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No. 190937

What is this?

No. 190940>>190946

a bidet

No. 190941>>190946

A drinking fountain, try it!

No. 190944>>190946

a hot tub

No. 190945>>190946

modern art

No. 190946>>190965

Are you guys mentally retarded? That's where you put your bowling ball until the next big game. The sink nozzles are to wash it so it can roll smooth.

No. 190950

an ass sprinkler

No. 190957>>190959

I believe this is what the Europeans call a "bathtub."

No. 190959

A sink for midgets. Or a bidet.

No. 190965


im losing it, anon

No. 190968

Something you should have in your house

No. 190982

It's where you wash your pee pee and poo poo

No. 190984

Moved to >>>/sty/3717.

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