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No. 178516

What would you do if you woke up with a penis?

No. 178519

i would be really happy tbh because i wish i was born male
>inb4 memegender
i dont "identify" with anything, i accept the way i was made, just wish it wasn't this way.

No. 178524

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Same. I'm ok with being a woman but if someone had given me the choice before birth I'd choose dick over vagina anytime.

No. 178526

Wake up as a man or just a girl with a dick? Either way I'd just jack off for a while and then get bored

No. 178527

No. 178530

Same. I even thought of going through a gender operation for a time, but I realize it just wouldn't be it.

No. 178531

The same thing I do every night, Pinky… Try to take over the world!

No. 178533

File: 1484692715687.png (36.2 KB, 845x491, The list.png)

Newest addition to the list. Well done.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 178534

File: 1484693782377.jpg (32.66 KB, 343x450, 1hug1l.jpg)

No. 178535

thanks hitler

No. 178536

is this the equivalent to the r9k "women have it so much better, I wish I was born one"?

No. 178538

each gender has its negatives and positives, but I would argue that men still have it better on average.
Being taken seriously for one. I work in STEM field and despite working more and achieving better results than others, I still get talked down to, as if I were a child. I'm not claiming I'm a genius but oh boy, they are so full of themselves.

Secondly, sexual harrasment. I can't count how many times I've been harrassed. The worst part is; I feel guilty, I feel dirty. I'd rather go in an honest 1 on 1 fight, than being handled like cattle.

I know I'm far from being the only woman that goes through this. I can't stand men but being one would make my life 80% easier.

Also, if you're not married by your mid 30s, people constantly nag you. To hell what others think, just so many idiots think their opinion matters to decide what is best for me despite not being close.

I suppose women that want to have family have it even worse, they have to take time off work to raise a kid, and oftentimes house chores are on her burden.

No. 178539

Moved to >>>/sty/2059.

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