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No. 1840247

We have many rant-y threads so why not making one about finding nice things about yourself? What do you like about yourself? What do other people like about you? It could be something on the physical level or the attitude? The way you cook or dress? Your accent? Who knows! Tell us, nonna!

>Please don't doomer down this thread with stuff like "People don't like anything about me boohoo!" or "People only like me because I'm pretty" or some shit like that. Go deeper. Get a grip of yourself, say something nice about you and other nonnas.

No. 1840255>>1840264

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I want to love myself despite being fat

No. 1840257

I like that you want to spread positivity and self-love!
One thing other people like about me is that I explain things in as little sentences as needed while asking loaded sentences, so that the other person basically explains the topic to herself. It's nice being the explainer.

No. 1840261

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I am resilient, tough, and have survived a lot of things in life. It can only mean that I'm resilient enough to succeed and accomplish my dreams one day if I've made it here!

No. 1840264

Do you intend to keep on being fat? Find some inspo and style! Experiment with fashion and find out what looks good you on what do you feel comfortable in. Once you'll feel confident in that, it will reflect in your face and you will look lovely with your happy and relaxed expression, trust me.
If you plan to lose weight, go to a dietician and an endo (women doctors ofc, mainly because men usually view female fat as a result of obesity via depression and don't go deeper) and work out a plan! You 're already loving yourself if you want to see the good in you!

No. 1840276

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I like that I have a big heart. I recently knew a new, vegan friend, she couldn't find vegan desserts and I learned how to do them just for her because I like to see her happy.
I always tell my friends that if they get in trouble with money, they can sleep at my house for some days.
I always carry pads, plasters, pimple patches, condoms (I'm on the pill and in a stable relationship but I don't want them to catch stds if they happen to have casual sex), napkins, painkillers and mild anti anxiety pills just for them, if they need.
However, this thing can be difficult for me about setting healthy boundaries but I'm working on it. I'm learning to say no without sacrificing my natural kindness.

On a physical level, I like my eyes and cheeks. My eyes are big and round, I look like a beanie baby but I think they suit my face and my cheeks are soft, my nigel says that it's like to squish mochi when he pokes them. Makes me feel appreciated for just being there.

No. 1840281

People have told me I have good taste, am creative and nice to be around. I can be witty and fun. I am delicate, soft and interesting. My voice is sweet.

No. 1840288

I am smart! I'm good at explaining difficult concepts to people. I'm good at learning too. My friends say I'm funny. Everyone says I have a pretty voice that sounds sweet.

No. 1840293

I always felt self conscious about my deep voice (moids and pickmes at school used to tell me I sounded like a guy) to the point that when voice-based social media started rolling out, I always pretended I didnt have a mic. Turns out that my deep voice allows me to range a lot more in singing (dark soprano), women say I sound gentle and comforting and it makes it my special trait. I now love my voice.

No. 1840299

I found that the best way to love myself is to just not care. I don't care about my looks and nobody comments on it anymore, as long as I'm comfortable in my clothes and presentable I don't give a fuck what anyone says. I stopped caring about what others think of me unless it directly has an impact on my life, now that I'm a grown woman with a job who graduated from university a few years ago I only care about what my manager and my clients thinks about my work because they're the reason I get money, if anyone else thinks I'm weird or stupid who cares. I know it's easier said than done, it took me years to be more laid back. When I was younger I was surrounded by people who wouldn't stop lying and shit talking me behind my back, at school for example but that's not the case anymore because people tend to mature as they get older and stop caring about petty shit because they have to pay bills and raise their kids so that helps.

No. 1840731

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I like my fashion sense! I'm exploring myself and I actually like what I see in the mirror! I like to wear makeup to resemble a bjd doll and I wear a gothic lolita inspired fashion (meaning that I have no burando or coords but I like to layer pieces up) and I like being my own source of happiness and I feel very good, plus I get a lot of compliments by women and it makes me feel very good because I want to inspire them into following their fashion sense too.

Plus I love my company! I used to be depressed and hating even waking up and alone time was being seen as a horror because I was alone with my thoughts, now that I love myself I realize that I can make myself laugh easily, I like to relax with face masks over a warm bath and I like to cook myself nice, delicious and good food! Everytime I go grocery shopping is ensure I'm getting the best ingredients for my meal! And I love going to sleep while wearing my favourite vanilla perfume.

No. 1840799

The fact that my body is literally growing a new organ and a whole human is amazing to me. The fact women literally grow life inside them is something so amazing, it makes me feel cool as fuck compared to men.

No. 1845897>>1846992

My hair is thick and long and my girl friends like to brush or braid it, makes me feel pampered.
I love my approach on discovering new things: I like to investigate the process of how everything works (I really like the human body - anatomy but I couldn't really be a doctor because I would fucking faint at the sight of blood and organs) and I like biology related fields, nature is so fascinating to me, it's like an endless chain of things happening in perfect synch to make everything work. I like to study and learn new languages and cultures, I like to exchange things. For example my neighbour is indian and she always gifts me her naan bread and I make her typical desserts or pasta dishes. I feel enriched by everything that's different from me.

No. 1846280

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I'm happy that I was born a woman

No. 1846820

I vloged talking to myself about random stuff and I fell a little in love with myself, it’s weird at first but I never realised i had that demeanour I find charming until I recorded myself kek

No. 1846992

I love this! My hair is super long and thick and my mom loves to brush it with her fingers, it makes me feel pampered too. I think people like my sense of humor and big heart, even if it makes me cry a lot.

No. 1847377

Love this thread! I recently let go of my worst habits (weed and mindless shopping) and I feel so good. I can genuinely think 'no, I have no reason to spend my money on this', I don't have to go out in the rain anymore to smoke weed, I'm having dreams again, I'm seriously saving for the first time in a while. I'm free.

No. 1847384

I’m happy that I like my workplace and that I was able to get the position based on my own merits. It seems like people constantly hate their jobs or have to rely on connections, so to be where I am just because a bunch of strangers liked who they saw at the interview makes me feel better about myself.

No. 1848813

I’m glad I took an interest in drawing at a young age and that I’m proficient enough to draw almost whatever I want, and that I’m capable of improving even further.

I’m relieved to know I’m not as stupid as I initially thought, I simply lacked confidence. I still lack it sometimes but it’s not as bad as when I was younger.

I find it nice that I can make myself laugh.

No. 1857520

I have a mole on the inner corner of my eye and I love it! It makes myself me and I feel like that's what makes my face special. Lately I've been experimenting with my aesthetic (not in the tiktok sense of the term - my actual aesthetic, what I look like) and I find myself a lot more satisfied when I look in the mirror, older women on the streets always tell me I look cute and stylish, bless them.

No. 1859382

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It's wild to me that I used to actually hate myself. And I'm happy I don't feel like that anymore, even though my life is still far from perfect.
I like that I've always been pretty self-sufficient. I enjoy my own company. I used to indulge in maladaptive daydreaming but I don't anymore, and I still have my imagination. I like that I get colorful and captivating dreams. At the same time, I can easily find beauty in real life.
I could've become cynical and dry but I didn't.
I've never taken myself too seriously. I can make people laugh and feel at ease.
I stayed true to myself as a kid/teen even when people disliked me.
I've learned myself better, I know my flaws. I still try to be better but I don't have this poisonous shame anymore. I can be a friend to myself.

No. 1859411

I like how beautiful I am, I like how sweet I am too. I am quite a chill person. I like how much fun I have

No. 1860498

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I decided to take the plunge it's expensive ngl and use apostrophe and my acne scars look so much better. Maybe by the end of the year i will finally have my dream of clear skin.

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