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No. 1916551

Let's get retarded!(repeat thread)

No. 1916563

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Farmhands gonna lock this thread cause they’re faggots

No. 1916571

Dealin’ wit these mods, jannies watchin’, studio phone tapped

No. 1916580

Countdown until this gets locked

No. 1916582

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live fast
die young
bad girls do it well

No. 1916587

they cant autosage it if its not the dumbass shit thread!!! cause its DUMB A$S FUCK

No. 1916590

i think dumping ashes in the ocean is shitty

No. 1916599

Wtf stop this

No. 1916601

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Can’t stop won’t stop

No. 1916603

Please let us stay dumb jannies honestly I think a containment shitpost thread is good because all the other threads became so clogged with nonsense

No. 1916605

what can i do to make my period come help me nonettes

No. 1916607

At this point it feels like the mods are just power tripping but seeing as someone like Hex was a staff member for so long it’s not surprising in the least that they would power trip over something so mundane that the userbase clearly wants. They’re autists with some power so they wield it in dumbass ways

No. 1916608

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Don’t you wanna just have a good time mods

No. 1916610

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No they’re the fun police

No. 1916612

Fun should be mandatory!

No. 1916613

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no, the site must be kept purely about e-celeb gossip because having other interests is moidy

No. 1916616

e-celeb gossip and talking about your nigels ONLY!!

No. 1916618

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If we vote on it, it should be allowed to stay.

No. 1916619

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No. 1916620

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impeccable reasoning, make this nona queen of the admins, stat!

No. 1916621

mods and a lot of the userbase take this site so serious for some reason. like its a fucking image board ffs you're SUPPOSED to shitpost

No. 1916622

excersise and liquids

No. 1916627

>orange juice
>cranberry juice
>anything with meat but especially pork or hamburgers
i think this stuff only works on me tho because i haven't heard of anyone else getting periods from the last one

No. 1916634

i for one never get tired of listening to oldfags complain about how the site was so much better when they were 12

No. 1916635

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Stop tainting our glorious very serious z-list e-celeb Gossip Forum with your CHATTHREADS REEEE electric shock collars for all of you

No. 1916640

Oh this is art thank you nonna KEK

No. 1916644

…this must be lurv

No. 1916645

>The Judge Rotenberg Center for children with disabilities can continue to use electric shocks on its students
Only in the United States of America can we taser tards in schools.

No. 1916648

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i'm going to teach my chickens to read and they are going to phonepost radfem theory EVERYWHERE, it's over for you gossipfags

No. 1916651

how am i supposed to always know the difference between a ribbon worm and a booger

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