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No. 17934
>>17932You really answered your own questions.
You gotta give us more for the lulz.
No. 17946
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>>17942Lmfao what a fucktard. Im so glad he got caught. Physical disabilities are easy as fuck to distinguish between liars but mental ones are much harder as the shit can't be proven or disproven. Which just means more Angelic Pretty for Elizabunnii.
No. 17947
>>142566>>142570Jobseekers benefits is only £70 a week at most guys. It's not anywhere near enough to afford her lifestyle, and in order to qualify you have to sign on once or twice a week, and be able to go to job interviews literally the same day as you're told about them, i.e. you can't leave the country without their permission. You're only allowed 2 weeks of holiday a year.
>>17939Read the daily mail much? My brother is severely disabled (Mentally retarded, not physically) and was almost denied benefits this year, even though he has a genetic condition, so will never not need it. It's extremely hard to prove under the new legislation because you're not assessed by any medical professionals, you're assessed by shitty office workers trained to ask leading questions. The only reason he continued to qualify was because he's got severe macular degeneration and is going to go blind.
It's so easy to think that it's easy to scam the system and that there are a million billion scroungers, but it's just not like that. It's so difficult these days that people who have genuine need are being excluded.
Sorry for tl;dr essay, but people rarely know unless they've lived it themselves.
>>142570>since she looks 16 tops.Newfags everywhere. She's way older than sixteen, she was in some idol competition ran on /cgl/ ages ago, she went by princess Amai back then though, and was 16/17. This was just after Dakota's Japan Début.
No. 17949
>>17947I'll never understand why it's incredibly difficult for some people to claim disability allowance who actually need it yet there are some who can completely bypass the system. I too have a sibling who's mentally disabled and almost got put through the ATOS bullshit even though they'll never be able to work or understand the concept of it.
Yet I know of several claimants (that claim to be too depressed or are socially awkward) who get the highest DLA when they're perfectly capable of leaving their homes, can cook & clean for themselves, travel and more even if things have gotten more difficult. TBF I don't know how the fuck they do it but it pisses me off to the point I've been debating on to report them in future.
Sorry back at you with the TL;DR, but I feel for you and felt the need to relate. Too many genuine people out there who need the support are being fucked over thanks to these twats.
No. 17950
>>17948I'm saying that unless she's pretending to be multiple people all with severe movement impairing disabilities, (There are different rates, you usually only qualify for the high rate - which is still only a couple of hundred pounds a month - if you're in a wheelchair or otherwise movement impaired) she just simply wouldn't get that volume of money from benefits.
>>17949Thanks anon. Is it just me or do spergs seem to get the easiest pass with this shit? It must be because it's the only disability normalfags know about.
No. 17953
>>17950Spergs definitely milk it. I've seen more people use the "I'm severely depressed, suffer panic attacks, have terrible anxiety" card to get DLA than anything else, some are legit, the rest are just full of shit. I have a range of health issues but I'm not a douche to abuse the system and actually work because I know I'm capable.
>>17951Someone asked her once. She's very childish about everything. No. 17967
>>17937awkward social anxiety makes you disappear even on social media. I love how teens self diagnose this on themselves while attention whoring all over the internet. The characteristic of this disorder extends to social media and the internet. Most social anxiety individuals I know do NOT go out nor do they post much on the internet aside from random forums they feel "safe" in.
Social anxiety for a teen = attention whoring
Social anxiety for an adult = knowing you're a social idiot and staying the fuck away from people. I'm sure most teens with REAL social anxiety refuse to take pictures and stay inside reading manga all day.
No. 17992
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maybe she's actually working a full-time job and can save money because she doesn't have to pay rent? just a thought from someone not salty about a person being able to afford shit for themselves.
No. 17995
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If you check the prices of stuff she buys, like the the whole outfit costs about 50-100$, which is about a days work over there, plus she has all those sponsors she tweets about that just send shit to her. Literally took like 5 minutes of browsing her twitter to figure this shit out.
No. 17999
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>>17997Past month worth of tweets have no mention of Angelic pretty, but the word "auction" came up pretty often along with "sponsors"
and the outfit posts she put up all has stuff that is relatively cheap, especially if someone is savvy with auctions. Sooooo next argument please? Or are you gonna continue with "salty" as you logic.
As a person who is able to afford nice clothes for themselves, plus two vehicles, while not being rich, it's hilarious to me when people be mad because I know how to spend my money in a way to get good shit cheap, and it looks like this girl knows what she is doing too. This will be my final post on this, because obviously you have nothing to argue with.
tl;dr "You mad 'cause she stylin' on you"
No. 18000
>>17999yeah if you're just gonna make those claims without at least tellin us if youre a mom or a dad or where you work, or how your parents are home owners and could afford to put you thru college and just be a vague troll, there's no point in sticking up for her.
>I make money so that means everyone else makes money tooThats some logic right there. yep.
No. 18003
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>I make money so that means everyone else makes money tooNo, I know how to make money, and everyone else can make money too, but they're too busy shitposting on this website to do it.
I'm a college graduate, working off a $33k student loan debt, working smarter not harder, and able to live comfortably. Oh by the way, I own a $14k motorcycle, a $10k car, and I have three project classic cars up for restoration, all paid for with my own hands because I know how to make and use my money. You wanna know my secret?
P.S. it's "git gud bruv"
Cya later shitlord, I'm done arguing with a child.
No. 18006
>>18003What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 18009
>>18007Go away. O_o And take your hostility with you. We're bitching about Elizabunnii and her spoiled lifestyle in this thread. Dont come in and make it about you. That's desperate.
No. 18012
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>This whole thread
No. 18077
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>>18062Shes probably just bitter because she has no jaw, and she'll never be as kawaii as her edits make her out to be
No. 19633
To people who suggest she probably has a job, she often talks about how she has ~social anxiety~ and has trouble even going out with her friends, and posts about her health problems and having to get tests done. A job seems pretty out of the question
>>19626Someone's bitter
No. 19666
>inb4 well I had to save and WORK HARD while others just get money for doing nothing!sorry you're poor :^(
No. 19952
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I think that Brian von Egel guy on twitter buys her a good portion of things.
she calls him "bro" and he often talks to other "aidorus" and moe cosplayers on twitter, and doesnt mind spending money on them
No. 105902
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I guess she's going to go to uni in Japan, and her parents are buying her everything, no surprise there.
She's also still humblebragging about all the clothes she owns because she's always buying clothes.