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No. 1739574
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Not a paranormal encounter but when I was a kid my classmate told me and my friends that there was an old haunted house near us. We went there every day and looked into the windows to see spooky scary ghosts and did it for an hour or so every single day.
Turned out, the house wasn't abandoned or haunted at all and the owner who just was very secluded called our parents and told that we were stalking him.
So, uh, here is a scary story. I was the scary one.
No. 1739634
>Be me, 17, covid year>Fulltime cashier job>Eventually recognize some of the customers>Eastern Block guy in mid 30's came around most days, looked like a construction worker, drove a grey van>Cool, whatever>Eventually all stores had to close at 5 because of covid>East block guy comes to get some stuff>'Hey I didn't see you last week?'>'Yeah I took a small vacation, no worries I'm back now haha'>Think 'kinda creepy but could be small talk, who cares'>While later>He comes back to buy something>'Hey wanna get coffee, you're done at 5 right?'>'No sorry I can't, have a nice day sir'>Hour later>See him approaching>Jfc>Buys one small metal rod>'So do you want to go for coffee?'>'Uh, call me'>Scribble down fake phone number>Run to my manager at break, he says I can go home early>Go home>See the same grey van in the fucking parking lotI took a picture of his license plate and quit 2 weeks later, never saw him again luckily. Freaks me out that a 30 something year old came to the store 4 times in a day just to see me and idk what would have happened if I actually agreed to meet him.
>>1739574Kek nonna
No. 1740017
>13 years old, I became very interested in darker media
>Horror movies were the start, but it’s not enough.
>at 14 start watching actual gore.
>at 15 I start becoming excited by it.
>at 16 I start doing things irl to reptiles and bugs.
>at 17 mom finds the skull and bone box from thinks I’m fuckin crazy
>meds don’t work, therapy doesn’t work, I’m getting worse and worse
>I start to think I’m possessed by a demon
>at 18, stop eating, stop drinking, lose insane weight and in constant pain
>sudden weight loss makes them suspect something wrong physically
>MRI done
>I have a golf ball sized tumor in my frontal cortex
>it’s removed
>10 months after surgery I am now disgusted and repulsed by the things I enjoyed as a teen
This was 4 years ago, it’s not supernaturally scary, but it’s insane how this tumor that could fit in my hand fucked up my brain so much that I became a dark, and cruel version of myself. Sometimes the scary shit is real life
No. 1740047
Finally a thread where I can dump my weird story.
I lived in the 4th floor, in the city, there's a street between my building and the one opposite mine, cars go by, people with their dogs go by, regular shit. It was usually pretty damn silent besides some casual nightly runners and some teens, but it was generally a nice neighborhood. One night I was getting ready to go to bed, it was around 3am and back then my bed touched the wall my big ass window was in, sometimes when it was very windy, I could feel the double Windows kinda moving with the wind you know, you can feel the vibration and even hear it if it's strong enough, that was normal. What the fuck was not normal was when I finally closed my eyes and wasn't even half asleep, I was still fully awake, the whole wall shakes and there's a weird sound, like the window panes were wobbly cardboard or something, but it genuinely shook me and my bed up. I got up because I was thinking a huge seagull flew into my window, even though the sound was nothing like a bird hitting a window, I know that sound and it was during the night, not that common to have a bird, let alone a giant one hit a window like mine at that height even during the daytime so what the hell. I was so fucking scared and moved the curtains expecting to see a huge crack, a smear of blood or grease like some birds leave when they hit a window, anything that would make an impact like that had to leave a mark right?
There's nothing there! I was almost ready to believe I was dreaming it, maybe I was asleep but I had been laying down for less than a minute and I don't really fall asleep quickly as it is, I was fully awake and confused as hell. I started opening up the window and got on a chair, turned on the lights and inspected the parts I could and I saw nothing. It almost sounded like a huge basketball was thrown at the window that doesn't open up, like have you ever been hit in the face by a basketball? It was a similar sound and feeling but on my window and the whole wall shook, but there was not a single way for that to be possible. I even tested standing on different parts of the street and across the street, no way unless you're like 10m tall and a giant and even then the angles wouldn't work. I was up in a second and saw nothing in the street, I went outside to see if there indeed was a dead bird but no. I couldn't sleep at all that night and the only explanation I can come up with is also fucking unsettling, and it leads to another weird situation but it happened way later than this wall and window shaking situation, no idea was it even the same year because both things must have happened almost 10 years ago. There were at least 4 occasions where I saw drones being flown nearby, you know how it's confusing to see a drone up high in the dark, in the city? Like the perspective is way off and you almost think you're looking at a goddamn UFO or something until your eyes adjust and you're like oh it's above the building opposite mine okay, weird. Now days we're supposed to report drones to the police because of some iffy neighboring countries and so on, but back then not even the city hadn't come up with strict rules so it was kinda futile to call the police because what the fuck was I gonna say? A drone was pretty far away and I got confused by the lights? WELL at least once a drone was right on my window level, like the same thing, I look out and can't figure out where the fuck it is actually hovering at until I realise it's almost by my window, more right above the street but height wise at my window. Maybe the fucking noise was a drone slamming against my window? I wonder why it never clicked back then and just lately, so I'm pretty sure it was before the drones were kinda common to see, you can't fly them here anymore so maybe I just never put two and two together. Anyways, no matter what the fuck made that wall shake, if it was a drone, or if it was some giant ass basketball freak who could run and hide in less than 10 seconds from the middle of the street, or a fucking seagull from hell…it was scary as shit. Everyone who visited me around that time had such strong opinions and theories yet everytime they tried to recreate it, nothing worked so maybe it was a fucking drone which is creepy on a whole new level.
No. 1740282
>>1740047Omg anon….I think something almost similar happened to me a few years ago !!
I was living alone and just moved in a flat. It's pretty empty, I don't have a lot of belongings so my bedroom is pretty empty too. It's just these gigantic floor-to-ceiling windows, the curtains, one cupboard, a bed, and a built-in wardrobe. Nowhere to hide.
So that night I was in bed sobbing because break up and all of a sudden, I see, in the corner of my eyes, something moving from ceiling to floor behind the curtain ? It's like a movement, something sliding down. And next thing you know, a huge BOOM on the floor that sent the curtains flying. At first I had the same thought as you - maybe a bird crashed into the flat. But the windows were closed. I even thought the curtain rail had fallen, it took me a few seconds to process and register it was still firmly attached to the ceiling.
I inspected my room, which wasn't long because it was very empty. Nothing. Nothing to explain the explosive sound, the curtains flying etc.
I was so scared I ended up sleeping in the living room for the next fortnight…
No. 1740992
>>1740762ayrt, thank you for the message because I feel less crazy kek.Same as you for the sleeping part and people tell you what
you saw kek ! So annoying omg. I talked about it IRL to only two people for obvious reasons, my dad and a friend. Dad said I must have been asleep, friend said might have just imagined while half asleep or something. I was not asleep kek, I am certain of that. I did not freak out initially, I was certain a bird had crashed inside even though the huge cracking/boom sound was strange, but it felt like an immediate obvious explanation because I saw something sliding behind the curtain. That movement and the fact the curtains were sent flying tells me I wasn't asleep or imagining anything. The violence of the "impact" and the sound was startling. I inspected the floor : it was intact. I inspected the room immediately then but it took me a few second to process that the window was closed, so nothing had entered. You know when your brain is desperately trying to make reality fit your unlikely explanation ? my brains just glitched kek.
Oh same as you, I hate remembering it. I even had one night that unsettling feeling that it was going to happen again ? It was so weird, I just felt something and got out of my room (different place but same configuration with curtains). I hate thinking about it, I never could find any explanation (so if any nonas are scientists and have an idea I'll take it lol if only to reassure me). There is simply no explanation in either of our case but it's all so very weird. The similarities between our stories sent me right back to that moment! It's so bizarre
No. 1741007
Another story coming from my cousin. My family is from Algeria and for those who don't know, there was a war of independence between the french colonialists and Algerian people during the 50s/60s. Some Algerian fighters had taken the habit (my memory is a bit blurry here so please excuse me if that's incorrect) to get rid of some dogs around the capital city (Algiers) because the french army used them to identify and track the fighters.
So this happened actually about 40 years after the end of the war. My cousin was then a very young 20 something studying at the University of Algiers. He had to walk every night for about 30 min to catch a bus and get home. On his way, there is a bridge he needs to cross, that he hates because the area is a bit rough and badly lit.
He said that one night, he was walking after class, on his way home. He was approaching the bridge when suddenly, he saw a man, from afar, on the bridge, gesturing bizarrely under one of the lamppost. He felt uneasy but had no other way to go. So getting closer, he realises that the man is actually strangling a dog. He felt shocked and got closer, thinking he might maybe tell him to stop or something ? Getting even closer, he realised the dude was wearing the type of clothes he only ever saw in a museum. He looked exactly like a fighter of the time of the war. He bolted right past him, thinking this might be a dude in the middle of a psychotic episode. Once he crossed the bridge, he looked back, and nobody was there. Unless the dude had jumped in the water, there was nowhere for him to hide in a few seconds it took my cousin to run past him.
The other strange story comes from my mum. She was then a very young kid living with her 9 (!) sisters and parents in a small house in Algier. Their house has a weird setup where you enter through a very long corridor that has only one door, leading straight to the living room, and then all the other rooms are built around that central living room. So there is one corridor with only two doors, one at each end.
So one of my mum's sister was out for an errand, something that would take her like five minutes. All her other sisters and her mum are sat in the living room discussing, chatting and laughing when they see the door of the room open. Assuming this is the sister back, they all lift their head to salute her but…it's not. It's an old lady, with a scarf on her head and a very old-fashioned dress like no one is wearing anymore - it looks ancient. The lady stands still and suddenly tells them "huh, you were all laughing there ? having fun? you shouldn't".
Apparently, everyone was so dumbfounded that they stood still, like very scared. My grandma suddenly shouted "who the hell are you??", and the lady exited, slamming the door.
My mum bolted right up, ready to catch her in the corridor, but immediately after the lady had left, she opened the door and no one was there. It's silent and dark. And then, at this very second, her sister comes back and opens the other door. My mum asked her "did you see an old lady ? She must have just left". Her sister assured her that no one was there, she had been watching the door for a few minutes as she was coming back, no one exited, and she had just unlocked the door too. They never knew what happened, who was the lady, if she was even real or what.
No. 1741189
>>1740307True. There was a story in the 70s of a boy who was aloof, cold and reserved, almost autistic I guess, he was about 8. His dad brought him to some skiing trip and they had a bad accident. Kido got a bad bump on the head - like very violent shock that could have killed him.
Not only did he make it out alive, he became a joyful, happy, warm and social kid overnight! All thanks to a nearly fatal accident. It's wild.
No. 1741202
>>1741110This reminds me of a trip i took to some place nearby
i had a lower room on the hotel, one late night i stayed awake and then i just started hearing weird screams wich really scared me
i just heard the sound and got up to see through the window they were 2 foxes, really cute playing around and jumping, but the sound was awful and they only came out at night
the next nights i had already accostumed to their sound, they startled me but i just thought "oh its them"
also it was a bit fun hearing them do that weird laugh
No. 1741211
>>1740326That is sooooo creepy anon! I'm glad it was nothing harmful. This is terrifying.
I have a friend who told me a tangentially similar story. She and another colleague are close, like sisters. So they live in a town in Ireland and work here, and find a place to rent which is basically a semi-detached house with three bedrooms. The way the house is setup, you have the entrance with the stairs that lead to the bedrooms, and the living room is at the end of the entrance with a door closing it. The door has one of these weird blurry glass panel at the center - so you can kind of make out what's happening on the other side.
Everyday, my friend was used to come back from work earlier than her housemate. She would generally go straight to the living room, kick her shoes, fall on the couch and put the TV on while waiting for her housemate.
That day, she did exactly that. She comes home, housemate isn't in yet, she makes a beeline for the couch, closes the door of the living room, falls on the couch, TV on.
About half an hour in, she hears her housemate coming back, slamming the entrance door, throwing her keys on the entrance cupboard. She even sees her through the glass panel walk almost to the door, stop there, turn around and climb the stairs. She can hear her getting upstairs and everything. She thinks "Weird, why didn't she come to see me?". She calls her housemate's name, even hear her walk upstairs in her room.
She ends up getting up, thinking maybe she had a bad day, or is angry at her for some reason. She's about to go upstairs when she notices that all noises upstairs have stopped. She then see the entrance door open and her housemate gets in. She told me her heart dropped. She thought maybe someone forced entry or something, but the door was locked (it locks automatically when you slam it). They went upstairs to check but no one was there.
She told me with time, they got used of eerie stuff happening in the house - she had a few stories like this one.
She also told me she absolutely saw the blurry silhouette of her flatmate through the door, no doubt it was her. She just can't explain it.
No. 1741224
>>1741007holy cow
nonny these are freaking scary!! do you have more?
No. 1741457
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>>1741316I never really heard any mermaid stories on my island but there was always a duppy story to keep me up at night. My favourite stories were about "the white witch of rose hall", Annie palmer. I did learn later that the stuff ppl said about her was all fake and based on some scrote making up shit about her in a book he wrote, but as a kid she used to scare me. Alot of ppl swear they've had a paranormal experience when they go Rose Hall Great House. I went there as a kid on a school trip and my friend took a picture of one of the rooms, but it was a film camera so we didn't see the picture until sometime later and that particular one had a blurry figure it that we couldn't explain. My friend was so spooked she tore it up immediately because we heard from ppl prior to the trip never to take pictures of the place or something bad would happen.
Even though now I know Annie was not a witch and did not die there I still can't help but wonder if there is a ghost there haunting the place, just not hers.
No. 1741528
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>>1739570I mightve heard a ghost in my grandmas house (at least according to my mom) but Im not too sure
There was a murder suicide in my grandmas house before she moved in. She lived in a row house (I think thats what theyre called) in Mexico. The inside of the is kind of C shaped with a living room in the front and a bedroom directly behind it, garden area to the right and another bedroom all the way in the back of the yard. The bathroom isnt attached to the house and had a metal door, ill explain that later
Story goes that a blind man and his wife used to live in the house and he was a very jealous man. My aunt recently told us the wife would sleep with her hair in a braid and that the man would wrap her braid around his hand to make sure she wouldnt run off at night. He stabbed her in the front bedroom and hung himself in the far back room. My mom would tell us after they moved in you could hear banging like a cane hitting the walls
When I was 16 my mom and I went to visit my grandmother. We both slept in a bedroom behind the kitchen (not the room the man hung himself). While my mom and were starting to doze off at night we heard what sounds like pots settling in the sink. It freaked my mom out a bit but i told her it just sounds like dishes settling. Few hours later i hear the metal door to the bathroom slam. I think its just the wind or maybe a cat and just go back to sleep.
It wasnt until the plane ride home that my mom said those were the sounds they often hear around the house, didnt sound like a cane to me though
A more lighthearted story was the time my moms dream immediately came true. My dad was in the garage drinking with my brother and some friends while i played on the computer and my mom turned in early. A few hours later she gets up and tells me she had a dream my dad fell down the stairs. Sure enough about an hour later my dad drunkenly fell down the stairs.
No. 1743814
>Be me, first year of HS
>Live in small town in rural europe, the kind of town you see in traveler pinterest boards, with narrow, stone streets, my HS was up one of these narrow streets, all the stuff like the local bakery and shops were down the uphill
>Lunch break, I need a new pen, whatever
>Go down the uphill (also forgive me if I'm using the wrong word but I hope it's clear) to get a new one from the shops at the lower level
>Something hits me in the head not too hard but I feel a sharp pain
>Look down at what hit me: a big ass pair of rusty scissors
>The fuck
>Look up, an old woman is crying: "Bring them back!! My scissors!! Please!! Those are my scissors!"
Like actual crying, there were almost tears
>I wanted to do a good thing so I walk inside the house, the inside was…moldy and old
>Knock on the door, the woman happily takes the scissors from me and says that from that moment, I'm blessed, she closes the house door and I exit from the main "condo".
I don't know what to think about this, like unless you're cutting stuff like flowers on a balcony (which she didn't), you don't drop big ass scissors like that. Maybe she was some sort of mentally ill? I don't know, but she seemed very happy when I gave the scissors back and I want to believe that she wanted to thank me by saying I was blessed but to this day I feel kinda uneasy…
I remember not thinking too much about it, like I went down to buy my pen and got back to school but I remember feeling weird all day….
No. 1743884
>>1743818ayrt, most likely it was the concussion but I felt strange like I was in a dream or something like that. I don't blame the poor woman for being mentally ill, I just hope she didn't do that on purpose.
>>1743834lmao what
The problem weren't the scissors per se, but the fact that she almost had a crying fit over something so ..simple? Like she could've easily went down and get those back or say something like "can you please bring them back?".
She was acting like I was stealing them from her, that's why I thought she had some illness..