and pretend like you’re trying
No. 1926269
>>1926262Nta but it's usually the "I'm a SURVIVOR not a
VICTIM" crowd trying to silence people because they believe just because they reacted differently to their experience everyone should be like them
No. 1926326
>>1926313I discern using what I allegedly know about the celebrity or the vibe I get and if it seems too outlandish to be true, I reject it, if it seems realistic, I accept it
I'm not a fan of the BRF and their crazy stans. I usually take tea about people who have psychotic stans or I know less about or whose fandoms are riddled with misinformation with a grain of salt. Unlike what's reported about them I've read tea accounts that Timmy Chalamet and Chris Evans are assholes and I believe that over whatever their deluded truthers spew. Timmy allegedly being a jerk and bully in highschool who was constantly trying to 1up everyone is sensible, he has an arrogant dumbass theater kid vibe. Also believe that he spread chlamydia. So does this other alleged tidbit that Evans hooked up with a ton of women without a care. contrary to what his fangirls say he seems like a fuckboi. He probably cheats on the girlfriend turned wife as well. My rule of thumb is not trusting hollywood moids in general. I'm less knowledgeable about the royals but I think there's a lot of obvious misinformation because of the people who hate Kate and Meghan. I miss blind gossip and other dead sites for blinds, Ted Casablanca, etc.
No. 1926647
>>1926643You should definitely go on it if it's beneficial to your health, the issue is a lot of women with normal BMIs are taking it since the super skinny look is
in again and it's a lot a level of skinnyness just low cal and cardio alone can achieve
No. 1926708
>>1926242Me sorta. I know it's not super healthy but I switched to some fancy organic brand of soda to combat my need for energy and dropped a good few lbs from that alone.
As for Taco bell suggesting something like subway over Taco Bell for someone trying to lose weight is counterproductive. Taco bell is the only fast food place I can think of that has a nice variety of low cal options that are pretty filling. Subway is just calories galore
No. 1926816
>>1926813I feel this way about how women turned on gypsy rose. Ofc when you abuse a kid to the point where they will experience lifelong medical issues it's gonna turn back on you, now she's an evil murderer and poor DeeDee never did nothing
As for manipulating Nick who cares. I'm supposed to feel bad she got some creepy BPD pedo moid to take the bullet for her, putting his ass and jail and escaping from her crazy mom? It may have not been the most innocent course of action but certainly was Stacy behavior. If I could get a moid to go to jail to
unalive one of my abusers for me I'd do it too
No. 1926897
>>1926866That’s interesting because I feel like personally for me it’s not really a degenerate reddit-tier gooner fetish, it’s just something I like but for some reason moids who have basically wielded their alleged strength over women get annoyed when you actually want it and enjoy it which is concerning. This
nonny >>1926869 explained it perfectly, sex with men isn’t even sex but it’s framed as such, sex for most women who are mainly heterosexual or attracted to the male sex should only include the mashing of male genitals into an organ they’ve delegated as an empty, lifeless hole for centuries (but only men can squirt their
toxic bleach juice into it to create life so they’ve subverted who really brings the life into this planet, see see??? Dicks are so important!!111!!). Men don’t like “sex” they see a natural bonding method with humans and of course they’re eldritch beasts, they subvert the natural principles in a way that would only benefit themselves. Like
nonnie explained in the scenario of BDSM, moids are only attracted to it because of the subversion and degradation of the natural order they continue to proliferate across the world until this day, men are creators and women are the consumers of their creations. Men create the atmosphere of sex, men create love, men create desire and lust, they ARE the desire and lust and you must “submit” to it, knowing full damn well most women naturally wouldn’t do it if they were born outside of this shitty culture. Most women’s desires are the last thought when it comes to sex, and men really don’t give a fuck if you truly want it or not, which is why I’m genuinely starting to see what anti-PIV radfems are saying about normal sex even being a framework for rape.
>>1926879It doesn’t even matter what role you play: dominatrix/sub, madonna/whore, virgin/slut, if it’s something you genuinely enjoy and desire from yourself it completely turns a moid off, because “sex” for those parasites isn’t what sex really is. Explains why women barely have orgasms from PIV to begin with, we really haven’t been having “sex” because that’s what moids like to call whatever the hell they try to do with us in the bedroom every day.
No. 1926981
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Idk why moids and pickmes are so hard set on if certain women (old, single moms, fat, no boobs, etc) can get men when stories like picrel aren't uncommon
No. 1927005
>>1926981I'm all for calling out male hypocrisy but…
>All of whom were multimillionaires/billionairesThey were also all fucking ugly.
No. 1927049
>>1926981Those lukewarm boring white girl red scare podcast esoteric latte twitter accounts where they practically use “radfem” talking points where instead they hilariously only garner an audience of cunt licking moids who don’t know how or when to stay the absolute fuck out of women’s business are so annoying.
>mm yesss i am very smart and pretentious tweets pretending to hate men so i can garner them via reverse psychology because i know men don’t take my bullshit persona seriously There is another huge radfem account called radfemfuture on twitter who I’m almost convinced is ran by a sassy gay male running a huge Christian Walker-inspired trollops pretending to hate men. Most of these chicks and possible closeted fags using womanface online who pretend to hate men are apart of those undercover esoteric Nazi crowds, do enough digging and they could be subject befitting as a personal cow tbh.
No. 1927306
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Deserved everything that ever happened to him in every role he played. Including May.
No. 1927586
>>1927455The same can be said of Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Spanish and Portuguese were the first Europeans to attempt to establish colonies and the Spanish started the transatlanic slave trade. Before WWII the Italians attempted to establish a colony in East Africa. The fascist Italian army destroyed religious sites, including killing of Ethiopian Orthodox monks and nuns, as well as the massacre of civilians.
>>1927482You're deluded if you think the average person in Europe benefited from colonialism. It was a system that existed for the profit of the elites.
>>1927496What happened in the Belgian Congo was horrific even by colonialism standards.
No. 1927619
>>1927612That's what I tell them, the interlopers around me that seek to destroy my spirit. I tell them that goat cheese is more satisfying, more enzyme-rich, and they laugh at me. They call me crazy behind my back. They act like goats are evil animals all because of their square pupils. But I love goats. Nobody could ever make me stop loving them, not anybody on this earth could change my will it was ordained for me by God. They always say to me "just eat cow cheese," but I do already eat the cow cheese. I just prefer goat cheese. That's a crime to them, it is as though they want to destroy my individuality, my wit, they want to kill my spirit and they want to make me into another shell or empty puppet. They keep telling me goat cheese is just expensive version of cow cheese but I know they're lying and that they're trying to deceive me. I don't listen to them. My grandmother owned a goat and she would chew on everything and we would have delicious goat milk on those bright and dazzling summer morns. I'd look up into the great blue expanse overhead and sip on my goat milk and feel an intense joie de vivre. It was thank to Missy's enzymes and minerals that I grew into a healthy strong young woman. I will always love that goat for as long as I live. Maybe it's foolish to love a goat but I could feel the holiness that emanated from her. She was so friendly and kind. I hate them, the ones that lie and tell me to my face that I'm wrong, nona they're all around me telling me I'm wrong but I know I'm not wrong I know that they're just lying to my face for the fun of it, because they think cows are superior or they think I'm stupid and that I don't know about cheese but I do know about cheese. I wish they would stop trying to pollute my field of vision.
No. 1927736
>>1927713It wouldn't even be that common if people didn't abandon women directly after giving birth and families were more willing to set up the "village". I remember a woman talking about how needed it is to have help after birth and people came in and started demolishing her for being lazy/weak for getting help with a newborn, then when she said she actually knows from experience how unhealthy it is and actually almost injured her newborn on multiple occasions from fainting someone chipped in and said "congrats, your a mom, don't have kids if you can't care for them".
It's bizarre to me people would rather give one of the most unhealthy environments to someone recovering from an extreme body surgery/wound while taking care of a newborn just because they want mothers to suffer for whatever reason
No. 1927752
>>1927455South Korea developed from the world's poorest country into what it is today in just 40 years. Poor countries use colonialism for an excuse as to why they're poor, it's a crutch. Everything has been tried with african countries too
>Kill the whites : Haiti>never get colonized : Ethiopia>whites give up power after developing the country : South Africa>whites set up a country explicitly for blacks : Liberia Literally nothing works, and it's more colonialism and "exploitation" that's correlated with wealth in those parts of the world not less.
(racebaiting) No. 1927810
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Long toes on feet are super ugly and disgusting and resemble monkey feet at best how is this attractive to anyone?
No. 1927831
>>1927761If it wasn't for the identity politics and only recognising white people as being as being the cause of all evil, arabs would get their rightfully deserved flack as well.
>>1927752I agree, Pakistan was colonised til 1947 and at one point had great economic success and was well into becoming a well established country til the forced islamisation of the country - my point is that these countries often lean into their original beliefs (despite as in Pakistan's case, also being borrowed) even more after becoming independent simply to go against the "colonisers". It is often just the adoption of extremist values just to "piss of the west" that leads their own countries to further shit. It's impossible to envision it now but these countries - Indian and Pakistan both would benefit a lot ~culturally if they realised how damaging their faith is to the general population. Indians creating unrest in their own country, despite having a larger Muslim population than Pakistan, because islam is associated more with Pakistan.
>>1927820Yeah, basically
No. 1927880
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Everyone is gonna get mad but she’s so real for this take. She wouldn’t have to say this if men were taken completely out of the equation and women had full economic and governmental control which will never happen unless women want to be genocided for taking back all of their stolen labor and energy. Incels in comparison only want to be paid for existing because they’re failsons and autists who want full state control in order to enslave women, rape them and make them domestic mill farms to churn out children, these people will never be the same no matter how normies try to equate them. I can already see the handmaidens a mile away saying “hm, well I wouldn’t want to be paid for anything and i’m a girl” like shut the fuck, men get paid more just on the basis of being a male alone, they have more entitlements that they get for being a moid. Brave as fuck queen, I’m sure your bullring looking ass would call every single one of us transphobic or terf chuds if you’ve ever lurked this sight but keep it up.
No. 1927887
>>1927752Actual indigenous cultures in the Americas and Oceania are not asking for anything crazy. They want to make the places they live better for everyone. And they want political recognition. They don't actually want to burn anything down.
Indigenous nations in the Amazon are all armed by the government. They have drones and spy cameras throughout the forest to fight cartels. They are literally on the front lines fighting deadly narcos in the jungle. They're making Brazil a better place and they're proud to do it.
In Eurasia and Africa, history was already so intertwined for thousands of years. Everyone already knows each other. It's so different from the colonization of isolated continents and isolated islands. Arriving at an isolated land mass and immediately deciding it belongs to you is genuinely retarded behavior. Neighboring countries conquering each other across Eurasia is not as retarded and it's more like standard human conflict.
No. 1927971
>>1927942As an Arab, Arab women are beautiful, smart, well spoken, funny, polite, elegant, etc
How the fuck do their moids turn into the stinkest, most unbearable pedos on earth? It's even worse and white women fetishize them thinking they're getting some Saudi prince model with millions. Majority of arab moids are no different than every other fat white annoying redditor except Arab moids are slightly more BPD and bigger predators
No. 1927987
>>1927971Ayrt and you're gonna hate me for this, but even arab women can be horrible. Especially if they're Muslim and use the oppression they go through to oppress any woman who they deem out of line, like their own daughters, sisters and friends. I'm an atheist living in an arab Islamic country and I'd never let my female friends find out about it because they'll shun me at best, call the police on me at worst. The good ones are the ones who already left their countries or got killed trying. Just last week, there were news about some woman (or a group of women I'm not 100% sure) who tried to take refuge in the uk, but they allegedly were involved with some local politician so the uk refused to let them in and they got in legal trouble for their escape attempt, and my female friends were celebrating and cheering on for these women's arrest because they're envious of them and don't want anyone to get to leave while they're still living in miserable circumstances. They never try to change anything about their environment and keep complaining about it, but when someone tries to do something they try to drag them down, and when that someone actually achieves something and brings forth change they benefit from it and bask in that person's glory. Just look at how much hate Hind Alqahtani gets, or the Israa Ghrayeb case which according to her close friends, her female cousin was an accomplice in it and the one who informed her family about the date with her soon to be fiancé.
No. 1927989
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>>1927950Sometimes you guys say weird corny shit and I can only hope it's referential and I just don't get it
No. 1928239
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>>1928194I agree we need more billboards like this, a
triggered scrote is a good scrote
No. 1928266
>>1928239Absolutely not, let scrotes get
triggered by women prioritizing their health and fitness over men and their preferences instead. Women shouldn't have to suffer the discomfort and indignity of being fat just to piss men off, being used as a diversity prop so calvin klein can seem woke is not a w.
No. 1928481
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The Republicans have a point about illegal immigration
No. 1928534
>>1928481Yeah and they’re right, no one should be allowed to live anywhere illegally. It makes me sad that there’s families who have no other option because they can’t afford to migrate legally, but people being open to illegal immigrants just going wherever they want are so naive. It’s not always going to be families and women seeking a better life, there’s going to be tons of moids taking advantage of the opportunity for malicious reasons. I don’t know how people reason that because its “rare” (which it isn’t) it’s worth it or something, one
victim is too many. Also fuck those people for being too scared to come forward, I would fucking kill myself painfully if I had to contend with the fact that my freedom to live in the US was at the price of a little girl being raped and probably murdered.
No. 1928778
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>>1927989I’ve made the glorious monkey posters come out of the woodworks. Monkey posting makes tranny seethe. Moonkeeee monkyyyyy ooo oo aa aa
No. 1928811
>>1928481Big agree.
My car got totaled from an illegal leaving a stolen truck in neutral on the top of the hill. What have illegals ever done for this country besides drive down wages and make shitty beans food? I can combine beans lard and tortillas at home.
(racebaiting) No. 1928836
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>>1924106Late but who says they aren't? Isn't "Chad" always depicted as blond?
No. 1928978
>>1928971Nta but in my country it got so bad that some teachers became more or less like a mafia
No. 1929038
>>1928967Same as all other professions including less important and/or much higher paid ones too. But for some reason people don't really dare to judge or comment on those.
I believe it's a mix of teaching being a mainly female job so people assume it's easy af and hate from pathetic losers who still haven't moved on from school despite having graduated over a decade ago.
No. 1929044
>>1929015What anon said
>>1929033And I loved when it eventually backfired as most black people have rightfully predicted. Their pink peen worship flopped right on their dirty little rat teethed faces. Fuck them.
>>1929068It's all just sexism in between the lines. Teaching use to be highly paid and respectable, then when it got taken over by women suddenly it's a stupid low paid position and they don't deserve nice things. Especially now when moids run school boards and instill dumb shit like common core or zero tolerance and then it's women getting blamed for it
Women for the longest time ran tech, marketing and in general undertones of businesses for low to mid pay, now that it's being taken over by moids suddenly companies are giving out bonuses like candy. I assume the same is happening to nurses now since back in the day nurses were paid ungodly low, now that there's a good amount of moid nurses the pay is evening out. Even in high paid medical specialities doctors such as pediatrics get paid the lowest despite handling the most vulnerable patients and you'd never guess why
I also suspect the same is happening to CNAs, housekeeping, etc
No. 1929149
>>1929112>>Same for nurses. They're breaking their backs, wiping your grandpas shit all day, yet you constantly screech how they're all beckies who were bullys in school. Grow up. You don't even want to know how shitty the personality of lawyers, bankers and so on is.Sorry but people hate nurses because a lot of nurses are awful to deal with. When a banker is rude it's not the end of the world. When you're in the hospital you're sick and scared and in pain, and then you overhear the nurses joking and bitching about patients as if the privacy curtain is soundproof. Rude behavior hits different when you're vulnerable.
I don't hate nurses because I get that the poor working conditions causes burnout and erodes empathy. But I also can't blame people for hating nurses because so many of them have horrible attitudes and it sucks to deal with that while having a medical issue.
No. 1929169
>>1929143Is that because males are more shallow and therefore the gay ones try harder, just like women try way hard on their appearance, or do you think it's some genetic thing going on?
I think hygiene, diet and fashion explains a lot of that phenomenon tbh
No. 1929213
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Seeing pretty women with their ugly bfs kind of pisses me off because it always reminds me of how unfair this gay world is. All men need to do is have cash or be “nice” and they can have an unlimited supply of beautiful women.
No. 1929312
>>1929310If you're referring to the tiktok boob thing, all the replies to the
facts were pretty good points. If you're unable to answer their question Mr scientist maybe your
facts weren't facts after all
No. 1929313
>>1929312I’m not referring to the tiktok boob thing my apologies
nonnie I was just speaking in general, I should’ve made that clear I’m sorry
No. 1929352
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>>1929213If women could turn into men we could get so much pussy. Moids literally see women gush over attractive men and instead of thinking ''hmmm what if i try to be more like that guy to be appealing to women?'' their low iq ape brains go ''gayyyyy lol ecksdedede''. I fucking hate those low iq rape apes so much i wish god made me a lesbian.
No. 1929615
>>1929595The people making that much and complaining that they are actually so poor are the types who think going out to eat twice a day everyday and then going out for cocktails every single night should totally be their lifestyle. They could probably still easily eat out a few times a week at nice places and be fine and have money left to save, or they could not own 2 gas guzzling luxury cars they have no need for, or they could live in a slightly less large home, or they could not take an expensive vacation every month, or they could not have passes to every theme park that they visit 4x a week only to spend $200 on snacks and cocktails each day they visit said theme park. My cousin lives paycheck to paycheck and her and her husband have no kids and make well over 6 figures. Constantly crying poor mouth and taking pics of $20 cocktails (not even made with high quality liquors) every single fucking night, that they definitely aren’t just drinking one of and being done. Idk what the point of even having a large home is when they can’t entertain themselves at home for a single fucking day. And of course they can’t have a car that is more than 5 years old and their cars have to be a Jeep and a luxury sedan. No, they never do off road activities. They also both run in half marathons at least once a month, which cost $200 per person (and somehow they’re both still fatasses, I guess it’s the alcoholism). It’s a rare month where they don’t fly cross country on a whim for a vacation. Their entire life is lived like they’re on vacation and they act like they’re going to literally fucking die if they spend more than a day or two staying home (in their nice, large house).
On the flip side a lot of people complain about being poor because they have kids and they never even thought to budget out how insanely expensive it is to raise a child according to an upper middle class lifestyle. Decent daycare is easily $2000 a month, on the low end for a non-infant toddler. Usually it’s more in the $3000-5000 range. Parents are shocked by this and then whine that they shouldn’t have to pay so much for daycare and beg for subsidies while voting for the candidates that would laugh in their face for wanting any social welfare subsidies. Wah wah wah. I have no sympathy for these people.
No. 1929802
>>1929511That’s why if i come across a small business with decent prices, i stick around. There’s a cute PNW-based clothing brand that keeps their prices around $25-$50 for shirts, dresses, and hoodies and their reasoning was “why make something no one can afford?”
Guess who always has business!
No. 1929803
>>1929292Have you lived in the ghetto? Not being able to sleep at night because parents let their teens scream into the night at 2am. Dog shit everywhere because no one picks up after themselves. I dont understand why people are so against HOAs. they arent 100 percent evil. At least my area has garbage and dog shit clean up in case. They also provide dog bags and trash cans for easy clean up. We have no noise after 10pm because people need to go to work. I do agree that i miss public transport the most here because I hate america in general being a car nation. I've lived in harlem nyc. It has a lot of pros and cons, but one of the main cons was noise. I lived in a decent area, but you could easily hear gun shots from time to time. People are friendly to a point, but there is also a crap ton of bad parents and single parents not raising their kids at all.
I live by a park now and there are plenty of good kids here having fun. Being considerate. I would not consider moving back to nyc though I lived there 30 years.
No. 1929896
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>>1929892Most of these stores get their products from the same suppliers as SHEIN and aliexpress. They even sell forever 21 and name brand makeup on SHEIN now because it’s coming from the same place.
No. 1929902
>>1929637Honestly that's the sad truth. I work with kids and if I tell them to go tell/ask their mom something they often say that they will no longer see her tonight (she comes home when they're already asleep), like damn, you don't even see your kids every day? What's even the point if they just grow up separate to you? It absolutely is because they thought they had to tick off a box. I just wish all these women who realize that maybe they don't hate their kid, but they really could do without it too, would be honest about it instead of continuing the good old circle of pushing kids on younger women…
My unpopular opinion is that not only should only couples who absolutely love children have them (and if possible there would be some kind of government parent suitability vetting…) but they should also have them semi-young. My grandparents and parents weren't teen parents either, just in their 20s and yet it gives me a sense of peace that even at my more mature age I can still be my parents "baby", they're fit and strong and will be for a long time, and my grandpa is still "young" and super busy too. Whenever I read posts of anons who need to take care of their parents because they're somehow already so weak or mentally helpless or financially stupid/retired I feel so sorry and immediately dread this one day being my reality. But shockingly some of them are younger than me…
No. 1929911
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>>1929892you are sooo right queen! I only shop Amazon for high quality ethically sourced cutlery!!!
No. 1929915
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>>1929911It’s so funny because even crocs are sold on shein. People are so dumb when they start yappin about lead, those studies are fake anyway.
No. 1929954
>>1929927NTA but what do you even mean by this, do you really not know of a single place to buy clothes that isn't Amazon, Target or Shein lol?
>People always shit on big business stores or fast fashion but give no alternativesMy entire wardrobe is thrifted and I live in bumfuck nowhere in Eastern Europe. It's all recent clothing as well, because hauls and 'decluttering' are so normalized that everyone just gets rid of things they grow bored of three months later to make space for more trends.
The internet is a magical place where you can buy and sell perfectly good used clothing even if you live in Antarctica. If I can do it from my shithole then I'm positive anyone in USA or anywhere else can, too.
>>1929946Then don't give the dropshippers money? It's not that hard to spot those kinds of sellers surely, I've never had an issue finding genuine small businesses and I'm not particularly observant.
No. 1929970
>>1929953You're acting as if buying from an overpriced boujee artisan boutique and buying from shein are your only two options? Buy normal soap at the store and thrift the sweater, not very hard.
>>1929959Why are you thrifting 10 dollar Forever 21 shirts? Buy a quality one on eBay or Facebook Marketplace and be at peace
No. 1929971
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>>1929968>shein stuff falls apart faster than forever 21SHEIN literally sales forever 21 so I doubt that
No. 1929985
>>1929978Not everything on shein is plastic though. Some of the most comfortable t shirts and pants I’ve ever owned come from shein. Yeah if you’re buying slutty kawaii instathot stripper
Clothes from shein then you’d run into those issues. If you’re just buying jeans, jogging pants, tshirts, socks, underwear etc you’ll be good
No. 1930076
>>1929982>any sensitivities to fabric No but you can still filter by material on a lot of websites
>hate dealing with the return processReturning is so easy from big retailers.
No. 1930524
>>1930490Because people don't hold moids accountable or just treat BPD moids like overgrown retarded children and that it's women's responsibility to spot it and avoid them (but also not like that because you're just a crazy woman with high standards). Majority of people would rather address women who fall for their abuse rather than the
abusive moid
No. 1930730
>>1930720and the planets are inanimate balls of rock and/or gas in the fucking sky.
they have been moving according to the laws of physics long before any humans showed up and decided they actually represented uranus or shiva or bai suzhen or some shit. and they'll still be moving along their orbit long after the human species is gone. the gods and the energy are all in your head lmao
No. 1930745
>>1930735exactly. the ol' crack rock in the sky is billion of years old. the entire human species is barely a blip in its history. and yet people go "omg this is so relevant to ME and MY life!!!!"
also insufferable how these people will ask for your sign so they can conveniently assign you predetermined personality traits instead of actually getting to know you
No. 1930769
>>1930761I find it funny when grown adult women larp as witches and all the other larping grown adult women comment playing along.
It's like when there is 2 people in an elevator and one farts and blames it on the other one.
We all know its bullshit and embarrassing lol.
No. 1930806
>>1930771and we're telling you that associating some old rock in the sky with some made up god is retarded. ultimately you're still studying the rock's movements and placements and it still doesn't mean a thing.
>omg muh birth chart says my moon placement was in snorlax minor at the time of my borth and that means snorlax is my guardian deity and spiritual guide uwu!it's make believe. you're assigning made up meanings to meaningless physical phenomena. humans decided to arbitrarily divide the observable sky into sectors and that these stars over there kinda look like an animal if you squint. humans made these gods up and decided to name planets after them. none of it means a thing.
No. 1930832
>>1930822is it uranus shifting these goalposts?
astrology is about ascribing supernatural meanings to the movement of celestial bodies. it exists in several traditions and isn't necessarily about greek gods, the hindus, chinese and maya for example all have their own systems.
we all know what astrology is and it all boils down to ascribing some bullshit menaing ti ricks in the ficking sky. the gods and vedas and energy are all window dressing for what boils down to magical thinking.
No. 1930847
>>1930835no, we were talking about astrology in general. people made fun of the rocks in the sky, you were the one who came in about how "ackshully that's not what astrology is, i swear it's totes greek gods you guys".
what all astrology has in common, including western astrology, is that you ascribe retarded meanings to balls of rocks/gas/fire in the sky. and it's all bullshit.
No. 1930952
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It’s so funny how people are using the fact that drake bell got molested as an excuse for his actions. Most men like young girls so he would’ve grown up to be a pedo regardless if he was sexually assaulted or not kek
No. 1930989
>>1930847It doesn’t matter if it’s bullshit or not, you can’t force people to not have spiritual/religious beliefs
>>1930854Horoscopes and doomsday predictions are bs, who cares? If you google any sign, planet, house or placement, you’ll find people talking about the deity ruling each of those things, because that’s what astrology is all about.
A Scorpio is ruled by Hades, a Pisces is ruled by Poseidon, a Leo is ruled by Apollo. There’s more to it but that’s the general overview.
No. 1931038
>>1930989Amen and fuck the haters
t. Beautiful Libran woman worshipping Aphrodite
No. 1931189
>>1931163This. Poor people literally have no room for comfort. Middle class and trust fundies do, they can fuck around in their youth and still have much to spare. Whereas bulk of poor people who party end up losers in adulthood, addicts, babymommas, in prison, and violent moids who should be euthanized. Working class poor people barely have options to further their education. Middle class can, and often do. The cult of meritocracy wants to paint the middle class as underdogs but they never were discouraged from success, many and most have it handed to them early; the recipe for success and alternate streams of income. The internet has helped level the playing field but this is still mostly the case.
What anon is describing and attributing unfound success to is the middle class. Working class families don't have "rags to riches stories", the best you could hope for is inheriting a middling trade business after years of doing unpaid accounting work for a working class brick layer father who's barely literate let alone financially literate, yet still started a business because working class professions need a fall back since grueling labor destroys their bodies. It's an incredibly common opinion to shit on poor people for being born poor and pretend/cope that the middle class are comparable in their struggle. Once again, this site proves how out of touch with reality the users are.
No. 1931254
>>1930989no one's forcing you we're just saying it's retarded
muh ancients didn't know about outlying planets, there's a reason why the observable ones are called classical planets. sirius has been studied since antiquity because it is one of brightest stars in the sky with noticeable periodic activity. but the rest of its system has only been understood once we properly understood how to calculate how gravitation of nearby objects affects orbital trajectories. none of which affects your individual personality in any demontrable way.
>>1931038>astrology is some narcissitic bullshit>you know nothing!! i am so powerful and so wise i could read you like an open book if i wanted! >yas queen im a beautiful devotee of aphrodite and astrology is right you're just a hater!you people make this too easy
No. 1931393
>>1931383Why would you laugh at people OD'ing I genuinely don't get it.
There's this really unpleasant middle class smugness on lolcow towards the less fortunate. Kinda funny when you consider most of yall were sending nudes to your chan groomers at 14.
No. 1931397
>>1931393Making the decision to put your life at risk by doing drugs isn’t really the same as being a
victim of sexual abuse when you’re a half brained child, you sound like an angry itchy junkie kek. Maybe go to the clinic to detox? They can give you some aspic
No. 1931400
>>1931368yup. I lived in a "party house" for a while in college. lots of networking between music business majors and the like happened there. even if you didn't come from from money or a well-to-do family, if you carry yourself well or seem intriguing enough, you can meet people who
do come from money, and their parents have friends in high places.
No. 1931417
>>1931405Are you really trying to blame
little girls on getting sexually abused as a child who was hungry for love and attention because they weren’t getting it from their parents in an attempt to make a point about stigma against drug users kek? Because it’s really not helping your case. You just sound insane.
No. 1931420
>>1931405Are you referring to how
victims of CSA later on go down the path of drug use or are you truly saying that you think experiencing any kind of sexual exploitation or abuse as a child is just as bad with doing heroin as a grown adult?
No. 1931539
nonnie. I think that the ones who aren't on social media can be pretty normal/harmless autistic. When they have an insta, blog or any kind of internet presence they're usually nuts with a gigantic ego and crippling self esteem. Complex shit that makes pathetic and egocentric at the same time
No. 1931620
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>>1931389nooo im not a bpdchan like the other lolitas i just have autism
No. 1931650
>>1931550I'm not gonna be surprised if you're promiscuous or have been though.
It always amazed me how many lolitas would seethe about the fashion being seen as a fetish by men but then… Secretly treat it as a fetish? Pose in it for sexy pics? Be into ageplay etc? I swear lolitas are like hardcore evangelicals that are secretly closeted sometimes.
>>1931566There was a truly abhorrent and evil British /cgl/ trip who was into jirai kei and gyaru. When I say abhorrent I mean she'd harass other women in comms and tell them she hoped their dads would rape them and other sick, fucked up shit like that.
No. 1931702
>>1931397You could say people who do drugs are also groomed into it from a young age. Often by people who are also sexually abusing them.
in real life, might I add. So their problems take more than a block button to solve.
No. 1931766
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>>1931720There have been many cases of groomfails murdering their family to be with their older scrote
No. 1931781
>>1931766I remember this. Wasn't her dad a pretty good father from all accounts? Reminds me of the /r9k/ groomfails who all had decent middle class loving parents who they put through hell and back for the sake of a scrote. In many cases these parents destroyed their own physical and mental health trying to protect their daughter but she still betrayed them.
Groomees = sociopaths who like to play uwu
victim 5-10 years later.
No. 1931787
>>1931766>It turns out that Erin Caffey was an organized mastermind and participated in the slaughter of her family. Her two elementary school-age brothers were murdered with swords. Her mother was shot multiple times and was nearly beheaded with the same swordRemind me why we always, every fucking time, have to pretend "groomed" teenage girls have zero responsibility for their actions? She should have been executed long ago. Shame on her dad for visiting her in jail.
All that pain and misery and violence because she couldn't live without older dick.
No. 1931796
>>1931787Having watched the interviews between her in jail and Piers Morgan: Erin seemingly has no remorse for her actions and seems to want to keep her dad around by pretending to show fake remorse. This is eerily similar to so called grooming
victims I encountered on the chans. Young girls who would rope other young girls into being groomed, would rope them into doing drugs, would try and drag other young women down with them. They're united by the fact they're all psychopathic/borderline personalities with no empathy.
Zero sympathy for them.
(samefag) No. 1931819
>>1931781The ironic part is they never see themselves as
victims until they have age out of their pedo bfs preferences
No. 1931918
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link's awakening was DEVELOPED in black & white and it is meant to be PLAYED in b&w
No. 1931970
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amy schumer is really hot
No. 1932061
>>1931807Yeah just like how childhood trauma can drive you to take drugs, and the addiction makes it hard to just stop. Arguably much harder than hitting a block button….
Sorry discord kittens but you aren’t better than drug addicts, you just expressed your childhood neglect in a different, arguably more embarrassing way. At least drug addicts go to fun parties.
(baiting) No. 1932154
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>>1932152Ice spice gets called ugly and retarded looking on here all the time and no one jumps to her defense. People like Amy Schumer probably look more similar to the anons defending her which is why they’re booty blasted.
No. 1932156
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>People can be naturally ugly. Natural doesn’t mean attractive.
No. 1932198
>>1932166Yeah but you go out of your way to bring up a black woman and how she’s allegedly treated worse every time someone wants to defend a white woman. You assume we wouldn’t do the same. You just have a big fat chip on your shoulder about race and project that on to everyone else.
>>1932170Celebricows thread. They call her ugly, mid and transvestigate her. She hasn’t been discussed for a while because their new target is Sydney sweeney.
No. 1932214
>>1932198Ice Spice is barely even black, she's paler than some white people lmao. Anons call Jenna Ortega and Kirsten Stewart ugly and don't defend them too. The race angle seems like such a reach here. Not everything is black and white.
And I've never seen anons in that thread attack or say those things about Margot Robbie.
No. 1932283
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I never understood why it's so common in western media to see blonde women wearing pink and brunette women wearing blue when the opposite would suit them more
No. 1932296
>>1932201As I said, I think ice spice is pretty. Amy Schumer is not,but neither have anything wrong with them. If other people have called her retarded looking, that’s not my problem. Literally gets thrown around so much on this site about the most beautiful women that nobody even cares or takes it seriously. Wtf is the matter with you? You have no idea what I’ve been doing, this site is anonymous.
>>1932214Just because you’ve never seen it happen, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Personally I’ve never seen anyone on here call Jenna Ortega ugly but maybe you have.