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No. 1871643

It’s ironic to have a thread on being bullied on a site like this, but I think some people will relate. What are your experiences?

Long story short, I’ve been bullied almost my entire life, my family make fun on me daily, the people I try to speak to online make fun of me, it doesnt matter how little the person knows about me, it always happens. I try and be a kind person to whoever I speak to, and I never be rude anyone who isn’t trying to be rude to me. It feels like the world isn’t made for people like that though, it’s like every person I speak to just wants to humiliate me. It’s worse when it’s a group of people, and they are all laughing at something you’ve said (sometimes at something you were joking about, but they take completely seriously). It hurts so much and all I want to do is shut myself off from everyone so they can’t do it anymore. Anyone relate?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1871654

I was bullied throughout most of my school life because I came from an ethnic minority, the way I look, and because of my personality(I was a bit weird). The bullying included name-calling, teasing, and occasional physical attacks. There were times when I even wanted to kill myself, and I had to switch schools. I don't know what to say to help you, but even though I'm an adult, I keep myself completely guarded the best I can when I'm outside. I don't even show any aspect of my personality to anyone, and so far, it has worked for me.

No. 1871658

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samefag, also, try taking up a martial art or sport, or start going to the gym to help with your self-confidence. That was also a good thing for me

No. 1871838

I'm not saying you're wrong about your experiences, but are you sure that ALL of it is bullying? Your family could be teasing you and not know that it's coming across as bullying. When a group of people laugh at something you've said they could be laughing with you, not at you. You sound like you're blowing some things way out of proportion.
Or you could be describing this completely accurately and everyone you've come across is a shithead.
If it's possible, look into therapy. For something like this it's best to speak to an actual therapist instead of just watching videos and doing worksheets online. They'll give you ways to deal with the bullying that are relevant to your specific situations.
And see if you can get assessed for ASD or ADHD. It might take a while because everyone's desperate for a shiny diagnosis now but the way you described your experiences sounds like you either have no idea how you're expected to act around others or you're over sensitive to perceived or real criticism and rejection.

No. 1872022

I think that being bullied at an all-girls school made me hesitant to completely hate men, as I think people tend to abuse and bully others when they have any kind of power over them. I'm convinced that we live in a Kyriarchy patriarchy rather than an outright patriarchy.

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