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No. 1814219

Wish your fellow nonnies a happy birthday in this thread. Also for discussion about birthdays and all related topics (parties/celebrations, gifts, aging, etc.)

No. 1814222

My Birthday was on Thanksgiving this year. I never got to do anything until like a week after or longer. Having a birthday that falls around or right on an American holiday sucks so much.

No. 1814224

Nice gif kek
I don’t do anything for my birthday anymore but in childhood birthdays are a blast.

No. 1814227

I wasn't and still I'm not allowed to celebrate a birthday. Is it worth it when I'm in my 30s and free and normal? Or would it be too weird? What does an adult birthday party look like?

No. 1814229

Thank you!

No. 1814329

this thread was posted on my birthday!

No. 1814433

eating take-out pasta by yourself while watching the great british baking show and then crying yourself to sleep. like most nights

No. 1816782

You do whatever you want, there's nobody around to dictate what you need to do. Make plans with friends, go somewhere that's too expensive or out of the way to go all the time, stay in and have the day to yourself, pretend to be a reddit moid like >>1814433 (no offense kek), treat yourself to something fun. There isn't a standard you need to live up to. Do whatever you like.

No. 1817189

Thanks, will keep that in mind. Though I do treat myself regularly kek.

No. 1817198

My birthday is in a few hours and I'm in bed with Covid.

No. 1817369

feel better nona, have some soup

No. 1817516

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Do you guys have a boring birthday here nothing happens? My birthday is March 23rd, and it's almost always on a boring weekday. And the weather always sucks.

No. 1817522

Do whatever you want. Something small at a local restaurant? Skydiving trip? Big surprise party? Literally anything you want

No. 1817527

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happy late birthday queen

get better nonnie

No. 1817582

I used to care a lot about my birthday but when i realised nobody in my life really cares, i don't care much for it anymore. Even my parents don't care about my birthday.

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