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No. 1817954
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It was a lot saltier then but maybe I just thought so because when I first found this site I was a sensitive 19 year old PULL user, I never liked troons so the talking shit about troons didn’t bother me but the manhating kinda caught me off guard. I’ve just never seen it so unfiltered and without the “ackshually not all men!” replies so it was weird to me. Im glad the site is still like that for a short while, there were some anons who would ask you to chill out on speeding about men or troons, but this is the only site where you can do it without worrying about being doxxed or threatened. When I found this site the pink pill and gender critical threads were in /ot/ it kinda made me feel like I just like uncovered a whole bunch of secrets, I feel regarded saying this but I was mostly oblivious to men and their atrocities. I was sort of a handmaiden in those days and this site opened my eyes.
So I might not be an actual old fag, I found this site in 2019, but a lot has still changed. Farmers threw the n word with the er at the end around, no drawing board or movie nights then, I was on the discord. Some users recommended shota mangas. There was the girl who kept talking about how she liked. Nazis on there. I think there were more edgy users or they matured a bit. I’ve said it before but I get the feeling custardloaf and shoeonhead types hang out on here. It’s weird because we diss pickmes so much but they definitely sit on here a lot, they let their retardation spill out.
It’s gotten a lot more cozy feeling, nona, nonny and anon nicknames are used more often. The drawing room and movie nights feel so chill, even the banners are cutesier, and someone was complaining about it the other day but they said they’ve noticed more tumblry posts and it makes sense. I can’t put my finger on it, it’s just theater kid humoresque quips in posts. “Bloop” energy.
No. 1817960
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>>1817954Samefag and fuck the TikTok anons. They don’t integrate well and they talk like faggots on Stan Twitter, they are also another type of identifiable poster. They’re always talking about celebrities and being a divine feminine., dark feminine energy, adriana Lima, Doja cat, they looksperg,
femcels, [insertwordhere]core, they post their faces on here or on TikTok drawing attention not only to themselves but to this site, these users easily piss me off the most besides obviously baiting moids. This wasn’t a thing back in 2019, or it just wasn’t a big thing anyways
No. 1817984
>>1817954>I never liked troons so the talking shit about troons didn’t bother me but the manhating kinda caught me off guard.for me its the other way around. I had no problem saying the most vile shit about men but for some reason troonphobia made me uncomfortable
>>1817960>>1817963>>1817964i hate people who brags about being farmers on social media. I guess it makes them feel edgy and taboo. I used to lurk on lolcow, PULL and e-celeb snark tumblr blogs when i was underaged but it wasn't something I discussed with other people. Many of my friends used 4chan which I only found out years later lol. It's not that we where ashamed of using these sites it's just that edgy gossip sites and imageboards aren't brag worthy. No one is going to think you are more interesting or edgy if you are a farmer.
Modern internet is also stupid and attentionwhoring. What compels someone to attach their face to every statement they make? Specially now where your boss and social group will comb trough your social media. People who read trashy gossip magazines in the 00-10s never attentionwhored like this.
>>1817968Its not a lolcow specific issue but I miss the stupid "kawaii motherfucker" 2013 internet humor. It was stupid but it was self aware without being obnoxious. Internet humor got really shitty when kpop and drag became mainstream.
Now you either need to take an ironic distance to everything or take everything super seriously. So you are left with people who are desperately trying to appear smug/sassy and celebrity worshippers. And then we have people who think everything is
problematic or an personal attack.
Weeb spaces have just become constant coomer jokes. The coom jokes where always there but there used to be the occasional desu joke or burando joke. I know its a dumb thing to feel nostalgia over but i just wanna laugh at weebs, otaku culture and jfashion for being cringey without having to use the word asianfishing.
>I'm just not into cows anymore.Same. I don't know if i just outgrew cows or something in internet culture changed that made cows less interesting.
Now everyone is airing their dirty laundry on social media and now everyone is faking 6373838 mental illnesses and making up stories about their eccentric behavior. Cows aren't really special anymore
No. 1818158
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>>1817984>Its not a lolcow specific issue but I miss the stupid "kawaii motherfucker" 2013 internet humor. It was stupid but it was self aware without being obnoxious. Internet humor got really shitty when kpop and drag became mainstream.Do you mean like picrel? Egirls and ddgl freaks ruined it, I also associate it with early lolcow and tumblr.
No. 1818164
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The glory days
No. 1818168
>>1818161See that's why I'm not opposed to the overt Tumblr nonnies, it's like they never left. I know we always hated Tumblr here but it's more likely that they just became more comfortable after moids calling everyone "tumblrinas" left.
Another thing I noticed though is that we now have too much fandom stuff. I didn't care at first but now it's really everywhere kek, good for them I guess. I'm personally not a fandom person, too autistic for my tastes, sorry. At least we don't allow kpop kek
No. 1818188
>>1818168Wow Tumblrina hardly means anything anymore. I’ll never forget the whole 4chan vs. tumblr thing kek too bad both sites are shells of their former selves now. I genuinely wonder where things are gonna go next and how long LC will survive (if it isn’t dying already). The “cows” are so boring now and it’s incredible that threads on /pt/ are still even alive.
>>1817991Any “humor” past 2020 shouldn’t be welcomed here. Begone.
No. 1818203
>>1818185Adding to this, a lot of farmers realized they have cow tendencies as well. Anons used to be way more paranoid of becoming cows, it was a huge deal. Once everyone started opening up about their issues, things became less mean. Now we know half the userbase are autistic neets with severe trauma or bpd and it makes so much sense. Wanting to be mean on purpose back then like everyone else was a way to mask it I guess. I myself still gravitate to pixielocks because she reminds me of myself, I know I'm not as bad now, but I know plenty of anons gravitate towards cows that are similar to their own situations.
Unrelated but today I had a dream that farmhands banned me because I said "Imagine not having a job" and the red text was like "but you have no job you autistic NEET bitch" kek. I will always love creative redtexts.
No. 1818297
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>>1818271Repost because I replied to the wrong post
No. 1818339
>>181828813???? The fuck I started using this website when I was an adult
>>1818308>>1818297>>1818300Kek I like the nichijou one. Idk nothing wrong with these, old lolcow energy for sure
No. 1818414
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>>1818339>Idk nothing wrong with these, old lolcow energy for sureI think it's because these days anime is heavily associated with trannies on social media and image boards are more about politics than they are discussing hobbies and irreverent humour.
No. 1818470
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No. 1818476
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No. 1818480
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No. 1818487
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No. 1818488
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No. 1818492
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No. 1818496
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No. 1818527
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I'm an oldfag that's been here 8 or so years now. I remember the very beginning of Taylor R, before she was married and pregnant, the Berry tsukasa days, the fellowship days with haku and her scabby crew. I also remember when RJ was still a fake boi, kek
No. 1818608
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I'm doing my annual pheebs thread reread and I take back any complaints about innocuous redtexts from modern jannies, the shit we used to get away with with no redtexts was pure cancer. Anons redditspacing so bad a single post takes up an entire phone screen, unironic trutrans and accusations of transphobia, bonerattling spillover from the proana threads ("peanut butter is unhealthy! Fiber is unhealthy!") Like Pheebs was the milkiest cow to ever squirt in my book but her thread is unreadable unless you ignore every anon and only look at the pictures
No. 1818750
>>1817934I remember tempcow days and how vix baited onision and then came to the board to tell us. Then that started other
victims engaging with the site and then it was pure lols when we were getting Chris Hansen involved and finally put a nail in onisions career. His thread is pretty dead these days but its nice to know we've helped with the fact he's going to court now
No. 1818927
>>1818917It had to be cringe at times to encourage
victims to speak up, but it was a success!
No. 1819373
>>1818038I miss cosplay drama so much, anons autistically ripping apart a bitchy dunning-kruger cosplayer's work is like drinking fine wine. It's both satisfying and educational, I learned by taking notes from people doing it. It was so much more interesting and above all intelligent to read anons raging about Momokun's awful costume construction than gawking at her vulva shape or calling her fat again and again like people don't have eyes on them. Yeah she said she's "above porn" which is why it's ironic she's doing it now but that was like 6 years ago, the horse is already buried.
I feel like this happened to a lot of threads about cows in the creative field, it went from anons pointing out all the incompetency and reasonable criticism into just sperging about the cow's looks, ideologies and personal feelings because the userbase went from a nerdy women into radblr refugees and later on tiktok zoomers who lack the attentiveness and passion for developing an actual skill. Most threads are now just racebait, tranny sperging and "look at that bitch eating crackers" style nitpicking.
But to reminiscence a bit, I think one of my most satisfying lolcow moments were when Swimsuitsuccubus and her fake girlfriend were outed for faking their lesbian relationship for clout (I think either one of them was dating a moid at the same time?) and having been vendettaposting in Momokun's thread. I called it years before the truth was leaked because they were never the least bit subtle about it.
>>1818086They're in /w/ being as mentally ill as ever. Open any jlogger's or e-thot's thread and it's just PULL reborn.
No. 1819653
>>1819517>I also think it takes more than having a bad cosplay to count as milky now, it also has to do with people's narcissistic personality or whatever.That's how it always was, just making bad or mediocre costumes was never interesting or "milky" and still isn't. All the cosplay cows were completely blind to their own skill level and considered themselves to be more apt than they actually were, which reflected in their personality. Momokun's initial appeal was her aloof personality and cosplays that were horribly constructed yet she bitched about not winning contests to the point she had a vendetta against one of the judges.
>>1819524KF threads are literally unreadable due to the amount of blogposting going on in there. You can tell 90% of the scrotes there never had fathers in their lives or any friends to talk to.
No. 1819865
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all of my favourite lolcows are dead or got off of the internet. tragic.
No. 1821501
>>1820428Soren, a handful of proana skellies, Lil Bo Weep, Kadee something. I think that obese woman who wore her dead dad's clothing, had intense facial hair, and faked(?) autism died as well.
Cows who left, locked down their accounts, or cleaned up their Internet accounts that I miss are Shmegeh, haku/Mikhail, and voidchan plus all of their orbiters and skinwalkers.
No. 1890909
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ive been here since 2015/2016 with some long breaks in between and, not surprisingly, the site just isn't the same anymore. but the internet has changed. i miss the time when politics didn't infest everything, onlysimps and tiktok didn't exist, and we were more or less still a secret. according to this thread there's less nitpick now but i can't confirm that since im an ot and g lurker now.
all my beloved cows are gone or have dead threads but that's ok because ive grown out of cow culture for the most part. modern cows seem so boring or completely unhinged to the point i can't stomach them. at least you don't see anons saying Greg's scrotey neanderthal face is attractive anymore or acting jealous because Venus got a Japanese bf so that's a positive.
No. 1891475
I remember when Onision's threads would get filled up within days. I don't remember exact year I found lolcow, but it was in the middle of the cows heat. So much shit happening, so many active threads with fat archives to read up. Luna Slater, Onion, Shayna, Venus all read from the beginning, every thread so fast-moving because there was constant drama and gossip; even though I can relate to anons saying they outgrew the cow culture - I kinda miss it. As an unemployed NEET student back then, this place was a perfect place on the Internet for me. I loved how angry and aggressive anons were, crass, self-confident, protective of this little girl-place. It was very refreshing to see women on the web from this other, less cutesy side. Constant battles with kiwi, PULL, no tolerance for twitterfags. Cows self-posting, Kiki's post history revealed - chef's kiss.
No. 1892107
From 2015 to 2017 lolcow was so fun, the milk was flowing everywhere, from alt thots, to weebs, ana-chans, sad baby dolls, revolting sick horrorcows, clout chasers. I remember all the k8 drama, how pixielocks was shilling party-kei while becoming fat and ugly, venus unleashing, ginger bronson inventing stories about fucking black guys in traphouses, all the nicole dollanganger drama and the wannabes, I think charms was already camming and no longer a lolita, fucking soren with all the pedophilic satanic abuse story, the anons predicting ashley's death due to starvation and failing, Luna oversharing his junkie misadventures.
>>1891475god the kiki shitshow was the most hilarious thing
No. 1892110
>>1891475"neet student"
If you were a student, that's not a neet haha.
No. 1892117
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Another image from old /cgl/
No. 1892183
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>>1892175I imagine she’d write something like picrel
No. 1892279
>>1892117quiet /a/ lurker is a dead ringer for me in high school kek
hikikomori probably accurate now
No. 1892324
I discovered /snow/ in 2017 because of the Tearzah thread. I remember I fucking lost it when it was revealed her tranny boyfriend was lying about being FTM and was actually MTF.
I miss Soren, too.
>>1821506I don't know why, but I'm sad to hear this.
No. 1892337
I discovered lolcow and crystal cafe about at the same time in the summer of 2015. I wasn't interested in cow culture back then, and only browsed the off topic and hobby boards. I remember leaving because of the lack of a video game board, and going back to /v/ eventually. I was laso disappointed by the fact that all the topics were geared towards stereotypical female affairs (gossipic, beauty, "girls games", etc).
Now you have more videogames threads and not stereotypically feminine interests discussions in general, which is nice, imo.
I got into cow culture via scrote retards like ethan ralph and varg later on, but I must say that I feel like moidfarms and cancel culture killed cow culture. In fact, I feel like you can appreciate cows only when they haven't been discovered yet by farm websites, especially kf and their retarded obsession with doxxing. Now whenever a cow gets a thread here they go into hiding, because they're afraid of being harassed, stalked or even attacked irl. It happened to empath-chan for instance, even tho i can't say that i feel really bad for her. But still, even if she says heinous stuff, it's just an attention-seeking retard rambling retarded shit on the internet. And for the more light-hearted cows, they're afraid of losing their job or irl friends if they get a thread. I think cancel culture definitely played a role into the death of cow culture. Saying stupid shit online, when attached to your real identity, can hinder your life forever now, if not outright ruining it. So that's why doxxing is such a problem now. It's because normies are on the internet.
So yeah, now my favourite cows are found on random 4chan boards or discord servers, and even if I vicariously follow their antics for entertainment, I would NEVER create them a thread on a cow website. Even here.
I just wish we could have our own internet free of normies where we could laugh at cows again.
No. 1892944
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Been here since 2015/2016. I think I found this place trying to find out more about the Onision/Billie drama going on at the time. My all time favorite threads and the only ones I go back and read sometimes were the ones about Nemu. Interesting art horrorcows seem to be surprisingly rare. I used the site most frequently around 2017 or so when the men hating threads were getting attention. It really opened my eyes and was the only place online I was seeing people talk about how horrible moids are. I honestly miss those threads and how /2X/ is just hidden and dead overall now. But I understand the decision based on how many loser moids would raid the board bc they were mad that there was any place at all that would talk badly about them. It's really a gross thing to realize. It's difficult to have one place open to criticizing and hating men but there's so many misogynistic forms of discussion allowed to exist on the internet (and many moids even profit from it). I stopped using this site around 2020-2021 when my life was at it's lowest and I was extremely ill, but came back around 2022 or so. I do wish it was more active overall. I find the normie man-loving, "my lovely nigel husband" posting on /ot/ to be weird sometimes bc that just seems like something youd go to regular social media for and not a miserable imageboard. The most horrifying thing ive seen on here so far is that one nonna that admitted to regularly eating her husband's ass in /ot/ I think. I wish to never see posts like that ever again.
No. 1893204
>>1892944Not an oldfag, but the normie nigel/pregnancy posts are both annoying and depressing to me. Browsing an imageboard is not something extraordinary but I prefer to think I spend time here with female autists. Also, if I had a mother posting in Shayna’s thread or heavily invested in cows I’d kill myself kek. There’s a time to grow out of this shit and having children while still obsessing over internet losers doesn’t go hand in hand.
And yes, the ass eating debate was horrific.
No. 1893285
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>>1893204>>1893248>>1893271>>1893207fucking same, I've brought this up before but I always get gaslit by mommyanons
>"what are you talking about there aren't that many pregnancy posts I've only ever seen like one like three months ago it doesn't happen">"but also even if they were common (they are not!!!! you are crazy) it would be a good thing because that mean anons are growing up and maturing!">"what do you expect, we're all hitting our 30s so babies come next"Like what the actual fuck. I'm so happy to see you guys talking about this too because I really was starting to believe I was crazy. In particular, now I'm seeing a lot of posts complaining about having to do all the work for the baby/children and the house since they have a useless husband. The other day I saw an anon sad about getting pregnant with her husband's second child even though she resents him. Like, what the fuck. And the one I remember most that came up recently was an anon lamenting how her husband REFUSES TO TALK TO HIS CHILD AT ALL because "it can't understand or talk back" to him so "what's the point" and she was like "how can I convince him to do it because it's good for the baby's development??? help"
like idk I guess I just assumed that anons here would be…. smarter. It's actual torture to be subjected to this on my cozy imageboard now, this sort of shit belongs only coming out of the mouths of my dipshit coworkers.
No. 1893340
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>>1893285This shit makes me wish the childless thread on /G/ was more active. I’m married but we have no desire to have babies. It sucks the baby thread is more popular.
No. 1893351
Damn I also got paranoid, believing it was really only me who noticed that sudden rush of marriage/pregnancy stuff.
>it's normal, anons are growing up and maturing!I remember being the young one here and older anons definitely weren't like this. If you are like this, why are you in lolcow? It makes no sense. But whenever you question that you get attacked for not allowing married women and mothers to have hobbies. Many nowadays farmers completely deny the original roots and demographic of imageboards which is sad because damn, even in here you now get told off by normies, where else are you supposed to go…
>>1893340You can't post anything in that thread without anons accusing you of hating on mothers.
Like feeling disgusted by the thought of becoming pregnant is somehow calling all pregnant bodies ugly and disgusting.
No. 1893402
>>1893393nta but well, imo, the ""normal and functioning"" women who spend their time wiping up baby spitup while their moid leaves a trail of cum socks around the house can go to reddit, facebook, mumsnet, babycenter, mommytok,, Peanut, new parenting classes, PTA meetings, or the local supermarket at 11am on a weekday, and stop posting here about pregnancy cravings and morning sickness and their dipshit husbands that they either resent or idolize but let impregnate them either way every 2.5 minutes. just imo.
No. 1893408
>>1893372There have always been 30yos here.
>>1893393If you're normal and functioning, then be it, enjoy it, but stop expecting a place originally made up of people who are the exact opposite to suddenly become like you too, let us be losers in peace. Normal and functioning people have no need or business for being on imageboards.
No. 1893413
>>1893409But simply posting about it is not shoving it down your throat or forcing you to do anything. I really have yet to see any momfags try to force anyone here to have kids, and most of the posts I see about having children are in the appropriate /g/ thread. I feel like this whole thing is just an overblown issue, it's like some anons saw some posts about having kids and made up a boogeyman of anons out to make them get pregnant and be normal.
>wish they would accept this site isn't for themThis site is just for anyone interested in discussing cows. No one who browses this site in the first place is normal.
No. 1893441
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/ot/ catalogue in 2026
No. 1893442
I'm married (no kids) but I don't see a problem with anons posting about their babies and pregnancies. Annoying sure but as long as they're not derailing child free threads then there's nothing wrong with them. I don't think these things are sign of maturity or getting your shit together but they're part of the human experience for a lot of women and wanting to push them away because you want a chan that can only have neets and shchizos is nonsensical. I am saying this as a mentally ill neet. I know for a fact LC has had mothers and married women posting here for many years, I think it's just the amount of them that has changed over time
>>1893372not true, there's always been some late 20s and early 30s here since the mid 2010s. There's probably more of them now because some of the old "young" farmers are still around
No. 1893451
>>1893442>married lol of course you don't see an issue with normies shitting up the boards, you're one of them
>>1893413lyou clearly haven't seen all the borderline tradwife shit in unpopular opinions and elsewhere
No. 1893485
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>>1893351It's because the original userbase of LC is now mostly in their 30s and maybe even 40s. 2014 was ten years ago. Women don't go through a personality shift just because they get married and have children.
It sounds like some of you want LC to turn into a female version of wizardchan.
>>1893451>haven't seen all the borderline tradwife shitWhere? Any actual tradwife shit posted gets rightly mocked and then banned. Being a housewife or SAHM does not automatically make someone a tradwife. Tradwives have a certain set of beliefs and behaviours that makes them stand out on LC. It shouldn't surprise anyone that former NEETs would prefer not to work even when children are involved.
No. 1893491
>>1893485>It sounds like some of you want LC to turn into a female version of wizardchan.TIL the only alternative to popping out babies for your husband and blabbing about it all over a niche imageboard is….being an incel
Mommynons get so damn uppity and offended the second anons say they’re tired of lolcow reading like a r/breakingmoms subreddit
No. 1893505
>>1893496Your vision
>>1893441 for the site is beautiful anon
No. 1893512
>>1893507I won't disagree with that because mentally ill introverts tend to make bad relationship choices. Some of the stories here are horrible, but the only way to avoid that is by unironically making a 2x wizard chan for some posters here like
>>1893485 said
No. 1893530
>>1893525it's not about being maladjusted irl it's about what one chooses to post about here.
no one is going to make you divorce but that doesn't mean posts about nigels are interesting to read
No. 1893545
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>>1893542You are literally living up to the expectations of women, you arent quirky. You will never be maladjusted husbando fag like pic rel, you are a normie woman with normie woman problems.
No. 1893546
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>>1893544do normalfags really believe that being depressed and having anxiety is a quirky maladjusted woman thing? if you are capable of scoring a scrote and having babies you arent maladjusted, genuinely dont understand why you want to be seen as one. Those true maladjusted women, unlike you, are actually suffering from the expectations of being born a woman. They are virgins in their 30s and arent interested in dating 3DPD, they have extremely weird autistic coping mechanisms like having anime boy boyfriends, buying fucking reborns to larp as their anime boyfriend human hybrid spawns, some like kirbychan know they have an extremely hard time relating to people and their coping mechanisms are harmful, but they dont have anything else.
No. 1893557
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>>1893549That's what that image was? truly bizarre. I recommend using Mumsnet, possibly ovarit or r/breakingmom for your future discussions. I also recommend checking out the reddit thread for normal woman with a husband and a baby posts. kek
(derailing) No. 1893575
>>1893571you sound underage but you're not required to be chronically single and online to be mentally ill. try going to a mental asylum and meeting real crazy insane retards, a lot people there have families and/or a semi normal social life. being a despicable person that nobody wants to be around is not a requirement for being mentally ill.
>>1893574I don't have children.
No. 1893579
>>1893575>wah wah i have mild anxiety i am so special and mentally ill please accept me as your own waaah go back to reddit with your kind
>>1893576even those trashy women think weebs are below them
No. 1893588
>>1893579>even those trashy women think weebs are below thembeing an anime fan is truly the most oppressed mental illness.
>>1893584because unlike you I am not autistic, have done a fair share of therapy and I crave for human closeness and am willing to open myself to people I feel safe with. you say you don't need anyone but then you spend hours a day fantasizing about a man that doesn't exist to fill a hole in your heart and talking to anonymous people online only to get your share of socializing. I was once like you but I realized it didn't actually made me feel better. it's okay, it gets better.
>>1893585did you know autism is not the only mental illness in the world? shocking.
No. 1893596
>>1893582autists on an imageboard? say it ain't so
honestly there's a bilion websites where you can post about husband and baby stuff, let us have one place where we're free to be weebs, schizos, neets and spergs.
again nobody's stopping you from posting here while married, it's just annoying to read about it.
this place is one of the few internet spaces where you can act as unhinged as you want as a woman. please let's not turn it into a relationships subreddit
No. 1893598
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>>1893594>I'm not bullying anyone I'm just calling someone retarded because they don't think only autistic people and schizophrenics are allowed to post in an imageboardlol lmao
No. 1893599
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No. 1893604
>>1893589You're actually right. For some reason I feel like it happens more now, but maybe I'm just looking at oldcow with rosetinted glasses.
>>1893596Please, have you never heard autist be used here as an insult? I'm not married and will not be having any children so I really don't know who you're targeting the rest of that post to. I get to post about being a weeb, a husbandofag and being mentally ill and those anons have never stopped me so why should I care.
No. 1893605
>>1893601they are annoying and cant integrate obviously, they cannot hide their true color and they are the spergs going into the husbando thread asking normalag questions and treating husbadofags or actual maladjusted women as inferior. For example
>you say you don't need anyone but then you spend hours a day fantasizing about a man that doesn't exist to fill a hole in your heart and talking to anonymous people online only to get your share of socializing. I was once like you but I realized it didn't actually made me feel better. it's okay, it gets they obviously feel superior to us but also want the quirky label, i dont get it. They are admitting they are normalfags but get angry when anons point it out and start acting like
No. 1893610
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No. 1893613
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No. 1893616
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>>1893600>complaining about mean girls on lolcowI think YOU are the outsider. this is a website made to make fun of maladjusted women with obsession for japanese cartoons or otherwise mentally ill. feels familiar? that's because people like YOU are the subject to make fun of, not the audience for this website. you should blend in or get out and visit some more appropriate sites for your own mental health, like wizardchan or uboachan's /hikki/.
No. 1893623
>>1893621>and you're not in middle school instead of lolcowyou definetly need to go back to middle school
>>1893622i dont go to the mommy and nigel threads on /g/ but retards with their nigels and baby problems keep coming here to talk about their stupid 3DPDs.
No. 1893626
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>>1893616/cgl/ was always a social board because it's topic was cosplay and major part of that was anime cons which are a social activity. The asocial NEETs that never left the house were confined to /a/, /jp/ and /y/.
No. 1893639
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No. 1893648
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No. 1893653
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>>1893642imagine your only sign of quirkness being the fact you post in an imageboard and shlick to drawn men but the evil normies are trying to take away your imageboard. truly sad and moving. I hope you get over yourself.
>>1893639I was /jp/ scum too but that's the date I moved all my /jp/ images to a drive I wouldn't use anymore because I didn't want to go there anymore because I noticed it fed into my self destructive behavior. honestly would like to not see the same behavior here, that's the one thing I don't miss from that era, but leave it to young people to commit the same mistakes as the previous generation. you can always do better than whatever you're doing right now.
No. 1893658
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>>1893655nah, you get used to the fact weird people grow up and stop having a meltdown about it. if I ever have a crotch spawn I will post about it here just to spite you.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1893676
>>1893668being a random ZOMG ecksdee larper was never enough milk to hold a thread here, most initial cows were actually insane losers. you'd know, right?
>>1893671how much do you know about people's lives to determine they are fully well adjusted solely on the fact they have signed a paper and live with a scrote? being a normie solely on the fact you have a partner is very much a scrotoid standard, but even nowadays, the most autistic men still are still able to find women who look past their retardation (even in this very board, like the nonna with the drawing on the relationship advice thread rn). I will keep saying this, if you think all it takes is a relationship to fix your problems, go ahead and get yourself a moid, if you really think that's going to solve everything, nothing is stopping you.
No. 1893685
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>>1893653>honestly would like to not see the same behavior here, that's the one thing I don't miss from that eraI don't either. The internet was better back then but everything else was worse. The best memories I have from that time are laughing at a post on 4chan while I sat alone in the dark.
>>1893671You're telling /cgl/ oldfags to get out because they aren't mentally ill enough when /cgl/ was never like that. Seagulls always laughed at the waifu and husbando fags on /a/, the incels on /r9k/ and the nihilist permaNEETs on /jp/. /cgl/ was one of the more normalfag places on 4chan because it revolved around drama, anime cons and cosplay. You're the newfag that's out of place. I don't care that there are now fujos and husbandosfags on LC, I just think it's funny when these types of people would have been bullied off of the original /cgl/.
No. 1893694
>>1893687inclined towards normalfaggotry at late 2000s to mid 2010s on 4chan is still more deranged than your twitter cocomelon retard kind that gets
triggered over a wrong ship or cries when someone draws their husbando wrong.
No. 1893700
>>1893695>You are an embarassment to women with ADHD that dont make it their personalityI didn't even mention it until you kept insisting I had some seasonal depression or something.
>You are a normalfagI guess you insist so much I'm definitely a normalfag and you're an inferior human being so you WILL get bullied by my normalfag supremacy and you won't get rid of people like me because we're several here. so cope seethe cry piss and shit yourself idc anymore
No. 1893713
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Remember when we had cows and milk…
No. 1893718
>>1893707dating a moid or shlicking to drawn men doesn't make you mentally ill or not mentally ill. in my con days I met tons of fujoshi that held jobs and had friends and even bfs and were still obsessed with manga about fruity men having sex and cosplayed them. your interests don't define you and if you let them do that you're definitely the cow here.
>>1893712you literally told me go to post on /g/ stfu autistic retard go take your meds and do speech therapy
No. 1893726
>>>1893722this isnt 2004 you arent unique and special for using image boards. Tiktok kiddies that have never set foot in imageboards are larping as y2k imageboard users.
>>1893724kek ok normalfag chan go tell your boyfriend how you got bullied by an evil autistic dickless cave troll
No. 1893727
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>>1893726I'm quirky I'm special everyone on lolcow loves my shitposts even the farmhands laugh at it I'm a delight to be around lalalalalala
No. 1893728
>>1893713It's the cows' and newfags' faults for constantly trying to cancel each other in order to deplatform ridiculous people.
Back then we could just enjoy the spergs sperging and make fun of them comfortably.
Now you have retards making threads unironically saying that someone is a cow just because the retard tweeted the n-word once, tries to raceswap, is a fujo and doesn't like trannies, and the account is dead as fuck because the retard knows that posting about any of le ebil nonos would make her a pariah.
If you make fun of someone for looking like shit, some newfags will be like
>ogüo I thot this was a feminist soite! Shayna doesn't look obese!! I feel bad for Jillian actually! Ugüu It makes posting kind of annoying, it's harder to find batshit insane cows that won't delete their shit after noticing a few new followers and when they obsessively Google their names and find themselves here, they selfpost to hell and back and then post a bunch of boring ass cows, become newfags and unironically call trannies by their pwefewed pwonouns.
No. 1893748
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I came here several years ago from trying to find more photos of deerhoof because I thought she was really pretty and I still like haircuts like hers in picrel that also introduced me to the band and I still love their music lol I was already on imageboards prior and knew about some cows but didn’t know this place existed until that point.
No. 1893749
I respect that there are family oriented annonas between us but they should stay in their containment boards and stop polluting the rest. Same with extreme radfem posting. Both extremes just kill the fun IMO and are sad and unhealthy.
>>1893441kek what a nightmare
No. 1893778
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I hate these painfully unfunny Twitter reactions. And why are they always black?
No. 1893823
I was called a normie on a thread on this board the other day and it made me smile because the goal wasn’t to be a retarded weeb forever and I succeeded. Of course “normies” are going to find the boards too, we have the indie cow, red scare/dimes square, and any other former tumblr girls (like Tuna). Even tho I’m not a weeb anymore and it’s been 8 years since I’ve been to a con, I still like looking at the Lolita threads and going into /w/ every once in a while.
I’ve been following Tuna for over a decade, and I miss the threads abt similar people— Bree McGee, and the tumblrcow thread. I first got on the site when Sunny/Yaya/Embryoe has a thread made allegedly by spacepixie on tumblr, I remember them getting into beef and Embryoe accusing spacepixie of incest??? And stayed because all the criticism of Sunny was spot-on. Reading /ot/ before the hidden board was created peaked me and I’m now an active radfem, like on podcasts, in a band, going to womyn’s festivals etc. Looking at threads from 7 years ago when I first started posting is really wild, the board culture and terminology used was really different.
No. 1893897
>>1818164I'm dead. I remember this whole era. This was so fascinating, I remember Depop being relevant back then and it seemed like a lot of influencers moved from Tumblr to instagram. I remember the disgusting checkboard pattern being all the rage at this time period.
I also miss PULL, I didn't love the usernames, but it was nice to see different flavors of cow discussions. I remember how Taylor R had a hatebase devoted to her. Every video or post would result in pages of discussion.
No. 1893904
>>1891554Haha yes, I remember this.
Speaking of from back then, I always thought that mystery.jpg was a fun cow as were the 4chan tripfags.
No. 1907325
>>1907317it's ok that you don't have the ability to speak like a normal person anymore, anon, I accept you.
>>1907308I don't recommend feeding too much into it either, there's hope out there. I've had one really good friend since kindergarten and she did temporarily have a bf and it didn't at all affect our friendship.
No. 1931851
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When I think of LC, I think of kotakoti. I was obsessed with her looks at first, then I became a PULL member, but it wasn't enough.
I discovered LC mostly cuz I wanted to discuss Kota.
Back then, she was just "being discovered" by Japan. Fun times.
Nowadays, I mostly lurk /ot/.
I also miss Korean pop critical - in the beginning, where we could really discuss some critical aspects of that industry. Too bad it became a shit fest and how it ended.
No. 1931868
>>1931851>>1931866The Kpop critical threads during the Burning Sun scandal were so much fun. I remember the
nonnie-made media being top tier. I imagine that if mods never shut it down, every thread now would just be tired discourse about Wonyoung, like how Sydney Sweeney is discussed in the celebricow threads.
though SM’s new bg, Riize I think, supposedly has had a few bad scandals already despite JUST debuting No. 1932723
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I've been on lolcow since 2014/2015, and the changes over time have been a mixed bag in my opinion.
Things I miss:
>far more explosive happenings (e.g. Onision saga, Venus escaping Marge, Phoebe being herself, Nika and Jaelle though the latter happened while cows were becoming more boring)
>the site generally rallying around a few of the best cows and keeping their threads really active
>more super-niche hobby/scene/lifestyle threads and fewer social media-based cows
>more cows that were memorable, e.g. had years-long lore, were the queen bees of whatever dumb scene they occupied
>less politics/social issues; now it seems like most of the active cow threads are related to a political scene or social issue, which is a shame because the politicization of the internet is a huge part of why it's turned to shit
>late zoomers/gen alpha were too young to find their way here
>generally more interesting things to read and less slice-of-life content
Things I like better:
>much stronger community feel and cozier atmosphere
>non-cow boards are thriving
>more diverse non-cow topics
>generally more supportive environment, despite the fact that half this thread was derailed by someone who can't accept that people's lives change even when their interests don't
>far less insane nitpicking, jealousyposting, and edgelordery
>the bar is higher for cow threads (though vendetta/jealousy threads were my guilty pleasure)
>some of the metadrama has been great these past few years
>fewer scrotes
>(finally) competent admin and farmhands
Things I'm ambivalent about:
>deemphasis of cow boards (the cows have gotten less interesting but how much of that is a function of people using the boards less?)
>farmhands are trigger-happy (a necessary evil but maybe a little too strict at the moment)
No. 1933082
>>1931806lolcow is not and never was "4chan for girls"
I hate newfags
No. 1934854
>>1934131we used to have "real" fakebois on the farms and the old culture was that the trutrans/dysphorics who put in the work to transition were fine because not enough information about the horrors of transitioning even dysphorics had come out then. Back then it was understandable to think someone severely dysphoric might benefit from transitioning because the big exposés about how the suicide rates go up weren't as well known around here (if the research was out then but I think one study was). If you look at the old tif threads you can see it mostly was filled with tifs mocking other tifs not realising they were the same for different reasons at best. The site had a collective peaking a little while back helped by the fact that male troons were always seen as fucked up since agps and fetishists overcame the hsts pretty early on the internet so those threads were always active and finding more stuff. I think the whole JK Rowling situation also caused an intense peaking of the site because everyone could read her words and see how fucked everything got.
Back then a common thing you'd see against taylor was that she wasn't trutrans, now we see it all as a joke but back then was different. I think a few other cows were mocked for trans "grifting" back then kek. Ironic cause now kikomis get more respect for grifting off of those idiots
No. 1938892
Been here a decade, but into internet culture since Encyclopedia Dramatica and DeviantArt drama days.
The culture has definitely changed. Seems like people either are more censored of themselves now, or you have tiktok celebs who will say the most unhinged thing and it's accepted, tolerated and even viral for being funny.
There was just a weird, authentic, niche vibe to old lolcows. Maybe it's the product of "everyone being on the internet now". Pretty much everyone has SM, everyone has TikTok. People have also been "canceled" so much that it's meaningless, while truly egregious things like saying the n-word or manhate on social is so taboo that no one does it. I think there was just a special something about lolcows that made them so facinating. They had just little enough social awareness, but just nerdy enough to be interesting. Now it seems like people are more aware of cringe or more tolerant of it, so the flavor is less niche and authentic, and it's boring now.
No. 1938905
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Anyone else feels like current anons have poor reading comprehension and are snappy and eager to start fights? Not that LC was ever a ~peaceful~ website and admittedly nitpicking has improved, but there's so much infighting going on. Anon A could just try to re-read anon B's innocent post before making an angry, retarded reply. Maybe I'm naive thinking they just need to learn how to read and that they're not being dicks on purpose, but it's so tiring now. It's like walking on eggshells.
>>1938892>There was just a weird, authentic, niche vibe to old lolcows. Maybe it's the product of "everyone being on the internet now". Pretty much everyone has SM, everyone has TikTok. The internet as a whole was much better before when it was for nerds, weebs and losers and normies/corporations weren't on it en masse. It has gradually lost its appeal because of that. Almost nothing is really niche anymore because zoomers believe in aesthetics only. They are chameleons, always changing their looks superficially, and have little interest in subcultures、or getting to know things at a deeper level before partaking in it. Also people were more inclined to overshare in an authentic way in the 00's and mid 10's (not trying to become internet famous due to cringe). Those times are long gone.
No. 1940089
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when admin had to prove she wasn't a troon.
the ruler, the self harm scars, the fact that she posted this in the pinkpill thread - late 2010s lolcow was amazing.
No. 1940121
>>1938905A generation raised on short form content and twitter politics have fried their brains and are unable to concentrate for long enough to reach a nuanced comprehension of anything longer than a paragraph. They pick out
trigger-words and fill in the blanks. They would rather talk past each other for hours in 280 characters than read something twice. I used to think infighting was kind of funny, but now it's just obnoxious and exhausting as the same few people repeat their points over and over again just worded slightly differently.
No. 1940159
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I remember when LC was severely broken to the point where you could only use one of the boards and we spammed some kpoop junglebook type boy making puppy faces while scrotes found the opportunity to start spamming and shit and the jannies are scrambling to keep things in order and it devolved into one glorious massive flame war infighting festival that would rival any kind of gay conversations that done on here now. Then right after that, I think it was announced that the website was gonna shut down because the admin was probably getting cancer-causing stress from running this shitty website and a bunch of wealthy anons donated money. I think it was also revealed the old admin was some cute brown chick that the lesbianons were thirsting after, or maybe that was a hoax? This website is only still up and running because some rich kofi-fag donator put her rent money into this flaming piece of shit kekk. It could have been another male haven adopted by Joshua Moon, but that one anon saved it all. And that’s when I stopped using the site
No. 1940171
>>1940164KEK I wish someone saved them, I’m pretty sure some of them did.
>>1940165I used to post before that time but because it happened during the lockdown where everything was chaotic it was way more memorable to me especially since you couldn’t access the site for weeks and everyone thought this website was just abandoned.
No. 1940182
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>>1940171I still have them, and all the other hundreds of edits like the cartoon sound effects, the coming out of a fortune cookie one, the speedy one, etc. Most of them were in the /g/ bunker threads.
No. 1979732
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>>1938934Same nonna, weeb girls must prosper
No. 1992391
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>>1992220Nah, with the influx of TikTok people it's better that the dumbass shit thread stays dormant for now. It'll come back eventually.
No. 1996323
>>1817954>So I might not be an actual old fag, I found this site in 2019, but a lot has still changed. Farmers threw the n word with the er at the end aroundI've been here since 2015 and this was never a thing on Lolcow. Using the hard R has been (justifiably) a bannable offense under the racebait clause since at least 2017 or so.
>>1817968Cows were ruined by normies. Whenever I revisit old internet drama from around the 00's it's basically two retards fighting and everyone else autistically observing and documenting the events that took place while having a big laugh over it, now it's basically a mass cancellation every other week going from 0 to 100 in a microsecond. If Pixyteri existed today in her 2010 form, instead of being relentlessly clowned on and being made fun of, people would write 50-part twitter threads on how she's a
problematic racist white pedophile bitch appropriating and colonizing nipponese culture and sexualizing little children. Arguably it's true if you lay it out that way, but the magnitude of such accusations falls flat when you actually look into the mundane dweeb shit she actually DID do. Also it doesn't help that past the 2016 elections the political field has been so highly polarized that altright /pol/ faggots prey on those disgraced people like a cult, which is why you see people post-cancellation slowly slip into that mindset.
>>1940089I miss her so much tbh, should've appreciated her more when she was still around. Call it an unpopular opinion but the late 2010's lolcow was the peak of the site IMO.
No. 1996328
>>1938905>Anyone else feels like current anons have poor reading comprehension and are snappy and eager to start fights? Not that LC was ever a ~peaceful~ website and admittedly nitpicking has improved, but there's so much infighting going on. Anon A could just try to re-read anon B's innocent post before making an angry, retarded reply. Yes, and multiple anons have complained about it over the last year or so. It started making sense once some farmers said that they've seen self-identified "
femcels" on Tiktok bragging about being addicted to Lolcow, but I also feel like we have underage ESL-chans coming in at their wake who just genuinely don't speak English well enough to understand the nuance in anons' posts and pick a fight over their own misinterpretation as the spergposts they drop read like machine translations. I feel for them because I'm ESL myself, but at least I was an adult when I first posted on Lolcow.
No. 2152570
>>1996323I would rather have cancellations and cringe threads on twitter instead of whatever happened to pt. People literally pretended to be friends with her only to backstab her and make fun of her later, not to mention her leaked nudes. At least zoomer moralfags wouldn't do it. Why are you caping for 00's edgy shitheads? Cow culture back then was literally high school garbage, ie dumb jocks/blondes making fun of mostly harmless people who are just weird. At least rn we shit on actual trash.
Also unpopular opinion but pt cosplays were unironically great, like true soul. I've always liked them tbh.