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No. 189941

Given that the AHCA just passed, I thought it would be appropriate to have a discussion on this. Anyone going to be particularly affected by this?

No. 189945

Wait until it gets through both chambers of congress to freak out. The senate will never pass the current version and is actually not even going to vote on it in favor of writing their own bill. It will still probably be horrible but hopefully slightly less so.

Luckily for me lithium is fairly cheap and I live in a state which would never axe preexisting conditions so it doesn't affect me much. Not excited about the medicaid cuts though in case I ever need it.

No. 191840

I'm so fucked if this passes. Without my current insurance, the cocktail of meds that keep me barely functional are somewhere around $400. I don't even make that in a month of working…assuming I could even hold down a job unmedicated. It freaks me out too much so I try not to think about it, but I know that doing that is gonna ultimately fuck me over in the end.

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