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No. 17532

How old is too old for cosplay?
>inb4 faggot
Yes there are people who unironically cosplay. I never cosplayed before and I feel like I missed out. I just want to try it once and maybe more if I end up liking cosplay.

No. 17536

You're never too old.

No. 17544>>17545

I agree you're never too old, but you do have to be sensible about choosing characters. If you're 30 you probably can't get away with some cutesy anime girl.

No. 17545>>17550

Bullshit. A 90 year old woman can cosplay shampoo if she wants to.

No. 17550>>17552>>17746

if that's true why is pixyteri then a lolcow?
keep in mind that i dont want to get made fun of while cosplaying. I'm 19, is that too old? Where is the limit?

I'd rather have answers from people who despise weaboos and cosplayers.

No. 17552>>17554


PT is a lolcow because she's insane and delusional, not because she's into cosplay at her age

No. 17554

Ah okay thanks!

No. 17555>>17557

Non-cosplayer here.

So, if you're trying to get famous or something (like PT or Nigs), prepare to have your physical appearance, costume, and self worth questioned/criticized in public.

But, if you're not, just fucking have fun'n shit.

No. 17557>>17618

but what if im good at cosplaying and happen to get noticed? (this is all just a wetdream of course) Would my age be against me?

No. 17613>>17630


No. 17618>>17630

of course. Depends though. Are you attractive? Female? Male?
If you're female, good luck. People can be pretty awful towards aging women. But if you're old like the lady in OP's pic, that's old enough to make it cute.

No. 17630>>17635>>17746

I find 15 too young tbh
Female and I'm 19. Yay or nay? How long can I still cosplay?

No. 17635

idk, 15 and 19 seem fine to me. I'm 23, and if I wanted to do it, I would (but I'm not really into that stuff).

No. 17645>>17683

Man, I don't see how age is so important? Like, you want to cosplay do it! It's supposed to be fun, but I still prefer it when people choose characters that are a similar age, or look like a similar age and weight / height.

But honestly you want to do it for fun? Then do it, it's super fun, even if it's shitty.

No. 17672

You're never too old as long as you aren't using cosplay to put off adulthood. If you can balance cosplay with maintaining your personal responsibilities, then go for it!

No. 17683>>17746

Age is important if anon is trying to get "noticed", as she put it. Look at Jessica Nigri. Only 25 and we tear her to fucking shreds about her aging. If you're trying to get scouted or something, be realistic.

If not, you'd be among others who like it, so nobody really cares. If you like it, do it.

No. 17746

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To be fair, she's premptively induced her aging with her choice in makeup and hygeine. It's not that she IS old, it's that she looks old with how poorly she treats her skin.

Also, I don't know what world you live in where 19 would be too old. At that age you're finally getting your own income and a lot of people don't even establish who they are and what they're comfortable with until after they've gotten out of high school anyway. Idk, I find the concept of that being too old ridiculous, and tbh, if anyone teases you it'll be because of how insecure you're coming across.

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