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No. 1868476
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even if sometimes she looks a little muppety I think she's cute
No. 1868497
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The cherries are the worst ones
No. 1868514
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I think Witchcraft is kinda offensive. throughout history, so-called witches and warlocks were innocent people falsely accused of black magic. In reality, they were Christians who engaged in odd rituals and held unusual beliefs. Some of them simply followed Catholic practices, such as not eating meat on Sundays or praying to saints. such minor acts were enough to subject them to accusations of witchcraft of popery, And in certain regions, more men were accused and executed. So witchcraft and wicca always struck me as a retarded and honesty kind of an offensive LARP.
No. 1868575
>>1868514Honestly I kinda agree.
And to piggyback off of this, modern day people who call themselves "pagan" or "heathen" are incredibly retarded. No actual "pagan" thought of him or herself that way. To them they were just people practicing their own religion. The whole idea of it being "pagan" is a Christian idea. It's like they're framing themselves in the way Christians would see them and making their identity out of it. Then they'll say they're identifying with their ancestors or whatever when their ancestors did not see themselves that way at all.
I kind of feel the same way about a lot of modern people who call themselves witches. They are just doing it to be edgy. The actual people who were persecuted for "witch craft" usually didn't do it at all or they were just doing some other cultural practice.
No. 1868580
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I think it's dumb that people got on simplykenna's ass for lightening her skin. Why is it bad for a white (Turkish) woman to have white skin? Do all Turks have to be tan or brown? It's a stupid nitpick.(there is an /ot/ thread for this, use the catalog)
No. 1868582
>>1868571Is there a place to
doxx pedos and get them harassed for you ?
No. 1868602
>>1868582No, do it yourself.
>>1868597Her father is Turkish (so yes, she is) and her mother is white Amerimutt.
>>1868580A lot of people don't consider Turks to be white (see: anywhere in western Europe) + she is darker IRL so I guess it was sending the wrong message
No. 1868611
>>1868608We should set up a ring of security minded women to do this honestly.
Victims can do it themselves but then they may face legal consequence or physical harm. Idk why you try to make it sound like some pathetic thing to want to punish pedophiles kek
No. 1868612
>>1868608I'd say try the deep web but that's not a good idea
OP nona do you know any hackers or would you consider consulting any surface web hacking communities?
No. 1868616
>>1868611ntayrt but this is an amazing concept and I'd love to help. Too bad I don't know anything about hacking. I briefly knew a hacker who was a friend of a friend. He knew a lot. Sure he was a moid but he considered helping me with a serious problem I was facing involving a predatory cyberstalker. Then he had a breakdown and stopped talking to everyone. My stalker continued to harass me until I mentally broke down and was never punished.
I wish there was a kind of vendetta network that focused on punishing online predators who target women and children, something like Anonymous but make it even more personal and invasive to the perpetrators. Dox them, swat them, ruin their lives the way they ruined so many other people's