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No. 185892
>>185890A means assertive.
I'm a ISFP-T
No. 185894
>>185893idk it's just what google says
"Assertive (-A) individuals are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. … In contrast, individuals with Turbulent (-T) identity are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They experience a wide range of emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve."
No. 185897
>So you're dying alone. My sides lol.I took the test once some time ago. I was an ENTP-A but barely scored into the extroverted function or whatever is called. A "friend" used to call me a sociopath behind my back, so now it makes (kinda) sense.
>>185873My ex was an ENTP as well! We argued all the time. But god, sex was so fucking good. So FUCKING good.
No. 185898
>>185848INFP-A. I don't really believe these but then again I really am as turbo autistic as I sound.
>>185850They claim every single one of those is the rarest (or just rare), I've taken this with friends and all 4 of us got some variation of 'wow congrats you're a special snowflake'.
No. 185903
>>185848Was an ESFP now a ENTP.
Ive always been extroverted and talkative but I guess I'm a deeper thinker/debater now. Apparently it's pretty rare for women to be ENTP but it describes the current me perfectly
No. 186037
>>185851Its interesting how a lot of people on here have similar personality types but I guarantee that we are still very much the minority when surveying the general population.
I flip between INTJ and INTP. I guess it makes me feel slightly better about my inappropriate social behavior but I really don't consider myself much of an independent person or an "intellectual."
No. 186038
Supposedly I'm an ENTP. TBH im not quite sure about it nor how reliable is the MBTI system. I'm pretty talkative when it's about something I like or just to get to know different point of views. I really enjoy the latter. I'm all in when it comes to learn and expand my knowledge. The main thing about it is that i don't consider myself to be an extrovert. I'm naturally bubbly and have an easy laugh, but I don't like people that much… I prefer having a small social circle and tend to not share a lot of personal stuff, even with the two persons I feel the most comfortable with. Weird thing is, many acquaintances think I'm super extroverted, though I have kinda this evasive personality of mine and then they take it as I'm riding a high horse. You know, I'm a bit of an awkward person and this is making my life a mess. Idk what to do about it, I've tried to be someone else, being more serious but then the bubbliness come up and confuse the shit out of others. I can work on my awkwardness, but for what? At the end people stress me and end up feeling like I want to nuke them all up. I don't feel I'm better than anyone, I just get tired of social interaction easily. Viva the autism, I guess.
No. 186039
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>>186035I don't remember my type (either INTJ or P) but I suffer from the same problem. I don't like or know how to chat unless it's related to the few things I'm fond of. Otherwise, I just try to stay quiet until I sperg out, get the "weird one" label and end up sad for not relating with most people I come across. I somewhat to stay afloat with humor and being a decent human being, but without friends to get social credits from and hide behind to play my side-kick role I'm robit-tier retarded.
All of my friends are open-minded and balanced individuals and get along with my spergy being, but as far as I remember we became friend because of promiscuity (uni, boarding school-like environment). I never befriended people the "normal" way (get-together, party, hobbies, sport).
It IS too much to bear now, even "doping" myself with sport won't cut it. Why not trying to get some professional help from a therapist if you can afford it? That's my plan tbh. I convinced me for years it was unneeded but I don't think someone who struggle at figuring out if and when saying "hello" is the expected behavior is more efficient at fixing his life than a specialist on personality disorder
No. 186988
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srsly ffs this is such speculative bullshit, as if you could ever measure this kind of thing
No. 187068
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No. 187211
Took the test twice after a single year. This shit is only slightly more accurate than the zodiac signs.
No. 187317
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if retaken this test a couple of times for around 5 or 6 years, I always end up INFP. what is the -T and -A suppossed to mean?
>>187211i kind of agree. they phrase it similar to zodiac signs in a bootlicking style so you like to agree with it.
No. 187374
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>>187317I want one where they basically just tell you you're a shit person
No. 187802
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I'm a sperm about mbti and like typing everyone in my mind and think about how their actions fit their personality type but at the same time I question the accuracy of this typing instrument.
No. 187932
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INTP-T here. Scrolling through this post, I'm amazed at how many farmers are INTPs.
No. 188031
>>187979lmaooo "-E's are NORMIES REEEEE"
No. 539902
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there's some funny stuff out there
No. 540093
>>185848INTJ - T
People who take this in the same vein as western Astrology are annoying as fuck and have no personality.
No. 540236
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I'm just an intp-t passing by to say that infp are the best, please never change, I don't know what it is about them but all the infp I have met in my life were so easy to be friend with and creative, maybe I was just lucky, I don't know.
esfj on the other hand are the offspring of the devil
No. 540608
>>540150INTROVERSION DOES NOT MEAN BEING SHYno one understands this
introversion = you get your energy by being alone
extroversion = you get your energy by being around others
after work, do you want to come home and unwind on your own or do you want to go drinking with friends?
that's LITERALLY IT, you can be introverted and confident and loud just like you can be extroverted and shy and quiet. it's not a personality type
No. 541502
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>>541488I bet you can't improve that.
No. 546902
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I feel like ENFPS always get that Cheater Manic Pixie Dream Girl steriotype and honestly its a bit tiring, it feels like such a shat on type.
No. 546937
>>546899I thought we were 1% of the general population or at least the shitty website I use told me so.
Anyway, fellow ISTP here. I guess we can't be bothered to give a fuck.
No. 549639
>>549637how long ago did you take it? is there anything that happened to you recently that would change your answers? are you answering based on your quarantine self or your "normal" self?
i'm the ISTJ above you. i took the quiz a few months ago and got ISTP because i just got back from vacation and was answering based on the spontaneity of the trip rather than my everyday life.
No. 551448
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>>551428>socionicsgod damn it, I have such a love/hate relationship with this autistic garbage. It makes so much more sense to me to study cognitive functions this way than by letter dichotomy, but if you fall too deeply into it, it's almost impossible to figure out if you actually understand it or not. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation as to how to recognize the functions and type people. Most of socionics stuff written by experts is all translated from Russian, too, which just complicates things even further.
and don't even get me started on the damn intertype relations. People who prefer MBTI over socionics will practically gouge your eyes out if you suggest that a sensing type that shares the same functions as an intuitive type is a better match for that type than another intuitive type where functions are not shared.
ie: an ISTJ is a better match for ENFP than INTJ because their functions are the same, just reversed. a lot of people also claim that INFJ is a good match for ENFP, which makes no sense in socionics because they have no functions in common.
No. 551452
>>546902yeah i'm pretty sure I'm ENFP because I've studied the functions closely for many years, and i've never felt like this stereotype fit me at all. never had anyone else tell me that it did, either.
that being said, it does actually seem to be the case for a lot of other ENFPs. might have to do with a lot of ENFPs and ENTPs being a 7 on the enneagram, which seems to fit the manic pixie dream girl stereotype pretty closely.