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No. 191084

How am I supposed to deal with the fact that I'm a 3/10 girl? I will never be able to attract a handsome guy because we are bot similar in attractiveness. I am losing weight to help with my face and learning how to apply makeup, but I don't think I'll ever be above average.

No. 191086

How do you know you're a 3/10?

And why do you care if a guy is handsome or not?

No. 191088

I got an objective rating from a guy.

I'm attracted to guys I find handsome…

No. 191089

Stop being insecure and you'll be at least a 5/10
…and stop thinking about what guys tell you jesus

No. 191090

You need to learn to accept yourself. That alone will make you so much more attractive. You sound rather young btw, you will get more confident in the next years.

No. 191092

I just want to maximize my attractiveness so I can find a good boyfriend and eventually husband. Who would want an ugly girl who is basically a fembot though?

No. 191096

>Believing what some random dude tells you

No. 191104

as someone who's friends with mostly guys their ratings have nothing in common with the ways girls rate eachother/ourselves tbh. they'll rate uggos higher because they have boobs, dress in revealing ways, or wear heavy makeup while glossing over more plain girls. unless you have a deformity, i doubt you're 3/10. even then, it could be because he's not personally attracted to you or rating you on how he knows you already. there are also other factors like hygiene or not dressing yourself to your advantage. if you're actually deformed, i don't know, plastic surgery? makeup can also pull up a lot of points lol.

sorry to sound cold, but also trying to give advice. what did you give yourself before he rated you? that's more important. don't try bettering yourself for other people / "future" people. it really is true that you need to learn to love yourself before someone else does.

No. 191111

No, I'm not deformed. My face is symmetric but I'm just fat. I rated myself a 4. I don't believe in the everyone is beautiful in their own way bs. I just want to be objectively above average.

No. 191113

Do work on your weight if only for your health. As a person with a healthy BMI but a big nose and fucked symmetry, you could probably easily be "objectively" above average with weight loss.

Yup seconded, a guy friend of mine posted a picture in a group chat we have of a "hot" girl and she was seriously a 5/10 in my eyes. Also, the girls my guy friends are attracted to are wildly different, from muscular to very short hair to long blonde hair to big boobs to no boobs.

No. 191118

Working out will make you more confident, so this really is the best thing to do right now.

And accepting yourself is not some "everyone is beautiful bs". People we find attractive irl tend to have a positive aura. They feel good in their skin, no matter if their nose is crooked or not.

>I just want to be objectively above average.

Well then lose weight duh

No. 191150

You just get desperate enough to settle eventually.

No. 191165

Beauty is so fucking subjective, lol. That bitch boy who rated you is a retard anyway. Rating is fucking cringy, no matter how you spin it, and though you might be a "3/10" inhis eyes you're probably an "8/10" for someone else, hell, you even mention your face being symmetrical. Listen, please never listen to anyone who "rates" you, ever again. ALSO that little beta might even have tried to neg you or whatever it's called "make her feel bad so she'll want to fuck me" jfc… nah. As long as you take care of yourself, are clean and dress well you are fine, I promise.

No. 191167

dw kiddo, we can die alone together kek

No. 191171

Like almost every anon in this thread I'd disregard his rating. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That phrase is really cliche and we've heard it all a million times but it's true. I'd put myself around a 4 or a 5 and gotten similar feedback from others, but then I ended up with an objectively handsome, tanned, hung athletic guy.

Don't fall in to the trap of wishing for a handsome bf all the time. It's miserable and pointless. Don't worry about any of that right now. If you're fat, start exercising and watch your calories. Not only will you be healthier and live longer but your self worth will be higher. Once you have that confidence, even if you're a butter face you will find plenty of guys who want a chance with you. You have to get healthy for yourself, though. Work on loving yourself before you think about getting other people to love you, otherwise you are just trying to fill a hole (no pun intended)

No. 191173

How do you feel, knowing there are girls who manage to score 30 guys in 30 days just by opening their legs?

No. 191177

>beauty is in the eye of the beholder
>an objectively handsome guy

No. 191178

lel and what of it. some guys will fuck anything with a heartbeat and most have standards just right above "not disgusting." how many guys willing to sleep with you is not a measure of worth or even attractiveness.

ignore this retard, OP

No. 191297

Who told you this? Beauty is objective, and most people have different tastes from others. Even if you are a 3/10, if weight is an issue then at least all you need to do is lose it. A lot better than anons who need plastic surgery to look average/above average.

As >>191104 said, it's true that men tend to rate women based on things that us women think are ridiculous (ie. large breasts, skimpy clothes, clean looking).

You said you are learning to do your makeup, so I am guessing you are young as well. Just lose the weight and you'll be okay. And don't be so bitter. You can always become a sugar mama too (not trying to be rude, but it's a serious option if male looks are so important to you).

No. 191298

As in, societal standards.

No. 191322

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When statistics it's bell curves.
There are many unwarranted patronizing posts ITT. While some beauty traits are subjective some are objective. Looks are like any other things we like, like colours, music or taste. Deformities are only appealing for fucked up people. I wouldn't rely on finding a feeder if I were obese, for example.

From what you told us your problem seems to be that that you want to date someone way out of your league. Which is understandable because everyone want's the best they can get. But instead of a good guys (aka better) you could settle for a good enough one too. This doesn't mean that you should stop caring about your appearance and choose the first man who shows interest. Improving ourself is important!

No. 191347

(i am a guy)
its easy to find a thirsty guy. just look for virgins, theyre not hard to find just try any computer club or games workshop.

No. 191911

OP here… days later.
Yes, accepting yourself is good, but I don't think that making people think that there isn't objective beauty is good.
Yes, I'm losing weight.
How is clean looking ridiculous?

Anyway I'm very lazy, but thank you guys for the advice.

No. 192103

As someone who grew up from being an ugly duckling, then fucking stop being lazy. I don't wake up conventionally attractive, I work for it everyday. I got a nosejob, fixed my teeth, take care of my skin with various products, and watch what I eat and exercise. I try to find clothing that fits me and every morning I wake up early to do my hair and makeup and subtly too so I don't look like a clown. I also try to be interesting by reading and pursuing various hobbies and reduce the unattractive parts of my personality like my tendency to sperg out irl. The end result is that I get a lot of attention from the opposite sex even though I already have a boyfriend. If you don't want to work to be attractive then you're shit out of luck.

No. 192105

Basically this. Only like 1% of people wake up looking conventionally or unconventionally good without effort. Welcome to the club OP. You are normal.

No. 192117

Not to hijack your thread OP, but do any other average girls out here get rather obsessive about those 10/10 perfect girls?

I mean, I'm just a regular plain girl and I try my damndest to look as good as I can. But I am consistently thrown to the side by a girl in my group who is literally a goddess. Tall, thin, blonde, symmetrical face, popular, normal. I feel like no matter what I do I will never measure up to her, and boy does it make me depressed as fuck to the point that I obsess over it. It's gotten to be pretty damaging to me. Any tips on how to deal with this shit?

No. 192120

It's kind of a bitter pill to swallow but there will always exist prettier women than you, but they tend to be shallow and attract the equally shallow. It's probably just mostly dumb horny guys that don't have a shot that give her all that pathetic attention. Don't compare yourself, what's the point? Do realistic things to make yourself more attractive, it's all you can do.

No. 192121

Saying attractive people tend to be shallow is a very incel-like generalization, anon…

The best you can do is accept yourself and work on making yourself feel better and more attractive. Stop giving people attractiveness ratings and comparing yourself to others, and recognize that people have varying ideas of beauty.

No. 192130

Unless she's your direct competition at all times and open to hooking up with every guy around, her occasional proximity shouldn't matter. I doubt you're with her 24/7 to the point that she cockblocks you whenever you interact with a guy.

It's not worth being jealous of specific individuals, just be the best version of yourself and have realistic standards. There's always going to be lots of people worse looking than you, and lots of people better looking than her.

No. 192132

kill her

No. 192134

Kind of. My brother in law's girldriend is pretty in a natural, hippie way, but the main thing I obsess over her about is that she's rich as fuck. Well, not her, but she has a debit card to daddy's bank account. And they bought her a house and a brand new car. It makes me jelly because my husband and I have been struggling since day one. She's an adult woman, just because her parents are loaded, why does that mean they have to continue to support her well into adulthood? I feel stupid about this because there's obviously plenty of people out there more well off than I, but I keep obsessing over her anyway.

No. 192150

To be fair, she is actually kind of shallow. She has a few interesting things about her, but the only thing I can say I have "over" her is that I'm reasonably more intelligent and talented than she is. She's also kind of cruel and manipulative to those around her, but her beauty and status in our social group ensures she will always be forgiven for anything she does. I know I sound pretty bitter right now, I'm sorry for that.

I'm trying to be the best version of myself now. I wonder how I'll feel after three months of hard work? I hope better. But even if I work for a year to improve myself, I know I will still never be as objectively beautiful as she is when she doesn't try at all.

I realize people have varying ideas of beauty, but she really is objectively much more attractive than me. There no contest. I will never hold a candle to her. For some reason, my boyfriend chose me? But I'm still constantly anxious that he's going to drop me for her (they have dated in the past.)

Idk guys, I know a lot of this is probably just my own insecurity. And I'm sure I sound mad bitter and shitty right now. I realize that I should just learn to accept it, work on a better version of myself, etc., but it's very painful to constantly live in the shadow of another.

At least you know that you've worked for everything you have, so it has a much greater personal meaning to you. She may not have any real concept of how money works and probably doesn't place value in anything, because she's never had to work for it. I guess just take solace in the fact that one day she will have a very rude awakening when she enters the real world.

No. 192154

I realize I am kind of putting her down in this a lot. She's incredibly popular and at least on the surface, well liked by everyone. She's nice to the people she likes. She believes that her presence is a gift to those around her. But she's been pretty mean to me for reasons that are hard to discern. I'm not sure why she singles me out but I think that could also be a contributing factor as to why I focus on her so much. Sorry for talking so much about this, I can't really say anything about it to anyone, and I am a bit ashamed of my feelings myself.

No. 192158


People who would be attractive if they just lost weight piss me off so much.
The solution to your problem is so fucking easy. Meanwhile my only hope is plastic surgery which is expensive, dangerous and frowned upon by society. kms

No. 192160

nobody needs to know that you had plastic surgery. what do you want to get done?

No. 192161

I said I was lazy about not replying to everyone, not about self improvement. I am working on looking good.

No. 192164


My family and close friends would obviously be able to tell though, and the reaction I'd be most scared of is my father's.

I have a hook nose (I used to also be self conscious of how broad it is from the front, but I've come to embrace it. I find bigger noses cuter nowadays actually), tissue is "missing" under my eyes (causing permanent dark circles ever since I was 10~ish y/o), long chin which simultaneously looks weak from the side.

Sorry if this sounded whiny, I'm just very self conscious about my appearance. :/

No. 192165

Kek this thread got necroed today and coincidentally, I got called ugly and 'retarded looking' by two complete strangers. Perks of being an ugly girl, I guess.

No. 192167

oh, i see. i think that maybe fillers under your eyes would help your appearance but not look too drastic.

i think contouring could help with a weak chin and maybe your nose

No. 192169

Yeah, that'd probably be the first thing if I do actually decide to get something done.

Thanks for the advice! :) I do actually contour my chin, can't really get my nose to look ~natural~, always endd up looking obvious that I contoured, but practice makes perfect I guess haha

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