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No. 1865956

Do as the titles says. Fun satire thread!

some suggestions:
>rate celeb men from a scale of 1-10
>call them mid
>call them fat
>point out all of their supposed flaws
>use intelligent words to prove a particular moid is mid
>compare them with their younger selves
>claim a moid has hit the wall and use logic and facts to prove it(use the 'talk like a moid' thread)

No. 1865982

this thread doesnt work because hollywood moids are actually ugly

No. 1865988

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No. 1865991

Don't we already have the "act like a moid" and "celebs you find ugly" threads?

No. 1865993

>big cranium indicating healthy, well endowed brain and big IQ
>gentle and big eyes, neotenous feature
>thick and juicy lips
>strong jaw
a solid 10 he is

No. 1865995

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No. 1866001

spoiler this

No. 1866005

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Reminds me of this ugly old ass dog I know the blue eyes look like cataracts

No. 1866011

I also think that this thread is useless since men are ugly by default but this comment killed me, thank you

No. 1866013

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He's like a male Leighton Meester. M'lady

No. 1866046

why do all modern male actors have the hitler combover. It's so unappealing.

No. 1866055

yeah i'm not opposed to the thread idea, but it's kind of redundant

No. 1866077

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And don't even get me started on hatfishing. The most egregious of all ugly male crimes.

No. 1866090

beards are incredibly ugly and unappealing though
>has shit particles
>hurts to kiss
>hurts to get eaten by it
bears becoming mainstream and not something old men and the homeless have is one of the reason modern men are so ugly

No. 1981359

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some examples of males calling her 'mid' in the comments

No. 1981362

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No. 1981372

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No. 1981381

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No. 1981402

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Absolutely disgusting, someone needs to tell fat old scrotes to cover up. Men are useless after age 17, you can tell his sperm are all dried up now now that he’s 24 and childless. There’s no soul left in his eyes, just permanent brain damage from riding the cock carousel since middle school.

No. 1981421

Fat and would not seggs (totally would if I got the chance NGL)(learn2integrate)

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