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No. 1899367

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.

No. 1899369

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No. 1899375

happy to see this thread appear, thank you nona

No. 1899400

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The article is hand wringing about how horrible this is but frankly this should be the standard. This should be the fate of every sex offender, no?
I was looking for science or medicine related uplifting news, but a lot of headlines sensationalize minor discoveries, so it's hard to find something truly interesting.

No. 1899524

Nice thread

No. 1900091

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No. 1900095

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No. 1900133

Fucking thank youuuuu I had to hide the other news thread because it was always too upsetting

No. 1900183

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>Women can exercise less often than men and still see greater health benefits, new study shows
It's bleak. But I believe that people can do good, too.

No. 1900186

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The US government is working to define "woman" and "man." I think republicans are suspicious, so I worry that this could be used to harm women somehow, but I think it is overall a good thing.

No. 1900192

Based! Ironic times we are living in when it’s the republicans who are trying to pass legislation that would protect women’s sex-based rights

No. 1900196

Samefag, from the same article:
>“Since the 1970s. radical feminists supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment have sought a world in which men and women are treated exactly the same in every single circumstance, regardless of physical differences. A world where men and women may never be separated for any reason. The Women’s Bill of Rights aims to halt this radical agenda,” Crouse said.
I don't believe feminists believe this anymore.
>It provides the same thing for men that it does for women, it doesn’t do anything for women
It stops men from entering women's spaces. Is it possible this act could be used to restrict women from certain careers or fields? I don't think so. I only see positives coming from this. Tranny shit needs to pass already.

No. 1900200

Women's rights are going in the right direction. Republicans are successfully stamping out trannies but unsuccessfully banning abortion (more and more young/left leaning voters are supporting it). I believe deepfake and AI bans are on the horizon in a few years. We will be ok as long as we support each other and speak up for women.

No. 1900239

>It stops men from entering women's spaces. Is it possible this act could be used to restrict women from certain careers or fields?
I don’t think so, either. I work in law and have a basic understanding of constitutional law, but I’m no expert, so take this with a grain of salt: I believe this legislation (unless the republicans have something sinister up their sleeve) would help raise women to a protected class that would receive “strict scrutiny” in the way that race, nationality, and religion currently get. By receiving “strict scrutiny,” the courts would be conceding that sex is an immutable trait with a history of being discriminated against, and therefore, any legislation passed by the government that targets women should be reviewed with the highest level of scrutiny possible. Currently, females are not a protected class under the construction like racial or religious minorities are. From what I can tell, this legislation would serve as excellent groundwork for justifying this kind of judicial review

No. 1900505

I think one thing that still worries me about the language is does "at some point produces ova" mean in the short term or does it include "produced" ova. Otherwise you're technically expelling women who have had hysterectomies or post menopausal women. Probably my own bit of fear, just because the republicans are so hateful and obsessed with breeding nowadays.

No. 1900949

"At some point" can mean some point in the future or some point in the past. I assume they used that wording so that girls would be covered under the definition of woman because trannies keep trying to abolish same sex spaces for children.

No. 1906383

>Daughters help the police catch their rapist father and demand he be executed under Florida's new execution law.

No. 1910549

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Congrats to this queen, she's amazing. And I bet the comments from moids are seething or bringing up the feminism boogeyman as they always do.

No. 1916205

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Some old but good news for nonnas worried about the environment.

No. 1916208

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No. 1916229

They don't eat the whole plastic. They poop out monomers that fuck with animal endocrine systems.

No. 1920300

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No. 1920301

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No. 1927100

God, I see what you have done for others

No. 1927117

I don't understand what the title is trying to say.
Is it giving blood and plasma donations or receiving them?

No. 1927212

"The trial involved 285 Fire Rescue Victoria staff and contractors with elevated levels of PFOS, a common detected type of PFAS used in some firefighting foams.

They were randomly allocated to donate plasma every six weeks, to donate whole blood every 12 weeks, or to make no donations (the control group) for 12 months.

Their PFAS levels were measured at four intervals: at recruitment, the start of the trial, after 12 months of following their treatment plan, and again three months later to test if the results were sustained.

Both blood and plasma donation resulted in significantly lower PFAS chemicals than the control group, and these differences were maintained three months later.

Plasma donation was most effective, resulting in a roughly 30% decrease in average blood serum PFAS concentrations over the 12-month trial periodReductions in PFAS levels from blood or plasma donations may be because PFAS are bound to proteins primarily found in the serum; many other organic pollutants are bound to fats.

The finding that plasma was more effective than blood donation might be because firefighters in the plasma donation group donated blood every six weeks, whereas those in the blood donation group donated every 12 weeks.

In addition, each plasma donation can amount to as much as 800mL compared with 470mL for whole blood.

Plasma PFAS concentrations are also about two times higher than blood PFAS concentrations, which could make plasma donation more efficient at reducing the body burden of PFAS chemicals"

No. 1948065

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>The first woman ever has completed the 100-mile Barkley Marathons held in Tennessee. British ultrarunner and 40-year-old vet, Jasmin Paris, completed the race with 99 seconds to spare from the 60-hour cut off, a feat she fought for over rough terrain at all hours of the day. The race originated in 1986 and since, only 20 people have successfully completed it. Including Paris, 5 people completed the race this year, a record-breaking total
>Thousands of supporters watched the race on social media as she made her finish on Friday - she was so exhausted she slumped to the ground after finishing.

No. 1948080

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Naya, a freshman at John F. Kennedy High School in New Orleans, was inspired to create the watch through a program called STEM NOLA, where K-12 students learn and participate in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math projects. The organization offers an eight-month-long STEM fellowship to low-income high school students of color who show an interest in solving real-world problems and gives them training, career and networking opportunities.

The organization also hosts STEM Saturday, a free weekend program where K-12 students can create inventions. When Naya attended her first STEM Saturday in October, she thought designing a watch that detects seizures would be a great idea. But the following weekend — the last weekend to complete her project — she changed her plan entirely and instead created a watch for stroke detection, since her grandmother had suffered a stroke. She named her invention WingItt, a fitting title for an idea that sprouted at the last second.

The watch works by detecting nerve impulses and heartbeats. Naya says that many stroke victims may develop noticeable signs such as a droopy face or strange taste in their mouth, but she wanted to create something that can detect internal symptoms. As she researched, she found that strokes were more common in people 55 and older than in younger people, so she wanted to cater to this demographic. As she works out the kinks in her prototype, she wants to ensure that it is detecting only strokes and not picking up on other issues, such as those involving the heart.

A huge priority for Naya is making sure her watch is affordable for older adults who may not have the money for expensive technology, like iPhones and Apple Watches, that have health-monitoring features.

“I want to do something I’m interested in, that will also change the world,” she says.

No. 2070313

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>The Quarterly Uniform Crime Report (Q1), January-March, 2024, provides a preliminary look at crime trends for January through March 2024 compared to January through March 2023. A comparison of data from agencies that voluntarily submitted at least two or more common months of data for January through March 2023 and 2024 indicates reported violent crime decreased by 15.2 percent. Murder decreased by 26.4 percent, rape decreased by 25.7 percent, robbery decreased by 17.8 percent, and aggravated assault decreased by 12.5 percent. Reported property crime also decreased by 15.1 percent.

No. 2070315

Then why is crime going up in my neighborhood?

No. 2072600

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No. 2097231

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No. 2097234

Good for her, what a badass woman

No. 2097241

So glad to see she's not being tried for self defense. I hope I'm beating males with tables when I'm her age.

No. 2097249

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>For more than 15 years, Danielle Stevenson, who holds a PhD in environmental toxicology from the University of California, Riverside, has been pioneering a nature-based technique for restoring contaminated land, using fungi and native plants to break down toxins like petroleum, plastics, and pesticides into less toxic chemicals.
>In a recent pilot project funded by the city of Los Angeles, Stevenson, 37, working with a team of UC Riverside students and other volunteers, significantly reduced petrochemical pollutants and heavy metals at an abandoned railyard and other industrial sites in Los Angeles. While her research is still in its early stages, Stevenson says she believes her bioremediation methods can be scaled up to clean polluted landscapes worldwide.

No. 2097653

what an amazing girl

No. 2099976

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No. 2106753

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It's great to see women fighting back

No. 2106790

She's so based and real for this.

No. 2111758

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No. 2116375

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Angels are punished for carrying out the work of the lord

No. 2116378

It must be fun being a researcher in china getting to edit people's dna with almost no restrictions

No. 2116446

No. 2126762

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No. 2126774

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reminded me of this cool lady, both are a great reminder to always stay fit

No. 2126776

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No. 2126781

No. 2126794

i hope they treat him like he treated those dogs in jail

No. 2126796

murdering scrotes should be legal for women. most of them deserve it anyway

No. 2126798

i cant believe white women did this…

No. 2136740

No. 2137755

No. 2138651

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>Recently, Dateline NBC’s Andrea Canning joined the Today show to discuss the newest episode of Dateline True Crime Weekly and revealed that Hargitay, 60, helped one Michigan prosecutor with thousands of sexual assault cases.
>The Law & Order: Special Victims Unit star funded prosecutor Kym Worthy on her path to solving thousands of cases. Worthy first discovered that over 11,000 untested rape kits were sitting on a shelf in an evidence room. She took matters into her own hands and worked to get all of them tested.
>However, money was needed to get all of these kits tested, and as Canning said, “So, who stepped in? None other than Law and Order’s Mariska Hargitay.”
>Canning, 51, explained that the actress “helped them raise the money to get this done.” As a result, thousands of cases were solved and they discovered 22 serial rapists.
>The Dateline broadcaster also noted that Worthy and Hargitay’s work is “having a ripple effect across the country [and] is making changes everywhere — for police departments for prosecutors’ offices.”
>This isn’t Hargitay’s first time assisting real law enforcement. Earlier this year, in April, while filming one of the final episodes of season 25 of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, she was approached by a little girl who believed her to be a real police officer based on the badge she wore as part of her character’s outfit.
>At the time, a witness told PEOPLE that the little girl had been separated from her mother in the Anne Loftus Playground in Fort Tryon Park and asked the actress for help. Hargitay obliged and then halted production for 20 minutes to help the child locate her mother and to console them both.
>The witness noted that the young girl was both oblivious to the film crew and Hargitay’s scene partner, Ice-T.

No. 2138655

Mothers have the lowest rates of PFAS and other forever chemicals because they get passed on to the fetus.

No. 2156189

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No. 2166539

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No. 2191237

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No. 2191239

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No. 2191342

Are there other types of sex crimes in Scotland that include molestation? There's rape that doesn't require PIV. Like forced oral sex, or being forced to strip or be groped. This is a great step forward.

No. 2192042

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It's good that Gaza is getting razed to the ground.

No. 2192058

>You can only commit that crime as a man
Damn what a stacy

No. 2192070

i dont care for the rapeapes of both sides i just want the women and children safe from them regardless of their religion.

No. 2192076

>banned from self-identifying
That's two layers of absurd.

No. 2192250

>Islamic state trafficked these women to Gaza
>So its good Gazans are being destroyed because of what a handful of moids did there
>Fuck the women in Gaza also being raped by moids
Fuck off. Its great they were rescused but its clear from your post thats not actually your concern.

No. 2192687

Excellent. We need this in America.

No. 2192920

I'm sure that woman had tried to escape or look for help and stood out being a foreigner, raising eyebrows about what she had been doing there exactly - where were the Gazan women then? All that took for a random stranger was to go on the Internet and rely back instructions to her on when she should turn up at the border. Everybody there is complicit.

No. 2192948

I'm glad that the girl got away and that someone actually helped her—but Jesus Christ this is so scary, all it took was to take the same bus stop with the scrote to have this happened. This is why I'm a hermit.

No. 2192968

>Everyone in any area where someone has been kidnapped has to know and be complicit because I need an excuse to hide the fact I'm a gore whore who gets off on people being killed in large numbers and their homes destroyed and want others to think this is a normal response.

No. 2193201

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No. 2193229

Yes! This needs to be implemented everywhere.

No. 2193250

What the fuck is wrong with anons on this site, yeah that guy buying a child bride was a piece of shit and deserves to go to hell and Hamas is doing horrible things but the civilians of Gaza getting systematically mass murdered and being driven out of their homes can never be justified.(taking the bait)

No. 2193497

It's the same genocidal zionist who was shitting up two other threads with their insane autistic sperging and infighting. Best to just report and ignore, most of us agree with your take nonna.

No. 2193506

It baffles me how people always use the excuse that Palestine is a shithole to justify greater suffering happening to them. If women and children are getting raped there right now imagine what would happen under Israeli occupation. Do you think they will knock door to door in order to spare the gays or something? No. They will be living as second class citizens like in every other instance of an occupied territory throughout history, and Palestinian women and children will not only suffer abuse from fellow Palestinians but also abuse from Israelis on top of it. Have some fucking common sense, retards.

No. 2193568

I'm not part of this discussion but they're muslims so i don't care. The less muslims in the world the better for everybody including them.(bait)

No. 2193608

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Remember nonna's to report and ignore obvious rage bait

No. 2193655

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Its already under israeli occupation, its already happening.
They will use any excuse to dehumanise them and get others to try to agree they deserve rape/death because of their nationality and will spread lies that they are all muslim so "its ok" (they are not but even if they are, how can you excuse rape towards any girls?!)
Like you say most of us have common sense but there's always retards lurking here-they make themselves known by giving their opinions when no one asked.(derailing)

No. 2207530

Who the fuck asked cunt

No. 2209642

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No. 2209758

I hate fags and how they erase women. Like boohoo you can't rent a woman's womb and enjoy (rape) the fruits of her labor. Oh wow is the fag. I don't see anyone make a stink about lesbian couples not being able to get ivf. Gotta cry over gays not being able to traffic babies as much anymore.

No. 2209798

Kek they can keep crying about it. "Right now!!" what right bitch? The right to sell women's wombs and children? They can fuck off, their "rights" end when they try to take away women's actual human rights.

No. 2210240

Time to move to Italy, seems based af.

No. 2210242

Are they not allowed to adopt…or?

No. 2210251

Ok its paylocked but does it ban all surrogacy and this story is trying to be extra or is it really only gay couples that are banned?

No. 2210253

They just want to propagate their own shitty genes from their own shitty sperm
Shows that they don't give a fuck about actual child rearing and parenthood

No. 2210708

Man, this site makes me remember why I stopped caring about straight women more every day.

No. 2210800

It's all paid surrogacy afaik, faggots just love to make everything about themselves as usual. Surrogacy has always been illegal in Italy, now they're after people (even hetero couples) who go out of their way to seek out surrogate mothers abroad in places where it's legal to buy humans.

No. 2211321

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they actually found and arrested the guy who left his dog tied up in tampa during milton.
i know it’s a small thing but it has redeemed some of my faith in the world.
dog hate nonas please just let me have this one, you have your own thread.

No. 2211323

This dope went to go pick up the dog and that's how he got caught no less.

No. 2211778

Wasn't there some case where a gay couple had a baby and it wouldn't stop crying except around female relatives/friends? It's like babies know they came from a woman, need a woman, etc. Moids alone would fuck up the emotional development a child needs, I think.
Also since fags tend to be really narcissistic and annoying it's always about their retard sperm

No. 2212332

He was already extremely retarded for leaving a mid-sized dog behind since it would be pretty easy to move and doesn't require much space, but tying it up so it can't escape being blasted by a tornado? He's a psychopath and his face is shit. I hope he gets his ass blown out.

No. 2222673

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No. 2225389

No. 2225393

How is this highlighting? That girl's life ruined and he just fucking left this world in his cozy 3 star hotel

No. 2225399

It's heavily implied that he was murdered.

No. 2225414

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He was in prison and not even for that long. Pretty sure they put him in the general population section of the prison too.

No. 2227024

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I confused him for this guy, who honestly thought he would get off scott free for starving his kid because he was too busy making weird bible thumping youtube videos to look after his child. Amazing how so many of them look alike.

No. 2227702

I hope he suffered greatly and if we're lucky they raped him first. I will never forget reading about how he poured bleach all over that little girl's body and left her there.

No. 2237180

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2 highschool aged black girls in America discovered how to solve the Pythagorean theorem not 1 but 10 different ways using trigonometry ! That is incredible. Like how smart do you have to be!? Women are my favorite genre of people

No. 2237182

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No. 2237658

This is absolutely amazing. Based queens.

No. 2237661

Woah so cool! Wish i was this good at math

No. 2237726

No. 2237997

Oh, that's awesome!

No. 2238639

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Finally the the cat is out of the bag!
>Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif Has XY Chromosomes And “Testicles” : French-Algerian Medical Report Admits
95% sure his international career is over.

No. 2238646

They've made history here. This is probably gonna be taught in academia going forward.

No. 2239104

It says Imane is intersex in the french report

No. 2239149

Yeah, intersex male. Remember that "intersex" people aren't hermaphrodites or a third sex like most people believe, you're either intersex male or intersex female. The article says he has a condition that only biological males can have. He has a penis, testicles, no uterus, xy chromosomes and testosterone levels compatible with all other males. He's a man.

No. 2239222

It says Imane also has a vagina

No. 2239232

No it doesn't. He doesn't have a uterus or vagina. He has balls and a micropenis. He's 100 male. Just a defective one.

No. 2239271

>A la naissance, les bébés mâles se présentent avec une poche vaginale aveugle et, faute d'un bon diagnostic, l'identité féminine leur est souvent assignée.

Says Imane has a vagina right here (vaginal atresia)

No. 2239288

no it doesn't also >le bebes males

No. 2239307

Yeah it does, you should try reading what it says. A closed vagina is a vagina, don't know why you're trying to argue over what is literally stated.

No. 2239310

>les bebes males

No. 2239322

>une poche vaginale aveugle
aka Imane is intersex and has a vagina

No. 2239324

it literally says "male babies"

No. 2239329

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No. 2239337

Yeah, what about it? You brought up that he doesn't have a uterus but has a micropenis, I'm just saying Imane has a vagina. That's confirmed by the French report

No. 2239342

he is a male

No. 2239343

when you google vaginal pouch, the thing you are talking about you can actually see photos where you can see that it isn't a vagina but a micropenis with pouch under it, not the same as vagina

No. 2239350

? No, because even actual females can have this as far as I'm aware. But Imane is intersex male incorrectly AFAB, this condition can happen even in intersex males like Imane

No. 2239353

I feel like this is kinda based, but it still makes me hate men who violate women like this. At least the records will never be skewed. Better to just kill all rapists.

No. 2239356

I bet he was in denial after being diagnosed for the first time last year because at the end of the day it's shocking news finding out you're a man after being raised as a girl in a sexist Muslim shit hole because your retarded cousin fucker parents didn't want or couldn't get you diagnosed as a kid. He should have shut his mouth and not participated in the Olympics because now everyone knows his own personal business and clearly Algeria, his coach and his parents were ready to have him humiliate himself in front of the whole world for some clout and an underserved gold medal. I can't see it as uplifting news as long as he keeps his gold medal tbh.

No. 2239368

>Dans certaines formes de déficit fonctionnels de l'enzyme, la testostérone reste normale est le diagnostic est tardif. Dans notre contexte, cette pathologie très rare et méconnue n'est jamais dépistée précocement ce qui entraine toute la difficulté dans la prise en charge des patients atteints.
Unfortunately Imane also got diagnosed very late according to the french report. I don't know how late he became aware as it doesn't state it in the medical report. If he still entered despite knowing then I think it's unfair to all women.

No. 2239375

>I think it's unfair to all women.
I feel that way too. I would have felt bad for him if he really had no clue until very recently and found out in the most public way possible but he still decided to participate after knowing something was wrong with his health so whatever, fuck him.

No. 2239378

I agree completely, that's why I feel conflicted. I think it's pathetic and disgusting if Imane knew about his genetic advantage but still entered. If he was unaware I feel a bit more sympathetic.

No. 2239387

You REALLY believe he was unaware? He's just a cheating moid. He knew very well the truth.

No. 2239401

>Imane is intersex
>Yeah, intersex male. Remember that "intersex" people aren't hermaphrodites or a third sex like most people believe,
Disorder of sex development (DSD) is the preferred and better term because it doesn't imply the person is some kind of weirdo third sex hermaphrodite.

No. 2239460

you people are so fucking retarded i can't believe you are so fucking stupid idiot naive fucking morons legit brain dead dumbass cattle actual sheeple actual genuine shit for brains medical oddities how do you live like that how do you live with feces replasing the brain inside your skulls you cannot be this fucking stupid(infighting)

No. 2239467

No. 2239476

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omigawwwdhhh what are you talking abouttt what do you mean this is a wolf????? it's my granny obviously you silly dilly dingleberry???? uhhhh what you mean he has fur on his face…. sometimes women get hairier when they get older you misogynist omg…………… you just hate butch women………. racist….. wtf u mean, the teeth? uhhuh so you think all women must be dainty lil pray animals,,,,, you western propaganda bot woman hating homophobe russia loving retard…………………..(infighting/integrate)

No. 2239480

uhhhhh he probably never even realzed he is a wolf….. imagine how traumatic this is for him, finding out he is not a sweet granny but a wolf and getting drowned right after :( so sad for him(emoji)

No. 2240104

>imagine how traumatic this is for him
>for a male
Hahahaha, thanks for a joke.

No. 2265579

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Britain's strongest gran who started powerlifting in her 60s and became 'addicted' to the gym is crowned world champion and insists 'age is just a number'
>A grandmother-of-four who started powerlifting in her 60s has said 'age is just a number' as she is crowned world champion at the incredible age of 70.
>Susan Sabuda, from Northumberland, goes to the gym for 10 hours a week and her rigorous regime involves bench pressing, squatting and deadlifting heavy weights.
>The mother-of-four has competed in Canada, Spain, Sweden, Hungary and Lithuania and started her powerlifting journey at 64.
>Now, the retired gardener has scooped the top spot in the IPF World Masters Powerlifting Championships masters four division and said 'it's quite overwhelming', knowing that she is a world champion.

No. 2317094

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Based Scotland. First the anti troon laws, now this. Cold weather, funny people with cute accents, lots of beer, might be the best place to move to for me.

No. 2317098

MEGA BASED I love weight lifting grannies.

No. 2317136

BASED! I love cases like this. Even if he gets a slap on the wrist, it's still a case where stealthing has gotten a man convicted of rape. We all know that scrotes are terrified of consequences, it won't stop 99% of scrotes from doing it but the 1% who decide not to risk getting a sentence will be less of a danger to women.

No. 2329161

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Whatever the reason behind the boycott, it's good to see multinationals being given the finger.

No. 2338716

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Women at the wheel: the female taxi services bringing safety and independence to Bolivian travel
>Mujeres al Volante was set up by Gabriela Strauss in 2017. At the time, Strauss was going through a divorce, had lost her job, was paying off a car, and had a five-year-old daughter. She needed an income.
>Strauss had always been aware of the challenges facing parents when it came to transporting children. She was also aware of news reports of women being raped and kidnapped by taxi drivers. “I didn’t want any family to go through that,” she says. “Out of this came the idea to use my car and work to provide a safe and secure service for people’s loved ones.”
>With three friends, she decided to set up a taxi service staffed by women for other women, children and older people. She worked as an Uber driver for a couple of months for research and refined her business plan. She then posted about her new business on Facebook. “It boomed,” she says. “People started to repost, repost, repost. It was crazy. I couldn’t believe it.”
>Prices are set at about five to 10 Bolivianos (60p-£1.15) above what you would pay for a standard taxi. With that, you are guaranteed a secure and personalised service, says Strauss. Drivers won’t leave children unaccompanied, even if it means having to park and wait until someone arrives to collect them. Strauss remembers one client – a six-month-old baby, who she used to pick up from the childminder because the mother was at work. “There have been many jobs where we really became a solution for families,” she says. “A normal driver wouldn’t do this.”
>Since Mujeres al Volante began, similar taxi companies have been set up by women, for women, in Bolivia. There is Linea Lila in El Alto, a city next to La Paz, and Cumita Móvil in Tarija, in southern Bolivia.

No. 2339105

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>The Prosecutor's Office said that it could not prove that she didn't act in self-defense because of the evidence in the case.
>Witnesses said Jones became upset with how the woman was riding her motorcycle on I-5. He boxed her in, and she couldn't drive away.
>He got out of his vehicle and aggressively approached her on the shoulder of I-5, the Prosecutor's Office says witnesses report.
>The Prosecutor's Office says Jones initiated the fight.
>At one point, the woman head-butted Jones, and he drove her head into the jersey barrier before taking her to the ground.
>she shot him in the chest when he tried to climb on top of her

No. 2339157

I love this so much!! Based granny. It's never too late to start.

No. 2339447

Based. Only women should be allowed guns

No. 2346157

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No. 2348647

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No. 2349579

Kind of love this law since it wont affect lesbians

No. 2349583

Everyone should be anti surrogate. if they aren't, I will judge them. Using women as incubators is vile. I'm glad this is happening.

No. 2349585

>leave arab shithole because its too dangerous
>go to the west where people aren't getting gunned down constantly over nitpicking over their pedo cult
>seethe because women aren't required by law to wear trash bags
>demand that UK ends up like the the war torn shithole they fled from
Why are islammoids so fucking retarded? how do they do it?

No. 2349590

They are so retarded, it's insane. They should just stay in their shitholes and not be allowed to migrant into any other country.

No. 2349592

imo the only real refugees from arab countries are the women fleeing sharia law.
They should be the only ones allowed here

No. 2349658

that's the thing, many Islamists from pakistan leave the country because the government stops them from taking over, basically, every few years islamoids try a rebellion, which always fails and then their leaders escape to the uk, similar situation for algerian islamists in france

No. 2349673

Kek so they couldn't make it in their own country and try to make it in another country?

No. 2351390

No. 2352264

>Why are islammoids so fucking retarded?

No. 2352342

They're evolving and I'm here for it.

No. 2352349

This is adorable.I am glad the puppies and the mom are all fine.

No. 2352381

Dog moms are amazing, female dogs in general are so smart and caring.

No. 2352451

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No. 2352461

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queen shit

No. 2352464

ultrabased gigastacy

No. 2352466

Which one of you is this?

No. 2352471

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holy shit it just gets better

No. 2352493

holy fucking based

No. 2352503

Lolcow waifu thread when?

No. 2352508

>beating him to death with punches and kicks
Another artist for farmers to buy from while they are in prison

No. 2352511

She's a boxer

No. 2352536

I was surprised because in photos she looks quite skinny with not much muscle mass.

No. 2355105

Rapist gets life sentence. This is how things should be.

No. 2355175

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No. 2355198

Women don't bulk up from exercising like scrotes do nona kek

No. 2357489

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No. 2357525

I really adore and respect Russian people's love for cats and Turkish people's love for stray animals.

No. 2357918

Holy kek, you burgers are so fucked.

No. 2357923

>its totally because of covid u guyz! not because of the rape cases against american who workers!
so first america ruins these countries which leads to women and children being raped and now they wont even pretend to help the same people they ruined? seems about right

No. 2363086

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No. 2363116

Wow! I remember reading about this story not that long ago. I had no idea he died. The news anchor being so blasé about it is hilarious.

No. 2363122

No. 2374545

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The moid who pulled through a drive thru without pants killed himself!

No. 2374567

nothing about this is uplifting

No. 2374637

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Yes it is, trash took itself out.

No. 2374646

isnt this drake

No. 2374745

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No. 2377654

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No. 2377661

>lumping Amazon with them
Now that's fair

No. 2377734

This was a "bikini cafe" and he was known by the staff there (it's why the woman is recording him) because he would pull up and fondle himself on multiple occasions. Sucks for his wife and kid, but this guy was trash and just got hit with the consequences of his own actions.

No. 2384758

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>Transgender women in federal prisons are being told to hand over any female-identifying clothing and other commissary items, like women's razors and hair care, according to a new Bureau of Prisons policy obtained by NPR.
>The new policy also cancels trainings that "inculcate or promote gender ideology or have done so in the past," and disbands any group programs that "promote gender ideology," including group therapy sessions.
>It also ends the "transgender visual and pat search exception" that had allowed trans inmates to request a guard who aligns with their gender identity.

No. 2384765

Let these scrotes go to their prison. Justice for women.

No. 2384771

Not wearing a female prison outfit does not equate to “not existing”. their extremist language is getting old and the average fence sitter will undoubtedly start to see through it

No. 2385639

The one good thing to come out of this mess. No more TIMs in women's sports, bathrooms, prisons. No more TRA woowoo in schools. Women are still suffering, but at least it's now illegal for a moid to shove his way into women's spaces.

No. 2403482

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No. 2403493

i wish she didn't get caught, but i hope her sentence is light and she finds a quiet and fulfilling life when she's released

No. 2403498

How sad to stop your son from raping, but based woman for doing it. She took care of a rapist would probably wouldnt have been sentenced at all

No. 2403504

Talk about a living legend

No. 2403506

How can you ban womens clothing in prison?? Its all the same! I've been to jail. The only difference is the color of the stripes.

No. 2403510


No. 2410680

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>Spain's former football federation boss Luis Rubiales has been found guilty of sexual assault for kissing player Jenni Hermoso without her consent and ordered to pay a fine of €10,800 (£8,942), Spain's High Court has ruled.

No. 2410735

It's a consequence for his actions and that's more than we normally get, I'll take it.
Incredible. We need more women like her in the world. I hope she comes out of this alive.

No. 2412054

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A titty bar going under, hooray!
Hooters prepares to file for bankruptcy amid declining foot traffic: report

No. 2412057

I would be happy but the only reason why titty bars and playboy are going bankrupt is because men are placing them with hardcore porn and OF thots.

No. 2412062

OF and real-actor porn will be replaced by AI next, so it's a win.

No. 2412063

Kek even pushup bra streamers are being obliterated by vtubers.

No. 2412076

Thats even worse, jfc. Most AI models are feed on real life pics of lil kids, most ''AI'' thots have the face of toddlers for a reason.

No. 2412082

I hope AI becomes sentient so it can kill us all, but extra points if it tortures moids first

No. 2412107

I wonder if this is will really happen. Seems like a big part of it is watching a real person get hurt.

No. 2412109

is it though? most of that ai is taking footage from real crimes.

No. 2412111

Reading your post made my stomach flip at the realization there are people's rape and revenge porn being used to train ai porn

No. 2412118

ayrt and dont forget child rape and cp too. its been confirmed anyways that ai directly rips off these cp sites because having that shit is illegal now techmoids are demons

No. 2412130

Think about the kind of men that got to use it while it was in beta long before it was public knowledge.

No. 2418895

Maybe I wont die because my future doctor using ai was expelled, I hope this gets enforced on every university

No. 2420111

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No. 2424712

Now that's uplifting. I'm glad taxpayer money won't be wasted on keeping him alive in prison and the girl he raped won't have to live with the knowledge that her rapist is walking free.

No. 2424733

Finally, the 41% is doing its thing.

No. 2424853

if only they triggered their 41% powers before molesting children or animals.

No. 2461015

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