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No. 191069

Is anyone in a interracial relationship right now? Even if you're not, discuss your thoughts, feelings, experiences, hesitations, fears, etc. about them.

My relationships have always been interracial because of where I live and even though my boyfriend is Hispanic like my exes, he looks extremely white because he's mixed - colored eyes, light hair, pale skin, etc. I've been kind of afraid of what people might think because I'm an Asian girl. I wouldn't ever stop dating him because of this, but I don't want people to assume I'm self-hating, hate Asian guys, or worship white dudes, as is the stereotype. I'm really proud of my heritage and would've dated one if I could ever find one who didn't look and act like the usual Asian American guy (tan, buff, not boyish/pretty, doesn't care about his culture, doesn't speak his parent language, etc.) I've never gotten weird looks or anything but I wonder how people would feel if we moved to a place that had a higher white/Asian population. Maybe I'm just too in my head about it.

No. 191075>>191100

I'm a white girl dating a filipino/white mixed guy. There isn't really much to say about it really, it's probably different since he's the product of an interracial relationship. All of his aunts/uncles on his filipino side married people of other races too so nobody's really surprised or concerned.

That has nothing to do with your post op sorry. I grew up in a diverse area and my family has a bunch of interracial marriages (I actually have an asian aunt on both sides of my family) so Ive never thought people who date outside their race had any ill intentions.

Any person who would judge just from seeing you dating a non-Asian guy are probably completely useless people you shouldn't fret over.

No. 191078>>191079>>191100>>191481>>191494>>191694>>191710

I'm a half asian female (I look more asian though) dating a white guy and it's kind of weird because I found out he was a white supremacist with a raging yellow fever pretty early in the relationship and he's very much into race play.

Our families are pretty accepting and where I live it isnt uncommon to see white guys and asian girls.

No. 191079

>I found out he was a white supremacist with a raging yellow fever pretty early in the relationship and he's very much into race play.
You just described nearly every male on the internet

No. 191081

I find it very strange. I'm "white" (third world mutt that passes as white even to foreigners) and I'm unable to feel attracted to any other race. They all look the same to me. I like the way asians look (inb4 "there's no such thing as asian features, you racist piggu!") but I'm not really attracted to them and wouldn't date one.

So yeah. Interracial is weird.

No. 191097>>191100>>191101

It hasn't got as much to do with race as it has to do with culture. I'm white and European and my parents would disown me if I had a serious relationship with someone who wasn't like us. I think they fear that a foreigner will convince me to leave the country and trap me in whatever their country of origin is or that it's normal to beat women where they're from or that I'll convert religion and never be allowed to see them again.

Tbh they're all valid fears and I can't see myself ever being with someone of another culture unless I really loved them and they really adapted to life here.

No. 191100>>191137

I think it's relevant to my post :) I grew up thinking not accepting interracial relationships was pretty backwards but once I got on the internet I read about the things that >>191078 talks about. Before in my experience it was mostly girls being fetishized but with the rise of K-pop, I also see Asian men being desired in a objectified way. Where I live, non-Hispanic (white, Asian, black, etc.) people are put on pedestal/fuck list because we're exotic. It's very degrading.

I guess it's mostly the internet that's polluted my mind, mostly AA oriented Reddit subs (r/hapas and /asianamericans) and they concern me because some of posters (hapas especially) really do seem off their rocker about this. Another thing I wouldn't appreciate is my boyfriend's heritage being erased by these people if he's seen with me. Initially he looks just plain white, but if you isolate some of his features like eyebrows, facial hair, nose, etc. he's an archetype of the "white" Latino - kinda like Elvis the Alien lol. He doesn't even like it when his/our friends distill him to being only one race in non joking manner.

As an American here I find it has just as much to do with race as it does culture. My dad has brought up concerns about my bf being able to communicate with him and my mom, but my mom prefers I not marry someone from my native country since she's afraid wouldn't treat me well as per the marriage culture there.

No. 191101

I agree with the culture thing, I'm mixed race (half white but I don't look white) and I grew up in pure small town American suburbia with mostly white nerd friends, I can't begin to imagine dating someone from the non-white non-American part of my heritage. I feel really out-of-place when I stay with that side of my family.

As for dating, I've never had any serious relationships and the one guy I did casually date was white. I tend to be attracted to white guys or mixed guys.

No. 191114>>191138

Black girl dating a biracial (white/hispanic) guy here.

It's definitely the strangest relationship I've ever been. I was apprehensive about dating out of my race for a bunch of reasons, cultural stigma being one. It's strange not really because we have cultural conflicts (although I will say we are not really above this or never dealt with that as an issue), but rather that everyone else continues to make it out to be one. I've had to deal with both his family and mine making speculations about the looks of our babies, "friends" commenting on my self-esteem or my education or worrying if he's fetishizing me, etc. He also has friends who say racially awkward things without taking me into consideration when we hang out, and that really puts me off. Luckily his parents like me, but then mine hate him.

We have gotten stares, but I live in a white-majority country so that's not a shocker even though I feel uncomfortable as fuck when he holds my hand sometimes. I understand where you're coming from OP. If this relationship doesn't work out, I'd probably never do it again… It's way too stressful and if he wasn't the person he is, I wouldn't do it.

No. 191134

I'm hapa so all of my relationships are automatically interracial lol.

I have only dated white guys, but thats just bc I live in a predominantly white country. I would be open to dating anyone, although I am almost exclusively attracted to white guys and asians (as long as they don't fit the k-pop mould).

No. 191137>>191172>>191241

>As an American here I find it has just as much to do with race as it does culture
Well no offence but when you all share the same cookie cutter culture then it becomes about race.

I'm a white European dating another white European from a different country, and our 'native' religions also differ (I'm Orthodox/atheist, he's Lutheran). It's still a problem sometimes. I know Americans think all white people are the same but I'm still treated differently by him and his friends than I would be if I was a typical girl from his country, and vice versa.

Honestly our relationship wouldn't work out if we weren't communicating well, but we tell each other everything on our minds and are able to talk it out so it's good.

I personally would never be able to be with someone who thought less of me or was condescending because I came from a culture he thought was inferior to his, and I've actually met a lot of guys like that. Like a big chunk of lonely European and American men go to Thailand or the Philippines to get a gf there because they think they're submissive and stupid/gullible and will settle for any white guy.

I've even been hit on by an Irish man who asked me if arranged marriages were a thing in my country and wanted to 'save me' from one. He was 100% serious too, I'd never laughed so hard. Most of them are stupid Anglo tourists that we laugh at when they leave.

No. 191138>>191233

That's shitty of them, you'd think they would look past all of that and not place you in a situation where you feel uncomfortable.

My old roommates were married and she was black and he was Arabic. Anytime we would go out to eat or go on campus to hang out people would constantly treat them both as unequals with nasty glares or rude remarks. It's really shit I'm sorry you gotta go through it, anon.

No. 191146>>191233

Fuck what anyone else thinks. I know its hard, but it's your relationship, not anyone else's. If they assume things about your relationship just because of your races, they're probably not people you want to get too close to in the first place.
Me and my SO are in the same racial categories as you guys, except I'm also mixed with Arab. I've gotten shit from guys on both sides of my family for being with a "white" guy, which honestly I find kind of creepy. Ultimately, a mixed guy understands how I feel about race better than a guy who is just Asian, or just Arab, and is less likely to be conservative and treat me terribly.

At the same time, I definitely wouldn't date a guy who is only or mostly white though. I've done that, and they make up for their lack of culture by mocking yours. Not worth it.

No. 191172>>191193

Arranged marriages are very much still a thing in Europe in certain parts.

No. 191179>>191233

I'm mixed black and SEAsian and I've only dated white guys. Met them all online so that's probably why.

My current bf has one Russian immigrant parent, so we can kind of relate as multicultural people. He's not a white supremacist, nor is he one of those whiny white guilt types, so we really just enjoy each other as people.

Being mixed from two very different cultures with ties to both, you learn to take cultural differences from people in stride. Won't stop me from enjoying white people memes tho.

No. 191182

1/4th asian, look white, dating(engaged to) a chinese boy from hong kong. he came to school in the US and i met him that way. he's got aspergers so his parents seem more happy that he's not dead, plus they're not very traditional anyways. I've actually gotten weird looks/comments from people and i live in the north so, dunno. I have some trouble with him being weirded out by PDA, especially around our friends and a few other things, but he seems more westernized than anything.

No. 191186

I am a hapa but I look hella Southern European and my bf is half native half Mexican so it's an interesting combo but it has brought many great things into our relationship. For example, our cultural differences makes it a really odd relationship but it does create this intriguing experience cause let me tell you, I have to learn a lot of things just to impress his family, stuff that I've honestly wouldn't have think twice in knowing and it allowed my
Perspective in things and people to broaden.

Plus he's extremely handsome and pampers me a whole lot which I enjoy sit here's that too haha

No. 191193

>in MY country

No. 191233>>191241>>191254


thanks for the kind words, anon

it's true though. like it's the stereotypes that affect us both cause this fuss for other people - i know that my boyfriend struggles with accepting that he is considered an "other" (he doesn't look totally white but whiteness is all he knows from his parents) but that i am also stereotyped way more than he is (as a black woman). i also meme about white people because of shit like what >>191146
said ("they make up for their lack of culture by mocking yours") – my bf actually made an implication about me and bikes once, even (okay, granted, that was nearly fifteen years ago, but fucking really) so i think i get a pass since i have to deal with the conflict so often. trade off.


virtually all dudes dating online are white, and it is so weird to me, but i feel like people use tinder/apps or whatever now… since there are many who date asian/biracial men in this thread, how did you all meet your partners?

No. 191241>>191387

lol yes offense. you do know that even between states there's a lot of culture difference right? we both were raised in the same state so in some settings our american identities take precedence over our native culture, especially when socializing with peers.

ngl we make white jokes all the time >>191233 i think it's cool he can step back and have fun with it, but i do get uncomfortable when my more SJW friends start becoming more aggressive about white people, because it's like hey, don't direct any of this towards him he's still from the same culture as you…

i met mine in college a few months ago. we both work as TA's during the same class but we got to know one another more as we started hanging around the computer science lab at the same time. i don't use tinder because i'm still kind of young and the scene is kind of trash here, so i feel like the desired guys aren't looking online - they're getting enough attention offline. plus i'm afraid of being fetishized
(weeb/koreaboo culture down here is gaining traction) + don't like knowing that my potential spouse was/could've been talking to other girls as they struck up conversation w me. my personal hang ups tho.

No. 191254

I met mine through the PS4 haha. A friend of mine invited him to our party chat. I thought he was cool and interesting. Then we slowly started only chatting with just the two of us. Which escalated to full blown flirting with the most corniest and cheesiest stupid pick up lines and compliments and then we just told each other our honest feelings and we've been together for almost a year now. I'll be visiting him by the end of May hopefully but The funny thing is, this only happened cause of a console. Although I will be honest with you, I was quite weary of him because we never know who they actually are right? Cat fishing has increased significantly but I'm glad that didn't happen to me.

I ramble too much, sorry!!

No. 191267

I'm white American and only date Asian and African guys (from those parts of the world). My mom doesn't care and is actually happy I don't date white guys, because my boyfriends always spoil me and don't expect me to work/cook/clean and baby them. I've gone out on dates with a few white Europeans, Asian Americans, and Latinos but prefer being spoiled and taken care of, so always return to men from a few key countries. My exes families usually are cautious of me, but grow to like me and treat me as a member of the family. I love seeing other people in interracial relationships, and haven't had many people seem to disapprove of my relationships. I love the guys I choose to date because they are so excited to date a white girl (lol), and they are educated gentlemen. I have nothing against any race of men, but prefer certain looks and cultures.

No. 191300

I'm mixed (b/w) and dating a Mexican guy. my family probably expected this, they used to make jokes about me not actually being black (grew up in a predominantly white city, act "white", talk "white" according to other black people).

my bf actually has a thing for black girls, and so do most of his (also Mexican) friends. didn't know it was such a big thing. anyway I was concerned at first that his parents wouldn't like me because I'm mixed, but they don't really seem to care. I was also initially concerned about an interacial relationship because of my hair actually, I'd grown up ashamed of it and didn't think anyone who wasn't black or mixed with black would be able to think it was pretty. luckily my bf loves it. my bf is my only relationship, so I have no other experience. almost dated a white girl in high school but it probably wouldn't have worked out lol.

No. 191374

Most of my relationships were WMAF and so is my current relationship. I was interested in this black guy (Nigerian immigrant parents) but turns out he was a mentally ill incel… I was so disturbed and disgusted.

I fear of getting judged too when I'm in a WMAF relationship but I try to shrug it off

No. 191387>>191389>>191392>>191411>>191419

>even between states there's a lot of culture difference right
Yeah, yours is Wendy's territory, theirs is Burger King. Or you call soda different names. Some culture alright.

No. 191389>>191396

You're really going to argue that there is no cultural differences between Louisiana and Oregon? Or Hawaii and Alaska? Or California and Nebraska?

No. 191392>>191396

If you're the same anon can you stop shitting up the thread with your posting that's been OT from the start.

No. 191396>>191397

…yes? You all speak the same language, wear the same shit and have similar customs.
Only if you beg for it

No. 191397

>You all speak the same language
The sad part is dumb sheltered Americans think this, too. Also by that logic Ireland has the same culture as us.

No. 191411>>191428>>191475>>191500


Shut up you stupid European.

No. 191419>>191428>>191433>>191475>>191500

Get off the internet. We americans made the internet so buzz off back to europoor nation where YOU BELONG.

No. 191428>>191430

I was having a bad day, but reading these posts cheered me up because they're so over the top and silly that I couldn't help but smile. Thank you.
Keep doing what you're doing.

No. 191430

glad our shitposts make you smile. stay gold anon

No. 191433

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No. 191464>>191473

Dated a couple of asians
Never again.
One had short man syndrome and was really full of himself
The other one had mommy issues and would yell over the slightest thing
I'm with a white guy now and it's just so much better, jesus

No. 191468>>191709

I'm a white American and my boyfriend is Japanese. My parents don't care at all and want me to be happy, his parents are pretty traditional and are wary of me. One day I hope to win them over. We obviously have some cultural differences but we always take the time to learn from and talk out our misunderstandings. We're just happy and in love lol. We did fight a lot in the beginning though over cultural misunderstandings. It went away with time.

No. 191473>>191478

What ethnicities specifically?

No. 191475

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A+ shitposting, never change

No. 191478

The short one was Malaysian and the one with anger problems and mommy issues was Korean

No. 191480>>191502>>191713

does it count as interracial when my bf is turkish and me russian? lol

No. 191481

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i thought it was supposed to be a meme

No. 191494

Why are you with him? Is it because you're half white so the raceplay doesn't bother you a lot? Genuinely curious, I couldn't imagine being in that kind of relationship.

No. 191500

No. 191502


Well I see lots of guys married with Russian girls here, it's pretty common.

No. 191519

i'm white and my bf is latino but is often mistaken for middle eastern. only very old people notice or care about us being interracial, but then again we live in canada.

No. 191540>>191568>>191578>>193399

I'm black/white and my boyfriend is Palestinian. I haven't experienced any major issues when it comes to having an interracial relationship. I love learning about other cultures so it was never a big deal to me. Middle Easterners are always so dramatic so there's never a dull moment.

His father is pretty traditional/Muslim and dating is frowned upon in their culture, especially for teenagers. We started dating in highschool and for the first few years of our relationship we had to sneak around and I wasn't allowed to go to family functions with him. It was kinda hard to deal with at first, but we've been dating for 8 years and his family has warmed up to me a lot since then. He also has family in the Middle East so hopefully I'll get to visit sometime. I really want to travel but I've barely been out of the US.

I think the only cultural issues my bf and I have had were over religion. He was raised Muslim and I was raised with out any religion, so we've butted heads quite a few times. Especially since I was an Athiest for the first few years of our relationship. I took too much LSD one summer and got all spiritual, so I tried the Muslim thing for a year, didn't like it, and went back to being religious-less. He's never tried to convert me or anything and we both respect each others beliefs and differences in world views. I know a lot of couples struggle with differences in faith, but we get along just fine.

No. 191568>>191841

How did LSD make you decide to convert to Islam?

No. 191569>>191579>>191726

White female here dating a Samoan guy. Aside from him being built like a bear he's a real sweetheart. I'm just a bit afraid of his very 'passionate' family.

No. 191578

Enjoy being called abeed, Levantine arabs are the worst of all. :) They well treat you lower than human waste, he will eventually leave you for an Arab girl once he considers marriage

No. 191579>>193429

Polynesians are chill, nothing to worry about. You'll probably get a really nice MIL if you two decide to get married.

No. 191636>>191637

I kinda feel weird dating someone who has a fetish for black women (despite me telling them I'm half Chinese), does anyone else share this same feeling?
I mean, it's not like they said anything offensive or dated me due to stereotypes, but it feels weird.

No. 191637

Race fetishists are usually freaks, there's nothing wrong with wanting to avoid them

No. 191648

White European dating a Korean guy for the past few years. Never had any problems in my own country but when visiting Korea I often heard some remarks like how "skilled" my bf is for being able to date me lol

No. 191660

i'm white and my gf is asian. we occasionally get some weird looks when we go out on dates, but mostly from old ppl. also i'm a girl anyway so its not really possible to tell if the people who give us weird looks are doing it bc we're both girls or bc we're interracial. but you know, its pretty much fine 100%.
it maybe stands out a little more bc my country is almost entirely filled w/ white people so anyone nonwhite immediately stands out anyway. But I don't think its weird to date interracially as long as you can be willing to learn about your partner's culture and try to get involved and stuff.
also, she hasn't come out to her parents yet and they are probably gna double hate me bc im not only white but also a girl and to them i am the absolute worst partner for their daughter. but, eh, its whatever. I dont really mind if her mother blames me/dislikes me etc, as long as she (my gf) doesn't get upset abt it. we have a very happy and nice relationship though anyway

No. 191694>>191802

>white guy and it's kind of weird because I found out he was a white supremacist with a raging yellow fever pretty early in the relationship and he's very much into race play
I've never been able to understand this meme

>"g-guys we've got to save the white race!"

has kids with a filipino girl
Honorary aryan?

No. 191709

Why is it when a non-white parents' are hesitant of interracial relationships, white people are accommodating of this ("oh it's just traditional") but if a white father is hesitant of his daughter dating a black guy its front page on Buzzfeed? ("See this AWESOME anti-racist girl TAKE DOWN her BIGOT PARENTS!")

No. 191710>>192405

I think it's the same with lots of races right? The whole 'hate the men, love the women' attitude is widespread, look at /r/asianmasculinity or /r/aznidentity. They hate white guys yet love white women.

No. 191712

With IR relationships the kid usually takes the identity of his father, so a kid of a white dad will regard himself as "more white" but a kid of say, a Korean father and a White mother will regard himself as more Korean.

The problem here is that it can lead to tension if the dad has an issue with his wife's race. Think about it, in an IR relationship or marriage one partner always has recourse to be racially abusive, something that doesn't occur in same-race relationships.

I can't imagine having a kid who would grow up to hate his or her's mother's race.

No. 191713

Depends, some Turks look like Europeans and some don't

No. 191723>>191731>>191734

I got fucking raged at when I rambled about my interactions with the Chinese family of my bf while being white. Someone can tell me what it's about? Is it like weaboo jealousy or a hate for Chinese people in general?

No. 191726>>193429

Man, I wish I could get an islander bf. I find them super attractive and I like how big they are.

I've never really spent much time with them except the occasional maori girl though, am I right in thinking I probably wouldn't click with one if I'm too quiet/serious? I know it's generalizing but still.

No. 191731

Some people on this site are really racist toward the Chinese for whatever reason.

No. 191734>>191735

No one raged at you nigga. They just asked you why you were dating a Chinese guy and then complaining about his family being shitty towards you.

That's just what East Asians are like in general. Muh filial piety will preclude him ever standing up for you against them, that's something you've got to understand.

And shit. No one is jealous of someone for dating a Chinese dude. Don't make us laugh. Outside of niche asiaphile communities, Asian men are viewed as undesirable by most non-Asian girls and dating one is viewed as an opposite of a status symbol. What planet are you on?

No. 191735>>191737

'cause I live with him and like HIM, not his family? It doesn't sound that weird to me. Where I live, people don't stay really close with their parents passed a certain age.
Why are you even this mad?

No. 191737>>191747

Farmer I… Where did you even get I was mad from that? It's annoyance. Annoyance at your ignorance of a really basic racial/cultural difference.

Not everyone on earth is the same. Not all races are the same and it's not a case of our differences being merely what cuisines we eat and minor cosmetic stuff, in some cases it cuts right to the core of what we consider values. That's something you really should be aware of if you're above the age of 18.

No. 191738>>191739>>191799

I'm white and my only gf was Asian. I honestly really didn't even think about the race thing. She was just a cute girl I liked. It's not like Americanized asians are any different from white people. The only time it ever mattered was when her mom would scream shit at her in Vietnamese and I would have no idea what she was saying which was uncomfortable because my ex used to just shrug it off and never tell me what they were fighting about. I think she cared more about race than me in retrospect because she used to wear green contacts and one told me she first felt like she loved me when the light hit my green eyes once on the beach (which I found incredibly shallow and disappointing).

I don't really care if people are going to judge me for stupid things like race because it reflects way more on them than it does me. I'd just judge them as being stupid racist morons if they had a problem with me dating someone of another race, and I really don't give a shit what stupid racist morons think about me.

No. 191739

>It's not like Americanized asians are any different from white people.


^ The guy who fed them the intel was a second-generation Chinese-American who now lives in Asia. He'd disagree with you, clearly there are differences.

>which I found incredibly shallow and disappointing

Anon. If black people can take pride in their natural hair and asian people their eye folds then you should be able to take pride in your green eyes.

Nothing wrong with beautiful features.

No. 191747>>191748

What are you even rambling about? I can't vent (in the vent thread) about shitty bf family talking shit literally to my face bc muh cultural differences? What even.
And yeah, I grew up in deep rural western Europe. There wasn't any cultural diversity, at the time. I think he literally is the first Asian person I've ever came to meet, at the age of 19, that wasn't the waiter of the only Chinese restaurant in the area I grew up in.
Are you aware not everyone has the chance to grow up in a big town? But yeah, I guess I should I have somehow been infused about the knowledge of other cultures (no Internet wasn't a thing at the time, especially considering the fact English isn't my native language).

No. 191748>>191750>>191753

You don't need to be exposed to people of other races to understand deep-seated racial differences exist.

I guess I just don't understand why it came as a shock to you. Did you think all races were exactly the same?

Anyway, that's how he is and how he's going to be. You must have low self-esteem if you're going to sit around a dinner table while your boyfriend's family shit-talks you in their own language and he keeps quiet.

No. 191750

>Anyway, that's how he is and how he's going to be. You must have low self-esteem if you're going to sit around a dinner table while your boyfriend's family shit-talks you in their own language and he keeps quiet.

To add on to this. My family also speak another language, but we've never uniformly spoken in our language around guests at a dinner table. That's peasant-tier behavior.

No. 191751>>191756>>191788

I'm a black girl with an Indian bf. He's real sweet but his parents have so much control over him. Of course his mom(not his father for some reason)hates me and wants him to marry someone white or Indian. I'm not sure why she feels Indians are better than black people, considering they're just as dark as us and have just as bad of a reputation.

No. 191752

man, the OP pic puts me off of writing anything

>saged for Saldana the buzz kill

No. 191753>>191755

You don't need to be exposed to different things to be aware they exist? You just conjure them in your mind from nothingness?
I accepted it anyway, because I love him. But it still shitty and I still sometimes complain about it.

No. 191755>>191758

>You just conjure them in your mind from nothingness?

Do I need to see it in person to know that Muslims shove their asses in the air to pray?

>I accepted it anyway, because I love him.

Doormat with low self-esteem.

No. 191756>>191757

They're hypocrites too because if it were their daughter getting it on with a white guy they'd be outraged.

No. 191757

No I don't think they would be mad because they want their kids to marry white people. They want their kids to have a higher social status.

No. 191758>>191759

Well, if you didn't see it in reality, learn it in school or see it on TV, yes.
I know it's weird but information wasn't as easy to get as it is now.

No. 191759>>191762

It's just odd to me that your parents would raise you believing that all races are exactly the same and that you wouldn't at least guess there are some basic differences from reading books and stuff.

Honestly anon, it's not a huge deal for Chang to turn around to his parents and ask them politely not to shit-talk the woman he supposedly loves in front of him when she's a guest at their house.

I mean I come from a pretty traditional family too but that sort of rudeness is alien to us. Some Chinese people just baffle me.

No. 191762>>191763>>191764

Actually, my parents were 'jokingly' racists and told me about disowning me if I would bring a black or Arab man home (nothing about Asians tho, so I guess it was a grey area?)
All my books were either bought from the supermarket or came from the tiny library. There wasn't much choice.
> Mom, I'm home from the library.
> What have you got honey?
> 'The intricacies of dating an Asian man in your late 20's'

Joking, but really, it was only cows and white people, no information on the outside world.

And yeah, he tells them, but they do it the next time. I' ve tried to be really nice, I've tried not to go, but besides him not going at all (and I don't want him to stop seeing them because of me), I just can't sway them.

No. 191763>>191764

This is what turns me off about Indian and Asian men, they're such betas up against their parents.

No. 191764>>191765

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I just think it reflects badly on you too, since you represent your family - who (as far as I can tell) have been good to this chang kid. And then his family turn around and treat you like shit. It's like they have no idea of reciprocity. Pisses me off. You should feel offended on behalf of your parents too if that's the case, since their kindness is being taken advantage of here, in a roundabout sort of way.

I'm guessing you're French too. Unfortunately there are lots of primitives from Wenzhou in France, weren't a few of them rioting a few months back?

An Asian would counter this by saying that you aren't respectful enough to your parents (which has a ring of truth to it, no denying that), but the thing is… Everything to Asians is about subservience. There's no concept of a justly earned respect that's voluntarily given.

It's just pure animal obedience to whoever is your "superior". Look at the kowtow, it's a way of deliberately making yourself as small as possible, in the same way some burrowing animals do.

Literal animal behavior.

No. 191765>>191766>>191767>>191772>>191774

I've cut ties with my parents 5+y ago and moved countries. They are backward racists and anti-gay. I don't regret doing it for a second, but it was my own decision. I don't know what they think about him but I guess it's something like not being happy about it while thinking it could be worse.
You're kinda projecting, I think and I think you should get that checked. You're right about the French thing, tho.

No. 191766>>191768

>cut ties with my parents
>because they don't like the idea of me dating some Maghrebi trash

Fucking lol.

You're more of a trainwreck than I expected. Carry on.

No. 191767>>191769

And don't you find it a bit odd to break ties with your parents for their "racism" but you're ok with a guy who is complicit in his parents' racism toward you?

Is having some pindicked fetish boyfriend for the sake of animes and idorus really worth all that?

No. 191768

Yeah, that's totally what I've said, anon.

No. 191769>>191770

At least, I have my answer now. It was just plain ol' racism. Got it.

No. 191770

You're the one ok with having racist parents-in-law with a husband who doesn't care if they racially insult his own SO from a culture where they're probably going to be up your ass for the rest of your life if you marry him. Don't lecture me.

No. 191772>>191773>>191775

>cut ties with my parents because they're racist and anti-gay
>instead I'm going to fuck some Chinese guy whose parents are equally racist and be okay with them directing his whole life and hating me because I'm white

No. 191773

Really odd isn't it?

I'm glad I'm not the only one scratching my head at this whole story.

No. 191774>>191776


Holy shit, you have this impeccable mix of unwarranted self importance and utter stupidity anon.

It's actually amazing.

No. 191775>>191785>>191804>>191813


Sometimes I can't help but feel like asiaphile girls are worse than asiaphile dudes. At least the average dude would probably stand up for himself in a situation like this, even if he's yellow fever to the bone.

No. 191776>>191784

>impeccable mix of unwarranted self importance and utter stupidity
It's just called being French

No. 191777>>191782

Latina here and have only dated outside of my race. My first bf was Puerto Rican but he kept making jabs at my parents for being Mexican so I dumped his ass real fast.
From then on I've only dated Japanese men. No problems so far but it does help that I speak the language well enough to communicate during disagreements.
It was hard weeding out fucking gaijin hunters though. Never understood the stereotype of Japanese men being shy because some will flat out talk nasty to you on first meeting because you're "an american slut". I also had a lot of men that wanted to use me as a free English teacher.
My current bf doesn't really regard me as American and when I visit him it's never an issue. I guess my only thing is he hasn't told his parents about me. I'm a little worried that they won't like me but he's not really close with his family so I know he'll take my side.
My parents hate the idea of me dating a Japanese man only because I plan to move over there. They also fully expect me to find a Mexican worker who'll make me pop out babies every month. Not exaggerating either that's what my mom wants

No. 191782>>192968

I don't understand why women will exclude men of other races just to exclusively date 4/10 Asian men. I can understand if you're only dating the cute Asian men but most of the time those guys only want to seriously date Asian women.

No. 191784



No. 191785

At least yellow fever men end up marrying the woman and having some little Elliot's to love, asiaphile girls just spend the rest of their lives being pumped and dumped by various Asian men because they guy has no interest in marrying them and they accept it because "omg Kpop boyfriend!".

No. 191788>>191789

> I'm not sure why she feels Indians are better than black people
Indians have a history of civilization and significant historical achievements. Thousands of years ago, they had impressive architecture, law, writing systems, technological advancements, and culture. (Although things have gotten a bit shitty since then)

Africans were still at literal stone-age level until white and Arabs came.

They never even invented the wheel, let alone figured out how to smelt metals. They didn't have writing systems, their languages are incredibly basic and primitive.

Hundreds/thousands of years ago, white men and East Asian men built amazing civilizations, architecture, and cities. While at the same time, Africans literally never advanced past the stone-age.

Basically Africans are dumb, very low IQ, if I was Indian I still wouldn't like blacks either.

No. 191789

its amazing how easy it is to spot posts from robots who come from r9k.

No. 191799

As an actual Vietnamese person, yes Americanized ones are different from the fobby ones lol what are you on about. For example Americanized ones have less inclination for filial piety and more desire for individualism. They also tend to be more outgoing (and sometimes slutty) and do not want to learn about the country or the language. I don't get along with second-gens like I do first gens.

No. 191802

I honestly don't understand either, but my bf and a lot of other modern white supremacist people are anything but traditional and wouldn't save the white race marrying an asian woman or not

No. 191804

The men are just your garden variety racial fetishists whereas the women tend to be mentally screwed up on a whole other level, venus, margaret, kanadajin, those sad girls who whore in kabuchiko etc.

That stuff is born from girls who lack an identity of their own. Let's not overstate things though. Asian men aren't viewed as desirable by the vast majority of non Asian women.

No. 191813>>191820>>192601

I've never dated an Asian man, but are they all like this? If you do end up marrying one, are you just going to have to accept that his family will hate you? And your only choice is meekly submitting or standing up for yourself and then alienating the entire family?

No. 191820>>191823>>192606

No, you just need to get one that isn't traditional. Traditional asian men are the worst and their moms are even worse. You need to get the more westernized ones or they're just in it for the non-asian pussy.

No. 191823>>192333

That's where appearances can be deceptive though. "Westernized" can often just mean superficial traits, when on the inside they're still hardcore.

Watch out for anyone with mixed loyalties as far as their home lands go. That's a dead giveaway. Call me old fashioned but I don't think you can be loyal to both China and America in this day and age.

No. 191841

I was dosing a lot that summer and was researching a lot of random spiritual movements. The stuff I was reading/watching and the psychedelics kinda went to my head, so I decided to try being "spiritual". I'd never been a part of any religion, and with my boyfriend being Muslim I figured I should try that instead of some new age bullshit. Islam is OK but at the end of the day I honestly can't stand any religious movement so I stopped trying.

No. 192331

race mixing is gross

No. 192333

I definitely agree. My bf is from Hong Kong so there's not much loyalty there and his family hates the mainland and are super progressive.

No. 192339>>192342>>192605

Which country or ethnical group has the most faithful men fam?

No. 192342>>192343

From a southern european perspective probably northwestern Europeans. At the very least you're not going to be with a man whose culture views male cheating as ok. Here's how I'd say it breaks down.

Worst tier:


Bad tier:

Chinese and Koreans.

Meh tier:

Italians, Spaniards, Slavs and Greeks.

Best you're going to get tier:

Scandinavians, Germans.

I'd list blacks but I find them too repugnant to ever consider dating one even hypothetically.

No. 192343>>192344>>192346

Curious about Chinese and Koreans. What's the deal with that?

No. 192344>>192345>>192346

Isn't cheating and having mistresses really ingrained into their culture?

No. 192345>>192347>>192603


alot of them cheat if their gf/wife isn't acting how they want. chinese and koreans are really misogynistic so they don't wanna stay with someone who's not really obedient.

No. 192346

What >>192344 said. They used to be polygamous cultures and they never really shook that off. What you have to understand about Chinese and Korean culture is that most Chinese and Korean women don't really care if their husband cheats, so if you kick up a stink as a foreign wife you're going to look like an idiot who nobody sympathises with.

No. 192347>>192351

It has nothing to do with how obedient you are Koreaboo lol. You'll get cheated on eventually even if you're the perfect wife.

No. 192350

My own people are more likely to cheat than germans and scandis but I don't think Italian culture at least looks as forgiving on male cheaters as Chinese and Korean culture does. They're still considered to be scumbags and it's something they'll feel ashamed of if they get caught. Slavs are sort of similar. Maybe a slavic anon can tell you more.

North American whites are more similar to the northwestern European standard I mentioned earlier I think. But again I couldn't say for sure.

No. 192351>>192352


who the fuck was defending them, i just said it has nothing to do with whatever weird k-drama mistress culture bs anon was talking about. that's not part of korean history at all.

No. 192352>>192353>>192355

Koreans never had monogamy culture.

No. 192353>>192357

wrong, korea was confucian for most of it's existence.

No. 192355

What are you talking about?

No. 192356>>192377>>192450

Purépecha girl dating a Nigerian girl, we get a lot of criticism from both sides of the family. My side wanted me to be with a European man, her side wanted her to be with a American/European man. Funny how were absolutely nothing what they expected. We get looks from strangers and sometimes get yelled slurs in public. However we get along very well, our cultural differences haven't been a problem at all in our relationship. I didn't seek a specific race/ethnicity, love just happened. We are soon to adopt a Nigerian 15 year old girl in October.

No. 192357>>192370

So was China and they were a polygamy culture. Same as Korea.

Korea never had monogamy culture system until westerners brought it over.

No. 192370>>192523

china as a whole wasn't confucian but the sects that were definitely wasn't polygamous. korea became christian so easily because confucianism is so similar.

No. 192377

That warms my heart, anon. Hope you guys stay happy.

No. 192405

Yea the posts on those subreddits are kind of disturbing… They generalize most asian girls as self-hating for being in interracial relationships and want to shun them in hopes of sending a message. On the other hand, they praise an asian guy for being in an interracial relationship. So if OP is looking at those subreddits I can see where the worry about perception comes from

No. 192424>>192454

Did anyone else start craving a black BF after being incidentally exposed to BBC/interracial porn online?

No. 192450

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Wishing you the best, anon. Hope the adoption goes well later this year.

No. 192454

Sup robot

No. 192469>>192473>>192477>>192478>>192482>>192484

I'm white-passing North African and my boyfriend is Indian British (doesn't look really indian though, apparently there was some mixing in the family long ago). Haven't met his parents yet but they seem cool and nice, just a bit controling. He says they're going to love me and that I'm basically the exact type of girl they wanted him to date. I'm still worried though, especially after reading so many bad experiences with Indian parents.

No. 192473>>192479


Do they poo in loo?

No. 192477>>192479

What's their designated shitting street?

No. 192478>>192479

Maghrebis are a special kind of subhuman

No. 192479

I wonder who could be behind these posts.
Fuck off /pol/ and/or /r9k/

No. 192482>>192485>>192522

My bf is Indian and I've been with him 7 months and his parents still have no idea of my existence

No. 192484>>192485

I'm Chinese, and my Indian ex's parents never had a problem with me. My ex's mom was super sweet while I stayed at her house. Never noticed anything in particular from his extended family either. Not all parents of a culture are the same, so just be optimistic and see how things go.

No. 192485>>192530

Was it your boyfriend's choice not to tell them about you? How do you feel about it?
Thank you, glad to hear someone had a good experience for once. My bf's mother sounds so sweet and interesting from the things he tells me, I hope she'll be that way whem meet.

No. 192487>>192521>>192524>>192529>>192604

I'm white and I've dated various races successfully, but I have an ex who is Korean and abusive af, and he blamed all his abusive behaviors on his heritage (despite being raised in America). Left a real bad taste in my mouth, ngl. Hopefully he dies alone.

No. 192521

Lel dumb koreaboo.

No. 192522

Have some self respect you idiot. Again, if he doesn't stand up for you now he never will.

Why do people put themselves through this unhappiness just to seem trendy or satisfy some weird race fetish?

No. 192523

Literally every statement here is wrong. Confucianism doesn't have anything to do with monogamy, isn't similar to Christianity (it's not even a metaphysical philosophy) and was born in China.

No. 192524

I remember reading about this phenomenon of "born again Koreans" among Korean Americans who turn into nationalists around college age.

No. 192529

White European, Asian bf born and raised in US.
His parents are very traditional so he hasn't told them about me yet (they expect him to get asian waifu), and I have never met them. But I will be staying at their house soon, with the excuse that I'm a friend from college.
My parents know about him and are cool with it though.

That's fucked up. Using culture as an excuse to be abusive is not cool.

No. 192530

Good luck anon!

No. 192601

Not all Asian families are like that. Many are happy to welcome another race despite the stereotype.

No. 192603>>192631

Um no anon. Chinese and Korean guys are beaten down by women, and most are not looking for obedient wives.

No. 192604>>192631

Korean raised in America is just American.

No. 192605>>192631

Depends on the person. Cheating is looked down on everywhere, so just find yourself a good man. They exist in every race and culture, despite what the Chinese/black men haters say.

No. 192606>>192620

All my Asian exes are rather traditional and I never had an issue really (except they prefer white people/women). The parents always come around in the end, they just want what is best for their children so of course they are suspicious at first. If you like a certain race, then date them lol

No. 192620>>192629>>192631

>they just want what is best for their children so of course they are suspicious at first
this tbh. idk why people expect parents to welcome you with open arms no matter what.

anyway plenty of monoracial couples deal with parents hating them for no good reason, so why is it so different when the parents aren't white.

No. 192629

It's more that white parents wouldn't be shown such tolerance by people like you and the person you're replying to if they wanted their daughter to date a white guy.

It's part of a broader double standard that views east asian racism in a softer light. Not commenting on the value of their belief systems or not, but there's definitely a double standard there.

No. 192631>>192633>>192811>>192951

The hen pecked husband stereotype is only true for a minority and then only really true for old couples. And you could realistically say that's true for a lot of old couples regardless of age.

The anon you were replying to is mostly wrong though. But for other reasons.

>anyway plenty of monoracial couples deal with parents hating them for no good reason, so why is it so different when the parents aren't white.

Because we're discussing hatred with a racial animus. Usually there's a more substantial reason if a white daughter's parents dislikes their daughter's boyfriend.

I don't think there's a huge difference in a man's likelihood to cheat by race.

I think what was being discussed above is how culture views cheating. Korean and Chinese culture does not view men cheating in as negative a light as western culture does. There are similarly deep cultural divides in regards to things like how prostitution is viewed. South Korea tops the list when it comes to the frequency with which married men visit prostitutes by a huge margin. I think it was something like a third of married men admitted to seeing prostitutes at least once a month.

>Cheating is looked down on everywhere

This isn't true at all. If a Chinese man has money then it is almost an expected outcome that he has a mistress. I've had friends tell me of entire offices in Chinese cities they worked where almost every man has a mistress if it's a big firm. They'll even bring them out to dinners with their team occasionally.

You've fallen for the "all cultures have fundamentally the same values" meme or you're just trying to convince yourself of it. Either way you're wrong.

Most Koreans who reside in America would disagree.

In any event. If you're dating an Asian guy there are red flags to watch out for in my experience. One thing mentioned above was the concept of dual loyalty. Of professing loyalty to both, say, China and America. Another thing is how he views women of his own race dating interracially. A lot of Korean men for example will openly say they dislike Korean women dating white or black men but want to "ride the white horse" themselves. If you're in a relationship with an Asian man like this I can only advise you to leave and gain a rudimentary level of self esteem. No amount of silly anime and k-pop fantasy will make such a relationship work in the long run.

No. 192633

*old couples regardless of race.

No. 192636

>Nearly half of Korean men in their 30s and 40s think sex with prostitutes is not cheating, a survey shows.


No. 192641>>192645>>192647>>192666

I'm filipina and my husband is white. I've only dated white guys (it's just my preference). My husband's dated many white women and his ex-wife is white and I always laugh whenever he tells me that "no one will stab you in the back faster than a white woman." He apparently hates them now after his ex-wife cheated on him multiple times while he was at boot camp for the Navy.

No. 192645


I'm white with an Asian husband. He's mainly been with Asian girls in past. If he said to me "no one will stab you in the back faster than an Asian woman" I'd side eye him so hard?? So he got cheated on, its happened to loads of us. He's got you now, he needs to let go of his past wife

No. 192646

I'm black and I've been in many interracial relationships, If my current relationship doesn't work out I'm just going to stick to black and half black guys. Interracial dating is usually more trouble than it's worth.

No. 192647>>192650>>192666

Yeah a lot of white men see white women as treacherous for whatever reason. Most of them seem to prefer Asian girls these days, at least for marriage anyway since Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc are seen as more loyal and less slutty.

No. 192650>>192662

>think they're more loyal
I think Asian girls from Asia are more loyal, they're definitely less likely to cheat but while they won't be out giving love and sex to other men the down side to this is they most likely won't be giving it to their husband either.

No. 192662>>192666>>192671>>192811

The white guys I've known all seem happy with their Asian wives and girlfriends. I think they need to be at least somewhat Westernized. But the problem with white women who get into relationships with Asian men is that they're not viewed as marriage material for Asian guys.

No. 192666

Spot the butthurt pinay

No. 192671

There isn't much difference between Asian American women and white women culturally. I would say that Asian women from Asia are more loyal but they're only loyal because most of them have no interest in sex or love anyway.

No. 192811>>192829>>194334

>>The hen pecked husband stereotype is only true for a minority
It's true in all my Asian dating experience, and one of the reasons I love Asian (especially Chinese) men. Maybe it's just because I like nice guys, but I am always spoiled and waited on in my relationships.

>>Korean and Chinese culture does not view men cheating in as negative a light as western culture does.

I can't speak for Korea because I don't really like Korean men, but in China even if cheating is a common issue, the husband or mistress are going to have their ass beat if/when they get caught cheating lol. In Hong Kong it's even legal for women to kill their husbands if they catch them cheating.

>>In any event. If you're dating an Asian guy there are red flags to watch out for in my experience.

Thanks for the advice, anon. My Asian exes and I both loved seeing Asian girls with white guys, so maybe I'm just lucky in the men I choose to date.

>>the problem with white women who get into relationships with Asian men is that they're not viewed as marriage material for Asian guys.

All of the Asian guys I've dated have been interested in marriage. In fact, I find they are much more eager to marry than my own race (white). It's odd to hear so many anons having opposite experiences. I really think it just depends on the guy you choose to date. There are assholes and nice guys in every country/race.

No. 192819>>192834

Hispanic dating a white guy

I think family is the biggest issue, he doesn't understand what the family dynamics are like in more collectivist cultures. He is angry that I'm not more independent but frankly I'm too poor to risk being turned out of the house and he's not putting me up in an apartment so there.

No. 192829>>192832

How did you meet them? Were they FOBs or born and raised in your country?

No. 192832

FOBs. I met them in my country and when I lived in Asia for a couple years.

No. 192834


>I think family is the biggest issue, he doesn't understand what the family dynamics are like in more collectivist cultures.

Yeah, this is something I noticed. White people are just a whole different world to me in that aspect. Their parents will put up with a lot before they get too angry and put their kids out. I'm black, over the age of 18 with all the good stuff going for me and lol some of the shit he does, and stuff I've heard from white female friends makes me break out in a cold sweat. It's part of the reason it didn't work out with neither my fully white or half white exes. They just… Thought we'd be able to do whatever, whenever and just talk back to parents and grandparents. My friend said something similar about her ex. (she's west Indian from a country similar to mine) it didn't work out for them either in the end.

He is angry that I'm not more independent but frankly I'm too poor to risk being turned out of the house and he's not putting me up in an apartment so there

THIS. They just don't… Understand that our parents will only tolerate so much, and that is pretty much dictated by our cultures. They had the rules they had to follow back home, and they bring those things right back here. And if you don't want to follow them or want to embarrass them you can get kicked out.

No. 192840>>192851>>192859>>192861>>192870>>192886>>192936>>192963

White girl dating a muslim arab. Hes really sweet to me and spoils me, but the huge different in culture can be draining at times. :/

No. 192851>>192852>>192870>>192886>>192990

Yuck. He's sweet to you because he has ulterior motives. Why are white girls always so ridiculously naive when it comes to men? Genuine question. Were you not raised to be at least somewhat wary of men's intentions? Especially you know, people with a cultural tendency towards viewing non Muslim women as subhuman?

No. 192852>>192870

>men are sweet to women for ulterior motives

Heh, aren't they all!

No. 192859>>192870

Prepare to be beaten once you're married and forced to wear a head rag.

No. 192861>>192870


Lol he's gonna murder you. RIP anon.

No. 192870>>192875>>192876>>192880>>192884>>192886

I can't imagine all Arab men are so bad. I've never dated one or been familiar with one. I know they have terrible human and animal rights issues, but don't the men often send their wives on shopping trips and pay for them to have plastic surgery to look cool to their friends…or is that only in the other middle eastern countries..?

No. 192875

>shopping trips and plastic surgery makes up for being abused

Oh honey

No. 192876

Google the moive 'not without my daughter' anon. It's probably gonna be your future once you let him play you.

No. 192880

>shopping trips
>plastic surgery
If it sounds too good to be true anon, it is.
Imagine the power dynamics at play.
What happens when these women get a surgery their husbands don't like, or refuse to get the one that the husbands want?
Whenever a man gives a woman money, it's almost never "free." Men use it to financially own women and lord the favor over their heads anytime they need persuasion to do something. Not to mention the husbands can punish the women anytime by pulling the wallet.
Sounds awful having no financial independence.

No. 192884


Fuck off robot

No. 192886


Dunno, a friend of mine have been married to a Muslim guy for 6 years now and she's as happy as she can be. She's Muslim too btw, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten married, as she told me his husband is really into religion (he doesn't beat her, but expect her to act accordingly as a decent Muslim woman). The thing is that according to her, Muslim men rarely date as we do. He has to be super westernized or is only looking for sex. Who knows, maybe he's waiting for anon to convert, because when religion is involved is really difficult to maintain a relationship, even when there's love and respect.

No. 192936

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No. 192940

Bf is Korean I am white. Nobody has commented anything negative to my face yet. He was raised in America so he is pretty 'white' to me. Tbh I don't even think about race. I'm sure if we had kids it would be brought up (race mixing omg!!) but I don't feel any different than when I've dated white men.

No. 192951

>One thing mentioned above was the concept of dual loyalty. Of professing loyalty to both, say, China and America. Another thing is how he views women of his own race dating interracially.

Both of these are excellent red flags, and oddly enough in my experience they apply far more often to Asian American men than they do other types of Asian men.

Some Asian Americans in general are really good people who combine the best from both cultures. But there's a sizeable minority who never really fit in (largely because of their own behavior or their parents' racism/insularity) and basically end up blaming whites for their failures. This is particularly true with the bitter asian man archetype that has become all too common in recent years. These people want to be accepted by White Americans while simultaneously chatting shit about how they hope China takes over the US and so on, cheering on foreign powers when they steal US technology and secrets and so on.

70 years ago they'd have been hung from lampposts for that kind of talk.

No. 192957

black girl dating half north african half european here. he's orthodox christian tho

No. 192963

>huge different in culture
he doesn't use toilet paper

No. 192968

Sounds to me like she lives or spends a lot of time in Japan where you'll most likely date Japanese men.

No. 192990>>192999

Wow, really didnt except this much triggering. This is exactly what i meant by draining.

What ulterior motives lol?

No. 192999>>193022

Nah we just know muslims hate women. Good luck.

No. 193014>>193034

Im a mixed raced girl (so my parents dont care about who I marry)my bf is 100% japanese never travelled out of japan and has had limited experience with foriegners before me but he is extremely open minded and really enthusiastic about learning anything about different cultures. I have yet to meet his parents but from what hes told me they sound pretty open

No. 193022

All men hate women tho

No. 193026>>193030>>193034>>193035>>193038>>193039

I can't view interracial relationships of any kind as genuine, i always feel there is some sort of self-hatred/fetishization stemming from both involved.

On top of that you have to deal with the hatred directed towards your relationship and the bitterness from men belonging to your race who believe you hate them.

I don't know why someone would put themselves through that.

No. 193030>>193034

This is why I hate being attracted to white guys lol. I'd feel guilty if a white guy dated me because I'd be worried that other white men would be judging him and thinking "wow I can't believe you hate your own race you fucking cuck" (I'm mixed race so I don't give a shit if men "from my race" think I hate them). It kinda sucks because I'm half white (though I don't look it) and was raised in a pretty standard American family and live in a pretty white town and I don't feel entitled to be attracted to most of the men I end up meeting/hanging out with.

No. 193034>>193063

Japanese seem a lot more likable than other Asians (in before weeb), less likely to sperg out about their own women dating out etc. The sorts of things you hear Koreans say about white women are disgusting by contrast. I have a cousin that worked in Busan for a while and he told me his girlfriend was scared of being seen in public with him because Korean men would occasionally shout obscenities at her.

I'll never understand the love for Korean """""culture""""" some people on here have.

It's just that Muslim men have a tendency of putting on a friendly, westernized face when they want to ensnare a girl and then reverting back to their primitive ways once they've got her.

Bear in mind people tend to become more like their parents as they get older too. You may think your dude is the exception, but that's very rare.

I think when you're half you're entitled to sort of "pick a side" as crude as that sounds. If you date and marry a white dude, your kids are going to be 3/4 white, and most likely white-passing for example.

No. 193035>>193040

>I can't view interracial relationships of any kind as genuine, i always feel there is some sort of self-hatred/fetishization stemming from both involved

Wow, is that a quote from the 50's? I'm blown away.

No. 193038>>193040

>I can't view interracial relationships of any kind as genuine, i always feel there is some sort of self-hatred/fetishization stemming from both involved.
That's pretty short-sighted. Pessimistic and short-sighted. You'd do well to remember that humans are capable of connecting in spite of racial and/or cultural differences without hating their own kind, or fetishizing one another.

No. 193039

I dont like white guys or north african/arab guys but I date a guy with two of those mixes lmao

No. 193040>>193041>>193043>>193044>>193048

NTA, but I'm guessing both of you are American or Canadian.
For a lot of people in non-North America, interracial relationships imply an international relationship, meaning there's always some kind of language, cultural or legal barrier which, yes, creates a power imbalance and often fetishises one half of the couple, usually the girl. Most interracial relationships I'm familiar with are
>white European guy with [insert SEA country] girl, girl barely speaks English and is very clearly hanging around so she can move to Europe while he is with her for ??? reasons
>white European guy with European girl of different nationality, she speaks horrible English and none of his local language but he doesn't want to move and makes her stay with him anyway even though she's very obviously unhappy
>girl from poor country with guy from less-poor country, he obviously sees himself as better than her and has no interest in her culture but expects her to show interest in his and learn his language
>girl from abroad, girl's family is religious, he sees them as savages and talks shit about them
>guy from abroad, guy's family is religious, they see her as a savage and mistreat her
>Anglo and non-Anglo, Anglo moves to non-Anglo's country to 'find themselves' and somehow still acts entitled and snotty and expects the people there to cater to them
And the classic
>guy in a relationship with girl who speaks none of his languages, not one, not a word, but they still somehow managed to 'fall in love' and he loves her 'personality' despite knowing very little of it

From what I've noticed, there's always some kind of power imbalance and or fetishisation involved, either subtle or overt. The only time I've seen interracial relationships where nobody has any ulterior motives is when it's two very young people dating in international schools, because they're usually both young students with little disposable income and nothing to gain since they already have visas and their parents can obviously pay for their studies and trips abroad.

No. 193041

I'm neither American or Canadian. Those all sound like pretty shitty situations, but just because they're what you've seen doesn't make them the bulk of things, or even universal.

No. 193043>>193046

Wow you sound like you dont have much experience with these things at all. My parents are an interracial couple, dads native indian from brazil and mums white scottish they met in europe and my dads fluent in english and mum fluent portugese so no language barrier and fits none of those critirea of yours

No. 193044>>193046

So, nowhere in this are just kids or kids of kids of first generation immigrants dating white people? It's pretty common occurrence in western Europe (in bigger town, at least)

No. 193046>>193049>>193050

Wouldn't know, I'm not from Western Europe.
Go ahead and call me poor and stupid, it just proves my point.
Good on your parents, but the UK is a different matter altogether. In most non-English speaking countries in Europe (that I've lived in) it was usually detrimental to one half of the couple and one of them struggled to find a job because, despite being 'fluent', they just weren't 'fluent' enough. If they were an Anglo they just became an English teacher, but at least that's better than being a housekeeper or toilet cleaner for the rest of your life.

No. 193048>>193063>>193072

Yes, thank you. Describes perfectly a lot of interracial couples I've seen.

I'd also like to add the white European girl who thinks shitty third world culture is ~exotic~. I've plenty of friends who have moved to Africa, India and the Middle East with guys who they fawned over here while they were studying here. They'd suddenly become ~super interested~ in their culture and ask them to bring back things like saris, dashikis and jewellery when they visited home. They also shit on their own culture a lot claiming that their country "has no culture". Once they move and marry, you never hear from them again. Or in the rare case that you do, it's just to remind others that where they're living "isn't as bad as it seems" constantly.

Got a friend living in the UAE added on fb and she's my own personal lolcow.

No. 193049

Poor and stupid? Where even did I say that?
Way to ignore my argument, tho.

No. 193050>>193059

File (hide): 1496312200448.jpeg (18.78 KB, 480x439, yamero.jpeg)

>is from the UK
>comes at other anons with the ole "Heh…You must be uncultured swines from America or Canada, lemme show you what it's REALLY like in the REST OF THE WORLD~"
Remove britbongs.

No. 193051

I'm Scottish and I rarely see interracial relationships here, I think part of it is due to the country being like 90%+ white though.
I mean there were literally no black people in my high school (had like 1200+ pupils) and only a handful of Asians and this was in an area pretty close to the largest city in the country.

Plus I don't want to date someone who's pretty religious so that removes many non-white people from the dating pool, I mean some people here would still find it difficult to marry a catholic if they were protestant never mind a muslim.

Like amongst my friend group I think only one person had a serious relationship with someone "non-white" and she was mixed white/Honduran.

Even the Pakistani guy in our group got married in a semi-arranged marriage to another Pakistani girl who he "met" in Pakistan and then she immigrated over here.

No. 193059

I literally said I'm not from Western Europe, and even said it can't compare to mainland Europe in terms of interracial dating.

Like, if you'd only read the post you're replying to…

No. 193063>>193066>>193078>>193081

>The sorts of things you hear Koreans say about white women are disgusting by contrast.

Tbh i've notice most Asian men (incl. westernized) have disgusting views on white women

They fetishize the shit out of them, a lot of them have this unhealthy obsession with getting white women

>I'd also like to add the white European girl who thinks shitty third world culture is ~exotic~.

anyone know the name of a white female blogger who was obsessed with japan and relatively happy with life?

It started off great for her but the novelty wore off, she ended up pregnant by a Japanese man

In her new videos with her son she looks depressed, exhausted and overall miserable af, apparently he is abusive to her

I'm trying to remember her name, last i saw of her was a few years ago

Looking back i felt bad, but now i'm aware of the role self hatred can play in IR relationships i find it lulzy, her life there played out just like the points ITT

No. 193066>>193067>>193069

You might wanna go back and delete all those posts…

Anyway, is it HannaInJapanna or something like that? I remember watching some vlogger mum in Japan talking about her life there, but that was way back before she was divorced.

No. 193067>>193074

No, she was a brunette, and her situation was a lot worse than Hanna's. She looked defeated and unable to leave.

No. 193069

Not the person you're replying to but I remember HannaInJapan, her story was depressing as fuck. Plus she's basically done now, I used to follow her facebook and she's been single for ages and complains about no white dudes being interested in her because she's a divorcee with a mixed kid.

Be careful with your anime-based racial fetishes peeps. Sometimes they can lead to places that you have no way of extricating yourself from for, well, in essence the rest of your life.

No. 193072

File (hide): 1496321921250.jpg (65.09 KB, 584x358, divorce_3.jpg)

>I'd also like to add the white European girl who thinks shitty third world culture is ~exotic~. I've plenty of friends who have moved to Africa, India and the Middle East with guys who they fawned over here while they were studying here. They'd suddenly become ~super interested~ in their culture and ask them to bring back things like saris, dashikis and jewellery when they visited home. They also shit on their own culture a lot claiming that their country "has no culture". Once they move and marry, you never hear from them again. Or in the rare case that you do, it's just to remind others that where they're living "isn't as bad as it seems" constantly.

It always annoys me how people believe white people are incapable of self-hatred.

There are tons of self-hating white girls. In fact I'd wager a good number of cows in places like Japan and Korea are motivated by a subconscious or explicit self-hatred (the "we have no culture" thing is common).

It just annoys me how such people are always viewed as "white supremacists", even when they're a product of self-loathing white liberal thinking.

No. 193074>>193079


Was popular on /v/ for a few years, went to japan for a couple of weeks, got knocked up and married the guy in a shotgun wedding. resurfaced a few months later looking depressed and downtrodden, then a few years later talking about her kid, then a year later after that. Nobody really knows what happened to her.

I don't think people anticipate the level of cultural differences between people if they've been raised with a more liberal attitude that "everyone is fundamentally the same", that's one of the big problems with interracial marriages or relationships. To use Asians and Whites as an example, you could pick the example of how sexless marriages are a lot more common and a lot more acceptable in Asia. /r/deadbedrooms used to have a specific thread for western men and women married to Japanese/Chinese/Korean men and women for this reason.

Also, big red flag to watch out for are people who shit-talk the men or women of their own race. Those people are almost always absolute garbage.

No. 193078>>193080

I was thinking caffinejedi but she didn't get pregnant. She was jobless and dependent on her abusive bf that followed her after she ran off with another guy and eventually ran back to USA. Still bitter and needy to this day.

Like, girls, if you're gonna follow a guy back to his country, make sure you speak the language and have a job lined up FIRST. Because if you don't and shit goes down you're fucked.

Also, don't get pregnant.

No. 193079>>193080

No. 193080>>193107

Yeah I just noticed that. Is she still married?

I'm usually pretty empathetic but there's this huge mental block when it comes to understanding the motivations of girls like her and hanna. It's not even a matter of disliking them, I just simply can't understand what motivates people with no marketable skills to rush off to a completely alien country with the hopes of marrying a guy there and settling down.

Is it self hatred? Are they just crazy? Is the racial fetish that anime and asian pop culture implants in people really this strongly suggestive that they abandon their previous life? Help me to understand.

No. 193081

>Tbh i've notice most Asian men (incl. westernized) have disgusting views on white women

It's more of an entitlement thing. I've noticed Asian men feel entitled to women and feel uncomfortable with a culture that demands you be physically appealing to the opposite sex.

I mean let's be honest, if you remove yourself from the echo-chamber that are places like 4chan, lolcow, other imageboards, K-Pop fansites etc. How many White women really find Asian men physically desirable on any level? Or at least, more physically desirable than their own men?

No. 193107>>193116>>193119

I don't think their motivations are as extreme as self hatred or having a racial fetish. Lots of people move to a different place to be together and settle down with their SOs. In their cases, they've probably just underestimated the difficulties of living in a new country. Or maybe they're traditionally minded, ya know, husband works, wife stays at home and cares for the kids while depending on her husband.

No. 193116

>Or maybe they're traditionally minded, ya know, husband works, wife stays at home and cares for the kids while depending on her husband.

You can find this back home provided you mix in traditional circles (church groups etc).

>extreme as self-hatred

Suppose some Korean girl upped and moved to LA, and she cited Hollywood movies as one of the reasons she did that, suppose she didn't have much of a job or life there, but she got openly talked about wanting to have an American husband and hafu babies and that she didn't like Korean men and was never attracted to them. Suppose she ended up prostituting herself in order to stay in the country illegally - despite not really having much of a life, while simultaneously talking about how her own country "has no culture" and other similar things in that same vein.

Do you really think this wouldn't smack of at least some level of, at least sub-conscious, self-hatred? Because all of what I listed can be applied to a couple of cows and even a snowflake or two, barring the prostitution for the latter.

Sometimes I feel like a lot of farmers relate to the cows posted here all too easily, and you're unable or perhaps unwilling to see just how dysfunctional their lives and mental health are as a result. And yes, self-hatred and wanting to belong to another group is a part of it.

No. 193119

>having a racial fetish

And I truthfully don't know how you can say this about the weeaboo chicks we've briefly mentioned here (e.g. Samtron5000) with a straight face.

Among non-Asian women who are attracted to Asian men, there is an almost 1:1 overlap with anime and k-pop fans. As someone has already mentioned, Asian men (and maybe even Asian women) just aren't really considered attractive by many White girls outside of weeaboo circles. Or at least as attractive as their fellow white people.

Your average white chick imo would prefer a pale-skinned Hispanic or Italian guy over a Japanese or Korean 99 times out of a 100.

No. 193123>>193129>>193132

File (hide): 1496342506986.jpg (239.67 KB, 1364x1600, Claudio-Marchisio.jpg)

>Are you implying that amwf relationships didn't exist until kpop and anime because popular in the US?

Where did I say that?

I said that Asian men generally aren't popular with non-Asian women outside of particular subcultures.

>For every few weesb with yellow fever there is atleast one couple that is just normal people getting in relationships with people just happen to be white and asian.

That's possible, but I doubt it simply because I've never seen any marked preference for East Asian men above White and Hispanic men among non-Asian women.

Ask yourself a simple question, among white female normies, how many would say they consider Korean or Japanese men more attractive than say, Italian men? (Pic related). Answer it truthfully and honestly.

Also, exclude yourself - because both of us aren't normal simply by virtue of the fact we're on a /cgl/ gossip spin-off site where cosplay and "j-fashion" are key topics. The fact AMWF relationships are probably more common among our userbase here than people in our age cohort in general should tell you something about what we're discussing.

No. 193129>>193133>>193134

>cherrypicked image
That doesn't help your case, anon. Anyone can get a photo of a Korean or Japanese male model in response to you to discredit your claim.

No. 193132>>193133

I don't know what the other anon said but are you saying that most, if not all, non-Asian women dating Asian men are generally weeaboos? I think you're the one being unrealistic…

No. 193133

There are some pretty good looking Japanese guys, I'll give you that. That being said the good looking ones from my perspective are dudes like Abe Hiroshi who fit a look more appealing to westerners (in fact even Japanese think that way, which is why he was cast as the lead in Thermae Romae).

You actually do my job for me in bringing up Korean men though, since I don't think your average up-to-his-eyeballs-in-plastic-surgery Korean model would do much for the average girl anywhere outside of East Asia. Actually, the whole Korean male aesthetic that's popular in their media doesn't mesh well with western beauty standards for men at all.

And I think I'm being fair here anon. I'm just saying that most white girls in western countries would probably prefer the average white or hispanic guy above the average korean or japanese guy.

Why is it so hard to believe that people of your race and gender perhaps don't share your racial fetish and it's somewhat niche outside of places like this? I don't think my claims are really that outrageous no? They basically boil down to men and women generally (but not always) preferred men and women of their own race.

Can you explain to me why you find this so offensive because I'm actually quite curious.

We can only trade anecdotes here (and hence we're going to be chasing each other around in circles), but I've yet to meet any white girl who likes asian men who doesn't have at least some residual interest in anime, asian popular culture (particularly k-pop) etc.

Ask yourself why it's so much more common for women in the chanosphere to like asian men than for women outside of it.

No. 193134>>193136>>193152

File (hide): 1496345480941.jpg (2.58 MB, 3630x2412, soccer.jpg)


True, but then again I could pick any number of guys from the various European football teams (particularly Germany) who are seriously attractive, but the Korean and Japanese national teams do absolutely nothing for me. Especially not with that washed out dirty blond dye so many like, what exactly do they mean by that anyway?

No. 193136>>193139


There's only one decent looking guy in there, aren't there studies that show that Asian men (including Indians) get the least amount of responses on dating websites?

No. 193139>>193142>>193156

>There's only one decent looking guy in there

They're all unattractive to me, and I asked a couple of friends in the interim just to check I didn't have some sort of tunnel vision standards going on, two my friends who aren't into weeaboo stuff or kpop agreed.

>show that Asian men (including Indians) get the least amount of responses on dating websites?

Not just that, but in-person dating surveys show the same thing.

There was one conducted at Columbia university among postgraduate students that actually found a way of controlling - as best as possible - for physical attractiveness.

Interestingly when you weren't controlling for that factor asian men did poorly, but a little bit better than they otherwise did, but when you looked at how each cohort evaluated the pure physical attractiveness of their prospective dating partner, asian men came dead last.

No. 193142>>193156

>Interestingly when you weren't controlling for that factor asian men did poorly, but a little bit better than they otherwise did, but when you looked at how each cohort evaluated the pure physical attractiveness of their prospective dating partner, asian men came dead last.

My own theory, based on my experiences and admitted biases is that the attraction towards asian men, if not motivated by blatant gold-digging or simple "my-cartoons-come-from-that-part-of-the-world", is that they're just kind of nice, not hideous and fundamentally non-threatening.

I feel like they're sort of similar to the backstreet boys when I was growing up (if anyone remembers them). The whole idea behind the backstreet boys was that they were these boy band members who put on airs of being a little bit rough around the edges but deep down were completely soft and unthreatening, and I feel like that's why a lot of weeaboo girls like asian dudes.

It's an arrested stage of adolescent development where you never understand what men really are like and so cling onto that notion that asian pop media projects about its male idols. The problem is that it is just completely fake, men, particularly korean and asian men more widely, are not these soft types with no interest in sex who live only to look like pretty bishies with no interest in sex.

Unfortunately for koreaboos, a lot of predatory korean types looking to "ride the white horse" play up to this whole princely image.

No. 193150>>193151

I know so many interracial couples who just enjoy themselves, share hobbies and try to make a life for themselves.
Yikes, it's like projection, robots & racism grand central in here.

No. 193151

No one (well not many of us anyway) are being "racist" nigga. Or have we reached the point where asserting something as basic as "most people prefer people from within their race, on balance" is a huge faux pas now?

Fucking PULLfags I swear.

No. 193152>>193154

File (hide): 1496349940580.jpg (63.74 KB, 736x722, 0a2bc03362922666bcabb211f9326c…)

Die mannschaft is the whole reason I got into soccer back in 2010. Even the "ethnic" guys on that team are attractive, excluding Özil..

No. 193154

File (hide): 1496350333454.jpg (87.81 KB, 2048x1536, Olivier-Giroud2.jpg)

Poor Ozil. I feel like he'd actually be cute were it not for the fetal alcohol syndrome face.

Arsenal's Giroud is probably the cutest for me, not excusing his inconsistent form though.

No. 193156>>193158

I was thinking the guy on the far left squatting down had potential because I like his facial structure but the rest are pretty hit.


>I feel like they're sort of similar to the backstreet boys when I was growing up (if anyone remembers them). The whole idea behind the backstreet boys was that they were these boy band members who put on airs of being a little bit rough around the edges but deep down were completely soft and unthreatening, and I feel like that's why a lot of weeaboo girls like asian dudes.

Ironically, all the east asian dudes I've ever talked to are either assholes or shy weirdos.

No. 193158>>193159>>193163

>I was thinking the guy on the far left squatting down had potential because I like his facial structure but the rest are pretty hit.

He's the one with the most typically Korean face, for whatever reason Koreans hate that look and try to look like white people as much as possible (and then deny it and claim that 80% of their young population are getting plastic surgery because of some 'ancient korean beauty standard' they're adhering to).

No. 193159>>193160

Koreans are a pathetic people. I don't know how people could admire such a self-loathing race

No. 193160>>193161

Not just self-loathing but ridiculously jingoistic and hostile to anyone foreign on top of that.

No. 193161

On that note am I the only person that thought those two Eat Your Kimchi nerds who made that video about how Japan was more pleasant than Korea dindu nuffin?

I mean they didn't even berate Korea, they just said Japan was quieter, people were a bit nicer and the general environment of the place was a bit more pleasant. What's wrong with all that? It's all true.

No. 193163>>193164

File (hide): 1496351979377.png (427.69 KB, 453x713, main-qimg-95c9d468fc0bbc94c03e…)


If this were true, the plastics over there would be getting jaw implants instead of carving their faces down to look as non white as possible

No. 193164>>193165

File (hide): 1496352225527.jpg (58.95 KB, 434x594, sniarc.jpg)

There is a difference between having a strong jawbone and having a face that looks like a big rectangle. The ideal western jaw is like a trapezoid.

No. 193165>>193169

File (hide): 1496353518588.png (268.3 KB, 540x355, YutaBeforeAfter.png)

So the opposite of the korean ideal? How are korean plastic surgery fags trying to look more white then? Take this kid for example. Had a relatively masculine and attractive jawline, ownly to turn into dorito chin core. I fail to see how going against what makes western women/men attractive = copying white ppl!!11!

No. 193168>>193169

File (hide): 1496353613263.jpg (61.66 KB, 540x392, tumblr_inline_oabtbpgkvC1rdw26…)

No. 193169>>193171

> Had a relatively masculine and attractive jawline

lol no he didn't.

The man in both of your picture is average at the very best (and I'm being generous) and ugly at worst. His jaw is not like an attractive western/white jaw at all.

Also, he looks like a trap in the second picture. I'm not joking.

Please stop posting your twinks.

No. 193170>>193171

Can we not get into eugenics this late at night

No. 193171>>193173

Not an argument but okay.
Idk just wanted to understand >>193161's point of view. Still makes 0 sense to me

No. 193173>>193174

>Not an argument

Don't steal stefbot's words.

My argument is simple, that jaw wouldn't be considered attractive.

No. 193174>>193176

That wasn't my point though? If koreans really want to mimic white features, why do they do the opposite of what is considered ideal by western's standards

No. 193176>>193178>>193185

File (hide): 1496354463519.jpg (40.03 KB, 600x377, square jaw reduction surgery, …)

You can't craft a western-style jaw if you have a Korean face. You can just shave off the bone to the point it is less pronounced, but you can't fundamentally change the shape of your skull.

Pic related.

What's important are areas of the fact where you can change the fundamentals, e.g. rhinoplasty, and Koreans get rhinoplasty to change their flat asian noses into more aquiline western noses all the time.

No. 193178

Jaw implants are a thing anon. In fact that guy would look so much better if he had just gotten a jaw implant instead, looks like a oversised baby after the surgery lmao.

I get your point with the noses though but if you were to ask me which one of those before/afters looks more "white passing" i'd still say the one on the left because jaw.

Anyways, sorry for derailing the thread I just wanted to know what anon meant

No. 193185>>193267

Bruh he looked way better before

ot, I think people here are thinking way too back and white. Asian/white relationships aren't just gross old white men buing poor asian women, or self hating weeb women going for the first asian man they see. Adoption or second gen immigrants are a thing. None of the asian people I know are asian supremacist, they are just like everyone else here, except yellow kek. My mom is asian, and my parents have a normal relationship, just like every other asian/white couple I know.

And I live in a very homogenous country.

No. 193267

>Adoption or second gen immigrants are a thing.

That doesn't really change anything, so you remove the ability for their culture to be fetishized, you still have the racial aspect.

people unhappy with their appearance(self-hate) don't want to see their features replicated in their partners

>None of the asian people I know are asian supremacist, they are just like everyone else here, except yellow kek.

this was posted further up the thread, although it applies to a lot minority types living in the west, i've never seen it to such an extent as with Asians.

>But there's a sizeable minority who never really fit in (largely because of their own behavior or their parents' racism/insularity) and basically end up blaming whites for their failures. This is particularly true with the bitter asian man archetype that has become all too common in recent years. These people want to be accepted by White Americans while simultaneously chatting shit about how they hope China takes over the US and so on, cheering on foreign powers when they steal US technology and secrets and so on.

No. 193348>>193353>>193375>>193400>>193404

Non-Asian girls intentionally seeking out Asian guys is such a niche thing, it's pretty much become its own subculture. There's alot of online communities for AMXF dating, and I'm not gonna lie, a good 75% of it is cringe inducing.

If you're ever bored, and for whatever reason want a good example of the cuntery that goes on in these groups from time to time, Persephone Narra on youtube is a great example. Her videos are basically just her ranting about Asian women not liking her and airs her dirty laundry with her Korean in-laws. As you might imagine the men in the groups are often mentally ill or have abysmally low self-worth so they orbit her, along with other afflicted women no one in their right mind would fuck.

People always say white dudes with yellow fever are autistic, but as someone who lives it, it really goes both ways sometimes. I come for the yellow D and stay for the autism. God help my soul.

No. 193353>>193363>>193415>>193832

I've got to agree with your observation. I prefer Asian (read: Chinese) and black (read: African) men, and the way some interracial seekers act is like…Yikes lol. I can take the AMWF stereotypes because I am a closeted weeb, but the BMWF stereotypes are what really make me cringeee. I swear when I say I like black guys, people imagine I'm a closeted whore wanting to ride uneducated ghetto dick. Ugh.

Luckily I've found that if you are relatively normal, then it's not so difficult to find relatively normal men of said races lol

>>As for Persephone Narra, do you think she could qualify as a cow?

We needs some more fresh milk around this place.

No. 193363>>193369>>193471

Don't know if you already posted but I'm curious to know what it is about chinese and african men that make you prefer them over others

No. 193369>>193376>>193471

She probably likes them because they worship her for being white and throw money at her gold digging ass. She can be average and get a pussy pass for being white with these races but for white men she would have to work much harder to get a decent man because they aren't just seeing her as a fetish.

No. 193375>>193403

Ugh, she doesn't need more viewers. This woman is clearly crazy and a complete exception to the rest of AMXF couples. Even /r/hapas who usually pedestal white women don't like and have criticized her several times except of their headmod.

No. 193376>>193382>>193392>>193401

bitter beta white guy detected. Asian men are superior, no question about it

No. 193382>>193466

Im assuming you don't know how these men really are because you've never had a serious relationship with them. Have you ever lived with these men?have you ever been with any of these men long enough where marriage was discussed?im gonna assume the answer to these questions are no. You're the anon who posted in this thread before and tbh you sound delusional.

No. 193392>>193403

Like hell they are. I was in along term relationship with an Asian guy (Chinese) and I'm a black female. Once we were actually considering marriage, I had to cut it off. His ideals for marriage, finances, raising a family, etc were so far off from mine, there was no way we could come to a compromise. I really wanted our relationship to work, but he became too selfish. He used to like that I was independent but apparently if we were to get married, I was supposed to become some submissive housewife to only cook, clean, and have sex with him. His parents hated me because I was black too, that didn't help.

I've dated a lot of different races and none of them are superior to another. To be honest, Asian men sought after me alot (my friend said it's because I look racially ambiguous but who fucking knows) so I've dated multiple, but I avoid them like the plague now. Too many women have yellow fever and idolize them and it fucking creeps me out. I don't want to be associated with that. And my ex left me with a bitter taste in my mouth so.

No. 193399

>I took so much acid I tried being Muslim for a year
Never change, Internet. Ily

No. 193400

Oh shit, Persephone. I showed this to a Greek friend of mine and he was more amused by the novelty of a Greek girl liking an Asian guy (the ideal guy in Southern Europe is basically a slightly darker Chad). Thought it was cute in a sort of lame, embarrassing way.

No. 193401>>193405

>Asian men are superior

I know you're trolling but it's not really a question of superiority or inferiority, but compatibility.

Here's one example: I, given the culture I come from, can't stand the passive aggressive attitude a lot of asian men have - It's a different sort of passive aggressiveness than what I'm used to, it feels more like dealing with a human pressure-cooker. A guy from my own race is more likely to just openly bitch and storm off in a huff, and honestly I'd prefer that to the four-hour-long-bitchface-and-silent-treatment I've gotten with asian men.

Then there are the little things you never really think of when you first enter the relationship, for example: I can't read their body language as well as I can men of my own race. And then there are the family issues - I find that white people in general (and this applies to white men as well) are expected to acquiesce to their non-white in laws when it comes to questions of wedding ceremonies, how to raise the children etc.

I get there are exceptions to this and I don't want to throw any farmer in an interracial relationship under the bus, but that's just my feeling. It's primarily a case of compatibility when it comes to racial pairings and relationships. Not "superiority" or "inferiority". And most of us are just more likely to be "compatible" with someone from our own race.

Finally, I outgrew the whole "Asians are awesome and I want to be one" attitude when I was in my late teens. And it's sad to see so many cows and snowflakes still trapped in it.

No. 193403

>Too many women have yellow fever and idolize them

Outside of lolcow and 4chan and what have you, this isn't true at all.

Part of the problem here is that the sort of woman who actively seeks out asian men is usually pretty abnormal (I used to be one) and that among a random sample of the non hyper-weeaboo population most wouldn't contemplate a relationship with an asian guy unless he had some incredibly compelling other quality, like a large income.

And that's exactly what makes these guys bitter in the first place. I'm sure other anons have stories of being some asian guy's punching bag for a society that is supposedly set up against him.

/r/hapas don't like her because she criticized asian families for being racist and /r/hapas is basically an offshoot of /r/asianmasculinity, if the screencaps I've seen are to be believed, which is basically just thinly veiled overseas chinese nationalism with a side order of bitterness.

Now, don't get me wrong, Persephone is batshit and a case study in everything wrong with AMWF relationships, but she's not wrong on that count and it's frankly ridiculous you have these idiotic wapanese and koreaboos from PULL hating on her for saying that (there are far more tangible things to dislike her for) her in-laws were extremely racist. If the situation were reversed and it were white in-laws demanding their daughter didn't date an Asian man, then you can bet they wouldn't be so quick to rally to their defense.

PULL are the exact the same people who chase after asian men in the first place, so of course they'll defend Koreans and Chinese no matter what they do. These are the same people who conjure up "it's ok when asians do it!" defenses for blackface and so on.

No. 193404>>193832>>193860

File (hide): 1496522359554.png (258.24 KB, 1140x756, dc28279114e5c6f4d330bf45076518…)

>There's alot of online communities for AMXF dating

And they're all set up by the same asian guys who rage online about 'their' women dating non-asian men, woe is me etc.

Speaking from experience, you shouldn't be playing into their narrative of the oppressed asian man. You're just helping to perpetuate a fantasy world they live in where they never have to face up to the reality of why they're undesirable to any woman who isn't as mentally ill as Persephone, namely that they're simply not very physically or emotionally attractive.

Picture somewhat related. This guy is notorious among such communities, he runs a somewhat popular blog with asian men that, you guessed it, is just a whinefest compilation about asian women dating out.

No. 193405>>193406

Also, Asian men tend to be stuck up as fuck even if they're ugly.

No. 193406>>193410

Yeah, there's an aloofness to a lot of them. I like men who are a bit deprecating about themselves, who like to joke around and asians seem to go into full autism mode when forced into situations when people start joking around/bantering with each other.

No. 193410>>193411>>193417

Another thing is a lot of the Asian American men complain about racism towards them but will only date white women and look down on girls who are black, Indians etc. I'm sure most of them would have no interest in Asian women if they had an easy access to white women, they're just bitter with Asian women because Asian women have the option to date as many white people as they want and they don't.

No. 193411>>193412>>193435

…seriously? Does that "explanation" sound realistic to you? When you look around, is this really the world you live in?

Because it ain't my world. And I'm pretty sure we see the same moon whenever we lift our heads up at night.

No. 193412>>193413>>193416

A lot of Asian American men feel it is unfair that Asian women are desired by white people but they're not. Asian men want their women to look white, in japan and Korea most of the ad models are white or women who look half white. The truth is they wouldn't give a damn about Asian women if white women were an option for them.

No. 193413>>193435

>wishful generalisation + wishful generalisation = bitter conclusion

I'd rather believe in parallel Universes than be stuck in the same one as you.

No. 193415>>193420

> I'm a closeted whore wanting to ride uneducated ghetto dick
The insecurity men have about black guys is insane. I don't live in America, there are mostly pure africans here and I find them pretty attractive (the girls too, they're all tall and thin with nice teeth) and don't really recognize american stereotypes in them. I'm not some crazy BBC chasing whore for that, they're just mid-high tier good looking for me.

But I'd never date one because my dad would hate me for it (which is beyond fucked up, he's great but the way a father's love can be conditional upon on his daughter's romantic life horrifies me), and if I ever had a non black boyfriend after that he'd probably lose his shit and dump me over it. I remember being 16 and my boyfriend telling me he'd break up with me if I had dated a black guy before, never mind that I'd never even met one at that age. It was crazy that he was insecure enough to bring it up with zero reason to.

No. 193416

>The truth is they wouldn't give a damn about Asian women if white women were an option for them.

Bingo anon. You got it in one.

Asian men already believe that white people are more attractive than Asian people, or at least Asian American ones do. What they hate is that Asian American women feel the same way about White men (i.e. that they're more attractive) as they do about White women.

No. 193417

>look down on girls who are black, Indians etc.

I hate how asians act this way towards non-white people and then turn around and attempt to save face by implying that white people made them racist towards darker-skinned people too. As if China doesn't have a millenia-old history of hating anyone non-Han to the point of considering them barely better than animals without any input from westerners.

Asians are duplicitous as fuck when it comes to their own racism. They'll always palm it off and imply its white people who are ultimately responsible for it. That's bullshit.

No. 193420>>193421

African girls are in general very nice and wear super interesting clothes. African guys are also chill unless they're Somali or some other Muslims. Caribbeans are great craic, I fucking love them.
"African Americans" and their perpetually offended yet hilariously ignorant arses need not apply.

No. 193421>>193424>>193426

You'd be better off with a white washed black American guy than a guy from Africa.

No. 193424>>193425>>193435

No. 193425>>193426>>193435

Because the stuff you guys complain about American guys doing you're going to get it 10x worse from a man who isn't from a western country.

No. 193426>>193427>>193435

How familiar are you with anyone from any African country though? And don't post /pol/ memes or Somali "rapefugee" stats from Sweden, either.
Painting all non-western countries with a xenophobic brush isn't very logical.

No. 193427>>193428

Actually my step mother is from Nigeria. My father thought that he would be doing better by marrying a non-American woman but he just went from bad to worse. if you think American men are sexist etc you're in for a rude awakening if you marry someone from Africa.

No. 193428>>193430

Coincidentally, I'm Nigerian. What was she like, and how would you attribute that to her culture? I mean, there are lots of sexist or otherwise shitty people, but I wouldn't say it's flagrantly worse than in western countries (depending on what area the person you're interacting with is from, poorer areas tend to be worse the same way white trash from the deep south are racist/sexist as fuck).
Also, I'm not sure why you'd complain about African men but use African women as an example.

No. 193429

I guess so yeah, thanks. If we get that far I'm sure it'll work out.

If you want big, islanders are definitely your type yes. And my bf's type of girl is quiet/serious, if I'm right his brothers like that type of girl too. So there's hope for you, anon.

No. 193430>>193432>>193435

You're beyond delusional if you think the west compares at all when it comes to the abuse towards women in African countries.

No. 193432>>193436

Cases of awful abuse in heavily ignorant, traditional and deeply isolated areas of Africa aren't a reflection of African culture as a whole any more than cases of incest and child marriage in polygamist sects based in the west are a reflection of American culture, or homophobic concentration camps, human trafficking and child abuse are a reflection of Eastern European culture. Good job dodging the question, too.

No. 193435>>193437

Hi there. I'm >>193413 , >>193424 & >>193411

I know you didn't ask me, but I lived in Gabon (western-equatorial Africa) in my teens.

I am a Slav, and I've never been with "a man from a western country" as I was "debated" against in the replies >>193425 >>193427 >>193425

I can vouch that none of the people who travelled the globe think like that. When you're living in a basement, all you know about is rats.

Troll harder

No. 193436>>193440

>Kek African Americans are shit
>b-b-but don't generalize precious Africans from Africa because the awful stuff that takes place their culture are rare and isolated events! Don't generalize!

I get sick of people labeling Africans as the good black people just because they're foreigners and Africans eat that stuff up. They seem to forget that every Almost every African country is a 3rd world shit hole that makes even the most ghetto African American black hood look like heaven.

No. 193437>>193438

Another question I'd like to ask is how many African men have you been in serious relationships with?by serious I mean you've actually lived with them and were with them longer than a year.

No. 193438>>193439

Always more than with you.

No. 193439>>193441

That doesn't answer the question. I'm going to assume the answer to this is none. You've never been in a serious relationship with an African man, they were just riding the white horse.

No. 193440>>193442

File (hide): 1496533613415.jpeg (112.63 KB, 640x427, lagos_night.jpeg)

>I-I-I'll pretend this person said things they didn't actually say and put it in stutter text for emphasis on how much I disagree! There, I won!
When exactly did I call African-Americans "shit"? Do you think I'm someone else, or are you just autistic? Jesus Christ.
>every Almost every African country is a 3rd world shit hole that makes even the most ghetto African American black hood look like heaven.

No. 193441

>I'm going to assume
Of course you are.

No. 193442>>193444>>193446

Showing nice photos of a city at night doesn't prove anything. I could show you nice pictures of North Korea too, doesn't mean the majority of the country isn't a shit hole. The average Nigerian lives on less than 1.25 a day, yet for some strange reason most of you have still managed to delude youresleves into thinking you're better than African Americans.

No. 193444>>193448

>I could show you nice pictures of North Korea too, doesn't mean the majority of the country isn't a shit hole.
This is a piss-poor argument because it can easily be flipped. Nigeria is a large country (and Africa is a very large continent) with good and bad parts. If I posted a picture of the shittiest parts of Asia or Europe or North America, that wouldn't suddenly mean everyone in those respective areas is either starving trailer trash lmao.
I'm going to ask again: When did I ever disparage African-American people or claim to be "better" than them?
It's funny that you called me "delusional" (assuming you're the same anon and not someone else who just jumped in for whatever reason), but you can't differentiate your own weird thoughts from reality.
>The average Nigerian lives on less than 1.25 a day
I Googled this and found nothing to back up its validity, though I did find a few articles disagreeing with it and calling the data used to gauge data like this "too simplistic" or otherwise invalid for a bunch of reasons. Really makes you think.
Anyway, it's obvious you just have some sort of hateboner for Africans and that it has nothing to do with the topic at hand, so I guess I'm done.

No. 193446>>193448

>showing nice pics of North Korea would make you think you're better than Africans!
Say what?

No. 193448>>193449>>193452

My point is even 3rd world countries have nice places but that doesn't mean thats what the majority of the country is like.

>This is a piss-poor argument because it can easily be flipped. Nigeria is a large country (and Africa is a very large continent) with good and bad parts. If I posted a picture of the shittiest parts of Asia or Europe or North America, that wouldn't suddenly mean everyone in those respective areas is either starving trailer trash lmao.

Show me an example of one African country that is first world then.
>I'm going to ask again: When did I ever disparage African-American people or claim to be "better" than them?
I was talking to the person who said they liked Africans but not African Americans. If that wasn't you then those statements don't apply to you.
>I Googled this and found nothing to back up its validity,

Look no more

No. 193449>>193453

>using cold war terms to denote a country's prosperity
This is literally how to demonstrate that you have no idea what you're talking about.

No. 193452>>193456

Your "point" has no edge. "Nice places" are never in the majority.

YOU show ME why I should accept your personal daddy/stepmom issues as a valid worldview.

No. 193453

So which word do people use now a days to describe countries where most of the countries citizens are living in a improvised shit hole?

No. 193455>>193457

There are plenty of countries where the majority of people have food, aren't living on 1.00 a day, the entire country isn't infested with crime and they don't have to live in shit conditions. Even the most poor white trash is better off than what the average Nigerian has. I know you're trying to prove Lagos is a nice and thriving city but be honest..would you walk around there at night?lol

No. 193456>>193458

It's shocking that this person managed to derail the conversation to "O-Okay but Nigeria is totally poor!!!1!1", probably because they knew that their argument that everyone from non-western countries is terrible and sexist because their stepsister might have been kind of bitchy was bullshit.

No. 193457>>193459>>193460

>Lagos is a nice and thriving city but be honest..would you walk around there at night
Dunno, but I'd sure much rather fuck any of the men in that city than you.

No. 193458>>193462

The person I was talking to bought up Nigeria and started posting pictures of Lagos to prove that Nigeria isn't a shit hole. Since you feel I'm wrong just go ahead and give me an example of one African country that would be considered first world.

No. 193459>>193461

wow great argument

No. 193460

Sorry to disappoint you but im a woman. What even made you think I'm a man?kek

No. 193461>>193463

What? It's infinitely better than your trlling.

No. 193462>>193465

That was because you immediately swooped in to reply to me saying "There are shitty and sexist people in some parts of this country, but the same is true of other parts in the world so I don't think it's fair to assume" with "How dare you call african-americans shit (even though you actually didn't and I just don't know how imageboard posts work or who I'm replying to)! all african countries are shitholes worse than the worst ghettos anyway!".
Maybe I shouldn't have taken the bait to begin with and entertained your now-transparent bid to move the goalposts, but it can't be helped. Still, if you can hobble together a halfway decent argument related to the actual topic, you might look like less of an ass here.

No. 193463

i'm not them

No. 193465>>193468

Maybe you shouldn't have replied to a post that wasn't directed to you then try to scream racism and trolling after the fact. I was talking to the person who was talking down to African Americans and praising Africans as better people, if you didn't say anything like that then you aren't the problem :)

No. 193466

>>Im assuming you don't know how these men really are because you've never had a serious relationship with them.

I have, multiple times.

>>Have you ever lived with these men?

Yep. Even lived with one of my Asian exe's family.

>>have you ever been with any of these men long enough where marriage was discussed?

Marriage was discussed in all my relationships to Asian men.

>>im gonna assume the answer to these questions are no. You're the anon who posted in this thread before and tbh you sound delusional.

Okay. Stay mad.

No. 193468>>193469

How do you reply to someone but "not direct your post at them"? You replied to my post, not the other person's. You're the one who fucked up here. Sorry, anon.
I didn't scream "racist" or "trolling", either. Other people ITT have been discrediting your "points". You should probably lurk chan boards before attempting to post next time.
Sage because I really am just taking the bait now

No. 193469>>193470

I wouldn't say that someone accusing me of wanting to fuck them and someone crying about generalizing is is discrediting me. Not one person has shown an example of a first world African country because they cant.

No. 193470>>193472

Can you answer how your family issues mean that non-western countries are all extremely sexist?

No. 193471>>193474>>193479

>>Don't know if you already posted but I'm curious to know what it is about chinese and african men that make you prefer them over others?

Actually this anon >>193369 is correct in many ways. I feel like being a white female gives me a huge advantage with Chinese and Africans. I like being spoiled, and see nothing wrong with it either. With that said, I also happen to be more physically attracted to asian and black men anyway, and appreciate that the men from these cultures are generally marriage-oriented and highly-educated (upper-class background). My exes have been romantic, cooked, cleaned, took me out all the time, paid me plenty of compliments. I mean, if I'm going to stay with one person for the rest of my life, why would I want anything less? I've been asked out by some wonderful white, latino, etc. men, but my tastes are what they are, and most of my friends in relationships with these men aren't treated nearly as well as I've been treated in my relationships.

Unlike some anons here, I've had excellent interracial relationships. They've generally ended because I moved and my life has been a bit unsteady. If you are being used as a pump-and-dump by men outside your race, the problem probably lies with you tbh.

No. 193472>>193474

Explain why is it domestic violence isuch a huge problem in Africa right now when compared to North America?stop trying to use personal attacks as an argument against what I'm saying, that's stupid kek. Come back when you have an actual argument.

>inb4 in the west there is abuse against women too!

But it's not as bad when compared to what goes on in many African countries.

No. 193474>>193477

When did anyone attack you personally? You brought up your stepsister as an argument.
I was going to ask for statistics on your claims at first, but then I realized that it doesn't actually matter because the African (and Chinese) men >>193471 dates are most definitely part of the group that don't fit within the fringes of the shitty, abusive people you're insisting are the majority.

No. 193475>>193477

I never said anything about a step sister(I don't even have any step sisters kek). You're trying to use the comment I made about my step mother as an argument against what I'm saying, you're trying to say I'm only saying this because of that. Even if I was only saying these things because I hate my step mother that doesn't mean what I'm saying isn't true because it is.



South Africa has one of the highest rates of domestic violence in the world.

No. 193477

See >>193474
>stepsister stepmother
Potato, patato.

No. 193479>>193490>>193554

Do you ever worry that these men are playing bait and switch with you?ive noticed that foreign men are super nice to white women before marriage and then after they have locked them in, everything changes and they start wanting the western woman they married to abide by all their cultural rules.

No. 193490

>>Do you ever worry that these men are playing bait and switch with you?

No, I don't, although I totally hear what you are saying. I've lived with these people's families, interacted with their friends. It's obvious they are of good character and treat the women in their lives with respect (EXCEPT for one bad relationship I had, but I don't in anyway blame culture/race for the issues we had). With that said, I actually prefer a more traditional culture. Really, the only way I stray from a traditional view is in having kids. I don't want any, although I wouldn't mind caring for children from a previous marriage or adopting/volunteering with orphaned children. If I can permanently move to an Asian country, I might change my mind though, as the only reason I'm against having children is all the crime/drugs/violence/teen pregnancies etc. in Western/Latin society.

As far as interracial, intercultural relationships, I personally think that they are pretty identical to relationships within one's own culture and race. There are mean, abusive, lazy evil men and good, hardworking, faithful men. I've noticed that sometimes people get so gungho about a person's physical appearance (i.e. some weebs with Japanese guys) that they let it override character.

In my opinion people really aren't that different in this regard. I personally prefer Asian and African men physically and culturally, but of course there are all types personality-wise. I mean, just look at lolcow. There are anons of all races and backgrounds, but unless someone states their background, it's impossible to tell whether you are agreeing/disagreeing with someone who looks like you or lives in the same country. I personally like nice, educated, stable guys. I'm sure if I liked bad boys, my experiences would be terrible no matter the race or culture or the people I date lol

Sorry to trail on about myself. This just happens to be a topic I'm highly interested in.

No. 193534>>193535

Don't care about the rest of this discussion but the idea Lagos is a nice city is laughable. I know a friend who worked there and needed an armed escort to work.

Of course if western leaders have their way then all western cities will look like Lagos thirty years from now anyway.

No. 193535>>193536

It's pretty nice, but some parts of it are dangerous.
t. someone who has actually lived there, not a friend of a friend of your sister whose neighbor worked there

No. 193536>>193537

They're a very good friend of mine, a petroleum engineer actually.

>It's pretty nice

What would you say is the ratio of nice parts to bad parts then? Every city has extremely wealthy areas that are cut off from the outside, even shitholes like Joberg.

No. 193537>>193538

It's really fucking populous and loaded with all types, so it's best to stay within the wealthy areas obviously.
>What would you say is the ratio of nice parts to bad parts then?
Not exactly sure, probably 1:1. A lot of African cities are just contradictions. Shitty roads, expensive cars. Fancy hotels on one side of the road, shady ones on another. That sort of thing.
You're a lot more likely to get stabbed there if you went out at night than if you went to, say, a city in Japan, but I'd wager some cities in Brazil or Mexico are much worse.

No. 193538>>193540>>193552

>It's really fucking populous

Yes anon, that tends to be how urbanization works, wherever you are.

> so it's best to stay within the wealthy areas obviously.

>Not exactly sure, probably 1:1.

If you're not sure, what's the proof that it's half bad, half good?

Are you suggesting that 50% of the city is wealthy and 50% isn't? Seems like a stretch.

> Shitty roads, expensive cars. Fancy hotels on one side of the road, shady ones on another. That sort of thing.

That's not a "contradiction" it just means that there are a few individuals with the wealth to buy expensive consumer items, and that the resource-rich nature of the country necessitates high-end hotel chains (again, built by foreigners), but that domestic human capital is too poor quality to actually maintain even the basic infrastructure (roads for example).

>You're a lot more likely to get stabbed there if you went out at night than if you went to, say, a city in Japan

I'd say you are orders of magnitude more likely to get stabbed in Lagos than in Japan, it's almost like comparing different worlds, rather than a discrepancy in degree.

>but I'd wager some cities in Brazil or Mexico are much worse.

Possibly, but Northern Brazil (the more African area) is demonstrably worse than Southern Brazil (the more European part). Actually, Florianopolis is an extremely nice city and I'd be surprised if there's a single city in Africa as safe, with as good infrastructure and with as good amenities.

No. 193540>>193542

It seems that these girls have a hard time understanding that even really poor and shittt countries have super rich people, so they're thinking that the wealthy people must be 50% because they see some areas that are nice

No. 193542>>193553

More telling about Nigeria is that it is incapable of exploiting its own resources. It needs western and east asian engineers to do that.

Without them, it would just be even more of a shithole than it currently is.

No. 193552>>193562

>Yes anon, that tends to be how urbanization works, wherever you are.
Cool, so you understand the most basic tenets of things. Glad we're on the same page.
>If you're not sure, what's the proof that it's half bad, half good?
Anecdotal evidence, I guess. If you have more concrete proof that says otherwise, feel free to post it.
>Are you suggesting that 50% of the city is wealthy and 50% isn't? Seems like a stretch.
I mean, you acted like you knew how urbanization worked in the very first line of your post.
>That's not a "contradiction" it just means that there are a few individuals with the wealth to buy expensive consumer items, and that the resource-rich nature of the country necessitates high-end hotel chains (again, built by foreigners), but that domestic human capital is too poor quality to actually maintain even the basic infrastructure (roads for example).
Yes, and…?
>I'd say you are orders of magnitude more likely to get stabbed in Lagos than in Japan, it's almost like comparing different worlds, rather than a discrepancy in degree.
What exactly is the point in repeating exactly what I say but in a slightly more condescending tone? Why are you so desperate to have a "witty" response? Because I pointed out that secondhand "My friend said…!" information is kind of shaky? Kind of infantile, and embarrassing to watch.
>Possibly, but Northern Brazil (the more African area) is demonstrably worse than Southern Brazil (the more European part). Actually, Florianopolis is an extremely nice city and I'd be surprised if there's a single city in Africa as safe, with as good infrastructure and with as good amenities.
What's your point here exactly? I didn't say all of Brazil was worse, by any stretch of the imagination. It seems like you're trying to imply something else with this chunk of your post, but you should really just flat-out say it.

No. 193553>>193562

More like the elite don't care about creating nice cities when they can just horde the money for themselves.
>western and east asian engineers
The East Asian part is true (mostly because China in particular is striking up several deals), but I haven't heard a single thing about western engineers having anything to do with Nigeria's current infratructure.

No. 193554>>193561>>193562

Okay so if the entire relationship was just an elaborate ruse to trick her into marriage you know there is this thing called divorce right…and its almost always in the woman's favor…this isn't the Philippines where you can't get a divorce.

No. 193561>>193580

It's not really a ruse. In relationships people show their best sides during the beginning of the relationship and when they aren't comfortable yet. Once they get comfortable they start showing their true colors.

No. 193562>>193568>>193580

>Anecdotal evidence, I guess.

Glad you admit that is all we're trading here.

>I mean, you acted like you knew how urbanization worked in the very first line of your post.

That has nothing to do with urbanization. You said that it is best to stick to the "wealthy areas" of the city, then when I asked you what proportion of the urban zone was nice compared to what was a shithole, you said it was an even split. Do you not see how the implicit suggestion here is that 50% of the city is wealthy?

>Yes, and…?

Lagos isn't a nice city, which is what I've been getting at from the beginning. I don't care if you date black guys or chinese or want to virtue signal about it. I'm not the other anon, my only point of contention with you was in claiming that Lagos wasn't a shithole when it clearly is.

>What exactly is the point in repeating exactly what I say but in a slightly more condescending tone? Why are you so desperate to have a "witty" response? Because I pointed out that secondhand "My friend said…!" information is kind of shaky? Kind of infantile, and embarrassing to watch.

Not an argument.

>What's your point here exactly?

You said it was nicer than many parts of South America. Sure, you could say that about any city compared to any continent-sized zone. It's meaningless. Again, not an argument.

It's not always that easy. Something Muslim abusers do is the typical abusive thing of cutting a spouse off from their family, but amplifying it by talking about how they're kufr and not worth keeping in contact with.

Most people are emotionally weak and not capable of standing up to abusers of any kind, not least when the abuse is overlaid with a religious dimension.

>The East Asian part is true (mostly because China in particular is striking up several deals), but I haven't heard a single thing about western engineers having anything to do with Nigeria's current infratructure.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, Nigeria's oil industry is predominantly Shell-BP run, not Sinopec.

No. 193563>>193568

File (hide): 1496596855384.jpg (125.47 KB, 800x600, IMG_1079.JPG)

I want to go to Lagos and have cute mixed race children with a handsome black man who will spoil me T-T

No. 193568>>193570

>Glad you admit that is all we're trading here.
Like I said: If you have more concrete proof that says otherwise, feel free to post it. Until then, you're really just getting pissed because someone contradicted your secondhand information with first-hand information.
>That has nothing to do with urbanization. You said that it is best to stick to the "wealthy areas" of the city, then when I asked you what proportion of the urban zone was nice compared to what was a shithole, you said it was an even split. Do you not see how the implicit suggestion here is that 50% of the city is wealthy?
If it's truly such a stretch, see above and come up with some evidence.
>Lagos isn't a nice city, which is what I've been getting at from the beginning.
And you know this because your friend went there, and their experience trumps that of someone who's actually lived there.
>I don't care if you date black guys or chinese or want to virtue signal about it.
"Virtue signal"? Nice buzzword. I'm not the anon who talked about dating black or Chinese guys, by the way.
>I'm not the other anon, my only point of contention with you was in claiming that Lagos wasn't a shithole when it clearly is.
And you know this not because you have any actual experience on the subject, but from hearsay. Hmm.
>Not an argument.
I didn't say it was, I just pointed out something juvenile you were doing and asked what your end game was. Since you can't come up with a real response, I guess my initial thoughts that you just felt the need to be condescending because someone's anecdotal evidence proved a more direct source than yourself is right.
>You said it was nicer than many parts of South America.
I said "some", not "many". You do realize anyone can just scroll up and look at exactly what is being said?
>Sure, you could say that about any city compared to any continent-sized zone. It's meaningless. Again, not an argument.
How is it "not an argument"? There are more dangerous places than Lagos. It's literally that simple. If it's "not an argument", then you're free to not attempt to contest it. Like I pointed out before, a lot of the things you've said up til this point aren't arguments as much as they are you just parroting my own words back at me in a hyperbolic way, but I guess it's a special case for you.

>cherrypicked image
Why do you feel so personally attacked?

No. 193570>>193574

>Like I said: If you have more concrete proof that says otherwise

No, I trust my friend and the other anecdotal experiences from those who have been there on this one. Lagos is a shithole.

>If it's truly such a stretch, see above and come up with some evidence.

Some evidence for what? That 50% of the city isn't wealthy?


62% of the population living on a dollar a day seems to be a fairly good piece of evidence no?

>And you know this because your friend went there, and their experience trumps that of someone who's actually lived there.

My friend also lived there. And not as a kid in a diplomatic mission with her parents, but as a professional who had a job to do.

>How is it "not an argument"?

Because you're picking a city, comparing it to a continent and saying "I bet there are a few more dangerous places to this city on this entire continent"

No. 193572

Does it count if you're both biracial? He's half German and black and I'm white/black.
I've been in prior relationships that include a white male and a Chinese 2nd gen male. As a biracial person who has no stereotypical ~black features~ it's hard because the family thinks it gives them a green light to talk on and on about my features not looking black. Luckily in this relationship both of our families have faced racial hardship so I can talk to someone about it positively.

I think the worse racist experience is that I flew from East Coast to California for a local convention that I was attending with then Chinese boyfriend. I walk in and he coincidentally had fried chicken on the counter. I thought it was weird so I blew it off. Later he would comment on ~muh black features~ like a fat ass and my skin depth. I hated it. Aside from other things that happened, I left the relationship basing it on we lived too far away from eachother.

No. 193574>>193578

>No, I trust my friend and the other anecdotal experiences from those who have been there on this one. Lagos is a shithole.
I disagree as someone who's actually lived there. If you don't, I guess that's your prerogative, but it's kind of retarded to post said anecdotal evidence as an objective standpoint when it's not even first-hand.
This is pretty vague, I'd like to know exactly how this information was cobbled together. A simple meal in Lagos is generally the equivalent of $30, talk less of public transportation and other factors. You certainly can't "live" on a dollar a day there.
>My friend also lived there. And not as a kid in a diplomatic mission with her parents, but as a professional who had a job to do.
Not an argument. But, again, you seem to be implying something here, but it's better to outright say it instead of being passive-aggressive.
>Because you're picking a city, comparing it to a continent and saying "I bet there are a few more dangerous places to this city on this entire continent"
…Mexico and Brazil aren't continents. Are you daft?

No. 193578>>193582

>I disagree as someone who's actually lived there.

Ok, but we're still just trading anecdotal experiences here.

>This is pretty vague

Nigga, you made the initial implicit assertion that 50% of the city was wealthy. And then you ask me to provide some evidence to the contrary (in essence asking me to prove a negative). I oblige and now you take issue with that evidence?

What have you posted to substantiate your own, initial assertion? Nothing.

>Not an argument.

No shit, it wasn't meant to be one. You're the one who seems to think one brand of anecdotal experience counts as bona fide proof while the other doesn't.

No. 193580

People these days are together for at least a couple years before marriage, by then surely red flags would pop up.

> Most people are emotionally weak and not capable of standing up to abusers of any kind, not least when the abuse is overlaid with a religious dimension.

Most is a bit of an overstatement. Honestly if you fall for that kind of bullshit you are just stupid and have no self esteem. People like that shouldn't risk getting into serious relationships at all then since every man / woman has the potential to be abusive, not just teh muslims.

No. 193582>>193583

>Ok, but we're still just trading anecdotal experiences here.
Half-truths are still slightly more reliable than quarter-truths.
>Nigga, you made the initial implicit assertion that 50% of the city was wealthy.
Based on my own experiences, yes.
>And then you ask me to provide some evidence to the contrary (in essence asking me to prove a negative).
You're the one who said that it "seemed a stretch", so I asked you to explain why and post some evidence. You weren't obliged to, but I was interested in knowing your reasoning behind trying to cast doubt on something you have no real knowledge on.
>I oblige and now you take issue with that evidence?
It's not my fault if you can only provide vague, shaky evidence. If you're incapable of offering anything better or more in-depth, then you probably shouldn't have tried to push this to begin with by challenging my claim.
>What have you posted to substantiate your own, initial assertion? Nothing.
Coupled with the fact that the most basic parts of survival within Lagos and most cities costs way more than a dollar (which is really just common sense, something you have trouble coping with), the fact that Nigeria's faced an economic boom as of 2014 or so, and is predicted to face another in the coming year might suffice.
Since I'm not an economic advisor, I'm just basing this off news articles more than anything.
>No shit, it wasn't meant to be one.
Not an argument.
>You're the one who seems to think one brand of anecdotal experience counts as bona fide proof while the other doesn't.
I didn't say that, either. Reread the very beginning of this post. This combined with the fact that you either seriously thought Mexico and Brazil are continents, or literally forgot what I posted(but were too lazy to double-check what you were replying to, substituted both countries with a general "South America" claim and then tried to argue with me based on your own poor reading/memory really makes you seem less and less coherent.

No. 193583>>193587

>Half-truths are still slightly more reliable than quarter-truths.

There is no way of quantifying the veracity of either of our accounts, given the nature of this being online and all. So no, it's not a matter of quarter or half truths. There are no differences in degree here, only in kind.

>Based on my own experiences, yes.

Do you have any evidence for this?

>if you can only provide vague, shaky evidence

Whatever you think of it, it is the only piece of substantive evidence that has been proffered in this exchange so far.

>the fact that Nigeria's faced an economic boom as of 2014 or so

This proves absolutely nothing. It takes decades of high-growth across all sectors of society (agriculture, industry, manufacturing, services) to produce even a modest middle class. Given Nigeria's gini coefficient I doubt that oil wealth is going anywhere other than into the coffers of the elites.

>This combined with the fact that you either seriously thought Mexico and Brazil are continents

Brazil constitutes a third of the South American landmass alone, and Mexico constitutes the overwhelming majority of Latin America.

In any event, I'm sure even someone as stupid as you can appreciate why its ridiculous to compare a city to two huge countries and say "well, there are places in these two countries that might be worse", as if it is a meaningful standard.

No. 193587>>193595

>There is no way of quantifying the veracity of either of our accounts, given the nature of this being online and all. So no, it's not a matter of quarter or half truths. There are no differences in degree here, only in kind.
Are you really trying to argue "My friend of a friend experienced this" is just as reliable as "I, myself, experienced this"? Pitiful.
>Do you have any evidence for this?
Yes, I posted it right after that.
>Whatever you think of it, it is the only piece of substantive evidence that has been proffered in this exchange so far.
It's like you just pretend not to see things if they're inconvenient for you (or even make up your own, in the case of the Brazil/Mexico) thing. Selective readers shouldn't try to get into online arguments.
>This proves absolutely nothing. It takes decades of high-growth across all sectors of society (agriculture, industry, manufacturing, services) to produce even a modest middle class. Given Nigeria's gini coefficient I doubt that oil wealth is going anywhere other than into the coffers of the elites.
I'd like to quote you in part here, "You ask me to provide some evidence to the contrary. I oblige and now you take issue with that evidence? What have you posted to substantiate your own, initial assertion? Nothing". Post your own counter-evidence to back up your rebuttals.
>Brazil constitutes a third of the South American landmass alone, and Mexico constitutes the overwhelming majority of Latin America.
Nice backpedaling. Notice I didn't even say those countries alone, but some cities in them. No matter how you try to spin this and dilute things so you look less wrong, by accusing me of comparing the city to a continent when I mentioned cities within countries, you showed off your own idiocy.
>In any event, I'm sure even someone as stupid as you can appreciate why its ridiculous to compare a city to two huge countries and say
I wouldn't go around calling others stupid if I lacked basic reading comprehension like you do, just a tip. I didn't say all of Brazil or Mexico, I said "some cities" therein. Just give up on this, you made a mistake and subsequently made yourself look retarded.

No. 193595>>193601

Now who's misreading? I said friend. Not friend of a friend.

And yes. Since we have no way of independently verifying the veracity of either of these claims they're about as worthwhile as each other.

>Yes, I posted it right after that.

Can you explain how a news article about economic growth in Nigeria is evidence that 50% of Lagos is wealthy?

Are you really young or just really stupid?

>Post your own counter-evidence to back up your rebuttals.

The article you posted says nothing about how wealthy the average Lagosian is, which is what we're discussing here.

Back to PULL with ye, tumblrina.

No. 193601>>193603

>Now who's misreading? I said friend. Not friend of a friend.
Does it really matter? It's the same in spirit because you clearly learned very little from this "friend".
>And yes. Since we have no way of independently verifying the veracity of either of these claims they're about as worthwhile as each other.
Half-truths are still slightly more reliable than quarter-truths. At least if someone asked me first-hand what Lagos was like, I could answer. You'd have to contact your friend or link them this thread. Alternatively, you'd just make shit up based on little to no evidence other than a link that simply says people can live in a city on less than a dollar a week (something that sounds suspicious to anyone with even an inkling of critical thinking skills) and absolutely no other information.
>Can you explain how a news article about economic growth in Nigeria is evidence that 50% of Lagos is wealthy?
It certainly contradicts your insistence that 62% of people in a fucking city are living on less than a dollar a day.
>Are you really young or just really stupid?
Neither, but you sound both. At least I know the difference between a country, a continent and a city. I believe we all learn this in primary school. Also, not an argument.
>The article you posted says nothing about how wealthy the average Lagosian is, which is what we're discussing here.
Neither does anything you've offered up til this point. You can't even back up the garbage attempt at evidence you posted because you know you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Back to PULL with ye, tumblrina.
I've been on Lolcow since it's conception, and Maxfag and SR before that (not that you would know what the latter two are). You sound like you're projecting. Or, since you know you've fucked up, exposed yourself as a moron and have nothing else to say, screaming "You're from PULL AND Tumblr!!" is your last resort.

No. 193603>>193606>>193607

>It certainly contradicts your insistence that 62% of people in a fucking city are living on less than a dollar a day.

How? I have a feeling you have no idea what "growth" or "GDP" even mean.

No. 193606

She's not talking about growth, she's addressing your claim that 50% of Lagos is weathly.

No. 193607>>193610

How can a country who is directly ahead of South Africa in output and GDP (https://www.africaportal.org/dspace/articles/nigeria%e2%80%99s-economic-boom-positive-outcome-intra-africa-trade) have "62% of its population living on less than a dollar a day"? Are you even capable of explaining how it is possible to live on less than a dollar in Lagos? Of course not.
>I have a feeling you have no idea what "growth" or "GDP" even mean.
Big words from someone who doesn't know what a continent is. If you're not that anon, this doesn't apply to you obviously.

No. 193610>>193616

>How can a country who is directly ahead of South Africa in output

Output of what?


Ah, I see now. You don't understand what GDP is. GDP is just an aggregation of all economic activity in a given country, as a result it is skewed heavily by population size.

RSA has over double the GDP per capita of Nigeria (and don't get me wrong, RSA is still a complete shithole).

>have "62% of its population living on less than a dollar a day"?

We're talking about Lagos, not Nigeria in general.

No. 193615>>193617

>How does this change my point, exactly?

Because it is analogous to saying that the average Indian is richer than the average Swiss because India's GDP is higher.

Net GDP tells you nothing about an average person's living standards or median income.

God damn you are dense.

No. 193616

>Output of what?
Goods, exportation, etc. I linked a pdf right there.
>GDP is just an aggregation of all economic activity in a given country, as a result it is skewed heavily by population size.
How does this change my point, exactly? Can you explain how this subjective economic activity can still point to 62% of people living in its former capital to be surviving on less than a dollar a day?
>We're talking about Lagos, not Nigeria in general.
Alright, my mistake. However, I asked you how it was possible to live on less than a dollar a day in Lagos specifically, and you still aren't capable of answering that. I don't think you ever will be, either.

No. 193617>>193620

>Because it is analogous to saying that the average Indian is richer than the average Swiss because India's GDP is higher.
False equivalency.
>Net GDP tells you nothing about an average person's living standards or median income.
Again, "Can you explain how this subjective economic activity can still point to 62% of people living in its former capital to be surviving on less than a dollar a day?".
>God damn you are dense.
You call me dense, but you tried so hard to defend the idea that Mexico is a continent and are still trying to dodge the focal question. You should probably just give up here. Clearly, all you can do is screech "PULL! Tumblr! No you're dumb!".

No. 193620>>193623

>False equivalency.

You asked me how so many Nigerians could be living on less than a dollar a day when their GDP was higher than that of South Africa. When Nigeria has something in the region of over 3 times the population South Africa does.

You are very evidently clueless about how basic economic statistics are calculated.

>Can you explain how this subjective economic activity can still point to 62% of people living in its former capital to be surviving on less than a dollar a day?.

Not an argument. India is the seventh largest economy in the world, it has all sorts of economic activity going on within its borders, including one of the world's largest steel industries. Nevertheless, around 60% of the population live on less than two dollars a day.

Point being you can have enormous growth and enormous poverty side by side.

I hope for the sake of your future employer you aren't taking a degree with a mathematics focus.

No. 193623>>193624

>You asked me how so many Nigerians could be living on less than a dollar a day when their GDP was higher than that of South Africa.
Not just their GDP, but their output and overall economic prosperity as of late. Also, that doesn't change the fact that your comparison was shit, it has little to do with anything we're talking about.
>You are very evidently clueless about how basic economic statistics are calculated.
Not an argument.
>Not an argument.
Are you legitimately retarded? It's a question.
>India is the seventh largest economy in the world, it has all sorts of economic activity going on within its borders, including one of the world's largest steel industries. Nevertheless, around 60% of the population live on less than two dollars a day.
1. India isn't Lagos. Additionally, a country is not a city. Also, a continent is not a country. This is something you seem to have trouble understanding. Did you fail geography class?
2. The cost of living in Lagos would not allow for 62% of its population to live on less than a dollar a day. You can't actually refute this, so you've ignored it up til this point, but it's true.
>I hope for the sake of your future employer you aren't taking a degree with a mathematics focus.
Not an argument.

No. 193624>>193630

>not just their GDP
>but their output

Output of what? If you're talking about exports, then these are counted as part of the overall GDP equation.

>Additionally, a country is not a city.

It doesn't make a difference, the principle here remains the same. Net GDP tells you nothing about income or living standards.

>2. The cost of living in Lagos would not allow for 62% of its population to live on less than a dollar a day.

Prove it.

No. 193630>>193631

>Output of what? If you're talking about exports, then these are counted as part of the overall GDP equation
Check the pdf.
>It doesn't make a difference, the principle here remains the same.
I'd wager the entirety of India is much larger than a single city in Nigeria, and aren't comparable in the least. So, no, the principle is not actually the same.
>Prove it.
You're saying 62% of people living in Lagos apparently can't afford to live in the city itself, afford a cappucino or 1kg of cheese. A taxi start alone costs what you claim is their daily fund, so even commuting is out of the question.
Even this source only has 58 contributors.

No. 193631>>193633

You mentioned it above actually:

>Goods, exportation, etc.

What do you mean by "goods"? Goods for domestic consumption? For export? Because you've already mentioned exports.

>I'd wager the entirety of India is much larger than a single city in Nigeria, and aren't comparable in the least.

Net GDP tells you nothing about living standards, doesn't matter whether it's a country or a city.

>You're saying 62% of people living in Lagos apparently can't afford to live in the city itself,

Why do you think the city has huge shantytowns with people of no fixed abode?


>afford a cappucino or 1kg of cheese.

Yes, cappucinos are luxuries for a lot of poor people around the world you idiot.

No. 193633

>You mentioned it above actually
Congratulations, you learned to scroll up. Scroll up again, and you will find that at some point I said "Check the pdf". Do your best, anon.
>Net GDP tells you nothing about living standards, doesn't matter whether it's a country or a city.
And? That doesn't make India the same as Lagos. Your comparison was garbage.
>Yes, cappucinos are luxuries for a lot of poor people around the world you idiot.
And taxis? And potatoes? And milk? And eggs? And tomatoes? And beer? And a single (inexpensive) meal a day?
You're the idiot here, as you've demonstrated time and time again. Next you'll be telling me that if you set foot in Africa, tigers and giraffes will rush you.

No. 193678>>193689

i don't know why you guys are freaking out about nigeria.
do any farmers have experience with persian men?

No. 193689

seriously make a thread about lagos if you want to argue irrelevant shit and completely derail the thread

anyway reading about anons in fulfilling interracial relationships was pleasant, wishing the best for y'all :)

No. 193729>>193746>>193764>>193832

>tfw dated a Korean guy for half a year
>is exactly like described in this thread

- Would get angry very easily, but bottled it up so it was an extremely passive aggressive kind of anger. Would do an "I'm fine…" thing whenever I asked him what was wrong, and become increasingly pissed off whenever I took him at his word and didn't dote on him trying to ask him why he was upset.
- Hated seeing Asian girls with White men, got to the point where we'd have to avoid a lot of popular urban areas because he'd freak out and start muttering under his breath, slamming his fist against the table etc. The thing is, I had no idea what to do in this situation, did he want me to comfort him? What am I supposed to say even?
- Asshole parents who he wouldn't stand up to. Would chat shit about me in my presence.
- Every disagreement with him was met with "you don't understand my culture" or something about how I didn't understand the plight of the asian male in American society.
- He never actually hit me, but he'd do that thing when I pissed him off where he'd raise his fist threateningly against me to make me cower, so not real abuse, but still…

I'm now in a relationship with a white guy and much happier and in all honesty, I'd never date someone outside of my race again.

No. 193746>>193760

Are you sure you're not a white male trying to smear the reputation of Asian guys? kek

No. 193760

They don't need anyone's help to do that, /r/asianmasculinity and /r/aznidentity are enough on their own.

No. 193764

Koreans in general are angry and resentful.

No. 193832>>193854

Persephone would be a perfect cow, but sadly she's been taking lessons from Princess Doll. She's so brazen she even tried to make her own thread on PULL iirc. She's only worth a few cringe watches.

Well said, Anon. I wish I would've figured all that out when I was youger. I would've saved myself alot of nutty exes.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit. Sorry to beat a dead horse, but these aznmasculinity "activist" types are on the same level as incels, they're just way more subtle. There's alot of good Asian men, but you have to wade through shit to find them.

Korean rage is real as fuck though. I'm very fortunate in that my boyfriend is really mellow, because he's aware of it and actively tries to keep his emotions in check. They're just really intense people and their kids learn it from them, I guess.

No. 193854>>194670

>Well said, Anon. I wish I would've figured all that out when I was youger. I would've saved myself alot of nutty exes.

Storytime anon, I'm intrigued.

>but you have to wade through shit to find them.

What's the point when you can find a decent man of your own race a lot more easily simply by virtue of them being easier to read and less inscrutable (to you anyway)?

No. 193860>>194109

>namely that they're simply not very physically or emotionally attractive.

My own theory is that in asian societies, you don't actually need to be particularly physically attractive or be engaging emotionally to snag a wife, there are all sorts of arranged dating services, familial-arranged dating and so on. Basically all you need is to pass your exams well, get an iron rice bowl type job and you'll get a wife. Even if she's not attracted to you, you'll still get her pregnant, then when you lose that attraction you take on a mistress or fuck hookers like a lot of Korean men do and that's that.

But basically at no point in this equation is any there any degree of self-consciousness among the men, they're never really required to work out, or to become more sociable or to improve in any way that isn't directly related to monetary gain in order to obtain a wife.

Now, when you transfer someone from this particular racial and cultural background into a dating market that's much more of a free for all and where chemical attraction, be it physical or personality or emotional or whatever, matters a lot more a lot of Asian men just don't know how to deal with it.

They come from a culture that tells them they need to pass some grueling exams and then they'll get their wife. And in America they learn that, actually, passing exams isn't in of itself good enough, and that a woman would rather spend her life with a guy on $80k a year who can make her life than a guy on $140k a year who she barely talks more than two sentences to every day.

On a related note, China is probably the only country in the world where most men will actively bitch about women going for non-monetary traits in a partner. You may think I'm joking but for them it really does make them angry when a woman goes for something other than income, and I think that's because deep down for a lot of Asian guys, that's the only feather in their cap.

No. 193863

why the fuck would anyone want to date a white person? that's just the worst kind of el corona! a bunch of white girls were being thirsty towards me, so I beat those degenerate fucking cunts with a keyblade.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 193864

This thread reads to me as a prime example of Poe's law.

You just can't be for real.

…or can you?

No. 194109>>194334

I don't think this applies to Westernized American-born Asian men who are the ones we see bitching about not getting any women…

No. 194334>>194354

With the exception of Koreans (who are uniformly assholes), you've got it completely the wrong way around.

The whiniest Asian men you'll meet are the American-born ones: Eddie Huang, Alan Yang, /r/asianmasculinity and /r/aznidentity. This is for two reasons:

1. Asians are prone to feelings of self-pity and feeling hard done by. All people are to some extent of course, but this is particularly true in Asian culture (some of the most famous Tang Dynasty poetry is whiny as fuck). It's the result of this whole archetype of suffering in silence and "eating bitterness". In Asia, these tendencies are kept in check by the shame culture and expectations of conformity. Bitching is frowned upon. American culture by contrast venerates the victim, to the point you have an entire political discourse devoted solely to establishing who is the biggest victim of them all. Under these conditions, the tendency of Asians to feel self-pity is let loose and their sense of grievance is emboldened, whereas in Asia they'd just get told to fuck off and get on with work.

2. Ugly Asian men, such as Eddie Huang, would simply be considered ugly and desirable and have to suck it up in a place like Taiwan. They'd be like the Taiwanese version of robots, blaming better looking men of their own race rather than members of other races, as there simply aren't that many non-Asians in East Asia to begin with. Put these people in the Western world however and they have a target for their resentment and grievance that is an outgroup (whites) rather than an ingroup (other Asians). This amplifies that resentment and adds a racial dimension to it.

Like >>192811 (the girl with the HK boyfriend I think?) said. That level of resentment is actually not that common in Asia itself, the average Japanese guy actually doesn't care about Japanese girls dating gaijin for example. Outside of Korea anyway, where you're dealing with an ethnic group who have perhaps the most extreme inferiority complex on the planet.

No. 194354

>American culture by contrast venerates the victim, to the point you have an entire political discourse devoted solely to establishing who is the biggest victim of them all.

I think this is the biggest explanation for it tbh. It just depends on the culture of the country. If you live in a culture where it's okay to be a bitchy ass 'victim' 24/7, then no surprise what kind of person crawls out of the woodwork…

No. 194585>>195194

My boyfriend is Korean who migrated to the US at around 12 years old and now lives in the UK. He seems fairly western in his views, but gives off some red flags and i dont know if its a warning call for me to leave. He constantly mentions how I would look better with pale skin, because i self tan a tiny bit, and how he prefers blonde women with blue eyes (the stereotypical plain white girl) constantly talks about how cute it is etc, even if i do have some characteristics that fit the mould. Another thing is he constantly asks if i find certain asian men attractive, even when walking through the city, I find that really strange considering I dont really care about race, and find beauty in almost every skin tone and ethnicity, As well as having dated different races. I am fairly attractive and get attention a lot, but he does sometimes make me feel a little insecure. Do you farmers think he's just dating me because im white? Sorry for rambling.

No. 194670>>195194

File (hide): 1497142069442.jpg (16.79 KB, 237x345, yu8976.jpg)

I don't really have any interesting stories about assholes, but I very briefly dated this eccentric dude. It wasn't horrible, just bizarre.

My grandma was working with a guy whose mother moved with him to the US when he was nine. They settled in Florida and his mother remarried a white guy, and to his credit he never acted like he was bitter about it. He became a travelling salesman and he did pretty well because he was fluent in Mandarin. I guess my grandma mentioned that I liked Asian dudes (very work appropriate) and he pestered her to give me his number. I honestly think he wasn't a bad person, but he would say things that would sketch me out a little like, 'My mom's so happy that I'm dating a white girl.' He wanted to move me in with his mom and stepdad a thousand-and-something-miles in Florida after only two months too.

>tells me his biological father is a high-ranking Triad member

>named himself after famous businessman in hopes he'd gain some of his mojo
>he changes his name every couple of months when it doesn't seem to be working
>he'd do alot of coke and suck and my toes
>i find out from my grandma he's been trash talking my male friends saying they were short betas
>lied to my grandma about his age, he was 2 years older than what he said
>he tells me he's the reincarnation of this chinese guy that died mysteriously in the 1930's
>he shows me a photo and they really do look alike and have the same birth name.
>my ex bf is a coked-out foot-fetish triad zombie who complains about dang dirty short betas to my grandmother.

>What's the point when you can find a decent man of your own race a lot more easily simply by virtue of them being easier to read and less inscrutable (to you anyway)?

There's no good, rational, non-spergy answer to this. I think it's mostly because my very first childhood boyfriend was Filipino and when I think about what a handsome man looks like, Asiatic features come to my mind automatically. I can appreciate a handsome white guy, but they don't get my fire started quite the same. I assume this is more-or-less how every other person with a strong racial preference in dating feels. It's a very intense feeling, so I can't blame anyone else for having it.

No. 195194

The couple you posted are actually quite a famous couple in Taiwan, the guy was a political leader and the woman was a Belorussian.

Her story is pretty sad, she wasn't abused or anything but she basically got completely cut off from her ancestral culture. She only met another Belorussian later on in her life when she was like 70 or 80 or something after moving to China, and then to Taiwan.

Her husband also didn't even allow her to play Mahjong because it was "unfeminine" or some shit.

The biggest red flag I've found is if he bitches about white men (or any other group of men really) dating Asian women.

Koreans have this idea that white women are more submissive and expect less of them than Korean women do. Same sort of fetish loser white guys have about Asian women, except it's the entire male population who think this way, not just the losers.

No. 195277

>be black girl
>literally have never once in my entire life dated a guy who wasn't white

I'm one of those people who simply can't be attracted to anyone who deviates from their very specific type. Among the traits you must possess is being blonde and pale.

I've always lived in pretty progressive areas, so being in an interracial relationship has never been a problem.

No. 195321

So all these girls into asian guys.

Where am I supposed to meet you? Cons?

No. 196296

i feel some weird guilt because i've only ever been with white people sexually. i'm latina but can pass for white (i'm argentinian) and my parents actively encourage it. the only problem i've run into with white american guys is that they get pretty condescending when they find out my family is south american. it's not even in a purposely malicious way, just out of ignorance i think. still, i do feel like a racist traitor since i'm pretty much only attracted to white people.

maybe i could go for more darker skinned latino guys but the problem is they're usually short or just as tall as me and i'm not into that.

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