File: 1488129580789.png (159.96 KB, 455x351, image.png)

No. 182330
File: 1488129844143.png (912.6 KB, 1318x2256, image.png)

Starting off with this crazy one.
No. 182333
File: 1488133652224.png (438.95 KB, 1224x643, image.png)

Can't forget the glomping trend, do weebs still use that term??
>>182332I doubt we will ever truly know, even if fake it's a pretty good horror story.
No. 182339
File: 1488136327386.jpg (262.96 KB, 1191x846, weeb1.jpg)

Fuck, I used to have an album of these saved. Searching for it now.
No. 182362
File: 1488137976488.png (41.91 KB, 1524x277, autism20.png)

>>182361the last part of this novel
No. 182363
File: 1488138159805.png (931.71 KB, 1700x1850, autisticwaifushit.png)

I don't know if this one counts, but it's honestly as as fuck so I'm still posting.
No. 182366
File: 1488138231652.png (28.49 KB, 1313x489, as2947a.png)

>>182363**sad as fuck. Sorry, just happy to find a place to dump these screenshots.
No. 182367
File: 1488138305111.jpg (224.27 KB, 2181x781, needsmorejpg.jpg)

No. 182371
File: 1488138475858.png (49.05 KB, 894x311, narutard.png)

No. 182372
File: 1488138591301.jpg (31.47 KB, 1005x333, ahsf293.jpg)

No. 182373
File: 1488138784599.png (77.35 KB, 980x376, sfjng.png)

Alright, that's all I have for now. Enjoy.
No. 182375
>>182362I got really invested in this one and it kinda hurt.
I'll have to keep searching later for some good ones. I'm half asleep right now.