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No. 1819577
What are your plans for next year? What did you achieve this year?
>>>/ot/644632 No. 1819597
>>1819577>What are your plans for next year? I need to be better at making appointments. Find a doctor, dentist, therapist, and derm and just make the fucking appointments. I annoy myself so much about this. Also, get back into regular exercise. I fell off over the past couple of months.
>What did you achieve this year?My NYR last year was to not check my ex or her friend and family's social media. I've been a total success at this and it's helped me to leave them all in the past where they belong.
No. 1819603
>>1819597> I've been a total success at this and it's helped me to leave them all in the past where they belong.Genuinely happy for you nona!
>>1819601Snow and camping are separate haha
No. 1819663
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The only goal I've managed to achieve this year is that I lost 15lbs… which I ended up gaining back.
So, this year, in order to get my health back on track, I will:
>Eat healthier meals
>Cut back on the drinking
>Cut back on the sugar
>No junk food or fast food whatsoever
>No more soda, including diets. Stick to tea and coffee.
>Go to the gym more often. Be more active in general.
>Get over my medical anxiety and go to the doctor more often.
>No more munching just because you're bored.
>Finally, no more weed. That shit just makes you eat more.
Some other goals I'd like to fulfill for next year:
>Try to find a place so I can move out. Out of the city preferably
>Go back to school so I can get a better job.
>No more doomscrolling; stop focusing so much on bad news in general.
>Get my license.
>Read more literature
>Start learning German
No. 1819707
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Looking at my post from last year is so depressing. If only I knew how bad things were going to get… I would have savored 2022 if I had known. I at least managed to accomplish two of my resolutions, to survive and to create my own personal website. I also lost a lot of weight, but involuntarily.
I'm keeping my 2024 expectations low, if it's even 1% better than this shitty year, I'll take it. 2024 goals:
>Grow my online shop and sales to save up money for an education
>Learn to drive and take the first steps towards getting my license
>Learn to accept and be happy with my circumstances in life
No. 1819717
Next year I’m hoping to have my house in a state where it doesn’t get cluttered so easy because I have convenient homes for everything and things are nice so I want to keep them clean.
>>1819649Juicers are such a waste of money.
No. 1820034
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>lost a lot of weight
>kept up healthy eating and daily exercise
>passed all my classes
>got much needed dental work done
This year was hard in the beginning but started to even out later so that’s good at least. I want to start next year strong though!
I want to get rid of some of my stuff too and donate what I don’t need before the year ends.
>get wisdom teeth out
>get a physical
>get all the piercings I want
>stay on top of journaling
>lose rest of the weight and get buff
>graduate already
>move out
>find a job
>wear my nicer clothes more often
>Make an effort to sell my art goods/get at least one acrylic product done
>Take more pictures
>stop being a push over
No. 1820057
2023 was the worst fucking year of my life so far and I'm ending it with 2 injuries, fuck this retarded year
Here's to 2024
> get back in shape, after 11 years of gym and a 2 year break in 2022, 2023 I feel like absolute dogshit,I am skinnyfat and after a recent injury I have to take a 4 month break from exercise and it's mentally ruining me
> get braces
> get a job with decent pay and minimum stress so I can save up again
> don't be overworked …again
> go to Japan with my friend, for fuck's sake I really wanna go
> I'd say get a bf kek but I don't believe in miracles anymore, I'd like to get a cute zoomer fwb , I'm at the age where I don't give a fuck anymore about what others say
> do all my health checkups and try to fix what can be fixed
> draw every day, even for a little
> improve enough so I can draw lewd art of my husbando and delicious yume stuff kek
> move cities, it's long due, nothing of value in my hometown anymore and I feel life is passing me by
>maintain a proper sleep schedule
>1-2 hour walks daily
> when my leg heals, go back to running 2-3/week and train for marathons again
>get some certifications for my workfield
No. 1820072
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What did you achieve this year?
>Made a yt channel
>started streaming
>finished all of loomis books
>made tons of new frens
>learned two new skills
I feel like i could have done more, but this year is definetly the best in terms of achivements. My only regret is wasting so much time doing lireally nothing, but going from wanting to sudoku last year to doing all of the above things is a pretty huge step for a depressed loser hikineet, so i try to be kinder to myself.
What are your plans for next year?
>reach partner on youtube
>stream more
>get on tardbucks so i cant neetmaxx
>start coding
>draw at least one finished piece per month
>lose weight
No. 1820217
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>Success of baby art career, sold some pieces in shows, art school kept me from full NEETdom in my 30s kek
>Got back into teaching and practicing hot yoga
>Reached goal weight (although these xmas carbs are making maintenance a struggle lol)
>Got sober off weed, will be 5 months clean at New Year's. Was a daily wake and bake toker for 15 years this time is the longest I've quit yet!
>Broke up with dusty scrote, partly enabled by aforementioned sobriety.
>Sold property inherited with my brother, now I live with my mom like a loser but at least I'm not on a deed with a moid anymore.
Goals for 2024
>Stay sober
>Restart art school, create and sell more paintings
>Start school for accounting and finance
>Invest money from sale of property wisely whilst dodging the taxman as much as legally possible
>Get back into lifting weights
>Go blonde
>Find a real job or internship with a less annoying boss that actually likes me more than my current one who is super micromanagey and doesn't like to give me good classes. Get into making Big Kid money finally so I can tell everyone to fuck off
>Get Baptized and stay away from scrotes who derail my life purpose and sobriety
>Move out of mom's, but this might get moved forward to 2025 since fuck having roommates kek
Thanks for reading my blog lol. Good luck to everynonny ITT, I think we can collectively smash our goals and girlboss it up
No. 1820313
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What I achieved this year:
>Not much, really. I've been barely passing my uni classes because my mental health's been so poor and I've been really depressed for various reasons. I had a great start to 2023 and seriously thought it'd be the best year of my life, only for it to turn into the year that almost made me consider kms'ing. It just kept getting worse and worse and my ex dumping me days ago, right before holiday season, was the cherry on top. And he did it in such a cruel way too.
What are your plans for next year?
>Do better with my studies
>Improve my mental health
>Eat healthier and gain some weight/muscle
>Be more social
>Get over my ex
I'm trying to stay positive but I also don't want to disappoint myself. Good luck nonnies!
No. 1820329
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What did you achieve this year?
>Started the year feeling incredibly motivated and focused
>Had my first therapy session
>Attended every university lecture that I had
>Got diagnosed with ADHD
>Got diagnosed with Bipolar 2
>Deep down inside I actually realised I have BPD
>Started self harming again
>Attempted to end myself once
>Broke up with the guy I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with and who was also my bestfriend since childhood
>Had a concussion
>Had to drop off university
>Still stuck on below-minimum wage job
>Worst mental health year since covid
What are your plans for next year?
>Get a new, better paying job
>Resume my studies at university
>Get medicated for ADHD
>Save up to get cognitive behavioural therapy
>Spend more time with family and loved ones
>Focus on defining my own identity
>Stop people-pleasing and learn to set boundaries
>Play more video games
>Draw more
>Learn a couple of new recipes
What a year…
No. 1820339
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>>1820329I will also take this opportunity to write a letter to my future self (if I'll still browse lolcow kek) so that maybe I could look back at this thread one day. This also goes out to all the nonas that had an awful year and struggled a lot.
Hey, I know you've had quite an eventful year. Things didn't go as planned and it felt like the earth once again pulled you deep inside a hole. You've been through a lot this year, you've done things you aren't proud of and maybe thought you'd never do. I just want to remind you that you're not a lost cause. As long as you're still here and keep being self aware, you'll always grow and learn to cherish your failures alongside your mistakes, because they made you who you are today. I know sometimes life throws us in the deep end, and we find ourselves in situations where we feel like we lost everything. We get emotional, reactive, irrational, we hurt ourselves and our loved ones. Sometimes life truly feels unfair and we're dragged back to square one where we feel like giving up. I'm really proud of you for not giving up on yourself. You deserve love and compassion,even when you think you don't. Remember to let go of the things you cannot control, and focus on what's in front of you. I know it's easier said than done, but I promise you that at the end of tunnel, there is a light. Remember to show yourself compassion, love and patience above all. No matter how harsh life gets, it can never take away your growth and the lessons you've learned. Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with and who you look up to. You deserve the world.
No. 1820434
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In 2023 I planned and achieved:
>Ate healthier
>Ate a lot less candy
>Learned how to dance (beginner but still proud)
>Went places by myself and with just my sister
>Painted and decorated bedroom completely by myself
>Joined a women's club (You couldn't even say it was unorganized, there was basically nothing useful. Overall disappointing)
>Stopped biting nails and had nice long coffin nails for about 6 months (clipped them and keep biting them out of anxiety)
Didn't get a girlfriend, revive the garden, lose weight, learn to drive or use public transit
In 2023 I:
>Saw 2 bands I wanted to see play together for years
>Met up with a friend and their friends to see the bands, rode multiple trains and walked in NYC for the first time without any of my family
>Drank alcohol outside of my house
>Survived 3 semesters of college after years of neethood
>Got comfortable ordering food confidently in new places
Goals for 2024:
>Get a job and do freelance work
>Learn to drive and maybe buy a car
>Stop pretending not to be a nerd/weeb
>Stop hiding my interests and subcultures, dress with confidence
>Go to conventions, cosplay
>Go blonde or a non-natural color, get an undercut (might do it in the days up to NYE)
>Dance in public and on a real dancefloor
>Have a conversation in Japanese and Chinese
>Finish and get 10 video games, 10 manga, and 10 anime out of my backlog by the middle of the year
>Learn to draw better and make a short comic
>Finally write at least 1/4 of fanfics I've been thinking of writing for a literal 3 years
>Get a penpal
>Try edibles or smoking
>Get a girlfriend, a boyfriend is fine too at this point
No. 1820865
goals (and dreams) for 2024
>get the "money" for the course I want to take
>learn a lot of new stuff in that course
>no more alcohol
>finally visiting museums and parks and nice things in this city
>reconnect with people I care about
>let the hurtful things of the past go
>start drawing again and getting good at it
>move to another country
>learn a new language (Dutch, French, Norwegian or Japanese, kek)
>lose 30 kg (I'm fat, so it's healthy)
but mostly
>enjoy my life more and stop being a fucking dead zombie. Read books, see bands I always wanted to see, go on trips, see something from the world, find new music, maybe new people, create stuff, just be happy and alive.
No. 1820953
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Achieved this year:
>Got a new job
>Successfully went no-contact with ex
>Saw some of my favorite bands live
>Started going to the gym
Next year:
>Drink less
>Go to the gym more consistently
>Read more
>Move out
No. 1821017
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>graduated uni
>read more
>wrote more
>that's it
>improve social skills
>struggle against art. i really want to be decent by the time i hit 25 next year (by decent i just mean something like picrel – i'm not saying she's bad or basic or anything but this seems like a reasonable level to aspire to if i just grind for at least ~30 minutes per day)
>get an okay job in my field (tech)
>save up enough for an eventual move up north and get my life started for real
>read even more, write even more, stop worrying about other people, etc.
No. 1821025
>>1821017oh and course
>get fit and healthyi have no real privacy and it's tough to exercise with my mother around (i hate working out around her because she loooves to demean my body) but i'm like 164-ish right now, wanna get down to 130. i don't know anything about "fitness" so i hope 30 pounds in a year isn't too crazy a goal
No. 1822930
>>1822924Great goals anon!
—-my goals for 2024—
>pay raise in company>work related certs>regular cardio>migraine specialist/ solutions>move out with 8k minimum>write everyday for 10 minutes No. 1822967
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What did you achieve this year?
>lost 45 pounds
>found my personal style
>started learning japanese
>taking online classes to get a certificate I need for a better paying job
>tried to be more intentional with my free time instead of scrolling
>addressed my shitty vision problems finally kek
What are your plans for next year?
>start a realistic workout schedule that i'll actually be able to stick with
>get over my medical anxiety and see a doctor about my non-existent periods/suspected pcos
>work on the small business plan i've had on the back burner and start selling, maybe attend a christmas market next year if things go well
>get a better job
>learn to drive and get my license
>start budgeting and saving money where i can/stopping buying dumbass shit i don't need
>things I will continue to do: lose weight, learn japanese, study hard for my online classes, be more intentional with my free time
hope we all achieve at least a few of our desires in 2024 nonas!
No. 1823841
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Less internet. No more toxic sites. Listening to God for once. Allowing myself the time and care to grow, while forgiving myself for my numerous past mistakes. Cultivating boundaries and learning to calibrate my intuition. Meditating and walking more. Finally kicking skin picking. Reading books, taking up an artistic hobby. Enjoying what little life I have, in the moments I live.
No. 1824865
>be more feminine>go see a dentist>submit art to different places for shows>visit a friend in another state or country>keep my job or get a higher paying one (or get a raise)>try not to get sucked into the political circus What I did this year:
>quit stimulant medication>quit cigarettes, started vaping>got a therapist, fired a therapist>got a roommate, kicked roommate out, got a new roommate>stood up for myself>started paying student loans>got a car No. 1824882
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>met my estranged family
>read tons of second wave feminist literature
>bought my first skirt, started wearing clothes that fit
>moved into a slightly more permanent place, back in the area i love
>got on the waiting list for trauma therapy
>got fit, cycle everywhere, can regularly run 10k now
>become financially independent of the state
>take good careful care of my hair and repair it, let it grow
>run a half marathon for a womens charity; start doing speed work and hills, train properly
>start lifting, become a member of the women only gym
>sell my old collectibles
>find more clothes that fit
>play the piano again
>feel at home
No. 1825059
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This time next year I need a big hairy man to gently kiss on the forehead. It has to happen. Like there's no other option. Please be mildly to moderately hung as well PLEASEE PLEASEEE HURRYYY.
No. 1825171
>>1819577What I did this year
>Drop out of college because I'm stupid>Cry and scream into the void>Infight on lolcow>Work on writing a little bitPlans for next year
>Get a job and pay off my loan stat>Stop infighting on lolcow>Improve my drawing skills>Hopefully finish writing a book No. 1825191
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-create that visual novel with the most degen shit ever featuring monsterboys and tincans
-lift more
No. 1825221
>>1825197Robotfucker maybe?
>>1825191 Live your dreams anon.
No. 1825336
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I need to get out of the NEET circle, forever. I feel like I start, I get a part-time job, I go back to school, I hit the gym and for a short time, I'm normal. Then somthing happens, and I lose out on that discipline to maintain my routines and I fall apart. I've been told there's something about me that makes me self-sabotage, I have a "big shadow", that I lack a plan for life, that I lack something. I've tried therapy and it hasn't worked out for me. All I ever do is run in circles and I hate it. I'm a life-long failure and I just want to become normal for once.
No. 1825372
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No. 1826353
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Lose weight
Get into the graduate schools I applied for
Get friends who actually want to go out clubbing with me. I'm so fucking tired of partying alone but always turning up when my friends need someone else to tag alone with.
I would add getting a boyfriend/girlfriend but if the above is filled I don't care
No. 1826906
>>1826353how do you go clubbing by yourself?
give me tips nona.
I plan on going to a local dance hall every week until I find a group that adopts me or something.
Im just scared to go since I dont dance and Im afraid of people
No. 1827116
What did I achieve this year?
>moved out of my parents house>started grad school>reached $20000 in savings>reached my goal bodyweight>learned to play a new instrument Resolutions for next year
>visit 3 new countries>participate in a group hobby activity weekly>improve my study skills>find a job or internship in my field>reach B2 in the languages I'm learning>get more physically active>meet more people so I can stop going everywhere alone and maybe find love>>1826906Practice dancing at home first or go to a bar instead of a club. It's honestly pretty awkward to just go to a club and stand there alone without dancing.
No. 1828326
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>What did you achieve this year?
literally nothing kek.
>What are your plans for next year?
- improve my art
- learn to write (i want to make a short novel!)
- make new friends
- read more books
- generally try to be more productive 'cus im a lazy bum
No. 1829836
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2023: finally got my drivers license, started playing tennis, began journaling, made new friends, fixed psychosomatic health ailments/body aches. cut back on sugar and stopped drinking soda. flossed every day.
2024 goals will be: finish grad school. get full time job. buy a car or move to a city that doesnt require car. journal every day. read more. keep playing tennis regularly. fix posture/do yoga daily. meditate. try pilates. pay off student loans. find love/a boyfriend. learn spanish. improve french. draw more.
No. 1834202
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No. 1834239
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In 2024 I will:
>Be more present and mindful of the good around me
>Prioritize my physical health (Losing weight, cardiovascular health, vitamins etc)
>Get promotion at work and go back to college
>Work on my mini homestead by gardening more and starting to raise animals
>Build or buy a house if it kills me
I also hope that 2024 is generous and kind to all you nonnies, you deserve to achieve your dreams.
No. 1834827
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Anons I have to have bf by the end of 2024 the pain is too much
No. 1834938
My step dad died last year (we knew he was dying but it was still rough) and my mom died this year (this one was a bit of a shock, even though her health had been going downhill the last five or so years), so I'm going to try to spend 2024 on myself and dealing with my occasional bouts of loneliness. It's been a pretty rough transition, because I lived with them for over a decade and took on a more increased role as caretaker near the end. On the one hand, the stress of the caretaking is gone. But on the other, I lost people I loved and lived with for so long. So I'm basically starting anew, and sometimes it's scary.
I want to try to get out and see more concerts. I've already started doing this a little within the last couple of months, and its been fun. Seeing what few friends I have has helped. But more than anything, I need to learn to cope better with being alone. Most days are okay, but some are rough.
I need to learn skills involving cars, since my moms car is mine now.
I need to go to the doctor, get my teeth worked on some more and get new glasses, thank you Medicaid expansion.
Possibly see a dermatologist.
Hopefully work on art some.
Get a GED. I dropped out and never did get that done. I'm not sure if I'd want to go to college. Maybe a community one or tech school. But GED for now, anyway.
Learn more cooking skills.
Lose some weight and start lifting some weights again.
No. 1834941
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>>1834938Hopefully I get my ged/hiset next year as well wish you luck anon
No. 1834967
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>What are your plans for next year?- join an online art class. must get good in digital art so I can do justice to my husbandos
- exercise at least 3 times a week and lose 5kg
- cosplay my fav characters before I look too old
- save more so I can buy a house in 3 years time
- go on a nice proper vacation
- make one doujinshi
- try getting into a new hobby
- get good at work
- update my wardrobe
- revamp my room
- participate in at least two 5km marathon events
- improve my health and looks
- learn to not give a fuck more
>What did you achieve this year?- managed to survive new work place in (sort of) one piece
- booth at a big animecon
- made new art friends
- survived a lot of family drama
- did something new
- discovered new favourite manga/anime and new favourite character to obsess over
- finally financially able to weeb out and buy anime figurines/merchs without guilt
- participated in a 10km virtual run
2023 was mostly a shit year for me tbh but looking back, I did a lot of fun and new things along the way. Wishing 2024 will be kinder to all of us! Happy New Year Anons!
No. 1835061
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>stopped being a depressed neet
>moved out of my parents house
>got a job
>started uni
>got together with the love of my life
Goals and wishes for next year
>work more on my art
>go swimming regularly
>learn and perform a new piece on my instrument
>knit a sweater or cardigan
No. 1835086
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I'll stop cutting by the end of may.
I will pass The exams.
I will graduate this shithole.
I will save up enough for dog grooming courses and finally gain some experience in the field of work I actually want to pursue.
Nothing, 2023 was a failure of a year as was I.
Ok, I completed my Animal Crossing island so maybe that could count as an achievement..
No. 1835440
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I’m going to be drinking less. Can’t live like this anymore. I hate it.
No. 1835841
>>1819577Looking back at my post from 2023, I did pretty well this year.
>graduated, got a job>got my driver's license >got over my shitty breakup>moved out and got my own place>published my first paper in a peer-reviewed journal 2024:
>take better care of my health by eating healthier, start going to the gym, and going to doctor's appointments and doing tests promptly instead of putting it off for months, even weeks like I did in 2023>pick up a hobby that involves meeting new people IRL>try to form some sort of social life IRL>draw more>use this year to figure out what I want to accomplish in my career and education for the next 5 years No. 1835904
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>successfully pissed off The Man
>stopped giving The Man attention since I know the narcissist craves it
>graduated college
>quit smoking
>stopped self harming
>finally went back on meds
>cut off abusive mom
>binged movies during my downtime in a way I hadn't in years
>better makeup skillz
>new and improved job entering my desired industry
>find friends who won't abandon me at a moments notice
>move to a new city
>or at least move out of my family home
>travel to a few new and exciting places
>get closer with my dad's family because I actually like them
>write my book / screenplay idea and finish it
>read more books
>watch at least 50 movies before the year ends
>try hand at art therapy again
No. 1835996
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>bought a house
>did lots of diy & decorating on said house
>went to some great concerts
>kept an exercise routine for 7 months
>exercise even more, do more hiking
>spend more time on my hobby
>learn more recipes instead of eating the same meals every week
>take my vitamins
>read books regularly
Happy new year anons, best of luck on your resolutions. You have an extra day in 2024 to hit your goals!
No. 1836040
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In 2023:
>Got a pretty good job, at a place I really like
>Got transferred to another department within that same place and I am doing much better in it
>Got a free trip to a foreign country (kinda business related but still neat)
Last year was a mixed bag for me, but I guess the positives made up for it.
2024 goals:
>Make a habit of studying japanese. Hopefully pass the JLPT N2
>Exercising more (also make it a habit again), mainly walking and jump rope, sprinkled with roller skating and cruising. I hope I get down 10-15kg by the end of the semester
>Drawing more. Especially traditionally
>Decluttering and consooming less
>Applying for a scholarship
>Visiting more museums and libraries
Happy new year, nonnas! I feel like the year of the wooden dragon will be much better.
No. 1836433
What did you achieve this year?
>finished my education>got my first well-paying job>moved away from my parents to a big city, got my first apartment>lost a lot of weight due to depression - and gained it backWhat are your plans for next year?
I thought about writing "making it through 2024 without offing myself" but I feel like this would be jinxing myself to yet another year of suffering and barely surviving. I honestly just want to feel less like dying, I'm not setting any goals because I don't want to stress myself further. They do exist inside me tho.
Ideally I also could do this
>>1826353 Doesn't have to be clubbing/dancing but being brave enough to go to cool bars in order to meet new people, who maybe even become my friends, sounds very nice.
No. 1837451
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this year i want to experience something magical that is so farfetched no one would ever believe me. i want to wake up in another dimension, one that is way better than here. if i put my mind to it, i can even develop my own magic. other than this, and if i get enough money to, i want to get braces and maybe learn how to ride a horse.
if all else fails (i don't think it will since i just know that i can do it) i will commit suicide before my birthday.
No. 1837528
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My new New Year’s resolution is to spend less time at my parents house. I live a few hours away and my mom gets super butthurt if I don’t visit often enough (like once or twice a month), but every time I’m home I have to listen to them argue and yell at each other over the most stupid minuscule shit. I’ve told them multiple times that I hate listening to them argue and multiple times they’ve ignored me. I can’t take it anymore. This year I’m only going to visit on the holidays. I’ve missed out on social invitations this year because I’d already promised to come visit, and after a full day of work on a Friday and sitting in my car for hours, I get all of 15 minutes to relax at home before they start screaming at each other. Fuck it. They can make each other as miserable as they want. I don’t have to be a part of it.
No. 1837540
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No. 1838001
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Late to the thread but I'm going to stop drinking until I can get my weight down and also I'm near drinking wine every night. That's probably not good. I've been spiralling a lot over the last year. I've ordered pic related but I've been really hoping I could get Naltrexone. I've been to three doctors but they won't prescribe it to me. Meanwhile in Spain it's over the counter. I hate my nanny state government.
No. 1843664
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Nothing much
>did a little room makeover
>stopped going to /y/ and rarely go to /cm/
>made around $70 by selling things on OfferUp
Lots of things I've been procrastinating or should continue working on
>be more social and less insecured/anxious
>get my driver's license, be confident in driving
>get a tooth implant, fix any cavities
>work at a better job with better pay
>declutter my room and the house
>oragnize my saved stuff/files/notes
>eat healthier and lose weight, stop being a fat lazy loser
>fix sleeping schedule, wake up earlier to make the most out of the day
>go out more and get some sunlight
>sell more things on OfferUp
>save more money
>watch more anime/shows on my list
>read more manga on my list
>play games I'm interested or finishing off where I last picked up, build my ACNH dream island and have my dream villagers
>draw more and improve my art
>maybe go back to college
>might never achieve but buy a nice house for my family and I or travel to Japan
No. 1874268
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>>1844162I think the 2010s are slowly going to start coming back. Tumblr grunge, studs, skater skirts, maybe even skinny jeans. Also looser boho silhouettes and a return of tribal prints (or some non-cultural appropriative equivalent). Chunky jewelry. If jeffrey campbell litas or their spiritual successor come into fashion I may cry
No. 1874283
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>>1874272ayrt this was what the cool older girls were wearing when I was a teen so I'm a little nostalgic for it kek. Whenever it eventually cycles back to being in fashion I'll be excited. Also the coquette/girly fashion with bows that's already been trendy reminds me a bit of twee
No. 1874370
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>>1844162I just hope these will never come back
No. 1874579
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The pendulum will swing back and it will be brutal.
You can already see it, even though it's not mainstream. They reject progressive ideals. I don't know if it will lean towards conservatism, but it will definitely move away from modern liberalism. The best outcome would be a swing towards Classical Liberalism, hopefully. However, I have interacted with a lot of Gen Z and Alpha people who seem to be really into some of the more heinous fringe political causes.