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No. 1916378

You can’t stifle a real retard

previous thread: >>>/ot/1915879(duplicate thread)

No. 1916381

Autosaging isn’t going to do anything if no one wants it to be autosaged

No. 1916388

When is the post hellweek banner going away it’s been a month

No. 1916394

why the fuck is it socially acceptable to be a total retard whos incapable of any thought that isn’t about TV or buying clothes

No. 1916397

Thank yooooou.

No. 1916409

sometimes my shoulder blade pops out

No. 1916415

based retard nona..

No. 1916417

showering is the worst thing in the world i only do it once or twice a week because i can't handle being all fucking wet because i have so much hair (on my head, armpits, legs, pubes) that its just an inconvenience and it feels like a waste of water and im in such a bad mood after

No. 1916425

Sometimes i wish I was a cop so I could confiscate stuff from people

No. 1916428

I wish I was a hacker because its sounds real fucking fun

No. 1916431

felt, but only because it eats up part of my night after work so I know I'll have to cut something out if I need to bathe that day. it's not only just showering though, it's the whole routine that goes along with it that takes up time too because i need to moisturize and blow-dry my hair. forever waiting for someone to invent an instant shower device that zaps all the grease and dirt off you in a couple seconds kek

No. 1916447

stop using mundane shit come back

No. 1916461

all admins want everyone to know that posting in this thread is illegal and a sin and a war crime and scrote behavior and normie shit and mouth breather tier and AI shit and Palworld player manners.

No. 1916478

i hate being fat

No. 1916486

same, just have the power to flood someone's phone with a bunch of kitten pictures sounds fun as fuck and i guess you could doxx anyone with a few clicks is cool too.

No. 1916487

Kek palworld

No. 1916498

you cant silence me cerbmin

No. 1916500

It seems boring though.

No. 1916507

if i were a hacker i would flood pornhub with gay porn. Scrotes would search teenage gangbang facefuck and be spammed by thousands of gay men spreading their hairy asses.

No. 1916528

Please use the existing Dumbass Shit Thread #166

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