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No. 1817
>>1812I will never not see Emma Roberts as the girl from Unfabulous or generic preteen movie character #98247297472824, tbh. She was interesting in Season 3, I guess, but I'm not really feeling her general existence in AHS.
Definitely agree abut Evan Peters' looks, too. You can see he's still decently attractive but not nearly as adorable as he was in Season 1.
No. 1821
>>1817Same, she's worse than Michael Cera in her same-character-in-every-movie type roles.
I've also had a weird thing for EP since he was in that awful Sleepover movie back in the day.
>>1818Pretty sure she also broke his nose when this happened, if I remember correctly they had just bought a puppy together too. I don't think I'd trust her around that puppy anymore.
No. 1823
>>1818Poor baby, I want to cuddle him forever. I hate bitches who abuse men, then they get away with it because if you're a man it's seen as feeble to report a woman beating you or sexually abusing you.
Some women will even froth at the mouth and claim that men cannot be raped, because power privilege and blah blah. God I hate dumblr.
No. 1888
>>1823Ignore dumblr. The real feminist activists I know starts tons of groups to support victim rights for men, women and children.
>>1821She was the worst part of Coven. She fucking ruined it. The end where she leaves dramatically was the most poorly acted scene I had seen in a looong time. Even if her character was unlikable, she was bad at it.
No. 2876
>>2874Fourth season is the worst in my opinion. I love Jessica but it was kind of a wank fest over her character and I got tired of it. And the storyline was kind of ridiculous and not in a good way.
Also fuck Dandy. Seriously.
No. 2878
>>2876>Fourth season is the worst in my opinion.Agreed, to be honest. It didn't start out too badly and it had the best intro IMO (dem dolls), but I hate how they just shoehorned in the ventriloquist who got NTR'd at the very end. He was an interesting character, but he could've done a lot more.
Also, that ending was horseshit.
>hating DandyHe was unlikable and a complete manchild, but he was literally the most finely crafted character on the show. The American Psycho and the bathing in blood solidified it all. I was half-expecting him to call himself the "supreme gentleman" just before the shooting scene.
His dying scene came much too late, though. Should've been kept alive at that point just to make viewers angry and/or be a part of season 5.
No. 2915
>>2878That's true that he was the best crafted character in terms of motivations and characterisation (and acting) but I still hated that character. I guess they succeeded in making him unlikeable.
And yeah. That ending. Not satisfying in the least. I'll be happy if Hotel has a coherent storyline.
No. 26541
>>26538I think season 3 opening was the best.
I don't trust ryan murphy and his bad choices.
No. 26562
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Are you going to watch the new season?
No. 26599
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more wonky eye roberts pls
No. 26830
>>26806I always feel confused when people say taissa is beautiful and the best actress on the show.
She is so boring.
No. 26841
The first is still the best. I hope this one is equal to it.
No. 26850
>>26830I completely agree. To me Taissa was everything wrong with S1. Without Evan Peters/Tate, there wouldn't have been a need for Taissa. Honestly, she's pretty, but- like, 14 year old child-like pretty. Her acting-style is flat and lifeless.
I love S2, it was just everything fucked up with the world all combined into one damn season- aliens, nazis, cannibal science experiments, asylums, devil nuns.
I couldn't finish S4 and it really kills me because I feel like Dandy really could have been such an interesting character if I could have powered through the episodes. It had a good starting point and then somewhere three episodes in it just lost my attention and I couldn't sit through it anymore.
No. 26876
>>26830I mean, she's fairly good looking, but Emma Roberts is much more attractive, a better actress, and has played more interesting characters in my opinion
Taissa's character in S3 was soooo bland. Like her whole "killer vagina" thing was barely explored after episode one and she just became the ~generic nice filler girl~ who was treated like the protagonist for some idiotic reason. I have no idea why they kept her alive and killed off comparatively much better characters
No. 27256
>>26876Like Nan. Oh, sweet Nan. Girl was crazy cool. And Misty Day.
Honestly, if they fleshed out half the characters that they had in S3 then it would've been a much better season.
No. 39835
>>39415>>39454I love you both.
A major aspect of my attraction to her is her voice. It's very unusual. And I have a religious kink but that doesn't mean I don't find her attractive out of that habit.